Saturday, April 7, 2012

 Daily Updates

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St Patrick

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Lorax: I Am Lorax; I speak for the Trees. 3/11/2012
   These sites offer membership via an 18 digit (3 groups of 6) number "Mark of the Beast", under rule of 1 person with common Courts, Law and Banks. The common language used are Symbols. The Latin title for this covenant is "Pactum Singularis". All sites proclaim Freedom of the individual and his/her Spirit. From who? God.

     Art 21 proclaims the White Horse was released on   12/21/2009
     Art 22 
proclaims the Red Horse was released on       12/21/2010
     Art 23 
proclaims the Black Horse was released on    12/21/2011
     Art 24 
proclaims the Pale Horse will be released on 12/21/2012
White Horse: Conquers with a Bow (Rev 6:1-2)
Red Horse: Takes Peace from the Earth with a Sword (Rev 6:3-4)
Black Horse: Uses a pair of Balances; the Oil and Wine are not hurt by this horseman (Rev 6:5-6)
Pale Horse: Death is his name and Hell follows. Hunger and the Sword (Decapitation) are his weapons (Rev 6:7-8) 

Are you part of the Oil and Wine? In other words: Are you annointed (Oil) by the Blood (Wine) of Jesus Christ? Only 1 way to find out. ASK HIM!
How long do you have? "...heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together..." Rev 6:14

Purim: 13 Adar "Crush, Bring to Naught, Destroy; Cast lots for Marduk" In short Purim is the "Language of Yes" or "Yes We Can"
Purim 1991, the 100 Hour War aka Highway of death slaughter;  a 48 hr ultimatum to Saddam Hussein over Purim ended Gulf War I with the death of 150,000 Iraqi's under White Flag. NBC war commentator Gen Barry McCaffrey slaughtered several thousand Iraqi prisoners 2 days after the Cease Fire on Hwy 8; he is called the Butcher of Ramaila for a reason.
Purim 1994 Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre at the Mosque of Abraham in Hebron by Baruch Goldstein; can't get a more Jewish name than that eh? This particular Purim was also coincident with Ramadan. Goldstein was anything but Jewish; a patsy used by Meir Kahane, founder of the Kach Movement "This is the way". Killing Palestinians and blaming Jews for it is not the way. Jesus is Jewish; He says Love God; Love our Neighbor; Purim is Vengeance and no its not Jewish.
Purim 2003 "Shock and Awe": Shekinah means "Presence of the Deity" (Queen of Heaven) in Kaballah, symbolized by the Lightning Bolt; Tomahawk Cruise Missiles rain down on Baghdad after Saddam Hussein, a Carlyle Group investor and Baathist (means Rennaissance or Re-Birth) Sunni Muslim who believes himlelf a re-incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar is falsely accused of involvement with 9/11, al-Qaeda and of using WMD's.
Purim 2008 Sichuan China  was hit with a 7.8 Scalar EM caused Earthquake; NPR prepositioned reporters in position in the remote area; nice planning eh?
Purim 2010 Concepcion Chile is hit with an 8.8 Scalar EM caused Earthquake; Concepcion has a Twin City "Bethlehem" What? Didn't think we would notice?
Purim 2011 Libya War begins with 160 Tomahawk Cruise missiles raining down on Tripoli; Congress recessed just before the attack and has still not authorized the war; the Central Bank of Benghazi is set up in the first 2 weeks; Qadaffi, a Shia Ismaeli of Berber descent cooperating with the Shia "Twelver" plan to reveal the occulted Imam "al-Mahdi".
Purim 2012 March 7-82012 The FBI stated their intent to shut down Rogue DNS Servers corrupted with DNSChanger Trojan on Mar 8.  "Rogue" means Gnave or Maverick eg Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qadaffi, Hosni Mubarak, Bashar al-Assad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and yes, Barack Obama. Khandahar aka Alexandropolis after Alexander the Great is home to Pashtuns, many of whom are Yousafzai "Sons of Joseph"; recall Ephraim came to be called Israel. OnMar 7 or 8, 2012 US soldiers accuse Afghan civilians of setting off an IED, specifically telling Pashtun Tribal leaders "We will get revenge...You and your children will pay for this with the death of at least 20". Soldiers doing this are way out of line. On the anniversary of Fukushima 3/11/2011 16 Afghan men, women and children from 2 separate villages are raped, killed and their bodies set on fire by "Lone Nut Gunman" Sgt Robert Bales on 3/11/2012 leaving the base alone before sunrise. This too is way out of military protocol. The odds 1 man could leave the base at night, accomplish all this by himself and fulfill a prophecy made 3 days earlier are Nil; but that's what Purim is all about. Purim 2012 may have been the death knell for US Military now cut-off from supplies and universally hated by Taliban (Pashto for Student) and Shia Muslims from Pakistan, to Afghanistan to Iran, to Iraq.   
  In 2007 Gen. Wes Clark said the 5 year plan was to invade 7 nations in 5 years: Syria and Iran are the only 2 left. Star Trek had a 5 year mission. The USS Enterprise is scheduled to transit the Straits of Hormuz in a show of force; Conicidence? The Enterprise finished its last Exercise on Valentine's Day simulating a Theocracy "Garnet" invading its neighbor across a 40 mile strait. Enterprise left port on the Ides of March for its final voyage to Iran.
  In 2007 Sarah Palin proclaimed Prince Hall Freemason Week and wrote (Ghost Wrote) her book Going Rogue wearing a Garnet colored coat; Edom=Red. Barack Obama is a Prince Hall Freemason. Pretty hard to figure this out eh?
     Mar 20 "Nowruz" Iranian "New Year" 700 years ago on Mar 20, 1312 the King of France ordered the Roman Catholic Pope Celestine V to issue a Vox in Excelso "Voice from on High" confiscating assets and property of the Knights Templar; the decision was handed down in writing on 3/22/1312. Cathar military guardians were aware of the Languedoc prediction "In 700 years, the laurel will grow green again". Languedoc "Language of Yes; in Old French the Language of Oil; in New French Language of Ouissex or Birds. Augury or Inauguration is forecasting the future through the flight of birds. "Yes We Can", a familair Obama mantra in the Language of Yes; Green is of course the Pale Horse. On 3/20/12 Iran stopped oil transactions using the $US yet Agriculture Corporations Cargill and ADM inked a deal for Iran to purchase up to 400,000 tonnes of US Wheat. How's that for being sold out?
     Article 23 "Covenant of One Heaven" claims the Black Horse rode 12/21/2011; this horse brings worldwide economic collapse. Nowruz celebrates the Persian Peacock King "Melek-Taus". The brass idols "Sanjaks" have the same name as the idol worshipped by the Gnostic/Satanic "Yezidis" in the early years of Christianity.
   Costa Concordia (In Agreement with Constantine) with 13 decks named after EU Nations (EU founded by the Club of Rome) sank on 1/13; it may seem strange but above the Chair of St Peter attendants carry Peacock Feathers; below the chair an inscription "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet" Babylon means Gate of On, El, Allah or Ilu the Akkadian word for Lord aka Melek. "no God but God" eliminates Jesus Christ as God in Flesh and with Him the Holy Ghost. Why? The Roman Pope fills the role of Vicar of Christ because to him, Jesus died on the Tree (Cross)  Constantine, the 1st Roman Pope used the X as the symbil of "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer). X the 24th letter is matched by Art 24 "Covenant of One Heaven" which declares the Pale Horse rides on 12/21/2012 aka on the Venus calendar.
Why 2012? 
Sargon "Legitimate King" the Great took the throne of Assyria as the Vernal Equinox sun rose in Aries; 2160 years later the sun rose in Pisces; 2160 years later it will rise in Aquarius There are 1656 years listed from Creation to Flood for a total of 5776. 21 is the age of accountability and 3 1/2 years for Great Tribulation makes 2012 rather unique.
    In 632AD the 14 year old Quyraish Bedouin Muhammad, raised by his uncle Abdel Mutallib who not coincidentally shares the name of the Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdulmutallib met the Angel Gabriel and allegedly wrote the Quran. Similar to the story of the 14 yr old Joseph Smith meeting Gabriel and writing the Book of Mormon for the same reason, Mormon Mitt Romney is vying for US President.
    Quyraish (Korah=Koran) are the rebel priests of Moses and Aaron's day descended from Ismailis and Edomites who formed the Priesthood of On (Heliopolis). Asenath, a Priest's daughter married Joseph; his son Ephraim sold out 10 tribes of Israel to the Assyrian Army led by Tartan, a familiar name in the Presbyterian Church; Ephraim a familiar name to Mormons. The Assyrian god "Sin" is identical to "Allah".
    Shia Islam split from Sunni via Muhammad's daughter Fatimah; not coincidentally, Pope John Paul II had visions of "Our lady of Fatimah" because they are the same. Shia Imams further split into Nizari "Assassins" and "Twelvers" who await the return of the occulted Imam "al-Mahdi" meaning "He who rises".
     In the late 1700's Wahhabism overtook Saudi Arabia; OPEC has placed a stanglehold on teh world through the Languge of Yes=Oil. The Arab League of Cairo soon followed where Cairo means Chi-Rho or Crowned Royal Christ. Arab refers to Abraham's son Ishmael whose religion is "Ismaelism". Out of that came the Muslim Brotherhood  whose logo of the Crossed Swords below the Koran is nearly identical with the Catholic Church "Chi-Rho" symbol for a reason.
      Stanford University philosopher Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyid means descendant of Muhammad; Qutb means World Pillar) coined the term Al Qaeda "Supreme Foundation" in 1966 and soon after it's influential ghost leader Osama bin Laden emerged where Osama means Lion; bin means Manger or Crib and Laden means Serpent guardian of the Golden Age. Qutb means World Pillar; the Serpent is the constellation Draco encircling the World Axis. 
    The goal is the worldwide imposition of Sharia "Revealed" Law; the time when this will be accomplished is when the Crowned Sun (On) rises through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac with the Milky Way on Sol Invictus 2012.

Good Friday "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" Jn 2:19 "...because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day)" Jn 19:31 "The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree" Acts 5:30. The Sabbath is a weekly event; this high Sabbath was Passover 14 Abib/Nisan, the day of preparation when Leaven was removed before the 1st of 7 days of Unleavened Bread beginning 15 Nisan. 3 days after the days of Unleavened Bread is Feast of First Fruits.
    Good: Virtuous, Desirable, Valid, Considerable, Advantage, Benefit; To Unite; Be Associated; Pleasing Time; Take Up Together; That which is good. Friday: Frigg's Day; Dies Veneris "Day of Venus"; Aphrodite's Hemera; Lady Day, Black Friday. The Roman Venus is the Greek Aphrodite aka Ishtar (Easter), Isis or Inanna. Venus is the Morning Star, Phosphorus or Eosphorus "Bringer of Light or Dawn" and Hesperos aka Vesper "Evening Star"; or Lucifer. Frigg or Freya is the goddess of birth and brother of Freyr "Lord". Pretty hard to figure in 3 days from Good Friday at Even (Freya's Vesper) to Easter's "Eos" Dawn because the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with these days; Venus is the Mayan "Wasp Star" aka Latin Vespa=Vesper; Folks, we got Stung by the same Priests who demanded Jesus should be Crucified.
    Jesus is betrayed by Judas, sent to Annas, father in law of Caiaphas; sent to Caiaphas' house and a few of his cronies in the Sanhedrin who try to condemn Him for Blasphemy illegally; notably Joseph of Arimathea is not among them. He is sent to Pilate who finds no legal basis to condemn Him, sent to the Edomite ruler of Galilee, Herod who happens to be in Jerusalem for Easter (ref Acts 12:4KJV concerning Herod's penchant for celebrating Easter, not Passover); he finds no basis to condemn Him, so Jesus is sent back to Pilate who washes his hands of the matter. The Chief Priests who had illegally condemned Him then, called for the Crucifixion (Hanging on a Tree ref Deut 21:23); by Even, everyone became aware of what they had done as darkness came over the land.
     "Destroy this Temple" refers to Jesus' body; Knight Templars refer to Freya as the Black Virgin because Jesus said "As long as I am in the world, I am the Light of the World" Jn 9:5 The Temple Veil was torn top to bottom; replacing this, the Yarmulke and Zuchetto is worn by spiritual descendants fo the Chief Priests who crucified Jesus; many will wear this "Skull Cap" or "Cap of Cybele" under the Philistine Mitre of Dagan.
    Freya is the Black Virgin goddess of child birth, conceived at Dawn on "Solis Dies" (Sunday), the day the Pagan Roman Pope/Emperor Constantine proclaimed the New Covenant Sabbath; he lied. 9 months from now "Sol Invictus" will be born under the Christmas Grove and pardon the expression "All Hell will break loose" as the world Passes Over to a New Age where God is replaced by Lucifer "Light Bringer". I suggest making a personal Covenant with Jesus Christ before then; I'm not sure how many more celebrations of Anammelech (Rabbit Idol) and Adrammelech (Sol Invictus) He is going to put up with.

Passion Week 
Palm Sunday to Maundy Thursday (Last Supper) to Good Friday to Easter Sunday begins Sunday following the Full Moon after the nearest New Moon to Ostarra (Vernal Equinox). God's idea? Hardly. The LORD'S Passover is fixed at "Even" on 14 Nisan; 14 days after the New Year beginning with the New Moon following Spring Equinox. 15 Nisan begins the "Feast of Unleavened Bread"; the eating of Unleavened Bread for 7 Days. After this, the Passover "he lamb" without blemish is offered to the LORD. Feast of First Fruits follows in 3 days, completing the 1st 3 Spring Feasts of the LORD. 7 Sabbaths after Passover is Pentecost (Weeks) when offerings baked with Leaven are offered; thank God because I'm a walking Leaven factory!
   Talmudic Rabbis usually celebrate Passover Seder (Seder means "In Order") for 2 days; adding an 8th day to the Lord's 7 day Passover; they take the extra day from the Lords's only 8 day "Feast of Tabernacles" because they reject Jesus Christ as God in Flesh; the 8th Day of Tabernacles was Jesus' real Birthday.
    The are not 3 days between Good Friday (Friday=Freya=Venus) at "Even" and First Light Easter Sunday because they are Pagan Holy Days associated with Lucifer "Light Bearer/Bringer". In 722 BC the Assyrian King Sargon II replaced Israel with a mix of Pagans: Babylonians who made "Booths of Daughters"; Cuthah who made Lion Idols; Hamath who made Goat Idols; Avites who made Donkey Idols and Sepharvites who burned their children in fires to Anammelech and Adrammelech. These people feared the LORD and made Priests of the lowest of them to act in their stead in the high places. (ref 2 Kings 17:30-38) Notice the Priests unto this day do not fear the LORD, but the Pagans who hire them do indeed fear the LORD. For this reason, Jesus refers to Priests as "Blind Guides" or "The Blind leading the Blind". Nothing Blinds a person to the Truth more than Easter.
     Of the Pagan (Pagan means "To Fix") Holy Days on the calendar, Easter reigns king. The Full Moon prior to Easter Sunday is the source of the Rabbit Idol of Anammelech; the Assyrians knew the Moon as the god "Sin". Anammelech means "Anu is King" where Anu is the supreme god of Mesopotamia. Example: The Druid religion (Dru means Tree) was founded by the "Tuatha de Danaan" aka Children of Anu. An means Heaven; Anu was regarded as the first father of the gods. Anammelech "Sin", the Full Moon reflects Adrammelech, the Light of the Sun. Notice, that at the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ, He was nailed (Fixed) to the Tree amid 2 Thieves (Transgressors of the Law); this formed the 7 Branched Canclestick Moses constructed for the Tabernacle. Today, this 7 Branched Candlestick has all but been replaced by an 9 Branched Menorah; 8 arms surrounding Shamash (Offspring of the Sun); not the Monorah is not Jewish.
     Theosophy (God Philosophy) upon which German Naziism was founded, regards Sanat Kumura as ruling over the affairs of Earth from Venus called the "Morning Star" aka Lucifer; there is more than a casual similarity to Santa Claus (St Nicholas was a Nicolaitane; Nico=Comquer; Laitane=Laity) who brings gifts to the "Groves" 9 months after Easter to end the 5th Cycle of Venus. In other words, Easter Immaculately conceives Sol Invictus. Every 584 days, Venus changes from Morning Star aka Eosphorous, Phosphorus or Lucifer to Evening Star aka Hesperus, Vesper; I'm sure you have heard of Vesper services before. In Mayan culture Venus was called the Wasp Star; I'm sure the term White Anglo Saxon Protestant rings a bell; Eos or Eostre means "Dawn", the Pagan Goddess of fertility. Passion anyone? Bee careful!
    Theosophy began in India; in Sanskrit Venus is Shukra for Pure. Cathar Priests "Perfecti" were known as "Pure Ones"; they predicted "In 700 years the Laurel will grown Green again" in relation to their burning at Montsegur in 1244 and the dissolving of their military order of Knights Templar in 1312-1313. If you thought D-Day was bad, just wait.
       Jesus "Melchisedek" rode through the East Gate of Jerusalem and fulfilled the 4 Spring Feasts so that the Unleavened Sacrifice could atone for you and I, the Leavened Sacrifices. We have certainly come a long way to celebrating Ishtar's (Venus) Eggs and Anammelech's Rabbit Idol at First Light of Adrammelech, haven't we? Figured out what the Laurel is? 33 years ago the Green Revolution began in Iran (Aryan means Noble Caste); Green is the sacred color of Islam; Chloro is Pale Green the Pale Horse Rider whose name is Death. In Theosophy, Lucifer wore an Emerald Crown; Emerald means Lightning as does Barack, the Winged White Horse of Arab mythology who surveyed the Earth for Abraham and Muhammad, departing from the Dome of the Rock. Is is also coincidence Barack also sits in the White House presiding with Congress #112 (ref St Malachy prophecy of 112 Popes concerning the fall of the Roman Catholic Church) as President #44 with Melchisedek Priest, Mitt Romney, sworn to avenge Extermination Order #44 upon America? Is it also coincidence the NSA's largest Data Collection Facility is being built next to Utah's Kennecot Copper Mine whose logo is the same as Venus/Lucifer? Mitt's Intelligence advisor Gen Michael Hayden was the highest ranking member of the NSA (Gen Keith Alexander took over 6 years ago) people hear about; the one people rarely hear about is Gen Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set; Set is the Egyptian name of Venus/Lucifer. making sense yet? Then get out of Church, away from your Nocolaitane Priest or Rabbi and get right with Jesus Christ; the only Jewish or Christian Priest you will ever need!  
"Blessed Island"; Japan is a Chinese word derived from Jih=Sun;Pun=Origin ie "Origin of the Sun" or "Sunrise", hence Japan is the "Land of the Rising Sun". Tokyo is derived from To=East; Kyo=Capital or "Capital of the East" or "Capital of the Rising Sun". Capital means "Of the Head, Chief or First". In Nov 2009, Obama bowed to Emperor Hirohito Akihito a member of the Queen of England's "Order of the Garter"; he is the 5th son of 33Freemason Emperor Hirohito, used as the justification for 33Mason Harry Truman's decsion to use Uranium and Plutonium Atomic weapons. Upon hearing the news of the Trinity Atomic detonation J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Hindu Baghavad Gita "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds"; upon receiving this news, the father of the H-Bomb Edward Teller said "It's a Boy" referring to the 2 man-made elements Americium and Plutonium that had just been created by unleashing the energy of the Sun. The Sun converts H to He; H is the 8th English letter derived from the Twin Pillar hieroglyphic; in Hebrew "He" means "God is with me"; eg. Abram and Sarai received the "h" from Melchisedek "King of Salem" where Salem means "Peace". Recall Jesus went by the title "I Am He". Absent the Holy Ghost, Gnostics confuse God with the Sun "Sol Invictus" whose conception is venerated on Easter "Venus/Ishtar" Sunday "Dies Solis". Quite a coup, confusing Conception with Birth and the Sun with Jesus Christ eh? Here is another.
    Fukushima and the Korean DMZ sit on the 38th Parallel; Korea is named for the Rebel Priesthood of Korah (Kore); recall Obama's Masonic campaign logo is the Sun rising out of waves of Red and Blue similar to Japan's flag, a Red Sun rising next to Korea's flag, waves of Red and Blue. The Rebel Priests were Edomite (Edom=Red) Priests of On (On is the Sun god of Heliopolis). For Gnostics, War is Peace; WWIII is finishing the Amistice of the Korean War and WWII's Japan Radiation. The War will center on Jerusalem (Salem means Peace); the Mir "Peace" Triangle is also a Pythagorean Right Triangle (900-380-520) formed in stone by the Egyptian Pyramids known as Mr (Divine Light) Ka (Spirit) and Ba (Body) as well as the Federal Traingle: White House, Capitol and Washington Monument. All by chance?    
    Ezekiel 8 records the reason the Glory of the Lord departed Solomon's Temple "...their backs toward the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east; and they worshipped the sun toward the east. As it was then, it will be again. "Go through the midst of the city, thorugh the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof" Want the mark? Ask Jesus and no it is not the "T" your Priest may have put there on Lent on the 1 yr anniversary of Fukushima; that "T" is for Tammuz a name derived from Tam=Purity; Muz=Fire. Making any sense yet? Now about INRI over Jesus' head on the Cross your Church has displayed for Passion Week? It means "By Fire, Nature is Renewed Whole".
     Fukushima was caused by Scalar Electro (Sun) Magnetic (Earth) weapons on Lent 2011; the "T" on one's forehead on Ash Wednesday is made by burning the Palm Branches of Palm Sunday and saving them for the year. Sendei, Japan is called "Place of Trees"; Siemens nuclear controllers closed off coolant flow after the earthquake and before the Tsunami ensuring the disaster we face this year. A year-long continuous stream of radiation has entered the Pacific (Pacific means Peace) Jet Stream at the only point on earth where this is possible; a conveyor belt heading directly to Canada and the US and on to Europe. Also, a continuous stream of radiation has entered the Pacific Ocean Current system. The Kuroshio "Black Stream" current mixes with the Liman Current just offshore in one of the world's most productive fisheries; it then mixes with the Canada-Alaska Current in another of the world's most productive fisheries; from there it travels down the Coast of Canada and the US where it joins the Equatorial Pacific Current; some travels back to join the Liman Current and some down the Peruvian Coast. Radiation enters the Food Chain via Phytoplankton which are fed upon by Zooplankton used as food and fertilizer all over the world. Recall "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds" because it is the foe that the world is fighting.
     The Theosophical Society refers to this age as the age of the 5th Sun and the end of the 5th Arian Root Race. Hindus call this the Age of Kali Yuga. The Mayan Calendar records this age ending on 12/21/2012 with the 5th Age of Venus,; Article 24 Covenant of One Heaven boldly declares this is the date of the Pale Horse.  Folks, I mean no offense here, but do you need to be clubbed over the head to see why New Agers like Barbara Marx Hubbard proudly refer to themselves as "Riders of the Pale Horse, Death"?
    Fukushima "Blessed Island"; the House of the Rising Sun is being Sacrificed on the altar of the Sun to usher in the Age of Peace. Jesus warned He is not ushering in Peace but division; it's time to choose Jesus or the Sun. There are 460 tons of nuclear fuel stored in Building #4 at Fukushima in a building set to leak or collapse at any time; within a few hours the fuel rods will catch fire spelling the end to human habitation of Tokyo and the start of the biggest Exodus in history. "Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happened you can bet it was planned" FDR     
April Fool's Day 
Jesus overturned the tables of the money changers who were selling Sacrificial Animals and exchanging Roman money for Jewish coins at the Temple; Jesus reprimanded them for turning His Father's house into a den of thieves. One thief was the long deposed Sadducee High Priest Annas whose family made exorbitant wealth from Market Stalls at the Court of Gentiles and Mt of Olives; all 5 sons of Annas plus his daughter's husband Caiaphas served as High Priests; were they sons of Aaron? Heaven's no; more ike Samaritan fakes occupying the Sanhedrin and Israeli Government today. Star of Molech, Babylonian Talmud, Zohar, Kabbalah, Yarmulke (Cap of Cybele) anyone? Not for me.
    Hearing about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, Caiaphas "If we let this alone, all men will believe on him: and the Romans shall come and take away both our place and is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and the whole nation perish not...he prophesied that Jesus should die for that nation...from that day forth they took counsel together for to put him to death" Jn 11:51-53 Jesus was Jewish; Annas and Caiaphas were imposters.
    April Fool's Day mocks Jesus being sent from the deposed fake Sadducee High Priest Annas for trial; to his son in law Caiaphas' house for an illegal trial at night. Trials were to be impartial and conducted by the full 71 member Sanhedrin during the day at the Temple Mount, not by a minority at night before a Holy Day (Holy Day's like Passover 14 Nisan begin at Even the day before). From there, Jesus was sent on more Fool's errands to Pontius Pilate, who sent Him to the Edomite King Herod, who sent Him back to Pilate who found no fault with Him.
    On this day about 2000 years ago Jesus presented Himself as Melchisedek "King of Salem" in a language the illegitimate imposters would understand; amid Palm Branches, the Sacred Tree of the Assyrians who for 4000 years have venerated a man carrying the title Sargon "Legitimate King", riding an ass, the symbol of  rightful kingship through the East Gate from the Rising Sun. It is no coincidence the Statue of Liberty, Mormon Angel Moroni and Lady of Freedom standing atop the US Capitol face East either. Jesus saw through the deception and you can too.

Palm Sunday
 Jesus as Melchisedek "King of Jerusalem" riding an ass of a colt (Symbolizing Peace rather than War) rode in the East Gate of Jerusalem amid Palm Branches to proclaim Himself Melchisedek "King of Jerusalem". The "Feast of Passover" has 7 days beginning 14 Nisan; the year was 28 AD; He was 33 years old having been born on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC; Proof? Herod died violently in the Spring of 4 BC for the "Slaughter of Innocents" 2 and under when Jesus was a "Young Child" of 1 1/2 years. 7 days later Jesus was rejected, Crucified (Hung on a Tree) and laid in a Sephuchre on the eve of the 8th day, 15 Nisan "Feast of Unleavened Bread"; He then rose on 17 Nisan "First Fruits" fulfilling the Spring Feasts of the Law in Lev 23.
    April Fool's Day 2012 is somewhat unique as it also happens to be Palm Sunday; Easter Sunday is 4/8/12; note that the date adds to 24. Passover begins Saturday, April 7, 2012 and ends Sunday "Dies Solis", April 14 because the 2 Holidays have nothing to do with each other. Depending on how the Lunar Cycle coincides with the Vernal Equinox, Passover and Easter can differ by 28 + 7=35 days. This year is significant because Easter "Passion Week" of 2012 leads into the Feast of Passover.
     Jesus was born on the 8th day of the 7th and last Feast of Tabernacles on 22 Tishrei; the 22nd day of the 7th month as the "Word made Flesh". The Word ends with chapter 22; 22/7=Pi; the Circle of Heaven brought to Earth, thus ended the 7th Contract between God and Man called the "Law" or "Old Covenant" with His Crucifixion between 2 Thieves on 1 Tree which formed the 7 Branched Caldlestick (6 uplifted arms surrounding Jesus) Moses built for the Tabernacle. The New Covenant is the 8th and final covenant which began 7 Weeks after His Crucifixion at Pentecost (50 Days) with the descent of the Holy Ghost. With this event, the 4 Spring Feasts were completed. 9 months from now is Hanukkah; the 8 branched Menorah thus replaced the 7 Branched Candlestick; Christians have come to know the day as Christmas. So when does Heaven actually return to Earth? The 2nd Coming which is not coincidentally promised in Rev 22:7 "Behold I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book". He is speaking about the entire 66 books not just Revelation. Freemasons and Kabbalists will try to Square the Circle until the very end and fail every time!   
    In Jn 12:31 Jesus warns "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world cast out"; Jesus was thus rejected as King of Jerusalem; Mormon men assume the role today as Melchesidek Priests; pretty bold eh? The Judges of this world? The Sanhedrin. The Son of God was rejected in favor of the Sons of Light "Lucifer" in Eastermonad. Make sense yet?
    In Jn 12:35 Jesus warns "Walk while ye have the light...believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light". Now go back to Day 1 "God said let there be light" 3 days before He created the Sun, Moon or Stars. The "Light of the World" departed the Earth on First Fruits by the same exact route the Glory of the LORD departed in Eze 8 and for the exact same reason; Man had turned their backs to the LORD (Jesus is Lord) and worshipped the Rising Sun. Happy Easter? I think not.
     Palm Trees are the sacred Assyrian (Semites descended from Shem's 2nd Son Asshur) and Arab, Trees connecting Earth to Heaven through Ishtar (Easter). The Egyptian God "Huh" (Which is what people usually say when you tell them Easter has nothing to do with Jesus) is the god of eternity, depicted carrying 2 Palm reeds. The Greek Apollo "Sun god" is depicted by the Palm Tree. The Sumerian Inanna is the "One who makes dates abundant".
    Occultists (Gnostics) posing as Christian Ministers celebrate Lent and Easter; they consider Jesus the April Fool, Lord of Misrule or Jack O Lent. Jesus is represented as a Gaunt, Nobody, Simpeton, Puppet or Dwarf dressed in rags, misused 40 days from Lent to Good Friday when they form a Straw Man effigy made of Palm Branches, burn them and use them the following Ash Wednesday to form a "T" for Tammuz on their foreheads. Read Eze 8 until you understand Jesus will only put up with this blasphemy so long. How long? Easter 2012 is 4/8/12 added they equal 24; X is the 24th English letter, and on 12/21/2012 the Sun will pierce the X (Chi=Christ=Messiah) formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac with the Milky Way, rising to form the Crown; 3 days later, the Dawn of the New Age will begin on Christmas with the birth of the  Sun god "Sol Invictus". Is it coincidence the Venus Calendar (Maya is the mother of Toth-Hermes; "Emerald Tablet of Toth" begins with "As Above, So Below") will read and Jesus describes the "Beast rising from the Sea" in Rev 13? Is it also coincidence 12/21/2012 (1+2+2+1+2+1+2)=11 and Jesus describes the Great Tribulation in Rev 11? Don't bet your Soul on it. I suggest Easter 2012 will be the last; whether it is or not, is replacing an Easter Egg hunt and chocolate bunny with establishing a relationship with Jesus really going to hurt you?

April "Month of Venus" 
Assyrian "Apru", Aprile, Averil or Avril + Mensis (Month) is April, the Anglo-Saxon "Eostre" or Old English "Eastermonad"; all variously represent the month of fertility for the goddess Venus or Aphrodite. Happy Easter? I think not; think Green through Photo (Light) synthesis here. In that vein note the Chlorophyll molecule uses Light and Water to make Life and has 33 atoms; the same number of degrees to attain Masonic Sovereignty is the age of Jesus at the Crucifixion and number of Vertebra in the human spine. The Skull & Bones Symbol "Jolly Roger" aka Jolie Rouge or Red Cross also symbolizes this concept.
    Worship of the planet Venus originated in Abraham's day with the Sabaeans (Saba means To leave one's religion to enter that of another's; Sabah means Sunrise) of Haran (Abram's elder brother). Sabaeans today go by the title Father, Master, Rabbi, Reverend and the like.  
    Over the course of 8 years, Venus brackets the Sun with a Pentacle (5pt Star) and Pentagram; symbols used in Witchcraft to denote mastery over Earth, Air Fire, Water. In Egypt the 4 directions, Forward, Backward, Left and Right, to which a 5th direction Upward or element Quintessence was added. Recall the song Age of Aquarius by the rock group 5th Dimension? The Solar Cycle of Venus compared to Earth 584/365 conforms to this 8/5 Ratio as well. Now go back to the Skull atop the X and compare it with the Chi-Rho; take note we are 1 human gestation cycle away from the Sun rising through the X (Ecliptic/Zodiac and Milky Way) to form the symbol Masons refer to as the Crowned Osiris aka Sol Invictus "Unconquered Sun". Merry Christmas? I think not.
    Venus is not Satan! Venus, the 2nd planet from the Sun and 2nd Roman month, became associated with the term Light Bringer "Lux-Fer" because 8/5=1.618 Phi aka "Golden Mean" or "Ratio of Life" visible in all of God's Creation from Life, to Poetry to Music etc. Venus is the "Morning Star"; Jesus and Lucifer are both described in this way; hence Venus became connected with Lucifer. The Light Bearer creates Life through Photosynthesis; Phosphorus translated to Latin becomes Lucifer and Phosphorus is considered an essential element to life. Can you see why Luciferians often reject the notion they are Satanists? 2012 is exactly 700 years after the Cathar prediction "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again" coincident with the Age of Aquarius "Water Pourer"; Light and Water make Green Life. Coincidence? I think not. On 4/8/12 is Easter Sunday "Solis Dies"; Guess who the Eastern Star is?
     Mormons are taught Jesus and Lucifer are brothers. They aren't of course and here is why. On Day 1 God said "Let there be Light"; on Day 4 God said "Let there be lights" and He created the Sun, Moon and Stars. Must have been dark eh? Phosphorus has the quality of glowing in the dark or giving off light in darkness; does this make Phosphorus equivalent with the Holy Ghost and Glory of God? Of course not, but for Luciferians it's all they have. Phosphorus aka Morning Star or Lucifer or Hesperus "Bringer of the Dawn" are the Son of Dawn "Eos" from where the Anglo-Saxon "Esotre" (Easter) comes from. The point is Jesus has nothing to do with Easter, the Bunny or the colored eggs your Sabaean Priest will have ready on Easter.
     Melchisedek means King of Salem and Priest of the Most High to whom Abram paid Tithes; Mormon men like Mitt Romney claim the title Melchisedek Priest; spiritual brothers and equals of Jesus or of Lucifer? The Hebrew word for Lucifer is Heylel or Halal meaning Brightness, Foolish, Shine, Boast, Celebrate, Commend, Praise or Give Light of Glory. As Mormon men accept the title Melchisedek Priest, they say Pale Heylel, Heylel, Heylel, a glorifyinhg of Lucifer the Light Bringer. To whom? Ishtar (Easter), How? Immaculately of course, at First Light on Solis Dies following the Full Moon after Spring Equinox. What happens to that little Hot Cross Bun in the Oven in a Gestation Cycle of 9 months or 10, 28 day Lunar Cycles? My best guess is birth of the Pale Heylel aka Lucifer the Light Bringer who rises 3 days after 12/21/2012 at Christmas.
     Christmas means Sacrifice and consumption of the Host. When the Pale Horse rides (ref Art 24 Covenant of One heaven) Jesus Christ will allow the Light Bringer to rule an "Age of Enlightenment".  Pale means Chloro "Green"; the same root in Chlorophyll; this will be none other than the Knight Templar "Green Man". Is is just coincidence the Iranian (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) Green Revolution was 33 years ago too? Is is also coincidence Lucifer was the title applied to the King of Babylon in Isaiah's day and Operation New Dawn is the current name of the Iraq (Babylon) War? Is is coincidence the 2nd token of the Mormon Melchisedek Priesthood is the "Sure sign of the Nail"? Those Nails held Jesus to the Tree on Passover folks! Happy Eostre? I think not. Time to wake up folks! Jesus is in your Prayer Closet not hiding Easter Eggs!  

Over Jesus' head on Passover Eve was "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS" not INRI and not on Easter. Jesus was hung between 2 thieves; 6 uplifted arms on either side of Jesus formed the 7 branched candlestick Moses constructed for the Tabernacle. The Menorah has 8 arms surrounding Shamash (Sun); Why?
    The Jesuit "Society of Jesus" Flag interprets INRI "IUSTUM NECAR REGES IMPIOS" meaning "It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical kings, governments or rulers". JESUS was considered a heretical king eh? Notice the letters are capitalized referring to JESUS as the Spiritual rather than Physical "KING".
    Rosicrucians "Order of Rose and Cross" and Freemasons interpret INRI "Igne Natura Renovatur Integra" meaning "By Fire Nature is Renewed Whole".
    About the 9th hour Jesus quoted the opening words of Psalm 22 in Aramaean (Syrian) "Eli, Eli, lama, sabachthani?" "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Some around Him head Eli and believed Jesus was calling out to Elias (Elijah) for help; to this day a place is set for Elijah at Passover Seder. Sabachthani means "You have left, abandoned or forsaken"
    " is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment" Heb 9:27  2 Witnesses will return at the start of the 1260 day Great Tribulation who did not experience death "And I will give unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth" Rev 11:3 They are Enoch (Seth's not Cain's) and Elijah.
     "In 700 years, the Laurel will grow green again"-Cathar Languedoc (Green, Bird, Yes Language) saying. The Council of Vienne (Languedoc) was 1312-1313AD; in other words we are there. As Jesus was Crucified, so will the World, symbolized by the Chi "Christ" Rho "Royal"; the Sun rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac with the Milky Way. The X is a Solstice Cross; the date points to 12/21/2012, the 2012 Solstice; Sunrise at the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan will Inaugurate the Easter (Venus) calendar date as the Sun rises through the Cross to become the Crown. Put another way, the Sun will align with the womb of Magna Mater "Cosmic Mother", the Dark Rift, Black Road, Birth Canal or Mouth of the Cosmic Snake "Orobourus". This is why the Chi-Rho is also called the Labarum. The Labrys symbolizes the Age of Pisces (Fish Symbol) dying as the Age of Aquarius is born.
     Elijah comes 1260 days before Jesus returns with a name nobody knows called the "Word of God" and on His Vesture and His thigh is written "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" Rev 19:13;16. "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive" Jn 5:43 If you are waiting with anticipation for the 2nd Coming, you are waiting for the wrong Messiah.
   The Assyrian Church is called the Church of the East; Easter is the annual conception of the Rising Sun at First Light on Dies Solis following the Ostarra Full Moon. The Messiah many people will accept in his own name will be declared Sargon "Legitimate King"  and Jesus will close the book on Heaven (Rev 6:14). Why? If you can't tell the difference between Easter and Passover, how can you tell the difference between Christ and Antichrist?   
  March 25, the celebration of the resurrection of Attis (Green Man) as the annual Sun leaves Pisces and enters Aries. Sargon the Great was crowned “Legitimate King” of the world as the Vernal Equinox sun rose in Aries, leaving Taurus, 21 years after the Flood (Flood=2348 BC), the new phenomena of "Axis Precession" caused this. Sargon II was crowned Legitimate King when Israel had forsaken the Lord by worshipping Golden Bull as God. Sargon III may be crowned during a similar event as the Sun rises in Aquarius and the world once again forsakes the Lord. Note; there can be only 1 Legitimate King.
     Cybele’s priests “Galli” were transgender, castrated, eunuchs who lived off “Tithing”; dressed in flowing robes, they wore Yarmulkes “Cap of Cybele” aka Zucchetto. Hillarious isn’t it? Make sure to take an extra offering to Sunrise Easter services. Better still, explain the difference between Passover and Easter to your Priest.
      Hindoos make “Huli Fools” by mixing colored powder in honor of the female demon “Holika”;  Krishna “Black” the same as Attis is thus conceived during “Feast of Colours”. Mixing colored powder makes Black; mixing the colors of light makes White. Got it? Wonder why Astro-physicists claim “Dark Matter” is made of “God Particles”?
     Druid Priests were called “Old Fools” who gave sermons mocking the Divinity of Jesus dressed as Old Testament Prophets and riding Hobby Horses into the Congregation. Now that’s Hilarious eh? In France, “Poisson d’ Avil” mocked the Passion Week by sending Fools on ridiculous errands to mock Jesus being sent from Chief Priest Annas to Chief Priest Caiaphas, to the Roman Pontius Pilate, to the Edomite Herod and back to Pilate before being made the “Fool” and Crucified. Hilarious!      
    Jesuits “Society of Jesus” took over Rome, controlling the Vatican under the “Black Pope”; New Year became Jan 1 named after the 2 faced god doors “Janus”; the age old “Feast of Sub-Deacons” became “Guild of Fools”; Hilaria + 8 days became “All Fool’s Day”; pretty hilarious eh? Why 8 days? Jesus was born on the 8th day of the only 8 day Feast on God’s Calendar “Feast of Tabernacles”; Eunuch Priests turned God’s conception into a Sunrise conception on Solis Dies using rabbits and colored eggs. God must be laughing His fool head off eh?
     The epithet of Cybele (Ka Baal) is the Lion; Cybele shares a root with Ka’aba “Black Stone” from which Attis was symbolically born; Osama “Lion” bin “Manger” Laden “Ladon Dragon” and Al Qaeda “Supreme Foundation, Stone or Pillar” is pretty funny, as is the 60ft Pine Tree phallus fertilized by transgender eunuchs, castrating and scourging themselves on Hilaria to mock the real Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ. Really funny, how they bury the “World Tree” 3 days and resurrect it on Hilaria isn’t it?
     Anonymous, wearing their hilarious Guy Fawkes masks plan to attack the Internet 8 days after Hilaria on April Fool’s Day. Should be fun eh? Eunuch Priests of Attis and Cybele once castrated themselves on Hilaria; they substituted this ritual by castrating and sacrificing a Bull like the Golden Bull sitting on Wall St.
    Isn’t it time to cut the BS and get right with Jesus Christ?

Languedoc "Language of Yes" or "Language of Oil" in Old French"In 700 years, the Laurel will grow Green again" is an old Cathar saying; Cathars were and are still Gnostics; Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion" aka Revenge. Vox in Excelso was declared on 3/20/1312 and written down 3/22/1312 in the Languedoc (Occitane) region of France. Oc (Yes) and Oiseau (Bird) lend the name: Language of Birds also called Green Language, Adamic Language, Enochian (Used in ceremonial Magick), Core (Korah=Kore-An aka Language of Allah), Augury (Priest Divination using the flight of birds), Hermetic (Egyptian god of medicine), Divine, Angelic, Serpent, Vibration (Voices are Vibrations), Forbidden etc. Spirit Communication if you will. In Gen 3:22 Adam becomes "as one of us" ie a god; in Rev 3:22 Jesus concludes 7 Church Warnings to those who "have an ear". If you don't have an ear, it's time to establish communication with Jesus Christ. When Jesus gave up the ghost on Passover (Roman 3rd month) he uttered words in Aramaean (Syrian) which begins King David's Psalm 22, written in Hebrew prophesying the exact method of His Crucifixion 1000 years in advance. I'm saying all this was planned long ago according to a rigid timetable.
     Creation to Flood took 1656 years. As water drained from the Earth, the Vernal Equinox Sunrise was in Taurus; Sargon "Legitimate King" of Akkad was likely conceived 9 months earlier; a forerunner of John the Baptist who was conceived in the 8th, 8 day Temple service "Abia" about Summer Solstice. Sargon's story also mimics that of Moses (change Nile to Euphrates) but instead of Zecharias the temple priest, Sargon is born to his mother, a temple prostitute and chief prietess of Ishtar (Easter). The point? Aries to Pisces to Aquarius takes 4320 years + 1656=5976 years. Legitimacy under Hebrew Law is acquired at 21; there is a 3 1/2 year "Great Tribulation" before Jesus returns and astrologers tell us the Age of Aquarius begins roughly 2012. Do the math.
    "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS" has nothing to do with INRI "By Fire, Nature is Renewed Again". Mayans called the Galaxy center "Tula"; the Egyptians called Heliopolis "Tula"; both called Tula "Place of Herons". The Aryan (Noble) "Race" was claimed to have lived in Tula aka Ultima Thule, Greenland. On 3/22/2010 at 3:22UTC (Greenwich) Universal Health Care was signed into law; it was Midnight in Thule. Skull & Bones is called the Brotherhood of Death or Thule Society whose logo is a Skull over the X and 322. On every Catholic Cathedral is the Chi-Rho symbol, the P (Rho) rising through the X (Chi). 9 months from now the Sun will rise through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac beginning at 11:11UTC or Sunrise at Tenochtitlan's (City of T-Enoch) Pyramid of the Sun. Despite the Sun in our eyes, the Sun will pass (as viewed from Earth) the Galactic Center "Tula" between Sagittarius and Orion (Orion=Osiris=Green Man aka "Constant Gardener"). Making any sense yet?
     Sabas of Heron (Tula) were Peacemakers of Harran (Abram's older brother) where the Heron is the Phoenix (Pa=House of Enoch), an Arab bird renewed by fire; Toth aka Hermes was the Bird-Man of Tula symbolized by the Serpents entwining the Pole "Cadeuces" used by British and American Medical Associations; Saba means "Leave one's religion to enter that of another"; we call them Priests, Ministers, Rabbis and Imams; Sabah with the "h" means "Sunrise"; headed for any Easter Sunrise services on Dies Solis this year? I hope not! "h" means "God is with me"; evidenced in Rev 7 "Juda"; "Abram" and "Sarai"; the hieroglyphic of a chair refers to the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. H, evolved from the Hierglyphic of the Vesica Piscis; intersecting circles moved together by breaking the cross-bar to form the familiar "Fish" symbol; of Jesus? Heaven's no, the Holy Door of the Mother Goddess via Temple Prostitutes. I mean no offense here; it is simply time to wake up and realize Easter is the "Eastern Star" "Venus (Sba in Arabic) impregnated by the Sun and has nothing to do with Jesus Christ or Passover. Witches, rejecting Jesus Christ form the Peace Sign aka Broken Jew by breaking the cross bar. In Aramean "Saba" means "Forsaken"; they know it and Jesus knows it. The "Emerald tablet of Toth-Hermes"; written "Green/Bird language" sums up the Freemasonic philosophy of bringing Heaven (Compass) to Earth (Square); recall Michael Douglas in "Romancing the Stone"? Languedoc "Language of Yes" is captured by Obama's campaign slogan "Yes We Can"; he knows it and Jesus knows it.
      Every year on 3/25 Romans celebrated the Ritual of the Taurobolium; Mithras (Persian sun god) slaying the Bull (Taurus); that Bull proudly sits at Wall St. The Wall St Bull is an illusion of wealth made from Derivative (Side Bets) on real assets like Land, Gold, Homes or Oil; another version of the Language of Yes. According to the Institute for Energy Research in Washington DC, the US has 1.4Trillion recoverable Bbls of Oil @$125/Bbls=$175Trillion; 2.7Quadrillion CuFt of recoverable Natural Gas valued at $41Trillion and 486Billion Tons of recoverable Coal; gross estimates of Coal are 103Trillion Tons@$90/Ton do the math. The US is a veritable Black Gold Mine worth over $250 Trillion, but you won't hear about that; only the tremendous Debt. Add in the fresh water in the Great Lakes and Ogallala Aquifer and one can see why the Leprechaun O'Bama wants to sieze it. Figured out the real meaning of Green Language and why 700 years after Templar assets were siezed, the price of energy and hence food is skyrocketing?
    Green Language is the confiscation and control of the world's assets as part of UN Agenda 21; recall 21 is the age of accountability; the agreement was signed in 1992 so do the math; it's coming of age. The final Executive Order giving the president exclusive authority to sieze every asset in the US (Transportation, Food, Water, Energy, Property and People) even in peacetime was signed late on the Eve of St Patrick's Day; We can't see that pot of gold, but the Leprechaun knows its there!
     Attis as the Green Man was known in Galatia (Turkey) is conceived 9 months before his birth on 12/25 coincident with the slaying of the Bull. According to and 6 other similar sites, the Pale (Chloro means Green) Horse will ride, coincident with the Sun rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac (Chi-Rho). Isn't it time to stop the March Madness and get right with Jesus Christ? It is more than a little likely, the Pale Green Man in the form of a Leprechaun (It is no coincidence lying physicists claim Leptons make up the basic building blocks of matter either)  Osiris/Bacchus/Dionysus/Attis is about to be conceived. On 3/20 Persians will begin celebrating celebrating Nowruz "New Light" with Peacock "Sanjaks" Idols; so goes the Green Language of Birds "Yes We Can".
The FOX Series begins 3/22/2012 dealing with deciphering numbers associated with future events. F=6; O=15; X=24 added together FOX is 666. Jesus called the Edomite, Herod Antipas "That Fox". Kieffer Sutherland is no stranger to Gematria; X=24, the FOX Series "24" featured Agent Jack Bauer; hard to figure out Rothschild "Red Shield" ie "Edomite Family" was derived from Bauer which mneans "Farmer" as in Cain the first "Farmer" whose offerings to the LORD were unacceptable; the solution? murder his brother. Mayer Amschel Bauer began the banking dynasty from 666 Am Mein Frankfurt, Germany; the sign over his door? The Six Pointed Star of Molech aka Seal of Solomon; no it is not the Star of David.
   You may even recall a June 2001 FOX mini-series called the "Lone Gunman"; hardly a reference to Lee Harvey Oswald, it was a prelude to using remotely controlled aircraft, flown into the Twin Towers. Knight of Malta Rupert Murdoch is a Fox alright; X is the Gate of Babylon and Murdoch is "Evil Merodach", the son of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon.
    Why 3/22? In Gen 3:22 Man becomes as "one of us" knowing "good and evil" and unless he puts out his hand to the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ), he will perish. Skull & Bones use the Skull logo minus a lower jaw with crossed bones (X) above 322 for this reason. Got it? Cain the farmer, silences the competition; the Skull becomes the "Temple of Wisdom" sitting atop the 33 vertebra.
     Why 3/22/2012? 700 years ago on Mar 22, 1312 the final decree of the Catholic Church was delivered to the Knights Templar confiscating their assets. The Laurel is growing green again, and the Sun will rise through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac on 12/21/2012.
    The pilot episode of Touch focuses on the number 318in Gematria 318 represents "Helios" Abram separates from Lot and in the 13th year (13 is the number of rebellion pertaining to Sodom and Gomorrah in Gen 13:13, Ishmael's circumcision at age 13 and Rev 13 "Beast (Sun) rising from the Sea") of serving Chedorlaomer, the king of Elam (Persia) the first world war of rebellion occurs. The kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, taking Lot; Abram musters318 trained servants "born of his own house"; he slaughters Chedorlaomer and Melchizedek, king of Salem blesses him. Rabbinical interpretations claim Abram only took the captain of his house Eliezer whose name adds to 318 in Hebrew Gematria; like every Rabbinical interpretation of scripture this is a lie. Jesus is Melchizedek, King of Jerusalem and priest of the Most High (Heb 7); He said never call any man on earth Rabbi for this reason. Eliezer was a native of Damascus ie a Syrian descended from Shem's 5th son Aram (Aramaean). Another Syrian named Laban (To make White or make Bricks) would later choose Chaldean Magick as his "House of God" (Beth-el) and Abram's grandson Jacob would "wrestle with God" as his grandfather did to be renamed "Israel".
    Touch means "Hit or strike a bell"; to "Stir emotionally" and to "Borrow money". We would do well to remember the terms of the Covenant Jesus (Melchizedek) made with Abram and his descendants who are still destined to inherit the earth; "Do not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan" (Ishmael and Esau did not adhere to this provision) and "Love God and Love our Neighbor". Usury is lending money at interest; Jesus forbid this because it is a rigged game with debtors eventually becimiong slaves to creditors. The first eposode of Touch  on the 700th anniversary of the confiscation of Templar assets is "1+1=3" Nobody but a Banker could dream up something that stupid eh?   

Ides of March 
"The Road We've Traveled", debuts 15 Mar; A Seer predicted Julius Caesar would be harmed by the Ide's or March; Caesar said "The Ides have come", the reply "Ay Caesar, but not gone"; he was stabbed 23 times led by his Trojan Horse advisor Brutus in the Theatre of Pompey. Apollo 13,launched at 13:13 on 4/11/70, serving as a portrayal of Masonic "Death and Re-birth"; the Moon is Sin; Masons journey from Dark to Light. Tom Hanks is well suited to narrate the 17 min Obama documentary, featuring the murder of Osama bin Laden on Beltaine is being hailed by 33deMolay Freemason and Knight of Malta Bill Clinton. 
    Road is derived from "Rad" meaning "Hostile Incursion or Raid"; Travel means "Difficult Journey"; Enterprise means "Difficult Undertaking". "We" refers to Gnostics coming to the end of a long and difficult journey where to be cliche "No man has gone before"-33Mason Gene Roddenberry. Introduced by 330Mason Ed Sullivan, The Beatles called it "The Long and Winding Road". "We" for the purposes of this article are the Sovereign Military Order of Malta "Knights of Malta" or "SMOM" currently serving as Magical Mystery Tour Guides: Supreme Court Justices Sam Alito, John Roberts (Opus Dei), and Antonin Scalia. UN Ambassador John Bolton and UN Sec Gen Kofi Annan (Oil 4 Food Swindler and Currently Ban Ki-moon's Syrian Ambassador; he was conveniantly investigated by SMOM Norm Coleman), FOX News Rupert Murdoch and Pat Buchanan; Romney adviser Rabbi Michael Chertoff; Generals Peter Pace, James Jones, and Martin Dempsey; CIA Chiefs George Tenet and David Petraeus; Wold Bank Pres Robert Zoelick. Carlyle Group CEO Frank Carlucci; NY Gov George Pataki and Mayor Michael Bloomberg; Rev Oliver North (hard to believe eh?); Plague author Leonard Horowitz; Eagle Forum's Phyllis Schlafly; Nelson Mandela; Black Water Founder Eric Prince; DARPA now Google director Regina Dugan; Henry Kissinger. The point? War is inevitibale. Who can forget the previous War Architects: Prescott aka "Curious George Scherff" as Nikola Tesla called him, Bush Sr "Magog", Bush Jr "Gog", Jeb (also Knight of Columbus) and Tony Blair; Cardinal Francis Spellman (Vietnam War Architect) and WWII Nazis Heinrich Himmler, Fritz Thyssen, Kurt Waldheim (also UN Sec Gen and best man for Arnold Schwarzennegger). shows the Road, a single path through the Gate "Bab" of El the Phoenician sun god; it's a one way street! shows the Winding Path called the Kabbalah "Tree of Life" CIA asset Osama "Lion"; bin "Manger" and Laden "Ladon" illustrates the plan. Ladon is the serpent wrapped around the Tree; the symbol is also used by the "Tea Party". The Tree of Golden Apples in the Garden of Hesperides is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Grove of Immortality. Milton wrote Paradise Regained referring to the Daughers of Zeus as "Ladies of the Hesperides", but the symbol is far older, having originated on Minoan era Crete where the Zeus myth was created.
     In the Hesperides myth Eris "Goddess of Discord" (one such agent of Discord is Jesuit Alex Jones of sneeks in and steals one of the gold apples; a "Raiding Party/ Hostile Incursion" if you will which led to the Trojan Wars. Caesar was killed by just such a Trojan traitor on the Ides of March. I'm not saying Obama will suffer the same fate, just telling you WWIII is pre-planned and will happen no matter that we do. 700 years ago the SMOM took up the mantle of the Knights Templar with one thing on theri mind "Revenge". The only way off this Road is a relationship with Jesus Christ.
"After 700 years, the laurel will grow green again" 
-Languedoc Prophecy. "Yes We Can"-Barack Obama. King Phillip IV forced Pope Clement V to suppress the Knights Templar on 20 March 1312, not on legal grounds but for the welfare of the "Church" and "Apostolic Ordinance"; Vox in excelso "Voice from on High" was then issued 22 Mar 1312 and on 16 May 1312, Templar assets and property were confiscated and transferred to Knights Hospitaller aka Knights of Malta and Rhodes.
    Knights of Malta Leon Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey stated "Congressional approval is not necessary to wage war, only international permission". In another time Treason in times of war such as this would result in execution. Panetta stated on Jan 22 "By March if Tehran (Tehran is the 1st Jesuit acquisition "Targun"; Nagasaki was #2) has not accepted our offer to negotiate, Obama will order the USS Enterprise to sail through the Strait of Hormuz" Rhodes Scholar Gen Wes Clark stated in 2007 the plan to invade 7 nations in 5 years; Iran being the last.
    Languedoc means Language of southern France "Langue d' Oc" where "Oc" means "Yes". 20 March is the Persian New Year "Nowruz" exactly 700 years after "Vox in excelso". WWII is in the history books; June 6, 1944 the Normandie invasion exactly 700 years after the Gnostic Cathar (Pure Ones) executions in Languedoc.
    Reverse Speech analysis of "Yes We Can" results in "Thank You Satan" research this yourself but the point is Leon Panetta is not a run of the mill Defense Secretary, nor is Gen Martin Dempsey a run of the mill Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to include USS Enterprise Capt. Jim Winnefeld who claims to have turned the Enterprise Carrier Strike Force around on 9/11/2001 after seeing Flt #175 hit the South Tower of the World Trade Center; his destination? Afghanistan where the Enterprise flew 700 missions. Watching an airliner hit the WTC and he knows bin Laden did it and would be hiding in Afghanistan? He is currently #2 under Dempsey.
    The USS Enterprise with 8 nuclear reactors is the 8th ship to carry the name Enterprise; it's final deployment to the Middle East began on 3/11/2012 on the anniversary of Fukushima. Its 22nd Deployment will be its last; in Gen 22 Abraham offers Isaac as a burnt offering to the Lord; a Ram caught by its horns was offered instead; the last words Jesus, the sacrificial lamb, spoke to John in Rev 22 "Surely I come quickly".
       Jesuits now go by the title "Army of Loyola", they still are however the "Militia of Zeus and Minerva". A cliff notes version of their Extreme Oath should suffice to know who the enemy really is "Act the dissembler...among Catholics be Catholic to be a spy among your brethren...among Reformers, Huguenots, Calvinists, Protestants or Jews be like them...plant seeds of jealousy and hatred; incite deeds of blood and war; create revolutions and civil wars in nations that were independent and prosperous; wage relentless war to exterminate heretics...hang, boil, flay, strangle, bury alive, rip open wombs, crush infants heads... use the poison cup, poniard, bullet and may fellow soldiers of the Militia cut off my hands and feet, cut me throat ear to ear, burn my belly with sulphur and demons torture my soul in hell forever".
     Folks, I'm not telling you Jesuits are the worst but 30 Obama appointees, 53 members of Congress including Speaker of the House John Boehner and 3 Supreme Court Justices swearing this oath are in positions of great authority.  Speculative Freemasons (eg George Bush Sr, Colin Powell, Bill Clinton), Shriners, Mormons (Mitt Romney) and Ismailis (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ayathollah Khameini, Agha Kahn IV) swear similar oaths and Talmudic Rabbis absolve Sins of their Synagogues in advance (ref Kol Nidre); I'm merely telling you to get a relationship with Jesus Christ established before it's too late. Pardon the expression, but the world is most definitely in a "Catch 22" situation as God intended it; the exception is Jesus will not damn you as long as you open the door; Choose the right Shepherd! Why don't you hear about this on the news? Check out the Panetta Institute media awards; Wolf Blitzer? Come on, it's pretty obvious Wolves in Sheep's clothes are everywhere. Rupert Murdoch? Seriously? Murdoch is Merodach, King of Babylon. Knight of Malta Pat Robertson's 700 Club Not much chance of getting the truth there. The Gate "Bab" of "On" is going to open soon; the red legged Scape Goats we have been following will "Exit Stage Left" as they are trained to do; the Wolves in the Synagogue of Satan will be waiting, saying "Yes We Can". Langue D' Oc is the language of "Yes"; Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion" and they have 700 years worth. Annuit Coeptis "God approves of our undertaking" Enterprise means "Undertaking of great daring". The 5 yr mission of Star Trek's Enterprise was to "Go where no man had gone before". Gene Roddenberry was a 33Freemason; go figure.

Mar 11 Cyrenaica 
declared autonomy from Libya. Cyrenaica became famous for Simon of Cyrene carrying the Cross of Jesus; one problem, Jesus was nailed to a Tree and John tells us he carried His own cross. Cyrene was founded by Greek and Phoenicians from Thera (Santorini) in the 7th century BC; Carthage and Libya mean "Land of Afri" which generated the name Africa. Not coincidentally, Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith was martyred in the Carthage Jail and Mitt Romney's ancestor Parley Pratt swore to avenge his blood on America and the Gentile "Race"; there is no Gentile "Race"; Gentile refers to anyone not considered Israel. If you are "Wrestling with God" rest assured you are part of Israel.
    Santorini was named after St Irene; no Saint, she is the goddess of Peace; Witches turn a cross upside down and break the cross-bar to form the familiar "Peace Sign" during formal rejection of Jesus Christ and Mormons assume His Melchisedek Priesthood in similar fashion. Hyksos were Amalekite (Edomite) foreign rulers of Egypt who originally came from Minoan era Crete to Alexandria, Egypt; expelled as war mongoring heretics, they fled ahead of the Exodus to Thera where a volcanic eruption covered hundreds of brothels called "Lupercares", so named after the Lupercare "Wolf Den" that raised the Cretan Zeus. Subsequently, a Tsunami then wiped out Minoan Crete and the Palace and Labyrinth of Knossos. God caused that Tsunami, men caused the Fukushima Earthquake and Tsumani of 3/11/11.
    Cyrene was part of Cretan rule in Roman times; Berbers such as Muamar Qadaffi's ancestors aided Shia Muslims which renamed the city Barqa after the Phoenician general of Carthage Hannibal Barca; the name means "Lightining" as does Barack Obama or the Winged White Horse "al-Buraq" of Islamic mythology that surveyed the earth for Abram and later for Muhammad. The mythical Phoenix (House of Enoch) is re-born out of its own ashes, connecting Egypt and Arabia, but somehow found it's way to the $US where Francis Bacon would found "New Atlantis". According to Mormon myth, Enoch and his house (descendants) were taken directly to Heaven; they are referring to Cain's Enoch the city Builder not Seth's Enoch who was taken by himself. He will be one of 2 Witnesses with Elijah during the Great Tribulation; they are not here yet, so don't be fooled into believing it has started.
    Simon of Cyrene carried the Cross for Jesus; one problem, Jesus was nailed to a Tree with 2 malefactors. The KJV says Simon was compelled to bear his cross after Jesus. (Mat 27:32) but John 19:17 says Jesus bore his own cross. A mistake? Hardly. Jesus bore the Sins of the world on His cross ie He, a Sinless Man became Cursed with Sins for everyone who chose to do so. Simon of Cyrene came to symbolize those who desire Freedom, Liberty and Autonomy from God. All new bible versions as well as Mel Gibson's Passion of the Christ reinforce the notion, Simon physically carred Jesus' burden; That's a dangerous lie! We all carry Sins and unless we transfer them to Jesus we will die and be judged without His aid.
    In 1492 BC Moses led the Exodus from Egypt to Arabia and Amalekites were waiting on the other side. The 12 tribes of Jacob (Israel) were re-born; in similar fashion, Fukushima is providing a reason for Exodus and re-birth through man-made Plutonium radiation; this is why Edward Teller said "It's a boy" upon hearing the news from the Trinity detonation. The Exodus route along the ancient "Silk Road" ends at Mt Carmel where Elijah brought fire from the Lord upon the Priests of Baal (Phoenician word for Lord); like the original Exodus across the Red Sea, Jordan (Idumea=Land of Edom) is the last hurdle; Bozrah means "Edom's Sheepfold".
    Cyrene/Barqa was the birthplace of the Libyan Civil War; ever wonder how a bunch of rag tag rebels managed to set up the Central Bank of Benghazi within days of the Purim Tomahawk Cruise Missile attack? Is it just coincidence Joseph Kony, a Luo tribe descandant like Obama claims to be, is creating an excuse to set up an AFRICOM presence in Somalia?
    Ex-Catholic Church altar boy turned "Lord's Resistance Army" leader Joseph Kony is being hailed a criminal; he is, but so is Obama for starting the Libyan War without Congressional approval. This week Jesuit Gen. Martin Dempsey and Jesuit Def Sec Leon Panetta stated "International permission, not the Congress provides the legal basis for war". Coincident with this Un-Constitutional drivel is Joint Resolution 107 whereby the House of Representatives and the Senate will declare a war started by Obama an "Impeachable High Crime". Like so-called "Rogue" dictators Saddam Hussein, Bashar al-Assad, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Muamar Qadaffi before, the plan is not that tough to figure out.
    Time to bear your Sins and take them to Jesus folks!

Mar 9 Alawite 
Shia Islam split from Sunni; Alawites are an esoteric Shia branch of "Twelver" Ismailis who mix Gnostic, Islam and Melkite beliefs. Melkites "Byzantine Rite" is the "Church of the East" ie Rising Sun, found among Russian Orthodox, Copt, Greek Orthodox, Syrian (Aramaean), Ethiopian Orthodox, Armenian, Kurds and Assyrians. The Sepharvites brought the Rabbit Idol of Anammelech to Israel ca 722 BC; the Edomite King Herod celebrated Easter and the Pagan Emperor Constantine declared Sunday the Sabbath Happy Easter? I think not.  Hafez like Bashar al-Assad of Syria are both Baathist (Re-birth/Renaissance) Sunni as well as Alawite Shia ie a house built on sand literally and spiritually. China, US, UK, France, Canada and other nations are currently closing embassies, cancelling airline service and removing diplomats and workers in advance of a planned military strike on Syria.
    China evacuated 36K workers in Libya on 3/3/11 ahead of the NATO/US bombing of Libya; clairvoyant? the UN Resolution authorizing military intervention came 2 weeks later on 3/17 with Depleted Uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise Missiles following on 3/19 in complete disregard of the US War Powers Act and Constitution. Don't recall that? Fukushima stole the headlines on 3/11; strange how a Tsunami wave flooded Diesel back-up generators and coolant pumps with intakes 5 stories up eh? They didn't, Siemens control valves closed intentionally, melting MOX (Plutonium Oxide) fuel was then mixed with seawater, intentionally destroying the Ocean and Atmosphere at the perfect location on earth to do so, and the situation is getting worse by the day. Surprising? Jesus said unless those days were shortened, no flesh would remain; folks, "those days" are likely quite near.
    On Purim, 3/19/2003 hundreds of DU laced Tomahawk Cruise Missiles rained down in the US "Shock and Awe" campaign on Baghdad to start Gulf War II. The pre-planned event on Purim to start the Libyan War was lead by the USS Barry because Barry=Barack=Lightning. The Libyan War is currently called "Operation Odyssey Dawn". Homer's Odyssey was written about the Trojan War, the quintessential example of Traitors operating inside one's own nation in order to destroy it. Iraq is called "Operation New Dawn" Eos is Dawn aka Easter, Ishtar, Esther, Ashtoreth, of the Syrian Astarte. Nowruz "New Dawn" is March 20, the Zoroastrian/Persian New Year.
    Renaissance/Baath means "Re-birth" of what? Black Nobility; not black skin, black refers to absence of the Holy Ghost ie God; recall Jesus said as long as He is in the earth, He is the light of the world; the day is quickly approaching when He will not be here and pardon the expression, but "All Hell will break loose" (Ref Rev 6:14 and the Trumpet Warnings of Rev 8; it's no picnic, especially for those out of Covenant (Not Sealed) with Jesus Christ. Black Nobility took over the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church under Pope Leo X; an agent of Black Nobility, Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa; a mask by that name was found among Assyrian ruins of Nineveh during the reign of Sargon II; the point? Sargon means "Legitimate King"; the Assyrian King Sargon I was declared "Legitimate" as Nowruz (Vernal Equinox) Sun rose in Aries "Ram" ca 2300 BC; Sargon II became "Legitimate" when Israel was taken into Assyrian captivity ca 722 BC; he took the title from his brother Shalmaneser V (Solomon of Assyria). Do you find it odd Shamaneser I (1274 BC) reigned some 300 years before King Solomon yet they carried the same name? Sargon III will become Legitimate when Israel (Born Again Christians who "Wrestle with God") are removed from Earth. Remember, this refers to Rev 6:14 and has nothing to do with physical Israel. Jesus said, except those days were shortened, no flesh would remain. We are getting there quickly.     
     Abram's eldest son Ishmael was prophesied to be a wild man with his hand against everyone and everyone against him; living among his brethren; Alawites, Baathist, Druze, Wahhabist, Zoroastrians, Melkites, Templars, Hospitallers, Sufis, Zionists describe them; religion matters nothing; the terms Crypto or Marrano mean they will say or do anything to create "Order out of Chaos". Sunni Wahhabists refer to Alawites as "Greater infidels than Christians or Jews" That's the "Pot calling the kettle black"; the thing they have in common is King Abdullah (Abd=Servant; Allah or Ullah is Sin) in both Saudi Arabia and Jordan (Idumea); Why? Abram's adomnition to his sons were to not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan; Ishmael did as did Esau (Idumea=Edom=Esau). Now does it make sense why Obama bowed to King Abdullah and proclaimed a "New Beginning for Islam" in Cairo standing next to Hosni Mubarak? Does it make sense why the Baathist dictator and Carlyle Group investor Saddam Hussein gave birth through his death of a Shia dictatoship led by Ayad Allawi? That's the Ressurection meant here. SOSDD folks!
    Melkite means Royal; Christian? Not on your eternal life; the Chi-Rho symbolizes the Royal Christ (Sun) rising through the X (Chi=Christ) as the sword pierced the side of Jesus; Is this Jesus? No, more like the womb "Dark Rift" of the Milky Way and Ecliptic (Sun, Moon, Planets).  When? 12/21/2012. Why? X is the 24th English letter and Art 24 "Covenant of One-heaven" claims the Pale Horse rides on 12/21/2012. Pretty out in the open isn't it? Want more proof?
     Remember Shock and Awe? Shekinah is the Sword in Kaballah; a feminine form of "Christ". Why is the Chi-Rho carved into every Catholic Cathedral? To answer that one need only refer to the Papal visions of Fatimah, the source of Shia Ismaelism and Alawites. MLK means "Royal King"; Melek-Taus is the Royal Peacock venerated at Nowruz on the Vernal Equinox in Iran which means "Noble or Royal Caste"; in witchcraft and astrology Nowruz is called "Ostarra" (Zoroaster means Star Seed as does Ostarra, Eos or Easter); it's a "New Dawn" folks! Yezidis aka Devil worshippers of Koordistan aka Kurds venerated the Peacock perhaps first, but is anyone else feeling proud as a peacock now?.
    Jesus said "Call no man upon the earth Father; the Chair of St Peter carries the Pope (Father); it is flanked by Peacock feathers and an inscription "There is no god but Allah (Sin) and Muhammad (Name) is his prophet" MLK "Royal King" aka Martin Luther King was made into a 40ft stone idol cut from a larger stone at Washington DC, there is another "Chip off the block" eh?  33Prince Hall Freemason, Malcolm X (Milcolm is the Ammonite version of Melek/Moloch; X is the Royal Christ) changed his name to Bari (Solar Boat/Barque or Lightning) Malik Shabazz (Shah=Persian "King" and Azz means "Royal Falcon"); his illegitimate son is likely none other than Barack Hussein Obama (Obama means "He is with us" in Persian). Need more proof?
      Alawites took control of Syria under Hafez al-Assad. Ever wonder why 12/21/2012 is written and called the "Age of the 5th Sun"? Go back to Israel being taken into Assyrian captivity and explain why it coincided with Shamaneser V ie 5th Son of Solomon of Assyria and Sargon II. The 5th Sun is based on the enus calendar; V is the Roman numberal 5. Syria was originally founded by Shem's 5th Son Aram, the perpetual enemies of Israel. The upcoming Syria/Iran War in 2012 is not an unplanned accident. Babylon means "Gate of the Sun"; the Alawite "Trinity" consists of Muhammad (Name), Ali (Meaning derived from the 1st Imam) and Salmon (Door). The Seal of Solomon (Salmon) aka Six Pointed Star has nothing to do with King David, it is the Star of Melek/Moloch ie the "Door". Ever wonder why Romani=Rome=Romnichel, a Kale=Black Gypsy, named Mitt Romney is running for US President from the Beehive State? Lots of Bees in Hexagrams serving the Queen just like witches who use the Hexagram as a Sigil of Satan folks, and they all serve the same master includig Tea Party/ FOX News shill Sarah Palin who sports a Hexagram on her necklace these days. Jesus called Herod Antipas and "Old Fox" for a reason.
    Open the "Door" folks, not Muhammad, the "Door" Jesus is standing behind and establish a relationship with Him; that Door will close when Sargon III is declared "Legitimate" and pardon the pun, he will "Pale" in comparison to Jesus!

Israel PM Netanyahu gave US (Illegitimate) President Obama a copy of the Book of Esther at the AIPAC conference on the eve of Purim in Washington DC. Madonna changed her name to Esther and re-enacted "Isthar's (Esther=Easter) descent into the netherworld" during the Superbowl calling the spectacle the "Holy of Holies" in sports; she went from Queen of Heaven to groveling at the feet of Cee Lo Green (Cello=Cella=Holy of Holies; Green=Templar Green Man). First, who or what is Israel? and Why would America and Israel form a "Political Action Committee". Politics is the art of bringing many under the rule of one; America's Great Seal features "E Pluribus Unum" (Out of many, one) and "Annuit Coeptis" (God approves of our endeavor). God separated the Nations by water and language; I can assure you He does not approve of this in any way shape or form. Amos 5:2 explains "The Virgin of Israel has fallen; she shall no more rise; she is forsaken on her land; there is none to raise her up" Why? "But ye hath borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god which ye made to yourselves" That image is the Six Pointed Star on the Israeli flag. Real Israel is in "captivity beyond Damascus..." Amos 5:27. Jesus was Jewish; He warned us not to call any man on earth Rabbi (Mat 23:8) because they teach Israel the Kaballah and Babylonian Talmud, a lovely document detailing how Jesus writhes in boiling excrement in Hell. So who is Israel today? The list in 2 Kings 17:30-31 tells us: Medes, Cuthah, Babylonians, Avites, Hamathites etc; no Jews in that list. Why does AIPAC form the most powerful American lobby? Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; Amar is the Canaanite god of the West; Priests of Ameru are Joktanite Arabs from Yemen and Ethiopia; take your pick but America is not a "Christian" nation under God; it is a Masonic Nation in league with Edomites (Esau) and Assyrians. There have been 2 men with the title Sargon "Legitimate King" ca 2150 BC as the vernal equinox sunrise precessed from Taurus to Aries and 720 BC when Israel was taken into Assyrian captivity; the third Sargon will be Antichrist, an Alternative Messiah. 
     God is not mentioned in Esther; Jews in Persian captivity returned to Jerusalem by decree of Cyrus the Great, prophesied 200 years before his birth; sadly many Jews had forgotten scripture and remained content in captivity as many Christians do today; only the Truth will set us free and Jesus Christ is Truth. The Assyrian word for "Prince" is Salt (Angelina Jolie played Evelyn Salt, a Trojan Horse traitor from Russia; cute eh?); Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt for lamenting her lifestyle in Sodom; Oops!
   Exodus 1:8 begins with "Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph." The new king was Edomite ie Amalekite, a foreigner from a group of shepherds called "Hyksos" who ruled Egypt, brought war making (Shields, Chariots, Swords etc) and taught worship and sacrifice of the Apis (Apis=Word) Bull; now you know where the term Bullshit comes from and why the same golden bull at Dan and Beth-el, Amos was sent to warn Israel of is now sitting on Wall St financing America's wars of aggression. Moses and Aaron, descendants of Levi were raised up to lead God's followers to freedom. Levi lived 137 years; 137 is the so-called "DNA of Light" and 33rd Prime Number (The short lived series Flash Forward put this out in plain view); Moses and Aaron's father Amram also lived 137 years; fancy that so did Ishmael which is why Ismailis such as Iraq's Grand Ayathollah Ali Sistani, Iran's Ayathollah Ali Khameini and Pakistan's Nizari Ismaeli spiritual leader Aga Khan IV believe the world cannot exist without them and why 33Freemasons believe they are "Sovereign" (Free of and Equal with God) Ever wonder why Astro-physicists claim the Universe is 13.7 Billion years old and 13.7 Billion light-years across? Right it's all Bullshit.
   Netanyahu, an Ashkenazi descendant of Japheth is not Jewish, Israeli or even Semitic; he gives Obama a copy of Esther on the eve of Purim because a grand stage play is being constructed. Remember Obama's visit to Ireland last summer where he stated he was related to Irish Royalty via O'Bama? Of course it was Bullshit, Obama means "He is with us" in Persian/Farsi. Why? Irish royalty claims descent from a daughter of Judah's King Zedekiah, as does the Mormon Church; Bullshit to be sure as the prophet Jeremiah never took a daughter of Zedekiah anywhere. The Purim (Puru is an Assyrian term for Crush, Bring to Naught and Cast lots for Marduk) stage being set f eatures Obama as Ahasuerus (Xerxes) who is asked to kill enemies of the Jews (remember Netanyahu is as Jewish as the Star of Moloch). Haman the Edomite is being played by Shia Twelver Mahmoud Ahmadinejad; ironic in that Ahmadinejad actually claims to be of Israelite descent from "Saborjian" (Cloth Dyer or Weaver). AIPAC is playing the role of Esther, the Persian whore. Above the stage is Mordechai who refused to bow to Xerxes played by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Remember when Obama bowed to Abdullah in 2009? Adb=Servant; Ullah=Allah "Servant of Allah". Guess who he claims descent from? Mordechai.
   Got all this figured out folks? Lots of actors playing parts in a pre-arranged Armageddon Script designed to reveal the 12th Imam "al-Mahdi" which Jesus refers to as the Antichrist aka Alternative Messiah. Jesus did not warn us of enemies on the opposite side of the battlefield; He warned us of Wolves in Sheep's Clothes; the Pastors, Priests, Imams, Rabbis feeding us Purim, Lent, Easter and Hannukkah/Christmas Bullshit. Sorry if Bullshit is offensive, I don't mean it to be; it's just time to wake up. NASA reported a large Solar Flare due to arrive at the middle of Purim, capable of disrupting GPS satellites, Communications Satellites, Internet and Power Grids across the northern hemisphere. Is it coincidence that Jesus became the Scapegoat for the world's Sins and the Sun may be used in a similar fashion on Purim? Rest assured "Our enemies are the men of our own house" Jesus and the prophet Micah.
Mar 4 Romney: 
Romanichel are Romani Gypsies who migrated from India to Turkey, Hungary/Romania, Wales and to America to what Christopher (Christ=Messiah; Taufr=Norse "Red") Columbus' "New Jerusalem", Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" or the Mormon Church "Zion". Grigory Schwartz aka George Soros an "Economic Hit Man" and Zbigniew Brzezinski a chess player on The Grand Chessboard are examples as is Mitt Romney.
    Missionary is not in scripture because the Holy Ghost needs no help by man in attaining true Born Again Christian believers. Mitt romney's 4th generation grandfather Parley Pratt began the Mormon Church much the way Plymouth Brethren began the false teaching of a pre-tribulation "Rapture" and the Muslim (One who submits to Allah aka Sin) religion began; 14 year olds (Joseph Smith, Margarat McDonald and Muhammad) will incredibly tall tales.
    Like the original Hyksos (Amalekite ie Edomite "Red" foreign rulers of Egypt), Jesuits, Shia Islam (Nizari and Twelver branches) Mormons have been expelled from areas they colonize. Gov Liman Boggs signed "Executive Order 44" aka "Extermination Order 44" (Obama is President #44 for a reason) calling Mormons untrustworthy and double dealing; Parley Pratt swore to teach the Mormon "Oath of Vengeance" to the 4th generation (Mitt is the 4th) to confiscate Gentile wealth and property, consecrate it to the sons of Israel (Mormons are falsely taught they descend from Ephraim or Dan) and take vengeance on this nation (America) and the Gentile Race. Race in scripture is always a contest of speed; he correct word is Generation meaning re-generation of the Holy Ghost which is why Mormons deny it. Parley enticed the wife of Hector McClean to accept Mormon baptism and elope to Utah as his 9th wife; he was tracked down and killed in Arkansas where Brigham Young would later exact vengeance in the Mountain Meadows Massacre on the Arkansas "Fancher-Baker Party" 9/11/1857.
     St John's is named after St John the Divine, a mythical combination of John the Baptist (Water Baptism) and John the Evangelist (John wrote Revelation by the Holy Ghost; Mormon spirit communication is witchcraft). In St John's, Miles Romney began a newspaper called the Orion Era. Orion is Osiris, Joseph married Asenath a daughter of the Priests of On; Mormons falsely claim descent from that Matriarch; On is of course Osiris, Allah "Sin", Ilu, and Marduk; Babylon is the Gate of On. Ok so far? The Apache Chief newspaper in Tuscon ran articles calling for the expulsion of Mormons by gun or by rope, specifically calling for the execution of the arrested Miles Romney who subsequently skipped bail and fled to Mexico as a fugitive from pergury and polygamy.
     Mitt's father George was born in Mexico; the family fled the Mexican Revolution settling in Detriot where the un-naturalized fugitive Gypsy became Governor and CEO of American Motors; Mitt is thus ineligible to run for President.
     Mitt Romney is a CFR initiate sworn to end US national sovereignty; his advisory team includes Brooking's Inst "Which path to Persia" Robert Kagan, Black Water Mercenary co-founder Cofer Black, 9/11/2001 DOD Comproller thief Rabbi Dov Zakheim (his company Flight Termination Systems, designed the remote flight technology used in military flts #11 and #175; no they were not American or United Airliners), Michael Chertoff (Chertoff Associates lobby the UN for Full Body and Back-scatter X-Ray machines for people and cargo; he first transported FEMA weapons to to the Contra rebels during Iran-Contra) and Arizona sherriff Joe Arpaio whose Cold Case Posse, backed by the Tea Party is demanding Obama produce his birth records, passport, E-Verify documents, Selective Service records and Social Security Card. What do you suppose will happen when thee are proven to be forgeries? What will happen to perhaps 200,000 US troops in Afghanistan, Iraq, Socotra Is, Masirah Is and Israel when the shooting starts? To answer that one may need to go back in Romney's history and ask why Pres. Grover Cleveland would pardon Mormon polygamists in Arizona and why Arizona sheriff Joe is on his board.
     Arizona was once a breakaway confederacy of New Mexico; its name is Basque "Arizonak" meaning "Good Oaks". Recall, this saga began with Romani Gypsies arriving in Wales where Druids (Dru=Tree) "Men of Oaks" sacrificed their offerings to Satan by "Hanging them on a Tree". Jesus wrote the law in Deut 21:23 detailing exactly this method of experminating a "Disobedient Son"; He took upon Himself the sins of the entire world up to that point and during the "Generation" of Born Again Christians who followed. I suggest it's way past time to start following His example; the Mormon White Horse Prophecy is also called the Blood in the Streets Prophecy for a reason.
   Mar 4-6 is the AIPAC Conference; Romney, Netanyahu and Obama will discuss the Iran (Arya=Noble Caste) War and a freshly elected parliament focused on Shia Twelver Imam Ali Kahmeini whose sole mission in life is to carry the "Nas" (Holy Spirit) of the occulted Imam "al-Mahdi" and reveal him to the world at the appropriate time ie after the final Zoroastrian battle of Good V Evil; Armageddon? Heaven's no WWIII "al-Mahdi" is the Pale Horse not Jesus; they hate Him with a passion matched only by Mormons like Romney.
March 1 
March "Mars" is New Year named after the Roman God of War; Julius Caesar was stabbed 23 times on the Ides of March by the men closest to him, which may be why Romney adviser, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his "Cold Case Posse" are holding a press conference today attended by nearly all major news outlets in Phoenix (Arab bird rising out of its own self destruction), AP, Radio etc detailing Obama's ineligibility to hold the Office of US President. Natural Born Citizen, False CT Social Security #, Passport, and E-Verify are all being reported by Arpiyo who says the "Results are a shock"; Sure. Hey Joe, you should also look into Mitt's father George Romney; he was born in Mexico and was never naturalized a US citizen! MEChA, La Raza Unida and Voz de Aztlan will pounce on this hypocrisy. Tea Party eye candy Sarah Palin's ghost written book Going Rogue with her in a Red Coat and her business "Rouge Cou" may come to mind because this may in fact turn out to be an Edomite (Red=Rouge) Coup. Recall Romney (Romnichel) is of Welsh Gypsy origin; British means "Covenant by Birth"; the Tea Party like the Boston Tea Party was a Masonic Enterprise as is Freedom Works and the modern Tea Party.
    "Every 700 years the Laurel Grows Green Again"-Cathar saying The French and Catholic Church stripped Templar (Cathar military) assets and awarded them to the SMOM Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Rhodes in 1312; do the math. Sovereign means "No higher rank"; ie God is not above them. The Order is also called Knights of St John of Jerusalem or Hospitallers; notice the Tea Party flag "Don't tread on me" has the same coiled serpent as the Cadeuces Medical/Hospital symbol. Tikkun Olam is the Hebrew term for "Repair the Earth". Unification Church prophet Sun Myung Moon says "Jesus failed in his ministry"; the US Congress agrees, they pronounced him "Messiah of the Universe" in 2004 at the Dirksen Senate Office Building. Moon disciple Ban Ki Moon of South Korea (Korea=Core=Korah; the Crescent Moon symbolizes "Sin") manages UN Agenda 21 using the "Department of Sustainable Development". The Unification Church uses the UN as the vehicle to enforce Sharia (Revealed) Law and Noahide Law.
    All Hebrews, 21 and over died during the 40 years in the Sinai; not Egypt, Arabia; after that, there was a choice of Priesthood under Aaron or Korah; the latter became the Quyrash bedouins of Mecca which originated the Muslim (One who submits) religion and its various brahches: Sunni-Baathist-Wahhabist and Shia-Twelver-Nizari-Sufi; over both is Bahai trying to unite 3 bloodlines of Abraham under Hagar, Sarah and Keturah.
    Under Agenda 21, submision results in survival; rejection results in removal from the world's first truly Communist form of Government; Mao and Stalin murdered 110 Million between them, but neither achieved the Communist Utopia envisioned by Plato (actually Salon from Egypt) or Karl Marx (Moses Levy Mordechai) yup, Mordechai of Purim fame. UN Agenda 21 is the "Green Agenda" (Templar Green Man "Dionysus") which rose out of the Gulf War I Purim sacrifice; it promotes Control of all natural resources, Atmosphere, Land, Mountains, Fresh Water and Oceans, financed by so-called "First World" Nations subjected to Resource taxation and the confiscation of all personal property. No personal farming, mining, harvesting of timber or water; no rural living, only warehousing of citizens in cities. No private transportation, only public; equal energy allotments of money and energy; mandatory vaccines, forced birth control, sterilization and end of life management (eugenics of elderly and unproductive).
    The Jesus Discovery A 1st century, pre 70AD Ossuary (Bone Box) was found (Good timing with the Gnostic Manuscript in Turkey denying everything about the Divinity of Jesus eh?) by Dr James Tabor, Simcha Jacobivici (his partner in this crime is 33Freemason Jim Cameron of Alien, Terminator, Titanic and Avatar fame; in other words he is Sovereign ie above God). The bones are claimed to be of Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their family. Magdalene comes from Migdol meaning Tower as in Tower of Babel where Bab=Gate of El or On. The inscription reads "Divine Jehovah, Raise Up, Raise up"; the Ossuaries have inscriptions of the Star of David, Fish and a Cross shaped Gate. 1 Cor 15 covers the Resurection thouroghly. Jesus was Crucified on Passover (14 Nisan) was taken down from the Tree before sundown per the law written in Deut 21:23 and laid in the Sephulchre as Sinless Flesh on  "Unleavened Bread" (15 Nisan) where He remained until First Fruits (17 Nisan). No Bones about it. The symbols are not Jewish or Christian; Star of David was never used by King David, it is the Star of Molech. The Fish is not Christian, it is the Labrys which originated on Crete with the Minoans and later became the Phoenician symbol of the Fisher Kings. This is why Mission, Missionary, Monk, Nun, Convent, Monastery and Aesceitic are not found in Scripture; they are also Satanic. Congregation appears once in the New Testament; Paul and Barnabas said "Get out"; Synagogue appears once in the Old Testament; King David lamented that all the Synagogues of God had been burned (CeDom means Burn or Scorch one' soul). The Cross is not Christian, it symbolizes the Quartered Earth, the Sacred Tau, Divine Child "Tammuz" (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire), Egyptian Ankh (Solar Cross) and the X formed by the Ecliptic (Sun, Moon, Planets) and Zodiac (Fixed ie not "Big Bang" expanding Stars) with the Sun (On, El, Ilu, Marduk, Molech, Allah etc) rising through the Gate (Bab) on 12/21/2012.     
    Folks, we are fighting a Spiritual battle and Mars is the Pagan god of War. Jesus has the armor to help you in this battle but you must ask Him.


Feb 29 Tower of Babel " they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar...let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar...Go build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven...the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." Gen 11:2-6 Tower "Migdal" is a feminine word meaning castle or fortune; the English word is derived from Tur a Lofty pile, mass or stone heap; if not the oldest, perhaps the most famous one I'm aware of is Glastonbury Tor the mythical "Avalon" and home of King Arthur. Slime "Chemar" is Bitumen: Hydrocarbon ie organic pitch, tar or oil used in asphalt roads or the petroleum industry; the word means "Rise to the Top". Keep in mind the US needs Jet A ie Kerosene and Diesel for 100% of its Land, Sea and Air transportation. Slime is the Mortar used to hold Bricks together. Brick "Laban or Lbenah" means To make White using white clay for Brick Altars. Rome and Washington DC utilize a lot of White Stone hewn with incredible precision, ironically by slaves who were often not white. "And if thou wilf make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. Ex 20:25
   The Tower of Babel was not a physical brick and slime tower to heaven; it was and still is made of 1. Stones: Bricks are People. 2. Gathered by Missionaries. Galeed, the term Jacob used is Hebrew for Heap of Witness; Holy means Separate as does Ekklesia the Greek word for Church. Jacob "Wrestled with God" and was renamed Israel; if you want to be part of Israel get out of the Congregation or Synagogue and establish a personal Covenant with Jesus Christ, the author of the Jewish Covenant.  Jegar-Sahadutha means gather together or congregate; this is the Chaldean ie Babylonian term Laban called his "Heap of Witness" aka Tower of Babel. 3. Burned means CeDom: To Burn or Scorch, Sodom was founded on Freedom from God and all His Laws. 4. Bound: People are bound by Secret Oaths and Blackmail; they (Slime) rise to the top of the Evolutionary (A lie) heap through taxation, usury, theft etc to amass their "Fortune" on the labor of Slaves. 5. Their Oaths make them Free of Free of God; thus the term Freemason.
     The Tower of Babel (Migdal) is the so-called Sacred Feminine, Queen of Heaven or Holy Grail if you will; a myth to be sure, but one that started as the Nations became divided by Water 2348-2244BC; hence the "High Places" were the first (CeDom) ritual centers. Nimrod (Cushite son of Ham "Black") did not build the Tower of Babel or the first City, Nineveh (Assyrian Capital); he was merely the "Scapegoat". Migdal became associated with Mary Magdalene in the books Holy Bllood, Holy Grail and The DaVinci Code because Migdol is feminine; the Serpent, a symbol of Freedom beguilded Eve, then Eve enticed Adam. Bayt El is the Black Stone of Mecca in the Ka'aba. Ka'aba "Enclosure" is derived from Kabbalah, the enclosure or womb of Allah. Bab=Gate; El=Allah, Ilu, Marduk, Osiris. The center of the Kabbalah Tree of Life is the X; the same location in White Stone is the Washington Monument in Washington DC. Capitol "Womb of Jupiter/Zeus" is home to Congress (Congredi means Meeting for War); above the old House of Representatives room is a bundle of rods bound by a Serpent; thus America was from the beginning governed by Freedom, whose 19.5ft tall statue stands atop the Capitol Rotunda. Why 19.5ft? The foot is the unit of earth measurement used in Geodesy or Geomancy and 19.5 years is the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon whose union produced al-Allah.
     America is to become the Scapegoat for Rev 18 Babylon and the Roman Catholic Church the Scapegoat for Rev 17 "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." On every Catholic Cathedral is the Chi-Rho symbolizing the Sun rising through the X formed by the Zodiac (Milky Way) and Ecliptic (Sun, Moon, Planets) on 12/21/2012; Pope #112 according to the prophecy of St Malachy will see Rome burn as Congress #112 sees America burn. The Tower of Babel, built from the Slimepits of Sodom in Gen 13:13, now 4200 years old will be completed as the 42 month Great Tribulation begins in Rev 13; the Venus (Mayan) Calendar will of course read Occult nonesense? God created the Sun, Moon and Stars 6000 years ago to tell the time and seasons; the Flood created a precesion of the Sun with respect to the Zodiac which form the Chi-Rho on 12/21/2012 and told us He is not slack concerning His promise to return when Earth is 6000 years old (ref 2 Pet 3:8). The reason you don't hear this in Church is Slime are spoon feeding lies to pacify the sheep until it's too late. Holy means Separate folks!
    The final Bricks are now being placed in the Tower to create "Order out of Chaos" in WWIII by Sovereign Freemasons and Knights of Malta, the original Hospitallers who assumed the mantle from the Knights Templar 700 years ago this year; Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion", a word derived from the Cathars who declared "Every 700 years the laurel grows green again" The first 700 year cycle was in Sargon II day when Assyrians made a treasonous pact with Ephraim and replaced Israel ca 700 BC; the discharge of pent up emotion resulted in the Crucifixion of God. This 700 year cycle will end with the revealing of Sargon III as "Legitimate King" when "Heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together" Rev 6:14 Man will be once again, Free of God.
    Slime 1:  CFR, Knight of Malta, 1991 Gulf War I, post Cease Fire Purim Butcher of Rumalia (Hwy 8 near Basra), DynCorp slave trader, war profiteer and NBC Commentator Gen Barry McCaffrey just briefed NBC Execs on the Iran War; journalists are renting commercial rooftops in Tel Aviv to film the attack just like the Purim 2003 attack on Baghdad. 
     Slime 2: 33Freemason (likely ordered the murder of PM Yitzhak Rabin and induced the stroke of PM Ariel Sharon) Shimon Peres on The View 2/29 declared if economic sanctions fail, Israel will attack Iran without notifying the US to prevent the acquisition of nuclear weapons; Iran has none and Israel has hundreds but Peres denied Israel has them.
     Slime 3: 33Freemason, NASA liar Edgar Mitchell declared on 2/28 Grey Aliens were on the moon with him and have been visiting earth.
    Slime 4: WHO and the CDC in Atlanta released weaponized H1N1 Bird Flu blueprints. The Bird is the Eagle, a symbol of God saving Israel and Esau exalting himself as an eagle; Influenza is spanish for "Occult Infestation"; Spanish is the term for the Sepharvaim who replaced Israel in 700 BC and natives in the Americas in the Age of Discovery. Science and Nature intend to publish the blueprints as well; The US will be the Scapegoat, taking the blame a Global Pandemic. Nothing new, the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was also created by the US at Ft Detrick. Weaponized H1N1 causes death by Pneumonia; Pneuma means Spirit. Cathing on yet?
     Slime 5: Anonymous announced the ability to take down the US Power Grid. NERC (National Electric Reliability Corp) is an NGO (Fascism is symbolized by the Fasces; Rods bound by Red Cord, a very prevalent symbol in Washington DC; Fascism is the merging of Corporate and Government power without accountability; this is a Non-Government Corporation) currently adjusting the frequency of the US Power Grid; doing so will result irrevocable destruction of power grid generators. An Anonymous Scapegoat? Hardly, Guy Fawkes was the Jesuit patsy 400 years ago for Thomas Percy aka Pierce as in Pres. Franklin Pierce and Barbara Pierce (Bush), the wife of 33Mason, CFR, Skull & Bones war criminal George HW Bush.
    Slime 6: North Korea vowed to start a "Sacred War" over US-ROK joint exercises Key Resolve (Feb) and Foal Eagle (Mar); Sacred? Korea is derived from Korah the rebel priesthood of Moses and Aaron; remember, the UN's first War started by 33Mason Harry Truman ended in Armistice ie be continued.
    Slime 7: Putin gave an election speech on Feb 23 "Defender of the Fatherland Day" invoking Napoleon's 1812 invasion of Russia. Cryptic because Russia was not the Fatherland, Nazi Germany was; Russia was the Motherland. Washington DC was invaded in 1812. Putin was secretly indicating his intent to force conscript men into the Red Army for the upcoming Iran War; the original day celebrated Lenin's 1t Draft into the Bolshevik Army in 1918.
    Slime 8: Standard and Poor's downgraded Greek debt to "Selective Default" 2/28 PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) may soon fall of the cliff the same way the Swine herd full of devils did in Mark 5.
    The Tower of Babel is about finished; the only thing left to consider is whether you are in or out. I suggest praising Jesus rather than joining the Swine full of devils; Swine means Inclosed or Penned Up; that's what your Church, Synagogue and Mosque is doing.

Feb 27 Ishmael: 
A 1500 year old Aramaic manuscript in Turkey was just released stating Jesus denied His Divinity, being the Messiah, denied the Trinity and His Crucifixion; it states Jesus prophesied the coming of Muhammad and states the real Messiah whether he or she will be Ishmaelite. Sorry if this is offensive but that's nothing but Pale Horse Shit (Ship High In Transit means Boat load of Lies). The question is why now?
    Ismaelis are not Muslim anymore than Kabbalists, Talmudic Rabbis or Noahide Laws are Jewish or Freemasons, Jesuits and Unitarians are Christian. Gen 16:12 tells us Ishmael is a wild man with his hand against everyone and everyone against him who dwells among all his brethren. Abram's 1st born of Hagar "Hagarenes" had daughters who married Edomites (Esau) and Jacob's son Joseph whose first born Ephraim is represented by the Mormon Church (an obvious lie, but the reason Mitt Romney is running for US President).
      Ismaelis are missing the "h" in Ishmael; notice in Rev 7 Juda (KJV) is alo missing the "h" because Jesus has it with Him in heaven; it means "God is with me", if you want it ask Him. Notice also Ephraim is not listed as being "Saved". God is not with an Ismaili anymore than He is with a high level Jesuit, Freemason, Mormon Melchisedek (Jesus is Melchisedek) Priest or Wiccan; they have declared their "Sovereignty" from God formally.
    Gnostics created the Muslim religion in 632AD, Allah being the Assyrian moon-god "Sin". Sunnis venerate Muhammad as a Quyrash ie descended of the rival priesthood of Moses and Aaron under Korah; they venerate King Abdullah whom Obama bowed to in June 2009 because he has submitted to Sin; Islam means "One who submits". Shias split from Sunnis by 700AD and in turn, by 1000AD had split into "Twelvers" such a those in Iran (Persia) seeking the return of "al-Mahdi", the 12th occulted Imam and Nizari "Assassins" who venerate Aga Khan IV.
    Freemasons poach lone "Sheep" from Protestant Churches; Jesuits from Catholic Churches and Ismaelis from Sunni and Shia Mosques; all 3 are initiated Secret Societies designed to make "Bricks" for the Tower of Babel (Gate of El, Allah, Osiris, Marduk). Jesus describes these initiates as "Wolves in Sheep's Clothes, Synagogue of Satan and Double Minded Men. They become Trojan Horses within Universities, Governments, Courts, Congregations etc. functioning as Shepherds, Guides, Mentors etc. Controlling both sides of conflict  "Dialectic" results in inveitable failure; a rigged game called a "Sting" in which blame is laid on a suitable "Scapegoat". The Korahite Priesthood replaced "Scapegoat" with "Azazel" in Lev 16:8 as an "Alternative" to God's plan; an Alternative Messiah scripture refers to as Antichrist. Why an Ishmaelite Messiah?  Birthright to Abraham's inheritance.
     Sin "Lord of the Calendar and Wisdom" was head of the Mesopotamian pantheon, venerated in Ur and Harran "City of the moon god"; Sabaeans of Harran refer to people who leave their religion in secret to enter that of another in public; Ismailism having originated by Hassan-I Sabbah where Sabbah means "Sunrise" was born at Qom, Iran which is also the location Shia Twelver Imams receive training and legitimacy and not coincidentally where Iran is accused of enriching Uranium. Coincidence? No.
     Ishmael was circumcised at 13 and died at 137, which is why 13 became the number associated with rebellion of Sodom (CeDom means Burn or Scorch a person's soul) and Gomorrah in Gen 13:13 and the Beast rising from the Sea in Rev 13 to start the Great Tribulation; 13 is also the 6th Prime Number; 6 being the number of Man and 666 being the number of the Alternative Messiah, an Ishmaelite according to the Aramaic text claiming the title Sargon III "Legitimate King". Why Aramaic? Aram was Shem's 5th son; begins the Age of the 5th Sun on 12/21/2012. Following this yet?
   137 is the 33rd Prime Number, referred to as the "DNA of Light". The "God Particle" aka "Graviton" will be revealed in 2012 according to Cern physicists attempting to prove "Gravity" holds the 13.7 Billion Light-Year Universe together with an energy level of 137TeV. Coincidence? No.
    America's role is to be the Scapegoat for Rev 18 "Babylon"; the last king of Babylon was Nabonidus, the father of Belshazzar who famously presided over Babylon's last days as "MENE, MENE, TEKEL UPHSARSIN" appeared on the wall; their kingdom was weighed in the balances and divided as America will soon be. Sargon the Great claimed legitimacy in Babylon, his daughter serving as High Prietess of Sin, as the Vernal Equinox sun rose in Aries; Sargon III will claim legitimacy as the vernal equinox sun rises in Aquarius on the Persian (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) New Year. Nabonidus' daughter served as High Priestess of Sin in Ur while his mother served as High Priestess of Sin in Harran; he built Tayma (Tema) in Arabia as the center of the moon god cult; the bible refers to Tayma as Mt Sinai; Sharia and Noahide Law are the Ismaelite replacements to God's Law delivered to Moses in Mt Sinai. Making any sense yet? Ismaelism is not just corrupting Muslims; it's corrupting Christians and Judaism; the Sunrise is called Hanukkah and Christmas. Christ=Messiah; Mass means sacrifice and distribution of the Scapegoat (Host). How can we be so duped? Sin (Moon) was the offspring of Ishtar (Venus) and Shamash (Sun); Shamash the offspring of the Creator of Wisdom and the Great Lady (Ningal) would up as the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah.
     Jesus issued 7 Church warnings to Turkey; is it any wonder a manuscript would surface now rejecting everything Jesus did?     
Feb 23 Cyber: 
Most of us have no idea what it means but 33Mason Jim Cameron sure did. In  Terminator 2 Judgment Day, Cyberdyne Systems creates SkyNet, the game spin-off uses the phrase Cybernetic Dawn. Now do you know what Cyber means? Me either. Cyborg T-800 is upstaged by the Shape Shifting T-1000; ever wonder why the Iraq War is Operation New Dawn? or why John McCain, after attending the recent Cybersecurity conference is proposing legislation expanding the Cybersecurity Act of 2012? This legislation greatly expands the nearly unlimited authority of NDAA 2012 which allows the military authority to to arrest, incarcerate, torture, extraordinary rendition and pending legislation by dual Israeli citizen Carl Levin will strip citizenship of US Citizens. Now US CYBERCOM (Cyber Command) will have greatly expanded authority to spy on foreign as well as domestic "Terrorists". Gen Keith Alexander runs both CYBERCOM and the NSA which is building its largest Cyber Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.
    In 1984 Terminator introduced us to automated killer Drones; quite a shock eh? Now what does Cyber mean. Hint: T is the Ankh, Tau or Cross of Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire); 800 is Omega (Jesus' title); 1000 is the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ. Cyber comes from Kybernetes; Kyber means "Steersman, Shepherd, Guide, Govern". The word means the "Art of Governing using Virtual Reality". Co-sponsors of the McCain bill are Jay Rockefeller and Joe Liberman; big surprise eh?
   Cyber and Kyber also come from "Khyber"; the Khyber Pass is the key strategic point on the Silk Road, deemed critical to the Mede/Persian King Darius I, Alexander the Great, Genghis Kahn, Turks, Persians, Afghans and Sikhs. It's also the strategic choke point for US-NATO supplies to Afghanistan, closed off since an October Drone attack in Islamabad. Catching on yet? It's also on the Exodus route linking SW China, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Jordan and Armageddon. What could possibly cause 200Million people to make that journey west? Fukushima Radiation. Pair a massive radiation leak with a North/South Korean conflict and the stage is pretty well set. Does that mean we are approaching Rev 16:16, Rev 17 "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT...", Rev 18 "Babylon is fallen" and Rev 19:7, the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ? NO!!! Cyber means Shepherd or Guide using Virtual Reality. Remember the movie trilogy The Matrix? Neo "The One", Trinity, Zion, Nebuchadnezzar, Merovingian, Persephone, the nightclub "Hell", the final battle and the Architect. Read Rev 6:8; the Pale Horse is Death and Hell follows. Like CYBERCOM, Death and Hell are capitalized because this is a spiritual battle we are in. Remember the "Strong Delusion"? God allows that to happen at the start of the Great Tribulation. Now does Cyber make sense? Now can you see why Mormons claim Jesus' Melchisedek Priesthood? why Mitt Romney is the likely Republican nominee? why Salt Lake is called "Zion" and why the NSA is building its largest Cyber Center there?
   The NSA was created by 33Mason/Shriner/Jester/Pendergast Mafia/Atomic bomb murderer Harry Truman, as was the CIA; on 9/11/2001 Gen Michael Hayden was in charge of the NSA; Knight of Malta George Tenet in charge of the CIA. 9/11 was a re-enactment of Samson's destruction of the Philistine Temple of Dagan 3000 years ago; the numerology and symbolism of the event are pretty obvious, perhaps because the NSA is also managed by Gen Michael Aquino, the co-founder of the Church of Satan with Anton LaVey and current head of the Temple of Set. Today, Michael Hayden is Mitt Romney's Terrorism and Intelligence advisor along with Rabbi Michael Chertoff of FEMA, HHS, and Full Body Naked Image and Backscatter X-Ray machine fame. His NSA replacement is Gen Keith Alexander a Bilderberg Mtg attendee in 2011. The Mtg Agenda: PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) collapse; European Union collapse; Iran attack, Arab Spring in North Africa, US Dollar collapse; China Syndrome ; Fukushima Radiation; E-Coli; and Oil price inflation.
    On Mar 20, Greece will default on its 14.3B Euro payment as Iran (Aryan=Noble Caste) celebrates Nowruz "New Light". Greece just changed its Constitution making Debt repayment the top priority; Greek Austerity will collapse the first "Domino", followed by PIIGS and the EU (The EU was founded by the Club of Rome). Why do that? Mario Draghi is a Rothschild (Red Shield=Esau's Family Crest) Banker (Bank=Bench; Judges sit behind the Bench) as is Italy's Monti Mario. Strange name? Monte Mario is the highest of Rome's 7 Hills known as Mons Vaticinus; Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent ie Mount of the Divining Serpent. The Serpent represents Freedom and Liberty from God which occurs at Rev 6:14. So we have Cyber, Serpent, Judgment defined, now who is the Guide/Shepherd? America is Amurru the Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Can means Divining Priest. Thi is why America has the HW Bush, Lincoln, Stennis, Viinson, and Washignton Carrier Goups stationed along the path from Japan to Syria to Shepherd the Sheep to Slaughter. What about Christopher Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci lending their names to America? Those Black Nobility Venetian stooges, like Marco Polo who spent 17 years with Genghis Kahn's grandson Kublai Kahn never discovered anything; Christ=Messiah; Taufr=Red in Norse language. Vespucci means Wasp.
    Let's face facts folks, the world has been Stung by Wasps and Bees (Bee means Word in Chaldee, in biblical reality Bee means Lie). "Sting" is a rigged game Bankers dreamed up with a pre-determined conclusion of Bankruptcy; we never get to see the Hidden Books, only the Debt. They have won the physical battle, so why fight it? They have lost the spiritual battle; since we are in physical bodies, why not let Jesus fight that?
Genghis Kahn united the Silk Road politically; his grandson Kublai Kahn positioned his capital at Karakoram; both were members of the Shakya Order, a clan founded by Guatama Buddha. The Kyber Pass Railway in WWI and the Karakoram Hwy after WWII was built for one purpose, to convey Sheep to slaughter in WWIII in order to fake Rev 16,17,18 and 19. The Roman Catholic Church is not "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." anymore than America is "Babylon". So what Religion is "MYSTERY, BABYLON..."? Shamanism and Witchcraft. What religion was Genghis Kahn? You guessed it Shamanism. Who mentored Genghis Kahn? Ong Kahn a Nestorian. Nestorius the Patriarch of Constantinople proclaimed Jesus was not the Son of God, only an incarnation of the Logos. Oops! Constantinople is named after Constantine whose Chi-Rho symbol attempted to unite Paganism and Christianity. The symbol astrologically symbolizes the Sun rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac on 12/21/2012 aka Want out of the Cyber Matrix? Ask Jesus Christ.  The world is not billions or millions of years old; it is 5996 years old and occultists know Jesus is returning when it is 6000 years old. Why? Because He said so (eg. 2 Pet 3:8-10); they tremble at His Word and we need to as well.

Mardi Gras=Fat Tuesday Shrove means "Impose Penance" Tuesday is Tiwas, Tiu or Tyr the pagan god of single combat called Mars; Ruby Tuesday? Mars is the angry red planet; Mars Hill  aka "Areopagus" in Athens had inscriptions to the "UNKNOWN GOD" whom Paul said pagans worship ignorantly. Don't make that mistake.
   Carnival means "Absence of meat; Farewell Flesh; Whose Flesh? Jesus Christ of course. Lent means "Spring"; Spring what? The Sun.  Stay with me folks, Easter is "First Light" on  Sunday "Dies Solis" after the Full Moon following Spring Equinox; Sound like anything God ordained? Uh no. Lent is 40 days preparation for Easter (Ishtar), the Edomite (Edom means Red) Holy Day King Herod celebrated in Acts 12:4 has nothing to do with Passover, Unleavened Bread or First Fruits. June roughly coincides with the Babylonian month "Tammuz"; Lent was originally celebrated in Babylon, Assyria, Phoenicia, Egypt, India and elsewhere May-June; Lent was moved to early spring in order that Easter and Passover would become confused; similarly Tabernacles (15-22 Tishrei=Sept-Oct; Jesus was born on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles, not Christmas) was moved to the Solstice aka Christmas/Hanukkah. Quite a coup eh? Christians set up Groves, ornament them with Sacrifices, light their houses like Herod's Temple on "Festival of Lights" within 2 months the fertility cycle begins again with Lent, a Rabbit Idol (Amammellech is the Rabbit) and colored eggs. Time for the nonesense to stop!
   40 days comes from: 40 day of Flood rain; 40 days after Noah sighted land, he sent forth a dove and raven; Joseph mourned the death of Jacob 40 days; Moses was on Mt Sinai (in Arabia not Egypt) 40 days; Joshua spied Canaan 40 days; Goliath taunted Jews 40 days; Jonah warned Nineveh (Shem's son Asshur built Nineveh, not Nimrod) of God's judgment in 40 days; Ezekiel bore Judah's iniquity 40 days and Jesus fasted 40 days before His "Single combat" with Satan; refer back to Tyr.
   40 hours elapsed from Jesus' death (9th Hour=3PM) on "Good Friday" to First Light Easter Sunday, right? Wrong. The Phariees were offering First Fruits wearing their Phalacteries (calf skin cube shaped box with scriptures worn over their pinneal gland "3rd Eye") then; Jesus spent 3 days, 3 nights in the Sepulchre and was in Heaven by then. Lent and Easter is all about Tammuz, not Jesus. Why the masks?
   Domini means Mask; Dom=Sun; Constantine proclaimed Sunday the Sabbath, not God. Esau was Jacob's Twin; he obtains Dominion (Gen 27:40KJV) not Jacob. Jesus warned not to disfigure our faces when we fast; a Mask, Phalactery or Ashen T or Cross matters not; they are outward signs not inward ones. Why the forehead? Jesus seals His followers with a sign (not a visible one) in the forehead (Rev 7:3); the Mark of the Beast will be in the right hand or forehead as well, an outward sign of allegiance with the Alternative Messiah "Tammuz". 
    Roman Catholics, Lutherans, Episcopalians, Anglicans, Prebyterians and others will start Lent observance tommorrow, some with an ashen cross on their forehead; in Ur of the Chaldees it was a "T". Why Ash? Job is the oldest book in scripture (likely written just before Moses wrote the 1st 5 books during his 40 days with God); Satan is allowed to torment Job with boils from head to toe and he lays down in ashes. At the 2nd Coming, Jesus purifies the world of sin with "Eyes of Flame" ie Fire; 3 1/2 years (1260 days; 42 months; Time, Times, dividing of Time) before that day comes Tammuz will do what his name suggests; Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire. When? Rev 8; Pale means "Ashen", when this Horse rides Death arrives and Hell follows him. Let's cut the crap and call him what Ezekiel did in Eze 8 "Tammuz". If the western churches have it wrong, maybe eatern churches have it right?
   Orthodox (Syrian, Armenian, Greek, Russian, Copt) Lent lasts 8 weeks. The liturgical benediction (or close to it; I've never heard nor will hear one) "May Christ our True God through intercesion of his most pure Mother and the honorable and glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist John..." Christ means "Messiah"; Christ can be anyone from the "ONE", "al-Mahdi", "Krishna", "Buddha", "Maitreya" etc. Jesus as Messiah carries the name JESUS, so this "Christ" is abit ambiguous. "Pure Mother" refers to Mary who recognized she needed her Son for remission of Sin. The Gnostic role of Mary is filled by a dozen deities such as Astarte, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Isis, Cybele etc. The Yarmulke is a veil of Cybele; the Zuchetti a veil of Mary because they don't believe Jesus actually tore the veil leading to the Holy of Holies. Jesus is the only Priest of the Most High and access is through the Holy Ghost, rejecting the Holy Ghost is the only "Unforgivable Sin". Why John the Baptist?
   Essenes, Johnitters, Yezidis (Priests of Kurdistan), Cathars etc were preoccupied with water baptism simply because he baptized Jesus; like Mary, John realized he needed Jesus to purify his Sins with the Holy Ghost and we do too. We have come full circle to the days Jeremiah warned the House of Israel "Learn not the way of the heathen..." Jer 10:1-4 Want to be part of Israel? Start wrestling with God rather than Tammuz.

Feb 18 WWIII=Zionism V Islam 
Gnostics use "Divide and Conquer" and "Dialectic" (Control opposing sides of conflict) in their "Great Work" of Freedom and Liberty from God. Which side should we choose? Neither. Zionism is not a Jewish or Christian concept; it is Man assuming the role of God. Jesus warned of "Nicolaitanes" (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) and the "Synagogue of Satan"; we call them Reverend, Rabbi, Master and Father today; none are necessary to access God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. Contantine set the timing with a symbol called the "Chi-Rho"; the Sun rising through the X made by the Ecliptic and Zodiac; in other words Rev 13 begins on the Venus calendar date of, the Age of the 5th Sun symbolized by the Roman "V", the Chevron used on Military uniforms. Veteran means "Beast of Burden"; Veterinarian is a doctor of animals; Chaplains convince both sides of the battlefield God is on their side. Make sense? Don't enter the battlefield! Drop the sword and proclaim Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour. Simple eh?
     Yeshiva, Seminary and Madrassa Schools are Gnostic "Sheep Pens"; well meaning Jews are herded into Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Mizrahi (none descend from Shem ie they are not Semitic). Israel is mostly Ashkenazi (Ashkenaz is Japheth's grandson) ie secular Zionists. Sephardics replaced Israel under Sargon II of Assyria; Amos 5-7 and 2 Kings 17:30 describe worship of the Six Pointed Star (Star of Molech), Easter (Rabbit Idol is Anammellech), Succoth-benoth (Booth's of daughters ie incest; nice replacement for Jesus' birthday on Tabernacles eh? A Grove full of sacrifices on Christmas). Mizrahi "Oriental" worship the rising sun in the East under various Eastern Religions. Sephardics are further divided into Haredi "Fearful", Shas (Sephardic Torah Guardian), Hassidic "Kindness/Charity"; ultra-orthodox Legalists, Talmudists and Kabbalists.
    Well meaning Christians are herded into dozens of camps; Roman Catholic, Byzantine "Orthodox" Copts, Syrian, Armenian, Aramaean, Assyrian, Greek, Russsian etc. Anglican, Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Unitarian etc
    Muslims "One who submits" are herded into Sunni and Shia camps headed by a Sunni Caliph "Succesor" or Shia Imam; over both are Ismailis, esoteric interpreters of the Quran such as Bahai or Druze. Sunni ritualism is paralleled by Catholic ritualism; Sunnis in most cases believe Allah is God just as Catholics believe the Pope holds the Key of Peter to Heaven; both are false. Jesus is God and He alone has the Key; it's called the Holy Ghost and it's Free for the asking!
    Who are the Sheep Herders? Jesuits herd Catholics; Freemasons herd Protestants; Ismaelis herd Muslims; all are initiation based secret societies. Renaissance and Baath mean "Re-birth or Awakening"; Baathist Sunnis (Bashar Assad in Syria and Saddam Hussein in Iraq) function exactly as the "Black Nobility" did 500 years ago in Italy; Arab Spring is identical to the Protestant Reformation. For Sunnis, Wahhabist interpretations serve the same purpose; al-Qaeda being a creation of Ibh Sayyid Qutb (Qutb means World Tree; Qeada means Foundation). Think Martin Luther and John Calviin (Kohen) were God fearing Christians? Guess again.
    Shia (Shiites) in Pakistan, India and Iran are further divided into Nizaris under Aga Khan IV (currently in Paris, likely soon to Pakistan) and "Twelvers" under the Ayathollah Ali Khameini in Iran (recall the Ayathollah Khomeini was also living in exile in Paris 33 years ago; they are 2 heads of the same Serpent). Bohras in India, the Tayyibis in Yemen or Qarmatis in Bahrain are also Shias who believe in the infallibility of Imams and Sharia "Revealed" Law as interpreted by infallible Imams saving a symbolic seat at the table for "al-Mahdi" (He who rises).
     In a nutshell, this is why WWIII is planned from from multiple angles: Catholic/Jesuit, Protestant/Masonic, Sunni and Shia as well as the "Synagogue of Satan" in Israel flying the Six Pointed Star of Molech as their ensign. Their foot soldiers are "Knights" (Person in service to the Queen of Heaven), Jesuits (Militia of Zeus), Knights of Malta, Opus Dei, Columbus or people you would least suspect like Sir Norman Schwartzkopf, shepherd of Gulf War I; Sir Charley Chaplin aka Israel Thornstein, the son of a French Gypsy Queen who became an early shepherd of Television and the inspiration for Adolph Hitler, the shepherd of WWII; Sir Paul McCartney praised Aleister Crowley "The Beast" at the start of the "Rock and Roll" era, given his start by 33Mason Ed Sullivan. Hollywood means "Holy Wood"; the Tree Jesus was Nailed to. Adele "Good humor of French Nobility" won 6 Grammy's next to Sir Paul; her most famous song "Chasing Pavements" is about making up our mind to Crucify God on the Pavement, both in reference to the Pharisee incited Crucifixion on the Pavement of Potius Pilate  and the Pavement of Bitumen (Organic ie Slime) mortar used in the Tower of Babel ie Secret Society initiations designed a a Gate of On, El, Allah ie an Alternative Messiah.
   Jesus is waiting at the door, but He will not open it for you; we must open His "Gate" ourselves. Now would be a good time!
Valentine's Day: 
Sodomite Marriage legalized by Jesuit Gov. Christine Gregoire in Washington brings the total to 7 states; reminiscient of legalizing Abortion in 1973. God rained Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah; Gnostics will detroy   Jesuits are no more Catholic than Kaballah or the Talmud are Jewish; they are "Wolves in sheep's clothes". The United States was formed by 13 colonies; 33Mason Ben Franklin drew the 13 colonies entwined by a serpent and the US flag has 13 stripes for a reason. The US is to become the "Scapegoat" for "Babylon" (Gate of On, El, Allah, Marduk) in Rev 18 and this is a major step forward. Similarly, the Roman Catholic Church is to be the "Scapegoat" for "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." in Rev 17; it was no coincidenceCosta Concordia was scuttled on Friday, the13th day of 2012; it's name "In league with Constantine" is symbolized by the Six Pointed Star, a union of the upward (Zeus/Jupiter) and downward triangle  and . The architects of this charade are the Militia of Zeus and Minerva aka Jesuits. The soldiers are "Bricks" making up the Tower of Babel generally called Freemasons, Hellenes or Libertarians; people free of God.
     Jesuit "Society of Jesus" refers to one who approprates the name Jesus; IHS "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer), the Sun surmounting the Cross and 3 Nails symbolize victory over Jesus; the X indicates the time 12/21/2012 or on the Venus (Mayan) calendar. Oops! Tehran, Iran and Nagasaki, Japan among their first posessions, the latter obliterated by the atomic bomb sent by 33Mason/Muslim Shiner/Mafia capo Harry Truman. Tehran is Jesuit, it means "Abode of Tir" where Tir= Phoenician Tyr or Tyrus who supplied the materials for Solomon's Temple. In 33Mason Jim Cameron's movieTitanic, the Irish poem "Tir Na nOg" is told as the ship sinks with its below decks prison, symbolic for several reasons, the hidden one being White Star Lines (White Star refers to Mercury known in Zoroatrian Iran as Tir; Tehran was founded by Jesuits), Olympic and Titanic were switched with the former "Scuttled" intentionally. It matters little who votes in the March 6 Super Tueday; Mitt Romney or Obama are 2 heads of the same Pale Horse; the Mar 4 Russian elections and Mar 2 Iran Parliament elections are controlled as well; SCYTYL will count the votes. Shiite Imams called "Twelvers" are trained and elected at Qom near Tehran, where the IAEA will soon claim Iran (Aryan) is enriching weapons grade Uranium; it is no coincidence the US has 45 Military bases surrouding Iran; all this has been planned meticuously.  
    The Jesuit Oath is Sabaean meaning a person who leaves their religion for that of another; "...among Catholics, be a Catholic...among Jews, act order to preach from their pulpits" Ditto for Huguenots, Protestants, and Calvinists. John Calvin (nee Cohen) personifies the term "Jesuit" as well as the more famous Ignatius Loyola or Francis Xavier; Jesus calls them "Wolves in sheep's clothes" and Valentine's Day is "Day of the Wolf". The Jesuit list is lengthy, 33Mason Bill Clinton, Sec of Defense Leon Panetta, House Speaker John Boehner, JCS Chairman Gen Martin Dempsey, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, CA governor Jerry Brown, Denzel Washington (in Book of Eli he plays a Crusader who recites a new Bible and mentors Solara "Daughter of the Sun"), Penn St pedophile Joe Paterno or Discovery Channel shill Alan Alda are a few examples.
     Valentine: "Little Strong One" is synonymous with the Arabic word Sadima: Fasten, Fortify or Strengthen or Pagan "To Fix or fasten", referring to the 5 cities of the plain (Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, Bela) of which, 4 were destroyed by Fire and Brimstone, currently symbolized by the Masonic designed Olympic Logo (Mt Olympus the mythical abode of Zeus; the 2012 London Olympic Logo spells "ZION"), made possible by Fixing God to the Tree with 3 Nails; the 3-4-5 Triangle represents the Mir "Peace" Triangle: Father, Mother, Son.  5 Circles (Oroborus Serpents eating their own tail refer to Gnostic destruction of 4 Kingdoms: Flood, Crucifixion of God, End of the Age of Grace and the Millennium, not Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece and Rome like your Study Bible notes say because none of them ever held "Dominion") 4 Beasts outlined in Daniel 7 born of 4 Labrys "Birth Canals"; the Roman V is synonmous with Man's Victory (Liberation, Freedom and Equality ) over God. Oops!
Feb 13, 2012 Bacchanalian Lupercalia aka Valentine's Day. 
St Valentine presiding over marriages in Rome is as rediculous as St Denis preaching sermons using his severed head. Julius Caesar took a day from the last Roman month for  July and Augustus takes one for August, leaving the Ides of February on the 14th. Valentinus is called the "Great unknown of Gnosticism"; also a runner-up for Bishop of Rome in the 2nd Century. Luper means Wolf; the sort Jesus warned us about. Luperci "Priests of Lupercus" ran around Palatine Hill wearing the blood soaked skins of sacrificed Goats spanking women with Goat Skin thongs "Februa" in fertility rites; their names written on "Billets" taken out by men choosing un-married sex partners for the year. The familiar Valentine's "Heart" has nothing to do with the human "Heart", it is the "Gate of Sacred Copulation" in Valentinian Gnosticism.
    Valentinus was born in Carthage, the Phoenician outpost which would later train St Augustine who was no Saint either; Valentinus adopted 7 Sacraments: Baptism, Anointing, Eucharist, Priest Initiation, Last Rites, Redemption and Bridal Chamber, the latter symbolized by the "Heart" to symboloze 2 becoming 1, male becoming female (Gnostic Androgeny), inner as outer (referring to the outer and inner court of Solomon's Temple) and above as below (referring to the Emerald Tablet of Toth/Hermes).
   Valentine's Day is nothing but pre-spring passion and Catharsis (Discharge of pent up emotion) following child birth. Which child? Sol Invictus, born Dec 25th. "If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean 7 days...she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days..." Lev 12:2-4 Lent "Spring" is 33+7 days "Weeping for Tammuz"; the "Seed" is "Light" impregnating Ishtar (Easter)at first light  on Dies Solis (Sunday). Valentinian Gnostic Priests recited "Let the seed of light descend into thy bridal chamber..." as they presided over the ensuing orgy. The origin of this nonesense? Origen of course, the spiritual father of the Society of Ormus aka Theraputae of Alexandria, Egypt where Valentinus was trained before traveling to Rome to run for the office of Bishop.     
Feb 11, 2012 Lent "40 days Weeping for Tammuz" 
begins 2/22/12. February  comes from "Februa" a menstrual blood soaked Goat Skin "Aegis" used by Gnostics, 6 weeks after child birth; Jesus? Hardly "Sol Invictus". In other words, the last Cross-Quarter Sabat leads to the first "Easter". February is the 12th month for the "Eastern" world, not the 2nd; note the date again 2 and 12 separated by 22, the number of Hebrew letters in the alphabet, elemental paths to the "Crown" in Kaballah and last chapter of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. 
    2=8 the first "Cube" represents the "Gate of the Covenant with God" illustrated by the Cube of the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, Solomon's Temple and the future New Jerusalem over 1000 years from now; Gnostics want New Jerusalem, NOW!
    8 Souls saved in the Flood described in Gen 8, 8 days for Circumcision and 8 steps from the outer court to the Holy of Holies and 8 days for the Feast of Tabernacles (Jesus' actual birth is Tabernacles, the 22nd day of the 7th month on the 8th day of Tabernacles not Christmas; 22/7 is an approximation of Pi which Gnostics refer to as Squaring a Circle) reinforce the spiritual nature of 8. In Gematria, JESUS is 888; Lord is 800 which is why the Russian made P-800 Onyx (Black Stone). The Onyx is also called the Yakhont, Siberian and Arabic "Yakut" means "Stranger", also Foreigner or Vagabond, the epithets given Cain by God; Siberian Yakuts were the Dialectic "White Army" (White Guard, White Russian eg Cossacks) opposition to the Bolsheviks (Red Army) during the Russian Revolution. The connection between Russia, China, pagan Arabs and Iran being illustrated by the P-800 missile, the long range version of the SS-N-22 "Sunburn", a 10,000lb, Mach 2+ weapon strictly designed to defeat the Aegis and Phalanx defensive systems aboard US navy ships, rendering all ships, both merchant or navy warships within a 90 mile radius for the Sunburn or 150 miles for the Onyx "Floating Coffins". The only battlefield  on earth these weapons could be used successfully is the Persian Gulf, home to the Society of Ormus and more specifically the 40 mile wide Straits of Hormuz where hundreds or perhaps thousands of Sunburn and Onyx missiles capable of being launched from 40ft mobile trucks, hardened launch sites called "Bastions", small, fast ships or submarines are stationed; China, Russia, Iran, and Arabs all setting up the same scenario; Strange isn't it? "Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities whereas truth is not" Mark Twain. When?
     P (Rho) rises through the X (Chi) on 12/21/2012; the symbolic Crowning of the Solar Christ is symbolized by "Shekinah" (Presence of the Deity) passing through the X; level 5-6 on the Kaballah "Tree of Life". What Deity? Read about the 5th-6th Trumpets starting with Rev 9:11; it isn't pretty; just keep in mind, Satan is cast out of Heaven to Earth at roughly the midway through the Great Tribulation; there is compelling evidence that 42 month period may begin 12/21/2012. 
    Confucius said "The world runs on symbols not words nor laws" P is the 16th English letter; Rev 16 describes 7 vials of God's wrath poured out on a world that has rejected the Holy Ghost and JESUS (888) in favor of a Lord (800) called variously On, El, Marduk, Allah, al-Mahdi, Maitreya, Krishna (Black=Onyx). Make sense yet? Easter is first light on Solis Dies (Sun's Day) following the full moon (Lunar Cycle=Menstrual Cycle) after the full moon of Purim; last year's Lent featured the Fukushima Nuclear meltdown and Purim featured the start of the Libyan War; this year's will feature the USS Enterprise ramming through the Straits of Hormuz (Horus + Tammuz) following the "Bold Alligator" naval exercise.
  All Alligators are Crocodiles; the Egyptian creator goddess "Neith" was called the "Nurse of Crocodiles" and "Mother of Ra" (Ra is the Sun god); whe Neith was also the mother of the Crocodile god Sobek. Useless information? Perhaps not. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believes (wrongly) he is Israelite; his Hebrew name "Saborjian" means "Weaver"; Neith means "Water" and "Weaver" as well; her symbol is the Rainbow, God's symbol the Flood would never be repeated and the 28th (28 days in a Lunar and Menstrual Cycle) degree in Masonry where initiates learn the ineffable name of God is Jahbulon (Jah Baal On). In Gematria, Rainbow "Geshet" is 800, the number of Lord, Faith and Omega (Omega is a Rainbow hieroglyphic).
   One human gestation cycle (about 280 days) after Easter (pregnancy of Ishtar), the Sun god "Solis Invictus" is born at the Solar Solstice (Stand Still; 12/21) and resurrected 3 days later (Christ Mass; 12/24); the Satanic parallel of Passover (14 Nisan), Unleavened Bread (15 Nisan) and First Fruits (17 Nisan). The USS Enterprise will complete its 22nd and last deployment with 8 nuclear reactors sometime between Lent and Purim after "Bold Alligator" wraps up on Valentine's Day; the day Valentinian Gnostic Priests used a menstrual blood soaked Goat Skin Aegis to solemnize "Divine Unions".
   Bold Alligator is simulating the invasion of the fictitious nation "Garnet" by a fictitious terrorst supporting Theocracy called Shahida (Shah is Persian for King; Ida the Mount of Zeus on Crete) through a 35 mile wide strait attempting to re-unite with another fictitious nation "Pyrope"; dang this stuff is hard to figure out. NOT! Pyropes means "Fire in the Eye or Garnet meaning Red as does Edom the "Dominion" of Esau was prophesied in Gen 27:40. Still think all this is just coincidental?
   Aegis, the Shield of Athena (Greek goddess of war) means "Goat"; Azazel (Satan) means "Scape Goat"; Jacob used Goat Skin to impersonate Esau and Daniel describes the Grecian Goat and Mede Persian Ram in Dan 8. The same Aegis is worn by Libyan women as a tasseled goat skin. Wonder why in Crazy 8's, the 8 is a Trump card? The Aegis is also called the "Thunderbolt of Zeus"; turn the 8 on it's side and "Infinity" ie New Jerusalem becomes a "Standing Wave" produced by Solar (Electro) and Earth (Magnetic) weapons the ultimate Gnostic "Trump Card". Fukushima was caused by just such an EM created earthquake on Lent.
   JESUS means "Salvation of our God"; His number is 888; Babel (Gate of El) is Gnostic Salvation; Babel is 800; the only thing your get from that is a nasty Sunburn. In Gematria "I am the Lord, I change not" is 888; upside down or in a mirror, 888 remains the same; why not acknowledge that and join JESUS. 888 Trumps 800 every time.
Feb 9, 2012 "Ishtar daughter of Sin" 
The line from the stela and the Ishtar Vase at the Louvre Museum portray "Ishtar's decent into the underworld" and speak volumes about Madonna's (Esther) Super Bowl halftime show. Here are 2 more lines: "Enter my lady may Kutha give you joy" "And the men of Cuth made Nergal" 2 Kings 17:30. Nergal is an idol of Mars, the Pagan God of War thought to be a Cock and/or Lion. "Let the Anunnaki descend" Anunnaki "gods of the netherworld" refer to offspring of Anu; Ishtar is also considered the daughter of Anu; Celts referred to them as Tuatha de Danaan ie Tribe of Anu; in the intertestament period, "There were giants in the earth" Gen 6:4 was changed to "Nephillim" meaning "To Fall", a word equated to "Anunnaki"; they have nothing to do with each other; Giants were and are produced by incest, selective breeding and culling, Anunnaki and Nephillim are made up nonsense.
   Iran begins with Cyrus the Great who like Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon were chosen by God for specific roles. Cyrus (559-529BC) means "Sun, Hero, Young and Humiliator"; his son Ahaseurus (529-521 BC) married his sisters; Artaxerxes (521 BC) was a pretender; Darius (521-486 BC) was not Persian but Medean, fully controlled by the "Magi" and Xerxes (486-465 BC) became famous for marrying Esther, a name of Ishtar and overwhelming the "Spartan 300" at Thermopylae; the difference between Cyrus and his succesors is they all assumed titles meaning Pharoah or Caesar; the difference between Esther and Jews who returned to Jerusalem is she was content to remain under Persian rule; if you want out of Satan's world, you need to ask Jesus for help.
    Plato (424-348 BC): Book 7 of Plato's "Republic" is the "Allegory of the Cave", a utopian blueprint on Justice in which man is unable to see anything but the cave walls unless guided by enlightened "Philosopher-Kings"; Plato's Academy is now echoed by Blackwater Mercenaries called "Academi" who will facilitate WWIII "Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Rough Goat" (Dan 8). Justice? Received by enlightened Philosopher-Kings such as Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani of Babylon (Iraq) and Ayatollah Ali Khameini of Persia (Iran). The Law? Sharia Law (Shar means Revealed); Iran means Aryan "Noble Caste". Who best to decide the fate of Man than men who reject Jesus Christ as God in Flesh eh?
    Esther=Ishtar=Inanna "Queen of Heaven" who brings her son Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire) back from exile in the Earth to enact Justice; the myth is the same as Isis-Horus, Cybele-Attis, Aphrodite-Adonis or Venus-Mars. Purim is Eshter's Day (Mar 6-7, 2012); Eshter is Inanna; War is called the "Dance of Inanna". 3 previous unjustified wars were associated with Purim; March is Mars the consort of Venus. Make sense yet?
    The Ishtar/Inanna Myth started when Sargon the Great was pronounced "Legitimate King" 21 years after the generally accepted Flood date of 2348BC. The Vernal Equinox sunrise had just transitioned from Taurus to Aries which is why Tammuz became associated with Aries. Persians call the Vernal Equinox "Nowruz", celebrating it as New Year on Mar 20. Sargon II became "Legitimate King" when Assyrians replaced Israel with the nation now calling itself Israel flying the ensign of Marduk/Moloch aka Six Pointed Star. Who is Israel? The list is in 2 Kings 17:30-31. WWIII will usher in Sargon III whom Shia Ismaeli "Twelvers" like the Ayatollah's call "al-Mahdi" (He who rises); the bible literate know this as the "Beast rising from the Sea". Ishtar as daughter of Sin is the offsping of Sin aka Allah; an offspring of the Sun and Moon symbolized by the Crescent. When? The first visible Crescent after the New Moon after Vernal Equinox. What Sin? The Divine Union of Mother and Son. Just myth? Hardly, Gen 9:22 describes the 1st post flood Divine Union between Ham and his mother.
    The "Allegory of the Cave" pertains to Born Again Christians as well; instead of waiting for an enlightened Philosopher-King why not open the door to Jesus Christ; you'll see the Holy Ghost is in fact the light God created on Day 1. The annual re-enactment of this Divine Union is called Easter; this year at First Light on Dies Solis (April 8); Ishtar is called Easter, and this year's may very well be the last.    

Feb 8, 2012 Iran threat is a National Emergency 
In 2007 Rhodes Scholar Gen Wes Clark (nee Kahn=Cohen) revealed Washington's plan was to invade 7 Middle Eastern nations in 5 years with Iran #7. In 2009 Brookings Inst writes the policy paper "Horrific Provocation and Tehran sponsored 9/11 needed to trigger Iran invasion", calling for 4 options 1. Persuade Tehran diplomatically 2. Topple Tehran using covert/overt military action. 3. Contain Tehran using embargoes 4. All 3 together with bribery used to ensure cooperation of other nations. We are at #4 now; nothing new, Neo-cons from Reagan's era wrote Project for a New American Century; the case for a New Pearl Harbor; ever wonder how FDR lost track of the entire Japanee Fleet? He didn't. In 2011, Brookings wrote "Which path to Persia?"; the 1st Qtr 2012 CFR issue of Foreign Affairs article "The case for regime change in Iran". Today, Obama invoked NDAA 2012 authority, declaring the threat to block oil at the Straits of Hormuz is a national emergency requiring every government agency to respond and authorizing the President to use military action without Congressional approval; Unconstitutional to be sure, but hey, worked in Libya last year on Purim pretty well!
    Iran's Republican Guard takes orders from the Aythollah Khameini, a Shir "Twelver" on a divine mandate to usher in "al-Mahdi" (He who Rises), their largest exercise is slated to end as Lent begins Feb 22; the Society of Ormus=Theraputae=Perfectibillists=Hormoz=Horus + Tammuz=Hormuz; Lent is 40 days "Weeping for Tammuz" before Easter/Ishtar (ref the Madonna "Esther" Halftime show); it is the reason the glory of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple (ref Eze 8).
    Meanwhile, 20,000 US, British, French, Dutch, Italian, NZ, Aussie troops began the "Bold Alligator" (Alligator symbolizes the Egyptian creator god Sobek) exercise led by the USS Enterprise and 3 other helicopter/Osprey/marine landing ships (USS Wasp, Kearsage and Boxer); the largest joint exercise in a decade concludes on the Ides of February aka Valentine's Day (recall the Gnostic Valentinius was in the running to be Bishop of Rome), at which time the contingent will deploy to the Straits of Hormuz. How's all this for 5 year patient planning?
    Timing couldn't be better; in 1312, the Cathar military "Knights Templar" were dissolved by the Catholic Church; Obama took the 700 year anniversary to order Catholics to defy the Pope with regard to contraception and sterilization; obviously, Roman and Orthodox Catholics will defy the President, but so will most of the Hispanics in this nation as well.
      Folks, Daniel was told of this near Basra (River Ulai) some 2500 years ago by Jesus Christ and the angel Gabriel; previously he volunteered himself to the Lion's, but this made him get sick for days and faint. It's time to recognize who Jesus Christ is. The Gnostic Cathars (Catharsis means Discharge of pent up emotion) believe "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; Ever heard of the Iranian "Green Revolution"?
Feb 7, 2010 Ishtar/Inanna's descent to the netherworld. 
The Age of Grace is the 8th Covenant between God and Man; Proposition 8 was overturned in San Francisco on the February Full Moon, paving the way for Sodomite Marriage; Judge Stephen Reinhardt appointed by CFR, Tri-lateral Commission, 330Mason, Iran Revolution facilitator, fake Baptist, Jimmy Carter; Judge Michael Hawkins appointed by CFR, TC, Bilderberger, Bohemian Grove member, deMolay Mason, 33Mason, Iran-Contra cocaine smuggler (Mena AK), Federal Grand Jury liar Bill Clinton. Bohemian like Gypsy refers to one who lives an unconventional lifestyle not under the laws of the land in whch they reside; for this reaon, Greeks referred to Egypt as "Land of Gypsies"; just ask Mitt Romney whose name is Welsh Gypsy "Romnichel". Sodom is derived from CeDom meaning "To Burn or Scorch" both in reference to the fire and brimstone God rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the behavior described in Rom 1:21-32 "God gave them over to a reprobate mind" sums it up pretty well. The next Full Moon is Purim in the month named after the Roman God of War "Mars".
    In 2004, Madonna, an avid Kaballah practitoner changed her name to Esther, one of 2 books of scripture that does not contain the word "God"; the other is Song of Solomon. Purim is a "Holy Day" derived solely from the book of Esther; Purim 2012 is the full moon of March 6-7. Purim was date Bush Sr chose for the 100 hour war in Gulf War II on the Highway of Death aka Hwy 8, Daniel was given the 2300 day prophesy in Dan 8 near present day Basra; his Skull & Bones "new name" is "Magog". In 2003 Bush Jr chose Purim for the "Shock and Awe" campaign on Baghdad; his Skull & Bones "new name" is "Gog"; on 1/8/2008 Bush Jr was taken into Zedekiah's Cave by members of the Temple Mount Faithful and Sanhedrin; he was proclaimed "Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" and given the Megillat Bush proclaiming this title. Zedekiah was Judah's last king whose sons were killed before his eyes were put out and he was chained in a mire pit by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon; Nebuchadnezzar had previously recognized the sovereignty of God; thus he was a Born Again Christian of sorts; his grandson Belshazzar was famous for the "Writing on the Wall" and subsequent sacking of Babylon by the Mede-Persians. On Purim 2011, Hillary Clinton was at the Champs-Elysee (Elysian Field) in Paris for the Purim start to the Libyan War; Congress has yet to authorize this illegal war.
    Shock and Awe is derived from Shekinah, a Kaballah term for presence of the deity; God? Uh, no Ishtar. Esther=Ishtar is depicted as Madonna (Esther) was during the Super Bowl; Laugh My F---ing Ass Off funny whose shoulders she was atop. Madonna declared to Anderson Cooper "The Super Bowl is the Holy of Holies...I come in at the halfway point of the church experience to deliver

: Roman god of public and private doorways and gates (Jani) and god of all forms of communication is the 2 faced god viewing both inside and outside private houses and public buildings. Janus was first known as "Chaos" in the primordial world of Earth, Air, Fire and Water; giving "Order" to these elements became known as Witchcraft or "Craft". Janus was the god of gods "Janus Pater" aka Jupiter "King Star". Capitol means "Temple of Jupiter"; Congress (Congredi) meens meeting of armed forces, thus their need to be "Two Faced". Janus was a god of departure and return; the god of harbors and ports by Sea, Land and obviously today, Air. Janus was the god of daybreak "Dawn"; he is associated with Zeus (Lord of the Sky) and Diana (Goddess of Witchcraft) overseeing all human enterprise "Works". Janus' insignia was the "Key" to allow access and the "Stick" (Virga) to deny access; the Temple of Baalbek for example was shaped as a Man (Rom) holding a Key; priests of Baal "Kahn Baals" residing in and functioning as the "Key" . To heaven? Not on your eternal life; Jesus Christ is the only "Gate Keeper" you need.
     Operation Desert Storm turned to Operation Iraqi Freedom and now Operation New Dawn not by chance anymore than Engines #119 and the Jupiter met at the Golden Spike, the Area Code for Iran and Iraq became 119, the NSA is building its largest Data Collection Facility in Salt Lake City or Mitt Romney decided to run for president in 2012. "Nothing in politics happens by accident"- FDR

Timeline: 7 Seals (1040 Days)  7 Trumpets (1260 Days) 7 Vials (1 Day). 2300 Days "Daily Sacrifice to Abomination of Desolation to Cleansing of the Sanctuary" Dan 8:14  Where are we on God's timeline? Babylon: Bab=Gate; Ilu, El, On are Akkadian, Phoenician, Egyptian sun gods; the Tower of Babel was the world's first Secret Society (Bricks held together by Slime=Bitumen=Organic Mortar eg Death and Oil). The "Labarum" aka "Chi-Rho" means "Gate of God". The Labarum visually depicts the Crowned Osiris, the symbol used by Knights Templar will appear in the "Heavens" when the Sun rises through the X made by the Zodiac (Fixed Stars) and Ecliptic (Sun, Moon and Planets). Worship of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars is Sabianism (Sabah means Sunrise); Christmas and Easter the 2 primary Holy Days. The Labarum is accompanied by the motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer), used 1st by Emperor Constantine, it symbolizes Nicolaitane Doctrine (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) and is today used by groups such as the Jesuits to conquer the laity via an elevated clergy. The Gate of El, Ilu, Allah, On will likely open on the 2012 Solstice aka on the Mayan (Venus) Calendar; Jesus describes this "Beast from the Sea" (Sun rising from the sea) in Rev 13 and the sin of Sodom in Gen 13:13.
   Preceding the astrological event, WWIII will create "Order out of Chaos" ie the Gate to Ilu, El, Allah (Allah is "Sin"), On (On is Osiris and Heliopolis) will open. Albert Pike said WWIII would pit forces of political Zionism against Islam in order for the Nihilists (Nihilsm is belief in nothing ie Freedom and Liberty from God) to reveal the true light of Lucifer (Light Bearer=Sun=Satan=Obstructor); the Theosophical (God Philosophy) Society claims this war will last 13 Weeks; if so I would expect a significant astrological event. Purim was chosen as the start date for the Slaughter on Hwy 8 "Highway of Death" in Gulf War I "Operation Desert Storm"; Purim was chosen as the date for "Shock And Awe" (Shekinah means "Presence of the deity" in Kaballah); Purim was chosen for the Libyan War. It doesn't take a genius to guess Purim 2012 (3/7/2012) may again be chosen; Puru is Akkadian for Choosing Lots for Marduk, another name of Molech; it also means Bring to Naught; Utterly Destroy, coming from one of 2 books in scripture the name of God is not mentioned "Esther". 13 Weeks=91 days; 3/7/2012 + 91 days is 6/6/12 which will feature a rare Transit of Venus across the Sun. Venus forms a 5 pt Star around the Sun every 8 years; its Solar Year divided by Earth's Solar Year is the "Golden Mean".  
   According to Texe Marrs ( we are at Rev 18, the destruction of Babylon; He is lying. According to Nial Kilkenny ( we are approaching the battle of "Gog and Magog". He is lying by 1000 years. According to and several mirror sites, the White Horse was released on 12/21/2009; the Red Horse on 12/21/2010; the Black Horse on 12/21/2011; the Pale Horse on 12/21/2012. On 1/12/2012 NATO and SOUTHCOM were conducting a Haitian (Christopher Columbus began his American "New Jerusalem" murder spree at "Hispaniola" (Little Spain ie Sepharvaim of 2 Kings 17:30); the Cross shaped Columbus Lighthouse is in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic; Dominican=Esau's Dominion in Gen 27:40KJV) Earthquake Relief Drill in Miami. The 7.0 Earthquake devastated Port au Prince; UN aid workers infected the water supply with Cholera which is still continuing unabated; 1/12/2010 + 2300days=April 30, 2016 the 7th day of Passover which also lines up with Walpurgisnacht (Roodmas, Beltane Eve) when  bonfires to Belinos and Hand Fast weddings were consummated. Jesus' wedding is the "Wedding of the Lamb"; better choose your eternal mate wisely! So, again, where are we on the calendar God set up in Rev 1:14?
     Babylon is Bab=Gate of El (Phoenician) of Ilu (Akkadian/Assyrian) of On (Egyptian); take your pick, they are all names of Satan. Antichrist aka Pale Horse is the Gate (Willing Host) which begins the Great Tribulation warned by 7 Trumpets beginning at Rev 8 (This ends the 8th Covenant between God and Man). Satan is cast to earth at the 5th Trumpet 18 months (5 months for the 5th; 1 year, 1 month for the 6th; 1 day, 1 hour for the 7th ref Rev 9:1-21) before the 2nd Coming. Signs to watch for: 4 consecutive Lunar Eclipes on Passover April 15, 2014, Feat of Tabernacles Oct 8, 2014; Passover April 4, 2015, Feast of Tabernacles Sept 28, 2015. Solar Eclipses: 1 Nisan Mar 20, 2015 (God's New Year); Feast of Trumpets 1 Tishrei Sept 13, 2015. What Trumpets thee may or may not apply to I'm not sure as Daniel informs us Antichrist (Pale Horse/Mahdi/Buddha/Krishna) will seek to change the times and laws during the Great Tribulation period "Time, Times, Dividing of Time" Dan 7:25. Again, where are we now (1/6/2012)? 
    The world economy has not collapsed (3rd Seal=Black Horse=Rev 6:5-6). Heaven has not "departed as a scroll when it is rolled together" (Rev 6:14). WWIII has not started. Pale Horse (4th Seal=Rev 6:7-8=Antichrist "Alternative Messiah") has not been revealed. My best guess is Economic collapse and WWIII are not far off; best guess on the start of WWIII is Purim (March 7-8, 2012). Why? Bush Sr picked Purim for the Highway of Death slaughter in Gulf War I; Bush Jr picked Purim for "Shock and Awe" in Gulf War II; Obama picked Purim for the Libyan War; pretty fair track record I'd say. Purim is Man's idea, not God's; His name is not mentioned in Esther (Ishtar) or Song of Solomon for a reason. 

1/18/12 Costa Concordia refers to Agreement or Harmony with Emperor Constantine, who in the 4th century united Christianity with Gnosticism using the phrase "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer) and the X. Cross of St Andrew? Hardly, St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland; the X symbolizes the Ecliptic and Zodiac with the crowned Sun passing through from below (Earth) to above (Heaven), a bridge or ladder to heaven timed to the 2012 Solstice; this is why Scotland is seeking independence in 2012. Remember Braveheart? The battle of Stirling Bridge was 9/11/1297, becoming a symbol of Scottish independence.  Concordia is the Roman goddess of peace following war; a post Constantine era goddess whose temple in Rome was erected in 367 symbolizing the  union of citizens united in the ideal of Rome; Rom meaning both Man and Dominion; Romani meaning Gypsy, a term for people who reject the laws of the land they reside in; for example Mitt Romney (Romichel=Welsh Gypsy); by the way, Constantine was baptized (fake of course) in Wales, and oddly coincidental, on 9/11/472 pagan tribes led by Hengeist murdered 360 Briton nobles using Seaxe knives after which they were named. Why 9/11? Satan is cast to earth in Rev 9:11 silly; 9X11=99 the age of Abraham when Ishmael was circumcised and Isaac was born . Mitt Romney knows of similar vengeance on 9/11/1857 called the Mountain Meadow's Massacre. Confusing? Sabians of Harran began in Abram's day, becoming Trojan Horses in every nation and religion on earth except Born Again Christianity; Old Testament was infected as well during the 40 years after the Red Sea Crossing, and yes Romney knows this as well; he falsely fills roles of the Aaronic and Melchisedek Priesthood. 
   Rome was founded by pagan tribes of Latins, Sabines, Etruscans and Albans; Latins became Sepharvaim who sacrificed children to Molech (2 Kings 17:30); Sabines were a matriarchal society "Rape of Sabine women" intent destroying Rome from the inside through war; many Caears were Etruscan, a society similar to Minoan (Minos/Minotaur) Crete which God destroyed by Tsunami; and Alba is Gaelic for Scotland and White. All these can be connected to Laban, Ishmaelites, Edomites and adoption of Canaanite religion.
    Carnival's Costa Concordia was sacrificed much as the Titanic was; intentionally and symbolically. Concordia ran aground on Friday the 13th day of 2012; symbolic for the Knights Templar arrest, the official "Unlucky Day" and the final disposition of their order, assets and property in favor of the Knights of Malta on 1/13/1313 at the Council of Vienne. Concordia had 13 decks (13 is the number of rebellion; 6th Prime Number; Gen 13:13 describes the sins of Sodom; Exodus 13 First Born set apart; Rev 13 the Beast from the Sea ie the Concord which will arise out of the Chaos of WWIII) named after 13 EU nations: Austria, Spain, Germany, France (Place of Concord in Paris begins at the Luxor Obelisk of Rameses II down the Champs-Elysees "Elysian Field" to the Arch of Triumph), Portugal, Ireland, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Poland, Sweden and Orlanda (I assume to mean Bright Sun or Promised Land). Carnival means "Meat" and "Merry making before Lent" similar to Mardi Gras, the 40 days "Weeping for Tammuz" leading up to Good Friday, the fake Crucifixion Day. Ever tried to count 3 days from Friday evening to Easter Sunday at First light? Zoroaster means Seed of Light; Easter (Ashta=Star) is Dies Solis (Constantine proclaimed Sunday the Sabbath not God) following the Full Moon nearest Ostara (Spring Equinox is called Nowruz in Parsii/Zoroastrian Iran); Easter is an Edomite Holy Day which is why Herod celebrated Easter in Acts 12:4. If your bible version changes Easter to Passover (Pascha), get a KJV, the days have absolutely nothing to do with each other.
    Update on WWIII: In addition to the USS John Stennis and Carl Vinson, the Abraham Lincoln and French carrier Charles DeGaulle (Charles=God; DeGaulle=Gaul=Galli the Eunuch priests of Attis and Cybele) are at the Strait of Hormuz; Hormoz=Ahura Mazda=Zoroastrian WWIII. Got it? Get Jesus!   
1/15/12 Scottish Independence Referendum "Ides of Janus":
 No big deal? Supercarrier groups USS George HW Bush, USS Carl Vinson and USS John Stennis, plus a  Tomahawk cruise missile carrying nuclear submarine, the Russian aircraft carrier group Admiral Kuznetsov, Britain's newest radar missile ship HMS Daring, 9000 US troops on a 1 year US-Israel exercise deployment, 15,000 US troops being sent to Kuwait and the largest Iranian naval exercise set to start in February mean war is in the final planning stages. Why now? Purim was selected by George Bush Sr "Magog" for Operation Desert Sabre (Sword) the 100 hour war in 1991 culminating with the slaughter on Hwy 8 "Hwy of Death" (Kuwait to Basra) after the war formally ended. In 2003 Purim was selected by George Bush Jr "Gog" for "Shock and Awe" (Shekinah in Kaballah means "Prescence of the deity"; Bush Jr was proclaimed "Gog, chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" by the Sanhedrin and Temple Mount faithful on 1/8/21008 in Zedekiah's Cave; importance of this in a moment). Purim was selected for UN, NATO, US, French intervention in Libya, the latter using depleted uranium and perhaps even enriched uranium warheads (non-exploding, cold fusion) on Tomahawk cruise missiles. In the US, the Congress is considering US-Israeli dual citizen Carl Levin's bill to strip citizenship from any American "accused of hostilities against the US" (NDAA 2012 allows for military arrest, incarceration, torture and extraordinary rendition of citizens). Why Scottish Independence now?
    Lie # 1: The prophet Jeremiah, ca 586 BC took King Zedekiah's (last king of Judah who did "Evil in sight of the LORD") daughter Tea Tephi to Ireland leaving behind a Royal Bloodline and Stone of Destiny (Jacob's Pillow) giving legitimacy to Irish, Scottish and British Royalty. This gave rise to the Joseph of Aramathea "Holy Grail" (Last Supper cup with blood of the crucifixion) and King Arthur, son of Aedan of Scots myths. The Aquarian Cross, atop Glastonbury Tor with the Labrys (Golden Mean) near Stonehenge (solar, lunar and geodesy calculator used to time human sacrifices) and the Prime "0" Meridian commemorates this lie; even has chapter 23 written to Revelation. The truth is Arthur is the mythical son of the Druid Pendragon; Arcturas and the Big Dipper "Ursa Major" revolving around the Pole Star (Polaris) bounded by the Dragon (Draco). No cup, no bloodline, no surviving sons or daughters of Zedekiah. Got it? Mitt Romney, even believes the Mormon Church descends from a surviving son of Zedekiah "Mulek". "And the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes...put him in prison till the day of his death" Jer 52:10-11 (repeated in 2 Kings 25:7; Eze 17:16). Druid means "Men of Oaks"; Congress stems from Congredi "Meeting for War" and Parliament means "Gathering of Owls". The Owl the epithet of the goddess of war Athena and mascot of Bohemian Grove, whose Owl of Wisdom is called Molech; Groves are where "Evil is done in sight of the LORD". Celt means "Warrior"; Christians are in a spiritual battle with Celts; Got it? Prince Michael Stuart claims the title Archpriest of the Celtic Apostolic Church.
    Lie #2: Mary Magdalene, carrying Jesus' child traveled to southern France. Parisii, a Celtic pagan tribe settled Paris ca 250 BC (This is true) Paris is also the mythical instigator of the Trojan War; London means "New Troy"; The Trojan Horse was likely filled with diseased dead soldiers; recall H5N1 was Bird Flu was recently weaponized in Rotterdam Merovingians (Merovee a Sea Beast ie Sun) claimed descent from this Royal Bloodline and became known as "Fisher Kings". They etablished the Prime Meridian at the St Sulpice Cathedral. The Cathedral Altar, "Rose Line" and Obelisk is repeated by the Arch de Triomphe, Champs Elysee (Elysian Field) and Ramses II's Egyptian Obelisk of Luxor; Obelisk means "Baal's Shaft". In other words, the Altar of Sacrifice and Celtic Priest (Druid) judges over the Brass Line/Elysian Field ie the "Kingdom of Brass" in Dan 2:40 and Brass thighs of the Great Image in Dan 2:34, soon to be completed, symbolized by the Arch of Triumph. Obelisk means "Pole" or "Tree" the method of crucifixion demanded by the Pharisees; Jesus was sacrificed as His followers are. Similar to Parisii isn't it? Also similar to Parsi the Zoroastrian tribe in Iran (Aryan) whose religion centers on WWIII. Making sense yet? Figured out why Scotland wants independence from England now?
     The name Scotland comes from Scotti a pagan Scythian/Egyptian tribe who first settled Ireland; Edinburgh has the Stone of Destiny as well as Holyrood Park aka King Arthur's Seat and Church of the Holy Rood of Edinburgh; British is derived from B'Rith=Covenant; Prime Minister David Cameron's "Holyrood Party" is demanding the Scottish Independence referendum; Holyrood means "Holy Cross" or "Holy Wood" ie the Crucifixion Tree. Hollywood is not Jewish either, it refers to the Holy Wood used to make Druid Magick Wands. The Cross is not Christian, but a pagan symbol of Tammuz; Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire; the original Solar Cross "Ankh" or "Tau" symbolizes the crowned Sun as does the Chi-Rho.
    Prince Michael Stuart, the exiled 7th Count of Albany (Scotland) claims (A Lie) descent from Merovingian Fisher Kings of France and Robert the Bruce (Cathars and Templars escaping persecution sailed to Scotland ca 1300). He claims to be titular prince of France, England, Scotland and Ireland as well as titles such as Knight Commander of the Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, Order of Grand Occident (West), Head of the Sacred kindred of St Columba (Columba means Dove in Irish and Black Bear in Norse) Black refers to absence of the Holy Ghost and Bear is King Arthur ie the 3rd Beast "Kingdom of Brass" St Columba like St Patrick (Egyptian Ptah Rek=Creator King) were Celtic pagans not Saints; recall the blue and white face paint and Kilts worn in Braveheart? Columba was a Pictish missionary; Pict colors are blue and white; Kilts were made of Tartan aka "Phoenician Cloth" and the name of the Assyrian army commander whom Israel made a pact with in 700 BC. Tartan identifies the Scottish Clans who participated in the Jacobite uprisings led by Bonnie Prince Charlie (Stuart); the Scottish Presbyterian Church celebrates this annually with Kirkin O Tartan ie Church of the Tartan or Assyrian Army. Stuart means "Steward of the Palace" as Merovingians were known as "Mayors of the Palace". Make any sense yet?
    Folks, we are late in the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick "Prestige"; the 3rd Beast Empire is "Order out of Chaos". My best guess is the Iran war might start on Purim; Jews in captivity reversed the fortunes of Edomites and this is their revenge day seen in the  2 Gulf wars and Libyan war; if it lasts 13 weeks, as claimed by the Theosophical Society, it would end on 6/6/2012 with a solar transit of Venus on the date commemorated by D-Day 6/6/1944 precisely 700 years after the Cathar's "Pure Ones" were burned at Montsegur in southern France in 1244. This is not Armageddon! The Pale Horse would be released on 12/21/2012 when the Sun rises through the X formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac at 11:11UTC (Greenwich/Glastonbury Tor/Stonehenge). Every pagan cathedral pretending to be Christian uses the Chi-Rho to symbolize this date; in Egypt, Isis holds the Ankh for the same reason. Time to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost!! Waiting for Christmas presents from King Arthur may be too late!       

1/9/2012 Big Picture: 
"Twelver" Ismaelis, dominant in Iran, infiltrated Shia Islam; Messianics waiting for "al-Mahdi" the occulted 12th Imam. The Imam is to be revealed after WWIII which Zoroastrians (originated in Iran) in Iran and India describe as the final battle; Ahriman (Dark=Evil=US-Israel) against Ahura Mazda (Light=Arya=Aryan=Noble Priest Caste of Iran and the Brahmin Priest Caste of India). The instigators Society of Ormus are/were called Sages of Light.
  "Christians" are taught by false pastors, the Rapture and Peace Treaty in Jerusalem precede the 7 year Tribulation, and that modern Israel is God's gathering of Jews; these are Zionist Lies. Freemasons are taught the prophecy of Albert Pike stating WWIII would pit Zionism against Islam resulting in economic, moral and physical exhaustion leading up to the revealing of Lucifer "Light Bringer". Bahai are waiting for 2 men,  the "Bab" and "Baha'ullah" to unite Abraham's 3 bloodlines: Hagar, Sarah and Keturah. Messianic "Judaism" is based on Kaballah "Work upon the Sacred Tree" and the Babylonian Talmud. It is Jewish in the slightest, nonetheless, Rabbis are preparing the Temple Mount for a man who will "Come in his own name" and occupy the Throne of Pergamon "Satan's Seat" currently housed in the Berlin Museum. They even claim to have the Red Heifer, Cornerstone and Priestly "Kohannim" (Kohen) attire ready. Note: Kohannim in Israel are Samaritan imposters having Levite descent from Levi and  Korah, but not Levi and Aaron as God ordained.Catholics are taught the prophecy of St Malachy (Malachy was a kabbalist, mystic, alchemist, philospher; not a Saint) predicting Peter the Roman Pope #112 will lead the sheep through the tribulation as Rome is destroyed; Pope Benedict XVI "Olive's Glory" is #111. Note: The US 112th Congress just passed the 2012 NDAA authorizing the president to strip citizenship, use the military for arrest, extraordinary rendition, indefinite incarceration, and torture of its citizens. Hopi Shaman teach Blue and Red Kachina will separate humanity; the Red revealing himself to the un-initiated by removing his mask (Dom means Mask, the root of Domini "Sunday"; no Sunday is not the Sabbath). Dom in India originated veneration of Krishna "Dark Lord" as well as Buddha (Guatama means World Pillar); over a billion people wait for those entities to re-incarnate as a world teacher. Mormons are taught the White Horse Prophecy which claims Jesus Christ (Rev 19:11 White Horse is Jesus Christ arriving in Jerusalem; not the Mormon White Horse arriving in Missouri) will establish Zion in Independence, Missouri, currently referred to as Adam Ondi Ammon. 2 Mormon candidates for President are both CFR initiates sworn to undermine US sovereignty, both falsely claim Israelite genealogy (Ephraim, Dan and the Levitical Priesthood), both seek revenge (Salt Sermon to avenge Mormon dissenters and the Oath of Vengeance to avenge the blood of the prophets Joseph and Hyryum Smith on America and the "Gentile Race") for Missouri Extermination Order #44 and both know Barack Obama is President #44. Note: Barack is also the (mythical of course) name of Abraham and Muhammad's Winged White Horse. New Age religions are teaching the arrival of a Cosmic Christ, World Teacher "Maitreya" or Christ Consciousness is imminent. The point? All religions are focusing on the same event, known in Chaldean Magick as the "Prestige".
     All these false "Messianic" teachings took shape 1000 years ago, roughly coincident with the founding of the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Ormus. Stephen Hawking's P-Brane (funny eh?), T-Duality (Tammuz or Tau) and M-Theories (M gave "007" a license to kill; 007 a Rosicrucian hermetic "Seal" used by John Dee, father of the British ie B'Rith "Covenant Men" Empire; M also denotes the date aka 2012 Solstice. The Kingdom of Ormus was/is centered at Hormoz Island in the Straits of Hormuz; Hormuz means Ormus and Ahura Mazda "god of light". From the Library of Alexandria in the Inter-testament period to Harran where Abraham resided ca 20th century BC to Baghdad in the 7th-8th centuries AD (Baghdad "Jews" ie fake Kabbalist Jews) the 10th century Kingdom in the Persian Gulf, "Ormus" occupied what anthropoligists call the "Fertile Crescent" because the Crescent symbolizes "Sin" which Muslims are taught to call Allah. Even Hawking's rediculous Alien theory is tied to this; Ottoman means pertaining to Osman I or Othman I the first Ottoman Sultan. It is no coincidence the world's first UN Space Alien Ambassador is M. Othman or that she was elected in Cancun which means "Nest of Snakes"; no Aliens are not real. The Society of Ormus aka Theraputae in Alexandria Egypt is represented by a stylized M, a symbol representing a host of occult concepts including Virga (Virga means Rod or Streak of the sort used by Jacob to separate his herd from Laban's in Gen 30); the contallation Virgo aka Virgin Queen of Heaven, Horus, the Egyptian divine son and Royal Falcon (Note: Malcolm X became Malik el Shabazz meaning Lord, King and Persian Royal Falcon), OURS referring to Earth Dwellers in Rev 13:7 (this is why astrophysicisis claim the universe if 13.7 billion light-years across and 13.7 billion years old), Gold and Copper (Great Orme Copper Mine and Salt Lake City Kennecott are the largest).
    2 occult parts of the Society of Ormus symbol is Orm, a word meaning sea serpent, Worm and snake in Frisian, Goth, Swedish, Norse, German and Old English, and M the 13th English letter and number of rebellion and the Mayan calendar date or 12/21/2012. The symbol is a symbol of Gnosticsm and the desire to become as God using "Orme" aka Star Fire, Philosopher's Stone, Elixer of Life.
    The Society and Kingdom of Ormus is thus the Order of Perfectibillists, as were the Mandaeans, Johnnitters aka Knights of St John, Yezidis of Iraq (Kurds), Norman Cathar Perfecti or today's overused term Illuminati. They represent Gnosticism as taught by the Serpent in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil aka World Tree or the Norse Yggdrasil.
    The likliest location for the original Garden of Eden is not Missouri but rather between Baghdad and Abaddan (Abaddan means Destroyer) Is where Rothschild's Anglo-Iranian Oil put their first Oil refinery. The Tower of Babel was held together by Slime defined as Bitumen ie Organic Mortar. Slime was prevalent in the Vale of Siddim (Salt Sea or Dead Sea) where the king of Sodom was killed (Gen 14:10). Sodom comes from Cedom "To Scorch or Burn". The Bricks? People whose hearts have been burned such as the 2 Welsh, Anglo-Saxon, Mormon US Presidential candidates from America's Salt Lake City. Making sense yet?
     Purim means "Destroy or Bring to Naught", in 2012 the date is March 7th. The Un-Holy Day was selected for the slaughter on Hwy 8 in Operation Desert Storm, the Tomahawk cruise missile "Shock and Awe" campaign in Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Tomahawk cruise missile campaign in Libya. Is is just coincidence a US nuclear Tomahawk cruise missile carrying submarine, and supercarrier group John Stennis are at or enroute to the Straits of Hormuz?; the British radar missile ship HMS Daring, supercarrier group George HW Bush and the Russian carrier group Admiral Kuznetsov are all converging on the Syrian port of Tartus? Tartus is the Canaanite Arvad, an Amorite fortress which became part of the Phoencian and Lebanon city Tripoli. Arwad (Arad/Arvad Island), the Canaanite/Phoenician refuge/harbor/fortress was awarded to the Knight Templars by Pope Clement V, and became their last posession in the "Holy Land" in 1302, when he broke a truce, sacked, tortured and killed the knights and burned Grand Master Jacques de Molay at the stake. The disbanded orders considerable assets were then transferred (sneaky eh?) to the Knights of Malta (Hospitallers or Knights of St John of Jerusalem) who subsequently fled to Cyprus, Malta and Rhodes. Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Opus Dei, Freemasons, Rhodes Scholars, Muslim Shriners etc are todays version. Everyone running for US President, much of Congress and the Supreme Court are initiates, so I'd skip wondering who will finally make things better; None will.  If this is finally waking you up to a relationship with Jesus Christ, is it too much to ask for you to warn a few people?
1/8/2012 Stephen Hawking's 70th birthday 
A caller asked "Was there a time of nothing?" He answered "The laws of physics predict the creation of the Universe spontaneously out of nothing in a rapidly expanding need of miracles or divine intervention. It makes no sense to talk about time before the universe began". Translation: "Order out of Chaos" 1st Law of Thermodynamics "Energy and Matter can neither be created, nor destroyed...only exchanged" P-Brane (no I'm not kidding) Theory says Space and Time are twisted by Gravity Strings "God Particles". So, Stephen Nothing explodes into God Particles which bend Space which God says is "Nothing". Got it!    
    P-Brane Hawking believes Alien contact will be for humans as it was for natives contacting Columbus. Translation: Disease. What disease? Weaponized H5N1 Bird Flu, paid for by US taxpayers in a 7 year contract with the CDC, NIH and the Eramus Medical Center in Rotterdam. It's architect Ron Foucher says "Airborne H5N1 virus may lead to the dedliest flu in pandenic history. How deadly? 1918 Spanish Flu killed 50 million at a rate of 2% of people infected; this kills 50-60%. Colleague Dr Henderson says "This is the ultimate organism of population destruction". Who would want to do that? "I would like to be reincarnated as a killer virus" Prince Phillip "I'm comfortable with 500 million people on earth" Ted Turner "350,000/day need to be eliminated from earth"-Jacques Cousteau "Earth can only support 1 Billion persons" Maurice Strong Read the Georgia Guide Stones is this is not enough. Influenza means "Astral Influence" ie "Influence from the Stars". When?
      In 1871 Gen Albert Pike said WWIII would pit Zionism against Islam. In 1991 Gen Wes Clark (Rhodes Scholar/CFR/Bilderberger) quoted Paul Wolfowitz saying "The US has 5-10 years to clean up former Soviet regimes and Syria, Iraq, Iran". Purim 1991; Bush Sr ordered the slaughter of Iraqi's on Hwy 8 aka Highway of Death; in 1992 Wes joined the CFR. Sept 2001 Wes Clark was given a list of nations projected for regime change; Iran was last on the list. Wes remembers Flt #77 allegedly hit the 77ft tall Pentagon which was built squarely over the 77th Meridian. In 2007 Wes Clark listed 7 middle east nations planned for war; Iran and Syria were last on the list.
    1/9 Update: Russian aircraft carrier group Admiral Kuznetsov (Blacksmith) docked today at Syrian port of Tartus. British ship HMS Daring ($Billion radar missile ship) is enroute. Recall Giant statues of Gog and Magog guard the entrance of the City of London and most study bibles falsely add Rosh to the list in Eze 38:1; Rosh is a lie and it is not Russia! They also claim Moscow is Meshech and the ancient Siberian capital of Tobolsk is Tubal. Folks, these are lies; Gog and Magog is over 1000 years from now 
   9000 US troops and aircraft carrier USS George HW Bush CVN#77 are headed to US-Israel "Austere Challenge" war games, slated to be the biggest ever; the deployment scheduled to last 1 year. The new name given George Bush Sr at his Skull & Bones initiation was "Magog" (Ma=Land of or From; Gog=Galatia ie Turkey where Jesus issued the 7 Church Warnings; the actual battle of Gog and Magog occurs at the end of the Millennium ref Rev 20:8). Seen many politicians like Obama, Lieberman, McCain, Bush Jr, Newt Gingrich wearing the Yarmulke or Zuchetti recently? Its real name is the Cap of Cybele, the religion of Galatia; it is a formal rejection of Jesus Christ and the Temple Veil He tore down at the Crucifixion). Been hearing the word "Austerity" recently? Perhaps its coincidence but Hawking's P-Brane theory is also called T Duality and 40 days veneration of Tammuz (Tammuz, Horus, Adonis are all called divine sons like Jesus; that's Duality for you) begins Feb 22 with Purim on Mar 7; heard of a Tau Cross before? Egyptians proudly wear it as the Ankh. Iran is planning its largest war games ever, run by the Revolutionary Guard for February; I'll bet they have forgotten about being accused of hiring Mexican Drug Cartel assasins to kill the Saudi Arabian ambassador too. NOT! (That story is as rediculous as P-Brane and T Duality theory). There are a few 7's and 77's here; read why in Gen 4:24.
    St Anselm College hosted 2 debates 1/7-8/2012; Anselm (1033-1109) was a Benedictine Monk, esoteric philosoper and Archbishop of Canterbury during the Norman Conquest of Britain. His "Scholasticism" came directly from Neo-Platonism; Plato having taught his brand of pederastic mentorship at the "Academy", not coindicentally the new name of Blackwater Inc, the largest mercenary force in the world training soldiers for both sides of WWIII in America as well as the United Arab Emirates. Mitt Romney hired Blackwater co-founder Cofer Black as an advisor and like Obama is likely ineligible to be President due his father George being born in Mexico and never acquiring citizenship in the US. Getting pretty intereting isn't it? Ann Romney, a 1966 Welsh convert to Mormonism as were her 2 brothers, has a Welsh cousin who wore #77 on his Welsh union rugby jersey. Wes Clark was originally Kanne, a name derived from Kohen, the line of Samaritan fake priests from Ahab and Jezebel's day who reploaced Israel as the "Kohannim". They falsely claim descent from the Levitical Priesthood just as the misguided Mitt also claims this lineage as a Melchisedek Priest. in the Mormon Church.
   Don't you think its time to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ?   

(Rev 17:5) is not the Roman Catholic Church, nor is America Rev 18:2 "Babylon the Great". Gnosticism is both the spiritual MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT... and physical Babylon. Bab=Gate; Ilu, Allah (Sin), El, On. When this "Gate" opens, the "Narrow Gate" to Jesus Christ will close and the Great Tribulation will begin (Rev 8) as the "New World Order" out of "Chaos" of WWIII "Mede Persian Ram versus Grecian Rough Goat (Dan 8). Astrologically symbolized by the "Labarum" or "Chi-Rho" the Crowned Osiris "On" of BabylOn, formed by the Ecliptic and Zodiac "X" and the sunrising through the intersection on 12/21/2012. 
    Jesus Christ has the 7 Sealed "Book", which becomes a "Scroll" rolled together in Rev 6:14 meaning the Gate to Heaven will close; the Gate of On "Babylon" will open and 7 Trumpet warnings will follow.
   Codex (Code) means Book; the word came ultimately from a mythical Egyptian sage named "Ormus" allegedly (in other words a lie; Ormus is perhaps the untimate symbolic word play incorporating Gold, Virgo, Norman, Sea Serpent) converted to Christianity by Mark in 46 AD. The Society of Ormus aka "Theraputae", "Sages of Light", "Order of Perfectibillists" are Zoroastrians (Star Seed), aka Chaldean Magi; they began in the Persian Gulf with Enki (Lord of Earth and Sky) and the Royal City of Eridu (border of Iraq, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia) and the Strait of Hormuz; WWIII will complete their so-called "Great Work" or "Work on the Sacred Tree" (Kaballah).
    2nd century Gnostics in Alexandria (Heliopolis=On; Priests of On were originally brought to Egypt with the Hyksos ie Amalekites in Abraham's day) Egypt, then formed the Nag Hamadi Library, beginning with Greek Stoic (Stoics=Platonism, Humanism, Universal Wisdom ie Logos) of another semi-mythical sage Pantaenus, the founder of the Gnostic School which ultimately authored the Nag Hamadi Scrolls. Pantaenus taught Greek Gnosticism to Clement (ca 190 AD) of Alexandria, who passed this on to Origen (Origenes means Child of Horus ie a Son of Osiris=On) and he to Jerome who compiled the Latin Vulgate "Versio Vulgata" (Common Translation) ca 405 AD. They Lied. The Latin Vulgate contains revisions to Psalms and Daniel as well as Gnostic texts from the Inter-testament (400 year Silent Period), such as Maccabees (generated the Hanukkah and Christmas Lie), Rest of Esther (God is not mentioned in Esther; the period generated the Un-Holy Day "Purim"), Idol Bel and the Dragon (Bel is the Phoenician "Confounder"; same a Baal=Lord; Hello!), Apocalypse ("Reveal" has nothing to do with "Revelation", the testimony of Jeus Christ via the Holy Ghost;  final book of scripture issued after the Crucifixion), Epistle of the Laodiceans (Laodicea means "Luke Warm" ie only an appearance of godliness such as "Whited Sepulchres"; it is the 7th and last warning Jesus gave to the "Churches"), Wisdom and others deemed non-canonical ie "Un-inspired" by God. Codex Gigas means "Giant Book"; a gigantic (3ft X 3ft) kumbaya of the Latin Vulgate, Gnostic texts, Calendar, Magic Spells/Incantations, of all religions and everyone created by God called the "Devil's Bible". Hey, what about the "Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey? Howard Levey was a circus performer; enough said.
   Codex Gigas originated in a Benedictine (Benediction means "Speak Well of; Bless; Grace before Meat") monastery; Pope Benedict XVI (Rev 16 outline God' 7 Vials of Wrath on the last day) is #111 "Olive's Glory" according to the prophecy of Malachy (another Gnostic); Pope #112 "Peter the Roman" (Peter=Rock; Roman=Romani=Gypsy=Rom=Man=Dom=Dominion) is coincident with the US 112th Congress; Romney, a Welsh Gypsy name for "Judgement" is a Mormon very familiar with his ancestor's "Oath of Vengeance" (on America and Gentiles) and Extermination Order #44 and Obama is President #44. Pretty coincidental? It gets worse. Barack=Lightning; Hussein=Handsome; Obama is Persian for "He is with us". He who? His real name is debated between Barry Soetero and Bari Malik Shabazz, the illegitimate son of Malcom X aka El Hajj el Shabazz. I go with the latter: Malcolm=Milcom the god of the Ammonites; X is the symbol of Osiris=On Malik=Mlk=Lord; Hajj=Pilgrim to Mecca where Mechus means Adultery, the only grounds for spiritual divorce from Jesus Christ; Shabazz is derived from the Persian Shah=King and Azz=Royal Falcon which Egypt called "Horus" the "Divine Son" and Babylon called "Tammuz" (Tam=Pure; Muz=Fire).
    Origen, the spiritual father of Jerome and Codex Gigas means "Child of Horus" (Shemsu Horus were Solar Priets of On in Heliopolis Egypt; the Way of Horus is the Ecliptic) had another name "Adamantius" meaning "Man of adamant"; Jesus refers to adamant as a hard stone ie Diamond (Organic material subjected to high heat, pressure and water which becomes "Pure"). "Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant stone, let they should hear the law, and the words which the LORD of hosts hath sent in his spirit by the former prophets: therefore came a great wrath from the LORD of hosts" Zech 7:12 God hardened Pharoah's heart in similar fashion; today's Universalist Church is the spiritual successor of Origen and Jerome who stated "The Son of God is subordinate to God the Father"; 1 John 5:7 and John 1:1 state quite clearly they are one in the same.
    Universalists took hold of America from the Ephrata Cloister in Pennsylvania (believe it or not, the US Supreme Court is subordinate to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court) Cut the red tape here; they are Witches and Rosicrucians, who falsely converted to "Christianity", filling the  ranks of Hugeonots (French Calvinists), Pietist "Perfecti" Lutherans, Methodists (John Wesley "Wesleyism", Plymouth Brethren (Rapture Lie originated with John Nelson Darby), Quakers (Freemason/Rosicrucian Mytic/Quaker William Penn and today's Pentecostal/Charismatic movement; Sarah Palin's book is Going Rogue hello!). The United Church of Christ (Herbert Armstrong); The Watchtower Society/Jehovah's Witness (330 Freemason CT Russel; hello!), Presbyterians (John Knox was a John Calvin disciple; Tartan Cloth is Phoenician Cloth; hello!), Anabaptists, Baptists (Southern Baptist Convention is managed by Masons), Lutherans (Luther was an Augustinian Order "Black Cloister" Benedictine Monk and Rosicrucian; hello!). William Penn, King Charles II's Governor of Pennsylvania set up the Rosicrucian "Beachhead" based on the same principles of Albigens, Waldensians and Cathars; Penn even referred to German Rosicrucian Pietist Jacob Boehme as "My master in the art and law of divine wisdom". Am I suggesting all these Protestant denominations are founded on the same corrupt Tree?YES! Get Out! Ever wonder why CUUP (Church of Unitarian Universalist Pagans) Witches found such hospitality within the Unitarian Church? They deny Jesus Christ is God in Flesh! Ever wonder why Paul was Stoned for telling the "Congregation" (Acts 13:43) to get out?
     Codex Gigas  was a Swede war booty from Bohemia (Bohemia like Gyspy refer Sovereignty ie Freedom from God) it contains the Catholic Bible because Swede "Goths" destroyed the Roman Empire and intend to destroy the Roman Catholic Church; am I saying you should join the Catholic Church? Heaven's no, Jesuits came from the same corrupt root and have for 500 years been fully in control of the Vatican. The Holy Ghost does not need a building! A picture of the Devil (cloven feet, fire and red horns) in Codex Gigas caused it to acquire the name "Devil's Bible" but that is not the Devil; the Devil is an Alternative Messiah readily accepted by most of the world because the Devil's wear robes of authority and speak a familiar language of their intended victims. These Gnostic Wolves in Sheep's Clothes are today known called Reverend, Master, Rabbi and Father, the precise names Jesus warned about. 
      The beginning was the Sumerian "Enki"; his epithets were "He who knows", "He who solves secrets" and "He of the copper mines" The NSA is building the world's largest spy facility in Salt Lake City next to the Kennecott Copper Mine which uses the same alchemical symbol as the Bavarian Illuminati began by Jesuit Adam Weishaupt in 1776 at the start of the American Revolutiona; they too were called Order of Perfectibilists and both Mitt Romney (Man; Judge), Jon Hunstman (Servant of the Hunter) and their wives Ann LaFount (A Child) and Mary Kaye Cooper (Coppersmith) are adult converts to Mormonism from Welsh churches (Welsh Congregationalist and Anglican/Episcopal) connected to the "Great Orme" region of Wales. Time to get right with Jesus folks; Daniel got sick and fainted hearing about war between the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Rough Goat (ref Dan 8) and Julius Caesar changed the calendar when he witnessed what the Druids were sacrificing in Wales. In Egypt, Enki was known as "Toth"; in Greece "Hermes"; in Rome "Mercury"; the "Emerald Tablet of Toth-Hermes" ends in the Emerald City; Emerald means Lightning as does Barack. Got it? "Nothing in politic happens by accident" FDR 
1/6/12 New Bureau of Counterterrorism 
Chief Dan Benjamin appointed by Hillary Clinton is now promoted to Ambassador at Large and Chief of Counterterrorism, focusing on Foreign Terrorists and Domestic Security with Sec of State Hillary Clinton and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Dan is CFR (as are Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman) whose stated goal is to end national sovereignty (Jesus used the term Double Minded; Unstable in every way as their Oaths require allegiance to the Constitution); on the cover of Foreign Affairs Magazine Jan-Feb is the White Horse with the featured article "Time to Strike Iran". Dan is on the National Secirity Council and a senior fellow at Brookings Inst whose article "Which path to Persia" spells out the same goal; War with Iran. Dan wrote 2 books "Age of Sacred Terror" in 2002 blames Al Qaeda for 9/11 and terrorism the result of Muslim religious extremism; He is lying. 9/11 had nothing to do with Al Qaeda which stemmed from Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyid means Descendant of Muhammad; Qutb means World Tree/Pillar), a Stanford University professor in 1966; Al Qaeda mean "Solid Foundation" as in the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil "World Tree" and "Foreign Toilet" aka "Qaeda". Qutbism stemmed from Wahhabism (recall Obama bowed to Wahhabist Saudi King Abdullah; Abd=Servant; Ullah=Allah) having as much in common with Islam as Mormonism has with Jesus Christ. Dan's 2nd book "The Next Attack: Globalization of Jihad" in 2005 outlines what came to pass in 2011 with "Arab Spring". The Muslim Brotherhood and Arab League in Cairo are clones, which is why Obama proclaimed "A new beginning for Islam" in Cairo. The State Department financed "Operation Gun Runner" Mexican Drug Cartel weapons through "US Direct Commercial Sales" with cooperation from the Phoenix BATF office (Janet Napolitano was AZ Governor before DHS) and Attorney (Attorney means To Turn or Twist the law) General Eric Holder at the Justice Department. In Pakistan (Wahhabist "Haqqani" terror group had their ambassador Husain Haqqani in Washington for Pete's sake) the phrase "Gotong Royong" means "Cooperation of many people toward a common goal" What goal? Jihad.
    Jihad has nothing to do with killing infidels; it means "Struggle or Effort"; the same phrase as "Mein Kampf", the Jesuit (Fr Staempfle) ghost written book attributed to Adolph Hitler (Tehran is also a Jesuit settlement; the Shiite Ayathollah's are "Twelver" Ismaelis ie Shiite leadership is no different). Jihad is preparing oneself to worship God, however the problem is Muslims are taught to believe Allah is God; that's a Lie on par with the Christian concept of "Rapture" or the Jewish concept of the "Star of David" (Hexagram is the Seal of Solomon aka Star of Molech and Chiun); Allah is the 4000 year old Assyrian moon god "Sin". Jihad applies to all religions struggling to prepare the world to worship "Sin"; this is the source of the phrase "The ends justify the means" and most if not all of the world's leaders are playing this deadly game because God puts the "basest of men in charge" ref Dan 4:17. Whether Dan Benjamin is a name change (common among elitists) I don't know, but with a name like Dan Benjamin one should read Jacob's propesy in Gen 49: "Dan shall be a serpent by the way and an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward" "Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf: in the morning he shall devour the prey, and at night he shall divide the spoil".  By the way, Benjamin Netanyahu is also a CFR initiate who claims to be a Benjamite. Truth is stranger than fiction eh? 

1/5/12 Labarum 
(Chi-Rho) is the Rx Alchemy Symbol (Man becoming god); an astrological clock reflected (viewed from the earth) as the Sun rising through the X formed by the Ecliptic (Sun, Moon, Planets) and Zodiac (Fixed Stars of the Milky Way). Worship of the Sun, Moon and Planets originated with the Sabians of Harran 4000 years ago; the Labarum is the timing God set in motion in Gen 1:14; the Labarum is therefore called by Gnostics (Sabians originated post flood Gnosticism in Ur "Chaldea" and then Harran on the Turkey/Syria border) "Heaven's Gate". No other date than 12/21/2012 could possibly fill this role; Art 24 "Covenant of One-Heaven"  lists this date as "Day of Divine Redemption" and provides an 18 (3 groups of 6) digit membership number for the New World Order ruled by "Symbols" "The world is ruled not by words or laws, but by symbols"-Confucius. the Labarum is the "Crowned Osiris" ie Sun.
    The Quran lists Jews, Christians and Sabians as "People of the Book"; Sabah is Arabic for "Sunrise"; in Eze 8 God shows Ezekiel men with their backs to the Temple of the LORD facing east, worshipping the rising sun; this act caused the Glory of the LORD to depart the threshold where women wept for Tammuz (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire). Egypt called Tammuz, Horus; the combination became the source of the name Hormuz where 40% of the world's oil transits. Sabians are often considered converts to Islam (Muslim means One who Submits) where Allah is the 4000 year old Assyrian/Akkadian moon (reflection of the Sun) god "Sin", a word denoting out of Covenant with God. the Masonic Axiom "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality" and "Freedom" all mean equality with God, fraternity among believers and Freedom of God's Laws. Sabianism is therefore associated with "Shahada" (belief Muhammad is God's prophet and Allah is God) and the Din of Noah (Din means Religion, Law and Judgment), today represented as 7 Noahide Laws or Sharia Law. Worship of Jesus is considered Blasphemy, punishable by death under these laws.
    Obama proclaimed "A New Beginning for Islam" in Cairo (Cairo=Chi=Rho, the birthpalce of the Arab League ie Din of Noah) and bowed to Wahhabist Sunni King Abdullah (Abd=Servant; Ullah=Allah), yet signed the 2012 NDAA (Defense Authorization Bill) legalizing Sodomy and Bestiality as well as Extraordinary Rendition, torture and indefinite detention of US Citizens; the US Military are US Citizens. 1/6 Update: The Senate version of the NDAA S-1867 contained the repeal of UCMJ Art 125 concerning Bestiality and Sodomy; the final legislation may have removed that; McCain (current Romney endorser) and Lieberman including that provision is sick enough for me.
     On Jan 26th, an Atlanta Federal Court will hear the case for Obama's Eligibility to serve as President and Commander in Chief; Recall, his Social Security Number does not E-Verify. US Military authority to wage war rests solely with this eligibility and congressional war declaration. "We have never made the case Osama bin Laden had any involvement with 9/11"-Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld. The Libyan War was never authorized by Congress. Saddam Hussein was never been identified with Al Qaeda or 9/11; furthermore, he was a Carlyle Group investor with Bush Jr/Sr. It is not inconceivable Obama may need to step aside until the election; with no Constitutional prohibition on selecting a "Seat Filler" my guess would be Bill Clinton. This is a guess only. The US Military is seen as "Rogue", with the eligibility of the President in question. The Mormon White Horse Prophecy claims elders of the Mormon Church will save the Constitution which will be hanging by a thread; interesting that today John McCain backed Mitt Romney whose ancestor Parley Pratt wore an oath against this nation and the Gentile Race (Gentile means non Israelite) to the 4th genertation ie Mitt's generation.
    The US is sending Patriot missiles to the UAE; Blackwater (Mitt's political advisor Cofer Black is a Blackwater founder) is training mercenaries for the UAE; the US is sending F-15's to Saudi Arabia and Chairman of the Joint Chief's of Staff Martin Dempey is headed to Israel ahead of a masive exercise, US troop deployment and THAAD and Aegis missile batteries to Israel in January. Iran has Russian N-22 Sunburn, Onyx anti-ship missiles, Zelzal-2 rocket artillery and 230 MPH super-cavitating torpedoes ringing the Persian Gulf, rendering all ships including aircraft Carriers "Floating Coffins". Enough warning a Bad Moon is rising? FEMA is currently posting camp guard job openings at Civilian Inmate Detention Facilities.   
   When the President and Congress authorize torture and incarceration of its own citizens, abandons all morality within its military (Wiccan rituals is one thing; Bestiality is another), violates UN rules of war (Depleted Uranium, White Phosphorus) and neighbors become willing jailors of theri neighbors; it's about as Rogue as one can get. If you want to be part of Israel (one who wretles with God) ask Jesus Christ; it was He who wrestled with Jacob and He who will restore Jacob's 12 sons."When men forget God, tyrants forge their chains"-Partick Henry Pretty prophetic eh?
1/4/12 "There is no new thing under the Sun" 
4 Obelisks tell the story of history and the future and a 5th the "Gate". The 5th Egyptian Dynasty (2494-2345 BC) Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent) Obelisk (Baal's Shaft) from Heliopolis "City of the Sun"; the Twin Obelisks in New York and London "New Troy" deceptively called "Cleopatra's Needle" actually came from the Hyksos (Hyksos=Amalekite Shepherd Kings ie they were Ishmaelite-Edomite-Canaanite rulers during Israelite captivity) period of Hatshepsut (1479-1425 BC), the aunt, stepmother, cross-dresser and consort of Thutmose III "Toth is Born" (Toth=Hermes; the Obelisk wrapped by Twin Serpents is the Cadeuces used by medical practitioners; the Emerald Tablet of Toth is the oldest document in the world which begins with "That which is above, shall be that which is below". The 4th Obelisk is the Luxor Obelisk in Paris (Paris comes from the Trojan Prince who caused the Trojan War) dates from the time of Ramses II (Freemasons Cecil B DeMille, Charleton Heston and Yul Brynner used Hollywood to place the Exodus during Ramses II's reign 1279BC; They Lied, it was in 1492BC) at the Place de la Concorde (Concorde means Harmony; Agreement) stands between the Tuilleres (Tile=Brick Works; Laban=To Make Bricks and To make White ie Sinless or Purify; Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire; Cathar=Pure Ones; let's call this Freemasonry shall we? Bricks=People held together by Slime=Bitumen=Organic Mortar ie Death; Tuilleres was built by Black ie Satanic Nobility Queen Catherine de Medici) and the Champs-Elysees (Roman Elysian Field). The 5th Obelisk in Mecca is stoned by Muslims as the image of Satan, however the Obelisk is far older than Islam it represents the fale priesthood of Quyrash (Korah's rebellion against the authority of Moses and Aaron is also echoed by the Mormon Church) Bedouins and the unity of 3 faiths listed in the Quran: Jews, Christians, Sabians. Sabians refer to people leaving their religion (Satanism) and entering that of another; eg Kabbalah and Talmudic "Judaism", Orthodox, Protestant (Protest or Rebel), Roman, Templar/Hopitaller/Crusader, Coptic, Aramaean, Mormon "Christianity" or "Twelver", Nizari Assassin Ismaelism and Wahhabist Sunni Islam.
     See the pattern yet? The Roman (Romani=Gypsy) Pope "White Pope" as Vicarious Christ faces the world's oldest Obelisk, dating to the time of the Flood (2348 BC by Ussher's Chronology, Sargon the Great's reign 2334-2279 BC and astrological dating of Aries-Pisces-Aquarius ie 4320 years). This Obelisk is set as a Gnomon (Gignoskein means "Come to Know"; read about this sort of "Knowing" in the account of Sodom and Gomorrah) in an astrological sundial which forms the Yin Yang symbol.
  The NY Obelisk was financed by Sodomite, CNN reporter, Yale "Manuscript Society", CIA intern Anderson Cooper's GGG Grandfather Cornelius Vanderbilt (same time frame as Mitt Romney's GGG Grandfather Parley Pratt's "Oath of Vengeance"). "Order out of Chaos" comes from WWIII "Political Zionism versus Islam".
    The Luxor Obelisk in Paris was originally built over the Hyksos capital of Avaris as a Temple of Set; the current leader of the Temple of Set is Gen Michael Aquino, the co-founder of the Church of Satan in 1966 (same year Romney's Welsh Congregationalist wife Ann LaFount "A Child" converted to Mormonism) with Anton LaVey; Aquino is the hidden yet highest ranking member of the NSA, currently building its largest facility in Salt Lake City Utah where Mitt Romney and Jon Hunstsman receive their marching orders; they are sworn to avenge the blood of the prophets upon America and the Gentile Race; odd as it sounds, Mitt and Jon believe they are not a Gentile but Israelite (Uh, No!); CFR Jon Hunstman (Huntsman=Aid to the Hunter aka Diana goddes of witchcraft, the hunter of souls). Jon's wife Mary Kaye Cooper, is like Ann LaFount, an adult convert to Mormonism from Episcopalian, a church having the same corrupt root as Anglican and Welsh Congregationalist. The Paris Obelisk was built over the original "Rose Line" (Prime Meridian moved to London about 1883); financed by Sephardic (Sepharvaim worship Moloch ref 2 Kings 17:30; Amos 5:26; they are not Israelite or Jewish in any sense of the word; it is no wonder Mitt made his fortune as a Corporate Raider and his son Tagg is at the center of an $8.5 Billion Pyramid Scam. Jon's fortune came from polystyrene; his personal jet at the beck and call of the Mormon prophet no matter who it may be. Sephardic  Banker Isaac Pereire, like the Sephardic Rothschilds of the same era financed the transport and erection of the Obelisk as the Mormon Church was being founded; Coincidence? Not!
    Figured out the future yet? Esau will obtain "Dominion" (Gen 27:40; Dan 7:6); let's call the leader Sargon III "3rd Legitimate King", "Thrice Great Hermes aka Hermes Trismegistus" or "3rd Beast". Synarchy means a theocracy ruled by secret societies, so we can add the title "Alternative Messiah" ie "Antichrist". He will build a 3rd Temple in Jerusalem in 490 days (Spiritual Sodom and Egypt; Rev 11:8; Dan 9:24-27) and turn over the reigns of power to a 4th Beast (Dan 7:7; Rev 9:11); Jesus will return to cast down the thrones (Dan 7:9; Rev 16; Obadiah)
    Figured out the initiation requirements? Marriage. To Jesus its the Marriage of the Lamb (Rev 19:7); to Satan/Set/Lucifer its the "Sacred Marriage". Know what I mean here?
   Figured out who LaFount and L'Enfant (Capitol Architect) refer to? Hint: 1966 is "Anno Satanae" aka "Year One". Now cut the crap and ask Jesus to forgive you before it's too late. You can tell it's getting late in the game when Sodomite drug addict, tithing thief Rev. Ted Haggard can appear on "Celebrity Wife Swap" with Gary Busey telling us "God loves everyone"; No Ted, God hates Esau (Rom 9:13) and Nicolaitanes (Rev 2:6;15) posing as Reverends.
Caucus means "Counselor, Elder, Advisor; Drinking Cup"; Israeli Electronics firm Elron (acquired Voxeo) to count Iowa Causus votes in Springfield, Ill "He who votes, counts for nothing. He who counts votes, counts for everything"-Stalin "No matter who people vote for, they always vote for us"-Goebbels. If you don't remember Michelle Obama's "Black Widow Dress" worn on election night in Springfield; google it.
   Deut 30-33 is Moses' and God's warning to Israel and specifically the Levite Priests "I know thy rebellion...after my death ye will utterly corrupt yourelves" Deut 31:27-29 (Jesus is Melchisedek, the replacement for the Levite Priesthood; ref Heb 7-9) God told  Israel "To me belongeth vengeance" Deut 32:35 Brigham Young "Vengeance is mine and I have taken a little" (Comments made at the Mountain Meadows Masacre Site).
   One candidate is unique in my view; Mitt means "Glove" as in "Hidden Hand"; Romney is a Sephardic Gypsy name for "Judgment"; his wife Ann LaFount (A Child) a convert form Welsh Congregationalist (Anglo-Saxon Pagan Church similar to the Anglican Church of Henry VIII). Rom means Man; Man's ideas are not always the best as the 400 year "Book of Judges" illustrates. Ever heard of the "Samson Option"? Romney's ancestor Parley Pratt established the "Oath of Vengeance"; Romney is a Melchisedek Priest (Jesus is Melchisedek and Jesus is God; ref Deut 32:35) and Corporate raider who like "Brotherhood of Death" Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite, believes "Corporations are people" entitled to the same Constitutional protections. Mormons claim have "Urim and Thummim" (Lights and Perfection were a signal of truth; Christians and God fearing Jews have the written Word which Mormon reject in favor of the Book of Mormon; ref Deut 33:8) Mormons claim to be the restoration of Israel and more specifically the tribe of Joseph made of Ephraim and Manasseh (Deut 33:17) and Dan (Judge).
    Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman are CFR initiates (Huntsman's mother Haight is related to Mormon leadership; Jon's wife Mary Kaye Cooper from the Welsh Cooper (Coppersmiths) family was a Mormon convert from Episcopalian (US version of Anglican or Welsh Congregationalist ie similar to Romney's wife) whose stated goal is the end of National Sovereignty; the latest article in Foreign Affairs "Time to Strike Iran" is as familiar to him as the Mormon White Horse Prophecy aka "Blood in the Streets Prophecy"; Gov. Limon Bogg's "Extermination Order" aka "Executive Order #44", Sydney Rigdon's "Salt Sermon" or Parley Pratt's murder by the husband of his 9th polygamist wife. Romney is a Mormon, subordinate to the Mormon Prophet who believes he is above and free of all laws; this superior/subordinate relationship is identical to Jesuit subordination to the Black Pope (Jesuit General) or the Ismaeli (Nizari Assassin) subordination to the Ayatollah. Synarchy is a government run by secret societies; Ron Paul a Lambda Chi Alpha initiate, Newt Gingrich, a CFR, Bohemian Grove and recent Opus Dei and Legatus initiate, Rick Santorum, Opus Dei and Knights of Malta are also examples. Gingrich did not qualify for the Virginia primary; an oversignt? I doubt it. Now, why Salt Lake City and why are Temples such a big part of the Mormon Church? First, Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) lists Mormon a a name of satan in his book Satanic Rituals. Don't scoff at this; if your bible uses the word "Azazel" in Lev 16:8-10, you may be on the same path; Jesus is

   Daily Updates continued below this Christmas Letter
                                                           Festival of Lights
Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles; Sol is born on Festival of Lights. How bad is it to celebrate Christmas? "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the cutoms of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. The deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not....silver spread into plates is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz...all the work of cunning men...every man is brutish in his knowledge: every founder is confounded by the graven image...They are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish"
The Santa Claus story began in Mesopotamia shortly after the Flood; the Vernal Equinox sunrise transitioned from Taurus to Aries (Supreme Ram, Lamb, Spring) as Sargon the Great (2382BC-2327BC) was pronounced "Legitimate King" of Akkad. A myth was attached to Sargon; born to a fallen priestess of Azupia (location of Babylon; the name signifies game tables, cards, chess, or dice) who broke her vow of chastity to remain a virgin (precuror to Vestal Virgins); the child Sargon (Legitimate King) is found in a basket (Bari means Boat, Barge or Basket; Malcolm X took the name Mallik El Shabazz where Malik=Moloch; El=Phoenician creator; Shah=Persian/Aryan King; Azz=Royal Eagle=Oz; Eagle the symbol of Esau; Malcolm=Milcom the Ammonite god and X the symbol of the Egyptian Osiris) made of dirt and pitch floating down the Euphrates River by a shepherd named Aggi "Water Bearer". Exodus 1 describes Pharoah ordering 1st born sons cast into the Nile; this to preclude Moses, also found floating in the Nile, saving Israel from the Hyksos (Amalekite=Edomite) rulers. Rome has similar myths concerning Remus and Romulus floating in the Tiber River. Herod would later order the "Slaughter of Innocents", but Jesus had been taken to Egypt by night for protection. Zeus (White Bull), Isis, Horus, Krishna, Mithras and similar myths follow this tradition of Vernal Equinox "Conception" at First Light on Dies Solis "Sunday" and birth 9 months later at the Solar Solstice. Jesus was conceived during Feast of Dedication "Hanukkah" (Elisabeth's 6 month of pregnancy with John the Baptist) and born 9 months later at Feast of Tabernacles; Chritmas is Dies Natalis Solis Invictus "Birth of the invincinble sun". 
    Emperor Constantine rallied Christians to Osiris (Solar) worship claiming to see an "X" in the sky with the motto "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer); X repreents the rising and setting points of the Solstice Sun  In 321 AD, he proclaimed Sunday "Dies Solis" a day of Christian worship. His mother Helena (Hellene means Free Stone/Foundation) changed "Tree" to "Cross" by allegedly finding pieces of 3 Crosses and 3 Nails 300 years after the Crucifixion. Jesus was however Nailed to the Tree between 2 thieves forming the 7 branched candlestick He ordered Moses to construct some 1500 years earlier; the 7th "Old Covenant" was over. Constantine's representative, St Nicholas, Bishop of Myra (Gnostic Nicolaitane; Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) at the Council of Nicaea in 325AD brought the name “Nick” (To Conquer) by elevating a clergy above the laity as an intermediary between Man (Flesh) and God (Spirit) through Jesus Christ (God in Flesh). Priests, Imams and Rabbis fill these Satanic roles today. 
   The Nicholas Cult moved into Bari (Basket) Italy in 1097, replacing Pasqua Epiphania (Grandmother) with Old Nick; the filling of stockings hanging on the hearth came from Amenita Muscaria (Amen “So be it” the Egyptian creator god became Amun Ra=Supreme Sun) gathered by Nordic Shaman descending the smoke hole to dry the “Flesh of Adonis” on the hearth. Old Nick's long hair (Comets=Long Hairs; Merovingian Monarchs were called "Long Haired Monarchs"), a reversal of 1 Cor 11:14 (Jesus was neither White, nor did He have long hair), and a likely influence of the Lombards “Long Beards”, a matriarchal pagan culture united by Charlemagne with Angles, Saxons and Merovingians. These WASP's soon formed the Protestant Churches under the Rosicrucian (Order of Rose and Cross) Martin Luther and John Calvin nee Cohen, a name derived from false Samaritan Priests "Kohanim". 
  In 1809, Washington Irving (Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote the “Knickerbocker Story" using the name "Santa Claus", adding reindeer and the white beard of “Old Nikar” (Ismaelis worshipped a figure called the “Old Man of the Mountain”; same guy).
  In 1822, Union Theological Seminary's, Dr Clement Moore wrote “Twas the night before Christmas…” giving 8 reindeer led by the red (Edomite) nose and a sleigh to the story; recall the Abrahamic covenant was not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan; Ishmael and Esau disobeyed; 8 is the number associated with eternity and the 8th Covenant between God and Man through Jesus Christ "Melchisedek" (Priest of the Most High). The sleigh is none other than the solar chariot of Adonis, Attis, Horus or Mithras.
  From 1862-1886 (Sovereign Freemason Albert Pike wrote WWIII would pit Islam against Zionism around this time as well) Santa Claus cartoon images gave him his home at the North Pole and legion of Elves. Qutb means Axis; Sayyid means descendant of Quyrash Bedouins, the fake "Rebel Priests" during Moses and Aaron's day led by Korah; Sayyid Qutb originated the term Al Qaeda “Solid Foundation” ie the World Axis or Pole under the constellation "Draco" the Celestial Dragon.
   In 1931, the red suit of the Nordic Shaman, red cheeks (flushed cheeks come from hallucinogenic Amenita Muscaria mushrooms) and his fat jolly figure was added by Coca Cola and Swedish (Dec 13 is St Lucia Day "Bride of Light" in Sweden) artist Haddon Sundblom. Finally, in 1933, the year Hitler made the Reich Concordat with the Catholic Church, 33Mason, WWII architect, FDR assigned Thanksgiving to the last Thor’s Day in November for making Christmas a month long commercial holiday.
   Sargon the Great was followed by Sargon II when Assyrians captured and replaced the 10 tribes of Israel. Sargon III will (my best guess) be proclaimed "Legitimate King" Christmas of 2012; this rider of the Pale Horse will bring presents of spiritual Death and Hell; the hallucinogenic Amenita Muscaria mushrooms "Strong Delusion" will fulfill Satan's desire to be as God, sitting on His throne in the north, his reindeer rotating the stars of heaven around the World Tree. Merry Christmas? Not on my watch.
      As a side note; on Dec 21, 2011, the CERN Large Hadron Collider using the ATLAS (Primordial Titan who supports the heavens ie the World Pillar/Tree; Atlantis "Isle of Atlas") detector claimed to have discovered its first elementary particle with a quality called "Beauty", referred to as "Chi" (Christ) represented by the Greek letter "X"; together with its Anti-quark form the "Strong Force" in the nucleus of the Atom. It's designation 63p coincidentally matches the years since Israel's "Declaration of Independence" in 1948. Why a "p"? Chi-Rho is the symbol of the Crowned Osiris. Go figure.

Dec 30 Romnichel "English Gypsy" such as Romney came to America just before the Civil War as draft horse traders, basket makers and fortune tellers. Black Dutch "Chickeners" or "Roma Gypsies" settled in Pennsylvania, assimilating into Romnichel culture. Hungarian Gypsies such as George Soros (Grigori Schwartz) or Romanian Gypsies "Ludar" such as Zbigniew Brzezinski came to America after the Civil War as animal trainers or showmen and Rom Gypsies from Serbia, Russia and Autria-Hungary came as coppersmiths, bakers, confectioners, singers and fortune tellers. Nomadic groups who settled in places like Richmond, Charleston, Boston, New York and Boston, taking both sides of the Civil War and finding a home in Mormon, Unitarian and Jehovah's Witness churches.
    Their origin? Ultimately the highlands of India-Pakistan-Iran which first dried out from the Flood, then Haran in modern Turkey; Sabians of Haran converted to anything required for them to gain acceptance. Sepharvaim replaced Israel during Assyrian captivity (700BC); in Spain, they became Jews of the Spanish Rite; too bad there isn't one!. In 1492, they falsely converted to Islam (Marrano) and Catholicism (Crypto), becoming "Gitano" in Spain; "Cigano" in Portugal; "Kipti" in Turkey; "Copts"in Egypt, "Troubadores" in Basque regions or "Flamenco" in Belgium.
     Jewish? Sure, like Santa Claus and Mormonism are Christian. Two Welsh Gypsy Mormons are coming to the forefront of the 2012 US Presidential race named Huntsman and Romney. The series Wild Wild West featured James West and Artemis Gordon in the Railroad Car "Inyo". The Romney Coat of Arms features a Red Scallop shell which falsely became attached to James, son of Zebedee and brother of John the Evangelist; his shrine at Compostela, Spain became a Mecca for pilgrims. The way of James became known as the Celtic death journey to the setting sun "West", terminating at the end of the world, coast of death, sea of darkness, abyss of death commonly known as Atlantis. Obama's Masonic Logo is this West/Setting Sun. Huntsman means "Servant of the Hunter"; Diana is the hunter; her name is also Artemis; Gordon means "Meadow near the Great Hill". Bet you didn't know that the employer of secret agents James T West and Artemis Gordon was the prophet of the Mormon Church, 33Freemason, Brigham Young, did you? Artemis was known as the "Queen Bee"; her priests "Essen"; remember the Essenes? Utah is the Beehive State; Brigham had a private army called the Avenging Angels (Smith called them "Dannites"; today they are the "Mormon Mafia") who murdered the Fancher/Baker Party on 9/11/1857 at Mountain Meadows (cute little play on Artemis Gordon eh?). West and Gordon's train "Inyo" would later take part in a 1969 re-enactment of Leland Stanford's (Stanford University) driving of the Golden Spike, ironically the year 33Freemason Neil Armstrong claimed "The Eagle has landed" on the Moon; He Lied. Mitt Romney's ancestor Parley Pratt swore an "Oath of Vengeance" to the 4th generation to avenge the death of the prophets on America to the 4th generation which would be Mitt Romney. Those Gypsies sure get around don't they? Now go get Jesus!

Christmastide 12 days of Christmas begin on St Stephen's "Crown" Day, Dec 26 and end on Feast of Epiphany Jan 6; Dec 28 is Childermas "Feast of Innocents"; tell your pastor it's all a bunch of Yuletide BS! The "Wise Men" came from the East, arriving in Jerusalem when Jesus was a "Young Child" (Mat 2); Mary and Joseph fled to Egypt at night; the Edomite Herod the Great ordered the "Slaughter of Innocents" and died in the spring of 4 BC; Mary and Joseph returned and dwelt in Nazareth, fulfilling prophecy Jesus would be called a Nazarene.
    Jesus was born on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC; the 22nd day of the 7th month of Tishrei just also happens to line up with "Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book" Rev 22:7 I'll bet your pastor prefers to celebrate Easter and Christmas rather than teach this eh? Oh, 22/7=3.14=Pi. Ever tried "Squaring a Circle"? Occultists such as Freemasons (Square and Compass) are preoccupied with doing this; tell the Cretans good luck with that. It would have been as hard for Wise Men to travel from Babylon or Persia to Jerusalem in winter as it would have been for people to travel to their birthplace to be taxed (Lk 2:1-2) or shepherds to keep watch over their flocks by night. Lk 2:8 Corporations refer to this as "Fiscal Accounting". Skull & Bones Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite declared "Corporations are people" (Mormon Mitt Romney believes this is true also) in 1878; this statement is like saying Stone Temples are houses of God rather than persons filled with the Holy Ghost "Solomon built him an house. Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands...Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers did, so do ye." Acts 7:47-51.
    So, as we celebrate Childermas "Feast of Innocents" and Christmas "Feast of God in Flesh", decking out Tree (He was nailed to that Tree; Acts 5:30; 10:39; 13:29; Gal 3:13; 1 Pet 2:24) in Gold from Uphaz (Ophir=Yemen ie home of Joktanite Arabs) and Silver from Tarshish (Cadiz, Spain=Gates of Hercules aka Gibraltar), fixing it upright (Palo=Pole; Jesus carried His cross-bar "Stauros"to that Tree and was nailed to it) remember the words Jeremiah said as Jerusalem fell to Babylon "In the time of their visitation they shall perish"

St Stephen's Day 
is Dec 26 or the 27th for Orthodox Churches aka Boxing Day, Day of the Wren, 2nd Christmas and Bank Holy Day. Stephen means "Crown"; Strenue Stans "Speak Strongly". The Sanhedrin, Saul (Paul) and the "Synagogue of the Libertines, and Cyrenians and Alexandrians (Acts 6:8-9; Cyrene=Shahat Libya "Cyrenaica" a Phoenician colony founded by a disciple of Socrates from Santorini ("St Irene" means "Peace"; the Amalekite ie Edomite/Canannite Hyksos rulers fled to Thera/Santorini from Egypt just before the Exodus; they were promptly buried alive by a volcanic eruption which also destroyed Minoan Crete; Titus said Cretans thought of themselves as "Cretans are always liars, evil beasts and slow bellies") Cyrenaica is called "Athens of Africa"; Alexandria was home to the Gnostic Nag Hamadi library (Nag Hamadi Scrolls claim Jesus is not God in Flesh) ran with one accord to stone Stephen for this statement "I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing on the right hand of God" Acts 7:56. The trial is usually set at 34-35AD with the Crucifixion at 33AD; a lie; by my count, Jesus was born Tabernacles 6 BC and Crucified at 33 1/2 years of age at Passover 28AD; the point? Stephen was tried and stoned to death within a year after the Crucifixion; Saul took part and converted (Paul) very soon after; Gnostics and Edomites had a big storm brewing! 
  Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and distribution of the body (host) Jesus was Crucified and that was thought to be the end of God's plan; Oops! Stephen became the first "Christian Martyr", stoned as Saul (Paul) would later be "when the congregation was broken up, many of the Jews, and religious proselytes followed Paul and Barnabas: who speaking to them, persuaded them to continue in the grace of the God" Act 13:43.
  Synagogue appears once in the Old Covenant; David reported the Synagogues of God had all been burned up (Ps 74:8). Congregation appears once in the New Testament; Paul and Barnabas waited for it to break up (Acts 13:43); seems backward doesn't it? That's because it is; Synagogues are not Jewish; Congregations are not Christian. Bank means Bench; St Stephen's Day is a Bank Holy Day because the Bench is the same Table Jesus overturned at the 2nd Temple of the Money Changers, and the same Bench Judges sit behind. We can approach the bench with Jesus on our side and speaking for us, or we can hire the services of an "Attorney" (To Turn) who will turn the law against us; read Rev 2:8-11; Jesus gives the Crown of Life, not the Sanhedrin. Let Jesus do the talking!

Gog and Magog Is a worldwide gathering around Jerusalem, King David and Jesus Christ at the end of the Millennium (Rev 20:7-8; Eze 38-39; Dan 7:14; Zech 14:8) Note: Rosh was added to Meshech and Tubal in new bible versions and Zondervan's KJV AMP to imply Russia is involved; This is a Lie! Meshech and Tubal are simply descendants of Japheth (Gen 10:2) and Meshech is also the name of a son of Aram (Syria) whom Isaiah 7:2 informs us "Syria is confederate with Ephraim". This is why Russia is aiding Syria in preparation for WWIII. 
Armageddon is a gathering around Jerusalem, Antichrist (Alternative Messiah) and False Prophet at the end of the Great Tribulation (Rev 16:16; Dan 7:6) Dan 11:37-41 describes Edom, Moab and Ammon escaping the hand of Antichrist; he honouring the "God of Forces" (Graviton) not desiring women (Sodomite); Jordan's King Abdullah is a fake Hashemite (descendant of Muhammad-Quyraish bedouins-Korah "Rebel Priesthood" are fake Levites); he is of Abbasid descent through Muhammad's daughter Fatimah and Abd al Mutallib ("Christmas Bomber" Abdulmutallib also had this name cool eh?); US-NATO troops are now amassing on the Jordan-Syrian border. Not ready for WWIII? Get ready; it is designed to fake Armageddon, Gog and Magog and the judgment of Edom in Obadiah.
WWIII is a planned 13 week war designed to fake both at the end of the "Age of Grace" The Age of Grace ends at Rev 6:14-Rev 7 not at the end of the Great Tribulation; wait for the 2nd Coming and you waited 1260 days too late.
   The Roman Catholic Church will be the Scapegoat for MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT... (Rev 17); the United States, the Scapegoat for Rev 18 "Babylon" (aka Economic Babylon). The path to the Scapegoat Armageddon is the Silk Road (Karakoram Hwy-Islamabad-Kabul-Kandahar-Herat-Tehran-Baghdad-Har Megiddo; the path to the Scapegoat Gog and Magog will largely come from the north ie Russia-Georgia-Eastern Turkey-Syria (Sanliurfa=Edessa=Harran, named after Abraham's elder brother and Lot's father; Lot is regarded as a prophet in Islam)-Syria. When? (This is my best guess; it's a guess meant to help you see the urgency of establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ, not false prophecy) Black Horse at the 2011 Solstice; WWIII begins Purim 2012 (Mar 7-8), ends 13 weeks later on June 6, 2012 on a rare transit of Venus across the Sun. Pale Horse (Antichrist) at the 2012 Solstice. Why 13? The first Rebellion against Chedorlaomer (Elam=Persia) was in the 13th year; the wicked men of Sodom are described in Gen 13:13; Ishmael, prophesied to be a "Wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him" Gen 16:12 was 13 at circumcision; Joktan (Arabs) had 13 sons (for a complete Gematria workup on the number 13 EW Bullinger Number in Scripture) Why Purim? Edomites use Purim for Revenge; the first Purim was in Persia (Sushan=Susa where Daniel lived; the prophecy of Dan 8 was near Basra, the exit point on Hwy 8 for US troops). Purim was chosen by George Bush Sr for the slaughter on Hwy 80 and Hwy 8 in 1991. Bush Jr announced to the world "We will wage war on Saddam Hussein at a time of our choosing"; this was Purim 2003; the Libyan War began on Purim 2011. "Time of Our Choosing" is based on Man's idea (Purim) not God's as Purim and Hanukkah/Christmas (Sol Invictus) are not part of God's "Holy Days".  Recent developments.
Dec 27 Shas Party founder Rabbi Ovadia Yossef in Washington; Shas puts Kwanzaa to shame. Sephardic Torah Sages and the American version led by Rabbi David Algaze in Brooklyn serve the interests of Sephardi (Spanish) and Mizrahi (Oriental) "Jews". An Ultra Orthodox (Orthodox means Right or True + Opinion and Seem; in other words it only seems true in the eyes of man, which applies to Russian, Coptic, Syrian and Greek Orthodox "Christianity" as well). Founded in 1984 Shas leads the 7 Noahide Law "Halakha" movement using oral tradition and the Babylonian Talmud as sources; a unity of Ashkenazi "Jews", Mizrahi "Jews", Yemeni "Jews" and Sephardi "Jews". Folk, Jesus wrote Jewish Law and descended from Juda (no misspelling, He took the "h" with Him to Heaven; ref Rev 7) The Talmud claims Rabbis win debates with God and Jesus is in hell. Time to Wake Up!
    Sephar means "Count, Number or Cenus": Joktan and Peleg were separated by water at the flood and language at Babel; Sephar, a mount in the east in Assyria is in Babylon (ref Gen 10:29-32); Yemen (Mesha) to Sephar is home to Joktanite Arabs; Peleg means "Surrounded by Water"; if you want to be surrounded by the "Living Water", you will need to ask Jesus Christ. Strongs #5614 Sephar: Place in Assyria where Marduk and Sin aka al-Allah were worshipped; Babylon means Gate of Marduk (Phoenician El). In Obadiah, we find the captivity of Jerusalem is in Sepharad; Gal 4:24 explains the Shas Party by explaining physical Jerusalem is in bondage to Agar (Hagar) aka Mt Sinai in Arabia (Arab means Ambush). To find out how Jerusalem and Sephar became bound, go to 2 Kings 17:30-32: "men of Hamath made Ashima" (Goat Idol) and "Sepharvites burnt their children in fire to Adrammelech (Moloch=Persian Melek) and Anammelech (Easter Rabbit Idol). Shas Rabbis are described in 2 Kings 17:33 "the lowest of them priests of the high places"; this applie to any "Priest" as Jesus Christ is "Melchisedek, Priest of the Most High" Heb 7:17 Sepharvaim (Sephardi "Jews" are thus Babylonians, Medians and Canaanites impersonating Jews under the Six Pointed Star of Moloch (Amos 5:26). How about Ashkenazis?
    Strongs #813 Ashkenaz: A Japhethite "And the sons of Japheth...Gomer and the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz (Gen 10:2-3). This was prophesied by Noah "God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant Gen 9:27 Remember the priests of the high places? This is why Jesus said never call any man on earth Rabbi, Master or Father (Mat 23:8-10). How about Mizrahi "Jews"? "And the sons of Ham...Mizraim...and Canaan" Remember the "men of Hamath"? Seen that Goat anywhere? Like the streets of Washington DC perhaps? or the cover of Anton LaVey's Satanic Rituals or Arthur Waite's Ceremonial Black Magic perhaps?
    Bottom line: Ashkenazi, Sephardi and Mizrahi have nothing to do with being Jewish, nor does being a Rabbi. Noahide Law as Sharia Law declare worship of Jesus Christ "Blasphemy", punishable by death. That day will be the happiest day of your eternal life. Ronald Reagan; actually his VP George "Magog" (Magog is another Japhethite) Bush Sr, created the conditions for this Satanic "New World Order"; do as Nancy Reagan said "Just say no"!
Dec 26 Kwanzaa "First Fruits" 
in Swahili means the same thing as "Christmas" Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and consumption of the host or Hanukkah "Dedication". Black Nobility began the Italian Renaissance, but Black has nothing to do with skin color anymore than Kwanzaa does. The 7 letters represent Jesus amid 2 thieves (6 uplifted hands around God in Flesh, nailed on 1 Tree). In 1966 "Anno Satanai" ("Year One" comes from the founding of the Church of Satan in San Francisco; you can check into the "Hotel California" but you can never leave!) Ron Everett declared "Jesus was psychotic...Christianity was only a White religion"; he changed his name to "Maulana" (Master Teacher in Swahili) Karenga. In the Quotable Karenga (his bible) the 7 fold path to "Blackness" and 7 black candle menorah (again, nothing to do with skin and everything to do with Darkness ie absence of the Holy Ghost ref Gen 1:3): Think, Talk, Act, Create, Buy, Vote and Live "Black". After torturing 2 of his naked adherents with an electric cord, soldering iron, drano, water hose, gun and karate baton, he spent a year in jail and was accepted to University of Long Beach faculty with a PhD in "Black Studies". He and his new religion were praised by Maya Angelou  in "Black Candle" (Black Candles are also used in Church of Satan rituals) who read poetry at the botched (Oath did not force him to support or defend the Constitution) Barack Obama aka Bari Malik Shabazz inauguration and the new religion promoted by 33Mason Rev Al Sharpton.
    Jesus was born on Feast of Tabernacles, Crucified on Passover Eve, laid in the Sepulchre on the Feast of Unleavened Bread and rose to Heaven before first light on the Feast of First Fruits. Sol (Satan) is born annually on the Solar Solstice, stands still 3 days before rising on Christmas; Kwanzaa begins at dark lasting to Jan 1.
    Kwanzaa became Black, Hanukkah became Jewish and Christmas became White Christian; too bad Hanukkah is not Jewish, Christmas is not Christian and Kwanzaa is nothing more than a Mushroom religion keeping people in the dark and feeding them full of crap. Time to wake up folks!
    69 Raytheon Patriot Missiles and 160 Tons of explosives left Germany on St Lucia (Swedish Bride of Light) Day, arrived in Finland and were bound for Shanghai or South Korea depending on the version of the story. The ship? MS Thor Liberty, owned by Thorco and registered to the Welsh gypsy, Druid, Freemasonic stronghold "Isle of Man". Probably coincidence Druid Pendragons are elected and endure their 3 day ordeal from the Isle of Man I'm sure. Probably coincidence China is testing an aircraft that is nearly identical to the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor too. Probably coincidence that thousands of electronic spy devices were dropped air dropped in Syria from Incirlik airbase in Turkey too. What's sort of humorous about the ICBM interceptor missiles is they were supposedly in cardboard boxes marked "Fireworks"; as if China needs any help with fireworks; what should we expect from the Norse version of Jesus "Thor? Not ready for WWIII? Might want to ask Jesus to help you. Websites are popping up all over claiming Israel is God's gathering of Jews and Armageddon is at hand; this is a bald faced lie folks!  Jesus seals the tribes of Israel in Rev 7; we are not there yet.
    OXITEC a British company funded by Bill Gates is set to release genetically modified Dengue "Hemorrhagic" Fever (Bone Break Fever) carrying Aedes Aegypti mosquitoes in South Florida in January. Nothing new, the CIA is essentially a British MI-6 clone; the Rockefeller Institute breeds these little guys, Ft Detrick genetically modifies them, and the CIA releases them. Operation Bellwether began in 1959, soon places like Nicaragua, Cuba, Cayman Is, Pakistan and possibly soon in Florida saw Malaria, Yellow Fever, Dengue carrying airborne WMD's suscepotible only to DDT which Henry Kissinger and the UN took care of illegalizing. Cute name eh? Aegyptus is the name Greeks gave to Egypt; the name means "Gypsy"; Florida means "Flowering Easter" (Ishtar/Astoreth); Jesus' blood was spilled on Passover Eve; the hemorrhage may be in bloom by Easter.
    A Bellwether is the lead lamb in a flock of domesticated sheep; it you are following Jesus Christ, warn others to do the same by pointing out the Red Legs on the Scapegoat they are likely following in Christmas and Easter venerating Churches. Scapegoats are trained to lead sheep to slaughter and "Exit Stage Left" just before the shears.
    The plan as I see it: Fukushima radiation will create the need for an westward (setting sun) exodus; The July 27, 1953 UN Armistice between North and South Korea (Korea=Korah the Rebel Priesthood of Moses and Aaron's day=Quyrash=Koreish=Islamic leadership as well) will end; the westward refugee crises will be shepherded along the "Silk Road" to the Karakoram Highway-Islamabad-Kabul-Kandahar-Tehran-Baghdad-Har Megiddo where the Bahai (Unites 3 bloodlines of Abraham in war under Hagar-Ishmael; Sarah-Isaac-Esau and Keturah) Temple at Mt Carmel will oversee the action from the spot where God and Elijah slew 450 of Baal's prophets. The Roman Caholic Church will be declared "MYTERY, BABYLON..." (Rev 17); the US declared "Economic Babylon" (Rev 18); the Dome of the Rock attacked, the Throne of Zeus (Pergamon) transferred to Jerusalem from Berlin (during Daniel's 70 weeks/490 days) and the false Messiah will rise above the ashes. Think they (Gnostics) have forgotten and forgiven? How about Jezebel becoming dung? Think they (Gnostics) will give up on this "Great Work". Guess again.

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti 
"Birth of the Invincible Sun". Nativity scene, lighted tree, lighted house, gifts, carols, eucharist meal, and the Hittite god Santa (Mithras) on his sun chariot just don't have the shock value they once had. "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven...the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest...they deck it with silver and with gold...they are vanity, and the work of errors: in the time of their visitation they shall perish" Jer 10:2-15 Merry Christmas? Not on my watch.
Luke 1: "Zacharias of the course of Abia" (8th 8 day Temple service=June=Tammuz) "after those days his wife Elisabeth conceived, and hid herself 5 the sixth month...Gabriel was sent by God a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph...the Lord is with thee...and shalt call his name JESUS...this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren" June + 6 months=December "Feast of Dedication" aka Hanukkah.
Luke 2 "Caesar Augustus...all the world should be taxed...Joseph ...went...out of Nazareth into Judaea unto the City of David, which is called be taxed with Mary...she should be delivered...wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn...shepherds abiding in the field keeping watch over their flock by night"
Mat 2: "there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem...Herod...sent them to for the young child...Herod will seek the young child to destroy him...Joseph...arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod...Out of Egypt have I called my son...Herod saw that he was mocked...and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt...arise and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life"

The reason Old Covenant Jews did not celebrate Hanukkah is the reason New Covenant Christians should not celebrate Christmas; God did not ordain the Holy Day called "Festival of Light"; Lucifer the "Light Bearer" did. Mithra means "Covenant, Agreement, Treaty"; the intermediary between Ahura Mazda (Light) and Ahriman (Dark), is a, Indo-Aryan warrior god. Sunday "Dies Solis" is the day of the conquering sun. "God divided the light from the darkness" Gen 1:3 on Day 1; "God said let there be lights" Gen 1:14 on Day 4; the equivalent of Wednesday=Wotan=Odin's Day, the father of Thor=Thursday, the slain god, resurrected at first light on Easter (Ishtar) Sunday.

Herod the Edomite died in the spring of 4 BC following the "Slaughter of Innocents"; Jesus a "Young Child" of 1 1/2 when the Wise Men arrived, was born on the 8th day of the 7th and final Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei) in 6 BC; exactly 6 months after the birth of John the Baptist on Passover (14 Nisan). Holy and Ekklesia mean "Separate" not "Congregate"; let Jesus Christ be the intermediary between you and the Father, and tell your Rabbi, Priest and Imam to find a new line of work. Imam? That's right. Solar Priests (Akkadian/Assyrian Konn Tor, Egyptian Shemsu Horus, Phoenician Kahn Baal, Babylonian/Persian/Medean Magi, Rabbis, Reverends) come in a variety of flavors, but all have their origin in Ur of the Chaldees (Sumeria) worshipping the moon god "Sin" aka "al-Allah", the reflected light of the sun. Why does the Hittite "Santa" wear a red suit? He is Edomite; Edom=Red. Why are there 99 Rosary beads and names of Allah in Islam? Esau married Hittite women as did his uncle Ishmael who was circumcied at age 13 when Abraham was 99; since then, he has tried to "86" the bloodline of Isaac and Jacob by creating an illusion of God using Red and White hallucinogenic mushrooms "Amenita Muscaria" (Flesh of Adonis) growing as asexual (Mary was only espoused, remember?) gifts under the evergreen tree. As you say "Amen" on Christmas Eve, remember, Amen is an Egyptian god meaning "Truth, Agreement; So be it"; Christmas Eve is a "Silent Night" because God is not there; Lucifer is. All 4 gospels end with "Amen"; Jesus' last word in Revelation is "Amen"; we cannot be in agreement with with the Word (Truth) and celebrate Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. 

Dec 23 George Bush Sr backs Mitt Romney.
 Name changes help Satanists (Wolves in Sheep's Clothes) blend into the flock, such as Bauer (Farmer, Pawn, Soldier, Builder ie Cain) to Rothschild (Red=Edom Shield); Pratt (Trick, Cunning) to Romney (Welsh Gypsy name meaning Judgment); Scherff (One who was poor) to Bush (Firewood). Other examples are Schicklgruber to Hitler; Ulganov to Lenin; Dzhugashvili to Stalin; Bronstein to Trotsky; Little to Shabazz to Obama.
   "Unto the angel of the church in Smyrna write...I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan" Rev 2:9 Smyrna would later become the birthplace of Sabbatai Zevi (1626) the father of Talmudic Judaism and Kabballah; neither are Jewish in any sense of the word, nor is the Hexagram (Star of Moloch/Saturn), Ashkenazi (sons of Japheth), Sephardi (mixed blood Moloch worshipping replacements of Israel listed in 2 Kings 17:30), Chanukkah, Menorah or Yarmulke (Cap of Cybele); all elements of modern Israel; as is the Mormon Church. To me, nothing says "Fake Jew" more than Mormon Church Article 10 which prophesies a literal gathering of Israel and restoration of 10 tribes (excluding Benjamin and Judah) as Zion, a New Jerusalem built on the American Continent where Christ will reign and the earth returned to paradisaical glory" Perhaps it would be best to wait for Jesus to do that (Eze 40-48; Rev 21-22) eh?
    Romney is a 4th generation of Mormon church apostle Parley Pratt called the "Apostle Paul of Mormonism". Mormo means "God of the living dead" and is listed as an infernal name of Satan in Anton LaVey's aka Howard Levey's Church of Satan. The highest ranking member of the NSA we rarely hear about is Gen Michael Aquino, a co-founder of the Chuch of Satan in 1966 (Anno Satanae or Year One) and current head of the Temple of Set. It is no coincidence the world's largest NSA data collection facility is being built in Salt Lake City, Utah, ironically near the resting place of Mormon Church, Dannite, Avenging Angel Orin Porter Rockwell. The reason Jesus said "Swear Not" (Mat 5:34) is summed up in Mormonism's "Oath of Vengeance"
   "You and each of you do covenant and promise that you will pray and never cease to pray to Almighty God to avenge the blood of the prophets upon this nation, and that you will teach the same to your children and to your children's children unto the third and fourth generation."    
   The 1979 "October Surprise" refers to 33Mason, CFR, Bilderberger, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bonesman George Bush negotiating his place as Ronald Reagan's VP in exchange for Iran releasing the hostages after his inauguration. Romney's campaign advisors" Cofer Black, Michael Chertoff (FEMA/TSA Lobbyist), Michael Hayden (NSA/CIA), Dov Zakheim (9/11/2001 DOD Comptroller), Robert Kagan (Skull & Bones; Kagan is the name given to Khazar kings such as Elena Kagan) and Sheriff Joe Arpaio (BATF Operation Gunrunner was run from Phoenix) should give anyone reason for concern. It is no coincidence the Iranian Revolution occurred 33 years ago, or that the Skull "Temple of Wisdom" sits atop 33 vertebra or that Masons reach "Sovereignty" at the 33rd level; Jesus was sacrificed when He was 33.
    Smyrna is in Turkey; Donmeh are the fake converts (Crypto or Marrano) that began in Haran as "Sabians of Haran"; they will say or do anything to blend in. Mitt Romney became an Aaronic Priest (Levi), then a Melchisedek Priest (Judah) and claims to be either a son of Joseph (Ephraim) or
Dan; Rediculous? I sure hope you said yes; a leopard can't change its spots you know! Why now?  
"Fathers will rise against sons (vice versa; mothers too)...starving and crime rampant, America at the verge of crumbling to pieces, the Constitution hanging by a thread, will be saved by elders of the Mormon Church". Welsh Congregationalists are peudo Episcopalian ie Anglican. Angles were Germanic Pagans; the Golden Mitre of Dagan (Philistine fish god) was worn by Anglican Archbishop and Druid Priest Rowan Williams at the wedding of William and Kate just before the fake bin Laden capture/DNA test/burial at sea on Beltane. The Welsh Congregationalist/Episcopal/Anglican Churches were derived from serial adulterer/murderer King Henry VIII; Ann (LaFount) Romney converted from Welsh Congregationalist to Mormon in 1966. LaFount like 33Mason Pierre L'Enfant, the architect of Washington DC means "A Child"; I can assure you, the child in the manger being visited by the Magi on display in your church is not Jesus Christ! Now, guess how many times "Congregation" appears in the New Testament? Once, Paul waited for the congregation to break up and told worshippers to leave and continue in the grace of the Lord (Acts 13:43) Isn't it time for you to leave the Christmas Tree or Chanukkah Menorah behind as well and "Continue in the Grace of the Lord"? You do realize Jesus was born on Tabernacles (15 Tishrei) don't you? That was the real "October Surprise", why not pray for a little truth this "Sol Invictus"/ "Saturnalia" season? The LaFount motto is "Truth conquers all things"; they lied.

Dec 21 St Thomas "Doubting" Day; Thomas aka Didymus means "Twin"; Art 23 "Covenant of One-heaven" declares today is the riding of the Black Horse. Supposedly, the White Horse rode on 12/21/2009; NATO and SOUTHCOM were prepared for Haiti's earthquake and a year of wild weather followed. Supposedly, the Red Horse rode 12/21/2010; Arab Spring and Occupy Wall St soon followed.
  "Matter and Energy can neither be created nor destroyed"; Doubt that? Read Gen 1, the Light God created on Day 1 is not the "Lights" He created on Day 4; the same rule applies to money; there are 2 sets of "Books"; every nation can't be in debt to bankers, right?
  "But ye have born the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves" Amos 5:26 Tilt that Hexagram (Six Pointed Star aka Phoenician Seal of Solomon) away from the Sun 23.50 and the Solstice results; the distortion of the Star of Moloch became the Merkabah, a representation of the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon; God created the Moon 1/400th the size and 1/400th the distance away from thefixed earth to display Solar and Lunar Eclipses.
    Doubt Jesus was born on Christmas? Me too (8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC more like). Doubt the Shroud ot Turin (Italian scientists claimed it's the real McKoy yesterday) is real? How about the 3 nails and pieces of the 3 Crosses Constantine's mother St Helena found in 326AD? "Because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day" John 19:31
   Hanukkah and Christmas were derived from Saturnalia; a mock king was selected, wined, dined, sacrificed and consummed on the 7th day "Natalis Invicti". Pieces of the Yule Log were distributed much like pieces of Helena's "True Cross"; Yule or Juul was derived from the Scandinavian "Jol"; the "Jolly" St Nick derived from Gnostic Nicolaitanes (Nico=Conquer; Laity); is Red &White coat derived from Red and White Amenita Muscaria (Flesh of Adonis) mushrooms. Ashes of the Yule Log were then used to consecrate the earth.
   Doubt Jesus and 2 thieves were Crucified on 3 crosses? Me too; Jesus and 2 thieves were on 1 Tree forming the 7 branched candlestick Moses constructed. Doubt 1 day of olive oil burned 8 days on Hannukah? Me too. Doubt Thomas witnessed the assumption of Mary into Heaven? Me too.
   Figured out why Dec 21 is St Thomas Day? Lucifer "Light Bringer" aka Satan attempts to like God; Fat chance Santa.
Dec 19 Hanukkah "Conecration" 
begins Dec 20 lasting 8 days; God ordained 7 Holy Feasts Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles, the latter representing the birth of Jesus Christ lasted 8 days because He is the 8th Covenant between God and Man.
    Nazar means "Sanctify one's self in service to God"; Nazarene means "From Nazareth"; Nazarites such as Samson or John the Baptist have nothing to do with being a Nazarene like Jesus Christ. Bethlehem Mayor Victor Batarseh began Christmas festivities today by lighting the Chrismas Tree and commemorating the Wise Men witnessing the star over the birth of the Prince of Peace on Dec 25th; that too has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; rather it is "Sol Invictus".
    "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen...For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with an axe. They deck it with silver and with gold..." Jer 10:2-4 Perhaps it is written in the 10th chapter because December means "Tenth" as does "Tithe"; what Tithe? Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice and consumption of a suitable host.
     Jeremiah warned against Saturnalia aka Sol Invictus celebrations at the fall of Jerusalem; hence, after the Crucifixion, Jesus refers to Jeruslaem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" in Rev 11:8. During the Inter-testament period, Hanukkah rose from the 2nd Temple period when God was silent (Silent Night? Oh yeah; Holy Night? Absolutely not); Macabbees cleansed the altar where a pig had been slain and re-dedicated it on 25 Kislev, but God was not there, having departed to heaven as described in Eze 8 by the same route He would take in flesh. The date was chosen because it was 2160 years after Sargon the Great had been declared "Legitimate King" in Babylon as Taurus gave way to Aries; now Aries was giving way to Pisces; soon Phoenician/Nabataean "Fish" (Labrys) symbols would be accepted by Gnostics such as Nazarenes, Ebionites, Essenes (Dead Sea Scrolls), Theraputae (Nag Hamadi texts by Philo and Origen) and slowly infused into Judaism and Christianity with the Hexagram, Cross (Tau), and Tree, all pagan symbols.
    What separates a Gnostic from a Born Again Christian is the Divinity of Jesus Christ; Gnostics desire Freedom (Hellenes) and Liberty (Libertines) from God. Nazarene texts like the "Gospel of Q" (Q=Quelle "Source") and "Gospel of the Hebrews" declare Jesus to be a Wise Sage, Ascended or Evolved Master or Avatar, not God in Flesh. Jesus is however "Alpha";  "Melchisedek", author of the Abrahamic Covenant, authority of King David and the flesh who sprang from Judah to author the New Covenant (ref Gen 14:8; Ps 110; Heb 7). He instructed Moses to construct a 7 branched candlestick because He would be Crucified between 2 thieves and nailed to the Tree. The 8 branched Menorah like Hanukkah and Christmas (Purim as well) are Gnostic additions to God's plan, Consecrated with His physical blood and that of His followers. The New Covenant is a Spiritual Covenant; Time to separzte fro0m these heathen ways and become Holy, the Ekklesia Church Jesus established.   
Dec 17 Synarchy 
means "Joint, Harmonious Rule"; the sort of rule made possible through Secret Society initiations which began at the Tower of Babel is called "Dialectic" or "Managed Opposition" (Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis ie Synarchy). Biblically this rule is in writing as Antichrist (Alternative Christ) and False Prophet. America (Amurru=Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; Ethiopia is home to Priests of Ameru). In Dan 11:41-43 we find Edom (Esau), Moab and Ammon (Lot's offspring; he the son of Abraham's eldest brother Haran; Sabians of Haran are the oldest Crypto or Marranos ie feigned/fake religious converts) escaping the hand of Antichrist who has power over the treasures of gold and silver, the precious things of Egypt with the Libyans (Libya mean Africa a Phoenician/Berber outpost)  and Ethiopians at his steps. America was founded by Rosicrucians, Deists and Freemasons to be a Scapegoat for Rev 18 "Economic Babylon"; the Roman Catholic Church was founded to be the Scapegoat for Rev 17 "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." Here is how the plan seems to be coming together.
    The Propehcy of St Malachy whether written by Malachy or not calls for Peter the Roman to be Pope #112, the last Roman Pope who will lead the sheep through trubulation with Rome destroyed before the dreadful judge comes. On 12/21/2009 (Date of the White Horse at Pope Benedict XVI installed Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi "Judge of the Court of Gentiles" (He is essentially over the Inquisition and Knights of Malta). Is it coincidence major news outlets began reporting Benedict's health is failing today and that he intends to convene the consistory who will select his replacement soon?
     The Mormon Church "White Horse" prophecy whether written by Joseph Smith or not states fathers will turn against sons, mothers against daughters, crime rampant, America on the verge of crumbling to pieces, the Constitution hanging by a thread and elders from the Mormon Church will save it. Joseph Smith's 1831 revelation declares "Gentile property shall be consecrated unto those of the house of Israel"; the church claims to be a retoration of the tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Mannaseh) and Dan (Dan means Judge; Dan will judge as a tribe of Israel when Jesus resotres the tribes of Israel after the 2nd Coming; Dan has nothing to do with Daniel or the Tribe of Dan; it refers to Tuatha de Danaan "Children of Anu"). Bain means "Bath, Extract, Cut or Mow"; Mitt Romney (Romney is a Welsh Gypsy name), a Gordon Gecko sort of Corporate Raider made his fortune extracting Gentile money in Bain Capital.
      Newt (a nickname asociated with his fascination with Tyrannosaurus Rex "Tyrant King") Gingrich a recent Catholic convert, CFR and Bohemian Grove initiate believes in the "3rd Wave", a world society built on 3 principles 1. Sovereignty surrendered 2. Constitution re-written 3. New society created from the wreckage of the 2nd wave.
     Ron Paul is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha (his wife is Velasco "Raven" Order of Eastern Star; his daughters Rainbow Girls); he advocates States have the right to secede from the Union (A Confederate lie), he has stated 9/11/2001 was the work of Muslim extremists (A lie) and America should return to the Gold standard. He knows full well America has little physical gold in Ft Knox or WTC #4 & 5 and well over the publicised $10Trillion paper dollars in circulation; in the words of his Rothchild (Red=Edom Shield) mentors "He who has the gold makes the rules". Lambda Chi Alpha is a lifetime brotherhood with 280,000 members in the US; Ron is a White Knight in Lambda's "Order of the Crescent"; the same symbol of the waxing moon is used by Shriners and on Muslim flags to represent Allah=Assyrian/Akkadian "Sin"=Lucifer=Satan. The historical founder of Lambda Chi Alpha is Rene de Anjou whom they call "Good king Rene"; spiritually, Lambda is a Masonic version of the "Tuatha de Danaan" which means "Offspring of Anu", the supreme Mesoptamian god equivalent with the Phoenician "El" was worshipped in what else but the "White Temple" aka E-Anna "House of Anu".
    Don't you just love it when a well laid plan comes together in Synarchy? In Indonesia, the saying "Gotong Royong" and Synarchy are equivalent with Obama's mantra "Yes we can". I'm not expert on reverse speech; Google "Yes we can and Thank you Satan" and make up your own mind about why the Indonesian raised Obama used this phrase. Folks, you can choose Synarchy, Gotong Royong and give thanks to Satan,  or you can thank Jesus Christ, but not both. Time to choose!
Dec 16 
Christians are admonished to "Swear Not"; simply answer "Yea or Nay". Jesuits swear oaths to kill on command of their superiors; Mormons swear oaths to avenge the blood of the prophets upon America and the Gentile Race, and to teach this doctrine to the 4th generation. Mitt Romney's 4th generation ancestor Parley Pratt swore this; his grandson would change the family name to the Welsh Gypsy (Kale) name "Romney" (Romani were the first Gypsies) Smith is another common Welsh Gypsy name. Missouri Governor Liburn Boggs issued Executive Order #44 aka the "Mormon Extermination Order" calling Mormons, "Enemies who must be exterminated or driven from the State for contempt for laws and outrages beyond all description" Joseph Smith's Private Police was called the "Dannites", named after the Israelite Tribe of Dan whom Jacob prophesied would judge; they will 1000 years after the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Dannite leader Orrin Porter Rockwell was sent to assassinate Boggs; he failed. Parley Pratt would later marry his 9th wife in Salt Lake City, her current husband killed Parley because of this polygamy and adultery; Mitt knows he is the 4th and last generation, and knows Obama is president #44; he has been lied to over and over he is an Israelite, in all likelihood from the tribe of Ephraim. Isaiah 7 tells us Ephraim is confederate with Syria, and the head of Ephraim is Samaria (Phoenicians who claim to be Israelites); Has he forgiven America for killing Joseph and Hyrum Smith? Has he forgiven the Gentiles? 33Mason and WWII instigator FDR answered this question "Nothing in Politics happens by chance; if it happened you can bet it was planned" Figured out who the "bee in Assyria" (Is 7:18) is? Hint: Look in the Beehive State. While there, check out Orrin Porter Rockwell's "Hot Springs Hotel"; it' now a Prison sitting just north of the largest NSA spy facility in the world. Convenient former NSA Director Gen. Michael Hayden is now one of his advisors eh?

Dec 15 "God Particle "We have firm evidence...close approximations of God Particle, just not quite a full scientific discovery...2012 will be the year"-Rolf Dieter Heuer, CERN Chief yesterday. God Particle was coined by Leon Lederman who preferred "Goddamn Particle"; new names being proposed to go with MuON, GluON, BosON, PhotON is MassON;cute how they all have ON=Osiris=Heliopolis=Priests of ON=Amalekite "Hyksos"=Canaanite/Hittite + Ishmaelite + Edomite isn't it?. Other names are OOM, the Buddhist chant used in Kundalini "Serpent Force"; Siddhartha Guatama="World Pillar" was Indian royalty; Buddha=Sun god just like Osiris) and Super-cool Non-denominational Particle. Jesus said there would be a falling away; this may be more blasphemous than calling Him Santa Claus. The detectors used to prove God; ATLAS, MINOS and CMS will prove WIMPS collect as MACHO forming ALICE (Dark or Mirror) Matter, Mirror Universes measurable as RAMBOS held within BRANES. No, I'm not joking; these Morons, like Fukushima liar Prof. Michio Kaku are playing us for fools; Wake Up! Close approximations of God are still "Irrational Numbers" (eg Pi=3.14...22/7, Phi=1.618...8/5, e=2.71..., Fine Structure Constant=.0073...1/137) Why not ask Jesus Christ for the real deal "Holy Ghost"? Note: Physics theory rests on the Standard Model: Big Bang creates matter held together and given its Mass by mythical forces (Strong Nuclear, Weak Interaction, Electro-magnetic and Gravity). MuON=Mutated Neutrino; is it coincidence "Mu" means "Not Nothing; No Thinhg; Absence of Something"? They are missing the Holy Ghost; why not ask Jesus Christ for it?
Iran and Afghanistan signed a Mutual Defense Cooperation Agreement yesterday. Look at the big picture: Pakistan, rightfully angry over constant Drone strikes in Waziristan closed the main US supply route to Afghanistan. Taliban=Student; Mujahideen=Warrior of Allah ie Sin (Allah=Assyrian moon god "Sin") hate America. Russia, angry over the European Missile Defense Shield closed the secondary US suply route and is demanding closure of Manas Airbase in Kyrgystan. Russia-China-North Korea-Pakistan-Afghanistan-Iran and Syria are all on the same side now with winter and spring storms coming to the most inhospitable terrain imaginable called for good reason "Graveyard of Empires". US-NATO troops are amassing on the Jordan-Syria border. Turkey refers to Turkomen=Saracen=Empty of Sarah ie Ismaelis divided into 2 groups: Nizari Assassins and Twelvers prominent in Iran; Muslims rarely regard these groups as sincere adherants to Islam. They like Messianic "Jews" and "Christians" are waiting for the Alternative Messiah "Antichrist"; Turkey stated they are ready to invade Syria (Edomite Ottomans pretend to be everything from Kabbalist to Orthodox "Christian" to Muslim because they are the original Sabians, they will leave their religion of Gnosticism for that of any other; Syria is Baathist "Re-birth" Shiite. With the US leaving Iraq Shiites are now also in the camp with Iran and Syria.
US House increased Economic Sanctions against Iran, North Korea, and Syria yesterday.
US House passed a modified version of the Defense Authorization Bill yesterday. Obama threatened to veto the original bill containing sections written in secret by John McCain, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman because "Enemy Combatants" are afforded Military protections under the Geneva Conventions whereas "Terrorists" are not; the change exempted US Citizens from thee protections; in theory citizens can be stripped of citizenship, held indefinitely without charge or legal representation, tortured and sent to foreign prisons (Extraordinary Rendition) with rights less than animals. Sounds too hard to believe, but this is the way suitable Scapegoats have been treated and sacrificed for thousands of years; it is the origin of human sacrifices taking the sins of the tribe with them into the wilderness. Read Lev 16:8-10; if Azazel is in your new version, get a KJV with Scapegoat in it; that's Jesus Christ; Azazel (Azz=Strong, Respected; El=Phoencian creator=Muslim Allah) is the Alternative Christ.
Decc 14 Black Horse Update: Blackstone Group to be hired by Lucas Papademos; Greek Debt will be in large part backstopped by US taxpayer savings accounts and FDIC. Blackstone founder Peter Peterson is a Bilderberger, Tri-lateral Commission, Georgetown educated Jesuit Knight of Malta. Lucas Papademos Ditto; Mario Monti (new Italian PM) Ditto; Mario Draghi (new European Central Bank Pres.) Ditto. Blackstone co-founder Stephen Schwarzman is a Yale Skull & Bonesman "Brotherhood of Death" initiate. Mao Tse Tung Ditto. Joseph Stalin Ditto. Jesus said nothing in ecret and Paul warned against swearing any oath; The Jesuit Oath is one reason why (Paraphrased) "Assume posts in universities, law, banks, parliaments, legislatures, schools, merchants, and councils of state. Sow seeds of jealously, and hatred among people, communities and states. Involve people in civil wars and revolutions while cultivating the arts and sciences. Take sides with combatants while secretly aiding your brother Jesuit, so the order gains in the end…the ends justify the means. Having received your instructions as a Novice, Neophyte, co-adjurer, confessor and priest, now in the army of Loyola (Ignatius Loyola founded the order), you must become an executioner as directed by your superiors, for without shedding the blood of heretics, no man can be saved". Why is this important?
    The Club of Rome founded the EU; the Club of Rome is not "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..."
Jesuits are the "Militia of Zeus and Minerva"; Jesuits and Knights of Malta are no more Roman Catholic than Freemasons or Skull & Bones are Protestant.
    Dominoes are the favored game at Bohemian Grove (Romani=Dom=Bohemian=Boii=Priests of Cybele); roughly, the plan goes like this; Greece, Italy, France go bankrupt; debt swaps put the US on the hook to a large extent (US was set up to be the "Black Horse", the Scapegoat for Rev 18 "Economic Babylon") Banks invested in Derivatives know this and have insured their bets with Federal insurance (FDIC). China attempts to recover US Treasury investments by "Reposession"; WWIII brings "Order out of Chaos"; the sort of order that "Twelvers" (Ismaelis pretending to be Shia Muslims) waiting for Al-Mahdi have planned 1000 years for.
   Want a White Stone? Ask Jesus Christ. Want a Black Stone its coming.

Dec 13 "St Lucia" Day
 Syria (Aramaea=Shem's 5th son Aram) under Baathist "Arab Re-birth" rule, is arming 600 1 ton Chemical warheads, 21 mobile missile launchers and doling out 3 million Russian gas masks along the Turkish border to Assad's Baath supporters. Baath is the Arab equivalent of Marxist Socialism or German "Nazi" National Socialism. Gorbachev said "Socialism will come to America not by the the sword, but through the ballot box"; It did. Baathists are Sabians (Saba "Leave one's religion for that of another") of Haran who much like French Jacobins or Scottish Jacobites (Presbyterians annually honor the Assyrian Army commander "Tartan") are Wolves in Sheep's Clothing. Baathists are no more Muslim than Kabbalists are Jewish or Jacobins/Freemasons are Christian, having nothing to do Jacob or Jesus Christ, Jabobins are a Masonic Lodge which fomented revolution as Presbyterians under John Knox, or Huguenots under John Calvin. Baathists are Ismaeilis; they will pretend to be Muslim (Shiite: Nizari Assasins or Twelvers, or Sunni Wahhabists) or Christian (Assyrian, Russian, Greek, Arab Orthodox, Egyptian Copts).
   Baathists claim descent from the first Sumerian-Akkadian-Assyrian empire under Sargon (The King is Legitimate) the Great just after the Flood; Neo-Assyria (911-608 BC) revived under Sargon II and I suspect Sargon III is not far off. Baathists are today's version of the Chaldeans and Phoenicians (Phoenix=House of Enoch); the most visible sign is the Mitre of Dagan and worship of Mary (Astarte/Ishtar) aka "Our Lady". Saddam Hussein, a Baathist was a US ally and military-industrial investor in the Carlyle Group, likewise, Bashar Assad and his father Hafez are both allies (extraordinary rendition and torture of prisoners) of the US and then enemies; ditto for Hitler, Stalin, Mao.
    In a nutshell, we are witnessing a modern day Masonic Renaissance "Revival" of "Black Nobility"; the Baathist slogan "Unity, Liberty and Socialism" nearly identical to the Masonic Jacobin slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity". Arab Spring or Occupy Wall St it's all the same Beast. All God has ever asked is for us to be "Holy" ie Separate and make ourselves ready for the Marriage of the Lamb. St Lucia Day (Viking/Norman day) is celebrated in Sweden; the virgin made ready for Lucifer. Bad idea!
Blackwater changed its name to Xe Services; now to "Academi" Why? CEO Ted Wright of Nazi corporation KBR (parent of Halliburton) and ex-Attorney General, fake Christian John Ashcroft know why. Homosexual pederast Plato taught "Neo-Platonism" in the Academy, located at at the "Grove of Akademia"; Epicurius taught "Epicurianism" (Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were Epicurian Deists; pleasure the main goal of life) in the Garden; Aristotle taught in the Lyceum (Wolf Lair); Zeno taught "Stoicism" in the Porch and Antisthenes taught "Cynicism" in the Tub. Blackwater founder Eric Prince, a fake Christian (Methodist) now teaches Arabs in the UAE; Mercenaries will work for anyone with the ability to pay.
German ID Card unveiled complete with Baphomet Goat (Azazel), Swastika, Masonic Torch and Eagle (Roman, Russian, Nazi, American symbol of Esau ref Obadiah) Why? My best guess is becaue the Throne of Zeus/Pergamon is in the Berlin Museum, awaiting transfer after WWIII and the destruction of the Al Aqsa Mosque to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Jesus referred to this throne as "Satan's Seat".

Dec 12 NATO-US troops amassing on Jordan-Syria border; Why? 
Abd=Servant/Slave Abdullah=Servant of Allah the Assyrian moon god "Sin"; Saudi Arabia and Jordan are ruled by servants of Sin; their military arm is America=Amurru (Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god) ie Assyria as it has been for 4300 years; Chicago just happens to be the modern day HQ of Assyria. Trans-Jordan is Moab, Edom (Idumea) and Ammon, listed as escaping the hand of Antichrist in Dan 11:33-42. Why? Birthright. Abraham's elder brother Haran had Lot; Lot's incest with his daughters produced Israel's enemies Moab and Ammon.  Edom=Red, referring to the Red Beans his birthright sold to Jacob was apparently worth to him; all 3 group sought council of Balaam (Priests of Baal).  
    Jordan is a British (B'Rith=Birthright) creation from 9/11/1920; the dynasty descends from Muhammad's daughter Fatimah (Pope John Paul II was a fan of Fatimah as well) ie they are Matriarchal fakes. Hashemites descend from Muhammad's great grandfather Hashim ibn abd al Manaf; these imposters descend from Abbasid Caliphs brought into Greater Israel by the Nabataeans and given an aire of legitimacy by the Maccabees and Hasmoneans along with Purim, Hanukkah, the 9 branched Menorah, Pharisees, Sadducees, Rabbis, the Babylonian Talmud and the Six Pointed Star of Molech.
    I guess this is all pretty hilarious to these people, but Abd al Mutallib surfaced in the name of the Yemeni "Christmas Bomber" Farouk Abdulmutallib; must have been hard for Katie Kouric to keep a straight face explaning how he passed 4 international security checkpoints with Nitro-Penta strapped on his crotch on a cash paid ticket. The UN installed M.Othman as its Space Alien Ambassador in 2009; hilarious because Mothman was the first Ottoman Sultan. Tim Osman was also a hoot as Osama bin Laden (the name means Lion of Ladon ie the 100 headed dragon in the Garden of Hesperides in the land furthest west; that's the meaning behind Obama's masonic solar logo by the way) Osman I was the founder of the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman's used impalement as the preferred form of execution; remember their Romanian boy Vlad the Impaler? Prince Charles and William do because they are his descendants. 
    Jesus warned us of "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" of "Nicolaitane Doctrine" and of the "Synagogue of Satan". You want to keep justifying Christmas, Hanukkah, Easter, Ramadan, the Crusades, the Inquisition, Muslim Shriner Masonry, that's up to you, but it might be wise to understand the people leading these institutions are not Muslim, Jewish or Christian; they are Satanists pretending to be whatever is called for and they originated nearly 4000 years ago in Haran, the town named after Abraham's eldest brother Haran. Sabians (Saba means Leave one's religion to enter that of another) of Haran). Today we call thee people Father, Master, Rabbi, Reverend, Pastor, Excellency, and Your Honor. Go figure. 
Dec 11 Azazel: 
Azz (Strong, Powerful, Respected)=Hebrew Oz as in 33Mason Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz or 33Mason Aleister Crowley's Liber Oz aka Book of the Goat. Shah=King; Shahbazz as in Malik Shabazz (Malcolm X) or Bari Malik Shabazz (Barack Obama). Abd (Slave or Servant) Al (The) Aziz (Azazel) founder of Islamic Jihad. Abdullah (Slave of Allah, the Assyrian moon god) as in King of Saudi Arabia (Obama bowed to Abdullah in June 2009) and Jordan (Idumea=Land of Edom). Abd El Aziz "Gaza: City of 8 gods". "Azazel "One who is blamed and punished for another's sins; One who removes by a series of acts". El (Phoenician creator); El Azzi "Goddes of Mecca", Shabazz (Mythical first tribe of Mecca). Azala: Remove, Purge, Purify. Aziz: One of 99 names of god in the Quran along with Malik, Wahhab (Muhammad al Wahhab founded the Saudi dynasty) and Qudds (al Quds is the Iranian Revolutionary Guard). Abdel "Servant/Slave of El". Understand this? Guess who's military is in the middle?
   Abdel al- Aziz ibn Abd Allah ibn Baaz (Grand Sufi Wahhabist Mufti of Saudi Arabia)
   Abd El Aziz Muhammad (Prime Minister of Egypt) Egypt=Land of Gypsies
   Abdulaziz "Ottoman Sultan"   Abdel Aziz al Rantissi (Founder of Hamas)
   Abdel aziz "Morocco Sultan" Abdul Aziz Ghani (Prime Minister of Yemen)
Get the picture? Now, Who is Aziz? Leviticus "Pertaining to Levites" 16:8-10 specifies Aaron or his physical descendants send the sins of the Congregation with the Scapegoat into the wilderness. Who is the Scapegoat? Jesus Christ. Who is Aziz? If your bible reads "Azazel" it's Satan. Korah led a rebellion to the authority of Aaron and Moses; they decided to put Sins on Azazel. Oops!
   WWIII will pit Zionism versus Islam (One who submits) Which side should you be on? Neither. The Scapegoat taught Love God, Love our Neighbor.
   Talmudic Rabbis provide remission for  future Sins on the Day of Atonement with the "Kol Nidre" prayer. Jesus forgives past Sins not future Sins. Now, who should you put your sins on? The Scapegoat or Azazel? Guess which nation will become the false Scapegoat for the world's Sins? America (Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd; Can=Priest of Cain) What did Cain do? Murder his brother to claim his inheritance. Don't hear about this in church do you?
Dec 9 
"D-Day for the Eurozone"; the EU Summit in Brussels. The Lunar Eclipse Dec 10 will be the last total eclipse until Passover April 15, 2014 followed by eclipses on Tabernacles Oct 8, 2014, Passover April 4, 2015 and Tabernacles Sept 28, 2015. Quite a string eh? Toss in a total Solar eclipse on 1 Nisan an annular eclipse on 1 Tishrei "Trumpets" 2015 and the Sun passing through the X created by the Zodiac and Ecliptic at 11:11 UTC on the 2012 Solstice; on the so-called Mayan Calendar (Mayans had nothing to do with this Chaldean Astrologer Calendar in the Round) and Gnostic astrologers and Edomites must be just giddy with excitement.
"God Particle" announcement from CERN is due on Dec 13; in Sweden this is "St Lucia" Day. Announcing God is the smallest particle in the Universe on the day the Bride of Light makes herself ready for Lucifer reminds me of Saturday Night Live's Church Lady "Now isn't that special?"

Dec 21, Article 23 "Day of Divine Judgment" aka "Black Horse" of Revelation 6:5-6 is openly declared at If you are not in covenant with Jesus Christ, now would be a good time to propose.                 
GOLOS means Vote or Voice; Jacob Golos is also the name of a Bolshevik revolutionary; GOLOS is funded by George Soros' NED and Open Russia Foundation (financed by Billionaire Mikhail Khodorkovsky, now in Siberian Prison, managed by Henry Kissinger and Lord Jacob Rothschild; no they are not Jewish) an Orange Revolution (George Soros loves his Color Revolutions: eg Jasmine, Rose, Orange, Green) is in the making and Putin is accusing Hillary Clinton of paying GOLOS for their services. Hard to believe eh? Starting out aiding a Black Panther Lawyer while at Yale, meeting with Black Panther Party Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz in the White House July 2009 and working for President Bari Malik Shabazz and financing Operation Fast and Furious weapon sales to Los Zetas through the State Department's US Direct Commercial Sales is quite a resume'.
   Pakistan and Russia are closing US supply routes to Afghanistan which means $400/gallon fuel costs X 150,000 soldiers/contractors using an average of 20gal/day; you do the math. The primary airlift base in Kyrgystan is Manas; Russia is demanding its closure. Kyrgystan dictator Almazbek Atambayev and Vladimir Putin's Gazprom supply 1/2 of the fuel requirement to US forces; strange bedfellows eh? In 1933 HG Wells said WWIII would begin with an incursion at Basra; 50,000 US troops will pass this Higway of Death to get home through the Persian Gulf; Iran has Yakhont Supersonic Cruise Missiles and Super-cavitating 230MPH Torpedoes (like the one demonstrated in the sinking of the Cheonan ASW ship near South Korea) ringing the Gulf. Imagine surviving in Afghanistan in the dead of winter surrounded by Pakistan, 4 Russian "Stans" (Stan=Place to make a Stand) and Iran (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) without food, supplies or fuel in a country run by Taliban that hates Americans. Is it just coincidence 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed by a Predator Drone, Iran claims to have shot down a Stealth RQ-170 Sentinel Drone over its country as Russia and the US are coming to blows over election fraud, missile defense shield and Syria? Don't bet on it.
    Bohemian Grove initiate and Ronald Reagan buddy Mikhail Gorbachev stated "Socialism will come to America not by the end of a sword, but through the ballot box". Want more proof than that?
     KBR (Kellog-Brown-Root=Brown Brothers Harriman ie Nazi financiers, like Siemens who makes Atomic Power Plant controllers) owns Halliburton, whose $500M annual no-bid contract to build Rex-84 (Rev Oliver North manages this program; yup Methodist Reverend and Iran-Contra traitor) Civilian Inmate Detention facilities is pretty well known by now; did you know the Army and FEMA are recruiting Internment and Resettlement specialists ie "Camp Guards"? Did you know the advertised plan is to divide the US into 5 regions? Obama is threatening to veto S-1867 not because he is against using the military to arrest, incarcerate and strip citizenhip from American civilians, but because if they were classified as "Enemy Combatants", Geneva Conventions would prevent using "Enhanced Interrogation" techniques. The Pentagon is not only supplying assault weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels but military hardware to police departments such as 500 Bearcat bullet proof trucks with gun and tear gas ports, "Non-lethal" directed energy weapons and battering rams. Remember Waco? Bill Clinton and Janet Reno ordered that event and now Bill is being heralded as the "World's most popular politician". Folks, the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train driven by traitors in our own house just like Jesus warned in Mat 10:36, why not get in touch with Him? GOLOS may mean Vote but Joseph Stalin said "People who vote, count for nothing; people who count votes count for everything"
Russian Ambassabor Michael McFaul: 
George Soros' National Endowment for Democracy, Freedom House, USAID, Brooking's Inst. (Which Path to Persia),Rhode's Scholar, 2 year Moscow intern (just like Bill Clinton was) wasted no time; the Obama appointed Russian ambassador is being accused by Vladimir Putin of meddling with elections; another potential act of war. Zbigniew Brzezinski refers to the world as a Grand Chessboard, and George Soros is his financial arm.    

Isfahan explosion
. Iran's 3rd largest city was the capital of Persia under the Safavid Dynasty (1500-1722). Safavids are a Sufi Order called "Twelvers" whose goal is the revealing of the Shiite Imam "al-Mahdi"; same goal as Mesianic fake "Judaism" promoted in Kaballah and the Talmud by Chabad Lubavitch and the Knights Templar or Jesuits in fake Christianity. Isfahan was called the "Chief Weigh Station" of the Silk Road; today it's a UNESCO World Heritage site.
   Pakistan closed its border crossing over CIA Drone attacks where 1/2 of US supplies transit to Afghanistan.
    Iran claims RQ-170 "Sentinel" Stealth Drone aka "Beast of Kandahar" shot down in eastern Iran; an act of war? This is the 4th time, this type claim has been made; grain of salt is in order; small, high altitude, stealth reconaissance aircraft are not easy to shoot down and Iran is claiming it came down with minimal damage. Is is

                                                         November: 9 Means Judgment
                       "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"-Cathar saying

G-20 Finance Ministers 
Vote on Greek Debt 11/4; Edomite Bankers now control Greece and Italy. 700 years after Knights Templar (Cathar Military and Bankers) were suppressed in favor of the Hospitallers (Sovereign Military order of Malta and Rhodes) and 400 years after the Jesuit Gun Powder Plot failed to prevent the 1611 Authorized Bible from publication. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi unites the Court of Gentiles, Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulcher aka "Jesuit Guard" and the Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George. "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this Sign, Conquer) represents "Ownership of Jerusalem"; the "X" Constantine used to unite Paganism and Christianity represents the time Esau (Edomites) achieve Dominion.

Guy Fawkes Day. Nov 5 "Bank Transfer Day". Get a KJV and read Gen 27:39. Isaac told Esau "Thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth..." Jewish Bankers? Hardly Edomites are the Bankers.

Eid al Adha Nov 6-7 Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Ishmael and building the altar of God at Mecca as recorded in the Quran or Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Isaac in Jerusalem on Mt Moriah as recorded in the Bible. Time to Choose people!

IAEA Iran Nuclear Findings published 11/8. Qom: Holiest Shiite site in Iran 2nd only to Mecca. Bushehr is where Muhammad was initiated.

DHA, FEMA and FCC Emergency Alert System Test 11/9/11 Internet, Radio, TV Shutdown. 

Veteran "Beast of Burden" Day 11/11/11 11 AM 
WWI ended in Amistice. WWIII was planned in 1871. WWI: National Socialism; 100 Million dead from US created Spanish Flu; 11 Million from lead. WWII 200 million dead from Communism worldwide; WWIII Political Zionism versus Islam.

Gog and Magog procession 11/12/11 11AM at City of London aka "New Troy" GOG AND MAGOG IS NOT ARMAGEDDON!!!!!!!!! I REPEAT! ARMAGEDDOM PRECEDES GOG AND MAGOG BY 1000 YEARS!!!!!!! 
Armageddon occurs at the 6th Seal (Rev 16:16) Gog and Magog is after the Millennium (Rev 21:7-8) "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea" There is a Phoenix on Magog's Shield for a reason. Francis Bacon called it New Atlantis. Nial Kilkenny at is lying through his Tartan Kilt. Tartan is called Phoenician Cloth for a reason.

IAEA Meeting in Vienna Nov 16-17 (The big deal) Occupy Wall St "International Day of Action" (The Red Herring).

Super Congress
 Austerity Laws due Nov 23 in violation of Art 1 Sec 1 of the US Constitution. The 112th Congress illegally gave away this authority; St Malachy (a Gnostic Kabbalist) predicted "Peter the Roman" #112 from Celestine II would bring an end to the Roman Catholic Church; 12/21/2012 will end the Age of Pisces (Peter the fisher of men is the Rock upon which the Roman Papacy is founded); Phoenicians called this man the "Fisher King". Barack is the name of Abraham's (mythical) White Horse and Muhammad's (mythical) White Horse; his inauguration year matches the White Horse rider of Art 21 "Covenant of One Heaven" at   "Nothing in politics happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned" FDR. The GAO (Government Accounting Office) completed the 1st FED audit; $16 Trillion (equals outstanding US Debt) given to US Banks, International Corporations and Foreign Banks over the last 3 years. It doesn't take a genius to see the plan!

Thanksgiving Nov 24, a celebration of Indian slaughter. Puritans put Chief Metacomet's head on a pike. Pay Back is going to hurt!

Silk Road (Karakoram Hwy-Islamabad-Kabul-Kandahar-Herat-Tehran-Baghdad-Har Megiddo) Update: Hillary Clinton visits: Tripoli 10/19; Qadaffi dies and Operation Knife Edge (Build-up of forces along Afghanistan-Pakistan border) begins; 10/20 Kabul, 10/21 Islamabad, 10/23 Tashkent, Uzbekistan. 11/10 Foreign Appropriations Bill (Sponsors are George Soros' Freedom House and Int'l Crisis Group) contains financial aid to Islam Karimov (President and Communist Party Chief) in Uzbekistan. US Navy has 2 Aircraft Carrier Groups (GHW Bush and John Stennis) at the Straits of Hormuz; one (George Washington) in the China Sea, and the Amphibious Group (Bataan) at the Gulf of Aden (Yemen-Ethiopia).

HR 1995 "Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act"  was secretively and nearly unanimously passed in the House of Representatives Oct 24, 2007 as California wild fires dominated the news. "You are either with us or you are with the Terrorists" George Bush Jr. The Senate version and subsequent signing into law is also very likely assured; but when? Senate Homeland Security Committee members: Joe Lieberman, Susan Collins, Carl Levin, John McCain might find the research into 9/11/2001, Osama bin Laden's CIA involvement, Saddam Hussein's WMD's and Carlyle Group investments or AIPAC and Israel's influence on Congress "Extremist Belief"; Mark Begich might find research into HAARP or Earthquake, Volcanic eruption, Weather Modifying Scalar EM Radars or the 200 year supply of oil in the ANWR  "Extremist"; Rand Paul may find research into his family's Masonic affiliation or George Soros' financing of the Masonic controlled Tea Party "Extremist"; Tom Coburn might find research into Freemason control of the Southern Baptist Convention "Extremist", Scott Brown may find research into Boston's multi-billion "Big Dig" fraud "Extremist" or Mary Landrieu may find research into Deep Water Horizon, Corexit and Blue Plague "Extremist" at which point indefinite incarceration without legal representation, Miranda Rights or Habeaus Corpus would ensue. Watch for this to pass the Senate; it will be the final nail in the Constitutional Coffin. 

"All these worlds are yours except Europa; attempt no landing there" Black Alien Monoliths created by "First Born" (a veiled reference to Giants of Gen 6) on Jupiter "King Star" create a Black Hole (Gravity Well), which then explodes to form a Stella Nova (Supernova) "New Star" called "Lucifer" in Arthur C Clarke's Odyssey 2 and 2010: The year we make contact. Tycho Brahe proposed a changeable canopy of Stars (God uses the word "stretched") the with his supposed Supernova observation;
Dominican monk Giordano Bruno proposed a universe of infinite stars/planets; Galileo observed Jupiter's moon's in orbit and Newton proposed the mysterious force of Gravity in the vain effort to disprove scripture.
   On Nov 17, 2011 NASA posted new findings from the Galileo Spacecraft (imploded on Jupiter 2003) in Time Magazine and the Journal Nature proposing Salt Water Oceans exist under "Chaos Terrain" on Europa, the new Garden of Eden created by Lucifer. Is it coincidence 4 lying NASA Luciferian astronaut freemasons: John Glenn, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins were presented Presidential Gold Medals the day before?
   Arthur C Clarke and Stanley Kubrick named the 3 Monoliths found in Africa (Out of Africa is a Lie promoted by Evolution Theory), on the Moon near Tycho Crater and orbitting Jupiter. "Tycho" was named after the Rosicrucian Alchemist Tycho Brahe who invented the Super Nova Theory, a critical component of Gravity, Evolution, Big Bang, Relativity, Red Shift,  Black Hole, Dark/Anti-matter, Neutrino and String Theories (All Luciferian Lies). Ever wonder how Gravity is caused by streams of God Particles? Don't it's a Dark Matter lie.
     Chaos: Cronus (Time) murders and eats his offspring to ensure he is never rivaled; Zeus (Light) as a White Bull abducts, seduces and transports the Phoenician (Phoenix regenerates by fire) princess Europa (alt Cretan King Minos' wife Pasiphae) to Crete (biblical Caphtor) where the Minotaur (Apis Bull=Golden Bull) is kept in the Labyrinth. Cretans admit they are liars, evil beasts and slow bellies (Titus); we know them as astronauts, priests and scientists. If you are not spiritually ready for "Order out of Chaos" ask Jesus Christ for help.

            Sir Walter Raleigh organized expeditions to Hattaras Is and Roanoke Is to claim ownership of America for Queen Elizabeth I. July 4 1584 is considered the first Thanksgiving by some. Britain is owned by the Vatican and the US is still owned by the British; the IRS Form 1040 is in fact a tribute to the British Crown and a veiled reference to the preceding 1040 days before the 1260 day Great Tribulation which make up Daniel’s 2300 Days, but that' another story.
    Virginia was named for the Virgin Queen Elizabeth in history books, but in reality the Virgin Queen of Heaven “Columbia or Britannia”. Raleigh had allies in the Puritans (Pur means Lots cast for Marduk) who brought Nicolaitane Doctrine (Elevated Clergy); a base of operations at the edge of the Gulf Stream from which Pirates could plunder Spanish ships returning from the Caribbean; Raleigh’s marker called “God’s Longitude” is located on the 77th Meridian on what is now Freedom Hill aka Meridian Hill in Washington DC. Puritans moved north purchasing Manhattan Is for $24 in trinkets from the Canarsie Indians and set up New Haven CT.
      June 29, 1676, the 1st "Thanksgiving Proclamation" was celebrated for war victories against “Heathen Natives” "Thanksgiving" was Massachusetts Bay Colony Governor John Winthrop's celebration of the May 1637 pre-dawn murder of 700 Pequot Indians in what is today Groton CT where the US has a nuclear submarine base. The Pequot were gathered for the annual "Green Corn Festival"; victims were awakened, shot, clubbed, burned alive in the Longhouse, sold into English slavery via Bermuda and Liverpool or dispersed from their land. Wampanoag Chief Metacomet (his father signed the first Peace Treaty with British Colonists) was renamed “King Phillip”, impaled on a spike (Turkomen after whom the Turkey is named call this the "Palo") and put on display 24 years as a warning of the 1671 event in Plymouth. Colonists referred to Metacomet as "King Phillip" after King Phillip of France who arrested the Knights Templar in 1307, not King Phillip II who prosecuted the French and Indian Wars. In 1614 Patuxet Indians were loaded onto slave ships bound for England; those left behind were intentionally infected with smallpox; by 1620, it is claimed that only the ex-slave who developed immunity to the disease named Squanto remained alive. In Jamestown Debtors forced to work, starve or board ships destined for Debtors Prisons decided to poison the wine at a 1623 Feast in which 200 Indians died. Freemason, Order of Cincinnati George Washington cut Thanksgiving festivities of selling scalps (Indians became “Red Skins” from scalping) and using severed heads as soccer balls down to 1 day, and Rosicrucian Grand Master Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving an American (America means Amurru-Can; Priests of the Canaanite Serpent god Amurru and the Amaru, his staff of authority) National Holiday "Holy Day" during the Civil War; on the same day, he ordered soldiers against starving Sioux Indians in Minnesota. Turkey was Rosicrucian, Freemason, Hell Fire Club Initiate Ben Franklin's choice for the National Bird; its name is Turkish from "Turkomen" (Arab means "Merchant"; Turkomen were Arabs living in Turkey whose religion was Kaballah) the Turkey merchants of Madascar. The Guinea Fowl called "Turkey" is the domesticated bird of the Aztecs (Aztec, Aztlan and Laban all mean "To make white ie sinless"). Aztec corn was called "Turkey Corn". Turkey is derived from "Hindi", the Turkish name for Indian and "Dinde" which means "Chicken from India". Columbus was also a Rosicrucian who like colonists, used disease as a weapon and did not discover anything in his life let alone believe Hispaniola was India. Turkey is slang for "Stupid, ineffectual person". Finally, Franklin Roosevelt commercialized Thanksgiving by placing it on the 3rd Thursday in November to kick off the month long celebration of Saturnalia, Brumalia, Hannukah, Christmas or whatever name Satan’s birthday goes by. Merry Christmas; setting up a Grove and celebrating the death and distribution of Jesus' body is also pretty stupid. A Turkey Shoot refers to setting Turkeys up behind a log and shooting at their heads; George Bush Sr called the slaughter of Iraqis in 1991 on the Highway of Death a "Turkey Shoot"; soon it will be our turn
11/21/11 Joseph's Stick Obadiah and Eze 35 describe Judgment of Esau (Mt Seir) at the 2nd Coming aka Armageddon. Children of Israel (Israel means "One who wrestles with God") refer to Jews and Born Again Christians; not 2nd Temple era Pharisaic, Talmudic Judaism, Purim and Hannukah, Kaballah, Samaritan Kohanim (Chief Priests) or the Hexagram (Seal of Solomon) imposters in "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8 today. Israel is represented by 2 sticks Jesus will use to unite the rift during the Millennium; today, we have a far different situation. 1 stick (Tally Sticks were used as Bank Accounts) for Judah and the children of Israel aligned with Judah and one for Ephraim and the children of Israel aligned with Ephraim "And Syria is confederate with Ephraim...And the head of Ephraim is Samaria" Is 7:2;9 "Manasseh, Ephraim...shall be against Judah" Is 9:21
    MF Global (Derivatives), Goldman Sachs (Derivatives Brokers) and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (Commodities: Food, Oil etc) are conveying the last vestiges of fictional ownership to the UN and IMF right now.  It may be shocking to know the IRS and Federal Reserve are agencies of the IMF and the IMF an agency of the UN. The Social Security Adminstration is under the US Treasury; neither of which have any funds whatsoever; both are under the IMF which is under the UN. Courts? Judges are administrators of the UN as the Gold Fringe encircling the flag tells us in plain sight. The game was rigged  from the start, but that is not the worst.
    Executuve Orders are like loaded guns kept in desk made from the HMS Resolute. Queen Victoria was known as the Farie (Bloodline of Ham-Canaan-Ishmael-Esau) Queen; Resolute means Unwavering determination; Gnostic determination; recall the Clues in the movie National Treasure were in the Resolute Desk? Sovereign Mason, Bilderberg, CFR, Brotherhood of Death Society initiate George HW "Magog" Bush's EO #12803 "Infrastructure Privatization" provides for the sale of Roads, Bridges, Tunnels, Airports, Shipping Ports, Prisons, Utilities, Mass Transit, Hospitals, Schools and Housing". Thomas Jefferson changed "Life, Liberty and the puruit of property" to "...happiness" for this reason. Slaves do not own property because they are not regarded as persons; Corporations are by decree of Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite, another Skull & Bones Satanist. Bad enough?
    British means "B'Rith" (Birthright); Cain?, Ham?, Canaan?, Aram (Syria), Ishmael?, Esau? How about Joseph's eldet Manasseh? Remember Gideon? Ishmaelites ("Twelvers" like Ahmadinejad) do, he made an gold ephod from their earrings after he severed their heads. Arthur Koestler Thirteenth Tribe and Yair Daviday ( will tell you Manasseh is also represented by Native Americans (Maya, Inca, Eskimo, Polynesians etc) Nonesense? Absolutely, but so does the Mormon Church, who not only have 2 candidates: Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman running for president, they believe Mormons represent the House of Joseph; White Mormons represent Ephraim, native members Manasseh and the descendants of Joseph Smith represent Dan which means Judge. Note: The real Dannites will judge Israel at the end of the Millennium as told in Gen 49:17; fake Dannites will judge Israel when "The Constitution is upon the brink of ruin, this people will be the staff upon which the nations shall lean, and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction" BYU Studies on the sayings of Joseph Smith Vol 19 p 391. How's that for long range planning?
    On Nov 14, 2008 fake Mormon Glenn Beck told fake Catholic (Sabians=Crypto=Marrano=Wolves in Sheep's Clothing) Bill O'Reilly on Fox (Jesus called King of Judea Herod a "Fox"; Murdoch is the Babylonian Merodach cool eh?) "We are at the place where the Constitution hangs in the balance" Why? Jesuit, Sodomite Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts intended to fail to swear in (Oath of Office never included defending the US Constitution) the first non-US Citizen, a CIA trained, Sodomite (Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama are members of Man's Country in Chicago) Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah ie Sin; trained 1981-1983) with a fake CT Social Security Number.
    Christmas Eve 1855, the HMS Resolute sailed into New London CT where Obama's fake SS# was issued; is it also coincidence the real owner of that SS#, French immigrant John Paul Ludwig sailed in on a ship named "Leviathan" listing his employer PA Senator David Reed who authored the "Immigration Act of 1924"?
     Figured out who the Stick of Joseph will be? My guess is Mitt Romney; his advisory staff has all the favorites: Rabbi Dov Zakheim (TX and DOD Comptroller who stole Super Conducting Super Collider money and a whopping $2.3 Trillion, announced on 9/10/2011), his lovely son Defense lobbyist Roger Zakheim, FEMA's Devil in Charge Michael Chertoff now the sole lobbyist for Full Body X-Ray and Millimeter Wave Scanners for all cargo including humans, his Chertoff Associates Chief and former NSA Chief Michael Hayden (cool because the NSA is building the world's largest Data Collection Facility in Zion aka Salt Lake City next to Mitt Romney's bosses in the Mormon Temple) and CIA advocate Cofer Black.
    The Un-constitutional Super Congress traitors will in all likelihood fail to reach an agreement (No meetings in 3 weeks; Hello!); planned to violate Art 1 Sec 1 of the US Constitution and place blame on a nameless/faceless Scapegoat called "Sequestration"; in reality a Writ of Siezure called Automatic Cuts: $600B to Defense and $600B to Social Security, Medicare-Medicaid, FDIC etc. Sec Def Leon Panetta dutifully warned today the cuts would trigger a "Doomsday mechanism leaving the military unable to protect the country from terrorist attack".
     Reads like a freakish horror show doesn't it? Now go read the end of Millennium scripture they are trying to fake Eze 38:1-6 noticing America is not one of them: Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, Togarmah. Hey isn't Germany in NATO on the side of the US, France and Britian? Not for long, Germany (Gomer) is collapsing the British Pound, Britain has severed all banking with Iran, Germany is waiting for the Euro and NATO to fail before formally joining sides with Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. Why? The Throne of Pergamum (Zeus=Satan) is in the Berlin Museum. Guess that will leave just the Stick of Joseph eh?
     Time to pick sides folks, Ephraim, Syria, Assyria and Samaria or Judah. "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be" Gen 49:10 Why not let Shiloh (Jesus Christ) do the gathering? Quite frankly, the British suck at it.
11/19/11 Managed Futures Accounts 
a rigged Rothschild (Edom=Red=Red Shield) global game as the name MF Global implies. Managed Futures began with Isaac's blessing to Esau in Gen 27: 39-41KJV (War/Violence, Priests as intermediaries between God and Man, and Wealth leading to Dominion are included in this key prophetic blessing; Note: This scripture is completely reversed in new bible versions) Today, Managed Futures are called "Derivatives" totaling between 10 and 50X the Global Gross Domestic Product ($600T-$1.4Q).
    Ken Lay (Enron), Bernie Madoff, Lloyd Blankfein, Hank Paulson and George Soros are chumps compared to ex-Goldman Sachs and MF Global CEO Jon Corzine. Managing Futures prices of commodities such as Oil, Gold, Silver, Treasury Yields, Mortgage Loans, Currency values, Stock Indexes or Weather related destruction are "Managed" and maintained in Hedge Funds; recent examples of micro-management is the DJIA hitting 9651.51 on 9/11/2001 and 9/11/2009, the NYSE hitting 666 on 3/6/9, US Debt Downgrade coupled with a George Soros $1B bet on US Treasury Futures or Silver hitting it Atomic Number of $47 before plummeting; the latter managed by Tim Geithner and Ben Bernanke using $1T in US Treasury funds to bag a $10T profit.
   Goldman-Sachs, Jefferies (Only Investment Bank not insured by FED), Bank of America, Citigroup, Deutsche, JPMorgan-Chase, Royal Bank of Scotland all have Managed Futures Brokers (Commodity Trading Advisors) as intermediaries between Pension Fund investors and MF Global; much like Neutrinos as mythical "Force Carriers" between Matter and Anti-matter or Priests as mythical intermediaries between Man and God, they are being sued. The problem is they are worthless.
     Sheep place faith in Priests, Rabbis and Pastors; Savers/pensioners place faith in Bankers; both are managed by Edomites and God warned us clearly in Gen 27:39-41KJV. Today, we are making the exact same mitakes Jews made in trusting the Pharisees (Crypto ie Edomites converted to Kaballah, Talmud posing as Jewish Priests) Hegding our bets is FDIC (Federal Depoit Insurance); Bank of America alone has a $75T exposure to Managed Futures and backing this "Gamble" are taxpayer deposits.
    America (Amurru=Edomite shepherd and serpent) is not alone; Goldman Execs now control the Governments of Greece and Italy plus the European Central Bank; France was rejected for an ECB bailout today and Spain is close behind. On Nov 23, the Super Congress (in violation of Art 1 Sec 1 of the US Constitution) will likely trigger automatic spending cuts. Pick your poison: Social Security, Unemployment Inurance, Medicare-Medicaid, FDIC, FHA (Mortgage Insurance), PBGC (Pension Insurance) or Defense (aka Dept of War). Jesus is High Priest of the New Covenant; America will play a similar role, sacrificed for the Sin Debts of the world and Edomites created it to be this way.
     Federal Reserve Usury and Fractional Reserve Lending are rigged to ensure there is never enough money in curculation to cover debts. Managed Futures are just what the name physically implies but not spiritually. You can Manage and Insure your Future only through a relationship with Jesus Christ. I suggest doing this sooner rather than later; as thee 7 banks go, so goes the world economy; Black Horse Rider? Jon Corzine seems to be giving George Soros a run for his money. As the Money Changer's Tables were turned over at Herod's Temple; the New Covenant Temples (Born Again Christians) are being overturned.

11/18/11 OPERA 
confirmed the 9/23/2011 claim Neutrinos travel faster than light. MINOS BS! CERN's Large Hadron Collider on the French-Swiss border (France=Free; Swiss=Neutral) producing "God Particles" to prove Newton's Gravity Theory and Italy's OPERA "Oscillation Project with Emulsion Racking Apparatus" (Racking Apparatus=Bull Horns) is the last attempt of Cretans (PhD Physicists) to prove String Theory (Oscillations of massless particles causing Mass stems from Ariadne's ball of string to escape the Minotaur in the Labyrinth). Neutrinos "Little Neutral Ones" are the imaginary "Force Carriers" between Matter and Anti-matter, (Forces of Light versus Dark is a Zoroastrian concept denoting WWIII). Proving the existence of Neutrinos is integral to "Time Travel" and proving greater than light speed is integral to long distance space travel needed to claim Alien visitation. Opera means "A Drama, Work or Effort that is Sung"; Singing obviously implies oscillation. WWIII will center on the Mosque of Omar "Shrine of the Great Speaker".
   Neutrinos have never been proven or observed; Wolfgang Pauli (The 33rd Prime Number #137 was Pauli's "DNA of Light") theorized "Neutrons" provided the added nuclear mass of the Atom; this was adapted to cosmology by Enrico Fermi as the Neutrino. It appears to me the "Great Work" is about to conclude.
    Want truth? Read the Authorized Bible: Fixed (Job 26:7), 6000 year old Earth (2 Pet 3:8); Stretched ie Static Stars (PS:104:2) and Satan as the god of forces (Dan 11:38)
11/17/11 IAEA 
Meeting in Vienna (The Big Deal); Occupy Wall St "International Day of Action" (The smokescreen) Gog and Magog ends the Millennium! 1000 years after the 2nd Coming!! "And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall so out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog..." Rev 20:7-8  "And David my servant shall be king over them; and they shall have one shepherd...My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they my people" Eze 37:24,27 "Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal and prophesy againt him" Eze 38:2   Rosh is added to Meshech and Tubal in new bible version to add confusion; Rosh is not Russia! Meshech is not Moscow and Tubal is not Tobolsk (Siberian capital)! Tubal and Meshech are sons of Japheth. Gomer and Togarmah are likewise not Turkey and Germany, they are the son and grandson of Japheth.
    Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Gomer, Togarmah, Sheba, Dedan are also listed but modern Iran has little to do with the Persia of Cyrus the Great; Iran means Aryan and serve as the seat of Zorostrianism, the parent of Dominionism and Zionism. Likewise, Togarmah has notihng to do with modern Turkey, an Ottoman/Edomite creation. Turkey and the Free Syrian Army did not pick Haran by accident anymore than Hezbollah and Israel picked the Golan Height by accident; Abraham's grandfather wa Haran; the firt "Wolves in Sheep's Clothes" (Crypto/Marrano) were Sabians of Haran; the Golan Heights is Mt Sion where "Sons of God saw daughters of men... and took them wives of all" Gen 6:2  WWIII is a Zoroastrian (Star Seed) concept to bring "Order out of Chaos"; the real action will start with Iran (Dan 8); the Straits of Hormuz will close, oil supplies will collapse western economies (Black Horse), and the Mosque of Omar (Temple Mount where Abram bound Isaac in the bible or Ishmael in the Quran) will take center stage in uniting Abraham's 3 bloodline through Hagar, Sarah, and Keturah (Bahai). The goal is Unitarianism/Monotheism; Deny Jesus Christ is God in Flesh; Deny Jesus Christ is the Holy Ghost. The latter is the "Unforgivable Sin".
   The time has come to trust scripture as written through men moved by the Holy Ghost; this is the Authorized Bible (KJV) not New Bible versions based on Alexandrian Gnostic "Doctored" texts. If your bible changes Gen 6 "Giants" to "Nephillim" toss it. Rapture, Aliens, Star of David? Toss them. Reverends, Rabbis, Priests, Imams? Toss them. Holy means "Separate" not "Congregate"; Hanukkah Menorah, Christmas Tree? Toss them. Confused? Black Horse, WWIII, Pale Horse, 6th Seal "Heaven departs as a scroll", 7th Seal 144,000 of the tribes of Israel sealed, 1260 days of 7 Trumpets/Great Tribulation (3rd Temple "70 Weeks" to Armageddon), 2nd Coming, Millennium, Gog and Magog, Eternity. Simple enough? It's not Nazi Rocket Science! 
11/16/11 Dominionism "Sovereign Authority to Rule" is a nearly 6000 years old concept, originating in Gen 1:28; God changed that covenant from Eve, Adam and Cain's Sin. "Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pas when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck. And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing..." Gen 27:39-41KJV Esau obtains Dominion, not Jacob!!!; Amos 7:2-3; 5-6KJV explains this twice. The Authorized Bible created quite a stir with this scripture which is why Jesuits (aka Militia of Zeus and Minerva) attempted to kill King James I in the Gun Powder Plot 400 year ago.
    Like the original Church "Doctors" (Ambrose, Augustine etc) Dr George Grant is Gnostic "Nicolaitane" and "Dominionist". The term was popularized during Sovereign Military Order of Malta Pat Robertson's (700 Club refers to 700 years after Gnostic Cathar military "Knights Templar" were disbanded and replaced by the Knights of Malta beginning Oct 1311) presidential run. His book New World Order a Jesuit rendition of Adolf Hitler's unpublished work New World Order;Mein Kampf was also Jesuit written). Grant was initiated by Calvinist (Calvin's TULIP doctrine is also Dominionist) Church "Doctor" Dr D James Kennedy of Coral Ridge Prebyterian Church. The "IHS" (By this sign Conquer) Cross originated during Constantine's era and was later adopted by Jesuits. Grant endorses Michelle Bachmann; the Dominionist, Knox (Calvin disciple John Knox founded the Scottish Prebyterian Church; Kirkin O Tartan is the Church of the Assyrian army in 2 Kings 18:17 for Pete's sake) Seminary Theologian, Presbyterian minister says "Christians have an obligation, mandate, commission and holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ to have Dominion". He is an Edomite liar.
    Michelle Bachmann, Sarah Palin (Palin on the cover of Going Rogue wearing a Red=Edomite Coat is pretty tough to figure out eh?), Rick Perry, and Mormons Mitt Romney and Jon Hunstman (Zionism is Dominionism) represent the reversal of Good and Evil that is Dominionism. "Re-contructionism"; Biblical Law replacing Secular Law is now "New Apostolic Reformation"; Christians assuming leadership in Government, Religion, Media, Family, Business, Education, Art and Entertainment. Nice idea but not what Jesus said "God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beat, until the words of God shall be fulfilled. And the woman which thou sawet is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth" Rev 17:17-18 The "great city" is Jerusalem which Jesus refers to as "Spiritually Sodom and Egypt" Rev 13:8 The "woman" is variously called Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Anammelech, Queen of Heaven and Whore of Babylon; Bab=Gate; Ilu=Lord Moloch/Marduk. 
    The "beast" given "dominion" is described in Dan 7:6; the "dominion" of Jesus Christ is described in Dan 7:14. Jesus will "take away his dominion" Dan 7:26 Make sense? If not ask Jesus Christ to explain it to you with the Holy Ghost. Dominionist and Zionist theology are Edomite lies. Time is short; when the "beast" is given "dominion"; Jesus rolls Heaven as a scroll when it is rolled together. Rev 6:14.
11/14/11 Tikun Olam 
"Repair the Earth" is the blog of Richard Silverstein. 33Mason and Theosophist Frank Baum wrote Wizard of Oz to illustrate this concept using Dorothy (Doro=Door or Gate), in Silver Slippers (Ruby was a later change) traveling to Emerald City (Emerald is Lightning and Lapiz Exilis; the stone cut from Lucifer's Crown; Silverstein means Silver Stone). Tikun Olam refers to removing the Cherubim guarding the Garden of Eden and  removing the Tree of Life (Jesus Christ), leaving the Serpent and Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Tikun Olam reported today "Mossad and MEK "Mujahideen e-Kalq" (Mujahideen means Warriors of Allah ie Sin) are responsible for the attack on the Republican Guard Shahab "Shooting Star" Missile Base. MEK had of course previously accused Jundallah (Soldiers of Allah ie Sin) for the attack. Also today, an anonymous source from Seoul South Korea claims several hundred North Korean nuclear engineers and missile experts (recall North Korea's last missile test was a flop) are in Qom (Holiest Shiite site in Iran), Natanz  and Bushehr designing warheads for the Shahab missile systems. UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon is a Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon "Moonies" who in 2004 was proclaimed "Messiah of the Universe" in the Dirksen Senate Office Building of the US Congress. Getting the picture yet? Allah=Moon god=Sin=Man of Sin=Lucifer.
   The Arab League aka Muslim Brotherhood is now demanding Syrian sanctions to oust Bashar al-Assad; it is no coincidence Syria, Iran and North Korea do not have a Rothschild (Red Shield) Central Bank. The Rothschild "Gold Kings" represent the Yellow Brick Road; "He who has the Gold makes the rules".
   WWIII will pit forces of political Zionism against Islam in order the Doctrine of Lucifer can be revealed as said by Albert Pike (Masons represent the Bricks); put in biblical terms, the Black Horse will destroy the world economy, the Mede-Persian Ram will battle the Grecian Rough Goat (Zoroastrian battle of Ahura Mazda versus Ahriman) and out of the Chaos, the Pale Horse will ride to usher in the New World Order of al-Mahdi and the Alternative Messiah beginning at Rev 8. You should be hearing the Ram's Horn Shofars by now!  Zoroaster means "Star Seed"; is it coincidence he claims to have been born in Tehran?
   This is not meant to be funny; it's meant as a wake up. North Korea's Taepodong Missile (Tapered Shaft/Penis), Iran's Shahab (Shooting Star) are the same missiles; both mean Obelisk (Baal's Shaft/Penis). Iran means Aryan for "Noble Caste". Korea is derived from Kore/Korah the name of Esau's (Edomite) Priesthood as well as the false Levitical "Rebel" Priesthood which began in Moses and Aaron's day; God opened the earth and killed Korah's priests with fire in Numbers 16 and it's no coincidence God's wrath is described in Rev 16. Korah means "To make bald; depilate". Esau was ", all over like an hairy garment" Gen 25:25 whose descendants cut their hair to become as their brother Jacob, a "plain man" Gen 25:27 Esau's role is to live by the sword, wealthy and achieve "Dominion" (Gen 27:39-41). Seen any Red Stars, Crescents or Crosses lately? We see this "baldness" in the form of Tonsure, the Yarmulke and Zuchetto; seen any Priests llike that recently?
     StuxNet virus was used to attack Iran; StuxNet also caused the Fukushima disaster by shutting off reactor coolant nearly an hour before the Tsumani wave even arrived; notice Fukushima is exactly on the 38th Parallel where the Korean War ended in Armistice "Temporary cessation of hostilities". Duqu is the new computer virus based on StuxNet; so named because its code begins with DQ (Dairy Queen or Disqualified; take your pick). Here is the bald truth: Esau intends to kill Jacob ie Born Again Christians and Jacob's physical descendants (Israel are Ashkenazi, Mizrahi and Sephardic descendants of Ham; not Semitic nor in covenant with God; Israel's Priests are Korahites). North Korea's nuclear program is called "Room 99 or Bureau 99" because Abraham was 99 when Isaac was born. Occupy means "Sieze or Take Posession"; Ever heard the slogan "We are the 99%"? Now does it make sense why US politicians (Cain, Romney, McCaiin, Palin, Bachmann, Gingrich, Clinton, Lieberman et all) are all pushing war with Iran, Syria and North Korea? The UN started the Korean War and ended it in Armistice 60 years ago; Isaac was 60 years old when the Twins, Esau and Jacob were born; it's payback time Edomite Rabbis call "Tikun Olam".       

11/13/11 Silvio Berlusconi 
resigned after signing Italy's austerity laws today; Italian default will likely collapse the European Union much like a game of Dominoes, the favorite game played at Bohemian Grove; much of the debt is shouldered by Bank of America, Citi Group, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan-Chase with much of it guaranteed by American taxpayers through the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corp). Berlusconi's replacement is an unelected Banker Mario Monti a Goldman Sachs and European Central Bank advisor and Bilderberger; his Greek counterpart Lucas Papademos is also unelected and a  member of the European Central Bank and Boston Federal Reserve"; the European Central Bank president is Mario Draghi, a VP of Goldman Sachs, MIT Economist and former director of the World Bank and Italian Treasury. Mario Monti's name is also the mirror of Monte Mario, the highest peak in Rome outside the traditional City of 7 Hills to be destroyed during the reign of Pope #112 "Peter the Roman" in the Prophecy of St Malachy; I doubt this is coincidental.
   Super Congress Committee releases its Austerity decisions on Nov 23 aka Feast Day of St George for the 365 Orthodox Churches in Georgia bearing his name; the traitors are led by Brotherhood of Death Initiate John Kerry (nee Kohn; Samaritan-Korahite imposters of the Levitical Priesthood hand picked from the 112th Congress to enact eternal, irrevocable austerity measures in the US.
  Monte Mario is called "Bad Mountain" due the murder of Vatican Banker and Papal Marionette Giovanni Crescenzi in 972 AD. Clan Crescenzi controlled the Vatican from 950-1012 AD (exactly 1000 years ago and not by coincidence); the name means Crescent, the symbol of the Assyrian moon god "Sin" and Islamic moon god "al-Allah". The Crescenzi Clan controlled the Vatican treasury and religion; thorugh Pope Sergius IV in 993 AD, the Roman Papacy gained the rediculous authority to proclaim "Sainthood". Sainthood is the favorite tool of Knight Templars and Sufi mystics to gain respectability, a notion derived from Gnostic Cathar Priests "Perfecti". The Crescenzi Clan ended by execution, the body "made a curse" (Lev 21:23) by being hung on a Gibbet erected on Monte Mario.
   Berlusconi maintains a hedge at his castle depicting the Alfa Romeo logo, a Red Cross of St George and the Rosicrucians next to a crowned serpent eating a man; this a variation of the Ouroborus (Serpent coiled into a circle eating its own tail), used by the Theosophical Society, the parent organization of John Kerry's Skull & Bones Society. The same date was chosen for George Soros (nee Gyorgy Schwartz) "Rose Revolution" in Georgia in 2003, clearing the route Russia will use to Jerusalem to falscify the final battle of Gog and Magog (Eze 39); again this date is not by coincidence. St George is mythical (the figure varies from a rich Arab merchant to Roman soldier), however the idea unites Muslim, Greek/Russian Orthodox and Anglican churches.  "A man's enemies shall be the men of his own household" Jesus Christ; Never in history has this been more true or obvious.
11/12/11 11UTC Gog and Magog Procession: the Height of Absurdity 
Gog and Magog is the final world gathering around Jerusalem, King David and Jesus Christ at the end of the Millennium; over 1000 years from now! This debacle is the height of absurdity. The Giants Gog and Magod will be paraded through the streets of the City of London as new Lord Mayor David Wootton proclaims allegiance to the Queen at the Royal Court of Justice. QEII Uh no! the Queen of Heaven silly.
    Most all Nations are in debt. (Derivatives are estimated at $1.4 Quadrillion, an absurd figure) The World's balance sheet has "Liabilities" balanced by "Assets" which are valued (appraised), accounted and held at the City of London; cool eh? Iran and North Korea are notable exceptions as neither have a Central Bank; WWIII will destroy their assets just as Libya (Qadaffi had no Central Bank either) was. This 3rd Beast (Dan 7:6) will achieve "Dominion" and then hand all of it over to a 4th Beast with 10 horns out of which a "Little Horn" (Antichrist/al-Mahdi) will emerge; Cool eh?
    A massive fireworks display between Blackfriar (Propaganda Duo Mason and Vatican Banker Roberto Calvi was left hanging with bricks in his pocket from this bridge featured in Heath Ledger's Swan Song movie The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus) and Waterloo (Rothschild stooge Napoleon was used to establish the Rothschild International Bankers across Europe at the Battle of Waterloo) Bridge over the Thames River will cap the evening; not absurd enough? 
    Shakespeare was a fraud created by Rosicrucian "Knights of the Golden Helmet", Jack the Ripper was Winston Churchill's father and America's Liberty Bell left the White Chapel foundry cracked from the start. Jesuit freak Adam Wieshaupt formed his Order of Perfectibillists (Cathar Perfecti) in London on Beltaine 1776 said "Oh, Mortal man is there nothing you cannot be made to believe" Here are a few more absurdities. Qadaffi blew up Pan-Am 103. No, the CIA, did but the United Nations Human Rights Council was set to present him with a humanitarian award just ahead of the US, British and French firing 160 Uranium tipped Cruise Missiles at Tripoli, destroying the Great man-Made River and the "Rebels" managed to open the Central Bank of Benghazi. Pretty absurd for machine gun toting teenagers to open a Central Bank eh? Here are a few more absurdities.
   Adb al-Mutallib was Muhammad's paternal uncle; Abdul Mutallib was also the name of the Christmas "Crotch" Bomber. Didn't catch that?
   Othman I was the founder of the Ottoman (Amalekite/Edomite) Empire and Mothman was his first Ottoman Sultan; M. Othman is the United Nations's Space Alien Ambassador. Absurd eh?
   Abdulmalek Rigi, leader of the Sunni "Jundallah" (Soldiers of Allah) was featured by Dan "Swift Boat"  Rather cutting off the head of his brother in law Shahab Mansouri; strange name? Hillary Clinton declared Jundallah a "Terrorist Organization" in 2009 which explains why the US and Great Britian finance their attacks on Shiite targets in Iran and the US is tied at the hip with Sunni Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia eh? Today, Jundallah was accused by MEK of blowing up the 5th Raad Republican Guard Missile Base near Tehran where Shahab-3 Missiles were being assembled for an attack on Israel. Coincidental? Malek is Moloch or for Zoroastrians Melek meaning "Lord"; Shahab means "Shooting Star or Meteor" and Mansrour means "Directed by Allah". Not absurd enough? How about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama sending Bunker Busting Bombs to the United Arab Emirates?
    Folks, God is not Allah; Allah is the Assyrian moon god "Sin" and God will not open the door to truth unless you turn the handle; the only other option is to live in this "Matrix" of absurdity. I suppose its just coincidence Zoroaster aka Zarathustra claimed to have been born in Tehran too? Jesus is the "Way, Truth and Life" (Jn 14:6) go get Him!
11/11/11 11AM Armistice Day 
Albert Pike, sodomite 33head of Scottish Rite Freemasonry, co-founder of the Mafia with Guseippe Mazinni (Mazinni Authorizes Theft, Fire and Poison) and the KKK (Knights of the Kuklos Klan were originally a Scottish Society of the Horseman's Word; Horsemen as in 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse) stated the plan for 3 World Wars in 1871 to build up the Nazis, trade Nazis for Communists and finally pit Zionism against Islam. Armistice means "Temporary Cessation of Hostilities". Ivy League, Federal Reserve traitor, Woodrow Wilson was re-elected using the slogan "Re-elect the man who will keep your sons out of the war in Europe"; 11 million dead in the Great War from lead, 100 million from Spanish Influenza manufactured at Ft Detrick and delivered at via vaccines to soldiers at Ft Riley.
   Money, weapons, vehicles and fuel from Ford, GM, Standard Oil and Wall St Banks began flowing to Hitler; Prescott Bush's assets were siezed in Oct 1942 for "Trading with the Enemy" but  Hitler was anything but his enemy; they were Lodge Brothers in the "Brotherhood of Death" with Joseph Stalin. May 1938 11 Nov was made a Federal Holiday (Federal has nothing to do with Government; it simply means Foederati Holy Day, a league of pagan Black Nobility clans including Lombards, Saxons, Angles, Franks etc).
   Dwight Eisenhower was a real piece of work: D-Day was planned exactly 700 years after the Cathar executions by fire in 1244 at Normandie (Norman=North Man); Dresden was needlessly Fire Bombed; Operation Keelhaul rounded up 2 million Russians opposed to Stalin who were betrayed, handed over, executed or sent to Gulags; surrendered Germans at Dachau were summarily executed; 1.2 million Germans were intentionally starved to death and Gen Patton was murdered for exposing Eisenhower, Churchill (an initiated Druid) and Stalin's plan to create the Cold War and provide the necessary privacy for Nikola Tesla's (he too had just been strangled todeath on orders of his lab assistant Prescott Bush aka Curious George Scherff) weapons to be developed.
    33Truman tested Oppenheimer's Atomic Bombs "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds" was 1st phrase uttered after the Trinity detonation and "It's a Boy" after the 1st Hydrogen detonation; Why? Man thought he had just become God. Mafia/Mason errand boy Truman, after Japan was fire bombed, fought the UN's first war with American soldiers in Korea (Korah is the false Levite Priesthood and a son of Esau) to another "Armistice" (North Korea and Iran are the only 2 nations left without a Central Bank) before changing Armistice to Veteran meaning Old; Scottish Fogie; Cow; Beast of Burden.
    On 11/11/11 150,000 US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and 2 Aircraft Carrier Groups stationed at the Straits of Hormuz will be in harms way should Iran be attacked. HG Wells forecast in 1933  that WWIII would begin with an incursion at Basra; thanks to Brotherhood of Death Initiates George Bush Sr and Jr, the area near Basra is called "Highway of Death". 
Obama advisor Henry Kissinger in a rare moment of honesty "Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as fodder in our wars".

11/10/11 WWIII is not Gog and Magog! 
Rev 20 explains this clearly "After the thousand years" (Ted Pike is no Reverend; he is a liar) Ezekiel explains this in great detail, the catch is "Timing is everything" in understanding this.WWIII is not Armageddon! Eze 35 pronounces God's judgment of Mount Seir (Edomites) at the 2nd Coming (Armageddon); match this chapter with Obadiah; God's Judgment is final. Restoration of Israel comes in Eze 36-37; notice the joining of Joseph/Ephraim with Judah and compare this with Rev 7KJV Juda is missing the 'h" (God is with us) and Joseph's son Manasses is missing the "h" as well but is listed whereas his younger brother Ephraim (Israel) is not. The world knows Ephraim as Ashkenazi (sons of Japheth dwelling in Shem's tents  as stated in Gen 9:27) Notice in Eze 37:24 "David my servant shall be king over them; and they shall have one shepherd..." Anyone seen King David recently? Me neither. The "Shepherd" is of course Jesus Christ. 3rd Temple? There is no Millennial Temple!!! "My tabernacle also shall be with them, I will be their God, and they my people" Eze 37:27 Gog and Magog is then described in Eze 38-39 and yes, I know Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Togarmah (Turkey) etc are in the news; Why? The Alternative Messiah is about to be revealed.
   Rev 17 "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." is not the Roman Catholic Church anymore than America is Rev 18 "Babylon". Babylon means Bab=Gate of Ilu or El. Ilu and El are not Jesus Christ! They are equivalent with Molech, Marduk, Mar.Tu etc.
  Psalm 87 is the essence of Zionism and Gnosticism; Man attempting to become God and Korah attempting to be God's Priests. The military arm of Zionism is the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, symbolized by the Crusader Cross. Rahab, Babylon, Philistia, Tyre and Ethiopia listed in Ps 87 represent Egypt (Land of Gypsies; West), Babylon (Gate of the Sun ie Marduk; East), Philistia (Philistines), Tyre (Phoenicia; Phoenix means House of Enoch) and Ethiopia (Cush) the land of Nimrod; the Scapegoat builder of the Tower of Babel, the Scapegoat builder of Assyria and Nineveh and the Figurehead ruler of the 4 quarters of the Earth in Gen 10:10 (Babel, Erech, Accad, Calneh appear in history as Elam, Subartu, Akkad and Amurru) the latter being the namesake of America. Note: Ethiopia-Yemen is not Sheba-Dedan of Eze 38:13, again, they are Scapegoats.
     Korah led the rebellion against Moses and Aaron in the Arabian desert. Only physical sons of Aaron were charged with God's Priesthood; the Levite Priests (Kohannim) in Jerusalem attempting to bring the world under the yoke of Noahide Law will suffer the same fate Korah and his 250 priests had in Numbers 16:32; the Earth will swallow them up and destroy the rest by fire.
    God's commandment to the congregation is the same today as it was then "Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah...Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins" Num 16:24-26 The Hebrew word "Holy" and Greek word "Ekklesia" mean "To be separated" and its why the word "Congregation" is not part of the New Covenant. Don't believe me, but believe God; He said never call any man on earth Father, Master or Rabbi (Mat 23:8-10) and the only time "Reverend" appears in scripture is to describe Jesus Christ. Make Him your Priest (Melchisedek) and sit back and watch the show; the curtain is about to come up!

John Kerry (Kerry as Senate Foreign Relations Chair must approve any diplomacy with Iran; He is on the "Super Congress" Committee and has no intention of approving diplomacy) says "The IAEA report is of enormous concern...lots of conversations are taking place about how to respond" Sen Chuck Schumer and Mark Kirk are advocating "Collapsing the Central Bank of Iran"  France's Foreign Minister Alain Juppe and Joe Lieberman advocate "Unprecedented Sanctions against Iran". British Foreign Secretary William Hague says "Negotiations with Iran have entered a very dangerous phase" Sen Lindsay Graham is advocating "Pre-emptive missile strikes to disable the Iranian Navy and Long Range Missiles". Ehud Barak says "There will not be 100,000, 50,000, 5,000, or even 500 casualties in an Israeli attack on Iran". Ahmadinejad says "Iran will not build 2 bombs to counter 20,000. Iran will build something you cannot respond to, ethics, decency, monotheism and justice".
    When war breaks out, US troops/contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan will be trapped; the Straits of Hormuz (Horus and Tammuz) will close and the Persian Gulf will become a shooting gallery. Is this not obvious all sides desire war? Ahmadinejad as lead captor of US hostages in 1979 responded to the IAEA report of a "Metal Container", saying they are "Metal Toilet Stalls"; Absurd? Of Course Al Qaeda means "Foreign Toilet". The US financed and trained Al Qaeda, the Taliban (Student), Mujahideen (Warriors of Allah) and the Haqqani Network (Pakistan family armed during Reagan Presidency).
    The US financed and built the weapons used in the Iran-Iraq War. The US has laid waste to Iraq and Afghanistan with Depleted and more recently Enriched Uranium (Cold Fusion) weapons. The US turned Afghanistan into an Opium Field. The US is releasing Dengue Fever carrying Mosquitos and conducting Predator and Reaper Drone Strikes in Pakistan.
   Respond to Ahmadinejad? God is not "Monotheistic"; God is a "Trinity": Father, Son and Holy Ghost. If any of these people had the Holy Ghost, they would recognize Jesus Christ is God in Flesh and take His blood as remission of Sin rather than spilling the most blood in human history.
137 "DNA of Light" 
The Iran (Aryan) war, written in Dan 8 is inevitable; the "Iran Threat Reduction Act of 2011" takes any effort at diplomacy by President Obama or Sec. of State Clinton off the table unless approved by the Foreign Relations Committee led by Senator John Kerry aka John Kohen, a Skull & Bones "Brotherhood of Death" initiate (Kohens are Samaritan imposters of Levite Priests). To understand this, one needs to know who the enemy is.
   Gnosticism began 6000 years ago; with this "Knowledge" Cain killed his brother to gain his inheritance. The Flood ended Cain's Patriarchal lineage; Gnosticism continued when Ham entered Noah's "Tent" violating his and his father's marriage covenant, resulting in Canaan the first born . "Cursed" of incest, Abraham's Covenant was to avoid taking wives of the daughters of Canaan; his sons Ishmael and Esau ignored the Covenant; Ishmael living 137 years was coincident with the 33rd Prime Number called the "DNA of Light" (Note the difference between Gen 1:3 "Light" and Gen 114 "Lights"; they are now the same).
    Science is not Knowledge; the root means "To Scire"; God sees His Creation as "Good", Gnostics believe incarnation in matter is evil; their intent is to liberate the spirit from its physical prison through War, Weather Manipulation, Starvation and Disease; remaking the Earth in their (Elite) image and purifying it by fire; Tammuz means Tam=Pure; Muz=Fire whose Priests "Cathars" which also means "Pure" are returning the favor.
    Edward Teller, obsessed with "137" fathered the Hydrogen Bomb quoting "It's a Boy" soon after J Robert Oppenheimer quoted Hindu scripture when viewing the 1st Atomic detonation at the "Trinity" site "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds". The daughter product of fission is Plutonium currently being rained across the northern hemisphere from the Lent (Lent begins 40 days worship of Tammuz) 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. The daughter product of nuclear fusion is Helium; He means "God is with us" in Hebrew, but again, note the difference between Star/Sun "Lights" and the "Light" God created 3 days before them.
    The final battle of Light and Darkness is the goal of Zoroastrianism (Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star) which is why Zoroaster (Zarathustra) hails from Tehran. Got it?
     Yukiya Amano claims Tehran is building an indigenous nuclear weapon for its Shahab (Shahab means Shooting Star, Luminous or Meteor) Missiles based on a "Laptop" given to the CIA containing information on "Operation Green Salt". Recall the Cathar saying "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; Laurel is the symbol of Dionysus/Bacchus aka "Green Man" and Salt is Akkadian/Assyrian for "Prince" and no it does not refer to Jesus Christ.
    Jeff Goldberg (ex IDF), famous for claiming Saddam Hussein possessed WMD's including nuclear weapons (A Lie) is now claiming in the Atlantic Magazine "Israel has no choice but to go to war with Iran...America must do the job and Obama must be prepared to use missiles".
    Zoroastrians refer to followers of Jesus Christ as "Dregvant" (Followers of the Lie); It's time to choose folks. Jesus Christ or the Sons of Star Light.

Eid al-Adha 
"Festival of Sacrifice" (Nov 6-7) celebrates Abraham's willingness to sacrifice Ishmael, their subsequent construction of the Ka'aba (Ka'aba=Cube ie Cube of Zoroaster in Iran, the root of Kaballah=Tree of Knowledge=Gnosticism) at Mecca. Mecca, home to Quyrash Bedouins is Mechus=Adultery. Stones are thrown at the Obelisk "Jamrah" representing Satan as ordered by Angel Gabriel. Gabriel would later reveal the Quran to Muhammad (632AD) a Quyrash Bedouin (Korah=Edomite Rebel Priests in Moses and Aaron's day ca 1492-1452 BC); the conflict with the bible should be obvious.
   The Mecca Obelisk "Baal's or Bel's Shaft" is matched with Obelisks originating in Queen/Pharoah Hathsepsut's day, dating from the Red Sea Crossing ca 1492 BC at the Vatican (Vatis=Divine; Can=Serpent/Priest) which the Roman Pope addreses; in New York City Central Park (Wall St=Wall of Jericho; Golden Bull=Egyptian Golden Calf, Mt Sinai Golden Calf and Jeroboam's Gloden Calf Altars at Dan and Beth-el) venerated by Wall St Bankers (Knights Templar/Knights of St John of Jerusalem); the Paris (Frank=Free=Merovingian; Paris and Helen are the cause of the Trojan Horse epic) Obelisk and City of London ("New Troy" guarded by "Giants" Gog and Magog) Obelisk.
   Bahai sits atop this false priesthood "Synagogue of Satan" uniting Abraham's bloodliines through Sarah-Isaac-Esau-Jacob; Hagar-Ishmael and Keturah (Gen 25:1-4) in the coming worldwide conflagration of WWIII aka Zoroastrianism's (Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star) final battle of Good versus Evil. The Bahai Messiah "Baha'ullah" will claim lineage from both Sarah and Keturah; a lie. Note: This war is not the post-millennial Gog and Magog (Dan 7:14; Eze 38-39; Rev 21:9), nor is it Armageddon (Rev 16:16; 19:19). Zoroastrianism is the oldest "Religion" on Earth, having originated in the Garden of Eden's Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; it is the root of the Persian Zarathustra, Buddha, Confucius, Hindu Krishna and Taoism.
    IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano, lying about Fukushima radiation will soon lie about Iran's nuclear capability at Qom (Shia Islam's Holiest site in Iran) and Bushehr (Muhammad was trained in Bushehr by Jafar and Abdul Mutallib). Tehran (Ter=Blessed; Gan=Garden), is Rhages aka Rey the mythological birthplace of Zoroaster and home to Grand Ayathollah Ali Khamenei. Like his Iraqi counterpart Ali Sistani, they are both "Twelvers", Safavid Sufis bent on revealing the 12th Shia Imam "al-Mah

Latin 8th Month "Mensis" is "Blood Month"
; specifically unwanted Menstrual Blood of Gaia "Mother Earth". "Earth Dwellers" of the Great Tribulation ridding Gaia of "Useless Eaters" if you will.  "Red October" is not Jewish, nor was the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin, Trotsky or Stalin. October 2011 is a repeat of October 1917. Mikhail Gorbachev called it "American Perestroika". Perestroika means Rebuild. Occupy means "Sieze or Take Posession of". Esau's "Dominion" of Gen 27:40KJV may very well be October 2011; Esau=Edomite=Edom=Red. There is nothing Jewish about any of this

    Angel Gabriel came to Daniel near present day Abaddan Island, Iran and Basra, Iraq on Hwy 8 "Highway of Death"; Abaddan means "Destroyer" as does Abbadon and Apollyon in Rev 9:11; Basra means "Edom's Sheepfold". Note: I am not inferring Rev 9:11 or the 2nd Coming prophesy in Obadiah are here; these are "Imitations" of these events roughly 3 1/2 years early.
    Daniel means "God is my Judge" and Iran "Aryan" means "Noble Caste". Gabriel was with Jesus Christ in the "appearance of a man" (Dan 8:15) to proclaim the 2300 day (6 years 3 months) prophecy in Dan 8; hearing of it, Daniel got sick and fainted. WWIII is not for the faint of heart.
   Angel Gabriel came to Zecharias, a Temple Priest in the 8th course of "Abia" (Lk 1:5) whose name means "LORD Remembers" and his wife Elizabeth, a daughter of the sons of Aaron ie a Levite. The 8th course is in June; Juno is the Roman god of gates/doorways; June is also "Tammuz" aka "Dumuzi Orion", the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple in Ezekiel 8. The year of conception was 7 BC to announce the conception of a son who would end the 7th Covenant between God and man. BC "Before Christ"; AD "Anno Domini" is a reference to the Dominion of the Sun god.
    John the Baptist "The greatest (and last) man of the Old Covenant" (7th Covenant) was born 280 days later on "Passover" 6 BC; the first of 7 annual "Holy Feasts" ordained by the LORD. Mary and Joseph (descendants of King David through his sons Nathan and King Solomon respectively) visited Elizabeth in her 6th month of pregnancy (Lk 1:26;36) at Hanukkah "Feast of Temple Dedication", a Macabbean "Inter-testament" era re-dedication of Zorobabbel's "2nd Temple" on 25 Kislev (25 December), between the 7th and 8th Covenants. Hanukkah means "House of Enoch" ie the pre-flood world; the Hanukkah Menorah replaced the 7 Branched Candlestick Moses constructed and replaced it with 8 branches; Zerubabbel means "Born of Babylon". John lept in Elizabeth's womb upon hearing of Mary's Conception as the New "8th Covenant" Temple of the Lord (Lk 1:41).
     Mary and Joseph of the lineage of King David arrived in Bethlehem "City of David" with JESUS, the Authority behind King David in the womb for "Taxation" (Lk 2:5; Tax means Burden); He (Beth=House of Bread) was born 280 days after 25 Kislev on the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles when shepherds were abiding at night in the fields with their flocks (Lk 2:8). God's 7th and last annual Feast is the "Holiest Day" of the calendar and the only eternal "Holy Day" as stated in Zechariah 14:8.
     Herod, the Edomite King of Judea died in the spring of 4 BC after ordering the "Slaughter of Innocents" (1st born sons 2 and under); Jesus was a 1 1/2 year old "Young Child" (Mat 1:8,9,13) living in Egypt (Mat 3:19).
    The 3 Fall Feasts of the LORD in 2011: "Trumpets" Sept 29, "Atonement" Oct 8, and "Tabernacles" Oct 13-20; the 8th Day is the birth of Jesus Christ. It's time to stop celebrating Easter and Christmas, conception and birth of Sol Invictus.
    The Jewish Calendar (I do not trust "Jewish" Sabbatical calculations; real Jews are in Diaspora not making Calendars) claims a 7 year Sabbatical Cycle began in 2008. 4 consecutive lunar eclipses will occur on Passover April 15, 2014, Tabernacles Oct 8, 2014, Passover April 4, 2015 and Sept 28, 2015. Couple this with 2 Solar Eclipses on 1 Nisan/Abib "New Year" Mar 20, 2015 and Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah is the Rabbinical alternative "New Year") Sept 13, 2015 and the events are extremely rare.      I do not claim any special knowledge, so how all this plays out remains to be seen. The 3rd Beast, a Leopard with 4 wings and 4 heads described in Dan 7:6 achieves "Dominion" followed by the 4th Beast of Dan 7:7. It is my belief the dreadful and terrible 4th Beast is Antichrist aka Pale Horse who inaugurates the Great Tribulation (7 Trumpets) and it is still my belief he will be revealed at the 2012 Solstice (Earth Dwellers built monuments like Stonehenge to plan for this astrological event over the last 4200 years since the Flood). The 8th day of Tabernacles is Oct 20, 2011; 7X6=42 months or 1260 days. Oct 22, 2011 + 1260 days is "Passover" April 4, 2015. What if anything will happen is of course anyone's guess, but Harold Camping (obviously a false prophet) predicted his "Rapture" date of May 21, 2011 and his end of the world date of Oct 21, 2011 for a reason. The time to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ is not after a fake "Rapture" or after the start of WWIII, it is now.

                                                          Why Iran?
Saudi Arabia is Wahhabist Sunni; followers of Muhammad Wahhab, a Jihadist interpreter of Islam and philosophical founder of the Muslim Brotherhood to which Sayyid Qutb was initiated. Sayyid=descendant of Muhammad; Qutb "Axis", the title of the Dervish Clan leader was the philosophical founder of Al Qaeda (Solid Foundation) while a Stanford Univiersity professor in 1966 called Anno Satanae because the Church of Satan was founded at the same time in San Francisco (Frank means Free) where the UN Charter was signed by Red Communist traitor Alger Hiss.
Iran (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) is Shia; "Twelvers" believe the occulted Imam al-Mahdi will return with Jesus Christ to bring Judgment based on Monotheistic Sharia Law to the world. This is the foundation belief of Bahai which unites 3 bloodlines of Abraham through Hagar-Ishmael; Sarah-Isaac-Jacob-Jesus Christ; Keturah-Krishna-Buddha-Confucius-Zoroaster (this is mythical to say the least).
Zoroastrianism is founded on a final battle of Good (Ahura Mazda) versus Evil (Ahriman); it's HQ is  Yazd, Iran. (Yazd=Ormaizd=Tammuz=Dumuzi Orion=Society of Ormus=Gnostic Theraputae of On "Heliopolis"). Tammuz means "Purified by Fire" as does Pyramid.
    Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei claims a blood relation to Muhammad, Quyrash bedouins; the rebellious alternative Priests of Korah in Moses and Aaron's day ca 1492-1452BC in the Arabian (Arab means Ambush) desert (Seyyed=Sayyid=descendant of Muhamad). Khamenei is a modern day Mede Priest "Magi"; his mother a Yazd Zoroastrian; his father a Mede, Scythian, Ottoman Turk from Azerbaijan.
    Osman I was the founder of the Ottoman (Amalekite) Turks; Osama bin Laden (Osama means Lion; biin=Crib/Manger; Laden is the Ladon Dragon) is Tim Osman; Abdul Mutallib was Muhammad's grandfather and mentor; he shares his name with the Nigerian "Crotch Bomber" Umar Abdulmutallib (Umar=Omar means "Great Speaker") Othman I was Nigeria's 1st Ottoman Sultan who shares his name with the UN Space Alien Ambassador M.Othman and the Alien book/movie Mothman Prophecy. Twelvers are called "Jafaris" (Jafar means Guard, Escort or Mentor) Jafar al-Sadiq (Sadiq=Tsaddiq=Zadokite Priest, an alternative to Melchisedek Melek=Lord; Zadok. Jesus is of course the only Melchisedek Priest) the 6th Shiite Imam was Muhammad's nephew who shares the name of Jasmine's Uncle and Sultan's Vizier. Vizier is an Adviser identical to "Mayors of the Palace" for Merovingian Franks; Viziers/Mayors are Superior (Mayor=Superior) to the visible leader "Figure Head"; eg Col Mandell House, McGeorge Bundy, Zbigniew Brzezinski or Henry Kissinger. In Disney's AlladdinJafar is Sultan's Vizier who uses powers of the Genie (Jinns are Mede-Persian Genies); Jasmine was the name of the 1st Arab Spring and China Revolution. Jafaris are also called "Ismailis", the Arabic name of Ishmael (Abraham's eldest son by Hagar "Hagarenes"); Jafars eldest son was Ismail which developed into the Fatimid Dynasty of Tunisia (Arab Spring began in Tunisia) and Egypt and the counterpart to the Knights Templar called the "Assassins". Coincidence? Absolutely not.
     Zionism is called Chiliasm, the Arab Imam and Rabbinical goal is to put a claimed descendant of King David on the Throne of Zeus (Pergamum) following "Order out of Chaos" of WWIII at the spot where Abraham's winged white horse "al-Barak" and Muhammad's winged white horse "al-Buraq" surveyed the Earth with the Djed Pillar of Spiritual Sodom and Egypt (Jerusalem). The goals of Theosophy, Freemasonry, Shriners, Templars, Dervish, Bahai and Eastern Religions unite at the Mosque of Omar "Shrine of the Great Speaker" (Shrine means Ark of the Covenant). Christians know this great speaker as Antichrist "Alternative Messiah" whose Covenant is ritualized in "Sacred Marriage" (aka "Divine Union" or Sukkot-benoth "Booth of Daughters").
     Gnosticism (Gnosis=Knowledge=Tree or Axis of Knowledge) began with Freedom and Liberty from God promised by the Serpent; Draco is the Constellation encircling the World Tree/Axis ie "Qutb" symbolized by the Celtic "Warrior" Cross. Druids (Dru=Tree) are Gnostics as are Dervish orders, both venerating the same Tree/Pole ie Stauros (Cross Bar) and Palo (Pole/Axis) which forms the Cross of Tammuz aka Christian Cross installed in "Groves" called "Thor's Oaks". Crucifix "Fix Upon the Tree" means Pagan.
     One may not need to understand all this, but one must be in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to spiritually survive the Zoroastrian WWIII; Zoro=Seed; Aster-Star; Zoroastrianism is 6000 years old "Thus spoke Zarathustra" a reference to to the Great Speaker ie Serpent in the Shrine of Omar on the Temple Mount.
   Jesus is at the door, but we need to open it and protect it with His Blood.  Octoberfest is October Feast of Tabernacles; Jesus' true birthday; His Covenant is Love God and Love your Neighbor, including Ismailis, Edomites, Assassins as well as Celts, Crusaders, Templars and Shriners who are beguiled by the Serpent. Holy=Separate.

                                                  Why October 2011?
               "Every 700 years, the Laurel grows green again"-Cathar Saying 

    Gnostic Cathars were burned at Montsegur in 1244; D-Day was 700 years later in 1944. Oct 1311 the Council of Vienne dissoved Knights Templar (Cathar Military/Bankers) and distributed their assets to the Knights Hospitaller. In 1305 Hospitallers aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem (Jack of Spiritual Sodom and Egypt) fled the 1st Hospital "Muristan" at the Mosque of Omar (Shrine of the Great Speaker) and Church of the Holy Sepulchre (Temple of Venus aka Womb of Venus/Ishtar) for Rhodes; 7/7/2005 was the London Subway bombing. 77 is Lamech's Revenge in Gen 4:24; Aleister Crowley wrote "Liber 77" aka "Book of the Goat" and "Liber Oz" to denote completion of the Great Work; Ain Zain (A to Z) or "Oz" ak "Emerald City" (Emerald means Lightning) is Iran=Aryan to Zetas; the Iranian-Mexican Drug Cartel Saudi Assasination Plot "Hollywood Movie Script" . Zayin the 7th Hebrew letter is the Greek Zetas; Eternity begins at 7000 years; 7 the number of Physical (7 day Creation) and Spiritual (at 7000 years is the eternal "Dominion" described in Dan 7:14; in Dan 7:6 is the short lived "Dominion" of Edom aka 3rd Beast).
    Fleeing again in 1521 to Malta, Hospitallers became the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Rhodes. The last Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake Friday Oct 13, 1307. Knights Hospitaller aka Order of Lazarus aim to "Repair the Earth" (Hebrew Tikkun Olam) as John the Baptist did, hence they are Knights of St John aka Gnostic Johnnitters; Jesus baptizes spritual Jerusalem with fire and the Holy Spirit; Hospitallers baptize physical Jerusalem (Spiritual Sodom and Egypt in Rev 11:8) with Pyre=Pyramid "Amid the Flames" of Egypt (Egypt=Land of Gypsies) and Sodomy initiation rites. This a revenge of God sending Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. The Laurel is a symbol of Bacchus and Dionysus "Green Man", an alternative to the Crowns (Rev 4:4) Jesus gives Born Again Christians. It's time to choose!

                                            Silk Road Diplomacy
    WWIII will fake the biblical battle of Armageddon. (The actual Armageddon is not a battle; nobody battles Jesus Christ; there are no words given in scripture to describe this self inflicted slaughter of Rev 16:16). The route is the Silk Road from SW China to Islamabad via the Karakoram Hwy, Islamabad, Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Tehran, Baghdad and the Jezreel Valley near Mt Carmel at Armageddon aka Mount of Slaughter. Hillary's "Surprise" visit to Tripoli with war hawk CIA Director David Petraeus on 10/19 coincided with the Afghan-Pakistan border force build-up "Operation Knife Edge"; which was followed by a visit to Kabul Oct 20 and on Oct 21 to Islamabad.
    Light a fire and the herd heads for the exits. Fukushima began on Lent (Lechten means Spring); it has gotten steadily worse. Pretty tough to figure this one out eh? Got Jesus? Get Him!

Samhain: 866 UN Plaza, New York is home to many nation's permanent missions to the United Nations, but also to the Occupy Movement (moved to Scotsdale AZ on Oct 19th; Occupy means Sieze). Also there is Lucis Trust aka Lucifer (Lucifer=Light Bearer=Satan=Obstructor) Publishing started by Theosophist Alice Bailey aka Alice LaTrobe Bateman. Also there is Green Cross International/Bohemian Grove member/ex-USSR Chief Mikhail Gorbachev's "Millennium Forum" who on Oct 15th called for an "American Perestroika" coinciding with the expansion of "Occupy Wall St" to 60 nations involving some 15 million people headed by George Soros' (Gyorgy Schwartz) Tides Foundation and in the US by Why now?  "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again" Cathar saying.
    On is Osiris and Heliopolis "City of the Sun"; Priests of On were/are Amalekites ie of Canaanite/Ishmaelite/Edomite descent.
    Tides Foundation comes from; Tide meaning "Specific Point in Time" and Tidal "King of Nations" in Gen 14; Foundation means "Rock" as does Al-Qaeda the mythical Terror Organization. "Socialism will come to America not by the sword but thorugh the ballot box"-Gorbachev Benjamin LaTrobe designed the US Capitol (Temple of Zeus); standing atop the Rotunda (Womb) is the 19.5ft tall (19.5 years is the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon) Lady of Freedom aka Britannia (British=B'Rith=Birthright=Japheth, Canaan, Ishmael, Esau; the warning is in Gen 9:27 "Japheth shall dwell in the tents of Shem and Canaan shall be his servant"). Demons fear Jesus Christ, no need for a bible study on this; Sodomite/Jesuit Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts failed to administer the Oath of Office requiring Barack Obama to defend the Constitution intentionally, and repeated the Oath without a Bible intentionally, in front of Benjamin LaTrobe's portrait at the White House. National Socialism has the blood of 65Million-USSR; 49Million PRC; 21Million Nazi Germany and more on its hands; the US significantly upped the stakes using Depleted Uranium as well.  Why? Heb 9:23 "Without the shedding of blood is no remission".
     "For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding" Prov 2:6 "Concerning Edom, thus saith the LORD of hosts; Is wisdom no more in Teman is counsel perished from the prudent? is their wisdom vanished?" Jer 49:7 Rejection of the Holy Ghost is the "Unforgiveable Sin" because it is and has been the only source of "Wisdom and Understanding" for 2000 years. The Occult alternative to the Holy Ghost is Theosophy (Theo=God; Sophia=Wisdom); hence the Theosophical Society is the Brotherhood of Death to which Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, 4 generations of the Bush family, Gorbachev and others were initiated into. Red=Edom and God is not supplying their "Wisdom"; Satan is.
    Lucis Trust maintains the UN Meditation Room; the 13,000lb Lodestone "Leading Stone" Altar is built to mimic the 3-4-5 Mir Triangle; the approximate 520magnetic heading of the Great Circle as it passes New York (Wall St=Wall of Jericho) connecting the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan (Mexico City) to the 1st 5 American colonies, Glastonbury, Cathedral of St Sophia, Troy and Mt Hermon (Mt Sion is not Mt Zion) where the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled (Gen 14:10); it's 6ft length also mimics the "Double Square" dimensions of the "King's Chamber" in the Great Pyramid used in ritual solar initiations in Egypt. The 33ft X 18ft X 11 ft dimensions, serpent entwined pole (Earth Axis entwined by Draco), single shaft of light and 11 backless (33 vertebra in the human spine) wicker (Druid Wicker Man was an effigy used to purify the tribe by burning suitable solar sacrifices) chairs should be enough proof of their intentions.
    Nothing new, Wicker Men effigies like the Bohemian Grove "Cremation of Dull Care" (Dull Care=Zozobra=Begone=Barra) or Zozobra (Zozo is the Grand Grimoire representing the Red Dragon; Jimmy Page's "Stairway to Heaven") in Santa Fe (Holy Light) originated 4000 years ago with veneration of Shamash (Sun) in the Temple of E-Barra "Temple of the Sun", currently the center candle in the 9 branch Menorah; no it is not Jewish.
    Oct 31 is UN 7 Billion person day; Nov 5 is Guy Fawkes Day (Anonymous=Occupy Movement) celebrating the Jesuit conspiracy to kill King James I. Why? The KJV Bible tells us in Gen 27:40 the intent of Esau when he obtains "Dominion" is to kill his brother Jacob; if you trust Jesus Christ rather than Lucis Trust that is you and me. Got Jesus yet? Get Him!

Oct 28 
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and John McCain were guests in Qadaffi's "Tent" 6 months ago (Donald Trump even made him one for a visit to the US); Tony Blair, Silvio Berlusconi and Nicholas Sarkozy were frequent guests of Qadaffi. Hillary traveled to Paris at the Champs Elysee (Elysian Field) to watch with Sarkozy the 160 US Depleted Uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise Missiles rain down on Tripoli on Purim on the same day Bush Sr murdered 150,000 Iraqi's under White Flag on Hwy 8 "Hwy of Death" and the same say Bush Jr started Gulf War II with "Shock and Awe" using Tomahawk cruise missiles on their "Tent Guest" Saddam Hussein.
   Tony Blair, George Bush Sr and Jr, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzalez go on trial for International War Crimes in Kuala Lumpur Nov 19-22 joining convicted war criminal/Obama advisor Henry Kissinger on a list of War Criminals published worldwide.
    Masons, Deists, Rosicrucians set up America; Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amorica=Cathar stronghold in SW France; Amar=Canaanite god of the west; Amero=Serpent; Ameru is Ethiopia where the first operational Predator/Reaper Drone base just became public today. America is being Crucified (Nailed to the Tree) in order to become the "Scapegoat" for the world's Sins. America is to be the "Wilderness" of Lev 16:8-10; Sacrificed to relieve the world's "Burden". Veteran means "Beast of Burden"; Veteran's Day on 11/11/11 commemorates the Armistice (Temporary cessation of hostilities) of 11/11/1918.
     The world's financial burden is caused by "Derivatives" estimated to be over $600 Trillion. US banks: Bank of America $75T, JP Morgan-Chase $79T, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, HSBC represent the bulk of the exposure to Derivatives. Got this figured out yet? Put your Sins on the real Scapegoat and you will; His name is Jesus Christ.
Oct 27 Oct 31-Nov 2 "Festival of the Dead" aka UN "7 Billion Day" 
Gorbachev wants an "American Perestroika" and a 90% reduction in people worldwide; Ted Turner wants 250-300 million ideally, but will take the 500 million people he wrote under the pseudonym Christian Rosenkreutz on the Georgia Guidestones; Maurice Strong wants 500 million; "Earth First" founder Dave Foreman wants 100 Million and total destruction of industrial infastructure; Prince Phillip wants to be reincarnated as a Killer Virus to decimate world population; need I go on? Prayers for the Dead originated in the Inter-testament period with the Maccabees; Jesus' is the minister of the living not the dead! Samhein is the time to take stock of grains and cull the herd as necessary; Bone Fires a time of Ritual Purification to usher in the Celtic (Warrior) New Year.
   Samhain celebrates victory of the Tuatha de Danaan (Offspring of Anu); it's the First and Greatest Wicca (Wise) Festival/Sabbat. Dan means "Judge"; Samhain means "November" which is derived from "Nine" ie the Sumerian "Council of Nine Planetary Elders"; Samani means "Assembly"; Nine is the number associated with Judgment and the End of Man. In Gematria Dan is 54 or 9X6 (Judgment of Man by Man). The first rebellion of Man in Gen 14 was 4 Kings versus 5; Tidal "King of Nations" is now Tides (Tide=Point in Time) Foundation and the Occupy (Sieze) Movement. The Judgment of Sodom is written in multiples of 9 (Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel, Hillary Clinton, John Boehner, John Roberts, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor may want to take note) Nebuchadnezzar pillaged Solomon's Temple in its 9th Siege. There are 9 Judgments of Drought, Mountains, Corn, New Wine, Oil, Ground, Men, Cattle and Labor. There are 9 Gifts of the Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Speaking in Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues. Samhain is a time of Ritual Purification by Fire; Tammuz means Purify by Fire. You can choose Purification by Remission of Sins by Jesus Christ or Purification of the Flesh by Tammuz but not both. Time to Choose. Why now?
   Tidal was King of Nations 4000 years ago; Jesus was rejected 2000 years ago; at this "Point in Time" Ban ki Moon is the Secretary General of the United Nations. He intends to prosecute Qadaffi's killers. He knows it was a US Predator Drone flown from Las Vegas (Sin City) and Hillary Clinton said she hoped Qadaffi would be captured or killed a remarkable 1 day before he was. Ain't that a hoot?
   Want another hoot? Tim Geithner gave the Eurozone Banks a blank check backed by taxpayers and they, just wrote off 50% of Greek Debt with our money. How about another?
   Derivatives are a side bet on an underlying security such as Housing, Gold, Stocks, Bonds, Currencies, Land etc. The total value of these bets is estimated at 40X the value of worldwide stocks, 10X the value of Stocks plus Bonds and 23X World GDP. If one could control and predict the value of stocks such as having the DJIA hit 9651.51 on 9/11/2001 and the same number on 9/11/2009 or predict the value of Silver would hit its Atomic Number of $47/Oz before collapsing or invest in Weather Derivatives before severe flooding hit farmland along the Mississippi River or invest in short positions in grains before a 60 year drought and wildfires hit or invest in US Treasury's with $1 Trillion TARP fund as the FED Chairman assures 0% interest rates and stocks take a tumble, one could make multiply their profits by say 40 times. Quite a Bee (Chaldean Dabar=Deborah), WASP (Martin Luther's 95 Objections to the Pope were posted on Samhain), Hornet (Mt Hor is the Edge of Edom and the burial place of Aaron; Korah and the fake Kohannim are the Alternative Priesthood) Sting Operation isn't it?
Oct 24 Imitations: 
Jacob imitated Esau to gain his father Isaac's blessing; the problem is Esau had previously sold this "Birthright".
  Basra is not Bozrah; it is an Imitation of "Edom's Sheepfold". WWIII will begin at Basra on Hwy 8 "Highway of Death" where Jesus and Gabriel told Daniel the scripture in Dan 8.
   ANNUIT COEPTIS "God approves of our Endeavor" is an Imitation; Anu is not God; Anu means Pole or Axis; the same as the Celtic "Tuatha de Danaan" (Offspring of Anu) or Qutb for the Dervish created Al Qaeda (Foundation=Earth). ANNUIT is Anu + Nuit, the Egyptian "Goddess of Heaven".
   Sharia (Path to the Watering Hole) Law (US and NATO established Sharia Law of Allah) is an Imitation of God's Laws; Allah is not God; rather Allah is the Assyrian Moon god where the Moon is merely a reflection of the Sun. The playbook is written in Judges 6-8; Deborah (Deborah=Word or Queen Bee=Hillary Clinton; ) and Barack (Barak=Lightning) paving the way for Gideon. In Judges 7:5-6 God chooses 300 faithful based on their kneeling to drink water in Jezreel or whether they lapped it from their hands ie on guard and unwilling to submit. If you think Ishmaelites (Arabs) have forgiven Gideon for making a gold Ephod out of their earrings, guess again. Islam means "To Submit"; Just say NO!
   Sins of are placed on the Scapegoat (Jesus Christ); Azazel is an imitation "Scapegoat" trained to lead sheep to slaughter and whose legs are painted red because sheep without the Holy Ghost ("Light" God created on Day 1) are color blind.
    WWIII will be an immitation of Armageddon and the US an imitation for Babylon. Babylon itself is Bab=Gate; Ilu=El or Lord Marduk, an imitation; El and Marduk are not God. America is not "One nation under God" because the Rosicrucian/Masonic God featured on the instrument used to settle "Debts" is not God, but the Serpent encircling the Pole=Palo=Axis which will be used to "Purify" the world by "Fire" (Tammuz). It's happening in October 2011 because 700 years ago the Cathar (Pure), Perfecti were themselves burned at the Stake=Pole=Axis under the Serpent (Constellation Draco); the same Edomite Serpent "Amurru" that gave its name to "America" at the location "Amorica" (SW France; Pyrenees=Amid the Fire). There is no Imitation for the Holy Ghost; not Holy Water, nor Red and White Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms Santa Claus brings at Christmas. Now is a great time to ask Jesus Christ for the real McCoy before war with the Hatfields begins.    

Oct 22 The "Occupy" Movement is worldwide; managed by the Tides Foundation. 
Tides refers to being "Influenced by the Moon" ie Influenced by the Assyrian Moon god "Sin". It also refers to the world's first rebellion under "Tidal, King of Nations" in Gen 13. Satan is the "Man of Sin". Melchisedek is Jesus Christ. Tide means "Point in Time". It's Time to Choose!
Oct 21 "Troops in Iraq will be home by Christmas"-Barack Obama
            "The time for American Perestroika has come"-Mikhail Gorbachev 
Daniel got sick and fainted when Jesus and Gabriel told him details of the war between the Grecian Rough Goat and Mede-Persian Ram in Dan 8; the location today is near Hwy 8 "Highway of Death" and Abaddan Island, presumably where 100,000 US troops will pass on their return home. Perestroika means "Rebuilding or Restructuring"; the Hebrew equivalent is "Tikkun Olam" meaning "Repair the Earth"; specifinally to the pre-flood conditions in the Garden of Eden minus the Tree of Life.
   Gorbachev founded Green Cross International (Green Man is the Knight Templar Bacchus/Dionysus) and regular worshipper of Moloch at Bohemian Grove with Maurice Strong who presided over the Rio Earth Summit saying his goal is to "Reduce human population to 100 million" authored the UN Earth Charter aka Gaia Covenant which was installed in the Ark of Hope, made of a single plank of Sycamore; not suitable for construction the Sycamore Fig is called the Tree of Hathor and used for Butcher Blocks. The Ark of Hope is an alternative to the Ark of the Covenant; the Sycamore Tree made famous in Lk 19:1-10 when Jesus met the tax collector Zacchaeus in the Sycamore Tree at Jericho saying "The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost".
     The parable of forgiveness in Lk 17:3-6 uses "Sycamine Tree" in the KJV which means "In Imitation of"; new bible versions change this to "Mulberry Tree", a completely different meaning. Jesus said "If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto the sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you".
     The Sycamore Tree, featured in films like Knowing and The Fountain is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; the Serpent hiding in that Tree "Green Man" promised Freedom and Immorality; He lied! "Order out of Chaos" is the motto of 33Masons like Gorby and Albert Pike who said WWIII would put Islam against Zionism forcing people to fight to the point of physical and economic exhaustion, at which point the Nihilists would reveal the doctrine of Lucifer. The grain of a Mustard Seed is about as small as you can get and Jesus Christ is the only way to get it to grow.  

8th Day of Feast of Tabernacles "Jesus' Birthday". Libya became "Free" Christmas (Christ=Messiah; Mass=Sacrifice of the Host) Eve 60 years ago under King Sayyid Muhammad Idris al Mahdi al Senussi; a mouthful meaning Descendant of Muhammad's daughter Fatima (Sayyid), follower of al Mahdi (Occulted 12th Shiite Imam aka Alternative Messiah) and follower of Senussi a Sufi Order similar to Dervish and much like Templars or Hospitallers on the "Christian" side. Note: Sufis are no more Muslim than Freemason/Templars/Hospitallers/Shriners are Christian or Kabbalists are Jewish; they are Satanic "Wolves in Sheep's Clothes".
   Qadaffi descends from Fezzan, the biblical Phut "And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan" Gen 10:6 Nimrod's Uncle if you will; the Scapegoat for the original Tower of Babel. The relatives listed from Gen 10:6-20 are repeated and condemned in Eze 27 I won't repeat them, just take note of Philistim (Philistines), Caphtorim (Cretans), Sidon (Phoenicians), Mizraim (Egypt), Heth (Hittites), Jebusites (Solomon's Temple was built over the Jebusite "Threshing Floor"), Amorites (Hammurabi's "Code of Hammurabi"), Hamathites (Ashima is the Goat Idol in 2 Kings 17:30 ie Scapegoat "Azazel" in New Bible versions from Lev 16:8-10).
   Qadaffi's descendants ran the Saharan Trade Route between Persia (Iran=Arya=Noble Caste), Turkey, Egypt, Lebanon (Lbn=Laban), Syria, Arabia and Judah in Eze 27:10-24 using Solomon's "Ships of Tarshish" to trade gold, silver, iron, brass, linen and silk purple clothes of "Royalty", ivory, ebony, white wool, agate, honey, oil, balm, chariots and perhaps most offensive Slaves. America was used for its silver, gold, copper and furs; Wales for its Tin and the smelting was done at Cadiz.
   Pagan Arabs venerated the Assyrian moon god "Sin" long before Muhammad renamed "Sin",  "Allah". Qadaffi's Berber, Phoenician, Taureg, Garamantian, Carthaginian, Moor, Barbary Corsair (The new Pirates of the Caribbean showed Barbary Pirate Barbossa switching sides to serve the British) ancestors controlled underground fossil water, today called the GMMR (Great Man-made River) which NATO and the Rebels attacked. The GMMR taps underground ancient fossil water called Lake Tritonis, the "Eden" listed in Eze 27:23 is falsely regarded as the source of life alluded to by anthropologists promoting the "Out of Africa" lie; Libya "Afri" is a Phoenician/Carthaginian term for "All of Africa".  Hidden, is Ham (Dark or Black) committing incest with his mother in Noah's tent to create the "Curse of Canaan"; the admonition God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob was to not take wives of the daughters of Canaan. Ishmael and Esau disregarded this comandment and married Hittite (Heth) women. 
   The Mosque of Omar is actually a Shrine (Shrine means Ark or Chest of Books) of the Great Speaker, Satan guarded by Knights Hospitallers sitting at the Jebusite "Threshing Floor" where King Tyrus supplied Lebanon Cedars for Solomon's Temple. Phoenicians also supplied 1000 wives and concubiines to King Solomon, 2 Golden Bull altars to Jeroboam and their princess Jezebel to Ahab.
   Today, Shriners (Noble Order of Arab Mystic Shrine) swear oaths on the Quran to serve Allah and wear the Fez to comnmemorate the slaughter of 50,000 Christians in Morocco in 980AD; Qadaffis ancestors controlled the flower used to make red dye just as Phoencians controlled Murex shellfish used to make purple. 
   Qadaffi claimed kinship to Egyptian Royalty; specifically Amalekite (Ishmaelites and Edomites) Foreign Rulers who became Priests of Osiris (On=Heliopolis). The GMMR taps underground fossil water called Lake Tritonis, pagan Arabs believe to be the source of life called Eden in Eze 27:23.
   So, Hillary makes a "Surprise" visit to Tripoli on the Eve of Jesus' birth and the Rebel Alliance kills or rather a Predator Drone flown from Las Vegas "Sin City" kills Qadaffi the next day. Reminds me of Star Wars. Hillary made a "Surprise" visit to Champs Elysee (Elysian Fields) on Purim (Pur means "Cast Lots for Marduk") to start the Libyan War. Guess that Death Star must be just about ready eh?  
Oct 19 "With enough repetition a square can become a circle" 
Joseph Goebbels illustrated the Hermetic, Alchemist, and Masonic Holy Grail "Squaring a Circle" "22/7" with this. Jesus delivered 22 Chapters of Revelation via the Holy Ghost from Heaven, divided by 7 days of Creation approximates "Pi", the ratio of Diameter to Circumference is an Irrational Number illustrating the Irrationality of Man becoming God. 22 also represents the 22 year tenures of Israel's wickedest kings Jeroboam who enticed Israel to worship the Golden Bull like the Wall St Golden Bull and Ahab whose Phoenician wife Jezebel enticed Israel to make sacrifices to Moloch like 2000+ members of Bohemian Grove do each summer. 22 is also the number of Hebrew letters; in EW Bullilnger'sNumber in Scripture 22 is associated with disorganization and disintegration of the Word of God; fitting as the 1611 Authorized Bible is 400 years old; the length of time Israel was held captive in Egypt. If you do one thing; get a copy of the Authorized Bible aka KJV. 
   Masons, Deists and Rosicrucians created America (Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Can=Priest) to be a Scapegoat "Economic Babylon"; the Black Horse of Rev 6:5-6 precedes the Pale Horse, the Alternative Messiah. Art 1 Sec 2 of the Constitution specifies an enumeration of citizens every 10 years; the 2010 Census was the first to be illegally conducted under the White House Chief of Staff (Census Bureau is under the Commerce Dept, not the White House). Rahm=Supreme Emanuel=El is with us; El is the Phoenician god; El is not "JEHOVAH", nor is El "Jehovah" the latter title belongs exculsively to Jesus Christ. The 22nd American Census is slated to be its last Census just as Chapter 22 is the last of scripture. A man riding the Pale Horse claiming to be God will follow the Black Horse just as Wholistic World Vision has written Chapter 23 to scripture (my article "Aquarian Cross" covers this). Barack Obama likely does not qualify to be counted a citizen of the US and certainly had no right to count the citizens under the White House; Jesus Christ was born at Feast of Tabernacles in 6 BC, coinciding with the Roman Census; Roman is derived from Romani meaning Gypsy; Greeks called Egypt (Aegyptus) "Land of Gypsies".
   After the Crucifixion, Jesus ascended from Jerusalem to Heaven, leaving the former in bondage to Mt Sinai in Arabia (ref Gal 4:22-26); this is why Jesus refers to Jerusalem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" in Rev 11:8.
   The Black Horse brings a pair of balances; a measure of wheat and 3 measures of barley for a day's wages (Penny), but the Oil and Wine will not be hurt. In the Old Testament as well as Masonic dedications, Corn, Wine and Oil were used as Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh to annoint Jesus Christ. Corn refers to Wheat and Barley, so it may be more than coincidence, "Supermarket Census Cards" are slated to replace the Constitutionally mandated Census; without a Constitution, the US ceases to exist as a Nation. Information will be gathered from Computer records, Data Base Mining, Retailers, Phone Records, Customs, Employers, IRS, Bank, Medical and Pension records.
    "Control oil, you control nations; control food and you control people" Henry Kissinger. What about a Victory Garden? Codex Alimentarius (Latin "Food Code") is a UN program controlling food from seed to table the US Congress is supporting; they serve the UN not the Constitution! George Owell's book1984 describes the totalitarian state which will form out of Rex-84 (Readiness Exercise 1984) and Operation "Garden Plot". If you are starting to feel like Kevin Costner in No Way Out I'm not making myself very clear; Jesus is the way out; He gives you the Frankincense and Myrrh; His blood is the Wine; He is the annointing Oil and Jesus has the only Census that matters, called the "Book of Life".
Oct 18 "One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail" -Rabbi Yaacov Perrin 
1027 Palestinian prisoners are being exchanged for Gilad Shalit as 41 850,000lb C-5 Galaxy aircraft full of battle ready troops conduct drills in Saudi Arabia and Israel supported by the John C Stennis (Freemason/Knight of Malta Senator from Mississippi) Super-carrier Group and the HW Bush (33Freemason, Knight of Malta, CFR, TC, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, Skull & Bones, Pilgrim Society, Gulf War I, Star Wars, Iran-Contra, S & L Crisis architect) Carrier Group. Afghan and US troops, heavy artillery and helicopter gunships are amassing at the Afghanistan/Pakistan border, allegedly in preparation for a Drone attack on the Haqqani terror network (US created the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Haqqani networks to be Mujahideen "Warriors of Allah"), and Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel militaries were put on high alert as well.  Quite a show eh?
    Hillary Clinton also happened to make a "Surprise" visit to Libya, congratulating the Rebels and calling for the capture or death of Muammar Qadaffi; why? NATO and the so-called "Rebels" managed to install a Central Bank in Benghazi and destroy the GMMR (Great Man-Made River) infrastructure; Qadaffi managed to pay off loans to the IMF Bankers and propose an African Dinar to replace the $US Dollar. Not coincidental is the US contingent to the UN Security Council is lobbying for tougher Iran sanctions before the Iranian/DEA/Mexican Drug Cartel assassination of the Saudi ambassador is even investigated. If Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qadaffi can be declared "Rogue", so can Barack Obama who started the illegal war in Libya on the same Satanic Holy Day "Purim" George Bush Jr started the Iraq War.
      Another "Surprise" announced today is Bank of America transferring a staggering $75Trillion in Derivatives (Hedged bets on stocks, bonds, currencies or commodities tied to significant events such as Weather, Wars or Interest Rates) to its insured division; insured as in the FDIC will use taxpayers to cover losses. JP Morgan had the Titanic "Insured" just as Larry Silverstein had the Twin Towers "Insured", but none were "Surprised" when their investments tumbled down. 
     Jesus Christ wrote Jewish Law, was delivered in a Manger among farm animals on Feast of Tabernacles (Oct 20, 2011), descended from Judah, lived the law, arrived at the gate of Jerusalem on an ass and gave His life per the law. He said "Call no man on earth Rabbi" Mat 23:8 "Behold I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie..." Rev 3:9 Welcome to the "Tabernacle of Moloch" (Amos 5:26), "Synagogue of Satan" (Rev 3:9) and "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8)  Amos and Jesus Christ called Israel folks!"But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves" Amos 5:26 The Star referred to here is the Hexagram aka Seal of Solomon; it is not the Star of David; rather it is a Phoenician Star of Melqart, El, Melek, Moloch, Molech, Marduk, Ilu or mlk. Wrong Lord! 
Oct 17 The Big Picture: 
Occupy Wall St has turned into Occupy Everywhere ie the "Earth Dwellers" Jesus describes in the Great Tribulation. Note: Guy Fawkes Day is 11/5/2011 in celebration of the Jesuit plot to blow up the British Parliament; Guy was merely Thomas Percy's Scapegoat; Percy became Pierce; Barbara Pierce became Aleister Crowley's "The Beast" illigitimate daughter, wife of George Bush Sr (Gulf War I) and mother of Skull & Bones Sodomite George Bush Jr (9/11/2001, Afghanistan War, Gulf War II); Prescott Bush aka George Scherff was Nikola Tesla's lab assistant "Curious George" who financed the Nazi War machine. Occupy means "Take Posession" or "Sieze".
   On Oct 3, 2011 Jesuit, Knight of Malta Leon Panetta made a trip to Tel Aviv; Operation "Red Coalition" followed a week later with the rediculous story of "Jack" a Syrian born Iranian-American used car salesman from Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) connected to Al Quds (Holy Sanctuary) and the Iranian (Arya=Noble Caste) Revolutionary Guard who attempted to hire Zetas (Z=last Phoenician/English letter equivalent to Omega "Oz")  Mexican Drug Cartel assassins to kill the Saudi Arabian Ambassador in Georgetown (Jesuit HQ in America). On Oct 17, 2001  41 C-5 Galaxy troop transports and 7 warships from the Stennis Battle Group began Iran War exercises today as Israeli, Egyptian and Saudi Arabian armies were placed on alert and Foreign Policy Institute war hawk William Krystol called for War with Iran coincident with the prsoner exchange of Gilad Shalit. Whether Gilad will be like Archduke Franz Ferdinand whose assasination started WWI remains to be seen, but remember, WWI ended as did the Korea War in Armistice meaning "Temporary cessation of hostilities". WWIII is planned.
    Sodomite Sovereign Scottish Rite Grand Master Mason Albert Pike's letter, revealed by a Jesuit Cardinal of course, said 3 World Wars would precede revealing the "Light of Lucifer"; WWI to build Nazis; WWII to exchange Nazi's for Communists (Stalin and Mao were Yale Grads responsible for 100 million deaths) and WWIII to foment war between political Zionism and Islam. Pretty prophetic eh?
    The White Horse conquers with a Bow (Archers were like today's Anonymous EM weapons); Red Horse removes peace (Arab Spring/ Occupy Everywhere); the Black Horse collapses the world economy in the run up to the Pale Horse (Dorothy's Ruby slippers were Silver; in May naked short selling of Silver netted a reportedly $10Trillion using $1Trillion taxpayer financed TARP funds held at the Treasury. Derivatives are leveraged bets (Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grover Jeb Bush started a Weather Derivatives LLC this month, cool eh?); the Derivatives market is a staggering $600Trillion (World GDP is $65Trillion), a financial Black Hole if you will. 4 banks have nearly all the exposure to this potential Big Bang: JP Morgan-Chase, Citigroup, Bank of America and Goldman Sachs; all are based in the US.
    Rev 17 "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." and Rev 18 "Babylon" are the completed spiritual and physical entities begun as the Tower of Babel 4000 years ago, destroyed by Jesus Christ at the 7th Trumpet and 7 Vials of Wrath. We are not there yet!! First, comes a fake Rapture (pre-Trib Rapture was originated by Scottish Presbyterians), a fake Battle of Armageddon (The Silk Road and more recent Karakoram Highway was created for the purpose of conveying 200Million people from SW China to the Jezreel Valley aka Har Megiddo "Mount of Slaughter"; Fukushima was intentionally created to provide the reason to evacuate the far east), and finally "al-Mahdi" the Shiite Islam version of Buddha, Krishna and the Alternative Messiah will create "Order out of Chaos". If this is understandable, warn others to seek Jesus Christ; if this is Greek, ask Jesus Christ to explain to you what the Grecian Rough Goat aka Azazel or Baphomet is. Remember, Jacob impersonated Esau, so Esau is returning the favor by painting the world Red; October is Mensis "Blood". Got it?

Oct 16 Martin Luther King "Stone of Hope". mlk means "Lord"; it is cognate with the Phoenicial "El", Aramaean (Syrian) "Elah", Akkadian "Ilu" and Assyrian/Islam "Allah". 2 recent movies Valley of Elah and Book of Eli held a lot of occult (hidden) information concerning the goal of putting a false King David on the Throne of Zeus (Pergamum) in Jerusalem (Spiritual Sodom and Egypt ref Rev 11:8KJV) as does Martin Luther the Rosicrucian Black Cloister Augustinian Monk who launched the Reformation on "Samhein" Oct 31, 1517, the Celtic Druid New Year. The "Stone of Hope" like Barack (Lightning) Obama's (He is with us) book Audacity of Hope refer to mlk the Lord of the original Amorite Code of Hammurabi which was based on the previous Code of Lipit-Ishtar, and Naram-Sin; Allah is in fact the moon god "Sin" and Ishtar aka Asherah is wife of "El" considered "Father of the Gods". Steeley Dan wrote  the song "Hey 19" in reference to Gen 19 "Sodom and Gomorrah" and the "Great Work" in falsifying Rev 19, the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ. Aretha Franklin is a hidden Ruth, the GGGrandmother of King David and Frank meaning Free of God; she is thus called the "Queen of Soul" which is why Aretha Franklin sang at the Stone of Hope on Sunday "Dies Solis". The original dedication was scheduled for Aug 22, delayed by Hurricane Irene (Irene means Peace; Santorini means St Irene the island the Amalekite (Priests of Osiris/On) rulers of Egypt while Israel was in captivity (ca 1500BC) fled; God sent a Volcanic eruption to Santorini (Thera) and a resulting Tsunami to Minoan Crete, called Caphtor in the bible as home to the Philistines and Phoenicians.
  Remember Obama claiming he was Irish? That lie comes from Lia Fail "Stone of Destiny" allegedly founded by King Zedekiah's daughter at the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon. Bab=Gate; El=mlk=Lord. You can call mlk, Moloch like 2000 men at Bohemian Grove do every summer, or Marduk, the god of the Tower of Babel or Melek-Taus the Persian Peacock Angel venerated by Zoroastrians (Star Children are Children of El).  It was no coincidence Hurricane Irene (Peace) and Hurricane Katrina (Catharsis means "Discharge of Pent up emotion") hit on the Feast commemorating the Edomite Herod beheading John the Baptist on Aug 29, nor is coincidence the Stone of Hope MLK Memorial was dedicated on Solis Dies at the mid point of Feast of Tabernacles exactly 700 years after the Council of Vienne, nor is it coincidence the Stone of Hope is located at the man-made Tidal Basin at the National Mall; Tidal was "King of Nations" in Gen 14 when Amraphel (Hammurabi) wrote the Code of Hammurabi; they rebelled against the Persian king Chedorlaomer currently played by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and made war with Bera the king of Sodom, smiting the "Giants" (Rephaims, Zuzims and Emims), Horites of Mt Seir and Amalekites. Think they forgave and forgot about that? How about God raining Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah? Guess again. Jesus' laws are Love God, Love our Neighbor; theirs is called Sharia or Noahide Law. "We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us." -Anonymous  Jesus is Lord, not mlk!
Oct 15 "Which path to Persia"-Brookings Institute 
Script The A to Z (Oz or Liber 77 aka Yellow Brick Road to Emerald "Lightning" City) Path of the "Red Coalition" (Dorothy=Doro=Door;Ruby Slippers is Red; but originally 33Mason/Theosophist Frank Baum had them as Silver; recall Tim Geithner, and Ben Bernanke's $Trillion Silver Price Manipulation in May?) is Esau's (Edom=Red) "Dominion", described in Gen 27:40KJV is getting pretty obvious; Kol Nidre prayers place the blame of the Noble Caste (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) on the Azazel (Satan) the alternative "Scapegoat". Timeline: AgResearch creates "Androgynous Goats"; that would be Baphomet aka Azazel. Hillary Clinton, James Steinberg (Dep Sec of State indoctrinated at Andover Phillips Academy, Yale, Harvard just like Magog Sr. and Gog Jr Bush; Theosophy=Skull & Bones=Brotherhood of Death; Stalin, Mao Zedong, Hitler were also initiates), Andrew Shapiro and Eric Holder manage Operation Gunrunner (Gun Walker/Fast and Furious; Darrell Issa is investigating but Eric Holder appears to be the Scapegoat; Hillary is being left untouched), assault weapon transfer to "Zetas" Mexican Drug Cartel. Operation Red Coalition ties Iran=Aryan to Zetas.
   Occupy Wall St (Wall=Wall of Jericho destroyed as Joshua blew the Shofar (Talmudic "Rosh Hashanah" is the alternative to Biblical "Trumpets") has spread across the US and Europe (Occupy means "Sieze, take possession, grasp, take up space, take up time". Occupy Minneapolis "Twin Cities" now involves Native Shaman declaring their desire to "Re-occupy Mother Earth". If you are unfamiliar with the Hopi Indian "Red Kachina Prophecy" I suggest you do so; his mask may be about to be removed to the "Un-initiated" (I hope that's you and me).
    NASA and ESA Heliophysicists (Sun Physicians) Merav Opher (Ophir, a Joktanite Arab "Ambush" means Gold or Abundance; the architects of the Tower of Babel just before Abram's day; compare this "Abundance" with Gen 27:39-41KJV noting it is reversed in New Bible versions) and Alexey Demetriev (Demetri means "Follower of Demeter aka Mother Earth) today predicted an "Imminent Global Catasptophe" from a "Rogue Merciless Gravity Wave" rolling in like a "Space Tsunami" (Recall Sarah Palin in a Red Coat on the cover of Going Rogue) Folks, Space is "Nothing", the "Empty Place" God describes in Job 26:7; "Waves" are defined as a "Displacement of Matter"; Space has no "Waves" of any kind; Einstein lied to propagate Jesuit Priest Georges LeMaitre and Edwin Hubble's "Red Shift" observations. NASA claims this "Gravity Wave" is constricting Space-Time like a "Gigantic Belt"; note the Theosopical Society logo is the Orobourus Serpent eating its own tail and the American Medical Association is the Caduces aka Staff of Hermes (Sun Physician) surrounded by the Serpent. So what precedes this "Merciless Gravity Wave"? a "Photon Belt" (Light=Lucifer "Light Bringer) which will "Mutate Matter" (Alchemy) causing Mega-Tsunamis; increased Volcanic activity; frequent massive Earthquakes; Super Storms and deadly UV Radiation.
    Anyone familiar with scripture can see the parallels to Mat 24 and Lk 21 We are not there yet! Where are we? My best guess is Rev 6 between the Red (Arab Spring; Occupy Everywhere) and Black Horse (Economic Meltdown). Tim Geithner treasonously declared "America will play a major role  in the IMF and Euro-Zone" bacically a $2Trillion TARP Bailout of Europe; every dollar printed by the FED has interest (Usury) paid for with increased US debt. When the Black Horse rides, America will be declared the World's Burden; and Economic Babylon (Bab=Gate of El aka Marduk).
    Jesus said "A man's foes are the men of his own household"; Isaac gave Esau the correct blessing that he would dwell in the fatness (wealth) of the earth and dew of heaven from above (Tammuz=Dumuzi Apsu "Lord of the fresh water" ie atmosphere) live by the sword (Jesus will kill those who kill with the sword).
    Our enemies (Edomites) have been given the Green light to "Destroy the Earth" and Jesus will return to destroy them (Rev 11:18) "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated" Rom 9:13; Mal 1:3 Why? Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of red beans; now the accountants have all the beans and are at the end of the Yellow Brick Road (Yellow Light) just as the Light is turning Red.

Feast of Tabernacles 
Day 1 "A dangerous escalation in act of recklessness"-Hillary Clinton "US must cut off the head of the snake"-King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia "This stinks to Holy Hell...perhaps a rogue action by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad"- author, ex-CIA mouthpiece Robert Baer "Quds Force is controlled by the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei...this required his direct order...Quds funds Hezbollah in Lebanon; Shia Militias in Iraq; Taliban in Afghanistan...they are responsible for the bombing of a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1994" -Leon Panetta. "Nothing is off the table in dealing with Iran" Rockefeller ventriloquist dummy Joe Biden. "This reads like something from a Hollywood Script" Robert Mueller. Hollywood means Holy Wood, He's right.
   This Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Mexico Movie Script may turn out to be the mother of all "False Flag" Operations; can you see why Obama bowed in submission to King Abdullah June 2009? The Treasury Dept. dutifully siezed Quds Force  and Mahan Airline assets which in turn finance and transport Hezbollah in response; an oil embargo is in place and destruction of their single oil refinery may follow; what a coincidence the Anglo-Iranian Oil aka British Petroleum refinery where Jesus and Angel Gabriel met Daniel is near or at the Abaddan Island refinery in sight of the HIghway of Death aka Hwy 8 where George Bush Sr murdered 150,000 Iraqis under white flag of truce. UN Secretary General  Ban Ki Moon, a Unification Church disciple of Sun Myung Moon and a Korean CIA Agent, received a letter from (Mail is pretty fast eh?) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the lead captor of US hostages in the 1979-1980 Iranian Hostage, Asset Siezure and Oil Embargo Crises said "This is an evil plot by the US to divert attention...". Ya think? 
    When Jesus and Gabriel made Daniel (Dan 8) understand what war between the Grecian Rough Goat and Mede-Persian Ram was all about, he got sick for days and fainted. If the man who willingly jumped in the Lion's Den fainted, what will you do? The October Surprise of 1917 was called Bloody Sunday and if you think Occupy Wall St or Operation Red Coalition is any different today than it was back then, it's time to re-evaluate. We can only have one house; the Mansion Jesus built in Heaven or the House Jack built on Earth. God hates Esau and his Red Coalition of Edomites (Rom 9:13); is it coincidence Obama proclaimed "A new beginning for Islam" in Cairo, Egypt as sell. Romans are named after Romani and Egypt after Gypsies; in 1917 Russians came to know them as Bolsheviks; how's that for Red Terror?  
10/12/11 Operation Red Coalition 
is an Edomite=Red Coalition; a foiled Red Terror Plot by a Syrian born Iranian-American (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) code named "Jack" (because Manssor is too hard to pronounce?) tied to the Revolutionary Guard "Quds Force" determined to assassinate the Saudi Arabian Ambassador in Washington DC using the Zetas Mexican drug cartel. Seriously? Could we involve anyone else? Eric Holder (currently being served a Gunrunner subpoena), Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama declared this a "Flagrant violation of International Law"; the House Committee on Homeland Security calls this "An act of War"; so is flying Predator and Reaper Drones against targets in Yemen and Pakistan; so is the Libyan War; so is Operation Gunrunner and the 2500 weapons sold to Mexican Drug Cartels Eric; so is US Direct Commercial Sales financing Operation Gunrunner Hillary.
   Al Quds is also the name of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount; it means "Holy Sanctuary"; Jesus calls Jerusalem the "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt", the Great City where He was Crucified (Rev 11:8). Arab means "Ambush"; Arab myth holds 4000 years ago, Abram's winged white hourse al-Barak (Holy Lightning) surveyed his inheritance from the spot where Isaac was bound, King David purchased from the Jebusites and Solomon built the 1st Temple and Jesus was Crucified. Just over 600 years later Muhammad was shown his inheritance by the winged white horse al-Buraq at the same spot now changed in the Quran to the spot where Abram bound Ishmael. Houston, We have a problem! Oops, I mean Corpus=Body Christi=Messiah  ie "Last Supper Sacrament" where an Iranian-American (Iranian=Aryan=Noble Caste; American=Amurru the Edomite shepherd and serpent god) Terrorist tried to enlist DEA Agents dressed as a Mexican Drug Cartel.
    The American Revolution began when Freemasons disguised as Indians, dumped British (B'Rith=Birthright) Tea; now the same tactic may put Sunnis in Saudi Arabia partnered with the US, Israel, Britain and South Korea against Shiites in Iran partnered with Syria, Russia, China, and North Korea. Is it any wonder Al Quds (Jerusalem=Abode of Peace) is the 3rd Holiest Site behind Mecca (Sunnis) and Medina (Shiites)? Islam, Judaism, Christianity and their Satanic alternative Zionism unite at this one spot for a reason.
     Umar (Umar=Omar) Farouk Abdul Mutallib "Crotch Bomber" (PETN cannot be detonated with a match) went on trial yesterday; Is it also coincidence Muhammad's grandfather was Abdul Mutallib, a Quyrash (Quyrash=Koreish=Kore=Korea=Gainsaying of Core, the Rebel Priests who originated in Moses and Aaron's day ca 1492 BC) bedouin from Mecca?
     The Mosque of Omar is not a Mosque but a Shrine dedicated to Omar "Highest Speaker"; Jesus Christ? "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" 1 John 5:7 In Eze 8, the Glory of the LORD departed that spot and ascended from the Mt of Olives; 700 years later Jesus Christ "turned the tables" on the Temple Bankers and took the same route to heaven, leaving behind "al-Quds" now in bondage with its "Highest Speaker". An electrifying and schocking "October Surprise" isn't it? We can listen to al-Buraq or Barack (Lightning) Obama (He is with us) tell us why Iran needs to be attacked, or listen to the Holy Ghost "He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword" Rev 11:18
     This "October Surprise" is no different than the "Bloody Sunday" October Surprise of 1917 when Bolsheviks forced out Russia's provisional government; the October Surprise of 1980 in which financed the current Iranian regime; the October Surprise of 1311 when Templar assets were siezed or the October Surprise of 6 BC when Jesus Christ was born. October is Mensis meaning Blood; not just any blood, but unwanted menstrual blood; folks, Born Again Christians and God fearing Jews are not welcome in the House that Jack Built.
    A syrian named Jack? Seriously? "The House that Jack built" originated as an Aramaic (Syrian) hymm "Chad Gadya" meaning "One Young Goat". Is it also coincidence AgResearch Corp. announced creating Androgynous Goats called "Goy" today? Goy is a derogatory term for Gentile. Figured out who Jack is yet? Gnostics who became Johnnitters who became Cathars who became Templars who became Hospitallers who worshipped the Androgynous Goat Id


On Wednesday (Wotan's Day) Sept 21, 2011 "Michaelmas" or "Mabon" the UN will begin a vote on Palestinian Statehood; Michael means "Who is like God" Mabon means "Divine Son" (Celtic); in witchcraft, Michaelmas/Mabon, the day dedicated to the Cretan/Greek Zeus, Roman Jupiter and Norse/Celtic Wotan all Satanic impersonations of God. The Muslim Brotherhood "Arab league of Cairo" created the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) as Sole representative of the Palestinian people" Yasser Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas, both Luciferian Freemasons. Barack Obama, a Prince Hall Mason (as are Rev Jesse Jackson, Rev Jeremiah Wright, Rev Al Sharpton; Note: Jesus is the only Reverend listed in scripture) proclaimed "A new beginning for Islam" in Cairo June 2009. At least 8 of 13 Israeli PM's are also Freemasons: David ben Gurion, Golda Meier (Co-Masonry; Ron Paul's wife/daughters are Velasco Eastern Star Co-Masonry; Velasco is a Basque term meaning Raven), Yitzak Rabin, Shimon Peres (highest Jesuit trained agent as is John Boehner and John Roberts), Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert. On both sides of World War III will be Freemasons; Luciferian Freemasons. At the Knesset on July 11, 2011, Glen Beck said "Your god is my god". That's the Divine son  "Tammuz".

The British "Palestine Mandate" began 9/11/1921 with the first Kibbutz; it was signed on 9/11/1922. Separation of Arabs and Israelis centers on the Rock under the Golden Dome of the Al Aqsa Mosque where Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac according to the Bible and Ishmael according to the Quran; King David bought the site from Jebusites (Canaanites in Jerusalem); Solomon built the 1st Temple; the Glory of the LORD departed; Jesus was Crucified and according to the Quran, Muhammad ascended to heaven from there. Who is telling the truth?
Amos 5:2 "The Virgin of Israel has fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up" God didn't raise Israel; Zeus, Jupiter, Wotan did.
Sept 17 Day of Rage to coincide with Constitution Day; the "Banking/Corporate Jihad" brought on by SEIU (Service Employees International Union) features Jesse Jackson (Rainbow Coalition, Wall St Project), George Soros (Open Society, NED), ACORN etc advocates among other anarchist activities, "Mortgage Strikes" to make banks insolvent. Guess what? They already are and have sold the Mortgage Titles to Foreign investors as Derivatives. Is it odd SEIU pays Military Investment fund Carlyle Group (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, bin Laden, Hussein are investors) to manage their pension funds?
Sept 23 the UARS Satellite containing Global Warning, Ozone Hole, UV detecting equipment called SOLStICE and HALOE will burn up on re-entry in the atmpshere it was designed to research; Carbon Credits and CFC replacement is very big business based on lies from this satellite. American Physical Society states "Man's emmissions of CO2 cause Global Warming" perhaps this is why on Sept 16th Nobel Peace Prize winner in physics Dr Ivar Glaever abruptly resigned from APS and why Skull & Bonesman Jeb Bush started "Old Rhodes (Cecil Rhodes' Round Table) Holding LLC" which places bets and makes profits on Weather related disaster relief. When you control weather, investing in Weather Derivatives is a safe bet. Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester Rothschind's company Weather Central will do the reporting. Match made in Hell eh? 
On 9/11/1991, George Bush Sr began using the phrase “New World Order”. The 10th anniversary of 9/11/2001 features CNN “Unwelcome: The Muslims next door” and 9/11 (30 listed in Sunday's papers) specials on Nat Geo, Discovery, NOVA, OWN, Dateline, Fox, History Channel etc all designed to blame Muslims and Al Qaeda and/or highlight human interest stories. Muslims had nothing to do with the event.    
    The 9/11 Truth Movement ( has a new video analyzing WTC #7 “Solomon Building” as a professional demolition . At 9:33 into the 15 minute video, Thermate is mentioned and shown (Iron Oxide, Powdered Aluminum, Barium Nitrate, Sulfur). Sulfur and Barium Nitrate lower the ignition temperature and increase the thermal effect of patented (US Pat # 6183569) “Linear Pyrotechnic Cutting Devices” and the “Cutting Torch and associated methods for cutting materials of substantial thickness using high pressure, high velocity shock fronts” (US Pat # 2587243). From this alone, 9/11 can be shown to be a pre-planned inside job having nothing to do with Muslims.
     Alternative News sites such as Mike Rivero at (Mike is also pushing the lie Palestinians are blood relatives of Jesus Christ; a bald faced lie; there are no blood relatives of Jesus Christ) are pushing the theory Flt #77, a 757 caused the Pentagon damage; 757 aircraft cannot penetrate steel (actually titanium cable) reinforced concrete walls. Transportation Secretary Norm Mineta made a video for the 9/11 Truth Movement essentially blaming Dick Cheney for allowing Flt #77 to fly without military interception into the Pentagon; a convenient Scapegoat, but far more people were involved.  
    WTC #1, #2 and #7 were demolished using pre-placed Thermate Cutting Charges patented on Fed 6, 2001 by Spectre Corp. designed with an inner cavity and nozzle to direct the cutting flame and be remotely controlled. These “Cutting Charges” do not explain the disintegration of the aircraft hitting WTC #1 or #2, nor would they be effective on webbed beams used in the central column, nor do these charges explain the seismic events preceding the fall of the Twin Towers. The BBC reported WTC#7 falling 20 minutes before it actually fell. How did anyone know WTC #7 would fall? It wasn't hit.
    As the 2 aircraft make contact with WTC #1, #2, a discharge of energy can be observed on any number of available videos. As the Twin Towers begin to fall, steel and concrete are vaporized from top to bottom. This in my opinion is indicative of Tesla based directed energy being used.  The curved flight path of Flt #175 is, in my opinion indicative of remote microwave (MLS flight control was tested but largely replaced by GPS) control.
     A few strange things. A CFM-56 engine used on B-737 aircraft was found at Church and Murray St. (pictures are still on the net). This type engine is not used on B-767 aircraft which use a 3X larger GE 80-C2. Strange? Airframe #22332, a 767-200 matching the serial number of AA Flt #11 ship #N334AA was put up for sale by Atlas Aviation in 2007. Cleveland Tower logged UA Flt #93 landing after it supposedly crashed at Shanksville. The DJIA closed at 9651.51 on 9/11/2001 and 9651.51 on 9/11/2009; the numbers add to 26; 26 days after 9/11/2001 Afghanistan was invaded searching for Osama bin Laden; 10 years later he was killed, DNA tested, flown 1100+ miles in a 130MPH helicopter and dumped in the Arabian Sea on Beltane (May Day). Hard to believe? Flt #77 hit the 77ft tall Pentagon on the 77th Meridian. Masons set the cornerstone of the Pentagon in place on 9/11/1941. Charles Burlingame wrote terrorism strategies for the Pentagon in the event civilian airliners were used to attack the building; participating in MASCAL (Mass Casualties) exercise on Oct 24, 2000, he ends up as Captain of AA #77. A few months later Mel Gibson stars in The Patriot weighing 2 oak rocking chairs at the start of the movie at 9lbs 11oz; the 1003 page Patriot Act is supposedly written, read and signed by Congress on Oct 26, 2001.
     NORTHCOM Commander James Winnefeld testified to Congress he was returning to the US from deployment, saw Flt #175 hit the South Tower and as commander of the Aircraft Carrier Enterprise, he turned the task force group  around and returned to the Persian Gulf; the decision to position Aircraft Carriers comes from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. How did they know to head for the Persian Gulf?
     Osama bin Laden was never put on an FBI “Wanted” list in connection with 9/11/2001. Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and FBI Chief Robert Moeller have all repeated this fact. 

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 "American Spring" will be the October Surprise of 2011. American is derived from Amar (Canaanite god of the west), Amurru (Edomite serpent and shepherd god), Ameru (Ethiopia whose Priests of Ameru falsely claim descent from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and or Dannites escaping the Assyrian "Diaspora" of Israel). American Spring will mimick Arab Spring; Arab means Ambush, Lie in wait, Lurk (Strong's #693-695) The definition "Homeless wanderer, child of the street" came far later with the Muslim Brotherhood.
   Ahmadinejad, a Freemason and lead captor of 52 American hostages was directly involved with the October Surprise of 1980; Skull & Bones, 33Mason, CFR, Bilderberg George Bush Sr and his Neo-Con band running the White House in exchange for Iranian (Iran=Aryan=Noble Caste) assets unfrozen and a defeat for 33Mason, CFR, TC, fake Baptist Jimmy Carter. The CIA trained Osama bin Laden (Lion of Ladon), Taleban (Student) and Al Qaeda (Dervish "Solid Foundation") into Mujahideen (Warriors of Allah ie the Assyrian god "Sin") The CIA also trained Haqqani terrorists: Maulvi and his prodigal sons Jalaluddin, Sirajuddin, Badaruddin and Nasiruddim Haqqani. (The Ladon Dragon has 100 heads; when one is cut off, 2 more grow in its place).
     Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Syria had their dictators removed in revolution (recall Obama proclaimed a "New Beginning for Islam" in Cairo standing next to Hosni Mubarak), American Spring will be no different. Hard to believe this plan was hatched 3
     Joseph married Asenath a daughter of the Priest of Heliopolis (On); Manasseh and Ephraim are now falsely claimed as ancestors of the Pashtuns (Jesuits call them Youssofszye "Sons of Joseph" and themselves "Society of Jesus"; both are lies) in Afghanistan and Pakistan as well as the Mormon Church. This is Zionism; no it is not Jewish and neither is Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur.
Rosh Hashanah 
God's "Head of the Year" is 1 Nisan, Satan's is 1 Tishrei; Jesus replaced the Law; Satan will return man to the Law in the form of Sharia and Noahide Law. "In the seventh month, in the first day of the month, shall ye have a sabbath, a memorial blowing of shall offer an offering made by fire unto the LORD...Also on the tenth day of this seventh month there shall be a day of atonement..." Lev 23:24;27 "Ezra the priest brought the law before the congregation...upon the first day of the seventh month...the Levites stilled all the people" Neh 8:2;11 Jesus replaced Levitical Law as Melchisedek "King of Salem"; He will restore Zadokites (sons of Zadok) who kept the Levitical Law in the Millennium (Eze 48:11); Satan will do this now. "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and ye are all brethren" Mat 23:8 Talmudic Rabbis assume the role of Levite Priests (sons of Aaron) however they are Samaritans (Cohen/Kohanim) descended from Korah and the men who replaced Israel during Assyrian captivity (2 Kings 17:30-31; Amos 5:2;26; 7:2-3; 5-6). They teach Jesus is in Hell rather than Heaven and sound trumpets on Rosh Hashanah to begin 10 "Days of Awe". Jesus opens "Books" (Rev 20:12) at the end of the Millennium; Satan's Rabbis do this now; the last time likely being Solstice 2012; Ironic isn't it? Rosh Hashanah is the "Day of Creation" in the Talmud, Mishnah (Oral Law), Kabbalah and Zohar; 3 "Books" are opened as sheep pass the shepherd for judgment: Wicked are blotted out of Satan's "Book of Life"; these are people who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and have a relationship with Him thorugh the Holy Ghost. The Righteous go directly into Satan's "Book of Life"; these are people who reject Jesus Christ and are bound by Law to Jerusalem which Jesus calls "Spiritually Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8KJV The Intermediate group have the next 10 "Days of Awe" until Yom Kippur to make up their mind.
      The oldest book in the bible is Job "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them...Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD" Job 1:6; 2:1 Folks, Satan is being given greater latitude to deceive; his agents are the 4 Horsemen: White, Red, Black, Pale. Pale is Antichrist "Alternative Messiah"; Job was severely tested as we are or will be; 2011 may very well be the year the Black Horseman (Gyorgy Schwatrz?) destroys the world economy. A day's wages for a quart of wheat is harsh but the Lake of Fire is worse. Time to choose. 

9/28 Mahmoud Abbas 
wants full UN membership and Statehood for Palestine; he is backed by Iran, Syria, Russia and China among others. He claims he has the required 9 votes necessary. Barack Obama will likely veto the bid; he is doing this on orders from Israel. Abbas, Ahmadinejad, Putin, Netanyahu and Obama are all Freemasons.
    The war will center on the spot Abraham bound Isaac (Quran says Ishmael); King David bought the Jebusite "Threshing Floor"; Solomon built the 1st Temple; the Glory of the LORD departed; Zorobabel built the 2nd Temple; Jesus Christ was Crucified and the 2nd Temple was destroyed.
    Is it coincidence Arabs teach Abraham's Winged White Horse "al-Barack" and Muhammad's Windged White Horse "al-Buraq" both departed from that spot as well? Is it also coincidence Barack Obama means "Lightning" and "He is with us". Is Barack Obama the White Horse of Revelation? We'll see, but just after his botched inauguration oath Haiti was attacked by an annonymous arrow (7.0 Earthquake) as SOUTHCOM and NATO were in Miami holding a Haitian Disaster Relief Drill. The current head of the UN Security Council is Lebanon (Lbn=Laban "To make White" and "To make Bricks"=Freemasonry) Lebanon is Phoenicia; the tree on their flag is the Tree of Knowledge. Should the vote be delayed until October, Nigeria will be President; not only the land where Nimrod came from 4000 years ago, but the 1st Ottoman Sultan Othman I came from there. The 4000 year old Tower of Babel may be fitted with its last bricks, held together with slime but Chaldean Magick will never allow man to reach Heaven or become God. Time to choose between Laban's Pillar "Jegar-sahadutha" or Jacob's "Galeed" (Gen 31:44-48)
9/27 Gyorgy Schwartz aka George Soros: 
Soros means Funeral Urn or Coffin; Schwartz means Black. Apollo (Apollo means "To Destroy" or "To Entrap"as does Rev 9:11 Apollyon/Abbadon although Soros is only a wannabe version of Satan; is he the Black Horse? We'll see, but as of now, he is my best guess) Soros became an Economic Hit Man during the Reagan years; became a Billionaire in 1992 placing bets against the British Pound and has since collapsed economies in Russia, Thailand, Malaysia, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Myanmar (Burma) and now the US. Capital Management made a $1 Billion bet US Debt would receive a Standard & Poor's Downgrade; purchasing 3100 shares of 10 year Treasury Futures and 5370 shares of Treasury Bond Futures netted a 10 to 1 profit. Nice timing with the Stock Market volatility causing a $6Trillion pull back and FED Chairman Ben Bernanke saying "The FED will not raise interest rates until 2013". Soros' books "Alchemy of Finance: Reading the mind of the market" and "Soros on Soros: Staying ahead of the curve" sum up the myth of Apollo, aka Sol, Shamash, Helios and Zeus.
    Heliopolis aka On (Osiris) Obelisks (Baal's Shaft) were constructed about the time of the Exodus (1492BC) and made their way to the Thames River in London, Vatican City and New York City; Reagan adopted Soros' god and became the 1st President to Swear the Inaguration Oath toward the world's tallest Obelisk in Washington DC; Star Wars, the Saving's & Loan Crises and Iran-Contra tripled the national debt which was used to collapse the world economy.
    The Center for Wisconsin Strategy aka Apollo Alliance is funded by George Soros as are (Cute little play on Osiris eh?) La Raza Unida (United Race of Aztlan), SEIU (Service Employees International Union; Hello!), Tides Foundation (both leading the Wall St riots), ACORN and PDIA (Project on Death in America). Wisconsin Judge Patrick Fiedler decided "Citizens have no right to produce or eat foods of their own choice". Public Unions were born in Wisconsin; not being able to grow our own food  is about as bad as "Austerity" can get.
     The world economy collapse and famine are the work of the Black Horse (Rev 6:5-6); this leads to the Pale Horse (Antichrist=Alternative Messiah); "And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth" Economically, George is a candidate, in regards to Famine, he is buying gold with his ill gotten gains thorugh Ospraie (Foul Bird) Capital Mgt. in South America and flooded Missouri/Mississippi River farms at highly distressed prices. I highlighted them because they have already identified themselves "We are the riders of the Pale Horse, Death" Barbara Marx Hubbard, a partner of George Soros in the "Green Agenda". When? The birth of Sol/Helios is Christmas; the birth of Shamash is Hanukkah (the center candle on the Hanukkah Menorah). The Priests of On are still active today; it's time to choose the real God. What year? We'll know when we get there, but 2011 for Black and 2012 for Pale still seem reasonable from this Watchman.

9/26 Rosh Hashanah 
"Head of the Year" begins with the sighting of the Crescent Moon on 1 Tishrei (9/29); God's New Year began on 1 Nisan 6 months ago; Rabbis begin theirs with the sighting of the Assyrian moon god "Sin" which is why Jesus said "But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and ye are all brethren" Mat 23:8 Jesus was Jewish; He Created the Universe as Alpha; authored the Abrahamic Covenant as Melchisedek "King of Salem"; Authored the Law given to Moses; gave Authority to King David and founded the New Covenant with His blood. Rabbis (Rab means "My Greal One) are not Jewish or Israeli (One who wrestles with God); they are Arab worshippers of al-Allah whose idol is the Crescent Moon and whose original title was "Sin". Rabbis place names of the "Righteous" immediately into the Book of Life; Jesus will blot their names out of His; the "Wicked" are blotted out of the Book of Life; Jesus will save these Born Again Christians; the Intermediate Class (Sheeple; my pun!) will have 10 days to Yom Kippur to repent and accept Israel and deny Jesus Christ. The Commencement held on "Sukkoth-benoth". Jesus was born on Succoth "Feast of Tabernacles"; Succoth as taught by Rabbis is the sickness written in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
   Whether 2011 Rosh Hashanah "Day of the Shofar" is any different than others remains to be seen, but it is likely not coincidence another US Government shut-down is timed with the 1st of 10 "Days of Awe". Rosh Hashanah represents the Binding of Isaac on Mt Moriah. If you are a Born Again Christian; you and I are bound with Isaac awaiting the decision of our Father. You can worship Jesus Christ as the Father or Sin, but not both. "For there are thress that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost; and these three are one" 1 Jn 5:7KJV Got Jesus yet? Get Him. Don't have a KJV Bible that has 1 Jn 5:7 in it? Get one. 

9/23 A big day for Science. 1. CERN proves Muon-Neutrinos travel faster than light today. Not bad for an imaginary particle! Geo-Neutrinos spin right, Solar Neutrinos spin lift; they interract insinde earth providing the mysterious 40Trillion watts needed to keep rock and iron melted. Produced 13.7Billion years ago in the Big Bang, they fill the 13.7 Billion Light-year size Universe with "Dark Matter". Neutrinos oscillate between Matter and Dark "Anti" Matter forming WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles ie Beta Radiation) which gather at Galactic Centers called MACHOS (Massive Astrophysical Compact Halo Objects) aka Black Holes; these form Rabbit Holes aka Worm Holes to Mirror Universes which have Mirror Planets called "Alice Matter" detectable through RAMBOS (Robust Ass. of Massive Baryonic Objects). Tired of being fed with crap and kept in Dark Matter? Me too.
   Wolfgang Pauli knew he would die in Room #137 of the Rotkreutz hospital in Geneva, he is the father of Neutrinos, a necessary lie to prove Gravity and the other unproven forces inside Matter (Strong, Weak, Electro-magnetism, Gravity) really exist. 137 is the 33rd Prime Number men like Pauli call the "DNA of Light" aka Lucifer the "Light Bearer". Kabbalist Rabbis dreamed this nonsense up and scientists gave credibility to it using "dazzling mathematics to obscure truth" as Nikola Tesla described Albert Einstein. The reason Neutrinos seem to travel faster than light is phase 2 is now in play; faster than light travel, a necessary component should we see Universe trotting Aliens in the near term and time travel, a necessary ability should a person want to blaspheme God and avoid the Judgment of such actions in the future. Killing God is not necessary, how about travelling back 2000 years and make sure Mary is never born.
    2. A Magnetic Invisibility Cloak has been invented using super cooled/superconducting wires which conduct electric current without loss or disruption to Magnetic Fields. Whether this is possible is up for debate, but Terrorists will have a field day bringing guns and bombs through airport security and into government buildings unless we buy more Terra-hertz Full Body Imaging Scanners. Folk's, these people are sick not smart.
    Hebrews 9:22-23 give the reason blood is necessary for the remission of sin and why patterns of the heavens (astrology/astronomy) were used by God for us to keep time (Creation is getting very close to being 3 1/2 years away from being 6000 years of age). Gen 13:7 tells us of Abraham and Lot separating over the issue of Sodom and Gomorrah and Rev 13:7 gives the Alternative Messiah (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad refers to Antichrist as Imam al-Mahdi) authority to make war with the saints and to overcome them. All that "Dwell upon the Earth" shall worship him, whose "names are not written in the book of life of the lamb"  Folks, you can still have your name written in that book if you ask Jesus Christ; if not, you can check into Room #137 of the Laodicea "Luke Warm" Church and hope Jesus doesn't "Spew you out of His mouth" Rev 3:16-17 Remember Jn 3:16? 

9/22 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the UN today; paraphrased: "By the grace of nation is responsible for Slavery, Colonialism, Resource Plundering, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Zionism, Totalitarian Regimes in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Atomic Weapons, Iran-Iraq War, 9/11, Breton Woods annulment, World Debt Crises, World Economic Crises, and Afghanistan Opium" He of course is referring to the US and he is of course correct on these points. He went on to say "The UN is the great achievement of mankind to ensure the collective management of nations under the  the creation of the ideal society with the arrival of the perfected human being asdivine leadership of Imam al-Mahdi, the ultimate saviour of mankind for guaranteed by the promise of Allah alongside Jesus Christ to promote peace and happiness". Well, there it is in plain sight. Allah is the Assyrian moon god "Sin", Mahdi is the occulted 12th Shiite Imam. The perfected person alongside Jesus Christ is of course the False Prophet. Can you see why Jesus Christ returns to destroy this now? Can you see why a relationship with Him through the Holy Ghost is necessary for Salvation?
Masonic Creed: "Order out of Chaos" Masons Mahmoud Abbas and Benjamin Netanyahu (no he is not descended from the Tribe of Benjamin; rather he is not even Semitic as a descendant of Japheth and Ashkenaz) spoke at the UN on Friday. Whether Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is really Semitic and Israeli I don't know, but he claims to be Saborjian "Cloth Dyer/Weaver"; he speaks on Mabon concerning Palestinian Statehood. Amos 5:2 is clear Israel fell 2600 years ago and God did not raise them up; Israel is not Jewish. Dag Hammarskold found his god in the altar of his Meditation Room. "On the field where Ormuzd challenged Ahriman to battle, he who chases away the dogs is wasting his time" "The light of the spirit gives life to matter" "A meeting of the light, sky and altar to the God of all" "An altar to the God whom man worships under many names". Many names except Jesus Christ that is. Dag adopted Zoroastrian belief that Order comes from the Chaos of the final battle of Good (Ormuzd) versus Evil (Ahriman).
    Gnostic Theratputae were called the "Society of Ormus"; Ormuzd is called Tammuz "Offspring or Only Son"; Jesus Christ? Hardly, in Eze 8:14-16 worship of Tammuz caused the Glory of the LORD to depart Solomon's Temple (Eze 10:18). Tammuz is Adonis "Green Man" which is why the UN Council Room is green; he is called Dumuzi, Dumuzi Orion, Dumuzi Apsu, Ormazd and Ahura Mazda "Wise Being". Dag designed every aspect of the Meditation Room including the Lodestone "Leading Stone" Altar. It is no coincidence 3-4-5 forms the North-South dimensions; 33+43+53=216=6or 6X6X6 which in Kaballah refers to the 3rd Adam (Adam means Red as does Esau). Every 2160 years (216 X 10 chairs=10 Kings=10 chairs) a new astrological "House" begins; Aquarius begins at the 2012 Solstice. A line drawn from the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan (Mexico City) to Mt Hermon (Mt Sion) passes through Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Stonehenge and Troy. Passing New York it lines up with the 520 angle corresponding to the "Son" (Pythagorean 3-4-5 Triangle is Father, Mother, Son; the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid conforms to this dimension). Stonehenge, a Solar/Lunar Calendar and Geodesy (Earth Measurement) calculator made of stone sits on the 52nd Parallel with Glastonbury Tor aka Avalon "Place of Apples", King Arthur and the Aquarian Cross made in Jerusalem; the Labrys in the middle is the Birth Canal of the Divine Son "Tammuz". The complimentary angle of 38matches the DMZ where the UN Korean War began and ended in Armistice. A trip around the 38th Parallel will include San Francisco where the UN and Church of Satan were born, Colorado Springs where Nikola Tesla demostrated his Weather Modification technology at NORTHCOM's current HQ, the Mormon Garden of Eden "Adam Ondi Amman" in Kansas, Washington DC, Athens, Ankara (biblical Galatia where Priests of Attis=Adonis began) and the Russian and American resupply bases for WWIII at Kant and Manas in Kyrgystan (Russia, China, North Korea are backing Palestine; US is backing Israel) "Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened you can bet it was planned" FDR. Still think the UN vote on Mabon is by accident?

9/17-18 The Dag Hammarskold UN Meditation Room 
is a 33ftX18ftX11ft Trapezoid (Unfinished Pyramid) with a 13,000lb block of Magnetite Altar conforming to a Pythagorean right Triangle of 3-4-5 aka "Mr Triangle" or "Merkaba"  lit by a single shaft of light from above; facing a New Age art panel with a serpent entwined around a Zoroastrian Solar Disc (Light/Dark). 11 backless chairs (self made men) face the altar and art panel for 10 Kings + an Alternative Messiah: Krishna, Buddha, Mahdi. New Age mysticism, pantheism, animism, communism, socialism, occultism, Islam, Kabbalah, Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Crystals, Environmental "Gaia", psychologists, Bahai and Unitarians are all welcome in the room where "Dag Hammarskold found god" and housed "The symbol of the god of all". He was murdered in a plane crash 50 years ago today for trying to bring peace to the Congo. Not so fast Dag, there was looting to be done by the likes of SMOM Pat Robertson.

9/17 Constutution Day aka Day of Rage. 
Service Employees International Union (SEIU), ACORN, Anonymous, Weather Underground, Black Panthers, Janitors Union, Steel Workers Union, 330 Mason Jesse Jackson's Wall St Project, 33Mason Al Sharpton's "Politics Nation"; Code Pink, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Earth First, Gamaliel (Gamaliel means "Reward of God") Foundation, AFL-CIO, Public Employees Union (Wisconsin Gov Scott Walker and Rep Paul Ryan started this ball rolling) George Soros' "Apollo Alliance" (aka Center for Wisconsin Strategy), Anarchist Black Cross Federation (A was used first on the 1611 Kiing James Bible by Francis Bacon and later in the Salem Witch Trials for Ann Marbury Hutchinson falsely accused of witchcraft; now an FX series starting this month called "Sons of Anarchy"), Ruchus Society (Logo is a Monkey Wrench in a set of Gears), Tides Foundation (501c3 Tax Free Corp run with Mikhail Gorbachev's Green Cross Int'l out of the Presidio in San Francisco CA of McMartin pre-school pedophile fame, and NSA General General Michael Aquino "Temple of Set" and co-founder of the Church of Satan) and others are all joined in one big happy Anarchist family to commemorate the destruction of the US constitution signed 224 years ago by Freemasons. The meeting of Anarchist Black Cross is at "The Crucible" in Oakland CA for Pete's sake!
America was set up from the start by Freemasons and the Society of Red Men to be a Scape Goat for Rev 18 Babylon meaning Bab=Gate; Ilu=Lord aka Marduk the Assyrian Babylonian Lord.  America is named after Amurru the Edomite (Red Man) Shepherd and Serpent god and Amar the Canaanite god of the west, not Amerigo Vespucci. Vespa means WASP; folks, the White Anglo-Saxon Pagans have reached the end of the "Sting"; this is the Prestige called "Order out of Chaos" by 33Freemasons. Got Jesus Christ yet? Now would be a very good time.

NSA (Largest data collection facility "Spy Center" under construction in Salt Lake City by Dig-D, Balfour Beatty and DPR Const; Arthur Balfour signed the Palestine Mandate in 9/11/1921), Central Security Service and US Cyber Command are commanded by Bilderberg member Gen Keith Alexander. The Washington Times, owned by Unification Church Rev Sun Myung Moon (declared Messiah of the Universe in 2004 by the US Congress in a Dirksen Office ceremony attended by his million acre Paraguay neighbor George Bush Sr) reported today Alexander said "Electrical strikes causing widespread power outages, permanent damage to 1000 ton machines and theft of classified military, corporate and civilian are likely...China and Russia the likely culprits" NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corp) is an NGO altering the frequency of the US Power Grid; the 1000 ton machines he refers to will with certainty fail when their frequency fails to match up with other parts of the Grid; the large scale power outages he refers to will with certainty result from this self destruction. Booz Allen Hamilton was specifically targeted according to Alexander, Why? Rabbi Dov Zakheim stole $2.3 Trillion from the DOD, announced on 9/10/2001 and is searching for the stolen/missing $60 Billion in Iraq and AFghanistan contracts; he designed the automated flight technology used on 9/11/2001 to crash aircraft into the World Trade Center Towers 1 & 2; Dov worked for Booz Hamilton in addition to teaching at the Army War College attended by Keith Alexander and bankrupting Texas as Comptroller while Bush Jr was Governor; he now writes US military policy.
    Much like the Vatican has a visible Pope and a clandestine Jesuit General "Black Pope", the NSA has the visible Gen Keith Alexander and the clandestine Gen Michael Aquino who co-founded the Church of Satan with Anton LaVey (Howard Levey) in 1966, the same year Muslim Brotherhood initiate, Dervish clan leader and Stanford University Professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb used the term Al Qaeda (Qutb means Axis; Qaeda means Foundation); Aquino, called "The Colonel" by the children sodomized at the McMartin pre-school where Mikhail Gorbachev heads "Green Cross International" and the Larry Franklin's pedophile ring in Omaha attended by Warren Buffett, currently heads the Temple of Set, an openly Satanic membership only community.
    Are you getting the idea our enemies are in our own house yet?
I posted an article on the Welcome Page today; suffice to say here is the nutshell version of 9/11 from my perspective. 
AA Flt #77 did not hit the Pentagon; the passengers on that flight are still alive; the Pentagon was attacked by the US Military; A Bunker busting Cruise Missile is my best guess, but one thing is certain, a B757 did not penetrate 6 steel reinforced concrete walls.
Flt #93 did not crash in Shanksville nor was it shot down; those passengers did not connect cell phone calls or rush the cockpit and were privately deplaned at Cleveland International Airport through a NASA hangar.
AA Flt #11 was a remotely flown aircraft,  B-737-300 is my best guess as what appears to be a CFM-56 engine core used on B-737's was found at Church and Murray St. ( 
Flt # 175 was a remotely flown military B-767 Tanker aircraft. Neither of these aircraft had any passengers on them and neither aircraft had anything to do with the Controlled Demolition of WTC #1, #2 or #7. No American pilot military or civilian would preflight an aircraft that looks like the aircraft in these pictures (Google Flt#175 pictures) nor could an aircraft looking like this use a civilian air terminal.
WTC#7 was professionally demolished; no aircraft or debris hit this building. Larry Silverstein admitted he decided to "Pull" the building; you don't decide to "pull" ie demolish a building in one day.
I realize this is a unique perspective. Why? Jesus said (Mat 10:36) our enemies are the men of our own household as did Micah (7:6). It is hard to accept the fact there are far more people who deny the Holy Ghost and Jesus Christ as God in Flesh than there are people who do. Paul told us we are fighting a spiritual battle not a physical battle; unless one asks Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost, it will be difficult to tie 9/11/2001 to biblical revenge, but that's what it was. When WWIII begins this will be a lot harder to figure out. Folks, Esau obtrains Dominion not Jacob (Gen 27:40KJV); call it a Red Conspiracy if you like but God hates Esau and Edomites know this; they have cast their lots to Marduk. Jesus is waiting at the door but you must open it. Now would be a good time.
Sept 8 Sec of Defense Leon Panetta (bio: Army Intelligence during Vietnam, CA Congressman, Clinton OMB Director and Chief of Staff, Iraq War Study Group, Leon and Sylvia Panetta Institute for Public Policy Director, CIA Chief, DOD Chief since July 2011; see the pattern yet?)  in NYC for the 10th anniversary of 9/11 "The threat of a repeat of an event like September 11 is very real...Yemen is currently posing our biggest threat" Of course they are Leon, Yemen became a "Threat" when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallib used a cash paid airline ticket to board 4 international flights without a passport and PETN (Nitro-Penta cannot be lit with a match; Schipol Airport in Amsterdam is regarded as the second tightest security airport behind Tel Aviv; it had Full Body Imaging Scanners ready in advance) strapped to his crotch on Christmas 2009. On interrogation, he said Al Qaeda trained and provided his explosives in, you guessed it, Yemen. Why?
     The prophet Muhammad (a Quyrash bedouin) was raised by his uncle Jafar (Sultan's evil Vizier in "Alladdin") and Grandfather Abdul Mutallib, the son of his grandfather by the same name who was willing to sacrifice his son at the foot of Hubal, a Red Stone Idol with a golden hand of Edomite/Nabattaean orgin in the Ka'aba at Mecca; they lived in, you guessed it, Yemen.  Osama bin Laden declared America to be "Hubal of the modern age" Why? Muhammad smashed the polytheistic Idol Hubal and redicated it to the mono-theistic Allah aka Assyrian moon god "Sin". Osama bin Laden was hired by the CIA in 1979 as Tim Osman. Why?
Osman I was the founder of the Ottoman Empire. Othman I was the first Ottoman Sultan (ca 1300 AD) from Ethiopia (then called Punt); Who is the UN Space Alien Ambassador prey tell? Mazlan Othman M.Othman or Mothman if you remember the movie and book Mothman Prophecy. 
Terrahertz and Back Scatter X-Ray scanners aren't just for people; Cargo began to be inspected with them following the UPS flight from, you guessed it, Yemen with Laser Printer Toner Cartidge bombs; too bad UPS doesn't serve Yemen eh?
Osama bin Laden was in charge of Al Qaeda "Solid Foundation"; the phrase used by Ibn Sayyid Qutb in 1966. Qutb means "Axis"; heard of the Axis of Evil? Allah is Sin so this is the "Axis of Sin"; Sayyid means blood descendant of Muhammad and Quyrash bedouins of Mecca; that would be Abdul Mutallib. Follow so far?
Qutbuddin founded the Sufi order called the Whirling Dervishes (Whirling Dances similar to Curetes "Priests of Cybele"; Yarmulke=Cap of Cybele) becoming the Sultan of Delhi, India 1206-1210AD.
Quyrash descend from Muhammad, and Korah who led the rebellion against Moses and Aaron in the Arabian desert just north of where? Yemen.
Qutbuddin was born in Afghanistan of Turkic origin; Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed in Abottabad, Pakistan named after British General James Abbott; B'Rith means Birthright as in Ishmael and Esau's birthright. Catching on yet? "America is Hubal of the modern age"; Afghanistan is called the "Graveyard of Empires"; where are US troops and National Guard now? Afghanistan.
      What will happen if anything on 9/11 remains to be seen, but I for one will be praying that Jesus Christ keep me from beliveing this "Strong Delusion to believe a lie". Federal Grand Jury liar Bill Clinton not only ran drugs during the Iran-Contra Scandal from Mena Airport in AK while Governor, he depleted the Social Security Trust Fund to balance his budget; go back to top and notice Leon Panetta was his OMB (Office of Management and Budget) Chief. Got Jesus yet? Get Him!

Sept 6 (Oops Aug 6 was a typo) Carlyle Group filed for an Initial Public Offering today; investors such as Salem bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Dick Cheney, Defense Secretaries Don Rumsfeld and Caspar Weinberger, George Bush, his lawyer James Baker III, Britain PM John Major, the government of Abu Dhabi, Nursing Homes and even the California State Pension Fund invest in war, now you can too. Underwriter JP Morgan made trillions shorting Silver last spring with taxpayer money held in TARP accounts at the Treasury when the price collapsed at its Atomic Number of $47. George Soros scored similarly when he bet nearly a $Billion on Treasury Bond Futures timed with the stock market fall, S&P US debt downgrade and FED announcing "Interest Rates will remain near 0% until 2013". Brookings Institute wrote "Which path to Persia" and Obama has issued an ultimatum for Bahar al-Assad to step down and signed 2 Executive Orders #13572 (April) and #13582 (August) prohibiting transactions and investment in Syria plus siezure of Syrian owned assets in the US. Carlyle is a pretty good bet if you like investing in pre-planned worldwide misery. Timing? Obama signed EO #13566 against Libya in February, the Civil War began immediately and US/NATO attacked in March so I give Syria a month or so. Question: The US is selling 248,000 foreclosed properties in the US; most of the titles are held in foreign investment accounts, so what if the same thing happens to the US?
    Not your cup of tea? How about investing in Weather Derivatives? Tudor Investments employs a full time Weather Derivative analyst who makes predictions on Hurricanes, Droughts and Floods; Nephilia Capital then places long or short bets on Weather related destruction. Nephilia is a word derived from Nephilim "To Fall"; if your bible has the word "Nephilim" in Gen 6 in it, get a KJV that has "Giant"; Nephilia is the Persian word for Orion; Antichrist if you prefer. Dang, if one could only predict events like Katrina and Irene would occur on the Feast Day of the Beheading of John the Baptist (Aug 29), or Fukushima on Lent, or Deep Water Horizon on Earth Day we could get rich like Larry Silverstein who had the foresight to purchase 2 separate insurance policies for acts of terrorism just before 9/11/2001. It's time to either invest in the world or your eternal future; one prayer to Jesus insures your ticket out of the weather event called Armageddon and will certainty, it will be a hot ticket.

Labor Day
: Labor means "project, hardship, tottering under a burden, child birth, travail, suffering". Super Congress (Congredi means "War Meeting") will be sworn in and seated in the Capitol "Temple of Jupiter" tomorrow; this act of treason will negate Art 1 Sec 1 of the constitution and nullify authority of both houses of Congress. Make light of it, but this is the proverbial Nail in the Coffin. FHA today filed a $196Billion lawsuit against Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Mortgage and Derivatives Fraud); just one of the litigants, Bank of America has announced 30K layoffs; if you remember the $5+ Trillion account held by BofA on behalf of Leo Wanta, stolen during the Reagan administration or DOD Comptoller, Rabbi Dov Zakheim's missing $2.3 Trillion on 9/11/2001, this 33 year nutshell review will make sense. I'm not trying to slip in any untruths for effect. "Truth is stranger than fiction".
   Iran's Green (Augury is called Green Language) Revolution, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban (Student), Mujahideen (Warrior of Allah ie Assyrian moon god Sin), Osama bin Laden (Lion; Manger/Crib; 100 headed Ladon Dragon "Guardian of the Golden Apples of Hesperides" aka Tim Osman where Osman I refers to the founder of the Ottoman Empire), FEMA/Homeland Security, Iran-Contra all begin when George Bush Sr (Prescott was Hitler's banker and Nikola Tesla's assistant who ordered Hitler bodyguard Otto Skorzeny to steal Tesla's work and murder him; Barbara Bush is Aleister Crowley's illegitimate daughter from a Golden Dawn Ritual in October 1924.
   The October Surprise set up what we have today; The Iranian Green Revolution and Iranian Hostage Crises led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as lead captor set up a deal to prevent Jimmy Carter from pulling a surprise win in 1980, by releasing the hostages in exchange for Reagan putting Prescott's son George Bush Sr on the ticket and swearing him in as VP. Gunther Russbacher testified to this fact as pilot of the aircraft that took Bush Sr and CIA Director William Colby to Paris on Oct 19th to negotiate the deal whereby the Iran-Contra Affair was born.  20 minutes after the Inaugural address, hostages were released, frozen Iranian assets were released and weapons dealer Adnan Khashoggi began brokering arms sales to Iran using profits from Central American drugs.
      FEMA was set up at that point and Oliver North (now Methodist Reverend) became the point man for Iran-Contra weapons for drugs and building Civilian Inmate Detention facilities; some 800 of them are now inside the US ready to accept US citizens as prisoners. Star Wars was a $multi-trillion swindel as no satellites were ever launched to track and shoot down ICBM's; they are unnecessary because Tesla Weapons do the job quite effectively as demostrated with the Thresher Submarine implosion, Challenger and Columbia Shuttle destructions. Several $Trillion, held in a Bank of America account were used by Leo Wanta through George Soros and other "Economic Hit Men" to destroy Russian currency and then others.
     9/11/2001 assigned blame to Al Qaeda which means "Solid Foundation", a phrase used in a 1966 speech by Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb where Sayyid (Bloodline of Muhammad ie Quyrash "Korahite" Bedouins) and Qutb (Dervish Clan Leader; Arab counterparts to SMOM "Knights fo Malta"). 1966 was also the year Anton Lavey (Howard Levey) formed the Church of Satan with now Gen Michael Aquino, currently the highest ranking member of the NSA (world's largest facility being built in Salt Lake City) and head of the "Temple of Set" (Horus/Set; Castor Pullux ie Gemini Twins represent the Zoroastrian (Star Seed) final battle of "Good" (Ahura Mazda) versus "Evil" (Ahriman). Afghanistan was then turned into an Opium Field producing 96% of the world's Heroin; Iraq (physical Babylon) was attacked on Purim "Cast lots for Marduk" where Marduk/Molech is Mlk "Lord" aka the Bahai "Lord" Baha'u'llah". Bahai, Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Mujahideen all originate from the same source.
   Tomorrow the US Constitution will be shredded from the top Art 1 Sec 1 by the swearing in of 12 traitors called Super Congress. Wall St is imploding from 30 years of corruption and it's taking the rest of the fiat currency based world with it. 12/21/2011 ( "Black Horse" (World Economic collapse) and 12/21/2012 "Pale Horse" (spiritual Death and Hell) makes sense; stone monuments and temples from Ankhor Wat, Chitzen Itza, Stonehenge, Teotihuacan and others reference this. 
    What ever you have been taught, or threatened with matters not; the only Unforgivable Sin is rejection of the Holy Ghost. One prayer can fix everything for eternity. My very first real repentent (cut the sing song, common prayer crap and talk to Him) prayer to God for help was answered immediately and still makes me cry thinking about it.
Sept 4 
WWIII "Political Zionism versus Islam"; the goal is to fake Rev 17-19. US dollar collapse will usher in the Black Horse (Rev 6:6) but be the Scapegoat for "Babylon" (Gate of Marduk) in Rev 18. The Pale Horse (Rev 6:8) will follow (my best guess is still Christmas 2012) which for Shiite Muslims is the 12th Imam "Mahdi". With that in mind: IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano claims Iran is enriching uranium for a nuclear warhead at Qom. No surprise, Shiite Imams are trained and elected at Qom; for "Twelvers", the Jamkaran Mosque is the spiritual home to the 12th Shiite Imam Mahdi, currently in occultation. 9/11 anniversary propaganda is in full swing on every TV station and internet site in order to blame Muslims and Al Qaeda, thus justifying war with Iran. The IAEA will meet Sept 12-16 in Vienna; liar Yukiya Amano knows well Fukushima was an intentionally caused disaster; imformed by letter from Idaho National Labs all coolant pumps were shut off 10 minutes after the earthquake, some 50 minutes before the Tsunami wave arrived.
    The other necessary ingredient to the "Sting" is to blame Christians and Jews ie Palestine versus Israel. Israel is not Jewish, Amos 5:2; 5:26; 7:2KJV make this perfectly clear; Martin Luther and John Calvin began 500 years of blaming Jews for everything from banking and usury to well poisoning; I blame Edomites pretending to be Jews. Palestinians (Pales=Roman god of shepherds and flocks) are not related to Jesus Christ by blood; nobody on earth is related to Jesus Christ by blood; the New Covenant is purely spiritual. Why? Mary's bloodline goes back to King David and his son Nathan; Joseph's goes back to King David and his son Solomon. Joseph is not related to Jesus Christ due "Immaculate Conception"; Mary's blood did not pass to Jesus in the womb, only nutrients pass the placenta to the baby.
   Now is the time to evaluate your faith in Jesus Christ through the Holy Ghost; on Sept 6 the US "Super Congress" will be sworn-in and when seated in the Capitol, these 12 traitors + Obama as #13 will have usurped authority from the Constitution, the Senate and House of Representatives. Art 1 Sec 1 "All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the US which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives" If you want to be part of the New Covenant tell Jesus Christ you accept His blood as remission of Sin; nobody has any of this blood coursing through their veins.    


Super Congress: 
Un-Consitutional 12 member panel + Obama as #13 to decide on $1.5 Trillion in budget cuts by Thanksgiving 2011; the original Thanksgiving was a slaughter of 700 Piquot Indians; this one also be an economic slaughter. Decisions to last for eternity, immune to Filibuster or Amendment. Obamacare architect Max Baucus and Skull & Bonesman aka Brotherhood of Death John Kerry among the traitors. Largest budget items: $.8T Medicare/Medicaid $.7T Social Security $.7T War/Defense $.5T Bank/Income Insurance eg FDIC "Banker Insurance", FHA "Saving's and Loan Mortgage Insurance or PBGC "Pension Insurance". Cool racket isn't it?  

14th Amendment 
" All persons born or naturalized in the US and subject to jurisdiction are citizens of the US...the validity of public debt shall not be questioned" Not only have Corporations such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Monsanto, Mormon Church, Blackwater, Microsoft etc become "US Citizens" (thanks to Skull & Bones Supreme Court Chief Justice Morrison Waite in 1878), Super Congress will now decide for eternity what parts of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Federal Deposit Insurance (FDIC) they will deem "Valid". Read Gen 27:39-41KJV until it sinks in Esau obtains Dominion, not Jacob. 20% of Congress now in Israel on AIPAC orders.  (Israel is not Jewish; not in the slightest; read Amos 5:2;26 7:2-3; 5-6KJV until this sinks in. Who is Israel? 2 Kings 17:30-33 tells us.
AAA Credit Rating downgrade by Standard and Poor's 
resulted in a flight to security; 10 yr US Treasuries. Stock Market Volatility + Credit Downgrade + FED interest at 0 = a very rich George Soros (Hedge Fund/Mystery investor); $800Million investment in 10yr Treasury and Bond futures = $10Billion in 1 day. No wonder on Aug 24, S&P President Deven Sharma announced his resignation over the agency ratings of sub-prime mortgages. Larry Silverstein took $100 million + 9/11/2001 terrorists + 2 terrorism insurance policies and netted  $7Billion. JP Morgan covered undeliverable Silver Contracts with FED treasury funds (implicates Geithner) used to purchase a $Trillion in Silver Short Options; Silver's Atomic Number is 47; Silver coincidentally collapsed at $47 predicted in advance by Max Keiser.  It pays to be in the club eh?  

NERC (North American Electric Reliability Corp) an NGO tampering with the National Power Grid by adjusting frequency (60CPS=Hz) between different sectors. Every electrician knows this will destroy the Grid with 100% certainty. It will also likely destroy the Generators through massive torquing of armatures, the Transformers through voltage spikes and Transmission Lines as well. This intentional destruction "Scorched Earth Policy" will end Banking, Communication, and Transportation of People, Water, Fuel and Food. Smart Grid + Smart Meters The US Power Grid is being divided (NW, SW, S, MW, NE & Florida) as part of UN Agenda-21 and controlled by RF controlled Smart Meters.

Operation Gun Runner aka Fast and Furious operated by DOJ and BATF and US Direct Commercial Sales operated by State Department providing $.5Billion in weapons: Assault rifles, Sniper rifles, Grenades, Grenade launchers, Anti-aircraft weapons, body armor, night vision goggles and hand guns to Mexican Drug Cartels. Iran-Contra part 2, only this time in our backyard.

Anonymous aka Army of Loyola "Jesuits" (eg John Roberts, John Boehner or John Kerry) call them Pirates (British/Dutch/Corsairs), Explorers, Privateers, Merchants, Hospitallers/SMOM (eg Ted Kennedy), Mutineers, Revolutionaries (eg Che' Guevarra or Fidel Castro), Anarchists (eg Alex Jones), Mothers of Darkness (eg Barbara Bush/Pierce/Percy), Hedonists (eg Aleister Crowley), Sodomites (they have never forgotton or forgiven Sodom & Gomorrah eg Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, George Bush Jr), Terrorists (eg Al Qaeda, Ibn Sayyid Qutb, Muhammad al-Wahhab, Muslim Brotherhood, Osama bin Laden, Abu Nidel), Bohemians (2000+ Molech worshipping CEO's and Government officials), Gypsies (Rome=Romani=Dom), Dominionists (Rapture, Israel supporters) or anything else you like. Their handiwork is evident in the Twin Tower rubble, Haiti, DeepWater Horizon, Arab Spring and Fukushima. Cowards hiding behind Masks and Robes as Catholics (eg Georgetown), Protestants (eg Rick Warren), Muslims, Jews and Presidents whose only motto is "Do what thou wilt shall be the sum of the Law". Jesus' law is Love God; Love our Neighbor. Time to choose your Law.

Operation Mermaid Dawn aka Operation Siren. NATO armed Al Qaeda rebels loot Libya's 144 Tons of gold reserves on Ifter the evening meal which breaks the Ramadan fast. Jesuit liars Webster Tarpley at Global Research and Paul Joseph Watson at Jesuit Alex Jones' Prison Planet are now attaching Al Qaeda to the Libyan Rebels. Siren means Attach or Bind; Al Qaeda "Supreme Foundation" has nothing to do with Muslims breaking the Ramadan fast; the Libyan War began illegally on Purim (Puru means Cast Lots for Marduk) the same day Bush Sr used for slaughtering Iraqis on the Highway of Death in Gulf War 1 and Bush Jr used to start Gulf War II with "Shock and Awe" (Shekina). So-called NATO backed "Rebels" managed to open the Central Bank of Benghazi (IMF/World Bank) and NATO aircraft destroyed the GMMR (Great Man Made River) and the factory making its pipelines supplying 75% of Libyan water. This genocidal operation destroyed over 22,000 Acres agriculture land and a 150 year supply of pure water as a prelude to WWIII: Political Zionism against Islam. Osama bin Laden (Lion in the Manger of the 100 headed Ladon Dragon) and Al Qaeda (a fiction created in San Francisco by Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyid=Descendant of Quyrash=Koriesh=Rebel Priesthood in Moses and Aaron's day ca 1492BC) bedouins and Muhammad of Mecca; Qutb=Dervish Clan leader; Jesuit and Dervish Knights are 2 heads of the same Beast. 

The Book of Aquarius: Fountain of Youth, Philosopher's Stone, Tree of Knowledge, Elixer of Life, Soma, Amrita, Ambrosia all represent Gnostic Alchemy; the Age of Aquarius represents the Golden Age, a return to pre-flood conditions and the Garden of Eden, absent Jesus Christ (Tree of Life) of course. The book was released free of charge August 25; a new documentary by new age mouthpiece Jay Weidner  "The Alchemy Code" and his books written with Vincent Bridges deal with Rosicrucian Alchemy, the Mayan Calendar, Geodesy, Astrology and Alchemical Cross of Hendaye. Bee Careful! (Bee is Chaldean for Word) Rosicrucianism is the "Bee Hive" of Bahai (Sabaean Gnostics impersonating Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Zoroastrians) Timed with this release, 81 members of Congress on an AIPAC junket to Jerusalem (Jesus calls this Spiritually Sodom and Egypt in Rev 11:8KJV) and fake Mormon (Mormonism=Zionism=Bee Hive) Glenn Beck's "Restoring Courage" promoting "Unity among all faiths" (Count me out. Jesus separates Wheat from Tares!) rally at Judaism's most holy site, the Western "Wailing" Wall. Glenn knows that wall is Herod's Edomite Wailing Wall (ref Amos 5:2; 7:2); Jesus called Herod and "Old Fox" and would call Glenn that as well. In a nutshell Rosicrucianism ie Alchemy is Anonymous; (Autonomous foot soldiers such as Jesuits, Knights of Malta etc) Fulcanelli's Cross of Hendaye, Christian Rosenkreutz Alchemical Wedding or the Georgia Guidestones should be familiar by now. Alchemy "Order out of Chaos" comes thorugh eliminating Born Again Christians and Jews. Remember, anyone on earth can become a Born Again Christian simply by asking Jesus Christ! Now would be a good time.
     I have no idea what if anything will happen on the Temple Mount, but Glenn is broadcasting this event to 60 nations and one day something will happen to trigger the building of the 3rd Temple. Notice Hurricane Irene (Peace) is set to hit New York, earthquakes are swarming Washington DC (I don't thing gas fracking is causing them) and the Canary Is (Tsunami generator), FEMA completed a drill "NLE 11" re-creating the Dec 16, 1811 7.7 earthquake on the New Madrid Fault in May, Congressmem are getting their Edomite (ref Gen 27:39-41 "Dominion" is Esau's not Jacob's!) marching orders, NATO is preparing to occupy Libya and is supplying $2.7B in weaponry to Afghanistan and Super Congress is set to slash Social Security, Medicare and Military benefits. Folks, laugh about 12/21/2012 if you want but to Rosicrucians the New Age of Aquarius begins then.

Hurricane Irene: Connect a line from the Pyramid of the Sun (Mexico City) to Mt Hermon (Golan Heights aka Mt Sion) and Irene is tracking over America's 1st 5 colonies and nearly 25% of its population 6 years to the day after Katrina hit New Orleans; the day celebrated as the beheading of John the Baptist. What a coincidence eh? Huracan means 1 legged Serpent; Ben Franklin connnected America's 1st Colonies with this Serpent and the Slogan "Join or Die".  Dengue Virus carried by Aedes Aegyptus mosquitos, prevalent in the Bahamas were Genetically Modified by Oxitec Corp using a $20 Million grant from Bill Gates and tested in the Cayman Is. Nov 2009-2010. Irene will likely cause inland flooding from the Carolinas to Cape Cod, the perfect breeding ground for mosquitos. Thanks to Henry Kissinger and Rachel Carson (1962 book Silent Spring), DDT is unavailable to combat Transgenic Dengue carrying mosquitos. Now does it make sense why Bill Gates would fund seawater spraying ships to kill plankton and ruin crops or why Warren Buffett would finance men like Pentti Linkola who wants to "Annihilate most of the human race and create an eco-fascist Utopia where only a few million Americans are allowed to live"? Read the Aug 27 Daily Update.


     August: Venerable, Majestic, Noble, Consecrated by favorable Auguries. Rome is a name for the confederate tribes of Romani "Gypsies"; "Eternal Rome" a "Dom" phrase for Dominion of the Sun (Lucifer). Augurs are Priests of Sabine, Latin, Etruscan, Alban orgin (Pagans) who Divine by the flight of birds; augur became the root of "Inauguration". The Eagle is the spiritual symbol of Jacob (Israel) but it is the physical symbol of Jacob's brother Esau and his pride (ref Obadiah). Priests are High Caste eg Brahminis. "Aryan" comes from Arya "Noble Caste or "Hiram" (High Born) the Phoenician "Grand Architect" of Freemasonry and King Solomon's Temple; Solomon took 1000 wives and concubines from Phoenicia remember?
     Lughnasadh Aug 1-2: Lug, the patron deity of Ireland, the god of Smithcraft, Carpentry, Poetry, Masonry etc. Ireland connects to Jersualem through the lie King Zedekiah had a daughter (Tea Tephi) who escaped the fall of Jerusalem under Nebuchadnezzar and travelled to Ireland (Tara) with the prophet Jeremiah and married into pagan Irish Royalty; kiss the Blarney or Tara Stones all you want but they are Sham Rocks. Good pun eh? Emerald is Lapis Exilis; Satan's Exiled Stone; welcome to the Emerald Isle and the Wizard of Oz (Gold Ounce). Witches celebrate the Cross-quarter sabbat Lugnasadh as "Harvest of Souls". This year, Muslims similarly led by theri lying Imams began Ramadan on this date as well.
      Ides of August Augury climaxes on 15 August. Aug 15, 1534 is the birthdate (Ides=favorable auguries) of the Jesuits aka Army of (Ignatius) Loyola; it's previous and real name is "Militia of Zeus and Minerva"; they are not the Society of Jesus and have nothing to do with Him much less average Catholics. Aug 15, 1871 is also the date of Sodomite, Scottish Rite Sovereign, Confederate General Albert Pike's letter describing 3 world wars to Jesuit Revolutionary Guissepe Mazzini.  Knights Templar were international bankers and military order of Gnostic Cathars; in 1311 they transferred their wealth to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again" is their saying and reason why 2011 is becoming a financial train wreck. Templars were part of the "Cult of the Severed Head"; Jesuits were born in the Chapel of St Denis (Severed Head) to give Catholic legitimacy to their Satanic order. IHS "In Hoc Signo Vinces" (By this sign conquer) dates back to Emperor Constantine and the Nicolaitane (Nico=Conquer; Laitane=Laity) Gnostics we call "Father", "Rabbi", or "Reverend" today. They are your enemies who used the Nails to fasten (Paganus=To Fix) God in flesh (Tree of Life) to the Tree of Knowledge for the Dominion of the Sun (L:ucifer/Satan). Google the Jesuit Oath and IHS symbol before discounting this.
    55 members of the US Congress, 3 on the Supreme Court and many of their dutiful members of the press and judicial branch are Jesuits who have sworn oaths to the Black Pope to act like Protestants, Jews and Catholics in order to become Judges, University Professors, Theologians, Doctors etc to destroy society from the inside by deception, jealousy, strife, war, sexual vice and revolution. They are your neighbors so be careful. Pagan Ireland is considered the "Many Skilled" god of Smithcraft, Masonry, Carpentry, Poetry, Magic and Music. 
       The Equal Arm Cross (Equinox Cross ") plus the Solstice Cross "X" is the bird "Su" and Ashtika (8 Rayed Star of Isis). Swastika "Broken Sun Wheel" and Double Headed Eagle was thus used by Knights of the Black (Black absorbs Light) Sun "Nazi SS".
      Every 33 years (33Masonry=Sovereignty; 33 human vertebra; 137 "DNA of Light" is the 33rd Prime Number because Jesus was 33 at the Crucifixion) Ramadan falls on Lugnasadh with the visible sighting of the "Hilal" (Waxing Crescent); Allah being the 4000 year old pagan Arab "moon god" of Assyria originally called "Sin". Ramadan means Burning Hot, not referring to temperature as the Lunar Holy Month migrates through all 4 seasons of both hemispheres, but to "Cleasing of one's soul by Allah (Sin)" ie Sacrifice.
    Laylat al-Qadr (Layla means Night) is the "Night of Destiny", the night the angel Gabriel visited Muhammad, a Quyrash (Quyrash=Korahite "Rebel Priests") Bedouin of Mecca to deliver the first verses of the Quran on golden plates. Mormon (Mormo "God of the living dead") religion calls their angel of the golden plates "Moroni".
    Following Ramadan is Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha commemorating the day Abraham was willing to sacrifice Ishmael on Mt Moriah (Golden Dome marks this spot) according to the Quran; the Bible of course says Abram was willing to sacrifice Isaac.
    "WWIII will pit political Zionism against Islam in order that the true light of Lucifer can be made manifest" Homosexual, Confederate War General, co-founder of the MAFIA with Guiseppe Mazzini, founder of the KKK (Knights of the Kuklos Klan aka Knights of the Golden Circle), Sovereign Worshipful Grand Master of Scottish Rite Freemasonry Albert Pike.

Aug 31 911 Truth Movement 
has a new video narrated by Ed Asner (In my opinion, Ed Asner, Bob Bowman, Richard Gage, Kevin Ryan, Steven Jones (BYU Professor Emeritus) and Jesse Ventura are controlled opposition Disinformation Agents) is out ( stating WTC #7 "Solomon Bldg" was destroyed by professional demolition. Duh, so were the Twin Towers.  Why put this out now? At 9:33 in the video "Thermate" is listed as the type demolition explosive; Thermate is Iron Oxide, Powdered Aluminum, Barium Nitrate and Sulfur. Thermate is not Thermite; it is patented #6183569  "Linear Pyrotechnic Cutting Device" and Spectre Corp Patent # 2587243 "Apparatus for producing penetrating jet for cutting materials of substantial thickness" dated Feb 6, 2001. Planned? Inside Job? Duh!
   Rabbi Dov Zakheim, Comptroller for Texas under Bush Jr and Pentagon Comptroller under Bush Jr and Don Rumsfeld admitted on Network TV on 9/10/2001 $2.3 Trillion was missing from Pentagon accounts. Here is a link Dov was also CEO of Flight Termination System which makes ground based remote control systems for 767/757 era airliners; Dov admitted today that $60 Billion is missing from War Contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan; he is part of the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. How's that for putting a Fox in the hen house?
    FEMA arrived in NYC on 9/10/2001. Here is a U tube link FEMA Spokesman Tom Kennedy said their #1 concern was a Terrorist Act in NYC. #2 was a hurricane in New Orleans. #3 was an LA Earthquake.
    If you are not on your knees asking Jesus Christ for help yet; the movie Contagion made its debut today at the Venice Film Festival. Venetians came to be called Black Nobility, not because of skin color, but because they are Satan's best "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing" Are you on yoru knees yet?
     Today a US Research Team claimed to have found the lost City of Atlantis in southern Spain; in March the Nat Geo Documentary Finding Atlantis aired. As Lent (40 days Weeping for Tammuz/Adonis/Dumuzi) began on Mar 11, Fukushima coolant water was intentionally shut off by Siemmens (A Nazi era German Corporation) Controllers to the Plutonium MOX Fuel Reactor #3 (#1, and #2 as well). Today, Japan announced that since June, Plutonium has been vaporizing (Boiling) and is exposed to air; they have decided to burn refuse in the area lofting this radioactive material into the Pacific Jet Stream; without doubt it will fall on Canada and the US. Are you on your knees yet? Do you need to be clubbed over the head?
   400 years ago in 1611, the Authorized Bible was completed translating Textus Receptus into English; it is the only non-copyrighted bible because God wrote it. Do you have one? Francis Bacon wrote The New Atlantis about America; New Atlantis would rise as a Phoenix out of its own ashes.
     Can you smell the fire, taste the metallic uranium, see the treason, feel or hear the hoofbeats

Aug 29 Feast Day of the Edomite Beheading of John the Baptist 
"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me..." Mal 3:1 That's John the Baptist "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD" Mal 4:5 That's Elijah not John the Baptist. Elijah and Enoch (Seth's) will arrive to start the 1260 days of Great Tribulation (ref Rev 11:3) 330 Luciferian Freemason Charleton Heston starred in  The greatest story ever told, "John fulfilled the role of Elijah as proclaimed by the prophet Malachi" Wrong! This was in 1965; in 1956 Zionist Cecil B DeMille, Yul Brynner (Pharoah Ramses) and Charleton Heston (Moses) teamed up for perhaps their 2nd best lie, placing the Exodus inside Egypt in 1279 BC rather than into Arabia in 1492 BC. When Elijah and Enoch arrive it will be too late to make your personal covenant with Jesus Christ (ref Rev 6:14). The Edomite Herod beheaded John the Baptist, the greatest of the old covenant; when Edomites obtain "Dominion" (ref Gen 27:40KJV) heads of the new covenant will roll (ref Rev 6:11). When? My best guess is still Christmas 2012. Why? The Feast Day of the birth of John the Baptist is June 24, 6 months ahead of the birth of Jesus Christ on Dec 24. Folks, this is the greatest lie; John was born on Passover (Easter has nothing to do with Passover 14 Nisan, 6 BC); Jesus was born on Tabernacles (15 Tishri, 6 BC); Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; it is the symbolic birth of Solis Invictus (Unconquered Sun) aka Antichrist (Alternative Messiah). Isn't it time we stop being played the fool?  

Aug 28 Pat Robertson 700 Club 
"The Aug 23 earthquake and cracks in the Washington Monument are signs from God we are closer to the coming of the Lord...the Washington Monument is a symbol of America's power and our great nation...the cracks are symbolic of the tearing of the Temple veil at Jesus' Crucifixion" Uh, no Pat, the Washington Monument is a 555ft tall Masonic Obelisk "Baal's Shaft". The coming of the Lord you refer to is Antichrist (Alternative Christ). Pat is a Knight of Malta aka Knight of St John of Jerusalem "Hospitaller"; today is the eve of the Edomite beheading of John the Baptist (Aug 29th) exactly 700 years after Knight Templar assets were bequethed to Knights of Malta by Pope Clement V and King Phillip II of France; Pat's 700 Club references this. His Lord is Marduk; Babylon means "Gate of Marduk"; America's role is to be this "Gate" of the Alternative Messiah. Pat Robertson is a descendant of the Robertson signatories of the Declaration of Arbroath proclaiming Scottish (Scotti were Egyptian/Scythian pagans) Independence (Templars fled the French roundup and aided William Wallace at the Battle of Stirliing Bridge and later Robert the Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn). Knights of Malta are guardians of the Cathars "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again" is their saying Bacchus/Dionysus wears the Laurel Crown. Got it Pat? Now stop lying.  

Aug 27 Richard Dawkins 
"Evolution is a fact securely established as any in science and he who denies it betrays woeful ignorance and lack of education which likely extends to other fields" Famous Atheist Richard Dawkins speaking of Rick Perry who is about as Christian as Santa Claus. I'll be glad to debate these 2 Dicks on Evolution "Theory" but just pointing out Dialectic process is probably good enough. Alien pond scum evolving into human beings with a Body, Soul and Spirit; now that's funny. 

Aug 27 Hurricane Irene 
means Huracan: One legged serpent (In Mayan cosmology Huracan caused the Flood); Irene means Peace. 65 million of 300 million people in the US live in Irene's path. If topics like DDT outlawing, Gaia Liberation Front, Voluntary Human Extinction Movement (VHEMT), Henry Kissinger's SSM-200 report, Jimmy Carter's Global 2000 report, George Bush Sr & Jr "New World Order", Negative Population Growth (NPG), North Georgia Guidestones (likely financed by RC Christian aka Ted Turner) or the Dengue Fever Virus carrying mosquito Aedes Aegypti (Greeks called Egyptians Aegyptus "Land of Gypsies") are unfamiliar to you, do some research; Edomites (Amalekites) have not forgiven and not forgotten the destruction of Santorini (St Irene aka Thera), Minoan Crete or the Egyptian army in the Red Sea; they are "Anonymous". The nutshell version is DDT eradicated Malaria, Typhus and other mosquito, flea, lice and tick born viruses such as Dengue "Bone Break" Fever, West Nile "Hemmoragic" Fever, Yellow Fever, Plague, Encaphalitus, Sleeping sickness; DDT does not thin Bald Eagle Eggs nor is it a carcinogen. The big story of Irene will likely  be mosquitoes. The CDC is reporting Deugue Fever is at a 20 year high in the Bahamas, Caribbean, Cent/South America, and Florida...breeding in standing water; Irene will drop a record amount of water.
    British Corp Oxitec used a $20 Million grant from Bill Gates to test transgenic, genetically modified, Aedes Aegyptus Mosquitos carrying the Dengue Virus on the Cayman Is from Nov 2009-2010. They were designed to cause infertility in mosquuito populations; perhaps, but it may also be the perfect WMD capable of spreading Dengue Fever and then eliminate itself in 1 generation. Who would want this sort of technology?
    Prince Phillip wants to be reincarnated as a killer virus to eliminate people from Earth; his Malthusian sickness stems from Hebrews 9:22; the timing from Hebrews 9:23; echoed by men like Julian Huxley, HG Wells, SMOM Pat Buchanan, Atheist Richard Dawkins, Jacques/Phillipe Cousteau, Maurice Strong, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Gaia Church Reverend Chris Korda, who calls Henry Kissinger and Jack Kevorkian his heroes and advocates no procreation, extinction of humans, suicide, abrotion, cannibalism and sodomy.
     Cathars are Gnostics and Norsemen; Finland became home to Shamanism perhaps more than any other area; Pentti Linkola is a cult hero there who advocates "Annihilating most of the human race...a new world war is a happy occasion for Gaia...the US symbolizing the worst ideologies in the world should be divided into a new eco-fascist utopia where only a few million Americans would be allowed to survive." I hope I'm wrong about this but from Martha's Vineyard, Obama called Irene a "Historic Hurricane"; it has weakened to Cat 1 but the size, amount of water it contains and path along nearly 1/4 of US population is hard to ignore.
     Babylon has 2 meanings: Confusion and Gate of Marduk. There is only 1 nation that could confuse the world into believing Rev 18 "Babylon" has fallen and that is the US.  Albert Schweitzer said "Man has lost the capacity to foresee and forestall. He will end by destroying the Earth" Jesus said he will return to "Destroy them which destroy the Earth" Rev 11:18
     FDR said "Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened you can bet it was planned" Like the outlawing of DDT, 9/11/2001, Deep Water Horizon, and Fukushima, Irene was planned for the same day Katrina hit New Orleans and Salome demanded John the Baptist's head on a charger.
Aug 26 
Hyksos, were Edomite ie Amalekite foreign shepherd rulers of Egypt; they were expelled for introducing war tactics, chariots, steel daggers/swords, armor etc. just ahead of the Exodus across the Gulf of Aqaba into Arabia. Hathsepsut, the likely adoptive mother of Moses and cross dressing Pharoah has her 2 most famous Obelisks on display in NY Central Park and Vatican City. On arrival on Thera (Greek Santorini aka St Irene "Peace"), a volcanic eruption covered the many Lupercares "She Wolf Brothels" with 180ft of ash, killling Hyksos and Santorini inhabitants by encasing them where they stood; the resulting Tsunami wave headed south destroying Cretans (ref Titus) of the Minoan/Minotaur era.
     In 25 AD (John the Baptist was born Passover 6 BC; Jesus was born on Tabernacles 6 BC) the Edomite Herod Antipas married his brother's wife Herodias; John was imprisoned for chastizing Herod; Herodias' daughter Salome entertained Herod with the Dance of 7 Veils about a year later, and coerced Herod to behead John and present it to her on a charger. August 29 commemorates the beheading of John the Baptist by Gnostic "Johnitters" and later Knights Templar and Knights of St John of Jerusalem "Hospitallers"; the Cathedral of St John the Divine like Hathsepsut's Obelisk is in NYC due to be hit by Hurricane Irene "Peace" on Sunday.
      The first 5 American colonies: Washinhgton DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and Boston are in direct alignment with each other and with the projected path of Hurricane Irene (not possible by accident) and with the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacan and Stonehenge (tighten a string over a globe from Teotihuacan to Mt Hermon (Golan Heights") to prove this. 
     6 years ago Hurricane Katrina (St Catherine's Monastery sits at the foot of the fake Egyptian Mt Sinai; Katrina=Gnostic Cathars "Discharge of Pent up Emotion") hit New Orleans at sunrise August 29th; a demonstration of Weather Modification capability it was built up from Tropical Storm to Cat 5+ hurricane in 1 night and precisely guided to its target; levees set with demolition charges ensured the flooding of Jefferson Parish.
     John the Baptist began his ministry to proclaim the coming Messiah and Baptism of the Holy Ghost; Pharisees and subsequent Gnostic Johnitters thought Baptism was with Water. The prediction as of Aug 26 has Hurricane Irene hitting 5 major population centers positioned at the original 1st 5 Colonies knocking out power, flooding roads and subways etc. Whether it will obviously remains to be seen.
      Cathars have a saying "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again" in June 1244 they were burned at Montsegur; 700 years later was D-Day; in 1311 the assets of their Templar guardians were siezed and handed to Knights of St John; Jesus called Herod a "Fox" (Lk 13:32) and Jerusalem "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8KJV); is that why the Fox Glenn Beck and dozens of members of Congress are in Jerusalem at Herod's Wailing Wall proclaiming "Unity among all faiths"? If you do only 1 thing, go back and read Lk 13:24-30; Jesus is the Straight Gate; He does not proclaim Unity of Faiths.
Aug 25 
Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Obama "US troops will be home from Afghanistan by my inauguration and you can take that to the bank" That's why NATO is sending $2.7 Billion in aircraft, helicopters, artillery/weapons, mobile strike vehicles to Afghanistan. Obama also supplied $500M in weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels through the BATF in Operation Gun Runner financed through Hillary Clinton's US Direct Commercial Sales; no wonder, the Peace Prize won by Inconvenient Global Warming Liar Al Gore and Obama is named after the man who invented Dynamite. NATO and the CFR is planning to occupy Libya as the Beachhead to Africa; just a few years ago Sarkozy, Blair/Cameron, Berlusconi, Obama called Qadaffi the "Champion of Africa" and the "Great Berber of the Desert"; He still is; Berbers are Moors famous for lopping the heads off 50,000 Christians in North Africa in 700 AD; Shriner Freemasons proudly wear the Fez with crossed Scimitar swords to commemorate the event. Berbers (Indiginous north Africans affected spiritually by Phoencian settlers) call themselves "Free and Noble Men"; Arya means Noble Caste; Obama's father an Arab from Kenya who claims (a Lie) descent from biblical Kennites; Michelle a descendant of Priests of Ameru in Ethiopia who claim (also a Lie; biblically, Solomon did not father children with the Queen of Sheba; Pharoah Tirhaqha claimed this Phoencian based lie as well) kinship with Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and the Tribe of Dan "Judge". Dannites judge Israel after the Millennium; fake Dannites judge from Spiritual Sodom and Egypt before the 2nd Coming (ref Gen 49:16; Eze 48:2) and notice Dan does not listed among the "Sealed" tribes in Rev 7.

Aug 24 
Scripps News writer (Charles Scripps a long time Bohemian Grove member) Jay Ambrose "The Tyranny of scientific consensus" article in today's papers touches on just about every false science theory. Here is a link to the article and my letter to him.
"Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple robes, made king using dazzling mathematics to obscure truth" Nikola Tesla
The speed of light is not constant as hundreds of experiments have proven; E=Mcis false and Special Relativity Theory has no basis in fact. Space is not a medium, hence light as a massless wave cannot travel in space; General Relativity has no basis in fact.
"Earth is in a unique if not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be compensated for with Spatial Distortion" Edwin Hubble.
Ed knew the Earth is not moving, but chose to lie about it; his theory became Red Shift and finally Einstein's Space-Time Warping.
Georges Lemaitre was no ordinary scientist, rather he was a high level Belgian Jesuit Priest sworn to lie for the Jesuit General.
Galileo did not invent Heliocentric Theory; Polish Astrologer Nicholas Copernicus did; and he was lying.
Big Bang Theory depends on Gravity Theory and neither have been proven; Newton was a Rosicrucian liar.
DDT is a miracle; Henry Kissinger's staged Alaskan Eagle egg study was used to justify removing the Malaria, Dengue Fever preventing insecticide. The result so far is nearing 1 Billion lives lost mostly in Africa and South America.
Global Warming and its NASA mouthpiece James Hansen is merely a justification for genocide with no basis in fact except in Nobel Peace Prize winning Al Gore warped brain.
Just guessing he won't print it.

Aug 24 
Bush Jr lifted Libyan sanctions in 2004 after determining their WMD (Uranium/Chemical) program had been destroyed; today, Hillary Clinton's State Dept. Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance states "Qadaffi may use or Al Qaeda may obtain after Qadaffi falls, 100's of tons of Libya's uranium and mustard gas currently stored in corroding 50 gal drums. Obvious lies designed to justify a Libyan invasion and occupation. Now do you believe "A man's enemies shall be they of his own household" Mat 10:36 

Aug 23 CFR President Richard Haas 
called for US and NATO boots on the ground in Libya. From developing the GMMR, turing desert into viable agricultural land, pumping oil at $1/BBl, instituting a gold backed African Dinar currency, giving interest free education and housing loans to young Libyans to International Law backed by US and NATO occupation forces. Brzezinski's Grand Chessboard and Brooking's Institute Which path to Persia? lay out the plan. Next up is Syria, then on 9/17 the US "Day of Rage", a day of Civil Disobedience targeting Wall St and Washington from Freedom Square, not coincidentally the site of 33Dick Armey's 1st Tea Party march. Qadaffi (Water, oil sales, agriculture, interest free, gold backed currency), Hitler (Autobahn, industry, medical/dental care), Saddam Hussein (Roads, oil sales, medical/dental care) were declared International War Criminals; just what will Obama be declared (Illegitimate presidency, illegal wars in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya all using UN banned Depleted Uranium WMD's and US remotely flown Drone aircraft)? When the US dollar collapses, US forces become isolated in the Middle East and foreign occupying forces assume control of America to stop the international war criminals bloody rampage, will the world believe "Babylon has fallen"? That's what Bahai, and its Neo-con Zionists, and Dervish "Radical" Jihadists hope, so that Baha'a'llah and Bab (Antichrist and False Prophet) can be revealed. "Death and Hell" (Spiritual Death and Hell) follow this Pale Horse; it's the one hiding in plain sight on the cover of the CFR magazine Foreign Affairs. Hearing about this (Dan 8) made Daniel faint; he was face down in front of Jesus Christ at the time, but we can do better than that; we can have Him with us 24/7, just ask.
Aug 22 Ramadan Fast broken at Ifter 
as NATO armed Libyan Rebels take Tripoli. Phoenicians settled Carthage/Tripoli shortly after the fall of Israel ca 666BC; later Alexander the Great sacked Phoenicia and 200 young boys were sacrificed to Molech in 333BC as the mythical Dido and Anna sailed for and founded Carthage/Tunis (Tanis/Tanith is the Phoenician Mother Goddess "Our Lady"). 100 years later Phoenician trained homosexual pedophiles Hannibal and Hamilcar Barca coaxed Rome into scorching, salting and pissing in the ashes of North Africa (Libya meand Land of Afri). NATO Operation Siren (Siren means Bind or Attach) aka Operation Mermaid (Sea Woman aka Phoencian "Our Lady") attached the Libyan attack to Al Qaeda and Muslims. Jesuits Webster Tarpley ( and Paul Joseph Watson (Alex Jones' are making this connection loud and clear; expect CNN/FOX etc to follow suit.
NATO launched 160 UN banned WMD Uranium tipped Tomahawk Cruise missiles at Libya on Purim (Puru=Cast lots for Marduk/Molech); Bush Sr used Purim for his slaughter on the Highway of Death (Hwy 8 is where Gabriel and Jesus Christ gave Daniel his vision of WWIII in Dan 8 on the "Banks of the River Ulai"). Like Hannibal and Hamilcar, the Crusader Bush was raised a Sodomite with his homosexual, 8 yr cheerleading drama club roommate Victor "Victoria" Ashe, inducted into Skull & Bones "Brotherhood of Death" with him. I'm not trying to muck rake here; unless one understands why God destroyted Sodom and Gomorrah, we cannot understand what is happening now.
Purim is an Edomite "Holy Day" not a Jewish one. NATO backed "Rebels" (Annakin Skywalker=Sons of Anak=Edomites=Darth Vader, born in Tunis/Carthage; funny eh?) established the Central Bank of Benghazi, looted Libya's 144 Tons of Gold, took control of Libyan Oil (Qadaffi sold gas for 1 cent to Libyans and had no IMF loans) and destroyed the GMMR (Great Man-made River) and its pipeline factory. Folks, Libyan Rebels have nothing to do with the mythical Al Qaeda or devout Muslims. This is the Jesuit and ultimately the Bahai (Abraham's 3 genealogical lines thorugh Sarah-Isaac-Jacob, Hagar-Ishmael-Esau and Keturah through the semi-mythical Krishna, Buddha and Zoroaster) way of blaming them. Not coincidentally, Leo (Lion=Usama) is transiting to Virgo the Celestial Virgin called Annamellech (Alex Jones uses the "V" Symbol and the Jesuit phrase "We are Legion"). Time to get right with Jesus Christ and watch the show.

Aug 19 
Fukushima liar (no mention of Siemens controllers shutting down reactor coolant 10 minutes after the Earthquake ie before the Tsunami), City College of New York Astrophycisist and Einstein mouthpiece Michio Kaku "An Alien invasion is likely: Are we ready for it?" NASA's Planetary Science Div went further saying the Alien encounter could go several ways: Friendly where Earth is invited into the "Galactic Club"; an alien war could erupt and humans could emerge victorious or protected by a second group of aliens, or Green Aliens upset at Man's misuse of Earth could protect the Earth by culling the population or take resources for themselves. Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan addressed the UN in 1984 saying "Nothing would unite the nations of earth better than the threat of alien invasion". On 11/11/2009 (cute way of putting 3 11's=33 out there eh?) the Vatican helo an Alien Conference saying "The multiplicity of creatures on Earth makes other intelligent beings likely in the Universe and this does not conflict with our faith" Well it does mine Father! "Man was created in the image and likeness of the Creator". At the 2010 UN Climate Summit in Cancun "Nest of Snakes" M.Othman was put in charge of the new Office of UN Space Alien Ambassador. Othman I was the first Ottoman Sultan, and Mothman was the Alien in Mothman Prophecies  fancy that? Folks, don't be played the fool! Edwin Hubble said "Earth is in a unique if not central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be avoided at all costs" Nikola Tesla said this of Michio Kaku's dead hero "Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple robes, made king using dazzling mathematics to obscure the truth". Ronald Reagan spent over $2 Trillion 1980's dollars on the fictitious Star Wars defense shield; the money was used to put Blue Beam satellites in orbit to give everyone on earth a vision of the Messiah that best suits them (Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, fake Jesus etc. Guess who was Nikola Tesla's young lab assistant? Reagan's VP affectionately called by his Skull & Bones name "Magog". Folks, in reference to Creation, Michio Kaku says "God throws dice"; I say God said "It was Good". 

Aug 17 Rudolf Hess: 
Convicted at Nuhremberg of "Conspiracy against World Peace"; held in solitary confinement much of the next 45 years at Spandau Prison until his strangulation death at 93 on Aug 17, 1987. His bones were exhumed and burned last month during the annual Bohemian Grove about July 22. Why now? Hitler signed the Reich Concordat with the Catholic Church July 22, 1933. Mein Kampf "My Struggle" was ghost written by Jesuit Priest Fr Staempfle as Prescott Bush financed Hitler's Nazi War Machine through the Union Bank on Wall St.
   Today, Obama, DNI (Director of National Intelligence), and CIA Director announced on CNN "America's biggest threat is not a 9/11 style attack but multipleLone Wolf attacks similar to the Times Square bomber, Ft Hood shooter, Christmas Bomber and Norway Shooter". "Annonymous Legion" are Jesuits bound by Oath to impersonate Protestants, Jews, Catholics (no Jesuits are not Catholic); to become Judges, Magistrates, Government Officials, University professors; to sew seeds of jealousy, strife and discord; to break up friendships and families and at the top to flay, waste, boil, burn dissenters; spy on others as well as their initiated brethren on orders of the Black Pope (currently Adolfo Nicholas) as members of the Army of Loyola.
    A few Jesuits advising Obama: DNI James Clapper; CIA Michael Morell/ Gen David Petraeaus on Sept 6; DHS John Brennan; NSA Gen Keith Alexander (Bilberberg attendee for Cyber War; NSA's hidden power structure led by Church of Satan/Temple of Set founder Gen Michael Aquino) Joint Chiefs Gen James Jones; HHS Kathleen Zebelius (Note the release of the movie Contagion in September). Aided by John Boehner and John Roberts; Super Congress John Kerry reported by George Stephanopoulos or on alternative news by Alex Jones. I could go on, but your time would be better spent heading for your Prayer Closet and asking Jesus Christ for a little help; you know, the guy who came not for make Peace but to bring a Sword. Wonder why the Peace Symbol is an upside down Cross called the Witch's Foot?
    Jesuits are the Lone Wolves; the Army of Zeus and Minerva. Why the Wolf symbol? Zeus was nursed by a she-wolf. When the Thera aka Santorini volcano blew up it deposited 180ft of ash on the many Lupercares on the island where the Hyksos (Foreign rulers of Egypt) landed after their expulsion from Egypt; the resulting Tsunami then traveled to Crete where Zeus was born and took out much of Minoan civilization. Think they have forgotton or forgiven God for that? Guess again; now establish a relationship with Jesus; the Jesuits seem to have just gotton their marching orders.

Ides of August 
"Anonymous" "We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect Us" Anonymous is an internet based affiliation promoting civil disobedience; the requirement for membership is anonymity and concealment. The primary symbol is the Guy Fawkes mask popularized and somewhat legitimized by the movie V For Vendetta. The Anonymous Legion are Jesuits and Hospitallers aka Knights of St John of Jerusalem or Knights of Malta and Rhodes (eg. Rhodes Scholars) Jesuits aka "Society of Jesus" have nothing to do with Jesus Christ, born of Italian Black Nobility (Jesuit General Adolfo Nicholas is the "Black Pope" because Black absorbs Light ie Lucifer the Light Bearer) on Aug 15, 1534, the Jesuit Oath (Act like a Protestant, Jew, Catholic; sow seeds of discord, strife, jealousy) is of Gnostic Sabaean (Saba means Leave one's religion for that of another) origin and ultimately of Joktanite Arab (Yemen) origin. Arab Spring uprisings in Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, Syria, Beijing's Jasmine Revolution, Iran's Green Party, London Riots, Wisconsin's Public Union uprisings (Scott Walker/Paul Ryan), SuxNet Virus (eg Fukushima meltdown) and today's San Francisco BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) service disruption are all facilitated by Anonymous and their AnonOps.
    The Guy Fawkes mask stems from the plot to kill King James I on Nov 5, 1605  for financing translation of the Authorized Bible 1605-1611. 1000 years earlier a Quyrash bedouin of Mecca was trained by his grandfather Abdul Mutallib in Monotheism (Jesus became a Prophet of Allah=Sin) which resulted in the Quran. Farouk Abdulmutalib "Christmas Bomber" (a little coincidental eh?) and Anonymous Toner Cartridge bombs on UPS which does not serve Yemen would later give cause for Full Body Imaging of cargo and passengers. Ultimately, Quyrash bedouins of Mecca derive from Ishmael and Esau ca 1750BC, and further back they derive from Joktan in Gen 10:25 and their dwelling "...from Mesha...unto Sephar a mount of the east: Gen 10:30 Mesha is SW Arabia ie Yemen; Sephar is the "Rooftop of the World" in the Hindu-Kush, Karakoram and Himalaya mountains. Joktan and his brother Peleg lived 100 or so years after the Flood; in their days the earth was divided by Water (Archipaelago means Land divided by Water). If you want to be separated from Jesuit Anarchists I suggest you ask for the Living Water provided solely by God in Flesh Jesus Christ.
Truth is Stranger than Fiction 
Aug 15 is the birthdate of the Jesuits but Aug 17 was the annual Nazi pilgrimage date commemorating the 1987 strangulation murder (severly arthritic and 93 years old, there is no way for him to tie lamp cord around his neck) of Rudolf Hess in Spandau prison; Bush Sr "Magog" was campaigning for President then, but there is no need this year, as Hess' bones were dug up during the 2011 Bohemian Grove Ritual attended by Bush Sr, Jr and Jeb Bush; the bones were ceremonially cremated Holocaust style. Rudolf Hess was Hitler's deputy in charge of the Antarctic; Atlantean Orgone, Alien Flying Saucers and Vril? More like Tesla Towers used for Geo-engineering and Weather modification.
    In May 1941 Hess flew to Scotland to warn the world the real intent of WWII was maximum bloodshed in preparation for WWIII; he ended up in prison isolation, accused at the Kangaroo Court called the Nuremberg Trials of "Conspiracy against world peace". In 1942 Prescott Bush aka George Scherff Sr had his assets siezed under the "Trading with the enemy act" for building the Nazi empire as young George Bush Sr aka Curious George (a cartoon Monkey) had become Nikola Tesla's lab assistant. Tesla was soon suffocated by Nazi assassin Otto Skorzeny aka Zodiac Killer; his patented technology given to fellow Skull & Bones aka Thule Society aka Theosophical Society initiate Joseph Stalin; Time Magazine's Man of the Year 1939 and 1942 as well as Nobel Peace Prize nominee by fellow Satanist George Bernard Shaw after starving 20 million Ukrainians.
     To understand this type of logic reversal, we need to understand the Order of Golden Dawn and it's highest degree "10=1" called "Ipsissimus" attained by Aleister Crowley (The Beast) during the "Supreme Ordeal" Ritual of October 1924 which impregnated Pauline Pierce, the wife of Marvin Pierce, CEO of McCall's and Redbook (Esau=Edom=Red) Magazine with Barbara Pierce aka Barbara Bush born June 8, 1925, a descendant of Jesuit Knight Thomas Percy (Pierce) who orchestrated the Gun Powder Plot of Nov 5, 1605 to kill King James I who had just financed the Authorized Bible translation of Textus Receptus into English. With me so far? Ok, I'll reword this.
     How about the Nazi financier and convicted traitor who dug up Apache Chief Geronimo's bones from Ft Sill and drank blood from his skull as part of his Skull & Bones initiation fathered the illegitimate son who murdered Che Guevarra and Rudolf Hess who gave birth to the homosexual (Victor "Victoria" Ashe was his cheerleader rooomate at Andover Phillips Academy and Yale, initiated into Skull & Bones in the same double wide coffin under the watchfulo eyes of My Lai Massacre participant John Kerry) monkey George Bush Jr who would be given the Megillat (Scroll) of Bush (Percy/Pierce) proclaiming him "Gog, Chief Prince of Mesech and Tubal" by the Sanhedrin in Zedekiah's Cave on 1/8/2008? Alrighty then, I'll keep trying but in the meantime could you please shut the door to your "Prayer Closet" and ask Jesus Christ for the Holy Ghost?
Aug 12 
 Minotaur IV rocket with a model of the hypersonic 13,000 MPH Falcon plane goes missing after launch from Vandenberg AFB. Vandenberg means "From the Hill" ie "High Place"; Zeus (Day ie Light or Lucifer) rapes Europa (Europe ie Club of Rome=Romani=Gypsy), gives birth to the Minotaur held in the Cretan Labyrinth (Labrys or Golden Mean); Falcon means "Sickle, curved blade or pruning hook ie Scimitar used to kill 50,000 Christians venerated by Shriner Freemsaons. Battle for LA featured Aug 12, originally called Herculii-invicti "Invinsible Hercules". Hercules is derived from Herakles "Glory of Hera" aka Roman Juno the sister-wife of Zeus (Incest). Today, Tim Geithner announced Freddie Mac (bankrupted by George Bush's Sodomite roomate Victor Ashe), Fannie Mae (bankrupted by Franklin Raines) and HUD (Catherine Austin Fitts and 33Mason Jack Kemp bankrupted FHA and HUD) will now sell over 92,000 (more like 200,000+) foreclosed properties to foreign investors and Hedge Funds. Mortgage means "Death Pledge"; for this reason Thomas Jefferson altered the phrase "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Property" to "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"; Happy on the street? George Soros, fresh off making $10 Billion is accelerating his buying of HAARP (Weather Modifying Radar) distressed farmland. How about on the street with no food? Now back to myth. Hera/Juno wears the Goat Skin Aegis (Jacob wore Goatskin to impersonate Esau) and stands by a Peacock. Melek-Taus is the Persian Peacock Angel; WWIII is between the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Goat. Arab and Gypsy mean Homeless wanderer; well now they have our homes and land. Read Gen 27:39-41KJV and compare it to new bible versions until this key scripture is understood; Esau is gaining Dominion fast and his intent is to slay his brother Jacob. If you are a Born Again Christian or real Diaspora Jew (not Talmudic Rabbis, Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, Sephardic fakes, Kabbalists or Chabad Lubavitchers)  then that's you. Get right with Jesus Christ, by my count the world is experiencing Rev 6:3-5 right now. As Barbara Marx Hubbard famously said "We are the riders of the Pale Horse Death"  That one is not far behind.
Aug 11 Perseid Meteor shower peaks on Aug 13 Full Moon. Perseid is Perseus the Greek son of Zeus and Danae who killed the Gorgon Medusa; Meteor means "Atmospheric Phenomena"; obscure? Danaans are the Tuatha de Danaan aka Offspring of Danu/Anu; initiated Grove worshippers if you will; Picts, Scotti, Celtic Druids etc. In Rome Aug 12 was Herculi-invicto "Unconquered Hercules" and Aug 13 the Feast of Diana (aka Artemis goddess of night/witchcraft) Perseus/Perseid is the root of Pars=Persians; Fars (Farsi) the language used by Zoroastrians (Zoro=Seed; Aster/Ishtar=Star) whose religion is solely based on WWIII, the final batttle of "Good" (Ahura Mazda=god of Light; Mazdaeans=Sons of Light) versus "Evil" (Ahriman). Wonder why Ahmadinejad calls America the "Great Satan"? To the Muslim world America and Zionism (Israel/Britain) is Ahriman. Riots in Britian and America's stock market crash were timed not happenstance. To put this another way, Muhammad created Islam by smashing the red agate idol of Hubal in Mecca and dedicated this to Allah. Osama bin Laden said "America is the Hubal of the modern age". I've pointed this out before, his name is Tim Osman where Osman is Osman I the founder of the Ottoman Empire; Osama means Lion; bin means Manger or Crib; Laden means Ladon Dragon, the 100 headed beast we call Al Qaeda. Hubal, Lata and Uzza were the pre-Islamic stone idols now corresponding to Allah, Uzza, Manat. Manat was the Black sacrificial stone altar; the altar America is being sacrificed on, notably by Flood/Drought and the Super Congress. WWIII is described in Dan 8; it made Daniel faint and get sick. Sodomite Confederate War general Albert Pike planned WWIII to be Zionism (Ahriman) against Islam (Ahura Mazda). You and I can do nothing to prevent this save establish a relationship with Jesus Christ (God is not Allah) and watch the show. "A man's foes shall be the men of his own household" Mat 10:36

Aug 10 Sheep Herding 101: Stock Market tanks; Press issues dire warnings; Standard and Poor's Downgrades US Credit Rating; FED promises not to raise interest rates; Sheeple pull $ Trillions out of Stocks and put it into Treasury Bonds. Days earlier mystery investor (George Soros' private Hedge Fund) invests $850 Million in 10 yr Treasury Notes and Bond futures which turns into $10 Billion in 1 day. He is now trading Gold and using that profit to buy large tracts of HAARP distressed farmland. Think Tim Geithner, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger and Barack Obama know about this? "Control oil you control nations. Control food and you control people"-Henry Kissinger. Tim's father and Barack's mother worked together at the Ford Foundation in Indonesia, George Soros works for Obama advisor Brzezinski who wrote "The Grand Chessboard" and "America in the technetronic era" Technetronic refers to weather modification and geo-engineering. Feel like a Pawn in the game? Get out of it by establishing a relationship with Jesus who promised  "The truth shall set us free" and "Liberty to the Captives"     

Aug 9 
Fat Man (Plutonium bomb) was dropped on Aug 9, 1945; Plutonium was the 2nd man-made artificial element created, the first was Americium. Edward Teller proposed the Hydrogen Bomb at Bohemian Grove and commented "It's a Boy" after the Ivy-Mike demonstration mimicking the nuclear process of the Sun. America as Americium (used in Smoke Detectors) is man-made. Amerike is the Welsh name Merrick, not named after Richard Amerike. Mayans called America "A Ma Ru Ca" (Land of Meru) after Meru the Plumed Serpent aka Quetzalcoatl and Kukulkan; no folks this is not the Mormon white Jesus. The ancient name of Egypt was Merukh-t; yes folks the pyramid on the $US is from Meruks-t and means "Amid the Flames". Are your smoke detectors going off yet? Amurru is the western arm of the original Sumerian Swastika. Amurru is the Edomite (Red/Esau) Serpent and Shepherd god. Amar is the Canaanite god of the west. How about now? Chinook means "Hot Southwest Wind", pretty normal in the southwest US now eh? Osama bin Laden means Lion; Manger of Ladon the 100 headed Ladon dragon in the Garden of Hesperides at the far western edge of the world. Your smoke detector should be going off but you should not be scared; the real Lion of Judah is waiting to hear from you; it may be a good idea to do this before Aug 12 "Battle for LA" or  Aug 16, the Serpent Crop Circle pointing our the alignment of the Earth, Sun, Venus and Shiva/Neptune's Trident.
Seal Team Six 
captured Osama bin Laden/Tim Osman, DNA tests, dumped his body in the Arabian Sea 1100+ miles away in a 130MPH Chinook Helicopter in less than 12 hours on Beltane; 25 members of this Black Op Seal Team Six (31 total on a helicopter with a 7000lb max payload) is shot down (lucky shot with an RPG? NOT) on the 66th anniversary of Harry Truman's (330Mason/Shriner/Jester) mass murder and subsequent media cover-up of the horrific post explosion radiation deaths in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as Wall St enters a slow motion train wreck, US Debt is downgraded, London (2012 Olympic Logo spells Zion) erupts in violence and the the Un-constitutional Super Congress convenes to decide on $1.5T in budget cuts all over Ramadan. "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds" J Robert Oppenheimer July 16, 1945; Little Boy (Uranium Fission Test on human subjects Aug 6, 1945); Fat Man (Plutonium Fission test on human subjects Aug 9, 1945). All coincidence I'm sure. Aug 16, 2011 is cleverly hidden in the Wiltshire Crop Circle as an opposition of Neptune, Venus, Earth and the Sun. The Mayan Calendar has a begin date of Aug 11, 3114BC (the calendar is a Solar-Venus calendar backdated from the Zodiac/Ecliptic alignment of Dec 21, 2012; 3114BC was about 700 years before the Flood so don't rely on it for anything other than occult communication in my opinion; 12/21/2012 is simply a Galactic alignment significant for Earth Dwellers ie Astrologers). Battle for LA is a movie about world takeover on Aug 12, 2011. "Order out of Chaos" may indeed be happening, and the one thing that will help is a personal relationshp with Jesus Christ; not Allah, not Yahweh, not Buddha, not Krishna or any other name Satan uses to confuse people. Jesus Christ got it? Jesus (Jehovah) is the only way to a Covenant with JEHOVAH.

Aug 6 
WWIII was pre-planned in 1871 (ref Scottish Rite Chief Albert Pike's Letter to Mafia founder Guiseppe Mazzini); the second American Revolution was planned in 1783 when Alexander Hamilton financed the Revolution with Federal Debt. WWI Deficit spending 15%GDP; WWII 28% GDP. US Debt was payable until Reagan tripled the debt on "Star Wars", a mythical $3T program transferred to US taxpayers by George Bush Jr and DOD Comptroller Rabbi Dov Zakheim announcing the loss of $3.2T oon 9/10/2001. WWIII will be Political Zionism versus Islam as described in Daniel 8 "Mede-Persian Ram (Islamic fundamentalism) versus Grecian Rough Goat (Zionism). False Prophet Hal Lindsey (partner with "Messiah of the Universe" Sun Myung Moon "Unification Church", TBN Charismatic Paul Crouch and Rapture promoters Tim LaHaye/Jerry Jenkens) will release a new book of lies "The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad" on Aug 30, timed with the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Folks, to understand this requires understanding 9/11 was a professional demolition, $multi-trillion theft and gold transfer designed to blame the fictional Islamic demon Osama (Lion) bin (Manger) Laden (100 headed mythical Ladon dragon) and its fictional terrorist organization Al Qaeda (Supreme Foundation) created by Dervish Clan leader Ibn Sayyid Qutb, the Muslim Brotherhood and Mohammad al-Wahhab. We (Born Again Christians) are fighting a spiritual war against Gnosticsm (Astrology, Science, Religion, Chaldean Magick, Witchcraft etc) not Islam. Gnosticism and its Priests (Wolves in sheep's clothes) attach itself to God's Word through Abram and Hagar, Ishmael, Esau; to God's Priesthood (Levites) through Kohath and Korah and to God's Laws (10 Commandments) through Sharia and Noahide Law. Churchianity is not Born Again Christianity; Talmudism, Kaballah and Zionism are not Judaism. Ask Jesus for the Holy Ghost and this will make sense; He alone is God in Flesh, Melchisedek (King and Priest of Salem), Author of the 10 Commandments, Alpha and Omega. When the Masonic version of "Omega Man" and "I Am Legend" (33Mason Charleton Heston lied in the 10 Commandments also) arrives it will be a lot more difficult.
Aug 5 
Super Congress (Congress means "Meeting for War"); a 12 person Senate/House board hidden in the Trojan Horse budget deal will vote on mandatory $1.5T in budget cuts. Social Security=$.7T; Medicare + Medicaid=$.8T. Tough to figure out where the cuts are coming eh? The "Auspicious" (Shiva means Auspicious "Promising success; opportune moment") timing: Bohemian Grove ended July 29. Bohemian, Arab, Gypsy, Egyptian all refer to someone who does not live under the laws of the land in which they reside; Bohemians revere Lugh, the parton deity of Ireland "Emerald Isle"; 33Mason L Frank Baum's Wizard of Oz (Gold Ounce) in Emerald City was Dorothy's (Doro=Door) way back to Kansas. Lugh represents artists, musicians, poets, smiths, architects, carpenters, masons etc. Grove is a "High Place" where evil is done in sight of the LORD. July 30-31-Aug 1 forms the Cretan Double Axe (Waning-New-Waxing Moon) aka Labrys (Birth Canal/Golden Mean/Ratio of Life). Rods bound by Red Cord surrounding the Double Axe is the "Fasces" a symbol of the Roman (Romani=Gypsy=Rome) Caesar's control over life and death (ref Union SQ in NYC, National Guard Symbol, Dis-honest Abe's Memorial Chair, Supreme Court Door, White House Doors etc). Ramadan (Scorching/Burning Hot) began Aug 1. Lugnasadh "Harvest of Souls" is Aug 1. A relationship with Jesus Christ before "Austerity" kicks in would be a great idea; no matter how the traitors in this Super Congress vote, the budget cuts are going to happen. Maybe now you can understand why Obama, Eric Holder's DOJ, Hillary's State Department and the BATF Operation Gun Runner somehow lost thousands of weapons that found their way into Mexican Drug Cartels.  
    On July 29 as Bohemian Grove ended, a Serpent shaped Crop Circle (these are created with Electro-magnetic energy not by tamping boards or Aliens) with 31 segments appeared in Wiltshire. My interpretation of its meaning is no better than yours. The Serpent is the Gnostic Liberator; call it Draco (Constellation surrounding the World Axis), Quetzalcoatl (Plumbed Serpent of the Mayan Sun-Venus Calendar), Ouroborus (Serpent eating its own tail) or anything else but Gnostics refer to it as "Lord of the Dawn" (Dawn ie Sunrise of the Golden Age). It's tongue is the Trident of Shiva (The Hindu Destroyer), Poseidon/Neptune (Earth Shaker). The Serpent's Tail is a Rattle surrounded by a Halo. Rattle is a Pit Viper Strike warning; they sense Heat (ref Ramadan); the Rattle at Chichen Itza tracks the zenith of Pleiades and

                                                          July    Julius Caesar was born in Quintilis "5th Month" (July) and stabbed to death by traitors led by Brutus in his own government on the Ides of March (March "1st Month"=Mars the Roman god of War). Mars is symbolized by the Rooster/Cock first brought to Israel by the men of Cuth. Cuthah=Medeans=Medes from Babylon; 300 years earlier Medes were traitors in Persia and 200 years before that they were traitors in Babylon who couldn't read the "Writing on the Wall" for Belshazzar; today they are "Neo-con" traitors. Nergal was the original form of this idol of Mars (ref 2 Kings 17:30) and times have changed little since 587 BC when Baylon fell; Obama's campaign in physical Babylon (Iraq) is "Operation Odyssey Dawn"; the Rooster heralds the Dawn. Jesus and Micah (Mat 10:36 and Micah 7:6) both said "Our enemies are the men of our own house".
   The main planning event of these traitors in July will be the annual gathering of 2000+ world leaders in Santa Rosa's Redwood Forest called Bohemian Grove. These "Groves" are where "Evil is done in sight of the LORD".

                                                Bohemian Grove      Bohemian Grove 2011 begins on the Full Moon on the Ides of Quintillis (Roman 5th Month) July 15th and runs for 17 days, ending this year on the eve of Lugnasadh; Lug being the "Omnicompetent" Celtic deity; essentially a "Jack of all trades" (Smith, . Bohemian is a person who lives an unconventional or vagabond life, free of the laws of the land in which they reside; a "Gypsy". Greeks referred to Egypt as Aegyptus "Land of the Gypsies", a people today called Romani who originated in northern India generating the name "Rome" as a conglomeration of Latin, Etruscan, Alban and Sabine tribes vying for power over the Roman Empire.
   2700 of the world's "Rich and Powerful" men will begin by lightng their mascot, a 40ft Owl of Wisdom called "Molech" ablaze in the "Cremation of Care" Ritual in Monte Rio, California.
    The Bohemian Grove motto "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" is a line from Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream"; Shakespeare being an epithet of the Arcadian goddess "Pallas-Athene", whose "Shaking Spears" signaled "War" as decreed by the Oracles of Delphi. William Shakespeare? Sir Francis Bacon and his "Knights of the Golden Helmet" wrote under this pseudonym; his  book "New Atlantis" describes the Americas in flames with Atlantis "Land of Atlas" rising as a Phoenix from its own ashes of self destruction. Phoenix means Pa-Hanok "House of Enoch"; Pyramid means "Amid the pyre/flames"; the symbol on the $US Dollar Bill ($ is the Serpent coiled around the World Tree/Pole "Axis Mundi")
    Romani as Gypsies and Bohemians were called "Dom" throughout western Asia; Dom being the Latin word for Sun and the root of Dominion; Dominos is the favored game at "The Grove" and this year's encampment ends on Sunday "Dies Solis". Sunday is not the Christian "Sabbath" folks!
    Gypsies and Bohemians (Gnostics) will obtain "Dominion" through Esau Edom=Red; Isaac's first born) Dominion mean "Sovereign Authority to Rule" and Jesus Christ will give him this Authority. Congress means "Meeting for War" and the IMF will decide whether to extend more credit and raise the debt ceiling on Lugnasadh, the day Columbus set sail for Hispania "Little Spain" aka Dominican Republic/Haiti; Witches call this day "Harvest of Souls". Not coincidentally, America's (Amurru=Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god; Amar=Canaanite god of the west) taxpayer funded manned space flights will end with the return of the Shuttle "Atlantis" July 20th, 42 years to the day after 33Sovereign Luciferian Freemasons Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin claimed to set foot on the Moon; this is Shuttle Atlantis' 33rd trip to low Earth orbit.
    The Phoenix is an Arabian (Arab, Gypsy and Bohemian all mean Homeless wanderer; Vagabond) Bird called the Bennu Bird in Egypt (Gypsy) which symbolically perched on the Ben-ben Stone in Heliopolis "City of the Sun" (Ben-ben=Pyramidion aka Pyramid Capstone) connected Egypt and Arabia (Mt Sinai=Jebel al Laws "Mount of Laws" is in Arabia) across the Red Sea (Gulf of Aqaba).
   Understand what Bohemian Grove represents and you will understand America's role in the New World Order.

July 31 Congress (Congredi means "Fight with; Meeting for War") in the Capitol (Womb of Zeus/Jupiter) under the 19.5ft tall Statue of Freedom (19.5 years is the Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon; she faces east to the rising Sun "Lucifer") in session into the dead of night (Similar reason for passing Universal Health Care on 3/22/2009 at 3:22UTC stems from Skull & Bones logo "322" and Gen 3:22 "man is become as one of us..." a god-man. Congress argues over the manufactured "Debt Crises" as the July 30 "Waning Crescent appears. July 31 is "New Moon" (Islam's Eve of Night of Destiny), Aug 1 "Waxing Crescent" (Night of Destiny) forms the Cretian Double Axe. Paul left Titus on Crete where he noted a Cretian prophet telling him "The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies...they profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate" Titus 1:12-16. The Zeus myth began on Crete; the Capitol Dome is the Beehive representing the Stars of Heaven (Zodiac). Lady Freedom aka Armed Freedom has a 5pt star on her forehead to represent the other Cretian innovation "Golden Mean" aka "Labrys". Venus forms the 5pt Star around the Sun (Lucifer) every 8 earth years and 5 Vesus' years 8/5=1.618 aka "Golden Proportion". This is hidden in the Phoencian Fish Symbol (it's not a Christian symbol, because there aren't any Christian symbols; like the Cretian Double Axe, it simply represents the intersection of 2 Crescent Moons). The Angel Gabriel did not meet Muhammad in a cave nor does Gabriel serve Allah the Assyrian "Moon God", Cretians like today invented that lie. Here are a few more.
    Usama bin Laden means "Lion; Manger/Crib; 100 headed Ladon Dragon". Al Qaeda means "Solid Foundation" or "Foreign Toilet". Both began in San Francisco (St Francis of Assisi=Franciscan=Francesca "Throwing Axe" aka Tomahawk, the weapon used to start Gulf War 1, Gulf War 2 and the Libyan War) with the birth of Anton LaVey's (Howard Levey; Levey means "United") Church of Satan by Dervish Clan leader (Qutb) and Stanford University Prof. Ibn Sayyid Qutb. Sayyid means "Descendant of Muhammad", a Quyrash Bedouin of Mecca where Quyrash refers to Korah and the rebel priests of Moses' day formed during 40 years wandering in circles in the Arabian desert NW of Mecca. Mecca means "Illicit sexual act or Adultery" and the Black Stone of the Ka'aba is the Black Stone of Jupiter/Zeus from Acts 19. Ka'aba is also the root of Kaballah; a Jewish invention? Heaven's no, it's all courtesy of the same Cretians. Want a few more Cretian innovations? Too bad.
     Usama biin Laden is Tim Osman; Osman I was the founder of the Ottoman Turks. Othman I is the first Ottoman Sultan in Punt (Nigeria/Ethiopia); M Othman is the UN Space Alien Ambassador and who can forget Sodomite Richard Gere starring in  "Mothman Prophecies"? Disney's Aladdin had a few zingers too, Ala ad Din means "Nobility of the Faith"; Jafar was Muhammad's cousin and the 6th Shiite Imam; Abu was the Sumerian vegetation god who later morphed into the Egyptian god of light Osiris, Dionysus and Bacchus. Cool eh? Freemasons may "Rest on their Laurels" but Cretians do not. Cathars (Cartharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion") say "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; St Al Gore may think this is "Carbon Offsets" but Cathars were burned in 1244 and D-Day was 700 years later in Normandie; Cathars were "North Men". In 1311 Cathar assets held by Knight Templars were given to Knights of Malta; today Congress is littered with these Cretians.
    Usama bin Laden is not the first manufactured "Terrorist" Abu Nidal is not only an anagram of bin Laden, his name means "Nest of Abu" ie Congress is just one giant Bacchanalia Ritual. A recent "Terrroist" Farouk Abdul Mutallib is the reason we have Full Body Imaging scanners and Backscatter X-Ray machines; if chief lobbyist, Rabbi Michael Chertoff "Son of the Devil" is not scary enough, how about Muhammad's grandfather Abdel Mutallib whose followers are called "Guardians and Custodians of  the Ka'aba in Mecca". Ain't all this just a hoot? Maybe now you can see why 2000 rich men just came back from the Bohemian Grove Owl, many to the Capitol which is set in streets forming an Owl. Druids called their Grove Rituals Congredi as well; a Meeting of the Owls.
    Folks, if you want out of the Hotel California, all you need to do is ask Jesusf for help; the other choice is hope these Cretians are not really "Liars, Evil Beasts, Slow Bellies, Reprobates" Not a good bet if you ask me.

July 30 
DOJ Attorney General ("Appointed or assigned to represent another's interest; Legal officer of the State) Eric Holder ran "Operation Gun Runner" which led to "Operation Fast and Furious", a weapons smuggling operation to Mexican Drug Cartels somewhat akin to Ronald Reagan and Methodist Reverend Oliver North's Iran-Contra treason. Add to the list Wiccan Sec of State (Note: Eric Holder is her "Legal officer of the State" in other words, Hillary is in charge here) Hillary Clinton's US Direct Commercial Sales, a $1/2 Billion taxpayer financed dummy corporation moving weapons from Dallas TX (Gov. Rick Perry witnessed Sarah Palin give a 1/2 hour speech in Dallas, fly 9 hours, drive 2 more hours to Wasilla AK to deliver her 5th child all after her water had broken in April 2008; in other words Rick can be trusted and Sarah is lying; both are Evangelical Christians right? Yup, just like Skull & Bones George Bush) military weapons smuggling operation from Dallas to El Paso and Columbus NM (NM Gov Bill Richardson was offered the job of Commerce Secretary and kept secret Obama's 2010 Census taking under the White House; in other words he can be trusted to lie for another up to and including treason as well). The weapons? Anti-aircraft weapons, hand grenades, grenade launchers, AK-47 assault rifles, handguns, night vision goggles and body armor. "Change is coming to America" remember? Count on Jesus not these clowns.

July 29 
Every 33 years the Islamic month of fasting "Ramadan" (Ramida means Burning Hot or Scorched) migrates through all 4 seasons, thus it likely does not refer to a summer month but rather a "Cleansing of one's soul by Allah";  It begins with the "Hilal" Crescent Moon (1st visible crescent after New Moon). The Double Axe of Minoan Crete, Lydia and Caria (Turkey) and Greece is called the Labrys; Delphic Priests were "Priests of Labryades"; originally they were Priests of the Snake Goddess on Crete. July 30 "Waning", July 31 "New Moon", Aug 1 "Waxing ie Hilel" Moon forms the Double Axe ie 2 Crescent Moons surrounding the World Pole aka World Tree of Gnosticism. Muhammed was allegedly visited by the Angel Gabriel at the start of Ramadan with the first verses of the Quran on golden tablets for this "Laylat al-Qadr" (Night of Destiny). 2011 is unique in that Ramadan is aligned with the Celtic/Gaelic Lughnasadh "Harvest of Souls", a Cross-quarter Witchcraft Sabat used by Christopher Columbus (Christ-Taufr=Red Messiah; Colubus=Columba "Dove") to bring smallpox to the Americas and George Bush Sr chose the day to start Gulf War I using Depleted Uranium 20 years ago. August means "Noble, Venerable; Consecrated by favorable Auguries"; Aryan, a similar term derived from Arya "Noble Caste"; Consecrate means "To make Holy or Sinless". 2011 Bohemian Grove ends as the debt charade continues. Saxons called August "Weed Month" beginning on Lammas "Loaf Mass"; Loaf meaning Leavened Bread and Mass a Latin term for "Consecration and sacrifice of a suitable host". What will happen on Islam's "Night of Destiny" and America's debt deadline is anyone's guess, but one should at least take notice the Double Axe surrounded by Rods (Faggot) and bound by Red (Edomite) Cord is the symbol of America's National Guard, on the doors to the Supreme Court, above the doors to the Oval Office, supporting Abraham Lincoln's Memorial Chair and supporting the American Flag at Union Square in NYC. The symbol is called the Fasces, the symbol of Fascism. Oh, Gabriel did not visit Muhammad and Allah is a 4000 year old Assyrian moon god called "Sin". One can serve Sin or Jesus Christ but not both; it's time to choose.
July 27 
"All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land died" Gen 7:22 15 cubits (22ft) of water was covering the earth at this point and every living thing on dry land was not dead "Noah only remained alive, and they that were with him in the ark" On 7/22/1946 the King David Hotel was bombed (Rahm, Ari and Ezekiel Emanuel's father Benjamin an Irgun terrorist participated) in preparation for the birth of Brith'ish=British Israel; God stated in Amos 5:2 He did not raise Israel up so someone had to do it right? On 7/22/2011 the media focused attention on Crusader Anders Breivik as NATO launched an attack on Libya's "Great Man-Made River". The NATO Libyan "No-Fly Zone" to protect civilians first destroyed the GMMR water pipeline serving 70% (roughly 4.5 million affected directly) of Libya's population; good job protecting them eh? On 7/23 NATO attacked the factory making the water pipes in for the GMMR in al-Brega; "Scorched Earth" policy is to deny use of the resource to the enemy as any Carthaginian can attest to. To understand this sort of mental sickness requires understanding who the enemy is. "Control oil you control nations, control food you control people" Henry Kissinger "My goal is to be reincarnated as a killer virus" Prince Phillip. "350,000/day need to perish in order for the world to survive" Jacques Cousteau "My three main goals are reduce human population to 100 million, destroy industrial infrastructure and see wilderness return throughout the world" Earth First, Sierra Club, Nature Conservancy board member Dave Foreman. Think these Gnostic knuckleheads have forgiven God for the Flood in Gen 7:22? Sure, that's why the Libyan War began on Purim and Edomites have certainly forgiven Jews for that little turn of events eh? Bush Sr chose Purim to massacre 150,000 Iraqi soldiers under White Flag on Hwy 8 aka "Hwy of Death" on Purim in 1991. 7/22 was the start date for the 1st Crusade in 1099; on 7/22/1942 the Holocaust began, on 7/22/2003 Uday and Qusay Hussein were killed; too bad the $20Billion US dollars were never recovered eh? 7/22/2011 was also opening day for "Captain America: The First Avenger". America was not the first avenger, God was; America is Esau, Ishmael and Canaan's Avenger. It's time we woke up to that fact.
July 26 
Rupert Murdoch's man Glen Beck equates Norway's Labour Party Youth Camp with Nazi Youth; Murdoch's "UK Sun" calls this Norway's 9/11 equating it with Al Qaeda's Massacre. Here I'll note Al Qaeda "Supreme Foundation" is a product of the US, specifically Muslim Brotherhood Ibn Sayyid (Sayyid=Descendant of Muhammad) Qutb (Dervish Clan Chief) and Osama (Arabic for Lion) bin (Crib or Manger) Laden (100 headed Ladon Dragon in the Garden of Hesperides at the western edge of the world in Greek mythology. Notice as 1 head of Al Qaeda is symbolically destroyed, another takes its place? What coincidence this happens to divert attention from Bohemian Grove and just ahead of Frank Miller's latest iteration of the comic book hero "The Fixer" to be unveiled coincident with the 10th anniversary of 9/11 in a comic book "Holy Terror". The "Fixer" wears a Star of David killing Al Qaeda terrorists; the Star of David has nothing to do with Israel (One who wrestles with God) or King David; it is the Star of Molech (Rupert Murdoch=Molech=Merodach) brought to Israel by King Solomon and his 1000 Phoenician wives and concubines; it is therefore called the "Seal of Solomon", the symbol of his acceptance of Molech/Marduk/Melqart. Dutifully, the Sodomite head of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said "A terror incident is likely at the 10th anniversary of 9/11"; Duh, it likely already being planned. Need more coincidences?
      The sole purpose for Fermilab in Chicago was to produce the elusive Higg's Boson aka "God Particle" aka "Graviton" (Newton's Theory of Gravity has never been nor will ever be proven) to prove the "Theory of Everything" has been "Discovered"; how convenient in honor of the seminal and very expensive event, Fermilab in Chicago will close its doors coincident with the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Enrico Fermi must be rolling in his grave; he like others of his age were obsessed with the DNA of Light because Einstein told them light has no mass; he lied. They called the 33rd Prime Number 137 "DNA of Light" but the Science gurus have never nor will ever solve the riddle of 137 because its the "Light" God created on Day 1 which they reject in favor of Star and Sun Light. Peter Higgs was a theoretical particle physicist from the University of Edinburgh just like Bill Gate's science adviser Prof Stephen Salter who thinks killing Plankton and Salting the Earth is a super idea. Dan Brown ended the "DaVinci Code" nonesense at the Knight Templar (Breivik says he is a Knight Templar) St Clair's Rosslyn Castle near Edinburgh. The last of the Holy Grail line? Who else but Sophia, the Gnostic goddess of Wisdom aka Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. St Clair means Holy Light; so close to figuring out the real Holy Light is the Holy Ghost but they will simply not ask Jesus to help them.  
July 25 
Jesus returns to "...shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth" Rev 11:18 Who? Bill Gates building 1900 Aeorsol Spraying Ships which pump seawater 3000ft into the marine layer of the atmosphere at 10 tons/sec. Engineering Prof. Stephen Salter in Edinburgh "No trials are required because they pump no chemicals". Steve, you are a "Dumb Ass". Here is what will happen.
    Plankton support all life in the oceans and through the hydrologic cycle all life on Earth. Plankton live in shallow water where the light is. Plankton travel/reproduce in ocean currents collecting in "Red Tides". 1900 Plankton killing ships will not only destroy the ocean's food supply and all sea life depending on it, they will raise condensation nucleii (Salt/Minerals) into the cloud layer. Saline clouds will then travel with the Jet Stream (fully manipulatable with Weather Modification weapons) over land; climbing up mountains, they will deposit this Salt in rivers, killing trees, grass, and crops. Starvation is bad enough, but these "Carbon Sinks" will release vast quantities of CO2. With fewer trees/grass and less sunlight to convert this COinto O2, Photosynthesis Cycle which separates Earth from all other planets will be disrupted.
    Bill and his Science advisors are creating the most efficient WMD in world history; infinite ammunition; total destruction and best of all, totally anonymous. Now can you see why this knucklhead built the "Doomsday Seed Vault" on Svaalbard Is. north of Sweden? Is he a visionary? Hardly, Assyrians (Hittites, Scythians, Romans, Vandals, Huns, Goths, Vikings, Ottomans etc etc etc) all used a "Scorched Earth" form of warfare; Rape, Pillage, Salt, Poison the wells, Scorch and move on. The mose famous perhaps being foreign born, Phoencian homosexual, pedophiles in Carthage Gen. Hannibal "The Cannibal" and Hamilcar Barca who famously goaded the Romans into Salting, Scorching and then Pissing in the ashes of what is now Tunisia/Libya. Now can you see why NATO and foreign, usurper Barack (Barack=Barca "Lightning") Obama started the Libyan War on Purim (Pur means Cast lots for the Assyrian Lord Marduk)? No, Libya has the Great Man Made River; an infinite supply of water. Qadaffi sold gas for 1 cent/gal; guess that "Pissed" (good pun eh?) off Oil and big Agriculture who prefer to "Rape" citizens by selling Oil at a 20X mark-up while hiding supplies in ANWR, Gulf of Mexico and Bakken Formation and using 7X Water to produce Ethanol with Food (Corn) using borrowed (Debt) money from World Bankers. That is "Order out of Chaos". That is Gnosticism; people who think they can destroy what God created and fashion it in their own image. Time to wake up!
July 23 
"Truth is stranger than fiction because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth is not" Bohemian Grove founder Mark Twain. Norway advertizes its annual Labour Party youth camp (like the US Boys State), which holds a pro-Palestine rally condeming the Israeli occupation. Norway was leading smaller NATO nations in stopping the illegal NATO led Libyan War (Rebels set up the Central Bank of Bengazi at the start of the War). A Special Police unit conducts a bomb drill 2 days ahead of the Oslo explosions. Camp witnesses claim there were at least 2 gunmen. The supposed lone gunman in a police uniform uses fragmentation bullets (max internal damage, difficult to gun match), puts photos in Masonic Regalia on his Facebook page with pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, pro-homosexual, anti-Islamic rantings. Writes a 1500+ page manifesto with a Red Templar Cross on the cover under the name Andrew Berwick claiming he is a modern day Christian Knight Templar (KT's were/are not Christians, they are military guardians of the Gnostic Cathars) who admires Winston Churchill (bi-sexual pedphile and initiated Druid) and is mentored by Richard the Lionheart (homosexual British monarch who battled with Salladin over Jerusalem in the 3rd Crusade. (Jesus calls Jerusalem "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt"-Rev 11:8) He claims to have started the Norweigian Tea Party as a Conservative Christian Crusader (Born-again Christians are not Masons or homosexuals, nor were they Crusaders), Nationalist (Nazis claimed/claim to be Christian as well as did Rosicrucian Martin Luther and Zionist John Calvin but they were not. Hitler signed a Nazi-Catholic Concordat and Jesuit Priest Fr Staempfle even wrote a nice little tome' for Hitler called "Mein Kampf"; Jesuits are not Catholic much less Born-again Christians). Mein Kampf "My Struggle" is alive and well in Norway; the playbook is 33Mason Albert Pike's (Confederate, Masonry leader, KKK founder) 1871 letter to Italian Revolutionary, MAFIA founder Guiseppe Mazzini calling for 3 world wars; WWI to build Nazis; WWII to exchange Nazis for Communists; WW3 to pit Islam against political Zionism. Strange enough?
    What if Andrew Berwick/Anders Breivik was counseled on his homosexuality at Michelle Bachmann's Lake Elmo Camp for 2 months last summer? What if Anders Breivik used the exact same phrase fake Mormon, Tea Party shill Glen Beck and Zionist John Haggee used at the Christians United for Israel conference in Washington DC July 18-20 "...we can now move on to the next level"? Haggee calls this the "Salt Covenent"; Why? Salt is the Assyrian word for Prince; just ask Evelyn Salt (movie Salt) aka Angelino Jolie. Jesus is not a Knight Templar folks! He just wants to hear from you. When you receive Jesus' "Salt" you will realize Israel is not Jewish (Amos 5:2;26 7:2-3; 5-6KJV) Oh, don't use an Assyrian (all new versions) Bible, "Repented" does not mean "Relented".

July 22 
Satanists just don't seem to care if the truth gets out now: Shakespeare:We've all been played (movie) finally admits Shakespeare was Francis Bacon and his disciple Edward de Vere (actually his Knights of the Golden Helmet but it's a start). Jack the Ripper is being exposed as the Freemasons in the London police department led by Winston Churchill's father Lord Randolph Spencer (Princess Di was a Spencer) Churchill. The Titanic sinking is being reported by Robin Gardner "Titanic, the ship that never sank"-1998 (fake Jew Henry Makow is parroting this currently) as an insurance scam by JP Morgan; it was far worse than that, like mass murder. Bohemian Grove initiate Prince Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg (He believes himself to be a Nephillim descendant of Sumerian Dragon Lords for Pete's sake!) calls Jesus an Essene Magian and Bohemian Grove the "Covenant of the Baphometic Order of the Cubic Stone, so what are Newt Gingrich, Colin Powell, Norm Scwarzkopf, George Sr/Jr and Jeb Bush, Don Rumsfeld, Bill Clinton, Arnold Swarzenegger, Joe and Bill Coors, Alan Greenspan, Chris Mathews, Danny Glover, Charleton Heston, Henry Kissinger, Francis Ford Coppola, Warren Buffett, Frank Borman, Wally Schirra, Chuck Yeager, and Jack Welch (GM Ceo) doing out there cremating "Dull Care"? A 4300 year old Sumerian exorcism ritual, that's what. "Begone Dull Care" is the Sumerian deity "Barra" aka "Begone" from the Necronomicon Ritual "Exorcism of the Crown of Anu"; Bohemians are simply modern day Tuatha de Danaan (Offspring of Anu/Danu).
    2345 BC, Noah, his wife and 3 sons step off the Ark onto dry land. "Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God" Gen 6:9 Masons and fake Talmudic Jews claim Tubal-cain's sister Naamah became Noah's wife; who cares? His 3 sons only had Sethite blood of Noah, this is why God only allowed Noah to produce the 3 sons from whom everyone on earth descend. God creates the opportunity; we make poor decisions, not Him. The poor decision? Ham produced Canaan from intercourse with his likely Cainite or mixed blood mother; this is why Abram, Isaac and Jacob were prohibited from "taking wives of the daughters of Canaan". They made errors as all people do, but on this important point, they made good decisions, whereas Ishmael and Esau did not. Arab, Bohemian and Gypsy are all synonyms for "Homeless, Wanderer, Vagabond".
     The Authorized Bible (KJV) is under attack presently; Why? "Giant" in Gen 6:4 becomes "Nephilim" in new versions. Nephilim referring to some sort of "Demon Seed" propagated by 1. Fallen angels mating with human women? NO. 2. Noah having more than 1 wife who produced daughters? NO 3. Noah had others on the Ark beyond the 8? NO 4. The Flood was a local event to Babylon? NO. These 2000+ men deciding the course of world events have made their decision and want desperately for you to make the same choice. Just say NO!  
 If Heaven is your home; let Jesus know. If Earth is your home join the Grove.
July 19 
2011 is the 400th anniversary of  the Hebrew Old Testament and Greek New Testament accepted texts "Textus Receptus" being translated into English in 1611. New Orleans Baptist Seminary led by Professor Bill Warren lists 150,000 variations among the 66 canonical books; Why? Alexandrian Gnostic manuscripts written by the Theraputae (It's not theraputic to change God's Word) aka Society of Ormus are not God inspired texts; these form the foiundation of all new bible versions. Acharya S. aka DM Murdock ( wrote "The Christ conspiracy: The greatest story ever sold" seems to be the inspiration. Archaya is a Jain, Hindu and Buddhist title for Avatar, Sect Leader, Religious instructor/guide; Archaya literally means "Sun", her real name Murdock is similar; Marduk=Merodach, a Medean, Akkadian, Assyrian and Chaldean term for Lord; Sun=Acharya="Worthy of worship"=Reverend, the title of God (ref Ps 111:9). This is Gnostic War going on here.
    Jesus Christ is hated by Gnostics; His followers are hated by Gnostics and King James is hated by Gnostics. James expelled the Jesuits from England in 1604; Guy Fawkes attempted revenge on 5 Nov 1604 with the "Gun Powder Plot"; James had just financed 54 translators to bring Textus Receptus into modern english; James said "Nothing is more powerful than the bible in the hand of the common man". Jesuits are not Christian let alone Catholic; they are beholden and will kill for one man, the Jesuit General aka Black Pope who today is Adolfo Nicolas.
    All new bible versions are based on Gnostic texts whose underlying Greek and Aramaic were translated by just 2 men, both members of the Hermes Club and Apostles Club and Phillip Schaff's Bible Revision Committee of 1887. BF Westcott and FJA Hort lost the ability to speak after butchering God's Word, but you don't hear much about that in mainstream churches who largely use the NIV. The 2011 NIV version is  called the Gender Neutral NIV; I'm sure Jesu s is thrilled about that. NOT!
   My articles on the KJV in the bible section go into more detail but 2 significant changes KJV-NIV are worth noting. "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one" 1 John 5:7KJV This scripture is missing from the NIV because it was written from different underlying texts, and revised in 1984 and 2005; God is Alpha and Omega, He does not change!  "I beseech thee: by whom shall Jacob arise? for he is small. The LORD repented for this: It shall not be, saith the LORD" Amos 7:2KJV "I cried out, Sovereign LORD, forgive! How can Jacob survive? He is so small. So the LORD relented." NIV Relented implys the LORD changed His mind; repented has not such meaning.
    With respect to the Roman Catholic version "Vaticinus", Mark 16:8 is the last paragraph "...for they were afraid". Mark 16:9-20 form the entire basis of the New Covenant; His ressurection, appearance to Mary, the 11 remaining apostles and "...the Lord working with them; and confirming the word with signs following. Amen." The Roman Catholic Church began with Fear under the Pagan emperor Constantine; lies under his mother St Helena blaming Jews for the Crucifixion, relic worship and placing Mt Sinai in Egypt rather than Arabia (ref Gal 4) and an elevated clergy which Jesus hates "Nicolaitane Doctrine" (ref Rev 2:6;15). "Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (Ps 111:10) as for fearing what Gnostics (Jesuits, Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Knights of Malta etc) do or say; Zondervan owns the copyright to the NIV; Rupert Murdoch (Murdoch=Merodach=Marduk=Molech) a CFR, Bilderberger, Knight Commander of St Gregory (Papal Knight) and Knight of Malta owns News Corp, Fox News; Jesus referred to the Edomite king Herod as "An old Fox"; and Harper Collins which publishes the NIV. It isn't that hard to figure out where the truth is eh? 

July 18 
Atlantis (Isle of Atlas; America=New Atlantis; Atlas, the Titan supports Heaven and Earth) separated from the ISS. American taxpayers largely paid for the $160B ISS which has 4 sections: 1. American "Freedom". Amurru=Edomite Serpent and Shepherd god; Amar=Canaantite god of the west; Ameru means Sacred Mountain the Buddhist Center of the Universe; Freedom=Hellene=Free Stone=Free Mason=Free or Sovereign of God. 2. Russian "Mir-2" Russia=Rus=Red=Edom; Mir=Peace Village or Commune. The Mir "Peace Triangle" is of Egyptian=Gypsy (Gypsy=Bohemian=Arab) origin used in Geodesy, Geometry, Geomancy "Earth Measurement". The Federal Triangle in Washington's District of Columbia and the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid display this Pythagorean Geometry. 3. European "Columbus" Europe=Europa the Cretan source of the Minotaur created by Zeus and Europa; Ariadne is the Weaving Spider of Bohemian Grove who has the Key to the Labyrinth; Columbus=Columba "Dove" the symbol of the Holy Ghost in the New Covenant and the symbol of escape from the Flood in the pre-flood "Atlantean" world; The man Christopher Columbus is a pseudonym derived from Christ=Messiah; Taufr=Red; he set sail for America on Aug 2 "Lugnasadh" aka Harvest of Souls (Lug is the Irish sun-god of the Fir Bolg and Tuatha de Danaan "Sons of Danu"). 4. Japanese "Kibo". Kibo is the name of the western summit of Africa's highest sacred Mt Kilimanjaro "Mt of Greatness" or "House of God" (Ngaje Ngai). Phoenicians named Libya "Land of Afri"; the Libyan War began on Purim. Puru is Assyrian/Akkadian for "Cast lots for Marduk"; Wiccan adept Hillary Clinton was at the Champ Elysee (Elysian Fields held the souls of departed Roman soldiers) for the illegal start. 7/18 may even refer to the 7th "Old Covenant"; God's number of perfection and Rev 18 "Babylon" (Bab=Gate; Ilu=Marduk/Molech). America (Amar=Canaanite god of the west; Amurru the western quarter of the Babylonian world, Edomite shepherd and serpent god; Meru the "Sacred Mountain") is now "Cutoff". Atlantis will land on the 42nd (Great Trib=42 months, described in Rev 11) anniversary of 33Sovereign worshipful Grand Master Freemasons Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong's Apollo (Greek Sun god=Phrygian Attis) 11 "Eagle Landing". The Eagle is a "foul bird" used by Obadiah (Servant of JEHOVAH) to describe Esau and Edomites of Mt Seir/Petra. Francis Bacon described America as the New Atlantis rising as a Phoenix (Pa=House; Hanok=Enoch; Cain's Enoch not Seth's Enoch who will be one of God's 2 Witnesses during the Great Trib) of its own destruction.
   Fear is not an attribute any Born Again Christian should have. The Vaticinus (Divine Serpent) translation stops at Mark 16:8 "for they were afraid"; the KJV has 12 more paragraphs ending with "the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following, Amen.
    In 1311 the Council of Vienne met to decide "Person" versus "Divinity"; the Divinity "God Men" are meeting in Bohemian Grove on the 700th anniversary of the Cathar Crusades. Assets of the Knights Templars were bequeathed to the Knights of Malta (SMOM/ Knights of St John of Jerusalem) who became the new guardians of Cathar Gnosticsim. Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion"; Cathars have not forgotton their 1244 burning at the stake in Montsegur, France; they repayed this with D-Day 1944. The $ (Serpent wrapped around the World Tree) may collapse and the Electrical (Elect) Grid may fail but God will "work with you" if you will just "work with Him".
Cathars said "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; Laurel is the symbol of Apollo/Helios, but I feel sorry for these Bohemian chumps and you should as well.
July 17 66 years ago on July 16, 1945, J Robert Oppenheimer witnessed the 1st Atomic explosion quoting the Bhagavad Gita "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds"; "Death" a reference to the Pale Horse (Rev 6:8) bringing Spiritual Death. Only Jesus Christ can judge such matters; the standard is His Law "Love God"; "Love your Neighbor". When "Chaos" sets in our actions may very well determine our eternal future.
   Nikola Tesla, the inventor of phased alternating current demonstrated free power transmission, warning of a monopoly on energy; The North American Electrical Reliability Corp is planning a 1 year Power Grid experiment using variable frequencies. There is no such corporation, this will merely be the "Scapegoat". The US Power Grid operates at 60Hz, it has been doing so for 80 years and must continue to do so or there is no US Power Grid; Heating, Air Conditioning, Fuel delivery, Food delivery, Water delivery, Banking, Government services, Communication etc all rest on the US Power Grid.
   Power generation whether by Atomic (Steam), Coal (Steam) or Hydro-electric all require generators to supply identical 60Hz frequencies to the grid; when they don't circuit breakers trip or weld closed, generators explode, controllers malfunction and the Grid ceases to exist.
   America's "Achille's Heel" is its Power Grid, and it was designed to be that way. America is to be a Scapegoat for "Babylon" (Rev 18). Bab=Gate; Ilu=Assyrian deity Marduk (Molech). Is America "BAbylon"? No. Is the CAtholic Church "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT..." (Rev 17:5) No. Both will be sacrificed to Molech in order that the Alternative Messiah may be presented to the world as "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS" Rev 19:16 Melek means "King" and Melek means "Lord". Now does it make sense why 2000+ "Elite" men are in the "Grove" worshipping Molech now?

July 16 Bohemian Grove features Aryan (Arya means Noble Caste) men dressing in women's clothes  (Phrygian Eunuch priests of Attis and Cybele may ring a bell; Phrygia=Turkey; King Midas had the touch of gold and so do these misfits) putting on plays called "Hi Jinx", with the chief priest dressed as Santa Claus offering real or mock human sacrifices to a 40 ft Owl called Molech (Molech=Melek=Lord or King); their contempt for Jesus Christ is unbridled so here is what these "Builders" who reject Jesus as the "Chief Cornerstone" have built. First, they turned Jesus' mother into an Easter Rabbit; His birthday into Christmas (Sol Invictus), His likeness into Santa Claus and His manger into a "Grove" (Christmas Tree). Not too bad for starters. They created Al Qaeda (Al=Solid or Supreme; Qaeda=Foundation) from a 1966 speech by Stanford University professor Ibn Sayyid Qutb; slick eh? His name means Sayyid=Descendant of Quyrash (Quyrash=Korah/Core "Rebel Priests") Bedouins of Mecca (Mecca=Mechus=Illicit Sexual Act or Adultery). Qutb means "Chief of the Dervish Clan". Their ghostly leader Osama bin Laden, killed, DNA tested and transported 1100+ miles to the Arabian Sea in a 120MPH Chinook (Hot Southern Wind) Helicopter in one night (yeah and I'm Santa!) on Beltane (May 1 is Birth of Baal=Lord). Bin means Basket, Crib or Manger; guess what else? Bin is a Celtic Dung Cart. Laden is Ladon the 100 headed mythical dragon in the Garden of Hesperides (Golden Apples) at the western edge of the world "Amurru"). This is why we will never find the last Al Qaeda terrorist folks! It's a 100 headed Beast. bin Laden is not his name; Tim Osman is. Likely not his real name, just the name used  in the CIA training Taliban (Student) Mujahhideen (Warriors of Allah; Allah=Assyrian Moon god "Sin"); Osman I is the founder of the Ottoman "Turkish"  Empire (ca 1258-1324) cool eh?
    Bohemian Grove (Mark Twain, Joseph Redding, Samuel Huntington; April 1872), Al Qaeda (conceptually 1966; publically when Bohemian Grove member Ronald Reagan took office) were born in San Francisco as was the Church of Satan (1966) and the UN (1945). Cool eh? UN Space Alien Ambassador Mazlan Othman is neat too; M. Othman is the Alien "Mothman"; Othman I was the first Ottoman "Turkish" Emperor (1356-1369 AD) in Nigeria.
    Why is Bohemian Grove in America? Mayans called this land Amaruca "Land of Meru" (Meru=Plumed Serpent); Incans called this land "Ameru Meru". Celts called this land Amerike (Sorry, Richard Amerika did not discover America). Ethiopians (Aethiop means Men of Incense) have "Priests of Ameru". Now, why is it in San Francisco? Frank means "Free"; Francesca is the preferred weapon of the Merovingian Franks; Vichy France (Nazi collaborators in WWII) used the Double Sided Axe symbol, like the one in the "Fasces" symbol (Bundle of rods bound by Red Cord surrounding the Cretan Double Axe). Figured out who these Bohemians are yet? "...seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel...every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up...Son of man, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, The LORD seeth us not; the LORD hath forsaken the earth" Eze 8:11-12 Guess what boys? The LORD seeth everything!
   The Cretan Double Axe refers to the 2 Crescent Moons/month; Bohemian Grove 2011 began on the Full Moon and ends, bracketing the 2 Lunar Crescents. As Titus (1:12) says Cretians describe themselves as "Liars, evil beasts and slow bellies". Figured this out yet?    

July 15 Ides of July (Sabine Quintillis), Buddha's Joyful Day "Ullambana" celebrates his meditation in the forest "Grove"; the Taoist (Tao means "The Way") Day of the Hungry Ghost "Zhongyuen Festival", Vietnamese "Vu Lan", Chinese "O-Bon" are all reasons for Gypsies to converge in the "Grove" because they created all these religions. Buddha "Sun god" was Siddhartha Guatama (Guatama is the Lunar Bull) born of the Lotus Flower (Lotus Lanterns guide dead spirits back to the underworld on this day); Lord Qingxu, born on July 15 absolves the sins of the departed; albeit a little late eh? July is Ghost Month; for Buddhists and Taoists, the Gates of Hell open for spirits to come out of the lower realm. Spirit Paper Money is offered as a Burnt Sacrifice; how convenient US Debt default of its "Fiat" currencywill serve as the diversion "Turn" needed for Bohemians to meet in the "Grove" with relative anonymity. Need more diversions? How about Typhoon Ma-On (Maon is Hebrew for Habitation or Dwelling; On is Heliopolis or Osiris "City of the Sun"; Egyptian "Gypsy" Priests of On were Amalekite "Hyksos" ie Edomites) due to hit Tokyo and Fukushima this Saturday "Saturn's Day" and Sunday "Dies Solis". More? How about Obama, Eric Holder, the BATF and Congress (QE2 is their responsibility) using QE2 Simiulus Money in "Operation Fast and Furious" to purchase 30,000 AK-47's assault rifles, 50 caliber sniper rifles and pistols using "Straw Buyers" (Annonymous) to resell them to Mexican Drug Cartels and lose track of them? Jesus said "A man's foes shall be they of his own household" Believe Him now?

July 14 
Gypsies (Egyptians) and Bohemians (Homeless, Vagabond) in the Redwood "Grove" lighting fires to Moloch (King) is what Amos warned Israel of (One who wrestles with God) "But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun..." Amos 5:26. Twin Pillars (Jachin=Chiun=Green Pillar=Summer Solstice World Tree/Axis=Esau; Boaz=Esau's brother=Winter Solstice Axis "Christmas Tree"=Golden Pillar) are common to Grove Initiations, Masonic, Egyptian, Phoenician, and Philistine (Dagan=Lord of the Flood) Temples, they represent the West (Dark) and East (Light) sides of the Pyramid (Amid the Flames) Base forming the World Axis/Tree (North-South Axis) upon which the world turns; the Serpent wraps these "Pillars of Atlas" to form the universal symbol of money.
   66 years ago, Communist spy Alger Hiss chaired the San Francisco United Nations Charter; on July 16, 1945 Communist spy J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the Bhagavad Gita (Aryan=Arya=Noble Caste=Gypsy=Dom of Northern India=Sun=Dominion=Esau) "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds" as the Trinity Site illuminated with atomic (Atum=Egyptian Creator) energy. Capitalized, "Death" is an attribute of the Pale Horse; "Hell" is the other. "Grove" initiates become "Sons"; One who has experienced and expressed 666 and found it naught, dropping the 6 they become 66 and found himself on the Way, afterward becoming 6; divine man.
   Chaldean Magick has 3 parts: Pledge, Turn, Prestige. George Bush Jr attended 2006 Bohemian Grove as attention was diverted "Turn" to the 33 day Lebanon (Lebanon flag is the World Tree; Lbn=Laban "To make White" ie make man a god) war; this year, US debt is diverting attention as 2700 world leaders converge on the Russian (Rus=Cymri=Red) River in Monte Rio as "Children passing through fires of Molech". Celts were called Tuatha de Danaan (Children of Anu) for the same reason; Thor's Oaks serving the same purpose.
    US public debt is today at $14.398 Trillion; Bohemian Grove 2011 seems a repeat of Gen 14:3-4 V14:3 "All these were joined together in the vale of Siddim which is the salt sea." V14:4 "Twelve years they served Chedorlaomer and in the thirteenth year they rebelled". The Vale of Siddim was a similar "Slime Pit" where Bricks (Laban=To make Bricks and To make White ie Chaldean Initiations) are held together with Slime (ref Gen 11:1-3) Ever made a Tower with Bricks and Slime? Me neither. Slime is Blackmail and these men (Bricks) have load of it.
   The Tower of Babel is the Pillar of Babylon (Bab=Gate; Ilu=Assyrian Lord Marduk or Moloch). These men (including Barack Obama and Newt Gingrich) will put the finishing touches on the World Pillar wrapped by the Serpent $; repairing the Earth (Hebrew phrase "Tikkun Olam") for the "Golden Age" by destroying the Ladon Dragon (Osama bin Laden=Son of Ladon) guarding the Golden Apples in the Garden of Heperides (far Western World). Who is the Dragon? Amar=Canaanite god of the west; Amurru=Edomite (Esau=Red) Shepherd and Serpent; Can=Priest of Cain. America is a "Christian" Nation alright, just the Masonic version of "Christ"; a Red Christ made famous by Christ-Taufr (Red Christ) Columbus (Columba=Dove). Making sense yet? I'll keep trying to help but you can save a lot of time by asking Jesus to help you like I did. Time is not "Relative" like Einstein claimed and it is not something on our side; it's on theirs (Time=Chronos). Peter (2 Pet 3:8) said "be not ignorant..." Earth is getting very close to 6000 years of age and ignorance may not be a valid excuse; you do not want to hear Jesus say "Depart from me...I never knew you"

July 11 Bohemian Grove starts on the Ides of Quintillis (July 15th) not coincidentally aligned with a Full Moon; it runs 17 days ending on the eve of Lugnasadh. Groves are "High places where Evil is done in sight of the LORD". Lugh is the "Omnicompetent" (Carpenter, Smith, Warrior, Musician, Poet, Hero, Sorcerer etc) Celtic deity of pagan (Scotti and Picts) Ireland "Land of Barbarians", the day also means "Harvest of Souls"; Christopher Columbus (Christ-Taufr means "Red Christ" Columbia the Roman goddess of Freedom and Liberty from God) left on his voyage to America (Amurru=Edomite=Red Shepherd and Serpent god) to steal Gold and leave a wake of Disease. Columbus did what Gypsies (Egyptians) and Bohemians have done since the Flood and today is no dfferent.
2700 men plus their male and female escorts will light sacrificial fires to the 40ft Owl of Wisdom "Molech"; their motto "Weaving Spiders Come Not Here" is a line from Act 2 of Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" however there was no single person "Shakespeare", rather Francis Bacon and his Knights of the Golden Helmet took the name from the Greek gods Pallas of Arcadia and Athene "Pallas-Athene" the Weaving Goddess of War. The movie Inception featured Ariadne the Weaving Spider of the Cretan Labyrinth and Bohemian Grove is chock full of the same "Cretans". Pallas-Athene "shaking their spears" became the basis of "Dialectic" (Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis) used to instigate Wars and Revolutions. Shakespeare (Pallas-Athene) thus became the goddess of wisdom, civilization, war, strength, strategy, justice and skill, the same attributes of the Celtic "Warrior" god Lugh. Bohemian Grove is simply a modern day continuation of the oldest initiatory Satanic religion called the "Eleusynian Mysteries" which is why statues of Diana, goddess of night and witchcraft, the sun god Buddha and the Egyptian goddess Isis are featured. In the movie Gladiator Marcus Aurelius transferred the title "Caesar" to Maximus, but through deceit Commodus assumed the role; Marcus was the last Roman Caesar to have been initiated into the Eleusinian Mystery.    
   Just a summer camp for the rich and powerful? The summer camps I'm familiar with don't feature plays by millionaires dressed in women's clothes called "Hi Jinx in Hades". As the world's rich depart the Redwoods of Monte Rio, the IMF Chief Christine LaGarde is threatening world economic chaos should the US default on its $14.4 Trillion loan. Pretty tangled web we have weaved eh? Is it also coincidence America's taxpayer funded manned space flights end as the Shuttle Atlantis returns?
July 10 The nations of Earth were separated by water in Peleg's (Archipelago=Land surrounded by water) Day 100 years after the Flood (Creation +1756 years/2248 BC); mountains formed, water returned inside the Earth, sea levels rose. Gnostics want to put the nations under 1 rule; the UN and CFR are their primary tools. The CFR has a man ridng a horse with an uplifted right hand. Foreign means "Derived from another Nation; Not Native". CNN's Fareed Zakaria and Jeffery Toobin, both members of the CFR proposed on his GPS show yesterday, it's time to revise the US Constitution; Zakariah's book Post American World sums up the last hurdle for the Pale Horse; global "Dominion" of the 3rd Beast (1st Beast Creation to Flood; 2nd Beast Flood to Crucifixion; 3rd Beast Crucifixion to start of the Millennium/2nd Coming)
     The CFR has hundreds of "Double Minded" members; traitors in their own nations serving CFR goals to end all National Sovereignty; here are a few names to illustrate why the truth is hard to come by. News: Tom Brokaw, Katie Couric, Dan Rather, Alan Greenspan (FED), Maria Bartiromo (Money Honey), Garrick Utley, Judy Woodruff, Andrea Mitchell, Leslie Stahl, Charlie Rose (PBS), Fareed Zakaria (GPS), Diane Sawyer, Paula Zahn, Mika Brzezinski (Morning Joe).
Religion: Rick Warren (Purpose Driven Life; Saddleback Church; cute eh?), Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention), Jesse Jackson, Elie Wiesel (Holocaust liar)
Military: Gen Colin Powell, Gen Stan McChrystal, Gen Barry McCaffrey, Gen Merrill McPeek.
Politics: Zbigniew Brzezinski (Grand Chessboard), George Soros (Economic Hit Man), Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Abe Foxman (fake Jew/Anti-defamation League), Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Bill Richardson (Operation Fast and Furious/Gun Runner is in New Mexico), Janet Napolitano (Obama Homeland Security), Tim Geithner, Robert Rubin, Nicholas Brady (all 3 Treasury Secretaries), Frank Wisner (Obama Egypt envoy), Madeleine Albright, Walter Mondale, George Shultz, Tom Daschle, William Daley (Obama Chief of Staff), Dick Gephart, Michael Bloomberg (NYC Mayor) Condolezza Rice, Sam Nunn, Bill Frist, Christine Todd Whitman (HHS), Caroline and Edward Kennedy Jr, Teddy Roosevelt IV (Chip off the block)
9/11: Thomas Kean, Hank Greenberg, Phillip Zelikow, Kevin Ryan (originally said Jet Fuel had nothing to do with WTC melting), Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Feinberg ($8 Billion 9/11 Fund Manager)
Deep Water Horizon: Adm Thad Allen (A real piece of work)
Misc: Walter Isaacson (Einstein bestseller/New Age misfit), David Rubenstien (Carlyle Group with Salem bin Laden and Saddam Hussein no less!) Lynn Forester de Rothschild (Weather Central), George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Richard Dreyfuss, Shirley Temple (say it's not so!), Fred Smith (FedEx), David Rockefeller Sr/Jr.
"We are the riders of the Pale Horse; Death" Barbara Marx Hubbard. Want Death? Listen to these traitors; Want Truth read what Jesus has to say about rolling Heaven as a scroll in Rev 6:14; that day is not far off, and if these people are a "Strong Delusion", just wait until Jesus Christ gives them "Dominion".

July 9 Daniel 7 describes 4 beasts: Lion with Eagle's wings, Bear with 3 ribs in its teeth, Leopard with 4 heads and 4 Wings given "Dominion" (Sovereign Authority to Rule) and a dreadful and terrible 10 horned beast. Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece, Rome? Greece under Alexander the Great never achieved "Domnion". US-Britain, Communist Russia, Nazi Germany (Germany=Gomer, son of Japheth; Germany=Bohemia) and today's Club of Rome? Nazi Germany never achieved "Dominion", yet your study bible notes will usually have something to this effect. The Club of Rome has the world divided into 10 sections; are those the 10 horns? No. Rome is derived from Romani "Gypsy", the Greek word for Egyptians. As a nation, Rome was a conglomeration of Etruscans, Latins and Sabines, similar in respects to the United States, and FEMA has the US divided into 10 regions as well, but this hardly qualifes ancient Rome or the US as the "3rd Beast". Christopher Columbus "Discovered" America and believed he was in India; Gypsy teachers tell our kids that because Gypsy Rome originated in northern India not Italy. Gypsy, Bohemian and Arab are synonyms meaning "Homeless Vagabond; Nomad". They do not adhere to laws of the lands they occupy; yet they fill Judicial, Executive, Legislative, Religious and University roles; their mantra "Freedom and Liberty" means from God; Revolution is their goal, their Masonic slogan used in the American and French Revolutions "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"; their goal is the Latin phrase "Ordo ab Chao" (Order out of Chaos). Welsh, Finns, Basques, Celts/Druids, Jacobites (Egyptians in Gypsies in Scotland) are examples of these "Highlanders" who worship "Molech" in "Groves".
    The 3rd Beast with 4 wings is symbolized by "Pazuzu", the Assyrian King of Demons, bearer of storms, drought, famine, fever, locusts and plague; a composite idol depicted with his right hand uplifted having the body of a man, head of a lion, 4 wings, eagle talons, scorpion tail and serpentine penis. Allegiance to Caesar as well as Hitler was with one'sright hand extended; Oaths are taken with one's right hand up, yet Jesus, Paul and James repeatedly tell us "Swear Not".
     Why put this out today? Obama just signed an Executive Order changing US immigration law (The President has no authority to do this); Illegal immigrants or dependants of them who are enrolled in any type of education, or are pregnant or nursing or are exempted from deportation. Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are now being investigated for collaborating with the BATF to run several thousand high powered weapons (AK-47's have been on both sides of wars more than any other weapon) to Mexican drug cartels through New Mexico (CFR Traitor Bill Richardson is Governor); Operation Gun Runner/Fast and Furious is nothing new as Ronald Reagan used FEMA to supply weapons to Contra Rebels in the 1980's.
    The goal is to accuse America of being Rev 18 "Babylon" (Bab=Gate; Ilu=Marduk/Molech; the US is most certainly not "Babylon", only the Scapegoat). Quick Review: Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts failed to administer the Oath of Office requiring Obama to "Defend the Constitution"; Obama started and still contunues the Libyan War without Congressional approval; Obama conducted the 2010 US Census under White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel; Obama's foreign birth in Kenya (Donald Trump is a Knight of Malta with no interest in truth); Obama's fraudulent use of a Connecticut Social Security Number, a state he has never lived in; Obama's missing Columbia University records, and America is ripe for Revolution. In the World's eyes, America is a Rogue Nation with a Rogue President using borrowed money and UN banned weapons of mass destruction.
     World Economic collapse "Black Horse" will be generated by the $US collapse as the world's Reserve Currency; the $ is in fact the serpent coiled around the World Tree/Axis. The Shuttle Atlantis will land as 2011 Bohemian Grove fires are lit to Molech. America=Phoenix="House of Enoch" (Cain's first born)=Atlantis; NWO=New Atlantis born of America's ashes. This will complete the Egyptian=Gypsy Pyramid "Amid the Flames" Is this making sense yet? If not ask Jesus Christ to help you make sense of it because time is getting short.
July 8 Columbia's Endeavor is the Discovery of Atlantis, vanquishing Enterprise ing Challengers. The mission patch of the Shuttle Atlantis' 33rd trip to low Earth orbit is Omega, the last Greek letter and an epithet of Jesus Christ as "Alpha and Omega" as "Beginning and End". Shuttle Atlantis will end America's manned space flights as 2011 Bohemian Grove begins on July 20. Atlantis was a myth created by the pedophile philosopher Plato, likely taught to him by the Egyptian Priest of On (Osiris) Solon. Greeks used Aegyptus (Egypt=Gypsy); Arabs used Misr to mean Country or Fortress. Atlas, the mythical 1st King of Atlantis was condemned to stand guard over the Garden of Golden Apples at the western edge of the world "Hesperides" beyond the Gates of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar) holding up the vault of heaven; Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand is a New World Order playbook. Atlantis refers to returning the world to pre-flood conditions of the Garden of Eden; Vikings called Atlantis "Atli"; Phoenicians "Antilla"; Basques "Atlaintika"; Berbers "Attala"; Egyptians "Amenti"; Celts "Avalon" and Aztecs "Aztlan" . Ever heard of Voz de Aztlan or MEChA (Mestizo-Chicano Student Movement of Aztlan)? How about King Arthur, buried (he is myth as well) at Glastonbury Tor "Avalon" under the Aquarian Cross (equal arm cross supplanted by a Labrys "Golden Mean")? How about Shakespeare? Francis Bacon and the Knights of the Golden Helmet collectively penned under the name Shakespeare and in the summer of 2011 Hollywood will likely spill a few beans in the movie Shakespeare: We've all been played. Bacon wrote New Atlantis in 1626, describing America as self destructing like a Phoenix. "Pa=House; Hanok=Enoch" is the Phoenix, an Arabian bird Egyptians called the Bennu Bird; perched on the Ben-ben "Pyramidion"; this serves as the Pyramid "Amid the Flames" Capstone on the US $1Bill. Figuring this out yet? Traitors have intentionally looted and destroyed America (Amurru=Edomite shepherd and serpent god) as a sacrificial "Scape Goat"; when the $US fails, the Black Horse will ride ( and claim this will occur on 12/21/2011). Atlantis as Aztlan means "To make White" as in "Sinless". Jesus tells us in Heb 9:22  "...without shedding of blood is no remission" America "Atlantis" is making her final flight; Priests called Augurs (Inaugurate=Augur) foretold the future by the flight of birds; as America gets its wings clipped it may be wise to accept the blood of Jesus Christ as remission of Sin rather than Atlantis "Aztlan".

July 6 Halicephalobus Mephisto, a Nematode called the "Gold Mine Worm" has been discovered by Carl Pitcher at NASA's Astrobiology Institute some 2 miles beneath the surface of Mars feasting on rock lichens and photosynthetic algae. It's hard enough to believe 2 Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity designed to last 3 months and sister sites, claim 12/21/2009 was the release date of the White Horse in Revelation 6:1 aka Day of Divine Agreement and 7 Writs of the Apocalypse; 12/21/2010 was the release date of the Red Horse of Revelation 6:4 aka Day of Divine Protest and Dishonor; 12/21/2011 will be the release date for the Black Horse of Revelation 6:5 aka Day of Divine Judgment and 12/21/2012 the release date for the Pale Horse of Revelation 6:8. Take note: "Heaven departs as a scroll when it is rolled together" at Revelation 6:14 because of these agreements.
   The White Horse conquers with a "Bow" ie anonymous weapons such as weather modifying weapons. Haiti earthquake, Iceland volcanic eruption, China and SE Asia drought, Australia floods/cyclones
Pakistan-India floods and subsequent heat wave, Russia heat/drought are examples.
   Peace is taken from the earth by the Red Horse; Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen and Syria are all in or were in Arab Spring Revolutions.

 "Sacred to Juno". 
Juno "Young One" (Junior, Juvenile, Re-juvinate) is a daughter of Saturn (aka Chaos, Chronos "Father Time") and both sister and wife of Jupiter (Zeus=Day=Lucifer) and mother of Vulcan and Mars. Masons regard Vulcan (ie Volcano) as both Canaanite fire god and personification of Tubal-cain, the world's first blacksmith and Mars (war god). Juno is an ancient Sabine "Goddess of the New Moon". Harold Camping's "Rapture" lie was a recognition of the "Rape of Sabine Women"; Rapture is not in scripture; his 13,000 year calculation for the age of the Earth comes from 1/2 of the 25,990 Precession Cycle Mayans called the "Great Year"; thus 13,000 years represens the Hermetic Axiom "As Above, So Below"; Opposite Day if you will. The Sabine ie Capitoline Trinity is Jupiter (King Star), Minerva (Venus) and Juno.
   There are a dozen different Junos associated with marriage, child birth, guarding entrance to the home (mimics the Lamb's blood put on door posts in Egypt), military and politics (Capitol means "Temple of Jupiter"; Capitoline Hill in Rome=Capitol Hill in Washington DC) associated with Rome? Hardly, with destroying Rome. Think "Time for Chaos" not "Peace".
   Juno is usually carved/pictured in Goatskin Cloak with a Peacock. Why? Lucifer (Azazel) is the Canaanite "Scapegoat"; Jesus Christ is the Jewish/Born Again Christian "Scapegoat" (If ev 16:8 says "Azazel" rather than "Scapegoat" you have a Sabine bible. The Goatskin symbolizes Esau's "Dominion" prophesied in Gen 27:40; if your bible has "grow restless" rather than "Dominion" it is a Sabine bible. Why Peacock? Melek-Taus is the Yezidi (Kurdistan fire worshippers aka Zoroastrians) Peacock Angel; Pope John Paul II sat on the Papal Throne under Peacock feathers for this reason; this is also why he is so greatly admired in the Masonically dominated press; Office of Inquisition, P-2 Masonic Lodge controlling the Vatican Bank, Upside Down Black Cross (Hammer of Thor), Twisted Crucifix, Jesuit Ambassadors and the Black Pope "Jesuit General" given an office at the Vatican are accomplishments worthy of Satanic praise which is why he was Beatified on Beltane "Baal's Birth".
    The Sabines brought Juno to Rome via Cures and the Curetes; Eunuch Priests of Cybele; the Cap of Cybele is today called the Yarmulke (Obama, McCain, Lieberman, Schumer, Roman Popes/Cardinals/Bishops, Rabbis etc all wear the Cap of Cybele at Herod's Wailing Wall as a display of their allegiance to Molech; Palin wore the Six Pointed Star of Molech/Chiun (It is not a Star o David; rather it is the Seal of Solomon to the Phoenician Deity Baal/Molech/Marduk/Martu etc.) on June 1st in NYC during her visit to Knight of Malta Donald Trump, the Statue of Liberty (Juno=Diana=Columbia) and Ellis Island (Eastern Gate of the US mimics Jesus entering the East Gate of Jerusalem as the perfect sacrifice; America is to be the perfect sacrifice for the World; this is why America is made up of Foreigners largely entered through Ellis Is or now the southern border.
    Juno's Birthday "Dies Natalis" is the "New Moon", this year it coincides with June 1, 2011 called "Kalendria"; June 15th  "Ides" will coincide with the Full Moon; events to watch may be the June 1 sailing of 20 ships representing 40 nations on the 1 year anniversary of the Mavi Marmara (means Bind or Enclose) hijacking; Rachel Corrie, an Ulster Irish Ship (Obama and Queen Elizabeth II were just in Ireland symbolizing the woldwide "Orange Revolution" called WWIII; O'Bama narcisistically declared his Irish genealogy as well, in a vain attempt to connect his lineage to Zedekiah the last King of Judah). Qadaffi's now supposedly dead son launched the "Amalthea" which was the mytical wet nurse of Zeus and the "Audacity of Hope" named for Obama's ghost written tome' by that name along with "Dreams ofmy Father" (His Kenyan father listed Arab on his birth certificate) Make sense? If not wait until these ships rendevous in the Meditteranean and attempt passage of the Gaza blockade later this month.  June 9-12 is the Bilderberg Meeting in Switzerland and June 24 is the Feast day of John the Baptist, patron saint of Gnosticsm; too bad for these deluded liars the real John was conceived about June 24 and born on Passover eh? Oh yeah, Christmas is not Jesus' birthday either; it's Opposite Day remember?

CIA analyst and President of EMPact America Dr Peter Vincent Pry "North Korea has a Super EMP Weapon capable of diabling power grids across the lower 48 states"; DIA Chief Lt Gen Ron Burgess "North Korea has Plutonium warheads capable of being delvered to the US"; That's right folks since the last Taepodong II Missile test than fell into the Sea of Japan, North Korea has managed to build a Super EMP Nuclear ICBM. BS! Starfish Prime, a 1.4 Megaton high altitude EMP Nuclear detonation broke 300 street lights in Hawaii 250 miles away; North Korea has a weapon to knock our US Power over 3 Million SQ Miles. Seriously?  Obama Science Advisor John Holdren "I predict a catastrophic solar maxima event in next 12-18 months". Odd since NASA just stated "Solar Events are ceasing which may lead to a new Ice Age". When the lights go out, and they likely will listen to Jesus "A man's foes shall be they of his own household" Mat 10:36

Chandra X-Ray Satellite proves Black Holes were in abundance at the Dawn of the Universe 13.7 Billion years ago-Lie. Big Bang Theory rests on an initial explosion forming Quarks, then Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, then Hydrogen and through Nuclear Fusion, Helium with mass converted to Gamma, X-Ray, UV, Visible Light. Even in theory, heavier elements require more energy than what would be available to produce them; that's where Black Holes became necessary. Stars exhaust hydrogen, collapse into Black Holes having infinite "Gravity" then explode expelling all sorts of heavy matter which then suppoedly accreted into planets, humans and of course aliens. First, Gravity is a Lie, god created Earth, fixed on its foundation, then the Sun; if Gravity were real Earth would have accelerated into the Sun. Chandra is Devi the Hindu Mother of the Universe who destroys Evil; Born Again Christians are the "Evil" here. Obama carries an Idol of Hanuman the ape god of war. Make Sense?

Ron Paul initated a law suit against Barack Obama for violating the War Powers Act in Libya. Truth seeker? Don't bet on it. Ron is Lambda Chi Alpha, their symbol is the Yellow Crescent and Cross; their rituals are based on Circumambulation (mimics the Solar Track) The Crescent is the Assyrian/Akkadian symbol of the moon god "Sin", facing left it represents represents Waxing (Increasing) Sin; Yellow represents the Sun. Lambda Chi Alpha is one of the largest secret fraternities disproportionately represented in University Professors/Presidents, Sports Owners/Players, NASA, Federal Judges, Senate, TV, Music, and Hollywood. Ron talks a good game but as a Lodge brother he knows his place.   

 United Nations IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano "TEPCO's response to this disaster has been exemplary"; Lying is an art form apparently. Idaho National Labs sent a letter to the IAEA indicating the Siemens manufactured controllers were shut off 10 minutes after the Earthquake; in other words the Tsunami had nothing to do wih the Melt Down and likely Melt Through at Fukushima. TEPCO sent radiation dispersion maps  to the Japanese Government Mar 11 at midnight. Pretty damming evidence this was planned.

Al Qaeda has a new chief Dr Ayman al Zawahiri. Al Qaeda means "A Solid Foundation" it came from a speech by Stanford University professor and Muslim Brotherhood initiate Ibn Sayyid Qutb in 1966 aka Anno Satanae for the Church of Satan founded in San Francisco. Sayyid is a term meaning descendant of Muhammad and ultimately Korah the leader of the rebellion against Moses and Aaron. Qutb a term for head of Dervish Klans; ever heard of the Whirling Dervish? They are about as Muslim as Freemasons or Jesuits are Christian.

Freedom Flotilla II sailing; Audacity of Hope will join the "Free Gaza" Flotilla on June 21 in Athens. The Cathedral of St John Divine in NYC has St George slaying the dragon in Cancer (June 21-July 21). Athens was the Greek Metropolis and home of the Elusynian Mystery Religion upon which all secret society initiations are based. Gaza was a Canaanite City in the Pentopolis and the Philistine Capital (Roman/Orthodox/Anglican "Mitre of Dagan" is the Philistine Fish god; Israel's (recently ex) Mossad Chief Meir Dagan means "Giving Light to Dagan"). Gaza, captured in the 1967 6-day war (recall Obama and Netanyahu symbolically faced off over the 1967 borders and an independent Palestinian State) means "Strong/Mighty in War; Arrogance of the Deity"; an Arab War; a feminine arrogance of a Deity. Whose? Allah is the Assyrian moon deity "Sin"; Allah's 3 daughters were Manat (Fate), Allat (To Stand) and Uzza (Strong/Mighty) thus Gaza is the feminine form of Strong/Mighty. Why there? 3000 years ago Samson ended his fateful relationship with Delilah by killing 3000 Philistines and himself there; 9/11/2001 was a 3000 person revenge for those same "Twin Towers" at the Temple of Dagan; Masons call these Twin Pillars "Jachin and Boaz". On 9/11/1921 the first Kibbutz; on 9/11/1922 the Palestine Mandate. This is reminiscient of the 9/11/1906 peaceful "Satyagraha Movement" by Mahatma Ghandi making India a British proxy just like Palestine and Israel. Free Gaza uses the slogan "We are unarmed and we are sailing".

    Hillary Clinton "The world must stand together against Syria's Assad". Assad is Ba'athist which means "Spring or Renaissance"; as in "Arab Spring". The USS Bataan Amphibious strike Group is now stationed off Syria's west coast. Robert Gates "We expect to see clashes in the South China Sea"; 33Mason Jimmy Carter and his "Elders" are negotiating at the Korean DMZ; 1 year ago the ship "Cheonan" (Heaven's Peace) sank on the Maritime DMZ, likely due a Chinese made super-cavitaing torpedo. Right on cue Hillary Clinton "China's Cyber attack on South Korea and the US is of grave concern". Recall the Korean War ended in Armistice; this is the planned sequel.
    Apache helicopter gunships are now attacking Libya making a ground assault likely; recall Obama has never received Congressional approval for this war; also note an Apache (Augury uses the flight of birds to forecast the outcome of War) crashed during Operation Geronimo to capture the ghost of bin Laden; Apache Chief Geronimo's Skull was used by Prescott Bush in Sull & Bones Rituals; nice eh?. Yemen is now nearing Civil War; Arab nations from Morocco to Pakistan are all or have just been the victims of this "Arab Renaissance/Spring". That folks is the "Audacity of Hope"
New Moon of Juno "Dies Natalis" lines up with June 1. Sarah Palin in NYC wearing the Six Pointed Star of Molech, and the USS George Bush Sr Carrier Group now stationed off Libya. Bush Sr's Skull & Bones name is "Magog"; his son George W is "Gog"; Please note the battle of Gog and Magog involving Libya et all is at the end of the Millennium not now! It is over 1000 years away, should WWIII start soon it will be designed to fake "Gog and Magog" (ref Eze 38-38;Rev 20). On Kalendria, the 1st day of the month in the Roman Calendar, debtors are expected to pay debts kept in the Calendaria (Accounting Books). Not good for America obviously; it's Unpayable just as humanity's debt to Jesus Christ. France and Britain announced today a ground invasion of Libya is likely; this will be initially supported by the GW Bush Carrier Group; here are some of the ships in this task force: Gettysburg (symbolizes release of slaves during the Civil War; Sabine slaves were similarly rewarded for their treason against Rome), Anzio (Italian WWII blood sacrifice simiar to Normandie), Providence (Prudent anticipation), Florida (Flowering Easter/Ishtar/Juno), Scranton (Tear, Sieze or Break in War), Bataan (Death March), Mesa Verde (Anasazi were similar to todays Neo-cons as destroyers of Indian culture), Whidbey Island, Truxtun (Constellation commander Thomas Truxton in the undeclared war with France; Libya is also an undeclared war). If you are not spiritually ready for Chaos of Juno's "Dies Natalis" Birth, ask Jesus to help you; Juno's Aegis is the "Shield of Zeus"; the same Goat Fur Rebekah and Jacob used to fool Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing of Esau's "Dominion". I can assure you God was not fooled; Esau will indeed get his "Dominion" and it looks like it will be sooner rather than later. America is "Amurru" Esau's Shepherd god and "Amar" the Canaanite god of the west. Notice the timing nicely coincides with the White House and Brookings Institute (Which Path to Persia is their latest War planning document)declaring a "Cyber" attack where people die consttutes War just as China is accused of "Gmail Phishing" the accounts of Pentagon officials and the South Korean Military. One would have to be in Tim Osman's Bushehr cave with Jafar not to see the plans and hear the drums of War.       

June 27 "Control oil you control nations; control food you control people" Henry Kissinger. His errand boy George Soros is buying up grain storage (ConAgra and Gavilon; est 280 million bushels) and flooded (distress sales) farmland through Ospraie (Ospray is the abominable bird of Lev 11:13/Deut 14:12, and yes George knows this) Capital Mgt. Not alone in this predatory adventure, the Army Corp of Engineers is also offering to purchase intentionally flooded (remember the Bird's Point Levee breach?) farmland. George is an Economic Hit Man working though Freedom House and Brookings Institute in Washington DC; that's freedom from God meant here; Brookings latest book is Which Path to Persia?; you can read about war with Persia in Daniel 8; it made Daniel faint!)
  The Ft Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant is now flooding and on emergency powered coolant pumps; it's in cold shutdown so is this a big deal? It's spent fuel pool is 20 times bigger (40ft underground, 40ft above) than Fukushima, a 2000ft berm just failed, above ground fuel tanks to power water pumps have been damaged, it sits in America's corn belt on the flooded Missouri River which feeds the Mississippi River and ultimately the Gulf of Mexico; seems like a very well planned, big deal to me; like The Grapes of Wrath all over again; I haven't found any definitive proof Weather Modification was used in the 1930's but Tesla's technology was over 30 years old by then and it's also a bit coincidental oil and grain speculators swooped in as people vacated the land. "A nation can survive fools, the ambitious and the greedy but not treason..." Marcus Cicero.
   As to controlling nations, most US oil transits the New Madrid Fault (US' most siesmologically active fault is being flooded, natual gas fracked, and HAARP'd) along side the Mississippi River by pipeline and/or rail and trucking; 15 nuclear reactors are there as well; Coincidental or meticulous planning? "Nothing in politics happens by accident, if it happened you can bet it was planned" FDR. I'm just trying to be a watchman; in no way am I a prophet, but just in case all this gets worse, read Rev 18; America is NOT "Babylon" but we are in all likelihood a Scapegoat Babylon. In Rev 19 Jesus returns and several ministries such as (Barbara Aho teaches Rosh Hashanah Rapture doctrine; A Lie) and Jack Van Impe (Jack teaches America is Babylon of Rev 18 as well as Rapture doctrine; Lies). Keep this simple! There is no Pre-trib Rapture; there is no 7 yr Tribulation; there is no mid-trib Rapture (ie at the start of the Great Tribulation); there is only body translation/redemption at the 7th Trumpet on the last day of the Age of Grace. If you are expecting Jesus Christ now, you are expecting the wrong Christ. My best guess is we are between the White and Black Horse riding, and the Pale Horse will be 12/21/2012. The Mayan Calendar gets a lot of bad press, but Astrology (Axis Precesion) is God's only ordained method of Time measurement (Gen 1:14) and everything from Stonehenge to Teotihuacan to Chitzen Itza to Ankhor Wat was designed to track the 2012 Solstice ie birth of Marduk. Babylon is Akkadian (Bab Ilu) meaning "Gate of Marduk" Out of America's ashes Marduk (Phoenix) rises not Jesus Christ!!! Make your personal covenant with Jesus Christ before then! Better yet do it now! 

June 25 TEPCO sent radiation dispersion simulations to Japan's Government at midnight Mar 11. To recap: An Electro-magnetic wave (I do not believe HAARP sent this signal; rather Japan itself through Aum Shinrikyo or Yakusa is my guess; HAARP is my best guess for the Missouri and Mississippi River flooding; recall FEMA launched its biggest terror drill with some 3 million persons last spring; good timing eh?) precedes the Earthquake 48 hours; 10 minutes after the Earthquake, Siemens manufactured reactor controllers shut off coolant supplies to at least 3 reactors and at midnight TEPCO has radiation dispersant maps made. Now do you believe Jesus "A man's foes shall be they of his own household" Mat 10:36 The plan as of today is to pump liquid nitrogen into Reactor #2; we saw this in "Terminator 2" but Hollywood, 33Freemason Jim Cameron and Bohemian Grove member Arnold Swarzenegger aside, pumping a substance that freezes at -3500F and boils at -3200F is probably the worst thing one could do to 30000F molten uranium that has melted through primary containment.

June 24 Shanghai Cooperation Organization finished its meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan; "And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar..." Gen 11:2 Shinar is Babylon=Gate of Marduk. East=Rising Sun is "Stan" meaning "Place of"; Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan are member nations; China leads the SCO with Russia, Iran, India and Mongolia also as members. Bilderbergers finished their meeting last week; are they the world's power brokers? No, they are only rich in gold. The highest mountains in the world; Hindu-Cush, Karakoram and Himalaya (Mt Everest=Chomolonga=Earth Mother) form the geographic center of the world's population; these mountains also caused Earth Axis Precession and therefore became the foundation of Shamanism, Astrology and Time measurement (10/72 years). Shanghai (Hijack) refers to Christmas (Sacrifice of Christ) and Easter usurping the birth and ressurection of Jesus with Santa Claus and Ishtar. The goal of the SCO is a one world currency and ownership of all world resources. How? Heroin. Dorothy (Doro=Door=Gate) went through the poppies to Emerald (Lightning) City and so must we. The SCO are the "Wizards of Oz" (Ounce). Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "We must restore the tranquility of the world"; drugs are the "Tranquilizer" of choice to return the world to pre-flood conditions, God describes in Gen 6:2-6; in a word "Wickedness". If you thought Genghis Khan (Khan means Priest of Cain) was bad just wait. The press was all over the Bilderberger Mtg in Switzerland, but this meeting seemed to escape attention because money is simply a tool the real power brokers use to control their Shabbez Goi. The world is being Shanghaid and the only way out is through Jesus Christ; His place is Heaven not Stan. Why June 24? They were known as Johnitters 2000 years ago; Jesus said John was the "Greatest of the Old Covenant"; they reject Jesus as God in Flesh and venerate John the Baptist instead. We've all taken a bath, now it's time to be washed in the "Living Water; the blood of the lamb.
June 20 "First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin" Arguably the lyrics to Leonhard Cohen's song are Terrorist in nature and Jesus says our foes are in our own house; with that in mind 6/26/2011 at 7 PM may to be a date for "Mega Ritual" Why Manhattan? Foreign gold depository, Federal Reserve gold, Wall St (named after Hiel's rebuilding of the Wall of Jericho using his 2 sons as foundation sacrifices). The clues to 9/11/2001 as a pre-selected date are far too numerous to be by chance; I have them on the 9/11/2001 page. Why Berlin? Jesus gave the warning to Pergamos "Satan's Seat" and the Nicolaitanes (Gnostics posing as Christians and Jews in order to "Conquer the Laity" from within) in Rev 2:12-17 The so-called Throne of Pergamon aka Throne of Zeus was moved to Berlin in the late 1880's; this (I believe) will serve as Satan's Seat in the rebuilt 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. The current Olympic (Olympus=Throne of Zeus) notice the Free Gaza Flotilla is sailing today (21st=mid-summer solstice=false birth of John the Baptist; his real birth is Passover; this date is his actual conception day 6 months before Jesus' conception at winter solstice) from Athens home of the Greek version of these games that began on Crete as "Bull Leaping". Recall the Libyan war bagan on the symbolic birth of Athena the Greek goddess of war. The video is all over the internet; if you watch this note the numbers 224 422 and 112 (112 is the Emergency Phone Number in Berlin as 911 is in America). Gen 4:22 is the birth of Tubal-cain; Masons use this a a password and symbol of the Canaanite god Vulcan. The stadium was built first in 1916 for Olympics cancelled due WWI and then Hitler had the current one built for the 1936 Olympics with a 77 meter tall Bell Tower overlooking the city. 77 was the height in feet the Pentagon was built on 9/11/1941 and as we know, Flt #77 allegedly hit the Pentagon on the 77th Longitude (the Prime Meridian was moved to London the same time Satan's Seat was moved to Berlin). I'm just trying to be a Watchman not predicting anything read what you will of these lyrics but they are pretty clear to me.
 They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For trying to change the system from within
I'm coming now I'm coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'm guided by a signal in the heavens
I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'd really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station?
I told you I told you I told you I was one of those

You loved me as a loser
But now you're worried that I just might win
You know the way to stop me
But you don't have the discipline
How many nights I prayed for this: to let my work begin
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I don't like your fashion business, mister
And I don't like these drugs that keep you thin
I don't like what happened to my sister
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

And thank you for those items that you sent me
The monkey and the plywood violin
I practiced every night and now I'm ready
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

Remember me, I used to live for music
Remember me, I brought your groceries in
It's Father's Day and everybody's wounded
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

June 11 Bilderberg Mtg at St Moritz; CERN in Geneva claims proof of Anti-matter and the God Particle (BS of course) translation: Final Battle of Good vs Evil with the goal Liberation from God (Rev 6:14). The group was created by Nazi initiate Prince Bernhard. Questions: What is a Nazi? What are their weapons? Su-astika is the Aryan Sun Symbol (both Male and Female) Arya means "Noble Spiritual Caste"; Anti-semitic? Absolutely, their entitlement base philosophy is based on birthright from "Japheth the elder" (Gen 10:21), Shem's older brother. (New bible versions reverse this birth order for confusion). British=Birthright; BP=Anglo-Iranian Oil where Anglos are Germans=Gomer, Japheth's eldest son and Iran=Aryan. Queen Elizabeth claims to be "Queen of Jerusalem". Is she Semitic? NO; neither is Israel. "God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant" Gen 9:27 If you are with me so far, these Bilderberg initiate quotes may make sense. "Control oil you control nations, control food, you control people". "Soldiers are dumb stupid animals to be used as fodder in our wars" Henry Kissinger "When reincarnated, I would like to return as a killer virus" QEII husband Prince Phillip.
    Now their weapons: Weather, War, Disease and Usury. Recent examples: British "Anglo-Iranian" Petroleum's Deepwater Horizon Earth Day ocean disaster (Halliburton=Nazi corporation Kellogg-Brown-Root aka Brown Brothers Harriman; Railroaded? Nazis=Aryans=Noble Caste built them along with the Holocaust concentration camps and Zyklon-B Gas). Fukushima's Lent disaster was caused by Nazi electronics firm Siemens; coolant pumps were shut off 10 minutes into the atmospheric disaster. Chaldean Magick relys on a 3 step dstraction called Pledge, Turn, Prestige. The distraction/pledge was the Oil Rig Fire and Scalar EM Radar caused Earthquake, neither had anything to do with the respective disasters; the Turn was Halliburton's well head and 7 valves on the Blowout Preventers failing and Siemens controllers shutting off 13 separate triple redundant powered coolant pumps. The Prestige was pollution of the oceans and atmosphere; sinking of the Deepwater Horizon and Tsunami had nothing to do with the events; the Trick was finished long before the Prestige. Weather control is only possible with control of weather reporting; Bilderbergers Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild control Weather Central LP for this reason; Droughts, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and tunamis are the weapons of the White Horse=Japheth=Aryan=Noble Caste
     War: WWIII is political Zionism against Islam. Zion is building Heaven on Earth through Kaballah, Masonry and Religion; Islam is veneration of Allah Khabar "Sin"; the Black Stone of th Ka'aba; Crusaders "Warriors of the Cross" versus Mujahideen "Warriors of Allah". Folks, these are the dumb stupid animals  used as fodder in Bilderberg wars; insulting? Heaven's no I was one for 13 years before figuring out what God meant in the admonition "Love your Neighbor". "Arab Spring" is the Pledge; WWIII is the Turn; revealing Antichrist is the Prestige; Arab means "Merchant"; you don't want what they are selling. What can you and I do? Just say no; Arab (Ishmaelite/Edomite) Dominion comes at Rev 6:14 no matter what you and I do. Su-Astika means "god of the 8 rayed Star"; the 8th Covenant between God and Man ends when Man rejects God and the Great Tribulation in Rev 8 begins. Got it?
     Disease is far more effective than War at population (people) control; WWI "Spanish Flu" was 10X more effective than lead. The current E-Coli in Germany is resistant to a dozen different antibiotics in 8 different classes, because it was engineered to be that way by the CDC in Germany by exposing E-Coli to various antibiotics and selecting the surviving strains; Man has used selective breeding for 6000 years so this is nothing new. This particular strain of E-Coli is also weaponized by attaching it to Bubonic Plague; nothing like a flea or mosquito to vector Black Death eh? DDT is 100% effective in preventing the spread but again we can thank Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for its being outlawed. Henry is not as famous as Ghengis Kahn, Hitler, Mao or Stalin but he is a far more effective mass murderer.
    Folks, it doesn't take a genius to see what is happening, it only takes being able to see the Spiritual War raging around us in plain sight. Jesus said "No flesh would remain" unless he shortened "those days". "Those Days" are here. Head for your Prayer Closet and join the winning side!
June 10 Bosnia Pyramids of the Sun, Moon, Earth and Dragon Radio-carbon dated to 10,350 years of age. Archaeologists hide evidence of Noah's Flood (ca 4340 years ago) as zealously as Edwin Hubble hid his knowledge of the fixed earth "Earth is in a central position in the Universe, but the idea is unwelcome and must be compensated for with Spatial Distortion (Red Shift)". Why these names and why now? The symbolic union of the Sun and Moon is called the "Sacred Marriage" or "Divine Union"; the Earth axis is called the World Tree/Pole; the Dragon is seen as the Great Liberator of Man. Together, these symbolize the "Great Work" of all Secret Societies; yes, Science is a Secret Society religion.  Radio-carbon dating measures Radioactive Carbon-14 in once living samples of bone, charcoal, wood etc. It depends on a stable ratio of radioactive Carbon-14 created when solar radiation contacts atmospheric Nitrogen, and stabel carbon-12; the Flood drastically altered this ratio making any claim of an age older than 4300 years false. Now here is the irony. As mountains formed, Earth began to wobble on it's axis which caused axis precesson. Archaeologists and Astro-physicists know very well the vernal equinox sunrise was on the Taurus-Aries cusp 4300 years ago, and that precession over the next 4320 years has been constant, resulting in a vernal equinox sunrise precession to Aquarius. From Adam to Noah etering the ark was 1656 yers, so do the math and one can see Earth is close to 6000 years of age and yes, they know that fact. Why do they lie? Gnostics and God fearing people are at War; War is Confusion. Read 2 Pet 3:8-9 until it sinks in "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise".
   One more example of confusion that was published today concerns a full hemisperic eruption of the Sun's Iron Core and magnetic photosphere on Aug 1, 2010. Lies on so many levels. First, the Sun has no Iron or Iron core; it is a Hydrogen Sphere undergong nuclear fusion which produces Helium and Radiation (Gamma, X-Ray, UV, Visible Light); Second, the Sun is not magnetic; Earth is. Even if magnetic material existed in the Sun's core, it is considerable above it's Curie temperture (770C for Iron) in other words, there is no reason to assume it has a magnetic field that affects Earth; Man affects Earth and Jesus returns "to destroy those who destroy the earth" (Ref Rev 11:18). God didn't make this complicated, man did. Even in theory, producing Iron by nuclear fusion is endothermic, in other words this is impossible without an incredibly large outside source of energy and is not self sustaining. What's the occult communication here? My guess is Iron and Clay represent the the 4th part (Legs/Feet) of the Babylonian Idol in Dan 2 is being completed. The 10 chairs (10 Toes) sitting behind the 13,000lb Iron Ore Altar in the UN Meditation Room are about to be filled. Aug 1 is Lugnasadh "Harvest of Souls" and the world has not seen Earth destruction on the scale of Deepwater Horizon (Ocean) and Fukusima (Atmosphere) ever.
June 8 "The very word secrecy is repugnant in a free and open society. We as a people are inherently opposed to secret societies, secret oaths and secret proceedings"- JFK. Freemason Lyndon Johnson had no such convictions. After winking to Freemason and Texas Gov John Connally (supplier of the back brace used to poison JFK in Dallas for his Masonic "Killing of the King" on 11/22 at the 33rd Latitude) aboard Air Force One, he lied about the Gulf of Tonkin attack on the USS Maddox on Aug 2, 1964 to start the Vietnam War. Aug 2 is called "Harvest of Souls" or "Lugnasadh"; Lug being a patron deity of Ireland and the Tuatha de Danaan (Children of the Sumerian goddess Anu=Isis=Ishtar=Easter) and Aug 2 being cross-quarter witch sabat Christopher Columbus (Christ-Taufr-Norse Red Christ; Columbus=Roman goddess of freedom aka Lady Liberty) sailed for Hispaniola "Little Spain" from Iberia in 1492 under his Rosicrucian "Red Cross" Sails; death by smallpox and his Dominican "Hounds from Hell", Santeria Voodoo and Gold Theft his lasting legacy. 44 years ago today 6 Israeli fghter, 3 torpedo boats and 2 attack helicopters supplied by the US attacked the signal intelligence ship USS Liberty in a "False Flag" attempt to blame Egypt during the 6-Day War. US Naval Commander in Europe Admiral John McCain signed the findings of the Naval board of inquiry and presented them to Lyndon Johnson in 10 days, ommitting the fact US F-4's enroute to the distress calls from the USS Liberty were recalled by Johnson and he had 9 hours of reconaissance intelligence proving Israel knew the ship was an unarmed US Intelligence ship in internatonal waters. JFK was right, Secret Societies and their members are repugnant. Maybe now you can see why Gov Sarah Palin designated April 14-17, 2007 "Prince Hall Mason Week" in Alaska, Obama had his Prince Hall Mason buddies design his official Campaign Rising Sun Logo and 33 degree Mason Dick Armey's Tea Party and John McCain chose her to be their mascot. "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" Jesus Christ
June 7 Hamas (Hamas means Enthusiasm) Flotilla II in Gaza June 20. IDF Chief Benny Gantz said this in Feb 2011 "I the son of Jewish peoples chain of generations accept the job of commander of the Israeli Defense Force" no Benny, you are not Jewish, neither is the Talmud, Rabbis (Jesus is Jewish; He said never call a man Rabbi in Mat 23:8), Israel or the Six Pointed Star; the Virgin of Israel fell in Amos 5:2 because you adopted the tabernacle and star of Molech in Amos 5:26 and lost the right to be called "Israel" in Amos 7:2 and 2 Kings 17:30. Benny said this today "Israel will stop the Hamas Flotilla and is prepared for a multi-front war". Take a Macro view of world affairs. Syria and Israel scirmishes in the Druze regions of the Golan Heights on the 44th anniversary of the 6-Day War, not coincidentally Obama is the 44th President. Hillary Clinton "The world must stand with the US against Assad". This same tactic was used to initiate war with Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. Iran accused of building nuclear weapons by RAND Corp spokesman Greg Jones as ex IAEA Chief and current Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammad el Barradei says "Not one shred of proof exists Iran is building nuclear weapons". He is well aware Fukushima coolant water was shut off intentionally 10 minutes after the Mar 11 Earthquake; he knows TEPCO is lying yet his Japanese replacement IAEA chief Yukiya Amano says "TEPCO has done a remarkable job responding to the disaster"; War means Confusion and this is how it is conducted. Libya has the Charles de Gaulle (currently shared by Britain and France) and the George HW Bush Carrier task force off the coast with helicopter attacks in progress. "Arab Spring" Revolutions now include Yemen; US Predator Drone strikes constitute an unpovoked act of war; Def. Sec Robert Gates claims Al Qaeda in Yemen repesents a direct threat to the US interests-BS. Pakistan has 1.4 Million troops massing in the northern border called an Intelligence "Black Hole"; with Predator Drone surveillance and strikes? This too is BS. Fukushima has 3 reactors in full meltdown; #1 and #3 were admitted today to have melted through the containment. Millions of gallons of highly radioactive water areset to overflow in 1 week and it's only a matter of time until melted uranium/plutonium reaches the water table causing a seam explosion under the reactor entire site. Fukushima is a slow motion intentionally caused (Lent=Spring) train wreck simiar to last year's intentionally caused Weed Day/Earth Day Deepwater Horizon/Corexit disaster. Oil: Energy costs are roughly 10% world GDP; in 2008 the upper limit was tested intentionally, now we are there again. Note: Nikola Tesla demonstrated Free Energy transmission and warned over 100 years ago this exact thing would happen. Debt Europe and Greek debt is unpayable; US has $61.6 Trillion in unfunded liabilities; guess who is coming down? Austerity anyone? Drought "Control Oil you control nations, control food you control people" Globalist/Satanist Henry Kissinger. Whether WWIII begins when Audacity of Hope lands in Gaza is yet to be seen, but as a Watchman on the Wall I'm saying starting a relationship with Jesus is not a bad idea.
June 6 ALPHA (Anti-hydrogen Laser Physics Apparatus) Team at CERN in Switzerland has created (Wow, just in time for the Bilderberger god-men to arrive) and trapped 300 Anti-hydrogen atoms 16 minutes, proving Matter and Dark Matter existed in equal amounts when the Big Bang created the Universe. NOT! ATRAP and ATHENA (worshipping Athena is a trap alright) are physicists around the world colaborating to create Anti-hydrogen which is made of mythical Positrons and and Anti-protons. These unproven, mythical particles annihilate God created matter; Positrons annihilate Electrons resulting in deadly Gamma radiation and Anti-protons annhilate Protons resulting in Pions (Muons, Neutrinos, Electrons). Not one shred of this is true; here is the occult communication. H (Hydrogen) combines to form He (Helium; this is also the Hebrew letter and symbol meaning "God is with me"); there is no denying the Sun's nuclear furnace produces Helium (named after Helios/Apollo=Apollyon) and converts the mass loss to Gamma, X-Ray, UV, Visible Light; these are all packets of electrons at different energy levels. 300 Atoms? Sure, likely more like the homosexual Spartan 300. 16 minutes? Sure, likely more like a reference to Ishmael's birth in Gen 16 and God's 7 Vials of Wrath in Rev 16. Confused? They intend it to be confusing; God Created Matter, not Anti-matter "Dark Matter"; He is not the "God Particle" and He does not use Gravity (God Particles) to create order in the Universe. Oh by the way, Neutrinos do not melt iron and rock in the center of the Earth either; they are fake and there is a lot of water inside the Earth; these idiots just can't see Jesus is the Living Water. Ask Him about Dark Matter and God Particles, see what He says!
June 6 Google Mars pictures show the 750 X 150ft "Bio-station Alpha" exists. "Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe" Jesuit Priest/Rosicrucian Adam Wieshaupt. Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan and his Bohemian Grove now Green Cross International in San Francisco buddy Mikhail Gorbachev floated the "Alien Invasion" idea during their first summit in Geneva in 1985 (this year's Bilderberg Mtg is in St Moritz starting June 9) whereby the treat of alien invasion would unite the nations of the world, ending their petty differences; petty differences like whether Jesus Christ is God or whether Man was Created in the image and likeness of the Creator for example. Paul told Timothy (1 Tim 6:12) Science is falsely so-called because science is a Rosicrucian Renaissance; an Arab Renaissance (Israel=Covenant with God; Arab=Homeless Wanderer). War is synonmous with "Confusion"; Arab and Israel represent this Spiritual War, now likely entering its final phase "Prestige". So what does a "Bio-Station Alpha on Mars" really epresent? Break it down: Bio=Living; Alpha is Jesus' title at the beginning; Mars is the Roman god of War; 2 Kings 17:30 tells us the men of Cuth (Chaldean/Medean Magi) symbolized Mars as Nergal, a Cock/Rooster. Cuth was also a location in Babylon; notice Obama's name for the Iraq (Babylon) War is "Operation Odyssey Dawn". The world united against an alien threat; cool eh? It's BS! Obama's Masonic desiged logo is the Red Sun Rising as is Japan's (Fukushima was intentional); the Red Sun is Esau=Edom=Red=Adam=Ruddy; Rosicrucians intend to unite the world under a 3rd Adam through War (Mars is the angry Red Planet). To them, Jesus was merely the 2nd Adam; call the 3rd Adam anything you like; Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, Maitreya or Rael the Alien god of the Raelian Cult. Not ready for War? Get ready; your sword is the Word (KJV) and a relationship with God (Jesus Christ). So, is there any life on Mars? You tell me. Mars has no Magnetosphere; Gamma and -Rays will end any life. Mars has no Ozone; UV will end any life. Mars has virtually no pressure (.7% of Earth=50,000ft); blood boils at that pressure, so does any water. Mars has an atmosphere of 95% CO2; if you are a potted plant that loves radiation and needs no food or water have at it. Mars has a temperature that changes from -200to +600; not my idea of a tropical paradise. Are there any Aliens? Yeah the Rosicrucian Satanists that invented them. I would say we could just send Buck Rogers to Mars, but Hollywood Satanists invented him too. Got Jesus? Now is a good time.
June 4  By June 15th "Ides of Juno" 10's of millions of gallons of extremely radioactive, plutonium (Teller's Babies) laced water will overflow into the ocean in time for typhoon season (this was anticipated when coolant pumps were shut-off 10 minutes after the Earthquake; ie this was planned); right on cue Japanese born United Nations IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano "TEPCO's response to this disaster has been exemplary"; Lying is an art form apparently. The IAEA, then under Muslim Brotherhood member Mohammad el-Barradei received the Nobel Peace Prize as did Obama, nice eh?
   Mavi Marmara, Rachel Corrie, Amalthea and Audacity of Hope are the ships leading the "Free Gaza" Flotilla due in Gaza later this month. Recall the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC has St Gerge slaying the dragon in Cancer (June 21-July 21). The definitions of these ships are above; Gaza was a Canaanite City in the Pentopolis and the Philistine Capital (Roman/Orthodox/Anglican "Mitre of Dagan" is the Philistine Fish god; Israel's (recently ex) Mossad Chief Meir Dagan means "Giving Light to Dagan"). Gaza, captured in the 1967 6-day war (recall Obama and Netanyahu symbolically faced off over the 1967 borders and an independent Palestinian State) means "Strong/Mighty in War; Arrogance of the Deity"; an Arab War; a feminine arrogance of a Deity. Whose? Allah is the Assyrian moon deity "Sin"; Allah's 3 daughters were Manat (Fate), Allat (To Stand) and Uzza (Strong/Mighty) thus Gaza is the feminine form of Strong/Mighty. Why there? 3000 years ago Samson ended his fateful relationship with Delilah by killing 3000 Philistines and himself there; 9/11/2001 was a 3000 person revenge for those same "Twin Towers" at the Temple of Dagan; Masons call these Twin Pillars "Jachin and Boaz". On 9/11/1921 the first Kibbutz; on 9/11/1922 the Palestine Mandate. This is reminiscient of the 9/11/1906 peaceful "Satyagraha Movement" by Mahatma Ghandi making India a British proxy just like Palestine and Israel. Free Gaza uses the slogan "We are unarmed and we are sailing".
    Hillary Clinton "The world must stand together against Syria's Assad". Assad is Ba'athist which means "Spring or Renaissance"; as in "Arab Spring". Robert Gates "We expect to see clashes in the South China Sea"; 33Mason Jimmy Carter and his "Elders" are negotiating at the Korean DMZ; 1 year ago the ship "Cheonan" (Heaven's Peace) sank on the Maritime DMZ, likely due a Chinese made super-cavitaing torpedo. Right on cue Hillary Clinton "China's Cyber attack on South Korea and the US is of grave concern". Recall the Korean War ended in Armistice; this is the planned sequel.
    Apache helicopter gunships are now attacking Libya making a ground assault likely; recall Obama has never received Congressional approval for this war; also note an Apache (Augury uses the flight of birds to forecast the outcome of War) crashed during Operation Geronimo to capture the ghost of bin Laden; Apache Chief Geronimo's Skull was used by Prescott Bush in Sull & Bones Rituals; nice eh?. Yemen is now nearing Civil War; Arab nations from Morocco to Pakistan are all or have just been the victims of this "Arab Renaissance/Spring". That folks is the "Audacity of Hope"
June 1 New Moon of Juno "Dies Natalis". Sarah Palin in NYC wearing the Six Pointed Star of Molech, and the USS George Bush Sr Carrier Group now stationed off Libya. Bush Sr's Skull & Bones name is "Magog"; his son George W is "Gog"; Please note the battle of Gog and Magog involving Libya et all is at the end of the Millennium not now! It is over 1000 years away, should WWIII start soon it will be designed to fake "Gog and Magog" (ref Eze 38-38;Rev 20). On Kalendria, the 1st day of the month in the Roman Calendar, debtors are expected to pay debts kept in the Calendaria (Accounting Books). Not good for America obviously; it's Unpayable just as humanity's debt to Jesus Christ. France and Britain announced today a ground invasion of Libya is likely; this will be initially supported by the GW Bush Carrier Group; here are some of the ships in this task force: Gettysburg (symbolizes release of slaves during the Civil War; Sabine slaves were similarly rewarded for their treason against Rome), Anzio (Italian WWII blood sacrifice simiar to Normandie), Providence (Prudent anticipation), Florida (Flowering Easter/Ishtar/Juno), Scranton (Tear, Sieze or Break in War), Bataan (Death March), Mesa Verde (Anasazi were similar to todays Neo-cons as destroyers of Indian culture), Whidbey Island, Truxtun (Constellation commander Thomas Truxton in the undeclared war with France; Libya is also an undeclared war). If you are not spiritually ready for Chaos of Juno's "Dies Natalis" Birth, ask Jesus to help you; Juno's Aegis is the "Shield of Zeus"; the same Goat Fur Rebekah and Jacob used to fool Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing of Esau's "Dominion". I can assure you God was not fooled; Esau will indeed get his "Dominion" and it looks like it will be sooner rather than later. America is "Amurru" Esau's Shepherd god and "Amar" the Canaanite god of the west. Notice the timing nicely coincides with the White House and Brookings Institute (Which Path to Persia is their latest War planning document)declaring a "Cyber" attack where people die consttutes War just as China is accused of "Gmail Phishing" the accounts of Pentagon officials and the South Korean Military. One would have to be in Tim Osman's Bushehr cave with Jafar not to see the plans and hear the drums of War.       


May: "It's a Spring Clean for the May Queen" There are 2 paths, Jesus Christ is the "Stairway to Heaven" The May Queen "Sin" Reaps the Tares. On St Catharine of Sienne's Day the "Confarratio" Royal Wedding was legitimized under the Auspices of Augur Priest Rowan Williams, a Druid Priest. Augurs Divine the outcome of War by Augury (Flight of Birds); on Beltane an Apache Helicopter crashed in Operation Geronimo, the symbolic sacrifice of CIA Scapegoat Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman named after the actual founder of the Ottoman Empire 700 years ago. Catharsis means "Discharge of pent up emotion"; translated "We ain't seen nothing yet".
     If Mel Gibson weigning 2 oak rocking chairs in the Patriot at 9 lb 11 oz just ahead of 9/11/2001 doesn't wake you up how about this? The world's airspace is marked with 5 letter "Fixes" since the advent of GPS. The thought of Knight of Malta, Egomaniac Donald Trump getting at the "Birther" Truth is ludicrous and was obviously planned in advance. These fixes on the Ivanka (Ivanka is the feminine form of Ivan, a name synonymous with Caesar or Pharoah) Departure were posted inearly 2009 and are near his mansion in West Palm Beach, Fla (site of the Bush vote mis-count in 2004): DONLD, TRMMP, CRYER, SMGLR, AHHAB, DIAPR, BAYBE, DRUDJ, and BIRTHR. DRUDJ is of course Matt Drudge. Their contempt of us Sheeple is pretty amazing eh?
    Coincidence? or Contempt of our stupidity? Abdul Mutallib was Muhammad's Grandfather; Abdul Mutallib is the Nigerian Christmas Bomber. Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire; Osama bin Laden was hired by the CIA as a Mujahideen as Tim Osman. Al Qaeda means "Foreign Toilet" stemming from a 1966 speech by Stanford University (also Colorado State and Wilson's Teacher College) professor ibn Sayyid Qutb. Othman was the 1st Nigerian Ottoman Sultan; Mazlan Othman is the UN Space Alien Ambassador; Mothman Prophecies was about an Alien. 
    Ever wonder why Sovereignty is attained at the 33rd Degree of Scottish Rite Masonry? Jacob wrestled with God in Gen 32; he was smart and submitted; "Israel" means "He who wrestles/fights with God". Folly is believing you can win.

May Day aka Beltane The Wicked Witch "May Queen" of the Middle East (Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman, named after Osman I Ottoman Empire founder 700 years before 9/11/2001 "Every 700 years the laurel grows green again" Cathar saying) dead, and Pope John Paul II who revived the Pagan Cross and Office of Inquisition beatified, now comes "Emerald City"; it's the end of the Yellow Brick Road for a reason; Emerald like Barack both mean "Lightning". Aleister Crowley's "Book of the Goat" is also called "Liber Oz" for a reason. Osama bin Laden was killed, flown 1000+ miles to the USS Carl Vinson in the Arabian Sea in a Chinook helicopter with a cruise speed of 130 MPH,  his body DNA tested (presumably in the helicopter's mobile lab?) and dumped at sea in 12 hours. Santa Claus is the only person capable of that I know of! "Never underestimate the ability of the people to believe a lie" Adolph Hitler who suffered a smilar fate 66 years ago on Walpurgisnacht 1945. Probably just coincidence (Not) his codename was Geronimo; Bush Sr dug up Geronimo's skull and put it in the Tomb for his Skull & Bones initiation.
     "Beltane" Maia, the Roman Earth Goddess is wife of Vulcan; Masons respond to the question Who is Tubal-Cain? Vulcan of the Canaanites. Bacchus "Bacchanalia" was essentially a Roman orgy. Mag-ya=Maia "She is Great" is the Celtic goddess of the Tuatha de Danaan "Children of Anu"; allegiance is demonstrated by wrapping ribbons around the May Pole which represents Baal as the "World Tree" aka "Axis Mundi". Not strictly European, the Yin Yang Symbol is the Solar Shadow over an Obelisk; US Presidents face the Obelisk on Inauguration (Augurs are Diviners=Vatis + Can) as Roman Popes deliver addresses to the Obelisk. Afghan Taliban aided by Al Qaeda (of course) started their Spring Offensive today called "Badar" targeting Foreign invaders, convoys, airbases, ammo depots etc. Afghan is a Pashto word meaning "Sheepskin Coat"; unbiblical myth also records Afgana as a grandson of King Saul; Uh no! Jacob once wore Goat Skins to impersonate Esau, so Edomites wear Sheepskins to impersonate Jacob. They are the wide hemmed robes worn by Priests, Cardinals, Imams, Rabbis etc today; Jesus calls them "Wolves in Sheep's Clothes"; such as Celtic Druid Rowan Williams who married William and Katherine on St Catharine's Day accompanied by the song "God Save the Queen"; Queen of Heaven that is. Taliban means "Student"; Taliban leaders like Mohammad Omar were mostly former Madrassa School teachers such as the school Obama attended as a youth; strict interpreters of Sharia Law. Bader means "Full Moon". With a New Moon on May 3 the waining crescent actually represents Allah, the Moon god Assyrians called "Sin". Mujahideen means "Warrior of Allah" aka "Sin". Al Qaeda came from a speech by Ibn Sayyid Qutb (Sayyids claim descent from Muhammad and the Quyrash Bedouin Tribe of Mecca); it means "Foreign Toilet". No offense meant here, but we are the Foreigners who let a Taliban Foreigner become President and we are about to get Shat Upon!     To put this another way, Masons represent the Heavens with the Compass and the Earth with the Square; May Day Parades in Red Square represent Esau (Edom=Red) obtaining "Dominion" and this particular May Day "Emergency=Emerge" is on a Sunday "Dies Solis". If you can't see the Red Horse riding at you ask Jesus to help you.
    "Ana raicha al Qaeda" means "I'm going to sit on the toilet"

May 31
 Obama's 1st picks for Commerce Secretary Bill Richardson and Judd Gregg refused the offer; Why? Obama intended to violate the Constitution by conducting the 2010 Census under White House Chief Rahm Emanuel. Traitor Gary Locke had no such reservations and was rewarded today as Obama's new Chinese Ambassador to replace Jon Huntsman in opening FTZ (Free Trade zones) like Shenzhen and SEZ (Special Economic Zones) inside the US not subject to US Federal or State laws or taxes, used for Communist Chinese military, industrial, political and economic undermining of US interests and control of US strategic assets such as gold, lithium and molybdenum. Assuming the rold of Commerce Secretary is Edison Intl CEO and Disney/Boeing board member John Bryson. $50,000 cockpit entry doors resulted from the 9/11/2001 charade and $70,000 boost pumps (commercial aircraft have 6-12 of these) resulted from the TWA-800 charade. Another Chicago Mafia thug to drive the final economic nail in America's coffin as another Mormon enters the Presidential race. Why now? A prophecy attributed to Joseph Smith after Masons murdered him (in other words he didn't predict this) at the Carthage Jail putting 33Mason Brigham Young in charge says a member of the church will step forward as the Constitution hangs by a thread. 1. Kenyan Mujhideen President (Donald Trump is a Knight of Malta for Pete's sake) 2. 2010 Census conducted by the White House. 3. Libyan War not authorized by Congress nor approved at the 60 day deadline. 4. HR-1540 provides unrestricted war against the nebulous entities al-Qaeda and the Taliban, both created by the US. Coincidental timing? or meticulous prior planning? "Nothing in politics happens by accident"-FDR

May 30 Hidden Communication: Red Hieroglyphic symbols "discovered" by Robot called "Djedi" inside tunnels at the Great Pyramid; at same time bust of Nerfertititi, wife and 1/2 sister of King Tut ordered returned to Egypt from Liepzig Germany. Why now? Djedi, the famous Star Wars initiates of the "Force" actually refer to the Djed Pillar, the Egyptian symbol of the World Tree and Backbone of Osiris (aka sun god Zeus) Gnostics are essentially the backbone/support of Zeus aka Lucifer; the 33 vetebra of the human spine represented in Masonry's honorary Sovereign 33rd degree ie godhood level, the famous Skull & Bones Symbol aka Brotherhood of Death or the Ankh (Solar Cross). Djed=Ddd-jed "Deified Word" or the Hebrew "Dzeth" referring to the highest azimuth of a Star; as such it refers to Jacob's Pillar/Pillow, Stone of Destiny, the Hindu "Cosmic Pillar", Druid "Thor's Oak"; Kaballah "Tree of Life" and  the Pagan Arab Ka'aba in Mecca. Occult communication here is Lucifer as the foundation stone "Lapsit Exilis" is about to be freed from exile ie the Occulted 12th Imam "Mahdi" will be revealed.
    Moving to Nefertiti, nothing is ever "discovered" by chance. Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten "Ankh of Aten" the "Heretic King". Durng his rule Egyptians were forcibly relocated and forced to worship the Monotheistic god "Aten" by their own military roughly 150 years after the Exodus in 1492 BC. Obama's Masonically designed logo is the "Horizon of Aten"; the sun-disc rising out of red and white stripes; this same logo is used by Carbon Fund LLC. The hidden communication? It's time to choose sides; Lucifer, the Monotheistic deity or Jesus Christ the "Trinity"; Carbon Fund is Im sorry to report, the bodies of those who choose Jesus Christ. Doubt this? Read the inscriptions on the Georgia Guidestones or the definition of "Science" on the Cross of Hendaye in the Cathar region of southern France. This can be researched further in Fulcanelli's (a Rosicrucian pseudonym like Christian Rosenkreutz) "Dwellings of the Philosophers")  "Knowledge, study and learning is the last of all but for us the first, save for a small number all must perish. Only science can penetrate the mustery and raise man to the highest truths and finally to God". Folks, settle this in your minds now, Space is a vacuum not "Dark matter", there are no "Aliens" or "God Particles"; all of this is Taurus excrement prepetuated by Rosicrucians posing as Scientists (Newton, Einstein, Hawking et all).
    Obama is now a dictator through passage of HR-1540 and the impending S-679; his religion is monotheism outlined in Sharia Law and Noahide Law. Denver had the King Tut exhibit until Jan 2011 (Obama took a Greek Tragedy stage there to accept the Democtaric Nomination), the plaque AUAG under the Mayan mural and the Egyptian underworld god Anubis should be enough to warn us. AUAG is Gold and Siver; another Rosicrucian definition dealing with the so-called Discoverer of America Christopher Columbus may help. Christ-Taufr means "Red Christ", it has the same meaning as Orpheus or Offerus "He who carries Christ", in this case the Red Christ, or Chrysopher "He who carries Silver and Gold". Daniel 1:4 tells us "Science" is the "tongue of the Chaldeans" and Dan 2-3 descrbes the Gold and Silver Idol carred by Brass belly, Iron legs and Iron and Clay toes; the days of Nebuchadnezzar are returned "And whoso falleth not down and whorshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace" (Dan 3:6;11;15) God repeated this 3 times so we would understand His first Commandment "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" Ex 20:3 God is a Trinity not Monotheistic.
May 28 Super Typhoon Sondga (Songda is the Black River branch of Vietnam's Red River; it's Chinese spelling is "Served") forecast to hit Japan and Fukushima on Memorial Day. Memorial Day was at first "Decoration Day"; graves of fallen Civil War soldiers were decorated. Lent 2011 (40 days weeping for Tammuz) began with an Electro=magnetic "EM" (2 day 2.5 Hz standing wave created 9.0 Earthquake centered offshore of Sendei on the 38th Parallel. The Mr "Peace" Triangle is a 3-4-5 Pythagorean Triangle formed by 3 sides Mr-Akh-Bah; physically represented in the King's Chamber of the Great Pyramd in Egypt and the Federal Triangle in Washington DC. Mr=Peace; Akh=Effectiveness of Kings on behalf of a Deity (usually the Sun-god Ra; take note Obama's Masonic Logo is the sun or sun-god Ra rising out of Red an White Stripes is identical to Carbon Fund LLC) therefore Akhu means "Effective Deed"; Bah- Soul wih respect to Impressive Power or reputation when intervening in human affairs, thus the Ruler becomes the Bah of the Deity; in this cas Ra, Isis or in Japan "Amaterasu". 10 minutes after the Earthquake, Siemens controllers shut off coolant water to the Reactors; within 3 hours #1, #2, #3 (#3 as "Dirty Fuel" MOX Plutnonium Oxide ie fine particulate matter plutonium called "Teller's Babies" when it was 1st synthesized) melted and cracked the pressure vessels. At this point it was all over but the crying but to add "Salt" (Assyrian word for "Prince") Seawater was continuously cycled through the reactor contaminating the oceans nearby. Japan is dependant on nuclear power, as such there are also tons of spent fuel rods that have melted zircalloy cadding and are now exposed to the air; in addition their containment buildings have been blown apart by inntentionally caused hydrogen gas explosions (the Nitrogen inerting systems controlled by Siemens were dsabled to faclitate this). The perfect storm would be a super typhoon to essentially vacuum up the radiation and deposit it into the Jet Stream. Look at the past month; Royal Wedding on St Catherine of Sienna's Day is a Conferratio presided over by Druid Priest Rowan Williams; fake Nemesis Osama bin Laden sacrificed in the Arabian Sea and Pope John Paul II Beatified on Beltane (JPII reinstated MAFIA/Masonic control over the Vatican Bank, elevated Jesuit Priests as US ambassadors, gave sermons to the Obelisk, stood in front of the Upside Down Satanic Cross, opened the Office of Inquisition under Cardinal Ratzinger, took the stage with a variety of religious leaders, carried the Pagan"Twisted Crucifix" and sat on the throne above the inscription "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet") same day Hitler supposedly died 66 years ealier and Stalin began round 2 of Confederate General Albert Pike's 3 World War plan. Why now? 700 years ago Knights of Malta took the role of Cathar protectors ie Gnostic protectors; it has been planned for 700 years. The Royal Wedding was on the 52nd Parallel (Glastonbury, Stonehenge, Westminster Abbey are all here for this reason), the Korean War was on the 38th Parallel (my article Third World War covers this; in Greece the Eleusinian Mystery Religions and the Ottoman Empire began along this latitude). The best way I can see to start a mass exodus in Japan and Korea is to render the area uninhabitable; a super typhoon "Decorating" the area may just do that on Memorial Day. It's hard to overestimate what Mer-Akh-Bah or Merhabah aka "Ezekiel's Wheel" means to a Kabbalist (Kaballah is not Jewish) or "Free Mason", as an "Earth Dweller", it's everything! Everything to a Born Again Christian is his or her relationship with Jesus Christ; I suggest you establish one if you have not already done so.

May 27 HR 1540 passed the house; 2012 Def Authorization Bill provides for a endless war on "Terror" anywhere on earth as defined by the President. Patriot Act extension signed by Obama while abroad by "Autopen" ie "Rubber Stamp". No surprise, Zbigniew Brzezinski is the Grand Architect of WWIII, a plan he prepared during 33Freemason Jimmy Carter's administration and put in writing in his books America in the Tecnotronic Era and The Grand Chessboard. If not obvious by the titles; it describes EM Weather/Earthquake modification such as the current flooding in the western US and mid-west with severe 50 yr drought in Texas in between, the now weeklong record setting tornadic activity in the midwest or the 9.0 Sendei Earthquake. The Chessboard is WWIII beginning with Iran; 1 guess who the Pawns in this Game are. This Memorial Day, Grave Decoartions will be placed by traitors in Washington who betrayed their Oaths of Office and turned the US Constitution into Confederate Confetti.

May 26 "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"- Gnostic Cathar saying; Catharsis "Discharge of pent up emotion"; Laurel: Caesar's "Embem of Victory" and Greek "Daphne" meaning "Metamorphosed by Gaia"; Where? The River Ladon; Ladon in Arcadia, Greece; Ladon being the name of of the Serpent like Dragon guarding the Golden Apples of Hesperides (Western edge of the world). Metamorphosed (Change Form) by Oaths taken in the Temple of Apollo Daphnephoroos (Temple of Apollo the Laurel Bearer). "But above all things, my brethren, swear not, neither by heaven, neither by the earth, neither by any other oath: but let your yea be yea; and your nay, be nay; lest ye fall into condemnation" James 5:12 Why am I putting Myth and Scripture together today? Obama's itinerary. Ireland: He procalims his Irish ancestry (BS); Why? To connect his genealogy to Zedekiah, the last "King of Judah" and set Irish Catholics on a collision course with Anglican Protestants; Queen Elizabeth II believes "Queen of Jerusalem" (BS) and Obama dutiflully toasted her to "God Save the Queen" aka "My country tis of thee" (Note: Star Spandled Banner is an Irish drinking song called "Anachreon in Heaven"). Next stop today is Deauville in Normandie France aka Omaha, Sword and Utah Beach. Why? Cathars were burned alive at Montsegur in March 1244; this is why Masons FDR and Churchill (also an initiated Druid) chose 1944 for D-Day on Normandie (Northmen=Cathars) and why a 2.5Hz Electro-magnetic signal began on Lent at Fukushima an caused the Earthquake. Coolant water was automatically shut down by Siemens controllrs 10 minutes after the Earthquake, at Quake + 50 minutes #1 Reactor Core began meltdown, at 1:20 Control Rods and Zircalloy melted, at 3:20 all fuel rods were melted at botton of reactor pressure vessel, at 4:20 fissioning raised the temperature to 1642 C the melting temperature of the stainless steel liner. Radiation has continuously been emmitted since Quake + 4 hrs and the IAEA , headed by Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood next president Mohammad El Barradei knows all about it; that's what taking Masonic Oaths is all about. and why Jesus' 1/2 brother James said above all else "Swear Not".
   Obama is meeting Russian president Medvedev in Deauville to provide Russia joint control over the European Missile Shield in a meeting dubbed the "Red Button Meeting". It's all BS; EM Scalar Radars obslete ICBM's and ABM shields. This is a handsake deal to put America on a collision course with Russia. Why? Ezekiel 38 describes the world's final battle "Gog and Magog". Is this Russia? Of course not, that battle is at the end of the Millennium 1000 years+ from now but false fulfillment is nonetheless likely right around the corner; it begins with Iran. The path to Jerusalem was cleared on Nov 7, 2007 (Read Rev 11:7 for why the date 11/7 was chosen) with a one sided clash of Georgians and Russians; Saakashvili with America's help via the Freedom House and George Soros' NED (Nat Endowment for Democracy) overthrew Shevardnadze in the "Rose Revolution" of 2003; this was the planned goal. Why 2007? Templar arrests were Oct of 1307. The Laurel grew green in 700 years.
   Next stop for Obama is Warsaw Poland. The first Polish Pope John Paul II was Beatified on Beltane "May Day" 2011. Why? He took over from John Paul I who investigated the P-2 Masonic Lodge control over the Vatican Bank 33 years ago and like JFK, mess with the Bankers (Knight Templars) and you get wacked. JPII re-opened the Office of Inquisition under the control of his Nazi handler Cardinal Ratzinger now Pope Benedict XVI aka Pope #111 of 112 Popes according the the Prophecy of St Malachy he is Olive's Glory. JP II kept the June 24, 1961 provision of Pope John XXIII to allow Protestant converts within the Knights of Malta and Masonic Lodges to receive Communion in the Catholic Church. Recall it was in Oct 1311 that property of the Knights Templar were transferred to the Knights of Malta aka Hospitallers. Why June 24? This is the feast day of St John the Baptist (this is the Satanic fake opposite Christmas; the real Feast of John the Baptist is Passover opposite Jesus' birth on Tabernacles). JP II like Knight of Malta Reagan began delivering addresses to Obelisks (Baal's Shaft); Reagan also elevated Jesuit ambassadors above other nation's ambassadors. JP II began carrying the Pagan "Twisted Crucifix" to mock the Crucifixion and began using the "Upside Down Cross" behind him. This is what Masonic Oaths are all about. The Laurel is indeed Green; 700 years of interest will do that sort of thing. If you have wondered why our Senators fell all over themselves nominating Elena Kagan or why she was over Obama at Columbia and Harvard; we will soon find out as Poles did when Lazar Kaganovich murdered 400,000 of them; Kagan is the Khazar term for King or Paramount Chief similar to Genghis "Kahn". Scared? You bet, scared enough to head for the Prayer Closet for a chat with Jesus.
   Last stop for Obama is America's Heartland currently being ravaged by man-made (EM) killer tornadoes timed with FEMA's largest disaster drill along the New Madrid Fault; he will arrive on JFK's birthday. Before this day arrives take a look at the similarities between Abraham Lincoln and JFK (my article "Kennedy and Lincoln" summarizes these).
   In preparation for his arrival is HR-1540 currently being debated in the House of Representatives today giving Obama unlimited authority to commit US Military to wage war on terror anywhere on earth. "A man's foes shall be they of his own household" Mat 10:36. Obama has sworn his Oaths to Queen Elizabeth II, Saudi King Abdullah and Shinto Emperor Akihhito. I strongly suggest renouncing all your previous Oaths and establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. 700 years worth of pent up emotion is a lot to deal with.

May 25 Obama celebrated St Partick's Day by declaring he was Irish; kidding? Heck no his GGG Grandfather Falmouth Kearney left Ireland for America during the British created Potato Famine; his European trip started in Ireland just weeks after Queen Elizabeth II was there amid Irish-Catholic protestors; yesterday he was arm in arm and proposing a Toast to Queen Elizabeth II feasting on plates used by Queen Victoria (Victoria was called the Fairy Queen in refernce to a supposed bloodline going back to Cain; Sure!) during the potato famine as "God Save the Queen" played. "My Country Tis of Thee" was set to this same melody because "America" as the 1st National Anthem was known "is of thee" ie the "Queen". Baptist Minister Sam Smith wrote the tune in 1831 while attending the Orthodox Calvinist Andover Theological Seminary; today called Andover-Phillips Academy. Calvinism rests on 5 main tenents (TULIP=Total Depravity, Unconditinal Election, Limited Atonement, Irressstible Grace and Pre-Selection to Salvation) It pretty much sucks to be anyone else, but thank God Calvin was really Cohen, and all 5 points are bold faced lies. Obama killed Bush Sr & Jr "Nemesis" Osama bin Laden in "Operation Geronimo"; not coincidentally Andover Prep School graduate Prescott Bush exhumed Geronimo's bones for Skull & Bones initiations at Yale. Andover is a Yale/Harvard/Stanfod Prep School; Hitler financier Prescott, Bush Sr and Jr all attended, the latter wth his 8 year homosexual roommate Victor "Victoria" Ashe aka "Gay Mayor of Knoxville"; the now bankrupt city named after Calvin's Scottish protege John Knox. Small world eh? Why Irish? Bush Jr was proclaimed "Gog, Chief Prince of Mesech and Tubal" on Jan 8, 2008 in Zedekiah's Cave under the Temple Mount by the Sanhedrin. "Zedekiah was twenty one...he did that which was evil in sight of the Lord" Jer 52:1-2 Despite this, the Mormon Church and Irish Heraldry claim Jeremiah took Zedekiah's daughter to Ireland where Kings were crowned on the Tara Stone for 1500 years (A lie like St Patrick of course); Guess what that is? Jacob's Pillow of course. Notice that today, the leaders of Saudi Arabia (Abdullah=Mordechai=Benjamin), Iran (Ahmadinejad=Saborjian=Joseph), Afghanistan (Karzai=Pashtun=Joseph), Pakistan (Bhutto/Zardari=Pashtun=Joseph), Israel (Netanyahu=Levi) and the Mormon Church in America (Joseph=Ephraim=White and Manasseh=Native; Dan=Prophets) all claim Legitimacy by caiming physical descent from tribes of Israel. All Lies of course. Back to the Logo of Andover Prep School.
  33 Mason "Silvermith" (Dorothy's Wizard of Oz Slippers were originally Silver and Silver is the the Mede-Persian chest of the Abomination of Desolation described in Dan 2, today called Iran) Paul Revere who instigated the American Revolution designed Logo as a Sun disc over a Beehive; in Chaldee, Bee means Lie, the Chaldean Word and serves as the symbol of the Queen of Heaven Diana/Artemis (Supreme House of the Temple in Washington DC is a replica of the Temple of Diana/Artemis); this is also the symbol of the Mormon Church. Obama means "He is with us" in Farsi (Fars is the Zoroastrian HQ near Iran's Bushehr Reactor; not coincidentally it was the home of Muhammad's grandfather Abd al Mutallib aka Yemeni Christmas Bomber Abdul Mutallib). St Patrick make Ireland a Catholic haven; as Obama  left, Tornadoes are ripping America's Heartland apart; his return to America will be to Missouri on JFK's brthday; he was America's 1st and only Irish-Catholic President; asassinated for going against the Bankers by Bush Sr among others including the Hunt brothers the famous Silver market manipulators. An aside; Lincoln and Kennedy have too many coincidences in common to be by chance; Obama used the Lincoln bible for his botched Oath of Office and Kennedy used the Douay Rheims Irish version. What this means for Obama I'm not sure but recall Michelle wore a Black Widow Dress on Election Night for a reason. He was behind rocket proof glass then and requires this type of protection at Buckingham Palace for a reason.
   This week, the Patriot Act was renewed, S-679 and HR-1540 will give President Obama nearly unlimited dictatorial authority and on Friday 5/20, the deadline for Congress to authorize War in Libya; Obama asked for but did not receive this authority. Viewed as a "Rogue" the 44th President declared Israel needs to return to pre-1967 borders; not coincidentally 44 years after Israel stole the Golan Heights and Gaza. As all this is going on can you believe Steven Hawking pronounced "God is not necessary forCreation" at the Zeitgest meeting in London? Tell you what, I'll pray to the King, Jesus Christ, and let someone else "Save the Queen". It's just a little hard to take her or Obama seriously when her husband Prince Phillip wants to be reincarnated as a "Killer Virus".
"Sir" means "Knight in service to the Queen"; What are the odds in the Beehive State of Utah, Knight of the Realm Sir Bono and U-2 would be hosting a concert as Obama was litening to "God Save the Queen"? As Bohemian Grove founder Mark Twain said "Truth is stranger than fiction".
May 24 Dang it I'm still here.  Ahnold's love child (Remember, Maria stood by as Nazi, UN Sec General Kurt Waldheim stood up for Arnold), Dominique Strauss-Kahn (he was bad, Christie Lagarde is worse; Greece wll be the first "Black Horse" Domino to fall; backing IMF loans with Federal Reserve Gold allows Bankers to re-create conditions in America that led to the American Revolution) and Joplin MS Tornado (Yes I believe it was man-made; EF-5, mile wide tornadoes created by 55,000ft thunderstorms in May are as rare as a truthful poltician; FEMA just happens to be conducting a New Madrid Earthquake exercise) hog media attention as potentially bigger Tornados S-679 and HR 1540 are prepared for vote. S-679 gives the President power to appoint his Cabinet + other positions without Congressional approval. HR 1540 "2012 National Defense Authorization Act" has hidden in Sect 1034 (this was apparently added after Osama bin Laden's "Operaion Geronimo" charade) the "Declaration of perpetual War with the Taliban, Al Qaeda and their Associates". HR-1540 authorizes the President to wage war against persons deemed "Terrorists" anywhere in the world (including US soil). Today, 3000 members of the Washington National Guard were ordered to ready for deployment aganist a non-specific enemy, for a non-specific reason, to an un-specified location by the DOD. The DOD does not have this authority;YET!
     Taliban comes from Taleb the Arab word for Student. Talebs gain knowledge from Mullah's (eg Mullah Omar) at Madrassa (Quran interpretation schools) Schools such as the one in Indonesia where Obama was schooled. Mujahideen "Warriors of Allah" come from these ranks; officially the Taliban rose from Afghanistan's Civil War following Soviet occupation in the late 1980's but obviously Madrassa Schools have beenn around for a very long time. Taliban theology was derived from Wahhabism in Saudi Arabia; Taliban in Afghanistan are mainly from Pashtun tribes such as Hamid and Wali Karzai the CIA assets in charge of 96% of the World's Opium/Heroin (Heroin=Hero) supply; Pashtuns claim (A Lie) descent from the Israelite Tribe of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh also form the British-American-American Indian-Mormon-European "Lost Tribes" mythos). Al Qaeda means "Solid Foundation"; a political philosophy stemming from 1960's Stanford Universty professor ibn Sayyid Qutb, a Muslim Brotherhood (founded in the early 1800's) member and student of abd al-Wahhab (late 1700's contemporary of John Locke), the originator of Wahhabism prominent among Saudi Royals. Saudi Royalty claims (A Lie) descent from Mordechai (Tribe of Benjamin). Noteworthy is Ahmadinejad claims descent from Saborjian, an Israelite surname meaning "Cloth Weaver"; his father did what all good Sabeans (Leaves one's religion for that of another) do, change his name and adopt Islam; his mother is a "Sayyad" claiming literal descent form Muhammad and Quyrash Bedouins who trace their lineage back to Korah and the alternative Priesthood to Moses and Aaron. Michelle and Barack Obama claim descent in Kenya  from the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon (Also a Lie) and as Rapture hysteria dudded Netanyahu who claims descent from the tribe of Levi (A Lie) created a rift with Obama over the 1967 borders to commemorate the 44th year after the June 1967 6-Day war with the 44th President. Netanyahu like others who claim Levitical descent are of Samaritan descent; their goal is to rule the world under Noahide Law and Arab Sharia Law. Worship of Jesus Christ is grounds for decapitation under both of these legal systems. Whether WWIII will start in June remains to be seen. S-679 and HR-1540 will end the US Constitution with written certainty. I suggest we all are in Covenant with the only non-Liar in the bunch Jesus Christ, Melchisedek, King of Salem, KING OF KING, LORD OF LORDS; Alpha and Omega, I AM, I AM HE, JEHOVAH in Flesh. Or you can enroll as a Taleb under a Mullah in a Madrassa School, join Al Qaeda and hope the Quran is right. Hard to believe America is more Arab dictatorship than Christian Nation isn't it?

May 21 
Rapture is still not in scripture, but War with Iran is, in Dan 8. NY Federal Judge hearing "Sealed" testimony from 3 defectors of Iran's Intelligence Agency SAVAMA say Iran planned, harbored and trained the 9/11/2001 hijackers. BS. There were no hijackers. 500 years ago Black Nobility took control of the Catholic Church and led the Renaissance in Religion and Science; de Medici, Michelangelo, da Vinci lied. Ba'ath means Renaissance; Arab Renaissance is the current "Arab Spring" that began on Beltane 2011; Arab being the spiritual opposite of Israel the name of everyone in spiritual covenant with God; physically Arab most often refers to descendants of Abram and Hagar "Hagarenes", "Twelvers" (Shiites obsessed with the occulted 12th Imam Mahdi), "Ismaelis", "Assassins", "Edomites" are all names associated with Pan Arabism; it also applies to Peleg's brother Joktan, whose Arabs settled Yemen and Ethiopia. NY Court is tying Hezbullah the ruling party in Lebanon (Phoenicia=Lebanon=Laban "To make White") and terrorist group formed by Nazis in 1947 to Syria's ruling Ba'ath Party and its President Bashar al-Assad for the purpose of War. Ba'ath "Renaissance means War for anyone in Covenant with God; their inspiration was the Jacobins who led the French Revolution with a similar slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" has merely changed to "Unity, Liberty, Socialism". WWIII will start where Daniel was told of it in Basra on the Highway of Death "Hwy 8". Bushehr is the purported reason for War, it a short distance from Shiraz in Fars (Obama means He is with us in Farsi) where Zoroastrians (Zoro=Seed; Asta=Ishtar/Easter) settled in Iran, bringing their philosphy of the Final Battle of Good versus Evil; Ahriman played by the US and Israel versus Ahura Mazda played by Iran, Russia, China, Syria. Abadan is the town across the border from Basra "Edom's Sheepfold" where Daniel stood on the banks of the River Ulai and fainted 2600 years ago. Abadan is derived from: Ab or Abad: "Destroy, Wander Away, Perish, Have no way to flee, Wretched, Hades". Why accuse Iran with involvement with 9/11? For the same reason Harold Camping identified the Rapture and Judgment Day with the 5th Trumpet "1st Woe" described in Rev 9:11 (Both are of course Lies) "And they had a king over them; which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon".  Israel's Mossad Intelligence Service uses the motto "By deception, thou shalt do War"; they formed the same time as Ba'athists. Read Amos 5:2;18;21;26 and 7:2-3;5-6 in the KJV until it sinks in. "The virgin of Israel has fallen; she shall no more rise: she is forsaken upon her land; there is none to raise her up" Amos 5:2 "Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light" Amos 5:18 "I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell your solemn assemblies" Amos 5:21 "But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Molech and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves" Amos 5:26 "By whom shall Jacob arise?...This also shll not be, saith the Lord GOD" Note: The Star of Molech is the Six Pointed Star. Among the Feast Days God despises are Hanukkah, Purim and the modified New Year Rosh Hashanah. You and I can choose to support that Star and participate in WWIII or "Love God" and "Love our Neighbor" I suggest the latter. It's 5:59PM and I have just 1 more thing to

May 20 Iran's Bushehr Reactor went on line today; remember the Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallib who made it through 4 international security checkpoints on a cash paid ticket without a passport with PETN strapped to his crotch? Now how does it feel to be in a Disney cartoon? Abdul Mutallib is the uncle of Muhammad; his son is Jafar Abi Talib. ddly, Jafar as a name appears quite often in association with Muhammad, the 6th Shiite Imam of the "Twevers" aka Hagarenes or Ismailis and the 12th occulted Shiite Imam "Mahdi". One guess where Jafar was raised? Bushehr. One guess who built the controls for Iran's "Aryan" Bushehr Reactor. Siemens, the famous Fukushima Nazi guys. In case you forgot the plot of Disney's Alladin Jafar as Sultan's Vizier gains control of the Genie (Genie comes from Assyrian Genies and Islamic Jinns like the ones Ahmdinejad summons for help with the occulted Imam "Mahdi") to rule the world. The monkey Abu (Sumerian god of vegetation=Knight Templar Green Man "Dionysus") helps Alladin and Jasmine (Tunisia Revolution was Jasmine Revolution; Iran's is the Green Revolution). Disney was no Genius, he was simply a misguided Mason putting the plan in plain sight. Final plans seem to be fastracked as Obama issued ultimatums to Syria's Assad and Israel's Netanyahu today; he said Change was coming, maybe he meant rubbing Alladin's Lamp.
May 20 Rapture is not in scripture! Harold Camping made a similar prediction for Sept 6, 1994, Hal Lindsey, Tim LaHaye, William Miller "Millerites", CT Russel "Watchtower", Joseph Smith "LDS" et all are all False Prophet Zionist Liars. Rapture is an 1800's Scottish creation of Edward Irving, John Nelson Darby and 14 year old patsy Margaret McDonald; the word originated at the founing of Rome 3700 years ago as "Rape of the Sabines" to mean Abduction or Siezing. Bad move for Rome as Sabines, Latins, Etruscans and Albans destroyed Roman society from within just as these Rapture Liars do today. Fake Rapture? Different Story we wil find out about tommorow. Rapture proponent Study Bible producer John MacArthur "The best false teachers teach as much truth as possible" so where did Camping get his theory from? "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights...And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days" Gen 7:11;24 17 Lyar (Zif) is 21 May, 2011 Rapture/Judgment Day for Camping. 2011 is unique for that rason but also for being 700 years after Knights Templar were disbanded anf forced to give up their assets to Knights Hospitaller both spiritual descendants of Gnostic Cathars whose Royal Wedding was April 29, 2011 and whose famous saying is "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; notice in Rev 9:4 the Scorpions (symbol of the Assyrian/Akkadian Empire) are not to hurt hurt anything Green; and you thought Al Gore invented the Green Revolution? Add 150 days and 21 Oct, 2011 is his end of the world prediction. Catharsis means "discharge of pent up emotion"; folks, they have been waiting a long time to do just that; Normandie Beach was the prelude; WWIII will be the "Prestige" and God is giving them the power to do it by releasing the Red Horse. To be clear here; I believe we are at or near Rev 6:3-4 not Rev 9:11. Lent "Spring" 2011 started off with Siemens controllers closing off Reactor Coolant to 13 pumps at Fukushima 10 minutes after the Earthquake; perhaps ot coincidentally Camping says the Earth is 13,000 years old this year. BS! That 40 day period ended on Easter. 150 days is 5 30 day months; Camping wants the world to believe Rev 9:11 is here "...scorpions of the Earth have torment five months". He is lying; Heaven is still open to you through personal covenant with Jesus Christ but it will close Rev 6:14 so I wouldn't wait. Camping would have you believe Rev 13 is here; it is not. What is here is a return to Gen 13:13 with the "wicked men of Sodom" lying to you. Lent has nothing to do with Jesus Christ; it is 40 days "Weeping for Tammuz", conceived at first light on Easter "Dies Solis"; May=Maia=Illusion=Mother of Mercury aka Toth Hermes; May 21 is "Arab Spring". If Harold Camping really believed his theories why did he renew his radio station license through 2012? Why is he still asking for money? Is it coincidence Freemason Lodges are having Open House all across the US tommorrow? If you feel "Left Behind" and the Masons come calling on you to join Just say NO.
May 19 Arab Spring began May 1 "Beltane" the same day 66 years ago Stalin's Communism bagan. Osama's posthumus video released today quotes "Arab Spring" as did Obama's "Arab Spring" speech today lobbying for aid (Muslim Brotherhood=Al Qaeda) to Egypt and Tunisia (Phoenician Carthage) Why now? For one, May 21, 2011 is 17 Lyar also known as the day Noah closed the doors to the Ark; Rapture? Of course not Rapture is not in scripture! WWIII was set in stone 6000 years ago but the Ottoman (Ottoman means "Belonging to Osman; Osman I is the founder of the Ottoman Empire; Osama bin Laden=Tim Osman) Empire began final planning 130 years ago under their new name "Nazi Germany". 130 is the age Adam was when Seth was born; Cain's 77 fold revenge began with 9/11/2001. Albert Pike's 1871 letter sums up the plan of Zion spelled out in the London 2012 Olympic Logo. The City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City are Ottoman Tax-Free corporations beholden to the Pergamon Altar, it's future home on the Temple Mount and its Alternative Christ occupant, a man proclaiming himself God. The Pergamon Altar is Satan's Seat (Rev 2:13), brought to Berlin in 1880 coincident with the Bible Revision Committee revised Greek manuscripts used in non-KJV Bibles; Don't have one? Get One! WWII ended here, dividing Communism from Capitalism intentionally. Pergamon means "Mixed Marriage" which is why Jesus warned about Nicolaitane Doctrine in the same scripture; all "Churches" are controlled in this fashion by Wolves wearing Sheep's Clothes. Anglo-Saxons (Germanic Pagans) took Briton on 9/11/476; on 9/11/1609 Henry Hudson laid eyes on Manhattan Is, the financial home of the Ottoman Empire symbolized by the Golden Bull. On 9/11/1697 "Battle of Zenta" Ottomans took a set back giving up Croatia, Hungary, Transylvania and Slavonia; on 9/11/1921 the first Kibbutz was set up and on 9/11/1922 the Palestine Mandate became Law with Haj Amin Muhammad al-Husseini declared Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Imam of the al-Aqsa Mosque. Adultery, in the eyes of God stems from the days of Golden Calf worship and the Korahite (Korah=Quyrash=Muhammad=Islam) Priesthood in the days Moses; Mecca (Mechus) means Adultery. Got it? Ottomans formed Nazis and Islam; their linked to Hizbullah, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood, Syria's Ba'ath Party and the PLO (Yasser Arafat was mentored by Husseini). Their contempt for God knows no bounds. For example Bayer Corp synthesized Heroin and America fought the Vietnam and Afghanistan Wars for control of Heroin. Bayer was once known as IG Farben the largest Nazi Corporation Wall (Wall=Wall of Jericho) St ever financed; they now make pesticides linked to CCD (Honeybee Colony Collapse Disorder) and HIV tainted hemophiliac drugs and Hepatitus-B vaccines. Bayer is financially synonomous with ThyssenKrupp Marine noted for making supercavitating 230 MPH torpedos for China, Russia, Syria, North Korea and Iran. Another Nazi spin off Siemens Corp. makes controllers for nuclear plants such as the ones that switched off coolant pumps 10 minutes after the Sendei Earthquake. Back to the power centers: City of London is Financial; London means New Troy, they are the true Wizards of Oz (Ounce); Vatican (Vatis=Divining; Can=Serpent/Priest) City represents Nicolaitane Religion; it is Jesuit controlled since the mid 1500's. Washington DC (Columbia is the goddess of Freedom "Libera" ie Liberty from God), is the military arm. These combine to form the Triskele featured in the new movie Thor on his Hammer.
May 18  Arnie's Illegitimate Baby and IMF Rapist Dominique Stauss-Kahn dominate ABSCBSNBCFOXHNNCNN so the big news can be hidden. TEPCO admitted today Reactors #1,2,3 Coolant Pumps were shut off intentionally. Whether manually by professional nuclear engineers, by the famous StuxNet Virus orintentionally by Siemens controllers matters little at this point; the latter is my guess because it seems ludicrous for professional atomic energy workers to commit suicide this way and StuxNet is a convenient "Scapegoat" to blame Jews for a Nazi German Corporation famous for building gas chambers; recently Siemens tried to trakemark a brand of ovens called Zyklon just fo fun. Siemens engineered Fukushima, and they had a lot of help. Regardless of who or how Coolant Pumps were shut off, meltdown was a foregone conclusion at that point; the Earthquake and Tsunami had nothing do do with worst nuclear diaster in world history; they were merely distractions in a very sick "Trick" much like the fires BP (Anglo-Iranian Oil) used on the Deepwater Horizon Rig was last year. As they say "It was all over but the crying" and the saying comes from Childbirth so Whose Child?. Hint" It isn't Nazi Governator Arnold's who had UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim stand up at his wedding and whose revelation of marital infidelity is nothing but a well timed distraction.  #1 meltdown Mar 11, #2 Mar 15, #3 with MOX Plutonium Fuel Mar 16; Mar 11 (International Date Line is between Hawaii and Japan) was the first full day of Lent (40 days weeping for Tammuz the Babylonian "Divine Child"; Babylon="Gate of Marduk"; Bohemian Grove is a Marduk Ritual) started. Oppenheimer's (Soviet Spy/Ambassador) Babies were Little Boy (Uranium) and Fat Man (Plutonium is Man's first created fissionable material); at the annual Bohemian Grove Ritual Edward Teller's Babies (Hydrogen Fusion) would be unveiled. Forming Helium "He" was a far bigger deal for Teller because it Evolved/Created matter up the Periodic Table rather than down; the power of the Sun is also the biblical monicker of God "He" means "God is with me". Alchemy is turning Lead to Gold and Man to God; harnessing Nuclear Fusion had turned Man into God whose modified "Golden Rule" reads "He who has the Gold makes the rules". Knights Templar and Sufi Assassins are the real "Gold Kings" (Rothschilds are their Edomite stooges). Templar assets were transferred 700 years ago to Knights Hospitaller aka Military Order of Malta and Rhodes or Knights of St John the Divine. Their cathedral is in NYC Upper West Side; depicted in a statue in front is St George slaying the Dragon in Cancer (June 21-July 21); the question is what year? "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; the Laurel Wreath is a symnbol of Dionysus/Bacchus the Templar "Green Man". Teller's Baby "He" is the Cathar "Pearl of Great Price" (Pearls form from Sand irritation; Cathars=Hellenes "People of small stones"), born at Pearl Harbor with FDR as attending physician (Stooge) In addition, the "Golden Calf" was born called the IMF and World Bank and America gave it a Dowry of $103 Million Oz of Gold by agreement of the Traitors at the Bretton Woods, Mt Washington Hotel in NH. The meeting occurred during the 3 weeks prior to the annual Bohemian Grove Ritual of 1944 thus 1944 was a Pledge and Sacrifice exactly 700 years after Cathars were executed at Montsegur "Field of the Burned"; retribution came on the Normandie Beaches as Traitors met on Mt Washington. Gold was pegged to the $US Dollar which became the world's "Reserve Currency"; essentially the Jenga Block of the World Pyramid. At next year's Yalta Conference, Communist Russia was given 12 time zones of land to develop Nikola Tesla's EM Weapons (Gen Patton was murdred for going against the plan). Gold stayed at $35/Oz until 1971; Nixon was forced to pay for the Vietnam War (Spelly's War=NY Cardinal Francis Spellman) with Gold which vastly inflated the $US in relation to Gold reserves; Ron Paul (Ron is a Lambda Chi Alpha Lodge Brother) is correct, there is very little gold in Ft Knox (John Knox=Presbyterian Calvinist=Assyrian "Tartan"); all Debt to the IMF is financed with Gold. Foreign Reserve Gold was transferred to the IMF from WTC #4 & 5 leading up to 9/11/2001. The IMF/World Bank had the Gold and in 1971 Gold went from $35/Oz to $44 then in 1972 to $70 and today $1500/Oz but only in relation to the $US; outside that comparison Gold has very little value; it is essentially a Phoenician creation; Gold traded for Purple Robes of Royalty. Folks, the Purple Rain is coming full circle. Read Rev 18 and you will see the Masonic (Masons=Hellenes) plan for America is 216 years old (11th Amendment protects States Rights against Federal and Foreign Governments 1795; 216 is the premiere number in Geodesy and Pythagorean Geometry being the Cube of 6, the sum of the Cubes in a Pythagorean "mr" Triangle and the number associated with Earth Axis Precession (God's Clock); occultists know quite well of Obama means "He is with us" in Persian and his claimed birth on Aug 4=216th day in Oahu=21.60). To be clear here America is not "Babylon" of Rev 18 nor is the Roman Catholic Church "MYSTERY, BABYLON..." of Rev 17, nor is the Messiah that will be revealed out of this planned "Chaos" Jesus Christ of Rev 19. This is simply the "Prestige"; the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick; like Jacob did in Gen 32, you and I can wrestle with God all we want, but in the end we have 2 choices; serve Him or reject Him in favor of Sovereignty. Choose wisely! 33Masons chose wrong. On Sunday, 33Bohemian Grove Mason Newt Gingrich proclaimed on Meet the Press "Every man is Sovereign" Wrong Newt! Can you see why the "Why are we here?" meeting of Astro-physicists in London is going on now? "Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened it was planned" -FDR
May 17 Never mind there are 4 days until Rapture and Judgment Day (Harold Camping like Tim LaHaye are of course liars); never mind Congress is pushing S-679 into law creating a nuclear armed dictatorship, freezing Iranian assets, and expanding the 1973 War Powers Act, so perpetual war, enhanced interrogation "Torture",  extraordinary rendition and perpetual incarceration will solely be at presidential discretion (whew! good thing he was born here eh?); never mind 3 million acres of intentionally flooded farm land is destroying US food supply; never mind 3 reactors in Japan, 1 with MOX Plutonium have melted into perpetual fission that is drifting straight over the US; the 2 big news items are 1. The multi-billion AMS "Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer" aboard Space Shuttle "Endeavour" will finally prove Dark Matter fills the Universe. After the SSI (Superconducting Super Collider) was cancelled, leaving a $12Billion Black Hole in TX, AMS will prove the Universe was created by the Big Bang. that's right folks, God wrote it down wrong in Genesis (NOT!), it seems Neutrinos, the hypothetical, unproven particle that keeps Earth's Core melted (a lie of course; it's not melted, but surrounded by Water) is made of pairs of Majorana Fermions "Quasi-particles" called BINOS, WINOS and GAUGINOS each having + and - charge, called what else? "Chargeinos" (this is why $Billions are being Charged to US taxpayers for this by Dominic Strauss-Kahn at the IMF; to pay for his rape and sodomy defense I'm sure); Anti-matter and Matter collided, and it seems Dark Matter has won. Anti-neutrinos "Neutralinos" seem to have received all the missing decayed matter in the Universe. I concur, there seem to be more morally decayed Satanists running the world all the time and they all seem to make deposits in Switzerland. It seems the Higgs Boson "God Particle" has a Superpartner partner (Satan wishes!) called a Neutralino aka "Higgsino" (this is why CERN "Large Hadron Collider" is in Switzerland of course; they are neutral after all; wealthy with the IMF, but neutral). The God Particle collided with its anti-neutralino "Strangelet" and it seems Satan "Dark Lord" will win (NOT!). It is the Endeavour (Conscientious effort toward a goal) of men like Stephen Hawking and Richard Dawkins, meeting today in London who believe "Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the Dark". Why be afraid of the Dark? On Day 1 God "Alpha" created Light and divided light from darkness; He created this "Light" at Evening not Morning folks! You and I cannot stop this orgy of spending and destruction but you and I can ask Jesus Christ "Alpha" for the "Light" He created on Day 1; it's called the "Holy Spirit" not Hypothetical Strangelet Higgsinos; the latter costs $ Billions; the former is Free for the asking!
    2. The other big news today (for me anyway) is the Terminator's Love Child; Just kidding! Gliese 581d is a planet merely 120 Trillion miles from Earth with conditions that are just right for life. It seems 581g was last years darling but was found to be an abberation of star light, but folks, pack your bags for 581d! The travel brochure boasts a 100% C0atmosphere, oceans, 2-7X Earth Gravity and rainfall with one side always facing its Star Gliese 581. If you are a dense plant this is the place for you with constant sunlight and all the C0one could want; on the dark side you can even be a a Mushroom King; kept in the Dark and fed BS! The best part it will only take 300,000 years constantly accelerating and decelerating to get there; not sure how its Big Bang speed of light velocity works though; according to Einstein your density will increase to infinity, of course one would have to be pretty dense to believe this nonesense anyway!   

May 16 "Heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark...everything stops at death"-Stephen Hawking "A Unified Theory would be man's untimate triumph of reason...we can know the mind of God"-Stephen Hawking in "Brief History of Time" Why the about face Stevie? "There is no God...enjoy life" Richard Dawkins, atheist/humanist and author of "God Delusion" "Devil's Chaplain" "Greatest show on earth: Evidence for Evolution" and others is affectionately called Darwin's Rottweiler. Both of these lying Gnostics are in London today for the Google Zeitgeist "Why are we here" meeting. At Rm 322 "Sanctum Sanctorium" initiates of Yale's Skull & Bones Society are shown 2 skeletons and asked "Who was the fool, who was the wise man, beggar o king. Rich or poor, all are the same in death" Hey boys, tell that to Jesus Christ when you meet Him for Judgment and tell those guys at CERN to stop claiming they have proof of the "God Particle".

May 15 "
Unlawful Killing": Princess Diana (Spencer is related to Stuart) and Dodi Fayed murder. Te Fayed family claims relation to Edomite King Herod; Harrod's is hidden in plain sight. Ultimately the family "Tree" grows from the cesspool beginning with the Amalekite/Canaanite foreign shepherd kings of Egypt "Hyksos"; the Priests of On (Osiris) and the rebellious Korahite Priesthood of Saudi Arabia which originated during 40 years wandering in Arabia (1492-1452 BC); God's punishment for disbelief is that we are still dealing with this today in Israel. Diana was murdered in Merovingian ritual at the 13th pillar of the Pont d' Alma Tunnel and Muhammad Fayed's movie has no interest in truth (he atttended the wedding of Willia and Kate), his long time business partner is Saudi Arabian arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi of Iran-Contra fame. Diana left her Seed; first born Cathar/Stuart Prince William, married by Confarratio Ritual "Green Language" on St Catharine of Sienne's day (Grey Friar nuns sat next to Kate) under Augur and Druid Priest Rowan Williams. Their partner is Rev Oliver North and his movie on the killing of bin Laden is also a cesspool of BS; "Operation Geronimo" was a staged drama and the flight of birds "Augury" used to foretell the outcome of War was a crashed Apache (Geronimo's skull is or was used in Skull & Bones rituals by Prescott Bush). Why now? According to liar Harold Camping the earth is 13,000 years old and must be judged on May 21, 2011; his billboards are in most every city now proclaiming "Rapture" on that day; Rapture is not in scripture! #115 on William's Lowland Scot regiment patch represents April 25 "Robigalia", the Sabine (Sabines=Pelasgians=Hyksos=Cretians="Liars, evil beasts, slow bellies" Titus 1:12) god of Wheat Rust; the engineered Mississippi Flooding and Fukushima (Emperor Akihito and William are Order of the Garter Knights) radiation is the source of Wheat Rust at least in Japan, Western Canada and the US; not coincidentally April 25, 1967 was the day in America "Abortion" became legalized (Diana and Dodi may have been pregnant; their child aborted; sacrificed as the calf of the Red Heifer---Just a guess). Gen 4:25 God appointed Seth to replace Abel, killed by Cain; thus "Robigo" is the occult/Sabine version. 115 and 511 also hides 7/7, the date July 7, 2005 of the planned London Subway bombing as was Flt #77 hitting the 77ft tall Pentagon, a 5 pt Star like William's Goat Logo on the 77th Longitude as measured from London's Prime Meridian. 77 originates in Gen 4:24 "If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold" (Adam's 7th descendant by Cain); 7/7/2005 also hides 777 the age Noah's father Lamech (Seth's 7th descendant) was when he died. A quick recap of lies may be in order: 1. bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 or Al Qaeda, the Arabian "Solid Foundation" came from a 1966 speech by Wahhabist Sunni philosopher and Stanford University professor Sayyid Qutb; "Sayyid" also claims to descend from Muhammad and King Herod. 2. Christmas Bomber Farouk Abdulmutallib shares the name of Muhammad's grandfather and could not ignite PETN with a match; L-3 Communications, ther lobbyist Michael "Son of the Devil" Chertoff and UN lobbyist/Homeland Security Chief Janet Napolitano are raking in billlions on this. The goal? S-679 will become law ending the US Constitution and creating a Foreign controlled dictatorship. When? My guess is in response to people "Left Behind" from Harold Camping's "Rapture"; left in the wake of Edward Teller's Baby "Plutonium" which has now melted through it's containment vessel (Womb) laced wth Salt. Salt Water was initially used to cool the reactor; intentional bad move as the Salt is now radioactive with the most toxic man-made substance on earth; Salt is the Assyrian name for "Prince"; ever heard Prince sing "Purple Rain"? Look at the radiation map above. TEPCO is now delaying the inevitible by pumping in Borax (Neutron absorber) laced water (using the coolant pumps that supposedly caused this disaster in the first place; also a Lie). I'll try to expand on this in an article but for now Head for your "Prayer Closet" and establish a personal covenant with Jesus Christ. It's nearing midnight in this "Cinderella" Story (Note: The photos floating around the internet were photoshopped to match the Royal Wedding colors) Why? Cinderella comes from an 8th century Chinese folk tale; the 1697 version "Cendrillon" and the Scottish verson "Rushin Coatie" comes from "Scullion Asche Brodeln" (To Bubble up or Brew); there is definitely something brewing alright! The King (William will soon be King of Jerusalem according to their twisted logic) kills the Red Calf who returns at Yuletide (<

Aphrodite, Venus, Hathor, Athyr. Protectress of women, wife of Horus and as Aythr "King Arthur". Presiding at women's toilets (no I'm not trying to be funny; the utter contempt these people have is unbelievable); Al Qaeda also means "Foreign Toilet"; the US has made a toilet of the Middle East using Depleted Uranium and Japan is returning the favor. Aythr=Arth=Big Dipper=Branch; Revolutionary War, Civil War, Warwaw Ghetto, Waco, AP Murrah Bldg, Deepwater Horizon. Hathor is the "Goddess of Intoxication"; the description of the Whore of Babylon riding the Beast. Goddess of the Sistrum; HAARP uses similar vibrations of the ionosphere/atmosphere to create Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanic eruptions. As the "Good Cow" she emerged from the Libyan Mountain (Obama, Biden, Boehner began the Libyan war Un-constitutionaly; Hillary is next in line). Venus' Solar Cycle/Earth's is the "Ratio of Life" aka "Golden Mean" and forms the 5pt Star "Pentacle", the premiere symbol of Witchcraft (Hillary is a Wiccan). She is "Mistress of Punt"; Obama was born in Punt (Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Somalia, Kenya, Yemen, Asir Highlands); Michelle is also related to Priests of Ameru (fake Dannite Priests claming relation to Solomon and the Queen of Sheba who play a literal shell game with the Ark of the Covenant; Taharqha was the Ethiopian Pharoah of Egypt when the Assyrian King Sargon II took Israel captive; he is depicted as a young boy being mauled by a Lioness on Assyrian Steles. Make no mistake, Ameru Can is being taken captive by a foreigner today as Israel was 2700 years ago.
     Strange enough? The Illuminati Card Game has Card #242 "Nobel Peace Prize", #243 "Nuclear Disaster", #244 "Nuclear Weapons". Now how does Obama bowing to Shinto Emperor (Chief Priest of Amaterasu=Aphrodite) Akihito just before winning the Nobel Peace Prize look? Greeks called Aphrodite "Nike" the Goddess of Victory; what kind? Nicolaitane victory (Nico=Nike=Conquer; Laitane=Laity=Uninitiated from within ie Traitors).
     Need stranger? Obama also bowed to Saudi King Abdullah; the first Saudi State in 1800 was the Asir Highlands in SW Arabia; claimed descendants of Hagar, Abraham and Ishmael aka Hashemites "Clan of Hashim" as is the ruling dynasty in Jordan; Hashemite means "Pulverizer". They claim to be the Legitimate by birthright priesthood of Moses's sister Miriam and Korah "Quyrash Bedouins" of Mecca. (God installed Aaron and his sons, period!). Muhammad's grandfather Abd al-Muttalib you may recall was the name of the infamous Christmas Bomber Abdul Muttallib. Like I said, the contempt of these liars knows no bounds.
      Stranger than that? Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire 700 years ago Cathars say the "Laurel grows green every 700 years"; Tim Osman is Osama bin Laden; Al Qaeda was taken from a speech by Ibn Sayyid (Sayyid meand literal descendant of Muhammad) Qutb means "Foreign Toilet" (April of Aries presides over women's toilets); Othman I was the first Ottoman (Ottoman=Pertaining to Othman I) Sultan of Africa ruling from Nigeria; the UN chose Mazlan Othman as its 1st Alien Ambassador. All this started with Muhammad'sgrandfather Abd al-Mutallib; who would have thought the Nigerian Christmas Bomber could be Abdul Mutallib? I'll say it again; these people are Liars who regard us (Born Again Christians) as "Sheep for the Slaughter".
     America's role is to be falsely declared "Babylon" of Rev 18 and the Roman Catholic Church falsely declared "MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GRAT..." in order that a one world leader (Krishna, Mahdi, Buddha, Christ) can emerge in false fulfillment of Rev 19; "Mark of the Beast" replacing "Wedding of the Lamb". A playbook can be found in Judges 4-5 "Canaanite Servitude"; Barak played by Barak; Deborah=Chaldean Bee or Word played by Hillary; as the Nail (V Sign=Sign of Shin=Nail) was hammered into the Canaanite King Sisera's Temple; a Nail will be hammered into America's Gedesy Temple (Geographc Center) in Kansas (Kansas=Kennite) on the New Madrid Fault. Canaanites and Ishmaelites have never forgotton what Israel's 6th Judge Gideon did (Judges 6-8) and Obama is indeed an Ishmaelite many Druze and Bahai claim to be related to Korah and Muhammad.
    If the Black Horse does indeed collapse the world economy 12/21/2011 as and 10 sister sites claim and the world looks like; America's "Nail" will be this year. It will be a lot easier to accept Jesus Christ now rather than hoping I'm wrong. Japan's Rising Sun Logo is also Obama's Masonically designed Logo rising out of the Red and White Stripes. It may not be easy, but Jesus said it would be worth it. Earth will be 5996 1/2 years on 12/21/2012 as best I can discern and Jesus is not slack concerning His promise about the 6000 year point (2 Pet 3:8), nor about rolling Heaven as a scroll 3 1/2 years before that.
Dates: April 1 "All Fool' Day" aka "Assyrian New Year", "Veneralia", "Loki's Day"; April 4 "Megalesia" (Cybele aka Magna Mater), April 6 Tartan Day (Tartan is the Assyrian Army commander) April 15 "Fordicidia" (Sabine Ritual; sacrifice of 2 souls via a pregnant Heifer. April 19 "Cerealia" (Ceres=Core "Grain Goddess"; Revolutionary War, Warsaw Ghetto Fire, Waco Branch Davdians, AP Murrah Bldg); April 19 and May 1 "Vinalia" (Wine) "Passover Begins"; April 21 "Parilia" (Birth of Rome; Pales=Feminine form of Jupiter; Palatine Hill); April 22 "Earth Day" (Deepwater Horizon) and Festival of Ishtar; April 24 "Easter" (Ishtar/Astarte), April 25 "Robigalia" (Flamen Quirinus=Sabine version of Mars god of War); April 29 "Conferreatio" (Royal Wedding); April 30 "Walpurgisnacht"; May 1 "Beltane" (Baal's Birth)

Walpurgisnacht St Walpurga brought English "Christianity" to the Franks in Charlemagne's Day; already claiming physical descent from Jesus and Mary Magdalene (A Lie of course)  her  Cannonization Day has more to do with Witches making their pact with the Devil as immortalized in Goethe's Faust. Faust is a name meaning "Auspicious or Lucky"; like all good Rosicrucians, merely a pseudonym like Rosicrician founder "Christian Rosenkreutz" featured in the "Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz" (Same Red Cross worn by Order of the Garter Prince William) or the mystery architect of the Georgia Guidestones by that name who boldly called for eliminating 5/6th of humanity 32 years ago. The British Empire under Queen Elizabeth I was founded by Rosicrucian alchemist John Dee; WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution was influenced by Rosicrucian mystic Rasputin and WWII by FDR's Rosicrucian advisor Nicholas Roerick. Since antiquity, Witches meet on Brocken Mountain in Bohemia to witness the Brocken Spectre, a solar shadow in a circular Rainbow formed in the fog; no big mystery, it has to do with light refraction. The British Empire is based on Birthright stemming from Ishmael and Esau; WWIII is described in Dan 8; Iran=Mede Persian Ram versus Grecian Goat. While Catharine Elizabeth was set up to become QEIII yesterday a UN vote on Syrian sanctions took place and the Brooking's Insitute who put out the document "Which path to Persia" in 2009 put out "In Syria, Assad must exit the stage"; Syria is the last piece in the puzzle (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Morocco, Sudan, Syria) set out by NED (National Endowment for Democracy). Can you see why America is spreading "Democracy" now? Daniel fainted when he learned of this war because "Daily Sacrifice"has noting to do with animals; as Queen Mum and her husband Phillip would say it's the Commoners. Who but him would want to be reincarnated as a killer virus? On Walpurgisnacht 66 years ago Hitler ended the War in Europe (faked Suicide with Eva Braun) to make way for his Brotherhood of Death partner Joseph Stalin who had already planned lavish Red Square May Day parades to honor Baal on his Birhday "Beltane" May 1. The playbook was written by Albert Pike; WWIII will be Zionism against Islam. The stage is set and the occult have made their choice of Baal; Is your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? To find out, As Him! 

April 29 St Catherine of Sienne, a Dominican Third Order "Black Friar" has her feast day on April 29 just like Catherine Elizabeth and William Arthur Philip Louie who claims his descent from Norman King William the Conquerer of "Battle of Hastings" fame and the Plantaganet Dynasty founded by Edward III. Dominicans in France started the French Revolution as "Jacobins"; remember them?Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, a Druid Priest officiated wearing a gold and red Mitre of Dagan making serial adulterer King Henry VIII proud. King James I "Nothing is more powerful than the bible in the hand of the common man"; sorry James, a Revised Version was used for the scripture reading. Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer was used because it omits the last stanza "For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen" used in Mat 6:9. This is not an error, Luke is the physician, occultists equate with Josephus who gives credence to Gnostic scriptures such as the "Gospel of Q". It's not God's Kingdom British (B'Rith=Birthright) Royals want but their own Kingdom on Earth. If not God getting the glory, who? "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore  ye ignorantly worship...Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands" Acts 17:23. My how times have changed! Vatican banker Roberto Calvi was hanged under the Black Friar Bridge, now a symbolic wedding of the Anglican and Catholic Church on Catharine's Day.

     April 28 Endeavour: To put in Dever. Pains taken to attain an object. Dever=Duty; Latin "Debere" means "Owe a Debt"; an accounting Debit must be balanced by a Credit ie "Bad" and "Good" works balanced. Jesus is clear no amount of works will ever be good enough; He made Atonement of Sin and forgives all Debt with His body and blood; what about those who do not accept this gift? Fordicidia (April 15) is Tax Day; Tax means Burden; on this day the REAL Space Act "Back to the Moon" Bill was introduced. Real means Genuine, actually existing, no-nonsense. My Gravity and NASA articles go into more detail but Solar Radiation (Occult counterfeit o the Glory of the LORD) is deadly and it's concentrated in the Van Allen Belts; for this reason an abnormally high percentage of 33Freemasons (Kleinknecht, Aldrin, Armstrong, Schirra etc) made the claim; the lied as all Masons aretrained and bound by oath to do. Endeavour's final flight is coincident with the Royal Order of the Garter Wedding. "Shame be to him who thinks ill (or evil) of this" is the Order's Motto. If Queen Elizabeth II declaring herself "Queen of Jerusalem" and her husband Prince Phillip stating he would like to be reincarnated as a Killer virus isn't evil what is? 

April 27 William is the 1000th "Order of the Garter" Knight; his name means Will+Helmet "Will to Cover or Hide"; Cap of Cybele usually worn under the Helmet is the goddess all Knights serve. Garter is a Witch's Belt and Devil's Badge. Kate=Katherine=Cathar meaning "Pure or Purgation" (Discharge of pent up emotion). William and Kate represent a joining of Anglo-Saxon- Norman stemming from a foundation of lies. Jacob's Pillow is the so-called "Stone of Destiny", brought to Tara Hill, Ireland by Jeremiah wth King Zedekiah's daughter Tea Tephi as "Lia Fail" This never happened, nor do Irish kings have any connection to the last King of Jerusalem Zedekiah who "Did Evil in sight of the Lord". The Stone was then taken to Westminister Abbey to crown English monarchs from Edward I "Longshanks" onward; then taken to Edinburgh, Scotland in 1996. The idea is preposterous and not supported biblically in the slightest, nor is Queen Elizabeth I claim to be "Queen of Jerusalem". However, this wedding to the occult is a symbolic step in restoring a Stuart (Spencer) to the throne. Purgation means Spiritual Renewal; unfortunately this renewal comes at the expense of commoners.
Robigalia, April 25. Robigo is a Sabine god (Sabines, Latins, Etruscans joined to form Rome) Red Sheep and Dogs are sacrificed to appease this god of wheat rust. Red Sheep are known to Shepherds as Scapegoats becasue sheep are color blind. Dogs are Sheep Dogs used by Shepherds to keep the flock together; no dogs, wolves make easy prey of sheep. Paul reminded us we are in a Spiritual War; Robigalia is presided over by the Flamen Quirinalus aka Sabine god of War.  Mar 20 was the Full Moon start of the Libyan War, Purim (Edomite Revenge of Marduk), Nowruz (Zoroastrian "New Light") which makes April 24th the latest possible date for Easter (pregnancy of Ishtar with Tammuz). What coincidence on Robigalia (April 25=115th day on Gregorian Calendar) the "God Particle" would be discovered and have a mass of 115GeV/c2 An internal leaked (aren't they always "leaked"?) from Columbia U in New York on Peter Woit's ATLAS "Not Even Wrong" proves this; oddly the 115th Regiment of Foot is Prince William's Scottish Lowlander Regiment (Jacobites were Scottish Higlanders); the logo is 115 on either side of the Goat of Mendes (Goat of Mendes=Baphomet=Scapegoat=Azazel=Satan; Lev 16:8 "Scapegoat" (Jesus Christ) is canged to Azazel (Satan) in new bible versions for this reason). Peter, I'll cut to the chase and declare you an idiot NWO shill. Atlas was the Titan, son of Aether and Gaia; Aether means "Bright, Glowing, Space"; idiots like Peter call Space, Dark Matter or Anti-matter; Gaia being the Earth Mother aka Tellus like the Tellus Mound at Glastonbury Tor where King Arthur is buried under the Aquarian Cross. Traditionally, Red Sheep and Dogs are sacrificed on Robigalia to appease Robigus a male and female god of wheat rust. Garter is the Witch's Belt and Devil's Badge; William like Charles are Order of the Garter; it's no coincdence Shinto Emperor Hirohito's son Akihito Hirohito is also in the Order of the Garter; Fukushhima is causing quite a lot of wheat rust these days which is why Obama bowed to him in 2009. The Korean War ended in Armistice (Temporary cessation of hostilities) on the 38th parallel where the Scalar EM energy induced the Sendei earthquake and tsunami; it's no coincidence fake Baptist, 33Luciferian Freemason Jimmy Carter and his group of "Planetary Elders" are traveing to Korea today.  Not Even Wrong; oh you are wrong alright, but the hidden meaning here is New York where Columbia U is located. The Order of the Garter began with King Edward III; Black Death, 100 years war and War of the Roses followed this Plantagenet Lancaster "Red Rose" and York "White Rose" feud. Columbia is Lady Liberty facing East toward York in New York holding the torch, lighting the way for her exiled mate Lucifer. If you haven't accepted the true light of Jesus Christ, now would be a great time to do so. Occult communication is a lot like learning a foreign language; as Confucius said "Signs and symbols rule the world not words or laws".

Easter God ordained 7 Feasts described in Lev 23. The Spring Feasts: Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits and Pentecost "Weeks" represent the Crucifixion, Burial of sinless God (end of the Old Covenant with the birth of John the Baptist), remission of Sin for the everyone on Earth recognizing Jesus as God in Flesh, Resurrection (Victory over Death) and start of the New Covenant (Descent of the Holy Ghost to Man), respectively. Purim, Lent and Easter are man-made Satanic copies representing blame and sacrifice a suitable Scapegoat, 40 days lamenting Tammuz/Adonis and the annual pregnancy of Ishtar on "Solis Dies" with Tammuz/Adonis by the Sun. The fall feasts: Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles represent the birth, physical (old covenant); spiritual circumcision (new covenant) and indwelling of the Glory of God (Mary as New Covenant Temple, replaced by Jesus Christ as new Covenant Tabernacle ie God in flesh). Rosh Hashanah as New Year, Yom Kippur, Booths (Succoth-benoth is the Babylonian Booth of Daughters in 2 Kings 17:30), Hanukkah and Christmas are man-made Satanic copies. Time to Wake Up people! If your goal is a relationship with God, stop celebrating Rabbits (Idol of Anammelech) laying colored eggs on Solis Dies.

Parilia, St George Day 
Pales Unisex god/goddess of Gypsies, purifier of Shepherds and Flocks; in 783BC Romulus marked Rome's boundary. Roma/Romani ie Gypsies originated in India; Aegyptus is Greek for Egyptian ie Gypsy. Orthodox/Pentecostal/Presbyterian/Methodist "Christians", Saracen "Muslims", Kabbalist "Jews"? Anything anybody thinks they want, publically accepting religions and laws of the nations they reside in; privately Pagans without laws. Parilia "Ascension of the Christ of the Gypsies", an ass headed effigy in cloth with a man's right shoe, women's left shoe, shepherd's crook in the middle. Ashes of the Fordicidia Cow mixed with Laurel (Cathars say every 700 years the Laurel grows green; 1244 and 1311 were big persecutions of Cathars/Templars), and Millet added to the Bonfire; the Priest "Flamen Quirinalus" (Quirinalus=Sabine/Romani god of War) pssing through the fire with his sheep 3 times. So, Purification and Fire: At least 3 Reactors including the MOX Fuel Reactor #3 at Fukushima are in full meltdown; radiation including thyroid destroying Iodine 131 is blanketing the US; the young will be affected worst; be careful with babies driinking the Fordicidia Cow's milk (I'm not trying to be humorous). Fire: 1 million acres in TX-OK are ablaze.
A quick review of Gypsy/Bohemian humor: On Mar 19 "Festival of Anna Perenna" at the Full Moon "Ides of March" the Libyan War started; Anna Perenna is the sister of Dido the Phoenician Queen of Carthage; Hannibal and Hamilcar Barca (Barca=Barack=Lightning) launched the Punic Wars there; funny isn't it? Darth Vader was even born and taken from his mother to be a Jedi (Djed Pilar=Egyptian Surveying Transit). Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallib tried to set PETN (Nitro Penta) on fire; Abdul Mutallib is Muhammad's grandfather; Laughing yet? UN Alien Ambassador is Mazlan Othman; Ottoman means "Pertaining to Othman" the first Ottoman Sultan of Punt/Nigeria; Mothman Prophecy anyone? Laughing yet? The Ottoman  began with Gypsies in Ashkabad under Osman I; Tim Osman is Osama bin Laden. Think Jesus is laughing at being portrayed as as an ass headed bi-sexual? Uh no. Tomorrow is the Gypsy Festival of Ishtar aka Earth Day aka Good Friday. I strongly suggest you research the Pagan origin of Easter before Sunday; tell your priest you've had enough Gypsy BS!
Weed Day 
"He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man; The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world" Mat 13:37-40 Easter=Tare=False Grain; Passover=Good Seed=Wheat
Phoenicians called Easter "Our Lady of the Sea" or "Asherat". Asherah "Groves" were set up on Sol Invictus "Christmas" to celebrate the annual re-birth of "Sol" 3 1/2 days after Winter Solstice. According to biblical law, a woman is unclean 6 weeks after childbirth, celebrated as Imbolg "In the Belly" on Feb 2. In Rome, mates were chosen on the Ides of February "Valentine's Day".
   Easter is First Light, Sunday following the New Moon nearest Vernal Equinox; Passover is always fixed 14 days after the New Moon following Spring Equinox at Eventide; they have nothing to do with each other differing by up to 21 days.
   Easter goes by names such as Ishtar, Astoreth, Astarte or Eostre all meaning "Star". Isis, Cybele "Magna Mater", Atargatis, Brahma, Hathor or Inanna are others. The planet Venus forms a 5 pt Star around the Sun over 5 Vesus and 8 Earth Years; 8/5=Golden Mean. Anammelech, the Sepharvite and Assyrian goddess is symbolized by the Easter Rabbit described in 2 Kings17:30. 
    Subtracting Easter Week and 40 days of Lent, the new year celebration begins with Carnivale aka Madi Gras meaning "Fat Tuesday" or "Mars Day". Mars was worshipped as the "UNKNOWN GOD" in the Areopagus on Mars' Hill. Make no mistake here, a Spiritual War is going on with our Souls in the balance so choose carefully!
    Lent "Spring" begins Ash Wednesday; the "T" being a symbol of the Babylonian Divine Child "Tammuz"; 40 days of abusing a Straw Man effigy dressed in rags called "Jack O Lent" ends on Palm Sunday, the day Jesus was proclaimed King of Jerusalem "Melchisedek" on the Mt of Olives and rode through the East Gate on a donkey as a symbol of Peace where He overthrew the Money Changers Tables at Herod's Temple.  
    Passover occurred at Eventide "Ninth Hour" with the words "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" and Jesus' body was ressurected 3 1/2 days later on First Fruits, 17 Nisan, at First Light.
    There are not 3 1/2 days from Eventide on Good Friday to First Light on Easter Sunday, nor do Rabbits lay colored Eggs. Feeling a little Sheepish? You should be. The next time Jesus presents Himself will be on a White Horse with 7 Vials of Wrath symbolizing War. Now take another look at the Wheat and Tares; Easter is the noxious Weed.

Cerealia Foxes with flaming tails released into Circus Maximus in honor of the Roman Ceres, Greek Core as "Grain Goddess". Her statue made of Cereal boxes was recently installed in the San Francisco Airport. Korn means Grain; Kern, Car (as in automobile) or Cairn means Enclosure; Arch Druid rtuals involved 3 days in Arks "Cair Sidi". Saudis slashed oil production today in order to drive up prices. There are hundreds of years worth of oil in ANWR, Gulf of Mexico and the Bakken Formation; why the charade? Saudis as all Arab led nations oppose Israel; not physical Israel which is "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8 but people in spiritual covenant with God; ie those people grafted on to Jacob. Core is aname derived from Korah, the rival priesthood to Moses and Aaron which developed during 40 years wandering in, you guessed it Saudi Arabia (Gal 4:24). Is Israel a Jewish nation? No it's Arab. Is America a Christian nation? No it's Arab. So, why Foxes with flaming tails? Jesus called Herod an "Fox"; he was Edomite just like Korah. Kohath means "To ally oneself"; we can ally ourselves with fake Levite Priesthood of Korah, the Arabs, Israel's Samaritan Cohen/Levi Priests, physical Jerusalem, Sharia Law, the 3rd Temple, Antichrist and Esau's "Dominion" (Gen 27:40) or we can ally ourselves with Jacob, through spiritual covenant with Jesus Christ, the true King of Jerusalem (Gal 4:26). Ever seen a Fire Sale? F=6th letter; O=15th letter; X=23rd letter. Fox means "Cunning Person". Hitler's used flame throwers and the ATF used flamethrowers at Waco on April 19 for a reason. FOX forms a 666, the number of the man who will soon sit in the 3rd Temple; Rev 6 describes the 7 Seals (I believe we are about at the 2nd-3rd Seal now), Rev 15 describes the 7 Vials of God's Wrath (occultists will attempt to duplicate these); Rev 23 is the Chapter occultists have written in addition to Jesus' testimony FOX (6+15+23=44)also adds to 44 and Obama is our 44th President. His claimed birthdate Aug 4 is day #216 which is 6 X 6 X 6 as well as 3+ 4+53=666. 2160 is the number associated with Earth Axis Precession, Pythagorean "Sacred" Geometry and Kaballah "Mr Akh Bah". A bit too coincidental isn't it? Is Obama Antichrist? Absolutely not, but a Scapegoat Antichrist planned long ago for this role? I feel very likely. America is to be a Scapegoat  for Babylon in Rev 18, a Phoenix rising out of its own ashes. Natural Gas fed wild fires are raging across Texas and the Midwest on Cerealia for a reason. Charles Manson released a cryptic message on Fordicidia (Sacrifice of a pregnant Heifer) in spanish "La Hierba Mala No Muere" "Weeds never Die"; in 1969 Manson killed 8 months pregnant Sharon Tate, girlfriend of Roman Polanski who filmed Rosemary's Baby the previous year. The Eagles song Hotel California referred to the killing "We haven't had that spirit here since 1969"; that summer Masons Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong exclaimed "The Eagle has Landed". April 20 is "Weed Day", the 1 yr anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon fire; think Corexit weed killer was used by coincidence? Guess again. Got Jesus yet? Get Him.
4/18 Royal Society founded in London 1660 meeting to take "Control over planetary weather". University of Nairobi professor Richard Odingo, a Nobel Peace Prize recipient with Internet Inventer/Global Warming Liar Al Gore and Barack Obama "Experimenting with the atmosphere, and literally playing God is very tempting to a scientist". Obama brother Abongo "Roy" Odingo is a Luo Tribe activist in Kenya promoting Sharia Law; Raila Odingo is PM of Kenya, famous for proclaiming Sharia Law as supreme law of the Quran, making grade schools Madrassa Schools such as the Indonesian schools which trained his cousin Barack Obama and burning Christians alive inside churches. University of Nairobi alumni are famous: Kofi Annan stole $12 Billion in Iraq's "Oil for Food" program, Richard Odingo who enjoys playing God with weather is part of the UN "Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change", and ex-PM Mwai Kikuyu vied for power with the Luo Tribe. The Royal Society of London is a whose who of Satanism: Ape Man Charles Darwin, Gravity Theory/Rosicrucian Isaac Newton, Relativity Theory/Zionist Albert Einstein, String Theory/Alien proponent Stephen Hawking, "God is Dead" Author Richard Dawkins, Hell Fire Club member Ben Franklin, Druid initiate Winston Churchill, Communist Spy/Soviet Ambassador "I have become Death, the destroyer of world's" J Robert Oppenheimer and Kabbalist Scientists Richard Feynman and Wolfgang Pauli who correctly predicted his death in Room #137 called the "DNA of Light". How do these "God Men control weather? There is a 50 Volt/Ft electric potential (Battery) between the Earth and Ionosphere; they are not geniuses; they are Satanists bent on destoying everything created by God. Don't believe me? Ask God to explain it to you. He is waiting or your toll free call. You may want to do this before tomorrow; April 19 is a big day for Revolutions (April 19, 1775), Warsaw Ghetto (April 19, 1944), Waco (April 19, 1993), AP Murrah Bldg (April 19, 1995). Why this date? 13 days to Beltane is Cerealia; Ceres time to harvest the Grain folks and we're it.  
Palm Sunday aka Yew or Branch Sunday. Mat 21, Mark 11, Luke 19, John 12 describe Jesus starting out on the Mt of Olives where Glory of the LORD had departed in Eze 8 because of abominable acts being done on the altar and women on the porch weeping for Tammuz (Tammuz is Dumuzi Apsu "Lord of the Sweet Water" aka "Divine Child"). Riding an ass portrays Peace; riding a horse portrays war; the next time Jesus comes will be on a White Horse. Jack O' Lent is a Straw Man Effigy brought out on Ash Wednesday and pelted with muck and stones 40 days before being burned on Palm Sunday. Jack O' Lent is portrayed as a Gaunt, Nobody, Simpleton, Puppet, Dwarf, Dressed in Rags, misused 40 days and burned on a Bonfire; in contrast, the Lord of Misrule is richly attired. Why do Gnostics represent Jesus Christ as Jack O'Lent? His public ministry ended on this day when He rode into Jerusalem and overthrew the tables of the money changers at the Temple who were selling Doves and Sacrificial Animals. Gnostics had made the Temple a Den of Thieves; it's time for us to choose our King; it's a no-brainer if you want to escape the "...wrath of Almighty God. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS." Rev 19:16  So, do you want to be on Jesus' Left side or Right side? If the latter is your goal, celebrating Carnivale, Lent, Jack O Lent and Easter may not be wise; Easter and Passover have nothing in common.
4/15 Fordicidia April 15-19 (Sacrifice of a pregnant Cow; Assyrian Passover if you will) "The 5 year plan includes wars in 7 countries, first Iraq then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan" Rhodes (Rothschild agent Cecil Rhodes) Scholar Gen. Wes Clark in 2007; notice and its 10 siser sites claim 12/21/2012 is the "Pale Horse"; for Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid,  Ankhor Wat and other sites, this is V-Day ie Liberation and Freedom from God; 5 years takes us to 2012. These nations have one thing in common; lack of membership in the International Bank of Settlements (Federal Reserve system); the Libyan Central Bank was 100% State owned with 144 Tonnes of stored gold (America's was looted after Vietnam and 9/11); when JFK tried to do this in 1963, the Masonic/MAFIA "Hidden Hand" led by Bush Sr. murdered him.  Libyan rebels (Muslim Brotherhood), receiving anti-tank missiles from Qatar (Qatar Emirate Logo is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil) managed to set up a Central Bank in Benghazi within days of the US led attack. "Control oil, you control nations, control food (via water), you control people" Rothschild agent- Henry Kissinger. Libyan oil was sold nominally to Libyans for $.01. Adolf Hitler, like Saddam Hussein and Muamar Qadaffi created a high standard of socialism (free health care, free universiy education including study abroad, state subsidized home and car purchases and interest free loans to new families); inside their respective nations,  these men are not regarded as the tyrants CNN would have you believe. Why war in Libya and why now? It's not Oil; GMMR "Great Man-Made River" is the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System underlying Chad, Egypt, Sudan, Libya. The largest US aquifer is the Ogallala being depleted 15X replenishment to produce Corn Ethanol rather than Food. Where? New Madrid Fault. In 2004 at the Senate dirksen Office Building Sung Myung Moon was proclaimed "Messiah of the Universe"; Why? Guarani Aquifer. Land ownership above makes Moon "King of Paraguay"; his disciple Ban Ki Moon is UN Secretary General. The spiritual and physical battle on earth is over Water not Oil and the world's enemies are inside their own houses. Deepwater Horizon destroyed the Thermohaline Ocean conveyor and made the Gulf of Mexico "Bitter"; Mexico means "Place were the Oceans converge". Fukushima is making "Bitter" the Jet Stream aka Atmosphere River; as we are in Lent, Tammuz aka Dumuzi Apsu means Lord of Sweet Waters ie Atmosphere River. These events were planned well in advance. The playbook? Scripture; Occultists are replacing the 7 Seals with the 7 Trumpets. 7 Seals are before the 3 1/2 year Great Trubulation; 7 Trumpets occur after it starts ie after the 6th Seal when "Heaven departs as a scroll" Rev 6:14. Again, notice what is happening is Waters being made "Bitter"; Hard to believe? Hard to accept? That's the meaning of "Bitter". Nobody is going to stop this; the playbook was written 6000 years ago in Stone; the only thing you and I can affect is the Book of Life; Keep your name written in it! How? Ask Jesus, He is very likely releasing the Seals on it right now, when the Trumpets start sounding it will be too late. Other than that How's you Lent going?
4/12 Simcha Jacobovici and his 33Freemason buddy James Cameron produced the "The Lost Tomb of Jesus", a documentary about finding the tomb of Jesus with His bones, marks of the Crucfixion and family which invalidates the entire New Testament.  Previously, he compared the Hyksos in pre-Exodus Egypt with Jews (Hyksos were Amalekites not Hebrews). The ever busy Simcha has now found 2 of 3 Nails used to Crucify Jesus on the Cross. The 8 cm bent Nails were found in a Tel Aviv Lab; of course they were! Tel Aviv means "Spring Mound"; Aviv=Abib=Nisan the Ecclesiastical New Year which has the Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread and First Fruits; since Jesus is the Passover Lamb when else would they find them? The Nails apparently came from the tomb of the Jewish High Priest Caiaphas who sent Jesus on the Fool's Errand to Herod, back to Caiaphas, to Pilate who wisely washed his hands of the biggest misdeed in history; whose tomb did we expect to fnd these Nails? In 325 AD Emperor Constantine's mother Helena traveled to Jerusalem to extract a confession from Jews that they were responsible for the Crucfixion; she also found pieces of the "True Cross", Burial Cloth (some claim Shroud of Turin or the Mandylion of Edessa; both Gnostic forgeries) and these same Nails some 300 years after the Crucifixion. I guess she must have dug up ole' Caiaphas and put them in his tomb eh? That would be like finding the anchors off the Mayflower I suppose. Helena also found Mt Sinai was actually inside Egypt; today millions Christian pilgrims who don't read Galatians 4:25 "For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia..." walk the path of Moses in the wrong spot. The Syriac Peshitta was miraculously found in a trash can at the St Catarine's Monastery there as well. Too bad she like Jacobovici lied; Mt Sinai is in Arabia guarded by the Saudis and the US and travel Visas are a little hard to come by. So, we have a choice, believe Simcha or Jesus Christ who was Nailed to a Tree not a man-made Cross and bodily rose to Heaven 3 1/2 days later from a tomb never previously used by anyone. Just more Lenten madness it would seem. 
Apr 8 Rabbi Chaim Richman "The tenth Red Heifer is alive and well at an undisclosed location"; the head of the International Temple Institute claims to have last Red Heifer whose ashes the 12th century mystic, Kabbalist Rabbi, Maimonides prophesied "Tenth Red Heier will be accomplished by the King, the Messiah; may he be revealed speedily..." Richman says the Copper Scroll found in Qumran tells the location of the ashes from the 1st Red Heifer Moses sacrificed, and NASA Satellites and Ground Radars seem to have confirmed it. These ashes will be used to cleanse the Miphkad Altar for the 10th and last Red Heifer by Messiah, pavng the way for the 3rd Temple to be built. Miphkad means "Census or Counting"; well Rabbi Chaim, you can count me out; Jesus spilled His blood on that spot once and for all! Richman has the architectural blueprints for the New Jerusalem Temple (God brings that Temple down from Heaven afterthe Millennium) including the "Chamber of Hewn Stone" for the Sanhedrin "If thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone..." Ex 20:25 Oops! He has the golden lamp of Helena to reflect the Dawn Sunrise; Queen Helena was an Assyrian Queen in Babylon (Iraq) married to her brother; she converted to Rabbinical Judaism shortly after the real King of the Jews, Jesus Christ was Crucified. Oops!
Apr 3 is Sizdeh Bedar "13th of Nowruz"; the custom of telling a lie and making people believe it "Dorugh e Sizdah" is on the 13th and final day of the Zoroastrian New Year celebration "Nowruz"; the day is similar to April Fool's Jokes. To recap some of the doozies: Osama bin Laden aka Tim Osman is named after Ottoman Empire founder Osman I; UN Alien Ambassador Mazlan Othman as well as Mothman Prophecies share a name with Othman I the first Ottoman Sultan of Africa in Punt (Nigeria) and Nigerian Christmas Bomber Abdul Mutallib shares a name with Muhammad's grandfather Abd al Mutallib. How Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Diane Sawyer keep a straight face on the evening news is beyond me.    The Libyan (Libya means Land of Afri or Africa) War started on Purim and Nowruz. Brass Sanjaks used on Nowruz represent the Peacock Angel "Melek Taus", the idol brought into Israel during Assyrian captivity is "Nergal" the Assyrian god of war in 2 Kings 17:30. The idol is a Peacock or Rooster who heralds the Dawn, hence the name "New Light" and Operation "Odyssey Dawn". Bean soup is made and sprouting Lentils are thrown into rivers on Nowruz; this represents the Lentils Esau sold his birthright to Jacob. Red Wednesday "Sere Sal" celebrates the "Red" nation of Esau; Edom means Red; Gen 25:23-31 describes this event where Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of beans. Purim is described in Esther; Puru means "Crush, Destroy; and casting Lots for Marduk aka Melek". God is not mentioned in Esther because Purim is not of God; it is a celebration of Edomite revenge of the Agagite (Edomite) Haman being hanged instead of Mordechai, Esther and the Jews in Persian captivity.
    The 13th of Nowruz Lie? Hold on! Dr Xi Chang (Chang and Eng were the original Siamese Twins), NASA Astrobiologist Dr Rosie Redfield (self explanatory), the Queen's Royal Cosmologist Dr Martin Rees, Oxford Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins (claims Stars create matter heavier than Hydrogen, Helium and Lithium; a Lie), and Indian Astrophysicist Sukanya Chakrabarti (Chakras are energy points in Kundallini) all claim to have proof of an "Alien Civilization is transmitting the Universal DNA Code of life from a Dark Satellite orbitting Saturn" (The movie Transformers 2 said the Decepticons were there too). They claim "Panspermia has stuffed with the entire Universe with life" (Pan was the nymph seducing 1/2 Man 1/2 Goat). They also claim "The Whirlpool Galaxy has a visible satellite" (It's 180 Quintillion miles away; nice try). Martin Rees says "Chimps can't understand Quantum Theory"; that's because they don't fall for BS Marty. Space is a Vacuum; it has virtually no energy, either pressure or temperature; the idea it is full of Genetically coded Proteins, Amino Acids and DNA is ludicrous. The Whirlpool Galaxy is 31 million Light-years distant (Hubble's Red Shift proves nothing in terms of expansion or distance however); why choose this galaxy for this rediculous lie? Shaman consider Whirlpools "Holding places of demons/spirits". Galaxy is not in scripture, it is derived from "Galli" the eunuch Priests of Attis and Cybele which is what these liars are. It's part of the Constellation Canes Venetici, called the hunting dogs of Bootes. Bootes is the Ox Driver (Yoked animal/neutered Bull), Herdsmen (Amurru is the Edomite Shepherd), Plowman (Cain was the farmer holding the Yoke Reigns) along  with Arcturas (King Arthur=Arth=Branch; Aythr=April). Why Saturn? Rome is Saturnia for one. The ringed planet represents the Hermetic Axiom "As Above, So Below"; it has a 28 year Solar Cycle celebrated by occultists for a full year "Feast of the Beast"; the last one was 28 years ago. The "Grand Climax" of the Castle Feast is April 19-May 1 Eve "Walpurgisnacht" (Beltaine Eve). (Roman Fordicidia-15th, Cerealia-19th, Parillia-21st, Robigalia 25th, Vinalia-19th and May 1. The NAZI Empire ended as the Communist Empire bagan 66 years ago on this date in Berlin; the Throne of Pergamos (Satan's Seat) is there; Prince William will marry in a "Confarreatio" ceremony likely overseen by Flamen Dialis "Priest of Jupiter" and the Pontifex Maximus on April 29 (The Logo on his uniform is #115 on either side of the Baphomet Goat; day #115 is April 25 "Robigalia the god of crop blight; Oil/Corexit last year, Uranium this year tend to cause blight). Is it also coincidence the final Space Shuttle flight of Endeavour has been delayed to April 29? "Our Endeavour is the Discovery of Atlantis using Columbia against Enterprising Challengers"; Endeavour means "Pains taken to attain an object"; the object? "Debere", the root of the word means "To owe a Debt"; we all owe a debt to Jesus Christ; occultists hope  shedding blood will forgive the debt. Oops! "Tell a big lie often and people will believe it"-Joseph Goebbels  
Apr 2 
Nigerian born Christmas Bomber Abdul Muttallib uses a cash paid ticket, passing 4 international security checkpoints without a passport and attempts to light PETN in his crotch; the world responds with Backscatter X-Ray, Terrahertz Wave Full Body Imaging Scanners and Pat Down screening; Abd al-Muttalib was Muhammad's grandfather. Osama bin Laden trains Al-Qaeda operatives to crash commercial aircraft into the Pentagon and NYC Twin Towers; hired originally by the CIA as Tim Osman to train Taliban freedom fighters; Osman I founded the Ottoman Empire 700 years ago; Al-Qaeda is Arabic for "Foreign Toilet". The UN establishes the Office of Alien Ambassador for Mazlan Othman; Othman I was the Ottoman Empire's 1st Sultan of Nigeria. How's that for an April Fool's joke?   Sizdeh Bedar (13th of Farvardin) is April 3 Nowruz + 13 days; Dorugh e Sizdeh "Lie of the 13th" is celebrated by lying to someone and making them believe it. In Iran the Angel of Rain is depicted as a horse on a rainbow; FOX (Jesus called the Edomite Herod an "Old Fox"; F=6; O=15; X=23; not only 666 but added they form 42, the months of Great Tribulation during Esau's "Domiinion", prophesied in Gen 27:40; Fox means "Cunning Person") News began running a commercial on April Fool's Day depicting Obama's 2012 re-election campaign this way. Donald Trump (Jesus is the Trump of God; Donald is Esau's Trump) is demanding his Birth Certificate; Rep. Dennis Kucinich is demanding he be held accountable for the Libyan War (this is the responsibility of Congress; all 545 House, Senate, Supreme Court Justices are equally Traitors). USGS Spokesperson Lucy Jones predicted in January a 40 day ARk Storm would hit California in April-May. Welcome to the Hotel California! The Sabzeh (Sprouting Lentils) thrown into Rivers are used to Exorcise Demons from the House; the sort of demons one's house gets when their soul is sold for a bowl of Lentils "And Jacob said, Sell me this day thy birthright" Gen 25:31  
All Fool's Day  March 32nd. Hilaria lasts 8 days; the celebration of the resurrection of Attis, as the Vernal Equinox sunrise leaves Pisces and enters Aries to begin a new year. Easter is Ishtar known as Cybele the consort of Attis (Cybele-Attis; Astarte-Adonis; Ishtar-Tammuz are identical) as Satan was known in Galatia (Turkey; Galli were Priests of Cybele); Jesus gave all 7 Church Warnings in Revelation 2-3 there for a reason and He was not Joking! The Yarmulke, worn by a variety of religions, notably at Herod’s Wailing Wall is in fact merely the Cap of Cybele, a replacement "Veil" Jesus tore at the Holy of Holies; what a prankster eh? Hindoos have been making “Huli Fools” for over 3000 years to mark the defeat of evil by throwing colored powder and water in honor of the female demon “Holika” and the Avatar of Vishnu called "Lord Krishna”; Krsna means “Black or Night”; just another name of Attis celebrated as the “Feast of Colours” or kids hunting "Colored Rabbit Eggs"; all just harmless fun eh? Druid Priests were called “Old Fools”, giving sermons mocking the Divinity of Jesus dressed as Old Testament Prophets and riding Hobby Horses into the Congregation, a celebrationn called "Feast of Asses"; picture Jesus doubled over laughing about now. French “Poisson d’ Avil” mocked the Passion Week by sending Fools on ridiculous errands to mock Jesus being sent from Chief Priest Annas to Chief Priest Caiaphas, to the Roman Pontius Pilate, to the Edomite Herod and back to Pilate before being made the “Fool” and Crucified in a Crown of Thorns. Pretty funny eh? Scotland called it “Hunting the Cuckoo” (European Crow), a mockery of the Dove Noah sent from the Ark and the Holy Ghost sent from Heaven as a Dove when Jesus began His ministry. The Edomite “Purim” (God is not mentioned in the book of Esther; God did not ordain Purim, and Purim is not Jewish in any sense; Pur means Destroy) and the Zoroastrian (Zoro=Seed; Ashta=Star, Venus or Woman) “Nowruz”, and “Huli” are similar to April Fool’s Day; Obama’s practical joke was sending Depleted Uranium munitions to “Protect Civilians” in Libya while on vacation. Hilaria (Hillary) celebrated the Zoroastrian version of “Poisson d’ Avril” in France at Elysee (Elysian Field Palace and Hindoos in Krishna Temples the world over tossed colored water and powdered chalk at each other (Black is a mix of all colors) in celebration of Krishna.
       April 1 and Jan 1 “Feast of Circumcision” are 3 months apart as are Tabernacles (actual birth of Jesus Christ) and Christmas, (birth of Sol Invictus). The Roman Saturnalia began on St Lucia Day “Bride of Light” lasting a week; the Pope (Father here refers to God the FATHER as well as the Roman Pontiff) was mocked as “Lord of Misrule”. When Jesuits and the Black Pope took over Rome in the mid 1500’s, New Year became Jan 1 named after the 2 faced god of beginnings “Janus”; the original Feast of Sub-Deacons became “Guild of Fools”, the original “All Fool’s Day”; pretty hilarious eh? George Bush Sr “Magog” hilariously allowed 150,000 Iraqi conscripts to accept a Truce on Purim in 1991 before burning them with fuel-air bombs and burying them along the Highway of Death; his son George “Gog” Bush hilariously launched the Shock and Awe (Shekinah) campaign using Depleted Uranium Core Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Baghdad by accusing his business partner Saddam Hussein of involvement with Al Qaeda (Qaeda means Foundation and is slang for Toilet); if that’s not funny enough, 20 years after the first Gulf War and 8 years after the 2nd, Obama hilariously sent Depleted Uranium bombs and missiles to “Protect Libyan Civilians” from the USS Barry among other ships; now that's quite a prank eh Barry? J Robert Oppenheimer quoted the book attributed to Krishna “Bhagavad Gita” after witnessing the Trinity Atomic explosion of the bomb named “Gadget”; “I have become Death, the destroyer of world’s”. It was a Plutonium Bomb first used on people at Nagasaki called “Fat Man” and later used in Reactor #3 at Fukushima in Sendei Japan. Hilarious eh?   

Lent began with an Earthquake/Tsunami and Japan's intentional nuclear disaster (2.5Hz EM Wave recorded over the 3 days prior; 13 Diesel powered coolant pumps didn't fail fom a Tsunami Wave) March ended with 1400 Air Sorties, 700 Uranium Core Tomahawk Cruise Missiles fired by an absentee President and Congress on Purim, Feast of Huli and Nowruz, 8 years to the day after Gulf War II began on a Super Moon. Coincidence? Let's see what the last 20 days Weeping for Tammuz has in store; it ends with America's last Shuttle fight and the anniversary of Deepwater Horizon.
     Roman god Mars aka Greek Ares was first an agriculture deity then the god of war whose idol (usually idenfified as a Rooster) heralded the Dawn ie Rising Sun; the "Men of Cuth made Nergal" 2 Kings 17:30 In Rome, Mars was represented by Cincinnatus a farmer/rancher/citizen and volunteer soldier turned part time dictator after whom General and later President George Washington fashioned the "Society of Cincinnati" often called America's Royalty. The symbol of the Society of Cincinnati is the "Fasces", rods bound by red cord surrounding an axe blade over an Eagle (symbol of Esau in Obadiah); the American Revolution was started by these Society of Red (Red=Esau) Men as will the 2nd American Revolution. The Fasces is an Etruscan symbol visible on the Supreme Court, Lincoln Memorial, the National Guard and in Union Square Park in NYC facing a rather large Rev "V" (Virgin Record).
     Mars was the Immaculate Conception of Juno "Celestial Light", the father of Romulus and Remus; namesake of Rome. Mars is the source name of Martial Arts and Martial Law whose epithets were Sacred Spears and 12 Shields tended to by Gladiators chosen "Priests of Bellona" the sister-wife of Mars. Mars/Ares is the "UNKNOWN GOD" of the Areopagus in Acts 17:23 and later Regia in Rome. 
     Cathars of Montsegur "Field of the burned" had a saying "Every 700 years, the Laurel grows green again"; the Cathar executions by burning were in 1244, 700 years before D-Day on Normandy Beach; Cathars were Norman (North Men ie Norse) descendants of the Battle of Hastings in 1066; Vikings being a Roman VI="6 Kings"; Rome had no "0" so 5 became a hidden 6. Pope Clement V dissolved the Knights Templar "Council of Vienne" exactly 700 years ago in June 1311; giving Templar land and considerable international banking wealth to the Hospitallers "Knights of St John of Jerusalem" aka "Knights of Malta. Here is a list of members Notice 4 generations of the Bush family, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Silvio Bersulconi (has a serpent eating a man in his yard), FEMA chief, TSA lobbyist Michael Chertoff, Iran-Contra liars Ronald Reagan and Oliver North, NYC 9/11 liars Rudy Guliani, Michael Bloomberg, George Pataki and Henry Kissinger, OSS and CIA chiefs Wild Bill Donovan, James Jesus Angleton and Allen Dulles, Ted Kennedy, UN Ambassador John Bolton, Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly (only woman I know of) and FOX News Rupert Murdoch.
      The Battle of Banockburn and execution by burning of Templar Grandmaster Jacques (Jacques means Jacobus in Latin) de Molay was 1314; 700 years later in 2014 Lunar eclipses will occur on Passover and Tabernacles, twice in sucession and Solar eclipses on New Year (1 Nisan) and Rosh Hashanah (1 Tishrei).
      Mars' Spears were garlanded in Laurel; the wreath worn by initiates of Dionysus and Bacchus. Mars Gradivus "Mardi Gras" means "To March"; 40 days Weeping for Tammuz begins with Mardi Gras aka Carnivale and a "T" placed over the Pineal gland "3rd Eye" on Ash Wednesday; ending with Easter a Dawn event on Solis Dies having nothing to do with Passover. Now is not the time to "Rest on one's Laurels"; these have nothing to do with Jesus Christ.
     Kings of Rome kept the sacred spears and shields, and offered sacrifices (Bannockburn is derived from "de Bohun"; Goddess offerings) in the Regia (Cave, similar to Mithraeum Caves) on Palatine Hill; the combination of the Roman Mars and Celtic Toutates aka Tyr was called Albiorix "King of the World" a phrase popularized by Leonardo diCaprio in Titanic hours before it sank, recall as flood waters rose in the locked steerage compartment an Irish woman told the story to her children of "Tyr Na Nog"; in Babylon that would have been Nergal "Herald of Dawn"; not coincidentally the name Obama has given to the Iraq War is "Operation New Dawn".
     On His last night, Jesus told Peter he would deny him 3 times before the cock crowed twice at Dawn; there have been 2 "Kings of the World"; Sargon the Great (2300BC) and Sargon II (702BC) the man who replaced Israel with "Samaritans" listed in 2 Kings 17:30. Julius Caesar was murdered on the Ides of March by traitors (Trojans) in his own government (if this is to be Obama's fate I do not know but Michelle's Black Widow Dress on Election Night in Springfield Ill was not accidental); March 20 is Purim "Casting of Lots"; Edomites often take revenge on this day in 2 Gulf Wars now. This year Purim is coincident with the Spring Equinox and Persian New Year "Nowruz". March=Mars is the Roman "New Year".
   At Mars' Hill "Aeropagus" in Greece, Paul witnessed an altar "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD" whom Greeks ignorantly worshipped (Acts 17:23). Daniel 8 describes the War of the Grecian Goat against the Mede-Persian Ram (Ares); it made him faint. I suggest now is the time to establish a Covenant with the "KNOWN GOD"; as it says in Acts 17:30 "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all mem every where to repent". 
    Hwy 8 "Highway of Death"; Dan 8 (Mede-Persian Ram V Grecian Rough Goat) was given to Daniel by Angel Gabriel and Jesus Christ near Basra (Banks of River Ulai); HG Wells wrote in 1933 The Shape of things to come "WWIII would start with an incursion at Basra. On Purim Feb 28, 1991 Bush Sr slaughter 150,000 Iraqi soldiers under White Flag of truce on Hwy 8 to end Gulf War I; on 9/11/1991 he makes a UN speech calling for "A New World Order". 555 days after 9/11/2001, Bush Jr begins Gulf War II with "Shock and Awe" (Shekinah is the Flaming Sword in Kabbalah) at 0550hrs (Hitler was the 55th member of the Nazi Party; card #555; Prescott Bush financed him) Mar 20, 2003 "Ostara" and Persian New Year "Nowruz". 8 years later Mar 20, 2011 is Ostara, Nowruz, Purim a Super Moon and surprise! the Libyan War "Operation Odyssey" began right on schedule. The 8th Covenant between God and Man is the "Age of Grace". If you haven't established a personal Covenant with Jesus Christ now is the time to do so.
      Knight of Malta Ronald Reagan was the first US President to face the 555' (6660") Obelisk at Inauguration (Augurs are Diviners); Obama was the first not sworn to defend the US Constitution (repeat oath did not use the bible). 555 "Triple Death" is placed on Masonic coffins to represent 3 Nails (Vau=Nail=5th Roman/6th Hebrew letter=666) used to fasten Jesus to the Tree. Ares=Mars "God of War"; astrological influence in Taurus (Aldebaran=Bull's Eye; Zeus=Taurus) peaks Mar 20th. Jesus said "Our enemies are the men of our own house" Listen to Him.

3/30 Libyan "Rebels" incited by Muslim Brotherhood who ledthe Egyptian rebellion, made up of Mujahideen "Warriors of Allah" (Allah is the Assyrian moon god Sin), armed with US weapons manage to find time to install a Federal Reserve Central Bank of Benghazi as Turkey (Ottoman Turks=Hindi=Sabians of Haran, Bahai, Druze, Talmudists, Kabbalists; basically they change alliances at the drop of a hat; the original "Nicolaitanes" of Rev 2-3) takes oer the no-fly zone with American made aircraft, establishes a Consul in Behghazi and maintains an Embassy in Tripoli; can you see why Jesus gave all 7 Church warnings in Turkey?
3/28 "It's a Boy!"-Edward Teller upon creating Plutonium and it's decay product Americium in 1944; 700 years after Cathars were burned alive at Montsegur; The Laurel had apparenty grown green again. MOX (Uranium+Plutonium ) Fuel was loaded into Fukushima Reactor #3 Sept 2010; on 3/11 it gave birth. Americium (Amar=Canaanite god of the West; Amurru=Edomite Shepherd and Serpent god) and Neptunium (Neptune=Nuptia "Marriage of Heaven and Earth") The Emerald tablet of Toth-Hermes refers to this "As Above, So Below"; Shinto refer to this as the Wedded Rocks at the Ise Shrine; Greeks call it the "Sacred Marriage". Neptune is the Roman god of Freshwater Springs aka Babylonian Dumuzi Apsu "Tammuz"; Lent is the 40 day purification of the goddess; in Japan she is the Sun goddess Amaterasu; 2 years ago Obama saw fit to bow to her figurative descendant Emperor Akihito. Plutonium, Americium and Neptunium were produced at UC Berkley in 1944; initially called Pandemonium "All's Hell's Demons" and Delirium "Madness". On Fat Tuesday a 2.5Hz EM Standing Wave began at Midnight lasting until the 3/11 Quake in Japan. Plutonium (Pluto=Roman god of Hades) is created by bombarding Uranium with Alpha (Helium nuclei produced by the Sun's nuclear fusion mimics "He" and "Alpha" which mean God is with me; Jesus is the real Alpha); Plutonium decays into Americium. (I am not a nuclear engineer; I'm trying to provide insight into the Gnostic mindset). Americium is unsafe for use in fast atomic reactors as it's high absorbtion cross-section tends to cause run away fission during meltdown. Reactor #3 MOX Core suffered loss of cooling water; Plutonium is now being detected in the soil; in other words the "Cat is out of the Bag". The reactor is a Mark I Containment Vessel susceptible breach during Core Meltdown; a conventional Uranium BWR Meltdown is bad; aerosoled MOX Fuel at one end of the Pacific Jet Stream is has updated moving maps showing Cesium-137 present at the precipitation levels (5-10,000ft), meaning Fission is ongoing and spreading; mixing this with Ocean Water produces oxidized salts, probably the worst thing for hot reactor fuel.
    To understand this, one needs to understand worship of Sol Invictus. 1897 "Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus"; Santa is Sol Invictus. "It's a boy"-Edward Teller obsessed with the DNA of Light #137 (my article Flash Forward covers this). NASA Adminstrator Ken Kleinkenecht and his brother C. Fred (Scottish Rite Commander) hire a host of Masons: Wally Schirra Oct 1962 Mercury 8 "Be advised, there is a Santa Claus". Neil Armstrong Mar 1966 (Church of Satan founded 13 days later in San Francisco) Gemini 8 "Yes there is a Santa Claus". Jim Lovell  Christmas Day 1968 Apollo 8 "Be advised there is a Santa Claus"; Is Santa Claus an Alien? Of course not; they are Man-made Foreign Matter just like Plutonium, Americium, Neptunium and Obama. The "Beast" of Rev 13 was best illustrated at 1313 April 13, 1970 with Apollo 13. Kleinknecht "The mission of the Craft has always been one of salvation, but until now its field of endeavor was always the individual and bringing him to the light; all men everywhere must hear our message or all men everywhere will perish".    
        When Americium gets into the Gonads (Testes and Ovaries) it cannot be excreted and sterility is certain; whether this occurs seems to depend on whether meltdown occurs, escapes containment and reaches goundwater were the steam explosion seems likely to uncover most of Fukushima's 1700 Tonnes of spent and fresh fuel rods. One thing seems certain; it's getting hotter by the day.
      The only nation on earth that could be used to falsely fulfill Rev 18 "Babylon the Great" is America; are we? Of course not, but for Sol Invictus to to be "Christened" there must be a Scapegoat and America is it. Got the real Alpha in your life? Now would be a good time because it looks like a lot of Alpha is headed our way; Enriched Uranium bomb "Little Boy" and Plutonium bomb "Fat Man" were tested on Japan; "Trinity" test of the Plutonium bomb "Gadget" witness and future Soviet Spy/Ambassador said 3 quotes that pretty well sum up Gnostic belief "I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds"; "Batter my heart, three personded God"; "Now we are all sons of bitches"-J Robert Oppenheimer. Ironic isn't? Japan is testing Americium on America 66 years after Edward Teller's "Boy" was born in San Francisco and Christened in Japan.
     Is it coincidental that Fat Tuesday "Mardi Gras" and Ash Wednesday began 40 days of Lent as Japan and Libya were lit up with Uranium in Lent. Figured out who "It's a boy" refers to? Tammuz (ref Eze 8) Know why 8's are Crazy yet? How about NASA's real "Craft" mission? "Columbia's Endeavor is the Discovery of Atlantis; Enterprising Challengers will be vanquished". Is it just coincidence America's last Shuttle flight will be on Passover?

3/27 Bible Professor at Chapel Hill NC Bart D Ehrman (Moody Bible Institute, Princeton Theological Seminary PhD) says 2 Peter was forged. Of coure he does " prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost" 2 Pet 1:20-21 Peter even wrote a passage to Bart "Balaam...was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speakig with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet" 2 Pet 2:16 "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days soffers, walking after their own lusts...heavens and the earth...kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day" 2 Pet 3:7-8 Bart is a Dumb Ass; Harold Camping is a Dumber and Dumber Ass; he says the day of Judgment and Rapture is May 21, 2011. Why choose that day? and its 10 sister sites claim 12/21/2012 is "Redemption Day", the day the Pale Horse rides. I feel this day will be Rev 6:14, 2 Thess 2:11, Rev 9:27 "Covenant with Many", Mark of the Beast day and Death and Hell follow this Pale Horse. The Great Tribulation is 1260 days spelled out several ways (Time, Times, Dividing of Time, 3 1/2 years, 42 months) hard to argue with that. Dan 12:11 tells us when the Daily Sacrifice is taken away and the Abomination set up there will be 1290 days. Camping has (In my opinion which is worth what I charge for this material) merely using Nov 21, 2012 an subtracting the time of the 5th (5 months) and 6th (1 year, 1 month, 1 day, 1 hour) Trumpets=May 21, 2011. Camping says Sol Invictus 2012 is Redemption Day; I say it's the last time you or I can accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Choose your Dumb Ass carefully. Without the Holy Ghost we are Dumb Asses.
3/26 Ashgabat "City of Love" is the foundation of the Ottoman Empire and Bahai Faith. Ottoman means "Belonging to Osman"; coincidentally Osama bin Laden's real name is Tim Osman. His sucesor Othman is coincidentally the name of the 1st UN Alien Ambassador Mazlan Othman and who can forget the Mothman Prophecy book and movie? What are the odds? Turkmenistan, Turkomen=Ottoman Turks and Turkey are names for Aztec Domesticated Guinea Fowl the US serves up at Thanksgiving. The word Indian comes from the Turkish word Hindi another variation of tis Guinea Fowl. What are the odds? Sabeans of Haran introduced worship of the moon-god Allah in Abraham's day (20th century BC); in Muhammad's day (570-632AD) he is raised by his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib; what are the odds this name would coincide with Yemen's Christmas underwear bomber Abdulmutallib? Astonishing isn't it? Ottomans have been Kaballists allied with Israel and "Christians" allied with Russia, Germany, Austria, Hungary, an the US. The Independence and Peace Monument (Cross topped Golden Spire) is there as is the world's first Bahai Temple. The Gemstone Rings symbolize Bahai Faith in the Avatar "Bab"; this God can be anything to anyone like Ahmadinejad's Shiite Imam "Mahdi", the Hindu Avatar "Krihsna", an incarnation of Buddha or Jesus in the case of pre-trib "Rapture" enthusiasts. Ashgabat's sister cities are Albuquerque near the Trinity Test Site where Oppenheimer quoted Hindu texts relating to the rider of the Pale Horse "Death" and Athens the center of the world's first Satanic Initiation "Eleusinian Mystery"; what are the odds it would sit on the exact same 38th Parallel as Athens and the spot the UN spilled blood on in Korea 60 years ago? The Bahai Temple at Mt Carmel overlooks the spot Elijah slew 450 of Baal's Prophets and was taken to Heaven, the same spot Jezebel became "Dung" for the 1st Kibbutz started on 9/11/1921, the Templar and Hospitaller fortress of Acre and the site which will fill to the horses' bridles with blood at Armageddon. Strange we never hear of this city eh? The Bahai mouthpiece CNN is running a well publicized special "Unwelcome: The Muslims next door". At my house they are welcome but Sabeans can head bck to the "City of Love". Catholics hate Protestants, both hate Muslims and Shiites hate Sunnis simply because of the Sabeans and their Bahai psycho-"Bab" ; it's time to lay down the swords and ask God for the Holy Ghost. Take a guess why the Bahai Gemstone Ring has 4 levels just like the Egyptian Djed Pillar? Priests of On=Sabeans=Bahai that's why. Just a guess but the "One Ring to Rule Them All" may be forged here; Sauron=Sargon, the Assyrian Legitmate King is a blacksmith you know!

3/25 Blame: To place the responsibility for a fault or error on a person. The responsibility to ensure a Presidential candidate is eligible to serve rests with person who will give the oath of office, the Supreme Court Chief Justice, Jesuit John Roberts; 9 Traitors sit behind doors emblazoned with the Fasces symbol. The responsibility to authorize War rests with the US Congress; specifically with the Speaker of the House, Jesuit John Boehner. 100 Senators and 435 Representatives of Congress took recess hours before 4 nations began a well planned War on Sovereign nation; behind the speaker's chair is the Fasces symbol. CNN is seen around the world, this Sunday is a well timed special "Unwelcome: The Muslims next door". Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels "Think of the press as an instrument dictators can use". An International panel concluded today the BOP (Blowout Preventer Valve) made by Cameron International was faulty, leading to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. 2 Annular Valves, 7 Door Rams, 1 Shear Ram, each independently controllable all failed, Halliburton's improper cementing of the well head allowed the Drill Pipe to buckle and interfere with the Shear Ram and seawater was used to replace drill mud in the casing. Blame for Japan's Fukushima disaster has been placed on the earthquake cutting electric power and the Tsunami wave flooding 13 Diesel Engine powered back-up coolant pumps. MOX fuel reactors require extra safety measures; #3 reactor core and vessel were damaged by a hydrogen explosion (Nitrogen Inerting should have prevented this), water/steam is now laced with fission material and although I stress I am not a nuclear engineer, the "Chernobyl Option" advocated by new age astrophysicist Michio Kaku may not be an option; this disaster may just be beginning; there is very big difference between non-fissioning spent fuel getting hot and uncontrollable, fissioning MOX (Plutonium Oxide) fuel. Blame? Libya rests solely with the US Congress; Obama in power rests with the US Supreme Court. Japan? For me, it's too convenient to blame StuxNet or the Tsunami Wave; this was a well planned disaster at what may be the most effective location on earth. Don't believe Man is capable of this type planning? Read 33Mason Albert Pike's letter to MAFIA (Mazzini Authorizes Theft, Fire, Poison) founder 330 Mason Guiseppe Mazzini, read the inscription on the Georgia Guide Stones calling for the death of 6 Billion people in 8 languages, read the words spoken at the UN and Rio de Janiero Earth Summit by Maurice Strong, Ted Turner, Jacques Cousteau, Prince Phillip etc etc claiming "Earth can support only 1 Billion people", read the words of Barbara Marx Hubbard "We are the riders of the Pale Horse, Death"; now read the words of Jesus Christ "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world" Rev 13:8 Who are these Earth Dwellers? People Left Behind at the Rapture? Hell no, they are Gnostics who refuse Jesus Christ as the Tree of Life. Despair? Heaven's no, head for your Prayer Closet (Anywhere), Open the Door (Accept His invitation to supper), ask Jesus Christ to forgive your Sins and ask Him to keep your name written in the Book of Life; if you are able to do this I can guarantee your name is still there. Fear? Hell yes, fear Him in the blood soaked wool suit who has the eraser!

3/22 "8 Belles" $3.22 is the monetary penalty to miss a Skull & Bones meeting because in Gen 3:22 "Man is become as one of us, to know good and evil"; in Rev 3:22 Jesus says "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches"; 3/22 is the anniversary of Universal Health Care signed on 3/22 at 3:22 UTC. April 14-17, 2007 Gov Sarah Palin proclaims "Prince Hall Mason Week"; her book Going Rogue means Cheat, Dishonest; Uproot in order to destroy. Attending the 2008 Kentucky Derby, Barack Obama chooses Big Brown to win (It did) and Hillary Clinton chooses the first Filly to run the race, 8 Belles (2nd place). 8 Bells means End of the Watch, signals the end of one year and the beginning of another, and has been used to signal Mutiny on the High Seas. The horse 8 Belles suffered 2 broken ankles after passing the finish line and was euthanized. The US Constitution requires 1. Natural Born Citizen to be President 2. US Census conducted by Commerce Dept 3. Congress must authorize War. Obama fails on all 3, the last 2 are no contest. The Libyan War "Odyssey Dawn" began on the Zoroastrian (Aryan) New Year "Nowruz" in conjunction with Purim (ref book of Esther) 8 years to the day after Gulf War II began and 20 years after Gulf War I ended wth the Hwy 8 Slaughter; the Iraq War is now called "New Dawn". President (32Prince Hall Mason), VP (Knight of Malta), Speaker of the House (Jesuit). All 3 well outside Constitutional Authority and UN Resolution. Obama's books Audacity of Hope and Dreams of my Father. Cicero said a nation can survive its fools but not its traitors and the US is chock full of them. I suggest listening for the 8 Bells. 

Ostara Japan has the worst nuclear incident in history 3/11. UN Resolution #1973 passes 3/17. Hillary Clinton leaves for Paris, arriving for the start of Operation Odyssey Dawn and France happens to lead the Libyan air assault 3/19. Barack Obama arrives in Brazil; Joe Biden is nowhere to be seen; Charles Rangel re-introduces the Universal Service Act (Draft) and John Boehner sends Congress on a week long recess hours before 114 American Tomahawk Cruise Missiles are launched against Libya 3/19. Art 1 Sec 8 of the US Constitution; Only Congress may authorize War; they are in Recess. Pick up a copy of Sarah Palin's ghost written book Going Rogue, Fareed Zakaria's Post American World a favorite of Obama during the presidential campaign or Barack Obama's ghost written Audacity of Hope and the Audacity of believing all this was not very well pre-planned will become evident. Nero fiddled; Obama played soccer in Brazil; at least Nero was in Rome, allowed the Roman Senate to conduct the Census and was to my knowledge a natural born citizen; Audacious isn't it?  Obama declaring Quadaffi an Illegitimate Dictator who must resign is a real hoot!

Quinquatris Day 5th day after the Ides of March (Trojan traitor Brutus led the 23 stabbings of Julius Caesar) Mar 19 is the birth of Athene the Greek goddess of War; March 19, 2011 also happens to be the Eve of the Persian New Light "Nowruz" , Assyrian "Purim" (Lots; no it's not Jewish) and the famed 19 year Super Moon (Perigee and Full Moon; occurring in conjunction with these dates on the 8th anniversary of Gulf War II makes it a 1 in a million occurrence). Hillary Clinton coincidentally in Paris (Trojan King Hector's brother Paris and Helen started the Trojan War) add in Comet Elenin ie Extinction Level Event means Hellene or Helen of Troy and it gets stranger by the minute. Japan's Nuclear Accident may yet prove to be an ELE. France "Operation Harmattan" means "Dry hot wind from the Sahara; Evil or Forbidden Thing"; it's no coincidence they are leading the No-Fly Operation over Libya; the Cathars and their modern day successors "Knights of Malta" have not forgotten or forgiven the Cathar/Templar torture 700 years ago) at the Elysee Palace (Elysee is Hades "Underworld" it means Elysian Field featured in the movie Gladiator; recall the re-enactment of the Battle of Carthage? Carthage is Tripoli and we are in it; the end may very well be scorching, salting and pissing in America's ashes). America calls the Libyan War "Operation Odyssey Dawn"; Clinton with President Sarkozy (his ex-wife is married to the son of Operation Mockingbird founder and Obama's envoy to Egypt, Frank Wisner); Odyssey means "Epic Journey"; Odysseus is the mythical King of Ithaca in Homer's Odyssey who traveled to the underworld of Elysium meaning "Person struck by Lightning ie Zeus". USS Barry (Barack "Lightning" is Barry Soetoro the illegitimate US President), USS Westminster (Stone of Scone at Westminster will enthrone the New World Order leader on the Throne of Zeus; Pergamum=Satan's Seat), USS Scranton (Movie Unstoppable began and ended in Scranton; train #777 means Lightning or Shekinah; recall Gulf War II began with a Cruise Missile Strike called "Shock and Awe" ie Shekinah. The other Train in the movie was #1207; Rev 12:7 is the War in Heaven where Satan and his angels are cast out, the 5th Trumpet describes the same event at Rev 9:11; the date 9/11/2001 was not chosen at random), USS Florida (means Flowering Easter aka Ishtar and Palm Sunday Mar 20, 1513; St Audustine is the oldest city named after Phoenician trained St Augustine; he was trained at Carthage), USS Providence (means Foresight; Prudent Anticipation; God's Hand; obviously the wrong god!), USS Stout (Valiant; Strong; Arrogant) launched 114 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles at Libya (Phoenician word meaning Land of Afri or Africa; the Phoenician outpost of Hannibal and Hamilcar Barca=Barack=Lightning). The 5th day of Quinquatris is Tubilustrium (Tubae are Trumpets); the army of Rome was made ready for war on Mar 23. I'm sure it's also coincidence Mar 20-25 is a US Canada Joint Exercise at Ft Leavenworth too (Leaven means Lies); Canada calls their part in this illegal war "Operation MOBILE". Obama re-named the Iraq War "Operation New Dawn"; Eos being the Goddess of Dawn "Easter" and personification of the Red Indian. Americans lied to in Church know him as Santa Claus; Mormon scout Kit Carson referred to Red Indians as Welsh Celtic speaking Shaman. Hopi Shaman say the Red Katchina will remove his mask before the uninitiated; I suggest staying "Un-initiated"; Kronos rules Elysium and he is known for eating his offspring. Tomahawk Cruise Missiles are named after the Francesca Throwing Axe (featured in the movie ThePatriot) and Franciscan Monks; fitting the war on Libya would start by UN Resolution, a Satanic body founded in San Francisco named after it. Seen Book of Eli yet? It isn't pretty. Folks, if you are blind to all this as Eli was, it's time to establish a relationship with Jesus Christ and watch the well planned 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick. Barack=Lightning; Obama=He is with us.
St Patrick's Day is the Egyptian "Ptah Rekh" of Memphis; the patron of Blacksmiths, Fire, Volcanoes, he is considered the Divine Blacksmith "Tubal-Cain" by Freemasons (Masonic quiz book "Who is Tubal-cain" Ans: Vulcan of the Canaanites), the Canaanite god "Vulcan", the Evil Demiurge Creator in Kaballah (Leonard Nimoy an avid Kabbalist used the Talmudic Sign of Shin meaning Nail used to Crucify Jesus) and Greek "Hephaestos". Tubal-cain was the instructor of artificers in Brass and Iron, the 3rd "Brass" Kingdom (Belly and Thighs of Nebuchadnezzar's Idol) and 4th "Iron" are currently being finished, described in Dan 2:39-40 "...third kingdom of brass, which shall bear rule over all the earth...the fourth kindgom whall be strong as iron...subdueth all things...break in pieces and bruise" Better decide now if you want to be a clay or iron toe! This Brass Kingdom is described in Dan 7:6; not coincidentally St Patty's Day is the 76th day on the Gregorian Calendar. The Oil Company Union 76 is a Solar Disc for a reason. Ptah is depicted holding the Divine Scepter, a combination of the Ankh "Solar Cross" aka "Cross of Life", WAS Scepter "Authority of Set; Dominion and Surveying" and Djed Pillar a Human Spine topped by 4 levels; Earth, Air, Fire, Water; the Age of the 5th arrives 12/21/2012 according to Gnostics at Ptah aka Hephaestos fashioned Helios' Chariot, Achilles' Armour, Aphrodite's Girdle  and Hermes' Helmet. Achilles and Patroclus (Ptah Rekh) were lifelong lovers and warriors during the Trojan Wars as were Alexander the Great and his life long lover Hephaestion (Hephaestos=Ptah=Patrick); the belly and thighs fo brass are not Alexander the Great's Greek Kingdom; he never had "Dominion" over Earth. Ptah was brought to Ireland by Scotti and later Picts aka Scythians; the myth took a Jewish veneer at the fall of Jerusalem with Jeremiah taking Judah's last king Zedekiah's daughter Tea-Tephi to Ireland at Tara (Zedekiah did evil in sight of the LORD and Nebuchadnezzar killed him and his sons in front of his eyes and put in writing in Jer 52:2 and Kings 25:7, so don't believe it; Mormons have a similar myth concerning Zedekiah's un-scriptural, dead son Mulek as well; Time to cut the crap! The Declaration of Arbroath signed in 1320 AD confirms the Scotti were Scythians; now that I can believe! Celtic Priests "Druids" attached the oldest symbol in the world "Celtic Cross" to Ptah Rekh and in the 5th century to the semi-mythical Patrick, mentored by Palladius (Albert Pike's Palladium Rite was named after him) an emmissary of Pope Celestine I who built Cathedrals over the Pagan Stone Circles, Burial Grounds, Groves and Wells. Side note: Benedict XVI is Pope #111 out of #112 since Pope Celestine set down in the Prophecy of St Malachy. How many St Paddy's Day drinkers know the Stone of Scone is a "Sham" Rock? or that Emerald Isle means Isle of Lightning? or the end of the Yellow Brick Road is Esau's Dominion? Is is coincidence Dorothy started her journey in Kansas and on Mar 21st FEMA, DOD, CIA etc etc will hold a natural disaster drill? Don't bet your eternal life on it; seek Jesus Christ now. 
Mar 15 "Ides of March" Julius Caesar didn't believe his enemies were in his house but it was the case then as now. 11 shutoff valves on Deepwater Horizon didn't fail by accident; it was an intentionally caused and managed slow motion train wreck used to destroy the Oceans with Corexit "Weed Killer" on Weed Day (Fire), and Earth Day (Sinking) Cutting the tethers should have prevented this. 4 and possibly all 6 Reactors in the "Land of the Rising Sun", at least #3 with MOX Plutonium Fuel have exposed fuel rods because the Main and 2 backup Diesel powered Cooling Water pumps for each Reactor all failed. The idea 12-18 electrically and diesel powered pump systems and /or their fuel supplies failed from the Tsunami wave and water levels in Fuel Rod Pools and/or Reactor Vessels cannot be monitored and maintained is absurd to me. Fuel rods (3450 Rod Assemblies each having 63 rods in 7 pools) are stored covered in water above the Reactor; they are not bombs as moron Piers Corbyn claim; they are radiating, and hot enough to oxidize their Zirconium alloy cladding into Hydrogen and boil off cooling water pools (reportedly at 20 tons/hr); hydrogen and water vapor is inerted with nitrogen and vented to the atmosphere to avoid Hydrogen gas explosions (think Hindenberg type explosion here not a nuclear explosion). Being lighter than the Nitrogen and Carbon di-oxide atmosphere, this Radioactive Plutonium and Uranium "Witch's Brew" is being discharged into the Pacific Jet Stream and may be heading for the US; Meltdown and or breach of any Reactor Vessels has not been reported yet, but reportedly, Russian nuclear experts have briefed Vladimir Putin all 6 Reactors may suffer meltdown in the near term. Corexit, used during the Deep Water Horizon disaster is much like radioactive "Downwind" Fallout, a direct attack on the base of the world's food chain; Satanist Henry Kissinger said it best "Control oil you control nations; control food and you control people". Plutonium is man-made (Uranium-238 neutron capture forms Pu 239, 240, 241, 242) from the US Nuclear Weapons industry and Atomic Energy production; mixed with Depleted Uranium (it is still highly radioactive; 4000 tons have been tested in the Middle East over the last 20 years) forms MOX Fuel. Monitoring of radiating material is accomplished by National Reconnaissance Office and the DIA's MASINT. Our own Military, Science and Intelligence communities are in fact destroying their own country. No suprise Micah told Israel and Samaria the same thing 2700 years ago "Woe to them that devise iniquity and work evil upon their beds...I will surely assemble, O Jacob...the remant of Israel as the sheep of Bozrah...Trust ye not in a friend...a man's enemies are the men of his own house" Micah means "Who is like the LORD" The lost tribes of Israel material (Yair Daviday and Arthur Koestler) claiming the US is Jacob is a lie; Bozrah means "Edom's Sheepfold"; the US is simply next in line for Esau's "Scorched Earth" policy.       
Mar 14 Moxie: Bitter; Expertise; Well Planned. Bitter: Sharp, Cruel, Angry. Japan's Reactor #3 uses MOX (Mixed Oxide Fuel) ground processed Uranium and Plutonium Fuel pellets. The hazards of MOX Reactors are orders of magnitude more dangerous in meltdown (not sure if this has happened yet) than Uranium light water or CANDU (Canada Deuterium Reactor) heavy water Uranium reactors; oxidized Plutonium can be 2 Million times as deadly as Low Enriched Uranium; especially when inhaled, where particles emit Alpha radiation to the blood, bones, liver and lymph system. Chernobyl means "Wormood" "Waters made Bitter". What water? AR (Atmosphere River) aka Jet Stream. Pacific means "Peace"; the Pacific Jet runs West to East (50-80kts@30,000ft); depending on La Nina patterns either directly into the California Coast (ref Dr Lucy Jones ARk Storm prediction flooding CA Central "Food" Valley) or up to Alaska and then south parallel to the Rockies. Like Chernobyl (automatic moderating systems "Control Rods" failed) and the 3-Mile Island (Jimmy Carter's act with 18% interest rates deterred atomic energy) event, I feel the failure of 2 separate back up generators/pumps ar 2 or 3 separate reactors is highly unlikely to be coincidental. The cooling pumps being deliberately failed is not without precedent; 11 shut-off valves (7 Door Rams, 2 Annular Valves, 1 Shear Ram and a device to free the drill platform from the tethers on Deepwater Horizon all failed). In a Uranium light water reactor, the core tends to cool , in a MOX reactor it heats uncontrollably when core integrity is compromised or exposed as Reactor #3 claims to be; Sea Water being pumped in only delays the inevitable from what I can tell (I am not an atomic energy expert but I can see correlation with bible events like anyone else). Why? There is increasing evidence Deepwater Horizon disrupted the Thermohaline Ocean Conveyor "Gulf Stream". This incident may prove similar for the "Jet Stream". Japan is the "Land of the Rising Sun"; the Red Sun symbolized Edom's Dominion of Gen 27:40 and Dan 7:6. Isaiah 24:18-20 states just before A/C arises "the foundations of the earth do is moved exceedingly...The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard" Earthquakes do exactly that; A/C seeks "...the ten horns...shall arise; and another shall rise after than...he shall seek to change times and laws...until a time and times and the dividing of time" Dan 7:25 the change in Earth Axis wobble will alter God's ordained method of time keeping; Solar/Lunar Cycles and Zodiac Precession. America: Amurru=Edomite shepherd; Can=Priest of Cain. America is to be false fulfillment of "Babylon" in Rev 18 in order to reveal an Edomite "Alternative" Messiah. Earthquakes are predicted for the west coast of the Americas and New Madrid Fault in a week; FEMA, DOD, CIA and a host of alphabet soup satanic organizations are in Leavenworth KS with 140 Million MRE's planning for a big event. How's that for Moxie? Should the radiation levels increase, Japan's "Exodus" would likely be to South Korea; if you haven't seen the "Silk Road" preparations from SW China through the Karakoram Range to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq,  Jordan (Edom) to Har Mediggo I suggest you look into it. America is set up like Sheep Dogs with Carrier Groups at Japan, Korea, Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Mediterranean. It's hard for most people to imagine planning the slaughter of billions of people much less God and writing both plans in stone (Talmud and Georgia Guide Stones). Time to establish a personal covenant with Jesus Christ; when US food chain is contaminated with Plutonium, I doubt the world will care much; it was the US who used Atomic weapons on Japan and Uranium munitions in the Middle East. Jesus said "A little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump"; a little Plutonium? Can you see why Plutonium is named after Pluto the Roman god of the Dead? Atmospheric Rivers are the domain of Dumuzi Apsu; can you see why all this is happening during Lent at the Ides of March? 40 days weeping for Dumuzi aka Tammuz is the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple. Time to wake up folks! Jesus returns to "Destroy them which destroy the earth" Rev 11:18  
Mar 13 May 21, 2011 will be the Rapture and Judgment of Earth; on Oct 21, 2011 will be the End of the World. Google "Mar 21, 2011 Judgment Day" and dozens of sites will tell you Jesus is scheduled to Rapture Christians on May 21st and the next 5 months to be like the 150 days of Noah's Flood (Gen 7:24) with Fire mixed in.  BS! BS! "And ye ahsll be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved" Mat 10:22 Rapture is a Scottish Jacobite "Plymouth Brethren" lie; "The Beast" Aleister Crowley was raised in the Plymouth Brethren; that alone should tell you something. What will happen? The plan is pretty much out in the open; read yesterday's summary. Time to keep a clear head. 11 sites such as list 12/21/2009 as the White Horse; 12/21/2011 Black Horse and 12/21/2012 Pale Horse (2012 Solstice is the most anticipated and planned for Astrological and Sacred Geometry event in world history). The Red Horse is between the White and Black Horse, peace is taken from the world, people killing one another; the Red Horse "...there was given unto him a great sword" Rev 6:4 While times are manageably calm, try to imagine WWIII starting (Iran=Aryan Ram; Grecian Rough Goat is Brass Kingdom of Dan 2:39 gaining rule over the earth=Esau's Dominion in Gen 27:40 and Dan 7:6), Earthquakes on the west coast of the Americas and along the New Madrid Fault (predicted by Russian Physics Institute and being planned for Mar 20-25 by a dozen Federal agencies), a 40 day Flood along the west coast (USGS Lucy Jones); now toss in a fake "Rapture". Folks, if these things are pulled off, millions if not billions of people will be in utter Chaos. Order out of this Chaos has been Satan's plan for 6000 years. Remember Jesus' words "He that endureth to the end shall be saved" Lay down the Sword and grab the real Sword; the Authorized Bible; read it without any Private Interpretation; times are likely going to get very interesting soon. 
Mar 12 Russian Institute of Physics of the Earth using EM signals in the upper atmosphere tells Vladimir Putin today a Mega-Quake along the America's West Coast  and New Madrid Fault is likely within 14 days. Ken Ring uses Sun, Moon and Tidal charts; he predicted the Christ Church, New Zealand Earthquake and now predicts a larger quake for Mar 20 (Nowruz and Purim) in connection with the Super Moon (Apogee and Full Moon on Mar 19th). Radioactive fallout map of Japan's Fukushima Daiici Nuclear Power Plant indicates the west coast of the US will receive radiation by Mar 20th. The CIA, Red Cross, US and Canadian Military, State and Treasury Departments, Defense Threat Readiness Agency and Agency for International Development (Agenda 21) are set to conduct a rare training exercise Mar 21-25. Need to be clubbed over the head to see who the real enemies are? FEMA was in NYC on 9/10/ 2001 preparing for a "Terrorist Event", NORTHCOM Commander Jim Winnefeld, then USS Enterprise Carrier Group Commander turned the entire task force around on 9/11/2001 in advance of the Afghanistan War (Clairvoyant? Sure). SOUTHCOM and NATO were conducting a Haitain Relief Drill in Miami when the Earthquake hit. NPR was sent to Sichuan China just days in advance of the Earthquake. USGS spokewoman Lucy Jones predicted a 40 day ARK Storm developing in the Western Pacific (like say Japan) would flood 1 in 5 California houses beginning in April; the Pacific Jet Stream moves from Japan to the US. Astrophysicist Michao Kaku says the Yellowtone Caldera is overdue for a major eruption which will end life in the US (destroy the food chain) as we know it. FEMA ordered 140 million MRE's for a major event on the New Madrid Fault. "A man's enemies shall be the men of his own household" Jesus Christ Mat 10:36. Can't say we weren't warned I guess. 
Mar 11 8.9 Quake and Tsunami 235 miles east of Japan at the Japan Trench on the "Ring of Fire". Caused by what? Paul, imprisoned in Rome "Brethren, whatsoever things are true...honest...just...pure...lovely...good report...think on these things" Phil 4:8 According to many including WebBot "Time Monk" Clif High and Berkley Astrophysicist Michio Kaku it's the "Super Moon"; Lunar Perigee coinciding with the Mar 19 "Full Moon" tearing the Earth's Tectonic Plates apart by the force of Gravity. Clif High says rapid Earth expansion at the Equator called "Expando Planet" is exacerbating the conditions due to plasma at the earth's core converting energy to matter. BS! Truth: God created Earth and fixed it on a foundation so that it cannot be moved before He created the Sun and Moon; if Gravity were real, the Earth and the Sun would have collided 6000 years ago; thank God the Rosicrucian Isaac Newton and Zionist Albert Einstein lied. Space is "Nothing"; Gravity "Waves" even if real cannot traverse "Nothing".  God created Earth by separating "Waters"; both physical and spiritual (living) but nonetheless, Earth's interior is not melted nor causing nuclear "plasma" fusion; it is loaded with Water. God's "Judgment" (not the Judgment Seat) of the Nations and "Wrath" brings reward to those who fear His name but destruction to "them which destroy the earth" Rev 11:18. According to "Judgment Day" is 12/21/2011, 9 months after the conception of Tammuz on Easter. The Ides of March is on the 15th but it also refers to the Full Moon on Mar 19th, 2011. The Senate (Brutus was claimed to be of Trojan descent) stabbed Julius Caesar 23 times according to a witch premonition "Beware the Ides of March". Clif High predicts Gravity will trigger volcanos, earthquakes and tsunamis; fine, I say men who hate God are destroying earth using Scalar EM Radars because Jesus Christ has released or is about to release the 2nd Seal "Red Horse"; March is the Roman New Year; Roman Mars/Greek Ares is the Red Planet/God of War. Mar 20 is the Persian Nowruz "New Light" and Talmudic "Purim" (Destroy, Crush, Bring to Naught), an Edomite revenge day described in Esther for the hanging of Haman the Edomite=Red=Esau. God hates Esau because he gave away his relationship with Him for Red Beans; God loves Jacob because after proving He was the real deal, he served him. I suggest "Thinking on those things that are True and Honest" rather than WebBot fairy tales. says the White Horse began his ride on 12/21/2009; the Black Horse  rides on 12/21/2011 and the Pale Horse  rides on 12/21/2012; there are 11 such sites such as this one, the 11th is Beware the Ides of March!      
Ash Odin's Day Night Ash means Pale; Chloro means pale green or ashen; the Pale Horse brings Death and Hell. Wisconsin means "Red Stone Place"; Gov Scott Walker's proposal to save $130 Million from a $3.7 Billion budget shortfall (3%) is to eliminate Unionization of public employees; all 50 states worth; saving $40 Billion from a $1.7 Trillion Federal budget (2%) shortfall is equally rediculous; the press is simply a tool dictators use as Joseph Goebbels put it 60 years ago. versus Freedom Works was the "Dialectic" this time. ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives) is a UN Climate Change mandate as part of Agenda-21 "Sustainable Development" with 1200 cities in 70 countries, among them Madison Wisconsin; these 1200 cities can rightly be visualized as the "Rods" in the Fasces symbol. The Jesuit power base in the US is Wisconsin under James Grummer; his boss is Adolfo Nicolas aka Jesuit General "Black Pope" in the Vatican "Divining Serpent". Wisconsin is the birthplace of public unions, as Wisconsin goes Unions go, and what better day than Ash Wodan's Day to set fire to 110 years of collective bargaining; this is the origination of the word "Fired". A month of well orchestrated/publicized protests were resolved in 30 minutes last night and the people lost. Over the doors of the Wisconsin Legislature is the Roman Fasces (Rods bound by Red Cord with a protruding axe blade), the Red Cord represents Edomite Dominion; out of America's ashes the Phoenix will rise and the kindling for this fire is Wisconsin. The Fasces supports the US Flag at Union Square Park in NYC, sits on the Supreme Court Doors, behind the Speaker of the House in Congress, over the doors of the Oval Office, on Rosicrucian President Lincoln's Memorial Throne and on all 50 State National Guard branches. 40 days of purification follow Carnivale/Mardi Gras to purify the Virgin for child birth of Tammuz. Symbolically, Edomite "Dominion" (Gen 27:40; Dan 7:6) of Tammuz can be seen as the Red Coat on the cover of "T" Party model Sarah Palin's book Going Rogue or the Red Blanket worn by US Air Union leader "Sully" Sullenberger (his co-pilot spoke at the rallies) who miraculously flew through Canadian Geese in January (migrations end in September) without getting any bird remnants on the jet; 2 days later he was on the cover of Newsweek wrapped in a Red blanket. Is it coincidence Sarah Palin has a business called Rouge Coup (Sudden Red Political takeover) and whose name means "Princess of the Pale Horse" or that Chester (originates from Cheshire Cat "Sly Grin") Sullenberger means "Stained, soiled, tarnished, defiled mountain"? I'm not judging on this basis, my name means "Brave-Heart or Chief Guardian and Red Cliff"; pretty strange I seem to be the only researcher out there identifying Edomites=Esau=Red as the root of evil on earth. Michael Moore spoke at the rally as well; is it coincidence his agent is the brother of Rahm and Ezekiel Emanual (Supreme God is with me)? Bottom line: God hates Esau (Rom 9:13; Mal 1:3) because he rejected a relationship with God; don't make the same mistake! States are bound by the Constitution to balance their budgets not pass on Red Ink to the Federal Government who must then borrow from the Rothschild "Red Shield" World Bank. Now can you see why the Knights Templar (International Bankers) used the Red Cross as their symbol and why the Catholic Church passed on their cosiderable wealth to the Knights of Malta 700 years ago? "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"-Cathar saying The Laurel is the symbol of Fascism (Augustus=Civic Authority to Kill) and who else but Tammuz aka Adonis, Bacchus and Dionysus. Time is short people; make a personal covenant with Jesus Christ and skip the "Weeping for Tammuz".
Ash Wednesday 40 Days of Lent=Lecten "Spring" to the conception of Tammuz in the womb of Ishtar (Easter) aka Chaldean Astarte, Phoenician Asherat "Our Lady of the Sea" or Cybele "Magna Mater"; Yarmulke is the "Cap of Cybele" after all. Aramaeans (Syrians) called the Babylonian Child Adonis, a corruption of Adonai "My Lord"; AD means "Year of the Lord"; sorry but wrong Lord. In Galatia (Turkey) Adonis was Attis; Celts called her Ceridwen; in Greece Proserpine (Persephone; featured The Matrix), the daughter of Ceres (her statue can be seen in the San Francisco Airport made of Cereal boxes). Liberia, another name served as the source of African (Libya=Land of Afri=
Africa) slaves and Reverend OliverNorth's Iran-Contra drug running airport in Costa Rica. Ariadne "Weaving Spider" is another name featured recently in the movie Inception. In pre-conquest Mexico, 40 days weeping for the Sun, personified by Quetzalcoatl or Kukulkan. Yezidis of Kurdistan (originally fire worshippers of Iran and Iraq) where Noah's Ark rests, fast 40 days during Lent The Edomite King Herod whose "Wailing Wall" is all that remains of the 2nd Temple celebrated Lent and Easter; killing James and taking Peter captive intending to kill him; an angel of the LORD prevented that however and new bible versions replaced Easter with Pascha to further confuse the dates. They have nothing to do with each other. Lent varies in different parts of the world; June is the month called Tammuz roughly 3 months later Why? Jesus' birthday is the 8th day of Tabernacles in 6 BC (15 Tishrei=29 Sept), 3 months earlier than Sol Invictus aka Christmas. Isn't it time to Wake Up and take that symbol of Bacchus off your 3rd Eye?

Mar7  UCADIA "Unique Collective Awareness of DIA (Wisdom)" is composed of members called "Society of United Free States of Spirit"; in Latin "Pactum De Singularis Caelum" means "Covenant of One Heaven"; Jesus calls this "Mark of the Beast". UCADIA rests on one primary foundation "Immortality of the Soul"; Jesus of course tells us "It is appointed for man once to live and then the Judgment" and "Fear Him who can destroy the body and soul in Hell". UCADIA is therefore a collective "Blasphemy of the Holy Ghost". UCADIA members accept an 18 digit (3 groups of 6) membership number and confess 8 levels of Awareness: Animus, Self, Gaia (Earth/Atomic), SOL (sub-atomic ie Nuclear), GAL (Galaxy/Quark), UINTAS (God Particles/Dark Matter) and UCA (United Collective Awareness) ie Divine Creator. UTC (Universal Time) is based on Solar, Lunar, Precession "Time" centered at the Prime Meridian. Date for the 1st "White Horse": 12/21/2009 aka "Day of Divine Agreement"; 3rd "Black Horse" 12/21/2011 aka "Day of Judgment" and 4th "Pale Horse" aka "Day of Redemption" 12/21/2012; on this day the Imam "Mahdi" aka World Teacher "Maitreya" make the appearance as Alternative Messiah. Note: The Pale Horse brings Death and Hell; this refers to Spiritual Death and Eternal Hell (separation from God; Hell is destroyed after the Millennium). Where is the Red Horse you ask? Obviously between the White Horse who conquers with a Bow ie like Archers they use anonymous weapons like EM weather weapons used in Haiti, Russia, Pakistan, India, Australia, US, Europe and Drones flown in Afghanistan and Pakistan from remote bases; before the Black Horse Duh! Put another way, from now until Christmas. Cathars (Catharsis means discharge of pent up emotion; "Cat"=Q in Celtic for "Source" or "Battle" "Cat Anu "Chrildren of Anu" aka Tuatha de Danaan the originators of the Irish-Scottish/Templar/Hospitaller/Grail King Lies) had a saying "Every 700 years the Laurel grows green again"; in 1244 Gnostic Norman Cathars were rounded up and burned alive; 700 years later was D-Day at Normandy; 700 years ago on June 23, 1311 the Last Knight Templar Stephen de Staplebrugge confessed the "Double Initiation" required  of Templars (Hospitallers subsequently took their role) "Deny Jesus Christ is God and Man, and deny Mary is his mother; spit on the Cross, kiss the Baphomet Head and confess Allah is god (Jah-Baal-Osiris) is the Royal Arch Mason version of Allah, the pre-islamic Assyrian deity Sin. Red Horse takes Peace from Earth; this summer? Pretty good guess I'd say; WWIII? My guess is still Mar 20 Purim (Edomite revenge) and Nowruz (Brass Sanjaks represent the Peacock Angel Melek-Taus) but I stress this is just a guess; I m privy to nothing outside of my relationship with Jesus Christ. The symbol of UCADIA is the Flower of Life; it incorporates elements of the Hexagram "Star of Molech"; Golden Mean "Labrys", Metatron (Meta=Beyond; Tron=Matrix) Cube, Merkabah (Mer=Light; Ka=Spirit; Ba=Body) aka Ezekiel's Wheel (basically it isa 3-D Seal of Solomon aka 6 pointed Phoenician Star; Earth represented as overlapping Tetrahedrons as viewed from the Sun forms the basis of Sacred Geometry). Gnosticism's 6000 year old goal to "become as gods" is a written, notarized and public document called UCADIA and 2011 seems to be a very big year. Time to Wake Up!!!!!!! You can choose UCADIA or Jesus Christ but not both. The whole mess can be viewed at My article Aquarian Cross covers the Labrys on the Cross at Glastonbury Tor aka King Arthur's Grave "Avalon" and Chapter 23 to the Book of Revelation 12/21/2012 is in my opinion Dan 9:27 "Covenant with Many", Dan 7:6 "3rd Beast Dominion", Dan 2:39 "Kingdom of Brass", Rev 6:14 "6th Seal; Heaven departs", (I doubt Rev 7 "Sealing of 12 Tribes" will take long), Rev 8 "7th Seal; 1st Trumpet", Rev 13 "Beast", Rev 11 "Temple" of Sodom and Egypt, 2 Thess 2:11 "Strong Delusion". Can you see why "Sol Invictus" 12/21/2012 is a very big deal (spiritually) now? 

Mar 6 The Arab League formed in Cairo, now all are in open revolt: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Libya (a named nation of Gog and Magog, the rebellion over 1000 years from now!), Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain (world's military arms Bazaar),

is the Gnostic "Month of Purification" 2/14, the Ides of February is "Lupercalia"; 2/1: Imbolg "In the belly"; St Brigid's Day "Bride"; Catholic "Purification of the Virgin Mary". "Februa" mimics Rebekah and Jacob's use blood soaked goat skin/fur to fool Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing of his first born son Esau; Isaac may have been deceived, but God was not; the blessings for Esau to become rich, throw off Jacob's "God's" Yoke and kill His followers is accurate (Gen 27:39-41KJV). Gnostic followers of Valentinius used blood soaked goat skins "Febuas" in fertility, "Sacrament of Copulation" rituals and choosing their mates for the year; the Sacred Heart used on Valentine's Day is derived from the Apple; cut top to bottom which mimics the birth canal of the goddess; cut across mimics the Witchcraft 5-pt Star (Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Quintessence/Spirit) "Pentacle". February was aligned to begin 40 days after the birth of Sol Invictus (Persian Mithra).
Stop Blaming Jews!!! Articles are prevalent claiming Hollywood, Banking eg Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Rothschilds, Bernie Madoff, Google, Wikipedia, Facebook, Microsoft, Yahoo, MySpace, Ebay etc etc are controlled by Jews. Taurus excrement! They are Gnostics.
2/28 Stephen Hawking's Universe "Time travel could allow humans to skip generations into future, colonize distant worlds and return to re-populate Earth in the event of extinction because Time slows for accelerated objects and velocities approaching light speed" FOX (Jesus called the Edomite Herod "An Old Fox"; Rupert Murdoch=Merodach aka Marduk) begins this series 3/6. Hawking is an idiot. Einstein proposed Time slowed near light speed (no proof light speed is constant or that time slows) and proved light slows during acceleration; no surprise, radioactive decay of cesuim-133, used to measure time in atomic clocks is altered in acceleration as are quartz crystals or mechanical springs; it's comparing apples and oranges. Hawking proposes using rockets full of fuel to accelerate at 6 G's for 6 years to reach light-speed of 670million MPH where time would slow to 1 day in space for 1 year elapsed on earth. Space Shuttles exhaust their fuel tanks accelerating to 17,000MPH; Hawking is proposing 40 thousand times this amount of fuel; no other type of propulsion is capable of this acceleration. Man can survive 6 G acceleration for several minutes, not several years. The nearest star is 5 years at Light speed away; most are hundreds or thousands (measured by Red Shift; itself a Lie invented by Edwin Hubble to justify Big Bang Theory; Light Speed as we measure it is slowing as one would expect from particles with Mass). Hawking says Time Travel into the future is possible, no into the past because one could kill himself or his grandparents and never exist. has articles on life on Mars, Arsenic loving bacteria in Mono Lake and Hawking's rediculous theories about Time Travel and less than friendly Aliens. Australia is where Rupert Murdoch owns Newscorp; no surpise eh?
2/27 Dialectic: Thesis (Freedom Works/Tea Party=33Mason Dick Armey; Americans for Prosperity=Koch Brothers) + Antithesis ( Soros/Lady Lynn Forester and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild)=Synthesis (Revolution). MoveOn (On is Osiris the Egyptian sun god of Heliopolis "City of the Sun"; Priests of On were Amalekites ie Edomites). Tea Party (T=Tammuz, the reason the Glory of the LORD departed Solomon's Temple in Eze 8). George Soros is 32Prince Hall Mason and Martinist Order (Martinists instigated the French Revolution) handler with Zbigniew Brzezinski (books "The Grand Chessboard" and "America in the Technotronic Era" ie WX Modification). Color Revolutions (eg William of Orange+Mary "Tudor Rose") are the goal. MoveOn supported foreigner Barack Hussein Obama, now supporting Union Employees in all 50 states rallying against draconian State budget cuts; this is the reason States are required to balance their budgets; all State Governors are traitors in this regard. statements "US is a danger to world peace"; "Jews in AIPAC control the media". Not true Rothschild=Red Shield=Edomites; AIPAC is Edomite as is Hollywood. rally supporter Jeff Skiles from US AIR Flt #1549 in Wisconsin; Jan 15, 2009 ALPA Union leaders Skiles and Chesley Sullenberger hit a flock of migrating 4' wingspan/20lb Canadian Geese at 3000ft (Migrations are usually completed by August) without a drop of blood on the cockpit and intact engine fan blades; easier to believe OJ is innocent and JFK's magic bullet reversed course for me. Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild not only finance and Soros' Color Revolutions, they purchased the WX Channel 3 weeks ago. "America in the Technotronic Era" refers to UN-Natural Disasters caused by EM Scalar Weapons (HAARP, EISCAT, Sousy, SuperDarn, Woodpecker Grid etc). The Tea Party Flag openly features 13 Stars and Stripes encircling a II for America's 2nd Masonically instigated Revolution. In addition to Soros is active in Freedom House, Open Societies Institute, and America Coming Together (Skull & Bones Satanist John Kerry manages this). Holy and Ekklesia mean Separate; I humbly suggest we keep these Wolves out and establish a Covenant with the Lamb.
2/25 Q The oldest (claimed) Gnostic Gospel claiming Jesus was not God in Flesh, did not suffer on the Cross and escaped the Crucifixion; all Lies. Q "Quelle" means "Source". Qatar, Quran, Qaeda and Quraysh are derived from Q as are the current revolutions in territories controlled by the Fatimid Caliphate across North Africa. Qatar Foundation uses the Gnostic Tree of Knowledge, the "Source" of Gnosticism and Lies as its symbol; the Quran is the "Source" of Islam, it claims Jesus was a Prophet of God, not God in flesh and Abraham was willing to sacrifice Ishmael rather than Isaac on Mt Moriah where the Golden Dome of the Rock is today. Quraysh Bedouins are the "Source" of the rebel priesthood of Korah (Core in Jude) who rejected Moses and Aaron; Muhammad, Druze, Bahai all have their "Source" from this dominant tribe of Mecca, a name "Mechus" meaning "Adultery" where the Black Stone resides. Al Qaeda means "A Solid Foundation"; the "Source" being the Rock under the Golden Dome where Arab myth claims the White Horse "al-Buraq" surveyed the land for Abraham and later Muhammad; Arab means "Merchant or Trader"; Jesus traded for Antichrist. The Quraysh Tribe is divided into Ummayad; dominant in Damascus and Cordoba came to be called Marrano and Crypto "Jews" who migrated to South America/Mexico, today's source of MEChA, La Raza Unida, Voz de Aztlan; Separdics are not "Jews of the Spanish Rite" nor was the Spanish Inquisition "Catholic". Abbasid, dominant in Baghdad "Baghdad "Jews" and Harran "Sabians of Harran" became the "Source" of Alchemy/Chemistry, Heliocentric/Copernican Astrology, Earth Precession/Calendar (Time calculation), Optics (Light theory became Relativity). "The pen is mightier than the sword"- Edward Bulwer-Lytton originated here as "The ink of a scholar is more holy than the blood of a martyr"; the movie Inception featured this. Fatimid, dominant in Tunisia and Cairo (Al Qahira=Cairo meaning Mars "War, Red or Subduer"); Saladin, the 1st Sultan of Egypt was a Kurd (Kurdistan was the Source of Zoroaster) and famous Fatimid, trained in Sufi mysticism by the Hashahahim (Assassin) as the Muslim "Antithesis" to the Knight Templars "Thesis" during the Crusades in the quest to control Jerusalem aka "Spiritual Sodom and Egypt". His dynasty represents the Arab nations currently in open revolt from Algeria to Yemen. Shiites are also divided among Ismailis and Twelvers (Ahmadinejad) who await the reincarnation of the 12th Imam "Mahdi"; at the apex of all Revolutions are Gnostics (eg Rosicrucians and Zoroastrians) leading Jews (Talmudism and Kaballah aka Zionism), Christians (Crusaders aka Zionisim) and Muslims (Saracens "Empty of Sarah=Hagar, Ishmael aka Zionism) to War. In America, the puppeteer of al-Barack is Zbigniew Brzezinski; same puppeteer Carter had. Time to get right with the Big Rock Jesus Christ! I would consider doing this before Hebrew Lots "Purim" and Persian Nowruz "New Light" on the Mar 20th Vernal Equinox. At least read the book of Esther and figure out why God is not mentioned. I can assure you Haman's Edomite descendants are still upset. 
2/23 While Somali Pirates and Gaddafi hog media airtime, Wisconsin is America's  Constitution "Ground Zero"; Gov. Scott Walker "We have options to use Nat Guard and police against protesters". National Guard is prohibited by Posse Comitatus Act from being used against it's own citizens in domestic law enforcement; preventing Millions of US Public Employees from Collective Bargaining is a recipe for Revolution; Freedom Works and Wisconsin Jesuit Provincial Thomas Krettek (Thomas Lawler selected Dec 2012 is set to replace Krettek June 2011; "Nothing in Politics happens by accident"- FDR) are doubtless managing the event. Over the doors of the Wisconsin State Capital is the symbol of the Society of Cincinnatti an Eagle surmounted by Fasces forming an X. The Eagle (Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum is active in every state promoting revolt currently) is Esau's symbol "Thou exhalt thyself as the eagle...the men of thy confederacy" Obadiah 1:4;7. Fasces is the Roman symbol of Dictatorial Fascism; Rods bound by Red Edomite cord surrounding an axe blade. Cincinnatti refers to Roman gentleman farmer turned part time dictator Lucius Cincinnatus. Gen Arthur Sinclair was 1st territoral governor of the Western Territory and source of the name Cincinnatti; the same territory Jesuits control from Wisconsin (MN, MS, WS, OH, IL, IN). Rosslyn St Clair's are Normans (Norman means North Man aka Norse) who put their riddles in stone at Rosslyn Chapel Scotland. Mason George Washington formed the Society of Cincinnatti, featured in the movie The Patriot; 23 signers of the Declaration of Independence were also members. This document was modeled after the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath  signed in 1320 after the 9/11/1297 Battle of Stirling Bridge featured in another of Jesuit actor Mel Gibson's Braveheart (Jesuit Jim Cavezal plagued the Masonic Alternative version of Jesus in Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ blasphemously using all XXX Italian porn stars; Mary Magdalene played by Veronica Bellucci who was Persephone "Goddess of Underworld" and wife of the Merovingian in the Matrix movies). The Sinclair/Knight Templar Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 was reinacted in the 9/11-13, 1814 Defense of Ft McHenry (Scotsman James McHenry was Washington's Sec of War and lodge brother) which gave the US its National Anthem set to the tune of a Greek Baccanalian poem used by the Anacroen Society and a later Scots-Irish drinking song "Anacreon in Heaven" (Greek Pederast Anacreon and Roman Cincinnatus lived during the same period Zoroastrianism was spreading ca 500 BC). The Fasces adorns the doors of the US Supreme Court, Lincoln Memorial Throne, Oval Office, the 19.5 ft tall (Metonic Cycle of the Sun and Moon is 19.5 years) Statue of Freedom on the US Capitol Dome, Knights of Columbus, Harvard University and perhaps most visibly at Union Square Park in NYC facing the famous Midnight Countdown clock and Hand of Providence. Freedom, Liberty and Equality  are Jesuit/Masonic themes of every Revolution; Red is the color because they always represent Freedom and Liberty from God and Equality with God. God hates 2 things: Esau (Mal 1:3; Rom 9:13 and Nicolaitanes Rev 2:6;15. We are staring them in the face! Normans aka Norse referred to America as "Ultima Thule"; Thule Society is the Brotherhood of Death (Stalin, Hitler, Mao Tse Tung, Bush Sr, Jr members); I doubt it was coincidence the Battle of Hastings was 1066 and Anton LaVey's Church of Satan was founded 1966. Ever heard of the Eagle's song "Welcome to the Hotel California?" Check in and you can never leave. Time to get right with God!
2/21 Freedom Works run by 33Mason Dick Armey and Americans for Prosperity run by David Koch, organized the first Tax Day Tea Party on April 15, 2009 now in Madison Wisconsin; birthplace of AFSCME (1.6 million Public Employees Union) and of Jesuit Temporal Co-adjurer of the US James Grummer. Col. (Colonel means commander of a column of soldiers at the head of a regiment; specifically the Libyan goddess Neith aka Phoenician Tanit) Muammar Gaddafi ordering pilots to commit genocide seek assylum in Malta as he allegedly heads to Venezuela. Why? Tunisia #1 Domino is  Carthaginian ie Phoenician. Syrians (Aramaeans=Shem's 5th son Aram) and Venezuela share Druze in common, a mix of Gnosticism, Greek Philosophy, Ismailism (Esoteric Shia Islam "Twelvers" such as Ahmadinejad believe in a reincarnation of the 12th Imam Mahdi as world teacher) and a belief in Reincarnation in the form of Transmigration of the Soul. Morocco (Shriner Fez celebrates the slaughter of 50K Christians by Moors), Algeria, Tunisia (Anakin Skywalker's "Immaculate Conception" by Darth Plagueis aka Darth the Wise, the Sith Dark Lord birthplace; Sith refers to Set the Evil Twin of Osiris. Midichlorians in Anakins blood make him a Jedi Knight and leader of the Rebel Alliance; Jedi= Djed Pillar; sons of Anak were the Giants in Num 13 Israel was reluctant to battle cute eh? Not obvious? Spielberg and Lucas are well informed Gnostics), Libya and Egypt are all the start of a worldwide Gnostic rebellion; Freedom and Liberty from God. With these revolts going on NASA has lost its mind if it ever had one. They claim proof of 50 billion planets in the Milky Way with 500 million "Earth Like"; 1 in 2 Stars in the Universe have planets orbitting them with some 300 Billion in the Goldilocks Zone (liquid water) and a $2 Trillion Solar Katrina is imminent. There is no proof of any planets outside Neptune, period; Pluto is not a planet and Tyche "Goddess of Fortune" being 4X the size of Jupiter is simply a Gravitational Scape Goat for EM Weapons likely soon to be creating UN Natural Disasters. Gravity is also a Gnostic lie. Katrina was a guided storm, landing at first light on the Feast day of Herod's beheading of John the Baptist; Katrina stems from Catharsis and Hecate "Goddess of the Underworld". Reagan's Star Wars? We are looking at it; Destroy the world and blame somebody else for it. Seems like a good time to establish contact with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to me; this is likely just the tip of a very big iceberg. Colonels command 5th Column Soldiers and they always have an exit strategy; their soldiers do not.    
2/18 Freedom House "Whose Next?" Brooking's Institute "Which path to Persia?" RAND "Building moderate Muslim Networks" Tunisia, Yemen, Algeria, Morocco, Libya (Media blackout; Qaddafi ship Amalthea "Zeus' Wet Nurse" last ship to run Gaza blockade), Egypt, Jordan, Iran in or near Revolution since February 2011. The first place in the US to openly revolt? Wisconsin. Why? My guess is Jesuit Fr James Grummer; his boss Adolfo Nicolas aka Jesuit General "Black Pope". The oath he swore: Be a Catholic among Catholics, a Protestant among Protestants, a Jew among Jews...insidiously sew discord among families, communities, states, nations that were at peace, inciting them to deeds of blood...create conditions of revolution and war among countries that were at peace...become a spy on your brethren and others...ingratiate yourself to Banks, Universities, Legislatures to destroy from within. Wisconsin derives from "Meskousing" a corrupted name meaning "Red Stone Place"; it is the center of the Effigy Mound Culture. The first American Revolution was started by the Society of Red Men; the 2nd will start from the Society of Red Men; Esau's Edomite Red Shield Rosicrucian Jesuits who God hates and who hate God. Thank Ronald Reagan for recognizing this worldwide scourge; there are 13 levels of Jesuit leadership between the Black Pope and Barack Obama and I'll just bet he hasn't the backbone JFK with Addison's disease had to stand up to them. Obama's supervisor? Zbigniew Brezezinski currently fomenting 8 Revolutions in his "Clash of Civilization".
2/16 What would you do? US Total Debt obligations $65Trillion; World Gross Domestic Product $58Trillion. 2011 forecast US Deficit Spending $1.5 Trillion + Interest=$3 Trillion/year. Stop the bleeding? Balance the Scales? Absurd: $44Billion included in $3.7Trillion budget for 275 Full Body Image scanners; the goal is to have 1200+ machines in the US alone. Got a calculator? $160,000,000/machine so Americans can spread this debt abroad. A Tourniquet stops bleeding; seen who controls US Shipping Ports, Airport Gates, Panama Canal and most of the Canadian border? The longer the world waits, the worse this gets. Even if the US stopped spending altogether, the burden on the rest of the world would still increase over $1Trillion/year. Ever wonder why America does not appear in last days prophecy?
2/15 Iran following Egypt's Revolution calling for Death to Ahmadinejad began its Green Revolution on Lupercalia. Ahmadinejad was lead captor of 52 hostages held 444 days during the 1979 Iranian Revolution, released during Reagan's Inauguration speech when it was public knowledge Satanist George Bush "Magog" would become VP; twice at the UN he has stated his Divine Mission is to usher in reincarnation of the 12th Imam "Mahdi". Green is Satan's Color not Red; Mir-Hossein Mousavi Khameneh became PM in the Islamic Revolution purging western Influences from Universities and Culture and ushering in the Shia Theocracy of Ayatollah Ali Komeini, protected by the Revolutionary Guards and Hizbullah, the new government of Lebanon. Mousavi created the Expediency Discernment Council, Green Path of Hope, the Islamic (Shia) Republican Party and became leader of the Cultural Revolution and Foreign Affairs. A speech by Ayathollah Komeini signalled the start of the Revolution; the same date the "Shot heard around the world" was fired by Masons at Lexington Green to start the American Revolution in 1775, the AP Murrah Bldg and Branch Davidians were burned, Hitler's Birthday and Deepwater Horizon caught fire. Shuttle Endeavour makes its last flight April 20, 2011 over Passover; All coincidence I'm sure.  
2/12 Valentine's Day "Lupercalia" (Day of the Wolf "Lupercus") is Feb 14 "Ides of Februa". Julius Caesar borrowed a day for July; Augustus Caesar a day for August from the month of Purification; the 13th Eve sacred to the Sabine and Etruscan goddess Lucina and Lucetia "Goddess of Celestial Light" became the Roman "Juno", sister and consort of Jupiter (Zeus) equivalent to Artemis or Diana "Goddess of the Hunt". Juno brought the Bride (Celtic St Brigid) across the threshold to the husband, unknotted the girdle, perfumed the doorposts, opened the womb to the "Seed of Light" and presided over labor, delivery and lactation. Gnostic Priests bloodied a knife sacrificing He-goats and Dogs; naked save for Goat Skin Thongs "Februas" they slapped women in fertility rituals with blood and milk soaked Goat Fur in the College of Luperci or "Lupercal", considered the Cave of Remus and Romulus (Cretan Zeus myth is identical). Sex partners were chosen by "Billets"; heart shaped love notes for the "Sacrament of Copulation", representing the Divine Union of Sophia "Wisdom" and the Redeemer "Lucifer"; 3rd Century Valentinian Gnostics called Lupercalia "Angels in the Nuptial Chamber"; suppressed in 494 AD, the day then became the Celtic St Brigid's Day. Valentine's Day originated before the founding of Rome; perhaps brought in by Umbrian (Sabine) women; Rape of the Sabines refers to their abduction and subsequent assimilation into Roman society; Rape then became associated with Gen 6 sons of God taking human women as wives and the Nephilim lie and the 19th century "Rapture" lie. Jesus refers to "Wolves in Sheep's clothing" bringing in Leaven to the Church such as Valentine's "Lupercalia" Day, Christmas "Sol Invictus" and Easter "Ishtar". Holy and Ekklesia mean Separate; I'd take Him at His Word.   
2/11 Good pick pockets divert attention as they steal. As Egypt hogs media airtime exchanging a billionaire dictator for a CIA, Ft Bragg trained head of Egyptian Intelligence, Extraordinary Rendition Torture expert, DTCC (Depository Trust & Clearing Corp) aka "Cede and Co" with $23T in assets quietly "Cedes" ownership of the world. DTCC is owned by the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), it processes all of the US FED's and much of the FED's worldwide $1 Quadrillion annual (as of 2002)stock transactions, holding physical Stock Certificates for 99% US Stocks. DTCC and the NYSE are now merging with Deutsche Boerse AG based in Frankfurt, Germany; Goldman Sach's Duncan Niederauer is its new CEO and our new Owner-Landlord; effectively an Agent for the Bank of International Settlements. How did this happen? Born with a "Name", we obtained a Social Security Card with a "NAME", our Corporate (Corpus means Body) NAME. Laws written by Legislators and interpreted by Courts placed a Gold Braid around the US Flag to indicate the President through "Executive Order" (Started by Lincoln) usurps the Constitution as Supreme Law of the Land "Maritime Law". Acquired "Territories" then became Municipal and State governments whose annual deficits were necessarily transferred to the US Government. They in turn borrowed funds for Wars, Social Security, Medicare etc pledging its assets; You, me, our children, Stock, Bank and Property accounts as colateral against the loan. The Gold is gone and all Nations who allowed the FED to control their money supply are in this predicament. It all started while America was busy with the American Revolution at 666 Frankfurt Am Mein when Mayer Amschel Bauer drew a Red Six Pointed Star over his door and changed his name to Rothschild "Red Shield". "Permit me to issue and control a nation's money supply and I care not who makes its laws" Mayer Amschel Rothschild-1790. Admiralty Law is called Merchant Law; Arab means Merchant. Can you see why Jesus Christ is the only way out now? 
2/10 Joshua is not Jesus; Miriam is not Mary; the LXX is a Gnostic version of the OT. 2 articles posted at caught my attention. Joshua was Oshea meaning "Dauntless or Hawk-like" not Hoshea meaning "Salvation" (bibles I checked KJV AMP, NKJV, NIV and LXX make this critical change); Joshua means "JEHOVAH is salvation"; make no mistake here JESUS is not Joshua! Miriam means "Rebelliously"; there was hardly anything rebellious about Mary. Deepwater Horizon caught fire April 20 and sank (intentionally) on Earth Day April 22; those dates 2011 will be start Passover. References to Rev 8 (Great Tribulation Trumpets) came out (Sea turning to blood); now these articles claim the 7th Trumpet is about to sound; BS!! Keep it simple: "7 Seals" close Heaven and seal the tribes of Israel to begin the 42 month Great Tribulation "7 Trumpets"; at the end of that is 7 Vials of Wrath in one day and the 2nd Coming. If you have wondered why Arthur Koestler and Yair Davidiy track the tribe of Ephraim to Europe and America it's because a false "Joshua" claiming to be from the tribe of Ephraim is about to be revealed. LXX "Septuagint" started this misconception; it was written in the 2nd century BC (Macabbaean/Hasmonean Period) by Gnostic Theraputae at Alexandria Egypt; critical changes for us today are changing "2300 days" in Dan 8 to "2400 days"; "Zion" to "Sion" (Sion is Mt Hermon ie Golan Heights) in Obadiah; Plumbline to Adamant; Gog to Caterpillar; LORD repents to LORD relents and changes his mind in Amos. In a nutshell, it denys Jesus the Millennial Reign, placing the battle of Gog and Magog in today's timeframe; this is why adding ages of patriarchs in the Masoretic text yields an age of Creation about 6000 years whereas the Septuagint yields over 7000 years. Now is the time to get an Authorized Bible (KJV) and get familiar with it; there were plenty of reasons why Gnostics (Jesuits) tried to kill King James I exactly 400 years ago. 
2/9 Obama envoy Frank Wisner Jr (Frank Sr founded  CIA "Operation Mockingbird", to control the media, Frank Jr, 36 yr diplomat under 8 presidents, rewarded with positions on Enron/AIG board) tells Mubarak to cling to power; CNN's Anderson Cooper (CIA internships, Sodomite; family brought Ceopatra's Needle, one of 4 of Hathsepsut's Edomite/Hyksos/Amalekite Exodus Era Obelisks with London's "City in the Grove or New Troy", the Vatican's "Divining Serpent Mound" and Paris "Boat" to Central Park, it's inscription openly calls for the return of Horus) calls Murabarak and Omar Suleiman murderous, lying thugs, meanwhile people starve and Egypt dominates world news. Behind the scenes, Rothschild's purchased the WX Channel, all 260 US Ambassadors/Consulates and Israel's Masonic errand boy Ehud "Unity" Barak "Lightning" (named after Israel's 2nd Judge Ehud in Judges 3" in Washington DC "And the children of Israel did evil in sight of the LORD...served Baalim and the groves...and the LORD strengthened Eglon, the king of Moab...Ehud put forth his left hand and took the dagger ...and thrust it into his belly" UN is Unity; Ehud Barak heads there tomorrow; their man is Mohammad ElBarraddei, not Omar Suleiman who is currently threatening military reprisals against Egyptians. Unity comes from Chaos, the sort that comes from Iceland's "B'ardarbunga" Volcano erupting, New Madrid Fault Earthquake (FEMA acquiring 140 Million meals), Magnetic Pole Shift (Molten Iron Core as the cause is BS, Earth's interior has a lot of Water; the cause is EM Scalar Radars), Yellowstine Super-volcano erupting (Michio Kaku, Thermohaline "Ocean Conveyor" shutting down (Global Climate change is not the cause; Deepwater Horizon was the intentional cause).  Egypt is a well orchestrated diversion; American diplomats are likely being warned of upcoming UN-Natural "WX" disasters and the potential to reap huge profits in commodities (Oil, Food) and US Dollar devaluation. A meeting of this sort is unprecedented in history. "The love of money is the root of all evil". Rest assured, God does not destroy His Creation; He returns "...reward them that fear thy name...and destroy them which destroy the earth" Rev 11:18 Time to start fearing the LORD, not these Gnostic, lying, thugs.
2/7 Onyx "Claw or Fingernail", BrahMos "Brahmaputra River and Moscow River", Yakhont "Shame, Corruption", Sunburn are names for Iran, China and Russian Mach 3 (2100MPH), 45ft altitude, 300KM range 5,500 lb, nuclear capable Cruise Missiles which render Aircraft Carriers "Floating Coffins". The Kinetic Energy alone (5,500lb@2500ft/s) is sufficient to sink a carrier. Deployed along the Zagros Mountains and Syria, Iran conducted its first open test. MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN "God has numbered thy kingdom and finished it; Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting; Thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians" Dan 5:25 was also written with a Claw and Fingernail; the Medes and Persians (Pars=Fars=Farsi=Zoroastrian) having snuk inside the gates while Babylon partied. In Farsi Obama means "He is with us". "Gog, Chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" was a title given George Bush Jr in Zedekiah's Cave Jan 2008; study bible notes usually claim Meshech means Moscow (A Lie; Gog and Magog refer to the 4 quarters of the world at the end of the Millennium). The Theosophical Society aka Brotherhood of Death Society, Skull & Bones Society or Thule Society originated on the Bramaputra River in India. Of 22 Aircraft Carriers operating in the world, America has 11; are we so Corrupt we can't see the Sun is burning us to death?
2/7 Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild (Red Shield=Edomite) purchased 70% of The Weather Channel, the world's leading source of real time WX information. Their investment company owns and provides information for Hedge Funds, Energy Companies, Governments, 100's Millions of people in 21 countries through 400 TV Stations and mobile devices. WX Channel founder Terry Kelly "The world is facing major weather shifts due to Climate Change". No Terry, devout New World Order Satanists who control Weather using EM Scalar Radars (HAARP, SuperDarn, EISCAT, Woodpecker Grid etc) now control the media which will blame God for horrendous UN-Natural disasters as bankers with an uncanny 6th sense to predict these events cash in; or was it just luck SOUTHCOM was in Miami preparing for Haitian Relief days before disaster struck? 
2/5 Freemason, Kappa Sigma Fraternity (Star, Crescent, Skull & Bones symbols), Roswell Alien advocate/witness, Noetic Science proponent (Noosphere means "Mind Sphere" a Neo-platonic term coined by Jesuit, Evolution fraud Pierre Teillhard du Chardin) NASA astronaut (Astronaut is a cross between Aeronaut and Argonaut; A Golden Fleecing to be sure) Edgar Mitchell's 40th anniversary of Apollo 14 ponders questions: Is there a supreme being? Are we alone? A Luciferian Freemason in the Artesia NM Lodge should know eh? Interviewed, he says "Our molecules were manufactured in the fiery furnace of ancient stars. Uh, no Ed. The Sun and presumably Stars produce Helium by fusing Hydrogen, molecules heavier than that violate Laws of Entropy and no proof has ever been found. His Masonic partner Alan Shepard famously hit 2 golf balls (Two-ball Cain=Tubal-cain) with 3 strokes just as the cornerstone of St Andrews Golf Club was laid. Our Endeavor is the Discovery of Atlantis using Columbia to vanquish Enterprising Challengers. Challenger and Columbia are gone; Endeavor launches on Passover April 19; same date Hitler burned Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto with flame throwers, David Koreish (alter ego invoking King David and false Koreish Priesthood like Muhammad a Koreish Bedouin) Branch Davidians were burned alive in Waco and the FEMA/Elohim City orchestrated AP Murrah Bldg exploded kiling children in America's Choice Day Care. Fordicidia (4/15 Sacrifice of a pregnant cow by burning; ashes kept by Vestal Virgins as sacrifice to the Earth Mother "Tellus") Cerealia (4/19 New Statue of grain goddess Ceres in SF Int'l Airport even has it's left hand chopped off) Parilia (4/21 Shepherd god Pales), Robigalia (4/25 Crops), Vinalia (4/30 Wine). May 1 "Beltane" (Birth of Baal). Endeavor's last flight over Hitler's birthday and the 1 yr anniversary of Deepwater Horizon, cool eh?   
2/5 Dominoes are the favored game at Bohemian Grove (Grove=High Place where evil is done in sight of the LORD), the word has roots in Dominion "Sovereign Authority to rule"; Dom=Sun and a hooded cloak worn by Priests, of God? No way Jesus=Melchisedek "King of Salem" refers to Jerusalem as "Spiritually, Sodom and Egypt" (Rev 11:8) because Jerusalem is the Jebusite (Canaanite) "City of Peace". Sodom=To Burn. Egypt=Aegyptus the Greco-Roman name for the land of Nilus=Nile "Father of Rivers"; his mythical genealogy: Gaia (Earth goddess), Oceanus, Nilus, Phoenix (Arabian-Egytptian Benu bird who rises of its own destruction by fire), Europa (Zeus=Day + Cretan Queen Europa=Bull-Man "Minotaur ", Danae "Tuatha de Danaan" (offspring of goddess Danu). Why put this in Daily Updates? Aegyptus means "People of the Heifer": Auroch Bull, Apis Bull, Lunar Bull, Solar Bull, Taurus, Hathor, Brahma, El, Baal, Anath, Zeus, Dionysus, Pan, Bacchus should be familiar by now; they represent Aaron's the Golden Calf on Mt Sinai Arabia (no, it's not in Egypt ref Gal 4), Jeroboam's Golden Calf at Beth-el and Dan and Wall St Bull to name a few. Dominoes: Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Jordan. 5995 years ago, Taurus gave way to Aries, Pisces and in 2012 Aquarius; on the Solstice the Sun will be framed by the Horns of Taurus. Tired of BS? Make a personal covenant with Jesus Christ; He is not a Bull and His baptism of the Holy Ghost has nothing to do with physical Water. 2 Mormons (Mitt Romney, Jon Huntsman) are running for President of Amar (Canaanite god) Can (Priest of Baal); they both claim Jesus' title Melchisedek Priest and both were baptized in water supported by a neutered Bull. Ox-bow is both a semi-circle bend in a River "Rainbow" (name for New Age) and a "Yoke", specifically Jacob's "Yoke" (Gen 27:39-41KJV) keeping his brother Esau (Edomites) from killing people in covenant with God (Jacob and Israel); no mistake here, Jacob lost the right to the name Israel for worshipping the Golden Bull in Amos 5; the term Israel only applies to people in Covenant with Jesus Christ. Now wold be a good time for you to become one!    
2/4 Omar Suleiman: Omar as Duke of Edom he was Esau's (Edomite) grandson; Amar a variation is a Canaanite god (Esau like Ishmael violated their father's and God's commandment and married Hittite women ie daughters of Canaan). Suleiman means Solomon and "Man of Peace" (Shalmaneser is a similar title for Assyrian leaders). The likely interim replacement for Hosni Mubarak was the 20 yr Egyptian CIA Director and Head of Extraordinary Rendition with the US CIA; educated at the JFK Special Warfare School at Ft Bragg, he was responsible with Operation Phoenix assassin, Bohemian Grove Initiate, 330 Freemason, Kabbalist, Colin Powell in accusing Saddam Hussein of possesing WMD's; the sole reason for the 2003 Iraq invasion. His interrogation techniques: High voltage electric shock, water boarding/immersion, fingers broken, hanging on hooks. Suleiman=Peace from "Pacisci" meaning Covenant as does the Hebrew "Shalom" or Russian "Mir". UN Middle East Peace envoy Tony Blair (also responsible for the Iraq War) proudly wears the White Yarmulke (I don't trust Gilad Atzmon, but his site has the pictures. Note: Colin Powell, George Bush Jr, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, Joe Lieberman all proudly wear this Cap at Herod's Edomite Wailing Wall); the Cap of Cybele (separation of Man from God) is far older than the Temple Veil that was torn top to bottom when Jesus as God in Flesh was rejected and started the New Covenant. Frank Wisner, Hosni Mubarak, Mohammad elBaraddei, Tony Blair, Omar Suleiman are all Gnostic/Canaanite/ Edomite examples of what Jesus refers to as physical Jersualem, "Spiritually, Sodom and Egytpt"; the location Solomon's "Peace" Temple will soon house Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation. Revolution is the Society of Red Men (Masons, Hellenes, Libertines, Templars, Sufis etc) specialty and sorry, but it's likely coming to "Amar Cain" very soon.
2/3 Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis; Templars + Sufis=WWIII. Founded in 1928, Muslim Brotherhood's Ibn-Sayyid Qutb (a Wahhabist) referred to Al Qaeda as "Solid Foundation" aka "Foreign Toilet"; turn about is fair play I suppose, Elizabethian's in England call Ajax "ajake" meaning Toilet. Their stated goal is to end western civilization by sabotage; on the other side in America is the Revolutionary Tea Party; both are Masonic/Gnostic Destroyers of Civilization. Operation Ajax in 1953 was named after a hero of the Trojan War (London means "New Troy"), the premiere symbol of sabotage; Mohammad Moseddegh replaced by dictator Mohammad-Reza Shah Pahlavi for daring to nationalize the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co aka British Petroleum (B'rith=Birthright ie Ishmael, Esau; Ajax was also a bleach based cleanser such as Lebanon, Jacob's uncle Laban "Make White") . 33 (Jesus was 33 at Crucifixion) years ago demostrations began in Iran leading to the Islamic Republic of Ayatollah Khomeini which took power on the Persian New Year "Nowruz" aka April Fool's Day (Jesus is the Fool of course) Qom  is the Shia center for bringing the world under Sharia Law and Sufism's mystical interpretations of the Quran, named after Sufi mystic and Yemeni Arab Hasan Mohammad Qomi (989 AD). Yemen is Sephar, the ancestral home of Joktanite (Peleg's brother in whose days God separated the land by water) Arabs; Arab means "Merchant". Qom is by design the home of alleged Iranian Uranian enrichment and a launch base for Shahab-3 rockets (Shahab=Meteor=raised from the ground; wind, rain, hail, auroras, raiinbows; rocks from heaven such as the Black Stone of the Kaaba). Mohammad elBaraddei is the UN, International Law (International Law eliminates National Sovereignty), Sharia Law, Sufi (Ishmaeli), IAEA (Atomic Energy), Muslim Brotherhood "Agent of Change" who desires to return the Caliphate (same goal as Ahmadinejad's goal to usher in the 12th Shia Imam "Mahdi" who dissappeared shortly after Mohammad Qomi; Christians will know Mahdi as Antichrist). Muslim Brotherhood supported the Nazis as did Skull & Bones Prescott Bush, distributed  the Gnostic (not Jewish) Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion as did Henry Ford and the Jesuit written (Fr Staempfle) Mein Kampf "My Struggle". They also formed Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon (new government) and the Islamic Action Front in Jordan. Their goal is to bring the world from Spain to Indonesia under the yoke of Sharia Law; the same goal as Israel with 7 Noahide Law. Oh by the way, Jesus is considered a Blasphemer of God (Allah); worship of Jesus is penalized by death; in Jesus' day these same people were called Nabatteans, Hasmoneans, Herodians, Pharisees and Sadducees. Obama and Nicholas Sarkozy accused Iran of using Qom for uranium enrichment at the 2009 G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh; ain't it super Obama just sent husband of Sarkozy ex-wife, AIG, ENRON #2 man and Mystic 7 Society Initiate Frank Wisner Jr to smooth the transition for this "Change Agent"?  
Imbolg: 2/1 Cyclone Yasi hitting flooded Queensland Australia; in the Hittite etymology dictionary Yasi means "Foreign"; as an acronym it stands for Yet Another Space Invader. Cyclone stems from Cyclos=Circle or Cycloma referring to a Coiled Snake. Imbolg means "In the belly"; 40 days after Sol Invictus. Think this is just simple coincidence?

"Signs and symbols control the world, not phrases or laws"-Confucius.
"In war, truth is the first casualty"-Aeschylus.
This page is here to illustrate the hidden (occult) signs and symbols Gnostics use to usher in WWIII as a false Armageddon and Gog/Magog and their Alternative Messiah as Jesus Christ.

                            "Great Work" Daily Progress

    God ordained and fulfilled in person 7 Feasts: Passover 14 Nisan, Unleavened Bread 15 Nisan, First Fruits 17 Nisan, Pentecost, Trumpets 1 Tishri, Atonement 10 Tishri, Tabernacles 15 Tishri. Modern Talmudic/Kabbalah based Judaism adjusts the days and adds 5 more, Shevat "Trees", Purim "Lots", Omer, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah "House of Enoch".
    God is not mentioned in the Book of Esther; Purim: Akkadian "Puru" means "To cast Lots" of stone or wood cast before Assyrian or Hittite gods Ashur, Anu or Adad (Cretan/Greek Zeus) etc to determine division of land, working order of priests, choosing a sacrifice. Strong's #6331: Break, bring to naught, utterly take, crush. Haman the Agagite and his 10 sons (Agagite=Amalekite=Edomite) were hung (cursed per Deut 21:23) by the Persian Ahaseurus (Xerxes); Purim celebrates this reversal of fortune; Purim is man's idea not God's; Amos 5&7 (300 years earlier) clearly state "The virgin of Israel has fallen" and God did not raise Jacob up; the name Israel as the coveanant name with God is man's idea not God's.
    Gulf War I ended with the cold blooded slaughter of 150,000 Iraqi conscripts returning home on Hwy 8 "Highway of Death" during truce on "Purim" 28 Feb 1991. Gulf War II began 555 (Triple V on Masonic coffins) days after 9/11/2001 on "Nowruz" Mar 20, 2003 (Bush Jr's "48 Hr Purim Ultimatum"); Purim was Mar 17-19; now 20 years later Mar 20 "Vernal Equinox" is Purim 2011; the Sun will enter Aries the day after the Mar 19th full moon.
    Mar 20 is the Persian New Year "Nowruz" meaning "New Light"; WWIII is described in Dan 8; Mede-Persian Ram versus Grecian Rough Goat; Iran means "Land of Aryans"; Aryan means "Noble Birth Caste", "Aristocracy", "White or Master Race" (Lbn, Laban, Aztec, Aztlan mean "To make White"), "One who skillfully assembles", "One who roams" (eg Cain), "To Plough" (eg Cain), "To beget or nurture" (eg Antichrist), and "Cosmic Order" (Novus Ordo Seclorum). Perhaps this last description is why Zionist Albert Einstein published his unproven "Theory of General Relativity" on this date in 1916 and the key figure in the plot to kill King James I (KJV Bible) Sir Walter Raleigh was freed from the Tower of London in 1616 on this date; he is the reason the Supreme House of the Temple, Washington Monument and Pentagon are on the 77th Meridian (ref Gen 4:24) as well.
     Significance of 20 years? Abraham's sin of deception against the Philistine King Abimelech is in Gen 20; Last Judgment is in Rev 20. Additionally, 20 signifies "Expectancy of Divine Deliverance": 20 years Canaanite servitude Judg 4 (notice Barak, the 5th Judge is the deliverer); Laban deals falsely with Jacob 20 years Gen 31:38,41; Philistines hold the Ark of the Covenant and oppress Israel 20 years Judges 15:20; 1 Sam 7:2 (notice Samson is the 13th Judge; 12/21/2012 was labeled; the Age of the 5th Sun); Solomon's Temple and King's House took 20 years to build 1 Kings 9:10. Is it coincidence the USGS (what do they have to do with predicting weather?) is predicting a "Biblical ARk Storm" (AR means Atmospheric River) will last over a month and flood 9 million homes in California beginning in April 2011? Do you need to be clubbed over the head to see the hubris of people acting as gods using EM weather modification radars?
    When Deepwater Horizon began April 20th, connections were made to the Trumpets of Rev 8; this is a bold faced lie; "Heaven departs as a scroll" in Rev 6:14; Desolation occurs at Dan 9:27 "70th Week"; if you are not in covenant with Jesus Christ by then it will be too late to do so; 12/21/2012 appears to me to be mid-week "Covenant with Many"; Got a better idea let me know. The goal is to falsify Great Tribulation Events (7 Trumpets) early; evidence for me suggests Christmas "Sol Invictus" 2012 will be made to appear as the 2nd Coming; a revealing/acceptance of Sol, Mithra, Mahdi, Buddha, Krishna etc. Based on that date and 5 months for the 5th Trumpet and 1 year, 1 months, 1 day, 1 hr for the 6th Trumpet, it's plausible for WWIII between the Mede-Persian Ram and Grecian Rough Goat (Dan 8) could begin Purim 2011 (20 March); no false prophecies here, I'm just trying to be a Watchman. Armageddon Script claims WWIII is planned for 13 Weeks but take note, Peter Lemesieur is lying; Armageddon occurs just before the 2nd Coming, WWIII is over 3 1/2 years before that. Mar 20, 2011 +13 Weeks=June 19 (St John the Divine celebrated at summer solstice opposite the winter solstice "Sol Invictus"); add 5 months to Thanksgiving (murder of natives using disease and division of land by Lot) and another 13 months and 1 day to Christmas Week (Sol Invictus, Persian Mithras) of 2012 turns up. Birds and Fish are dying all over the world now; the Ocean Conveyor appears to have shut down, perhaps due to Oil and Corexit "Weed Killer", Bees are dying, unable to return to their hives (a major precursor of famine); Pigs and Cattle are being culled; Henry Kissinger said "Control oil you control nations, control food and you control people".
     There is nothing Jewish about Israel; this is why Jesus, the most Jewish person on Earth in Mat 23:8 tells us never call any man Rabbi. Moses escaped from Amalekites (Hyksos) in Egypt, Joshua, Gideon and David all fought with these Edomites, and the Edomite Herod tried to kill Jesus as a young child; now they control the land promised Abraham using Kaballah, the Talmud, Noahide Law and the Sanhedrin.
     I'm not a prophet just a Watchman. It's time to Wake Up folks!    

                                             January Updates

    January: Month of Janus OE Geola "Later Yule". Janus, god of doorways, beginnings and transitions and the Golden Age is a strictly Roman deity equivalent with Sol or Zeus. Doors open, Rome is at War; Doors closed, Rome is at Peace. Cardinal "Cardo" means Hinge. From the College of Cardinals, the Pope is elected.  Celtic/Galatian/Ulster barbarian St Malachy wrote the timetable in 1139AD at Armagh "High Place of Macha, Queen of Ireland"; 112 Popes from there to the 2nd Coming; Benedict XVI "Olive's Glory" is #111, "Peter the Roman" will be #112. Roman Popes claim Peter (Peter=Petra=Rock of Edom) as their foundation "...thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Mat 16:18  The Gates of Hell will open with WWIII; Babylon: "Bab=Gate; Ilu=Marduk" and the Gates of Heaven will close at Rev 6:14 "Heaven departs as a scroll" and Dan 9:27 "Covenant with Many". Daniel's "70th Week" is 7 days and dozens of signs point to Christmas of 2012. Peter is a small stone; the Divinity of Jesus Christ is the big stone; time to build your foundation on the correct stone rather than Janus Pater. Romans knew him as "Chaos" made of the elements of Witchcraft; Earth, Air, Fire and Water, all which are now and will be used against those of us unwilling to follow the leader. I've never seen a disaster which made use of all 4 "Forces of Nature" until Deepwater Horizon sank on Earth Day, killing the ocean food chain, stopping the Thermohaline Ocean Conveyor and ushering in extreme weather at higher latitudes. The Julian Calendar new year began January 1; his Greek "Hellenic" astronomer/advisor Sosigenes reformed the calendar, to confuse the times and seasons; Leap Years were added every 3 years and the 11th month magically became the 1st. This confusion  persists to this day with BC-AD versus Jesus' true birth in 6 BC.  Julius Caesar was murdered on the Ides of March in Rome, a City on 7 Hills, but the Synagogue of Satan is not in Rome, it's in Jerusalem, the real City on 7 Hills called the "Whore of Babylon" and "Woman riding the Beast". Read Galatians 4 and thank God He took the real Jerusalem with Him to Heaven!


1/31 Frank Wisner Sr Founder of the OSS (Rat Lines, NSA, Area-51, NTS, Israel founding, Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls, Nag Hamadi Scrolls same time frame), Director of CIA plans, Operation Mockingbird (Media used as a CIA tool as Joseph Goebbels suggested and as it is today; all of it), Seven Society initiate. Mystical Seven was founded at the University of Middletown CT after the Masons tortured and murdered Capt William Morgan on 9/11/1835 for revealing Oaths of Initiation. The logo is Alpha, Omega, Stars and the Infinity symbol surrounding a 7 symbolizing God’s 7 fold vengeance of Cain, 77 fold vengeance of Adam’s 7th descendant through Cain, Lamech and the Masonic false hope of resurrection as told of Adam’s 7th descendant through Seth, Enoch at 777 years of age; charitable gifts are given in multiples of 7’s or feature 7’s in the amount; letters of inquiry are to be left at the statue of Thomas Jefferson likely because of his membership in the 7 Sisters “Pleiades” Lodge. Worth noting is the Pyramid of Kukulkan in Chichen Itza features a rattle snake at the top Temple whose tail and rattle track Pleiades overhead.  The Arabian Phoenix (Pa-Hanok=House of Enoch) symbolizes this false hope. 7 is featured by the Skull & Bones Society, also founded during this run up to the Masonic/ Knights of the Golden Circle initiated Civil War with a reference to Gen 3:22 (3+2+2=7) in their penalties for missed meetings $3.22 and the number under the Skull and Crossed Bones representing the Gnostic Temple of Wisdom sitting atop the Atlas Bone and 33rd vertebra. (Jesus was 33 at Crucifixion; Scotch Rite has 33 levels to Sovereignty). The 7 is the 4000 year old symbol/number of the Sabians of Harran; Harran being Abram’s eldest brother and father of Lot and the Gnostic center in Syria. Sabians (Marrano/Crypto) leave their private religion (Satanism) for that of another (Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Kabbalah, Talmudic “Judaism” etc) in order to destroy them as Wolves in Sheep’s clothes. 7 relates to worship of the Planets except Pluto and Saturn and bringing the eternity God promised at 7000 years to earth at 6000 years. Frank Wisner Jr, AIG Vice Chairman (George “Gog” Bush Jr. bailout recipient; CEO Hank Greenberg), Enron board (Bush crony Ken Lay), Carter undersecretary of State is now Obama’s Egyptian envoy to the George Soros Color Revolution (1st Mideast Domino; Syria, Lebanon, Jordan are next) in Egypt. In 2009, Obama as unconstitutional Commander in Chief stood next to Mubarak and proclaimed “A new beginning for Islam” and bowed in submission to Wahhabist Arab dictator King Abdullah; now maybe we can see why; Arab means Merchant. French taxpayers purchased an Airbus 330 and did a $150 Million retrofit for Nicholas Sarkozy; Frank is married to his ex-wife. Gnosticism in plain sight!       

1/30 Groundhog, Candlemas, St Brigid's Day, Imbolg "In the belly" storm predicted to impact 100 million people from Colo-Midwest-Northeast. Brigid's sacred flame was kept in a withy hedge; her cross made from rushes symbolizing the birth of the "Light Bringer" over the threshold (neither within nor without); she is considered the foster mother of Christ, purified 40 days after his birth. Wrong Christ! This is considered the daughter of Daghda the god of the Tuatha de Danaan (Offspring of the goddess Danu). Catholics know this day as the Purification of the Virgin Mary 40 days after the birth of Christ; again Wrong Christ. Brigid "Bride" is the goddess of wisdom, oracles, poetry, healing, smithcraft, cloth weaving and cloth dying. What struck me about the coincidence of this storm forecast is Iran's puppet Ahmadinejad, was the captor of 52 hostages released during Reagan's Inauguration speech Jan 20, 1981 with GHW Bush as his Skull & Bones, 33Mason VP on the ticket; Ahmadinejad's family name is Saborjian meaning "Cloth Weaver or Dyer". WWIII, Dan 8 "Mede-Persian Ram vs Grecian Goat" is a certainty; Egypt and Syria are in the midst of Zbigniew Brzezinski/George Soros color revolutions and Lebanon has a Hezbollah (Nazi) government. Brigid aka Mary of Gael (Gael=Galli  eunic priests of Attis) stems from the Vedic-Sanskrit "Brihati" meaning "The Divine". Again Wrong Divine! Get right with Jesus Christ; He is the only Divine!   
1/28 " ye sober, and watch unto prayer." 1 Pet 4:7 Egypt and Syria; cutoff from internet communication; Jordan likely next with Joe Lieberman asking Congress to approve same measure in US. FEMA ordering 140 million MRE's (Meals ready to eat) for "7 million survivors of a catastrophic earthquake along the New Madrid Fault (Mississippi Canyon, AR, IL); USGS claiming "ARk Storm could flood 9 million California homes (most Title Deeds held in foreign Derivative accounts) and destroy the food producing Central Valley beginning in April. Hawaii election clerk Tim Adams signed affidavit "No long form birth certificate for Obama's birth in Hawaii exists" (Govermor Neil Ambercrombie agreed.; Obama is a Hagarene/Ishmaelite/Edomite foreigner just like the Hyksos "Foreign Shepherd Kings" of Egypt were at the time of the Exodus and God's deliverance will be exactly the same if you ask Him). Big Bang/Black Hole/Alien Professor Michio Kaku on network TV "Yellowstone Supervolcano Caldera is rising fast... will end the US as we know it...just a matter of when". 50 State Governors all setting aside 257 FTZ and SEZ (Free Trade Zones and Special Economic Zones eg Shenzhen in Hong Kong) for China inside America not subject to US laws; Mass Bird, Fish, Animal die offs continuing around the world; North Magnetic Pole moving south into Siberia faster. Evergreen Int'l admitted receiving Weather Modification contracts. Cause of all this? Electro-magnetic (Electro=Solar; Magnetic=Earth) Scalar Radars remove energy from Earth and broadcast it into the Atmosphere/Ionosphere at various wavelengths for weather/tectonic plate modification. Alex Jones even changed his logo to the "V Legion" (V is not Jesus! It's the hand sign of Anammellech/Ishtar/Ashtoreth) Folks, I'm not smarter than a 5th grader, just a Watchman seeing patterns and sounding a Trumpet (not the Rev 8 Trumpets, just a warning) to get right with Jesus Christ. Do this before the 6th Seal (Rev 6:14) or it will be too late; 7 Trumpets and 3 1/2 years after that, Jesus will return to "Destroy them which destroy the earth" Rev 11:18 Make sense? Ask Jesus for help. Make sense now?
1/23 "Let your women keep silence in the churches" 1 Cor 14:34 Debra Siddons information is being spread by David Icke, Henry Makow, Alex Jones etc; here is why Paul gave that warning twice. She claims QEII is related to King David through Solomon, Zedekiah and a nausiating list of Irish and English kings-BS! She claims the British represent "Israel" as the Tribe of Ephraim-BS! She claims the real Stone of Destiny is actually Jacob's Pillow from Beth-el-BS! Her list of kings goes from David to Solomon #33 (another reason why Freemasons attain Sovereignty at level 33); Mary's genealogy goes from David to Nathan not Solomon (Zech 12:12 tells us David and Nathan will be in the Millennium not Solomon; taking 1000 wives and concubines of the Phoenicians tends to make God angry) Joseph's genealogy goes through Solomon (ref Mat 1; Lk 4). The point is biblical genealogy is Male not Female, perhaps because the mother's blood does not cross the placenta. #49 Zedekiah is the connection to the Irish Kings list "Zedekiah was one and twenty...he did that which was evil in the eyes of the LORD...And the king of Babylon slew the sons of Zedekiah...put him in prison till the day of his death" Jer 52:1-11 (He was 32 at the time) Mormons claim and change descent from a dizzying array of Israelite tribes including Ephraim (European Whites), Manasseh (Natives), Dan (Prophets), Judah (Melchisedek Priests), Levi (Aaronic Priests) and even Zedekiah's dead and mythical son Mulek (Mulekites) as well; the bottom line is Zedekiah's (Judah's) bloodline stopped here and Jesus left no "Holy Grail" behind! He left the Holy Ghost; you want it? Ask Him for it! Herbert Armstrong "Worldwide Church of God" started this lie from what I can tell claiming one of Zedekiah's daughters, Tea-Tephi or Tamar-Tephi (depends on whose lies one chooses) survived the siege of Jerusalem in 586 BC and were taken by Jeremiah with the Ark of the Covenant (Axum Ethiopia, Herod's Masada Fortress, Solomon's Tunnels under the Temple Mount are all claimed locations; Who Cares?) a Harp and Jacob's Pillow to either Devenish Is or Oldcastle County Meath near Tara, Ireland "Jeremiiah's Judicial Seat"; None of this is supported by history or scripture. The Ulster Flag: Red Cross (Rosicrucian symbol), Six Pointed Star (symbol of Moloch and Chiun) and Red Hand (Dextera Dei= Hand of God; Rosicrucians such as Rasputin and Roman Pontiffs use this sign; in Ireland it is the O'Neill symbol) should be enough proof this is simply an Red Edomite Irish lie. Icke, Makow, Jones, Springmeier, Arthur Koestler (13 Tribes), Joseph Smith, Herbert Armstrong have 90% truth but the other 10% is deadly. Read Rev 7 and take notice Ephraim does not appear in the "Saved" of Israel; like America, Britain is being destroyed from the inside out, but this is not Ephraim, Manasseh or Dan (Tuatha de Danaan is not Tribe of Dan, it means Children of the goddess Danu) notice also Juda is missing an "h"; Jesus took that with Him 600 years after He raised up Babylon to destroy Zedekiah and his family! If you believe this nonsense maybe you'll believe George Bush Sr is "Gog, Chief Prince of Mesech and Tubal"; the Sanhedrin gave him that title 2 years ago in Zedekiah's Cave! Just a suggestion, read the Authorized Bible, make a Covenant with Jesus Christ and let Him sort out the Stone of Destiny!
1/22 Crusaders were no more Christian than Sufi Assassins were Muslim yet the world is shaped by their Dialectic partnership. Saracen means "Empty of Sarah", descendants of Hagar and Abram "Hagarenes", "Arabs", "Ishmaelis", "Syrian Nomads". Templar, Crusader, Skull & Bones "Brotherhood of Death" and homosexual (important because the Templar Logo is 2 men on 1 horse) initiate George Bush Jr set Black Water in motion, after the murder of 17 Iraqi civilians, their name was changed to Xe Services and then recently sold to Private Equity firm Manhattan Partners; makes sense that its founder Crusader Eric Prince (son of a Methodist Minister) would partner with Saracen International (Logo is a Templar/Assassin on horseback in armor and shield with an X; the IHS "In Hoc Signo Vinces" symbol of the 2012 Solstice conjunction of the Milky Way and Ecliptic) to train mercenaries in Geriyat, Somalia. Geriyat "Place of Death" is named after Cain's slaying of his brother Abel (it likely happened near Baghdad) and Port Zeila named after Tubal-Cain's (patron saint of Freemasonry) mother Zillah. Crusaders claiming to be Christian; Assassins claiming to be Muslim; Kabbalists claiming to be Jewish. Just like old times eh?
1/21 Chief Rabbis Shlomo Aviner of Beit El and Shmuel Eliyahu of Safed "The Torah requires Jews to wipe out any trace of Amalek in Palestine" "But be ye not called Rabbi..." Jesus Christ Mat 23:8 History: Amalekites are Edomite worshippers of Molech; Egypt knew Amalekites as "Hyksos" (Foreign Shepherd Kings) at the time of the Exodus (1492 BC); Joshua fought Amalekites in Arabia and by 700BC these foreigners replaced Israel (ref Amos 5; 7; 2 Kings 17:30) bringing in worship of Adramellech and Anamellech among other abominations such as the Six Pointed Star of Moloch and Chemosh. Beit El is Beth-el where Jacob and Laban separated their flocks and set up Pillars of Witness; Jacob's the Holy Ghost; Laban's Chaldean Magick; Safed is an Ashkenazi (Japheth descendants are not Semitic) Kaballah (Kaballah is not Jewish) Holy City. Rabbi is Arabic meaning "My Great One" they are not Jewish in any sense of the word; Obadiah "Servant of JEHOVAH" is the shortest book in scripture; it pronounces certain destruction of Esau (Edom); that's who Israel is today and rest assured, Jesus will wipe every last Amalekite out; first however we need to put up with these type of lies. 
1/20 "Control oil you control nations; control food you control people"-Rothschild stooge Henry Kissinger. Kill Bees you kill food; simple. Bayer Logo is a circled "Celtic" cross; they produce Neo-Nicotiniod pesticides making Bees more susceptible to infection, leading to paralysis and death "CCD" (Colony Collapse Disorder). Bayer=IG Farben=Silesian Steel=Nazi war machine=Zyklon-B gas financed by Bush Sr's daddy Prescott whose assets were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act in 1942; IG Farben had its assets and trademarks siezed in the US a decade earlier for their role in WWI; memories are short so they financed Dr Josef Mengele's Twins experiments during WWII and escaped to Argentina on German U-boats fueled in the Azores by the US Navy. On Jan 20, Bush and his Neo-Con War mongers had their 20th reunion defending Gulf War I (August 2, 1990 "Lughnasadh" (Harvest of Souls) to "Purim" (Drawing of Lots) Feb 28, 1991; Why Jan 20th? Inauguration Day means "Divine by Augury"; Celtic Priests "Augurs" foretold the future by the flight of birds. Heroin was 1st synthesized by IG Farben; what luck for IG Farben, Halliburton and the Carlyle Group, Osama bin Laden decided to hide out in Afghanistan where 96% of the world's heroin is produced. Skull & Bones "Birds and the Bees" are more like fornication with the Whore of Babylon; good thing IG Farben controls Aventis, maker of Flu Vaccines eh?  
1/17 USGS Lucy Jones (BA in Chinese Literature from Brown; lot of carryover to MIT Geophysics PhD degree eh?) predicting "Biblical ARk Storm" will begin in April 2011, last over a month, bring 10ft high walls of water and flood 9 million homes in California."In the second month, the seventeenth day of the month...the windows of heaven opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights" Gen 7:11. The sun enters Aries (Ram=Supreme) late March; Iyar or Zif is the 2nd month meaning "Rossette Bloom; Radiance; Light; Natural Healing". Talmudic Rabbis claim from the Book of Jubilees the serpent liberated Eve on 17 Iyar; the same day Noah entered the Ark. The hubris of predicting this is unbelievable; I suggest a relationship with Jesus is in order.
1/14 Ophiuchus "Serpent Bearer" (formerly called "Serpiens") is the only constellation symbolized by a man (as opposed to a god), normally Asclepios holding a snake which keeps death at bay; why is it now considered the 13th Astrological sign? The Rod of Asclepios is a staff of authority entwined by a single serpent, not the winged staff of Toth-Hermes "Caduceus" used by the AMA. It sits between Scorpio and Sagittarius, duration 19 days Nov 29-Dec 17 (the Sun will pass the Galactic plane on 12/21/2012 between the Scorpion's tail and Archer's arrow; Hanukkah "House of Enoch" will be Dec 8-16, 2012). Ophiuchus is associated with Ihmotep the real life early post-flood pyramid architect considered the father of medicine, Knowledge, architecture, magic incantations, science, government, tax collection etc; the #2 man and ruling force behind Pharaoh is therefore also equated with Joseph (Imothep lived over 700 years earlier than Joseph however) at least symbolically. Given god like status, he became associated with the Assyrian "Ea" and Sumerian "Enki" (House of Water aka Apsu "Atmosphere"), ruling jointly with Shamash (center candle of Hanukkah Menorah is the 9th center candle, Ophiuchus is the 9th sign on the true zodiac); this seems a perfect description of Dan 11:20-24 "Little Horn" but time will tell; notice the description "raiser of taxes". Imothep and Joseph are both credited with installing a 20% income tax, living 110 years, storing corn in advance of 7 yr famine and the Heliopolis Priesthood of On (Joseph married Asenath, daughter of these Priests of Osiris akd Shemsu Horus). What the occult communication is here time will tell but for Joseph, notice Pharoah gave him total authority over Egypt, Jacob reversed the blessing on his sons Ephraim and Manasseh (Ephraim later became confederate with Syria-Is 7:2, became the head of Samaria-Is 7:9, joined Manasseh against Judah-Is 9:21, made a treasonous pact with Assyria-2 Kings 18:17, became drunk with pride-Is 28 and therefore does not appear in the saved tribes of Rev 7. The Mormon Church falsely assumes the duties of the Aaronic and Melchisedek (Jesus is Melchisedek) Priesthoods and the genealogy of Ephraim (White), Manasseh (Native) and Dan (Prophets), Dan is the other tribe not listed in Rev 7. I'd keep an eye on this change; it is a very big deal to astrologers.     
1/13 Jared Lee Loughner "No I will not trust in God". By convention his 3 names makes him an assassin; Texe Marrs ( calls him "Jewish, Satanist, Pot-head, Heavy metal rock addict with a Satanic altar commemorating the 7 day Sukkot "Tabernacles" in his backyard". He makes similar references to Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris (Columbine shooters), Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin as being Jewish murderers and quotes Michael A. Hoffman ( saying "Sukkot like all Jewish Holy Days are straight from Babylon". All this is total nonesense. God ordained 7 Feasts in Lev 23; Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement and Tabernacles, the last with 8 days is also called Sukkot. The Rabbinically and Priestly created additions/alterations, notably Purim, the 7 day version of Tabernacles "Succoth Benoth" (2 Kings 17:30) and the 8 day Hanukkah have nothing to do with the LORD; people claiming to be Jews simply made them up. Folks, step back and read the bible. Jesus, born of Judah (Jewish means of Judah or living under the Laws given to Moses. Without the Levite Priesthood and Temple this is impossible) He alone is the author of the Abrahamic Covenant as Melchesidek (Gen 14:18), the source of the law given to Moses, the Authority given to King David (Ps 110) and the sole source of the New Covenant (Heb 7); As author of the Law and descended from Judah, Jesus was Jewish; Rabbis and Synagogues are not Jewish in the slightest; the so-called Jewish Star is in fact the Star of Remphan and Molech (Amos 5:26). Many claim Rabbi Stephanie Aarons of Shul Congregation Chaverim is Rabbi to the Loughner family as well as Gabrielle Giffords; this may be true but has nothing to do with the bigger picture. 1st god did not ordain any Rabbis nor did He choose any women to be Levite Priests, His only Priests. Loughner is not Jewish, nor is he Catholic. Giffords (Father's side: Hornstein=Gifford; Mother's side: Paltrowitz=Paltrow), the great-granddaughter of a Lithuanian Rabbi, a member of Hadassah (women's Zionist movement) and the ADL (Anti-defamation League of B'Nai B'Rith) is not Jewish. Sarah Palin, the Tea Party (Gifford's father blames the Tea Party; this too is nonesense) and indeed all Congregations (ref Acts 13:43) are not Christian; however brutal, Zionism functions through this type of Dialectic. The only time "Synagogue" appears in the Old Testament is Ps 74 "they have burned up all the synagogues of God in the land"; that's about 3000 years ago. Jesus chastized the Pharisees as the "Synagogue of Satan" "Those who say they are Jews but are not"; that's who "they" was then and nothing has changed. Tabernacles is 8 days not 7 (Texe Marrs is lying); the Rabbinical altered 7 day Tabernacles is Sukkot-Benoth "Booth of Daughters" (2 Kings 17:30); Why? Jesus was born on the 8th day of Tabernacles and of the 7 Holy Feasts ordained by the LORD only Tabernacles was instituted forever "ye shall keep a feast unto the LORD seven days: on the first day it shall be a sabbath, and on the eighth day shall be a sabbath...It shall be a statute for ever in your generations" Lev 23:39-44 Hanukkah and Christmas largely replaced this forever statute; "they" removed the eighth day of Tabernacles and replaced it with Hanukkah. "All they who hate me love death" Prov 8:36 Who hates God? Esau as Mal 1:3 and Romans 9:13 make perfectly clear. Obadiah tells of Esau's judgment at the 2nd Coming; none shall remain. Why? They reject Jesus and Feast of Tabernacles, His birthday is the only required "Feast" during the Millennium (ref Zech 14:16); Zionism hopes to avert this by changing scripture; Oops!. The Tea Party (Palin proclaimed April 14-17, 2007 "Prince Hall Mason Week as AK Gov; 33Dick Armey's "Freedom Works" originated the movement; it's simply a Gnostic cesspool) is the creation of the same Freemasons in the "Society of Red Men" as during the original Boston Tea Party and American Revolution; STOP BLAMING JEWS! This is not about Jews versus Christians; it's about Gnostics versus the Tree of Life; Jesus Christ; it has never been about anything else. Their idea of Freedom is "Freedom from God". Pictures of Loughner's "Sukkot" (Booth) showed a Brick altar, Skull and offering plate prominent (there is nothing Jewish about this); Bricks represent "cut stones" used in the original Tower of Babel, altars of cut stones violate Exodus 20:25 (Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David all made altars, but none used cut stones); the Skull represents the Temple of Wisdom as provided by the Serpent in the Garden of Eden in the Tree of Knowledge; the plate is the offering made by Cain which was rejected by God; he then killed his brother Abel. Sarah Palin's use of "Blood Libel" is a match tossed in dry hay; Jews were blamed (notably by Martin Luther) for the Crucifixion, well poisoning, usury loans, disease, instigating wars and ritual killing of gentile children but it was Gnostics claiming to be Jewish (eg Sabbataean Frankists) who were and are still responsible. Jesus (Mat 10:36) like Micah (7:6) said our enemies are the men of our own house; Synagogues and the Six Pointed Star are no more Jewish than Congregations (Acts 13:43) and the Crucifix are Christian. Read His Word and listen to the Holy Ghost rather than Gnostics lining up sides for battle; this is just more "Work upon the Sacred Tree".      
1/10 Hillary Clinton in Abu Dhabi urged the Arab world to promote openess and tolerance, blunt extremism in Arab youth, enforce Iran sanctions and re-start Israel-Palestine Peace. Accusing Arabs of orchestrating 9/11/2001, using over 4000 tons of Depleted Uranium munitions in Iraq and Afghanistan, devastating these countries going after Bush Sr business partners Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden, ethinc cleansing in Bosnia-Herzegovena and aiding the Black Panthers is not "Extreme"? What does she mean by "Arab World" Arab: Desert, West, Sunset, Merchant, Saracen (Hagarenes "Empty of Sarah"), Wilderness/Desert Dweller (Desert means Desolate of God), Exchangers, Nabataeans (Zeus worshippers of Petra/Mt Seir), Mix of People (Canaanites/Hittites married to Ishmaelites/Edomites) all refer to Arabs. Arab does not appear in the Quran; in the Old Testament a Burden of Arabia and Edom is given Isaiah 21:13; the Arab League was formed in Cairo, Egypt; Jesus calls Jerusalem "Spiritually Sodom and Egypt" Rev 11:8. Maybe Hillary would have more credibility if she had a clue of what Arab means.     
1/9 "Order out of chaos"; Sabbatean-Frankists (no they were not Jewish) believe "Messiah will come when the world has descended into Chaos"; "The ends justify the means" and "Redemption through Evil" are a few quotes from these Chaldean/Sabians (People who publically pretend to be Jewish, Protestant, Catholic, Muslim etc eg Jesuits, Masons, Sufis). Massachusetts Supreme Court upheld a lower court ruling basically stating Mortgage (Mort=Death; Gaiges=Pledge) holding banks did not have the "Note" required to begin foreclosure proceedings; from these 2 homes, millions more will follow. The engineered Mortgage Fraud began with unpayable loans and falling values bundled and sold to foreign investors as "Derivatives" who now become the Note holders. The timing with 33Mason Dick Armey's "Tea Party", Hillary's offer of "Imminent Domain" to China in 2008, LaRaza/MEChA/La Voz de Aztlan "Viva La Revolucion" is also intentionally designed to remove Americans now deemed "Squatters" from stolen land. Combine this with Obama's Supreme Court birth certificate challenge and an intentionally created witch's brew emerges. Why Mass? The Society of Red Men dressed as indians to blame them, inciting the American Revolution; now they are dressing like Americans to blame us. God calls them "Workers of Iniquity". I humbly suggest putting away the weapons, studying the Authorized Bible and establishing a relationship with Jesus Christ; things are going to get ugly; that's their "Audacity of Hope" and Barack "Lightning" Obama "He is with us" did not get there by accident.
1/8/11 Starting 1 year ago Mavi Marmara (Bind/Encircle), Rachel Corrie (Ulster/Irish ship), Amalthea (Zeus' foster mother; Qadaffi ship) and now Audacity of Hope are set to defy Israel and run the blockade of Palestine. Audacity: Bold or Brave in a bad sense. Hope: Wish; look forward. Whether Obama is a legal US Citizen or has a Passport is immaterial, his Columbia University Middle East Institute Director and Chicago cohort Rashid Khalidi is playing with fire. Maybe prophetic since Obama's Columbia college transcripts are missing/sealed because Columbia is the feminine symbol of America cognate with Liberty. Gnostics desire Liberty and Freedom from God and the Rock on the Temple Mount is Ground Zero. Michelle's cousin Ethiopian Rabbi Capers Funnye might have an interesting conversation with Rashid and Barack eh?
1/7/11 "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" James 1:8 Mexico is an Aztec term. Aztec=Aztlan=Lbn=Laban=Lebanon=Phoenicia=Phoenix=House of Enoch; all mean "to make white or sinless"; the mythical Phoenix bird connects Arabia and Egypt over the "Red Sea", symbolically re-incarnated by the Ben-ben Stone (Pyramidion on the $US dollar). Mexico means "Place where Huitzilopochtli lives"; specifically this was at the pinnacle of Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlan. Human sacrifices (war captives) ensured this Sun and War god would survive the next 52 years (260 day Lunar and 365 day Solar calendars merge on 12/21/2012; Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza were built to calculate this); his name means "Left Handed Hummingbird". Jesuits are at the heart of the immigration problem; their Oaths are quite frankly blood curling; view it here Among others House speaker John Boehner and Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts are high level Jesuits; these men swear oaths to be executioners on command, hang, flay, waste, flay, strangle, bury alive...sow discord in families, communities, nations...facilitate civil wars and revolutions...act like Jews, Catholics or Protestants when in their company etc etc. Jesuits are no more Catholic than Masons are Protestant or Kabbalists are Jewish. Jesus illlustrated this difference between Jesuits and Catholics in Rev 2:18-29 "Thyatira" which means "continual sacrifice". The Mexican Constitution states in Chap II Art 30 paragraph II "Citizens of Mexico remain citizens even if born in foreign lands". This situation and the DREAM Act has been well planned to coincide with the 52 year calendar alignment. Why left handed? "they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left" Lk 23:33 It's time to pick sides. MEChA (Student movement of Aztlan), LaRaza Unida (The Race United) or Voz de Aztlan (Voice of Aztlan) are Jesuit managed indoctrinations, designed to reclaim Aztlan, the land of Aztecs (basically CA up to San Francisco, AZ, NM, parts of NV, CO, UT, TX and South Florida). Masons on both sides of the Alamo set this up; they are your "Double Minded Men"; it's no coincidence Roberts, Sotomayor and Kagan got where they are when they did. The symbol of MEChA is an eagle/phoenix holding a machete and stick of dynamite; similar to the American eagle hoding olive branches as a gesture of peace because the Nobel Peace Prize was started by the inventor of dynamite. I suggest you pick the right side!  
Epiphany "Manifestation" is tomorrow, but of who? and what? Birth, Manifestation to the Gentiles, Baptism in the Jordan River, Wedding at Cana or Arrival of the Magi are all options and all wrong. "Zacharias of the course of Abia...after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived" Lk 1:5;26 Abia is the 8th 8 day service period after 1 Nisan; roughly June when John the Baptist is conceived. "And in the sixth month...this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren" Lk 1:26;36 6 months later Jesus is conceived during Feast of Dedication. 9 months later "Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed...should be room at the inn...shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night"" Lk 2:1;5;7;8 Jesus is born during tax season as the New covenant Tabernacle on what else but the 8th day of Feast of Tabernacles to start the 8th Covenant between man and God; late September. "When all the people were baptized...heaven was opened... And the Holy Ghost descended...Thou art my beloved Son...Jesus...about thirty years of age" Lk 3:16;21-23; late September 30 years later is how I read this. "Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar" Lk 3:1 Augustus dies Aug 19, 14CE + 15=29CE; one problem; Herod the Great died Spring of 4 BCE; Jesus' birth must have been Tabernacles 6 BCE, so 29CE must be adjusted back about 5 years. Clement adds "15th day of Tibi", magically, the date becomes Jan 6 on the Julian Calendar. Dec 25 "Sol Invictus"+Christmastide=Epiphany "Little Christmas", "3 Kings Day" etc etc. Tired of Priests and Theologians lying to you? Read the book; it's just not that difficult. Recap: John the Baptist born 7th day of Passover to end the 7th Covenant; Jesus born 8th day of Tabernacles to begin the 8th Covenant. Wise Men (not 3 Magi) arrive when He is 1 1/2 years old; Mary, Joseph and Jesus are in Egypt by then; the Edomite Herod slaughters sons 2 and under and dies spring of 4 BC. Jesus as Melchisedek "King of Salem" begins His ministry at 30, the custom of Levite Priests whom He replaced. Epiphany was historically a day like April Fool's Day, a day of practical jokes. Real funny eh? 
1/4/11 Bona Saturnalia! HR-6550 "National Emergency Employment Defense Act" introduced by Freemason traitor Dennis Kucinich on "Saturnalia" Dec 17, 2010 will be the nail in America's coffin. Dec 17 was the pre-Julian Calendar Solstice, the first day of Capricornus and the week long celebration of the "Ancient father whose hidden seeds should be brought to birth and the Golden Age returned to Earth". Nice eh? Saturn is the Greek Cronus who ate his offspring as they were born; as it was in Rome when the Temple of Saturn held the Government Treasury and so it is in America's Temple of Jupiter (Capitol) the Federal Reserve will be merged into the Executive Branch and Treasury. Printing of money will be used to resolve deficits (currently $1.5Trillion) and debt (currently $14 Trillion); 8% fixed rate interest on balances and the abolishment of Fractional Reserve Lending. Think it's hard to get a loan now, just wait. The Lord of Misrule was elected and beheaded in the Temple of Saturn; to tone this down Romans took to calling Saturn "Sterculius" after Dung fertilizer; Dennis the Menace should be called St Dennis after the beheaded Irish Roman Catholic martyr for this crap. His economic advisor Michael Hudson advocates a Jubilee style debt restructuring; perhaps he is saying 2010 is the start of 7 years of bad luck; on that point it seems he may be correct. There is no 7 yr Tribulation, but should 12/21/2012 be the start of Great Tribulation (there are dozens of reasons for this), the last 1260 days of the final 2300 days of Dan 8; then "President's Day" Feb 15, 2010 was the beginning, a day surrounded by the Haiti Earthquake and Deepwater Horizon, both planned events.
1/4/11 Gnostics believe Higg's Boson "God Particle" gives matter its mass not God; claims a "Light Higg's Boson" may have been discovered at Fermilab. Cute; Lucifer "Light Bearer" becomes the God Particle; BS! Is 40:22, 42:5, 44:13, 44:24, 45:12, Ps 104:2, Jer 10:12, 51:5, Zech 12:1, Job 9:8, 37:8 state God stretched the Heavens and Earth. Gen 1:1 says God created the heaven and earth and Gen 1:3 God created Light. Science is the most apostate religion on earth and here is how it works. 1916 Einstein publishes his theories on Gravity to justify Heliocentric Theory; Karl Swarzschild (Karl is no more "Jewish" than Rothschild; they are Ashkenazis descended from Japheth; their religion is Kaballah) then theorizes the idea of an "Event Horizon" which later became "Black Hole" (all are unfounded lies requiring an outside source of energy). 1929 Jesuit Priest Georges-Henri Lema'tre attempts to prove scripture is wrong (Jesuit Priest Adam Weishaupt coined the term "Illuminati" and Jesuit Fr Staempfle wrote Hitler's Mein Kampf so this is nothing new; they don't like Jesus saying "Call no man on earth Father" (Mat 23:9) Edwin Hubble notices the further away stars are, the more Red Shifted they appear (he knows Earth is in a central, fixed location in the Universe, but hides this fact with Red Shift); he assumes Einstein's Relativity Theory is correct and assumes light speed is constant (it is not); Big Bang Theory is coined despite overwhelming proof to the contrary and today Gnostics think they have proof of the "Light God Particle".   
1/2/11 US MQ-9 Reaper Drone with 9 camera pod "Gorgon Stare" to be deployed in Afghanistan "Graveyard of Empires". Gorgon: Gorgos means "Dreadful" 140,000 US/NATO forces now control the world's heroin market; the modern day "Golden Fleece". America: Amurru=Edomite shepherd and serpent god; Can=Priest of Cain (first murderer who lied to God); Masons, Jesuits and Rosicrucians founded America as false fulfillment of the "Beast" rising out of the sea "Babylon" (actual Babylon is secret witchcraft based societies functioning as the Gate "Bab" of "Ilu" Marduk/Molech aka the Liberator Satan/Lucifer); by America's sacrifice the world will be healed (liberated from God) is symbolized by the Phoenix "Pa-Hanok"=House of Cain's son Enoch rising out of the Ashes as the "New Atlantis". The theory being Cain's Enoch can be as Seth's Enoch, taken to heaven. Myths vary but Gorgons came from Phorcys and Ceto (Sea god and sea monster), the mortal Gorgon Medusa killed by Perseus is depicted in Clash of the Titans. Ladon, the 100 headed Gorgon is alternatively the "Dragon of Hesperides" guarding the Golden Fleeced Sheep or Golden Apples in the "Grove of Immortality" at the far west (Setting Sun); for those of us in America, that's you and I; Obama's masonically designed Logo is identical as Carbonfund LLC for this reason; the Sun setting in Red and White Stripes are nothing more than Laban and Jacob separating their flocks (Gen 30:37). Obviously no Apple Tree in Eden; Golden Apples represent Quintessence; the Pentacle or da Vinci's Vitruvian Man if you will; the "Elect" who will proceed into the "Golden Age". At the Cathedral of St John the Divine in NYC and at the UN, St George is depicted slaying the dragon in the astrological house of Cancer; make what you will of it but America's days appear numbered. Why 9 cameras/drone? My guess is one for each candle on the New Age Menorah and the 9 days/nights Deucalion and Pyrrha were afloat in their Ark to escape the flood; the UN has this Ark next to St George for this reason. Fans of mythology, Prime Argus was the program to explode 3 nuclear weapons in the stratosphere; a forerunner to HAARP (High Freq Active Auroral Research Project) and "Gorgon Stare" is now part of Argus (Autonomous Real-time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging); Argus Penoptes like Ladon had 100 eyes and never slept; his eyes became the famous all-seeing eye above the US $1 Bill Pyramidion "Ben-ben" and the eyes of the Iranian Peacock Angel "Melek-Taus". Those same Peacock feathers are above the Pope's Mitre and Throne and White House security is handled by the Mitre Corp "Jason Group"; my those Argonauts in the Argos have been busy eh? If you want to stare into the eyes of Medussa, we're about to get our chance; if you want to stare into the eyes of the LORD, you must first ask Jesus to cleanse your Sins. Now would be a good time.  
1/1/11 7.0 Earthquake in northern Argentina, 300 mile long path of out of season tornadoes in MO-AK, 100K dead fish, 4K dead birds and rumblings in the Hot Springs AK Caldera, Queensland Australia flooding of "Biblical Proportions". Numerologists might say 1111 stands for partnerships and beginnings; 2011 adding to 4 is a Universal Year being a Square means making things orderly "Order out of Chaos"; I say Square represents Length, Breadth, Width and Height (Eph 3:18); Masons say the Square is represented by the earth, adding height forms a Pyramid. Astrologically/Astonomically, January is the 11th month, so Jan 1 is in reality 11/1/11 making 5 "Ones". Pyrrha (Pyramid) and Deucalion started Hellenism, planting stones of Gaea all over the world, their heads veiled (Kippa or Yarmulke); 2011 may be the year the Earth (Square) is made into Heaven on Earth.

31Dec "Nothing in politics happens by accident; if it happened it was planned" FDR The Prophecy of St Malachy (Maolmhaodhoq ua Morgair) was not Catholic anymore than St Partick (Ptah-Rek "Egyptian Creator"); they were Celtic "Warrior" from Galatia (Turkey, where all 7 Church warnings in Revelation were directed as well as Paul's letter Galatians). The Celtic (Circled Cross) signifies completion of the "Great Work", a repair of the earth (Heb "Tikkun Olam") according to the Hermetic Axiom "As Above, So Below" found on the Emerald (Emerald=Lightning=Barack) Tablet of Toth-Hermes. Ireland was settled by "Scotti" and Egyptian-Scythian line; today's "Ulster" or "Color Revolutions"; Armagh is their "Ground Zero"; the name means "High Place of Macha, Sovereign Queen of Ireland (Emerald Isle). In 1139 a list of 112 Popes until the 2nd Coming puts Benedict XVI "Olive's Glory" at #111; #112 is "Peter the Roman", which is why Benedict appointed a number of Italian Cardinals recently. Pope JPII "World Traveler" revived use of the Twisted Crucifix, a thouroughly pagan symbol of Jesus Christ nailed to the Tree; his legacy was Ecumenicism (Paganism ie Gnosticism merging with Judaism/Christianity). January means Janus the 2-faced Roman god of doorways and beginnings; the 112th US Congress (Congredi=familiar meeting/sexual intercourse ie "Divine Union") derive their authority from the Constitution and will now disolve it; the faces seen in the link above did not get there by acccident. Benedict means "Divine blessing" XVI refers to (in my opinion) Rev 16 "7 vials" so will the 2nd Coming follow Benedict according to the Prophecy of St Malachy? NO. No Aliens, no pre-trib Rapture, no Planet X, no God created earthquakes and weather; just lying Gnostics in the seats of power (money, material, government, media, armies, weapons including anonymous Sun-Earth powered EM weapons) who in my opinion have set up the world to accept a false Messiah coincident with Christmas 2012. The Red Knights of Ulster pictured above are the Society of Red Men "Tea Party" who intend on sacrificing America as false fulfillment of Rev 18 "Babylon" and the Roman Catholic Church as false fulfillment of Rev 17 MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT...To keep this very simple; Jesus Christ was not born on Christmas, Sol Invictus/Mithra ie Satan was. Cain killed Abel; today's Gnostics are willing and prepared to sacrifice most of the world in an attempt to falsify the Great Tribulation and 2nd Coming 3 1/2 years early. Their motto "The ends justify the means". Ask Jesus for the Holy Ghost before all this begins; Love God, Love your Neighbor (even one's you think had something to do with 9/11), sit back and watch the 3rd Act of Chaldean Magick remembering Jesus' warning "He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword". 
28 Dec "Humans mated with Neandertals and split some 400K years ago to form Denisovians whose DNA is found today in Melasians of Papua New Guinea" ( A 40,000 year old female fossil proves Denisovians are real, so who are they? Denisovians are named after St Denys the 3rd century Bishop of Paris enshrined at the Cathedral of Notre Dame who walked 6 miles preaching a sermon carrying his severed head. Denys=Dionysus the god of wine; the meaning is wild or frenzied. Knights Templar carved this Green Man aka Dionysus and Bacchus all over their Cathedrals; code name "Dennis the Menace". 
27 Dec NY Times article by Cambridge Astrophycist Judah Cohen (Juda's Priest, cute eh?) claims Global Warming is the cause for nearly worldwide record setting cold temperatures. In 1915 the NY Times published a similar idiotic story claiming Martians built structures and canals on Mars in just 2 years. The best telescopes can resolve something the size of about 30-100KM (18-60 miles) on Mars; a mile high object casting its maximum shadow would require a 1300 inch diameter telescope to discern; the point is News Agencies like the NT Times know this and routinely test our ability to act like mushrooms (Kept in the dark and fed crap). No Martians folks; in fact no human being has ever transited the Magnetosphere (begins at 1000 miles from earth); so what is causing the record setting cold weather? In my opinion 2 things. Man has the capability of moving and directing the Jet Stream using microwave energy collected and re-broadcast from Electro-magnetic Scalar (Adjustable Standing Waves) Radars; this is well proven and well documented even by the venerable Scapegoat high school level project "HAARP" in Alaska. At High latitudes Ocean circulation affects weather through surface interaction. Salt water is heavier than fresh water; glacial melting in the Artic and high pressure over Greenland coupled moving the Jet Stream like a rock in a stream may be partially responsible for Europe's weather and the "Frozen Waves" coming ashore in Labrador. Another reason that deserves some attention is Corexit used in the intentionally created Deepwater Horizon disaster. We can't verify BP's actions in mile deep water, but we can witness "Blue Flu" (Dengue Fever like symptoms), oxygen deprived dead zones and the blockage in the Atlantic Gulfstream (clockwise circulation from Gulf of Mexico to the north atlantic cutting across the primary Ocean circulation) perhaps being caused by Corexit mixed Oil that continues to spew forth at 7000psi from an oil supply estimated to be the volume of Mt Everest. I don't have proof, but I can observe the weather keeping in mind the most basic Thermodynamics axiom "Energy can not be created or destroyed". The Ocean Conveyor system is a worldwide loop running basically counter-clockwise, north along Africa and Europe, west to North America and south; the easiest way to block this current is with the Gulfstream current, and this is where the oil and methane hydrates from the Gulf of Mexico current ends up; Corexit kills bottom food chain sources as it hides oil from reaching the surface. Jesus returns to destroy those who destroy the earth (Rev 11:18) and the intent to kill all but 500 million people is written in stone at the Rosicrucian Death Monument "Georgia Guidestones". The big picture is BP: British=Birthright; Petroleum means "Rock Oil"; obviously Rocks do not create oil; the Rock here is built on sacrifice ie death of once living "Organic" things. BP is in actuality the "Anglo-Iranian Oil Company"; Anglo (Angles, Saxons, Franks etc) means Barbarian descendant of Japheth; Iranian means Aryan meaning "Noble Caste". All over the world people are scrambling to get into the Noble Caste because they reject Jesus as God in Flesh; the only God in Flesh. Gnostics are a very determined bunch whose axiom is "The ends justify the means". They will blame the Sun, God or a variety of Scapegoats like Osama bin Laden to hide their crimes from us but rest assured, God hears and sees what they do just as He sees and hears what you and I do; if this Judgment doesn't scare you what the heck will? 
26 Dec "Solar Tsunamis of charged particles are set to wipe away advanced technology, breach the magnetic field and expose billions of people to deadly X-Rays and cancer causing UV radiation...the Sun's mass is warping time causing "Time Dilation", bending light waves, mutating species of life on earth, accelerating the decay rates of Carbon-14 (Radio-carbon dating uses this), and changing the underlying laws of quantum physics...based on a 33 day internal rotation of the Solar Core". Uh no. Google this incredible Tsunami of BS from Coast to Coast regular Terrence Aym, NASA's STEREO Spacecraft, Trinity College in Dublin Peter Gallagher and Gnostic shills posing as astronomy professors. Rev 11:18 clearly states Jesus returns to destroy those who would destroy the earth. 1. light is not a wave because waves require a medium such as air or water; space is a vacuum ("nothing" in scripture eg Job 26:7). 2. Time does not "Dilate"; Einstein lied because he was a Zionist ie Gnostic; Radiometric Dating depends on and assumes a constant speed of light which is not the case. The Flood drastically altered Carbon-14 by scrubbing the atmosphere with non radioactive Nitrogen-14 which to that point had not been subjected to sunlight; this results in extremely old measurements of rock containing Uranium. Quantum Physics is quite literally BS; there are no mysterious "Forces" in the Atom, if there were they would need a power source which has never been observed or proven. 4. There is no Solar System; if there were it would require Gravity and Warping of Space. Neither does Light "Bend", that too would require Gravity. 5. The Sun is not a Magnet; Earth is the Magnet and Gnostics use Electro-magnetic energy to alter weather and create earthquakes in order to blame God. Ask Him for the Holy Ghost and sit back and watch the show; as 33Mason Ed Sullivan famously said "We have a really, really big shew". That's what is being communicated here nothing more.
26 Dec St Stephen's Day, Boxing Day or Day of the Wren; Stephen means "Crowned", martyred 1st for preaching against the Sanhedrin (Used the Law written by Jesus to Crucify Him), the Temple (Jesus threw the money changers out for selling Doves ie the Holy Ghost and sacrificial animals), the Law of Moses (Jesus as God in Flesh summed the Law as Love God; Love our Neighbor) shortly after the Crucifixion of Jesus and for seeing the vision of Jesus sitting at the right hand of God in Heaven. Boxing Day is "Alms Boxes" placed by Priests on ships in the Age of Discovery for good luck (Conquistadores harvesting natives gold and killing them in the name of Christ) in exchange for "Mass" upon their return, or outside Churches as special offerings to Priests the day after Sol Invictus. Wren means Royalty, the Irish (Ireland was founded by Scotti, an Egyptian-Scythian Royal line) Day of the Wren is the the Chi-Rho (Chi=Christ; Rho=Royal) "Crowned Osiris". On Dec 26th? Hardly, notice in Acts 5:37 Judas of Galilee rose up in the "days of taxing"; those days were called Feast of Tabernacles; the day Corporations (Corpus=Body) refer to as "Fiscal Year" was the date in all liklihood exactly 40 years to the day and hour of Jesus' birth; historians claim Stephen was martyred in 35 AD; Jesus was born 6 BC. Nothing happens by accident, and by the way, Alms are given to the LORD not Priests.
26 Dec Vanuatu means "This land is ours", located on the Pacific "Ring of Fire", this formerly French colony locally referred to as Pandemonium, had the formal name under occupation "New Hebrides" after the Gaelic/Scottish Isles used for Druid and Galli (Eunuch Priests of Cybele) initiations; hit by a 7.3 earthquake just after midnight Christmas Day and right after thieves familiar with siesmic measuring equipment stole VLF receivers twice (Oct 1, Nov 9) from the Meteorological Geohazards Station at Devil's Point Efate (E=Place of; Fate) Island. VLF receivers detect very low frequency/long wavelength energy used in "Environmental Modification Techniques", defined as "Artificial changes to biota, lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere using electro-magnetic energy". Obviously the same Arabic or Indian Santa that strapped PETN to Farouk Abdulmutallab's crotch, bought his international ticket with cash from Yemen-Detroit and slipped him passed bomb sniffing security at the world's 2nd tightest security airport at Schipol last Christmas Day. Devil's Point and Place of Fate are just coincidence as was the date Sol Invictus I'm sure.  
25Dec Merry: Companion or follower of a Knight or Outlaw. Christ: Annointed One; Messiah. Mass: Dismissal of the Eucharist. Jesus Christ was born on the 7th day of His 7th ordained Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei). The man-made 8th day of the Feast of Dedication became the 8th Festival of Lights "Hanukkah"; Festival: Suitable Feast. Mary's Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ was the LORD's "Annointing" of the New Covenant "Temple" (Her Body) with the "Messiah". Born 9 months later during Roman Tax (Burden) season coincident with the final Jewish Feast, Jesus became the New Covenant Tabernacle; a Fiscal (Physical Treasure=Asset) accounting balanced by the now Roman and Gnostic "Burden" (Liability). Wise Men arrived from the East following a Star to Bethlehem "City of Bread". Warned, Mary, Joseph and the physical treasure Jesus Christ fled to Egypt. The Edomite King Herod ordered the Slaughter of Innocents and died suddenly in the Spring of 4 BC, 1 1/2 years after Jesus' Autumn birth. Hanukkah "House of Enoch" was now deficient of the only suitable sacrifice. An annual Eucharist dismissal by Outlaw Priests Transubstantiating (Alchemical change of Wine and Bread into the Eucharist) the Body and Blood of Christ began, ensuring the return of Sol Invictus (Sol/Lucifer=Light Bearer; Invictus=Un-conquered).  Rejection of the Holy Ghost is the Unforgiveable Sin; ask Jesus Christ for it and the folly of Christmas "X-Mass" will become evident; it's the day of the Egyptian sun god Osiris, the "X" sign "In Hoc Signo Vinces" Constantine used to Leaven the Bread and the Gnostic Outlaw Priests are laughing the hearty "Ho Ho Ho" all the way to the Templar bank; Knight means Person in service to the Queen of Heaven after all. 
24Dec Adam and Eve Day was celebrated by "Paradise Plays"; the Yggdrasil, Asgard, Davarsha, Kishkana "Yule Tree" decorated with apples represented the Tree of Paradise, a merging of the Tree of Knowledge with the Tree of Life. Celebrated the world over using Sacred Groves of Pine, Fir, Spruce, Laurel or Cedar representing the Pillar, Pole, Column, Ladder, Mountain, Pyramid and Cross in one Sacred Evergreen Tree. Replacing the place of ritual sacrifice in "Thor's Oaks" took time and patience; first, churches such as St Patrick's (Ptah-Rekh) Church at Armagh or St Brigit's (Sacred Bride) were built over once sacred groves; living Fir Trees were then brought into homes in honor of the Sacred Pine that once hid the infant Jesus, Mary and Joseph from Herod's soldiers; white "Eucharist" wafers, apples, stars, angels, hearts, flowers and bell shaped pastries representing the body of Christ were soon added; garlands of roses turned the Sacred Tree into "Christbaum"; candles were put on shelves representing Advent weeks of the 2 month German Yule feast and by the time Rosicrucian monk Martin Luther came around the tree was ready for ornaments and candles on steel holders; in 1851 NYC opened the first Christmas Tree lot and soon after electric lights replaced candles. The Christ Child was invited in from the cold  Burzee Forest with a Yule Log on the fire, warm milk and cookies, signalled by a candle in the window and mistletoe over the door. The Universal Messiah: Sol Invictus, Mithra, Attis, Quetzalcoatl and Father Christmas is born but it's not Jesus Christ. The Gnostic Alternative to Feast of Tabernacles; Hanukkah "Pa-Hanokh" (House of Enoch), Kwanzaa (UCLA professor Ron Karenga's sick torture day) and Christ-Mass (Sacrifice of Jesus and birth of Sol Invictus) is here "Natilis, Solis Invictor". We've come along way since Adam was buried with a piece of the Tree of Paradise which grew into the hybrid  Pine, Laurel, Cedar of Mt Lebanon used by Phoenician King Hiram to build King Solomon's Temple 2000 years later; the Temple destroyed and the support beam buried it was later recovered to make the Cross used to crucify God 1000 years later and miraculously found by Constantine's mother St Helena to consecrate St Peter's Cathedral eh? Gnostics laugh at our Christian stupidity and perhaps it is for good reason.
22 Dec  Busy week! NASA scientists claim but offer not proof of finding bacteria living on arsenic (arseno=lying with men) rather than phosphorus (light bearing), embalming fluid in the center of the Milky Way, hydrogen cyanide in Orion and isocyanic acid in Sagittarius; then billion year old oxygen photosynthesis creatures (must me made of anti-matter eh?) now they announce finding Amino Acids on meteorites subjected to 2000F (not to mention the absolute 0 temperature of space ie no molecular motion). "Oh mortal man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe" Jesuit Priest Adam Weishaupt. If you are getting the impression Gnostics are laughing at us you are starting to wake up.
21 Dec  Dialectic: Thesis + Antithesis=Synthesis. DHS foiled a plot to poison hotel and restaurant food all over the US as S-510 HR 2751 Food Bill passed as a rider on the Cash for Clunkers bill as the setting sun was framed by the Stonehenge Trilothon; how much more Gnostic can it get? Janet Napolitano and Michael Chertoff (Chertoff and associates) are the sole consultant/cheerleaders for L-3, Rapiscan, Univision terrahertz full body scanners and backscatter X-ray machines; Napolitano lobbied the UN all 190 nations and their 49K commercial airports to pay $250K/machine for these skin cancer causing, DNA destroying machines based on the UPS Cargo bomb scare, now the odd couple claim the same al-Qaeda (CIA founded group meaning "A Solid Foundation or Foreign Toilet") group planned to poison salad bars and buffets simultaneously all over the US with ricin and cyanide in "Operation Hemorrhage"; Clunker: Anything old or inferior; Hemorrhage: Blood breaking forth/bursting. All this began with rediculous myths: TATP bombs being made in aircraft lavatories, Christmas PETN bomber from Yemen and PETN toner cartridge bombs on a UPS plane when they don't even serve Yemen. All this on the same day the US is borrowing $725 Billion for the largest defense authorization by a wide margin ever and the world's largest Private Army is sold to foreign investors. Also today, MIT scientists Eric Alm and Larry David claimed our ancestors were capable of "Oxygenic Photosynthesis"? In case this is not obvious it's our microbial ancestors living on their excrement. Jesus puts up with this BS because He is true to His Word. "A man's foes are the men of his own house" Jesus Christ
21 Dec Merry: Agreeable, pleasing: Merry-man: Companion, follower of a Knight or Outlaw; Merry-bout: Sexual Intercourse; Merry-begot: Illegitimate. Christ: The Annointed; Messiah; Healer. Mass: Dismissal. "Zacharias, of the course of Abia" Lk 1:5 "the eighth to Abijah" 24 8 Day Temple services twice/year beginning 1 Abib (Aviv=Nisan), the New Moon nearest (some claim after; the point is nothing happens by chance) Spring Equinox +64 days is approximately (Sivan-Tammuz ie May-June) when John the Baptist is conceived "as soon as the days of his ministration were accomplished, he departed to his own house. And after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived" Lk 1:25 "And in the sixth month...this is the sixth month (Kislev) with her, who was called barren." Lk 1:26;36 Hanukkah: Pa-Hanok "House of Enoch" ; Hanakh "He dedicated or consecrated". 25 Kislev: Temple Dedication; "the Lord is with thee" Lk 1:28 Mary became the New Covenant Temple on Hanukkah; not quite what the Sadducees or Pharisees had in mind; at circumcision Elizabeth defied the priests naming him John "Jehovah has favored". "a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed...everyone in his own be taxed with Mary...being great with child...laid him in a manger because there was no room for them in the inn...shepherd abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night" Lk 2:1-8 No room in the inn because Feast of Tabernacles (15 Tishrei) was the last of 7 God ordained fall feasts; JESUS "Spiritual Savior" Lk 2:21 "there came wise men from the east...we have seen his star in the east...Herod...called the wise men...sent them to Bethlehem...for the young child...and slew all the children...from two years old and under...when Herod was dead, behold an angel of the Lord appeareth in a dream to Joseph in Egypt" Mt 2:1-19 Herod died in the spring of 4 BC; Joseph and Mary were in Egypt with Jesus, now a 1 1/2 year old "young child". Think about this folks, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus; born on the 7th day of Feast of Tabernacles 6 BC. The 1st Hanukkah was Cain's dedication of Abel as an acceptable sacrifice; Antiochus sacrificed a pig exactly 4000 years later and now Christians build a Grove and hang new ornaments (Sacrifices) on the Tree every year to honor the agreeable, outlaw follower of the illegitimate annointed messiah. Time to stop!; and time to stop referring to John as a tiolet or prostitute customer! God doesn't appreciate any of this in the slightest.   
20 Dec "Control oil you control nations; control food and you control people"-Henry Kissinger Codex Alimentarius (S-510) "Food Safety and Modernization Act" controls or allows the UN to control every aspect of food production and distribution. On Sunday evening it was attached to "Cash for Clunkers" legislation and passed unanimously by the Senate; the House vote may come Tuesday Dec 21 on the Solstice and Total Lunar Eclipse. Universal Health Care passed similarly on a Sunday evening on 3:22 (Ref Gen 3:22 "man has become one of us" and the Skull & Bones "Brotherhood of Death" logo also has 322. A full moon on the Solar Solstice is rare enough but a total eclipse with it is off the charts rare; why put this with Cash for Clunkers? Cash is derived from "Caisse" for "Money Box" used by Knights Templar; modern day examples are a safe or Swiss Bank Account. Clunker means "Anything inferior; old, decrepit, unreliable car". Now for the occult communication; Car is derived from Cair=Enclosure; examples are Caves, Grottos, Caverns and Cairn meaning "Heap of Stones or Witness". Tuesday is named after Tiras, Tiwaz, Tyr all represent the Anatolian (Turkish) ie Galatian sun god; the so-called Warrior's Rune (Galatians=Celtic=Nordic) associated with Tyr is an upward pointing arrow ie Weather/Lightning; Wednesday=Woden/Odin Day; Thursday=Thor's Day; Friday "Christmas Eve" is Freya's Day the 13th uninvited guest of Woden in Valhalla and Saturday "Christmas Day" is Saturn's Day. Planning a Vesper service on Christmas Eve? I'd skip it. Omeka means "Unpack merchandise" what are the odds of a Tropical Cyclone hitting Hawaii at Midwinter Solar Solstice with a Lunar Eclipse on "Hoku" (Hawaiian midwinter) and a Cash for Clunker vote as the Druids gather to watch the Sun rising to illuminate the bones of the deceased at New Grange in Ireland and Sun setting at Stonehenge between the Trilothon Stones?
19 Dec Reagan's Neo-Cons called it Global Cooling (a more plausible scenario scientifically than Warming; Evaporation=water vapor which rises=clouds=reflection combined with ice pack melting=less dense fresh water=less gulfstream interaction at extreme latitudes=increased refelction' simple and praise God, self correcting), then Global Warming which still absurdly persists in spite of record cold in China, Europe, Russia and Cancun "Nest of Snakes" where the recent Global Warming Summit just concluded. Global Climate Change was next, followed by Global Climate Disruption and finally to Global Climate Desertification. Climate is Scottish for "Slope of the Earth" referring to axis tilt; Desert means "Wilderness, destruction, ruin, forsake, abandon" and "Suitable reward or punishment" Reference Lev 16:8-10;21-22 "Wilderness"; America is set to become the World's "Scapegoat"; our nation set to become the "Wilderness". Tropical Storm "Omeka" formed today 1100 miles SW of Hawaii moving NE at 20kts. Omeka means "To display, unpack or lay out one's wares"; already under a Flood Warning; Hawaii could see a Solstice Cyclone in conjuction with a very rare Solstice Lunar Eclipse. What are the odds? Oahu Hawaii sits at 21.6Latitude (Rev 21:6 "I am Alpha and Omega" refers to New Heaven, New Earth, New Jerusalem; Gen 21:6 tells us Abraham was 100 at Isaac's birth with Sarah laughing; Hagar mocked God and was cast out of any inheritance; Ishmaelis (Hagarenes) are descendants of Abraham's eldest son, and determined to get it back; Hawaii means "Water and Breath of Life" and Obama, born on Aug 4, the 216th day means "He is With us"; 216=63 and 33+43+5for a reason. Obama's Kenyan father has "Arab" as his "Race" on his birth certificate; Arab is not a Race however; it simply means "Trader or Merchant". Gnostics choose Azazel (Satan) as their Scapegoat but you can still choose Jesus Christ as yours. I would do this now.
18Dec Xe Services (Black Water) purchased by Merchant (Arab means Merchant) Bank (Bank means Bench or Money Changing Table) USTC Holdings, made of: Forte Capital Advisors and Manhattan Partners; Blackwater charges the US Government  $445,000/year for each 150,000 well equipped mercenary operating a dozen aircraft, 183ft ship McArthur (ref Isaiah 14:19; Mc means Scottish Klan ie Jacobite; Arthur means Abominable Branch) and attack helicopters including a B-767. Manhattan is Lenape word meaning "Place where one gathers wood for bows"; Partner means "Joint Heir"; Forte means "Strong point of a sword blade"; Capital "Caput" means "Of the Head" ie  "Deadly, Mortal wound of the head" (ref Rev 13:3 for this description of the Beast). The absurdity of selling a Private Army is hard to imagine as is giving Xe soldiers immunity from local laws as 330 Mason L Paul Bremmer did in Iraq (he personally stole $60 Million and allowed Uday and Qusay Hussein to make off with a never recovered $20Billion); Xe worked for Bush Jr and Obama without reservation, now for anyone willing to start a war and pay their tab. On this same date Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm Mike Mullen declared " Iran is building a nuclear bomb, posing a threat to its neighbors. We are very ready to counter Iran" and UN Sec Gen Ban Ki Moon (Uniification Church disciple) urges North Korean restraint in the face of a South Korean military exercise is planned. The IAEA has never found evidence Iran is enriching Uranium above 3% (98% is required for a weapon). South Korea likely sank its own ASW Ship "Cheonan" and fired first in last month's skirmish. If you haven't read what the role of the White Horse
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